• What is SEO optimization. What is SEO and how does it work? Reviews that are hard to trust

    Hello Friends! Today I will tell you what SEO website promotion is and how to do it correctly so that your WEB project confidently reaches the TOP10 of Yandex and begins to bring targeted traffic and sales. So, let's go!

    SEO website promotion - what is it?

    Do you want to confidently reach the TOP10 Yandex? Focus your WEB project primarily on live users and only then on robots Yasha and Gosha! Orienting a web project to real people means constantly working to improve your site.

    What behavioral factors include:

    • Time spent on the site
    • Bounce Rate
    • Page browsing depth
    • Natural sharing of resource pages by users
    • Number of social signals from social networks

    It is these behavioral factors that need to be improved in order to earn Yandex’s trust in its WEB project. But this must be done exclusively using natural methods, unless of course you want to put your Internet resource in BAN.

    Cheating behavioral factors

    As soon as filters such as and appeared, the era of link promotion and promotion by stuffing texts with keys went into oblivion. But what has come to replace it? Ranking based on behavioral factors! It was them that the cunning SEO people began to cheat in order to...

    At first, boosting the PF really gives quick results. Literally in a week, both positions and traffic increase. But a month after such promotion, the WEB project completely flies out of the Yandex index and falls under the filter. In Yandex, the webmaster begins to show off this inscription:

    You will be able to withdraw the site after such a ban only a year after the PF cheating has stopped. Don't try to fool search engines. You won't be able to do this! I wrote a very detailed article about how behavioral factors are cheated with special programs and what happens. this manual is located!

    SEO promotion is leaving, but LSI promotion is coming

    SEO promotion is really not as effective for reaching the TOP as it used to be. It was replaced by LSI promotion! This is an advanced, modern and most importantly safe website display on the first pages of Yandex.

    The abbreviation LSI promotion is translated as latent semantic indexing. Since search engines have learned very well to understand the meaning inherent in the text, SEO promotion must also be sharpened on.

    Stop producing things that no one needs and hope for a miracle. With such shitty texts you will only kill your site more. He won’t see any TOP!

    In order to overtake competitors in Yandex, today you need to use only high-quality texts that sell LSI, as well as use a joint LSI and SEO promotion strategy, simultaneously connecting and.

    Remember! Today, the promotion of your resource depends many times more on the professionalism and experience of a copywriter than on SEO promotion.

    My strategy is simple. It is better to write one high-quality article that will bring 10 people a day to the site than to produce hundreds of articles that will not bring a single target client to. This is an axiom today!

    I have already gone through hundreds of different resources, and I have selected only one of them, who writes in such a way that the text immediately flies into the TOP10 of Yandex and begins to lead. For my gratitude to his work, I leave his (or rather her) mailing address for communication - [email protected] .

    SEO website promotion yourself step by step instructions

    So, you have created your own Internet resource that meets all the qualities that I wrote at the beginning of this article. Be sure to check your resource for critical problems that are hindering progress.

    Remember! It’s easier to unload coal from wagons with shovels than to promote a technically crooked website in Yandex and Google!

    From how to check a website for technical problems, with all the links to free checking services, I wrote a detailed article. I recommend reading it! She is located.

    If you are convinced that your Internet project does not have technical problems, then proceed to the next point - SEO promotion through the selection of low-competitive semantics.

    Competent selection of the semantic core

    This is where the Motherland begins! Most website owners believe that if they collect semantics for low-frequency queries through Yandex Wordstat, they will reach the TOP. This is the biggest mistake, friends!

    After collecting such semantics, you will write a hundred articles, but there will be no sense at all! But what to do then, you ask? I will answer! Work not under low-frequency semantics, but under !!! And it, in turn, can be high-frequency. In my practice, I also found such requests and they brought 100 people a day to my site.

    In this video, I explained in detail and clearly how to collect low-competition requests and, most importantly, with what services. Watch until the end, I tell you the main principle from the middle of the video!

    How to collect low-competition semantics for a website

    This is how SEO promotion and low-competition semantics work. Your website begins to generate traffic and gradually improves its behavioral factors due to cool content.

    Today you can overtake your competitors only if your content is better, more useful, more informative and unique than on your competitor’s website. Everything else, including SEO website promotion with its secrets, DOES NOT WORK!

    And stop thinking that you will give someone 10,000 rubles and he will bring you to the first page of Yandex. This is utopia!!! SEO website promotion for 10,000 rubles will lead your website straight to the BAN, and not to the TOP10. I described in detail how this happens. Be vigilant and careful when receiving such offers from!

    Use for promotion in Yandex exclusively. Only they will allow your WEB resource to overtake competitors and climb to the top of Olympus Yandex.

    My Internet resources

    Only through competent, white-label SEO promotion using , I brought all my sites to 1000 people per day. The counter of the site you are currently on is in the lower right corner. Well, here are my actual creations:

    1. Website SEO promotion from Anatoly Kuznetsov. You're on it now
    2. Travel website
    3. YouTube channel about cars
    4. YouTube channel about travel
    5. YouTube channel about construction: QMS
    6. Channel about website promotion training SEO St. Petersburg(I recently started leading)
    7. Website about LSI promotion (recently created)

    As you can see, I came to the Internet business seriously and for a long time! Since 2005, I have been promoting websites and experimenting with SEO on my resources. I learned to feel the constant changes in Yandex algorithms at the vibration level.

    This experience is comparable to the actions of a surgeon who has been performing operations for 20 years. Only through constant practice can you understand how to perform high-quality and effective SEO website promotion and overtake your competitors. There are a lot of theorists now, and there are even more Internet scammers.

    How to distinguish an SEO scammer from a professional

    It's really simple! Start by studying the SEO specialist's personal website. What is he like? If it’s a one-page landing page, then in 98% of cases it’s a scam. can be compared to one-day companies that are created in order to quickly raise money and disappear.

    If an SEO specialist has a multi-page website, but there is no traffic on it, then this indicates that he cannot promote himself, not to mention third-party sites. It’s also better to avoid them, unless of course you want to waste your money.

    The next important point in choosing a promotion contractor for your website is a detailed study of his cases. In simple words, the sites he promoted. As an example, I suggest you familiarize yourself with mine.

    The cases should contain all links and contacts of the sites that your potential contractor promoted. And as a result, the result for the positions that these resources reached after SEO promotion. Ideally, the SEO promotion period during which the site entered the TOP10 of Yandex should be indicated.

    It is by these three main points that you can distinguish an SEO scammer from a professional.

    How much does SEO website promotion cost?

    The most difficult thing to do is SEO website promotion in cities with a population of over a million people such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. They have incredibly high competition and, as a result, you have to work very hard to get your site into the TOP10!

    The cost of SEO promotion depends on the competitiveness of the search query for which the customer wants to reach the first page of Yandex. The more competitive the topic, the higher.

    If you want to order SEO website promotion from Anatoly Kuznetsov, that is, from me, then you will have to be prepared to pay from 30,000 rubles per month for my services. The approximate time frame for bringing your site into the TOP10 of Yandex is about three months. As a rule, during this period it is possible to confidently gain a foothold in the first places of Yandex and overtake competitors!


    Do you want to reach the TOP10 of Yandex and stay there for a long time? Promote your sites exclusively using white promotion methods! Don't you know how? I can teach! For those who want to understand all the intricacies of SEO, I suggest you visit mine, which I conduct individually, online via Skype. All reviews of my training can be found.

    For those who do not have time to undergo training and independently promote their website, I offer help in this matter. I can take your site for promotion and bring it to the TOP10 of Yandex in a couple of months. In order to make sure of my expertise, I suggest you familiarize yourself with mine and only after that order SEO promotion from me.

    That's all for today, good luck to everyone and see you again on the pages of my site.

    Positions and traffic are the main markers of SEO promotion effectiveness. To make the picture objective, we will look at more complex examples - requests with high competition and a commercial component. We have two topics and two pages:

    Both topics can be monetized using the CPA model - selling insurance and offering a service for checking the possibility of traveling abroad. In both topics, “there is money”, which means there is competition. You can see it without tools, just look at the output.

    Positions in Yandex:

    Traffic over the last 12 months:

    Google Positions:

    It is possible to be nice to Yandex and Google at the same time, and moreover, the basic principles of promotion are similar. However, the situation when one search engine prevails over another is very common. Including in our examples, the example of a page in the TOP of Yandex is practically not represented at the beginning of Google results for similar queries, and vice versa, the example of a page in the TOP of Google has modest indicators in Yandex. Let's look at the tricks for each PS separately.

    5 tips for free promotion under Yandex

    SEO starts before the page is even created. The first thing you need to do is find out exactly how users search for information. To do this, use Yandex.Wordstat or look at the tips in the search bar. For example, this link will tell you exactly how people search for a product. For example, you will find out that they specify the query “health insurance”, and people also care about price and answers to various questions, for example, “do I need insurance”, etc.

    Use the resulting keywords inside the article, focusing on the density indicator. Keyword density is an indicator of how often keywords are used in the text. There are special services for checking:

    The younger the site, the more careful you need to be. For projects under a year old, it is worth staying within 3%. For older sites, the bar can be raised, but you should not go beyond 6%. If you overspam keywords, you can get sanctions from the PS for trying to manipulate the search results. In our example, the page has the following density indicators:

    Only the lazy did not say that the article should be unique. But don’t forget that the article also has headings. They must also be unique. Moreover, on the site, as a rule, there are two headings at once:

    • Title - displayed in a tab in the browser;
    • Heading on the site - displayed on the page;

    Use them for promotion. To do this, use keywords inside the title, and place the most frequent and important ones at the beginning of the title. Try to choose unique text; don’t copy the same headline for the hundredth time.

    Title and heading can and ideally should differ from each other. In this case, the title on the site should be framed in

    . When creating the title of an article, do not forget about living readers, since the search robot is not the only one who will interact with the page. We have already written about applying knowledge in practice.

    The same applies to subheadings within an article. Break the information into logical blocks, separating them from each other with meaningful subheadings.

    Use all possible ways to provide content:

    • Text;
    • Pictures;
    • Video;
    • Tables;
    • Bulleted lists.

    We mentioned this. Nothing has changed: Yandex, like people, loves various forms of presenting information. In addition to this, it is worth considering:

    • Give images ALT + Title;
    • Specify the name of the picture in Latin, which includes the key;
    • Tables are difficult to unique, but it's worth it;
    • Try to use your keywords in bulleted lists.

    Don't forget to use manual internal linking. Link to the page you need from other pages on your site. Use both anchors, for example, #buy insurance in the USA#, and non-anchor links - #by link#, #previously written#, etc.

    5 tips for free promotion on Google

    Google loves long reads. Large articles that cover the topic from all sides. However, Google doesn't like volume for volume's sake. There is no algorithm for how many characters an “ideal” article should have. Alternatively, you can spy on the volume of competitors who are already in 1-3 positions for the request you need. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance between volume and benefit; you must always pursue the main goal - the article should completely answer the user’s question.

    The article should give the user the answer to all questions so completely that the reader does not Google anymore. If you find yourself in the TOP or near it, and traffic comes to you, but the reader quickly closes the page, returns to the search engine and looks for the same question again, then it’s a matter of time before Google removes your page from the TOP.

    When a user selects a result on a Google search page and clicks on a link, they are not immediately taken to the site. First, the search engine redirects the user to a special tracking page and only then to the website. This happens quickly and automatically. Artificially boosting behavioral factors won’t work in the long run, so focus on the quality of your content.

    Keep your material updated. Google will notice any change in the text, and this will be another plus for you. If your site's system allows it, then not only refresh the page, but also change the publication date or add an update date. Doing this without updating the content is pointless; updating the information is more important than changing the date.

    An example of a page about traveling abroad: last year the amount of debt changed from 10,000 rubles to 30,000, after which a person may become prohibited from traveling abroad. Many sites remained with the old numbers and gradually their positions sank. By promptly replacing numbers and facts in the article, you can bypass even more eminent competitors.

    Try to keep pages up to date. To automate, set up Google Alerts on topics that interest you and receive a summary of queries once a week.

    Make sure your articles are commented on. If you don’t have an audience yet, then do it yourself (from different profiles). Alternatively, you can order comments for your site on special exchanges. This is especially important to do the first time after the material is published. It is important to keep comments as realistic as possible, use keywords inside and imitate live communication.

    Information that search engines have stopped taking meta tags into account pops up with enviable regularity. Here, webmasters and SEOs are divided into two camps - some do not believe in their benefit, others continue to fill out the Description / Keywords fields on each page. Google announced 9 years ago that the keywords meta tag does not affect search results in any way. Sosnovsky’s experiment proved in practice that filling out these fields can also be neglected in the case of Yandex. Therefore, this can indeed be neglected, but in 2019 it cannot be neglected:

    • Availability of a mobile version of the site;
    • Page loading speed;
    • Full translation of the template;
    • Removing unnecessary links or closing them in nofollow;

    How to promote a website yourself and for free

    The famous phrase of Bill Gates - “Content is king”, said back in 1996, has not lost its relevance in 2019. Content is still important for successful SEO. You should provide the reader with useful information that fully covers the topic and answers the user's question.

    If you have a limited or no budget, then focus on content. Take note of our material. The ability to purchase links will improve your position. Both sites in the example also receive backlinks using different methods, but in this case the links are not the basis for promotion.

    In 2019, it’s worth taking a closer look at LSI copywriting. This method replaced classic SEO copywriting, where exclusively keywords were used and their density was constantly measured. LSI copywriting is built on the content and meaning of the text, where, in addition to keys, various synonyms, word forms and other words and phrases that are close and characteristic of the topic in their context are used.

    For example, going back to the insurance example in the US, the words “medicine”, “disease”, “pills”, etc. These are precisely LSI copywriting techniques.

    Share your observations and best practices on free SEO promotion of projects in the comments.

    Hello friends! The other day I came up with a great idea, to sit down and write an article on the topic of SEO website optimization yourself, step-by-step instructions for beginners, after studying which it will immediately be clear what needs to be done with your website in the first stages for effective promotion.

    The stated topic is very popular and at the same time voluminous in order to reveal its most important points and at the same time do it in the form detailed guide I ended up with more than 20,000 characters, so I divided all the material into 2 parts. You are now reading part 1, link to part 2 at the end of the article.

    I hope you understand that it is impossible to fully disclose the stated topic within the framework of one post, but I will try to give you all the information on the most important actions in website SEO optimization, which you can do yourself and right now. After publishing this post, I will gradually fill it with additional links to articles with detailed instructions.

    For example, I will tell you about a file robots.txt, as soon as I publish a note on my blog dedicated to setting up and creating this file, I will immediately attach a link so that you can follow it and get acquainted with more comprehensive and detailed information. Agreed? Great, then let's continue the conversation.

    High-quality hosting is an important link in the development of a web resource

    Formally, this point of my step-by-step instructions can be considered the first, and before starting a conversation on the topic of today’s post, I want to ask you a question. What hosting do you use? If it's free hosting, then throw it in the trash immediately. You must understand perfectly well that if you are going to promote your Internet project, then it must work on high-quality and reliable hosting.

    This may seem trivial to you, but search engines take this issue quite seriously. And if you have free hosting or cheap and slow hosting, then without warning they lower such resources in search results. Do you need this? More likely no than yes. Your web resource should work smoothly and be always online - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

    Most likely you want to ask what is a good hosting and which one would I recommend. First, read the article “Which hosting to choose”, but I can only recommend the proven hoster Makhost, because I have been using it for a long time and all my Internet projects, including this blog, are hosted on it.

    Now, let's get back to the topic of today's post. Do you know where the construction of a house begins and what will determine its strength and durability? Did you guess it? Of course, from the foundation, so, before promoting a web resource and engaging in its SEO optimization, you need to draw up semantic core and do it right.

    The semantic core is the basis of website SEO optimization

    Perhaps someone has already heard these 2 words, and for some they may seem strange and incomprehensible. Therefore, I propose to start with a definition, and then I will tell you several ways how to compose it and where to get a ready-made one SY.

    Semantic core- this is an ordered list of keywords that most accurately describe and characterize the site’s niche, as well as its type of activity.

    This element in promotion is extremely important; traffic and the further fate of promotion of the web resource in search engines will depend on the correctness of its composition.

    The semantic core is a hierarchical structure of search queries. As a rule, it is headed by one or more high frequency queries(main page), and below in the hierarchy mid-frequency(headings, categories) and low frequency queries(articles, product cards).

    If we take as an example a web resource dedicated to DIY construction, then it SY might look something like this:

    Keep in mind that this is a very abbreviated and exaggerated example, SY usually consist of several thousand words. And now there are several options for where and how to create semantics for your Internet project:

    Compose it yourself using free keyword selection tools - wordstat.yandex.ru and adwords.google.com/ko/KeywordPlanner

    A more advanced option, which is used by professionals, is to use SEO software, the key-collector program and its brother with reduced functions Slovoeb, and you can also use the free Bukvarix database.

    If you don’t want to sweat and rack your brains on how to correctly assemble semantics and at the same time want quick results, then contact the professionals from the 1ps.ru web studio; they will do everything quickly and efficiently. Trusted guys, for the quality of their work I vouch.

    Clustering of search queries

    The next important stage of the step-by-step instructions, which comes after compiling the NL, is the effective distribution of key phrases throughout the site. In other words, the task of this stage is to distribute requests as accurately as possible into the most appropriate groups, namely by pages, sections, headings and articles.

    Many novice webmasters are lazy to do key distribution, but when they realize the importance of this stage, they have to redo everything all over again. Just imagine how much work needs to be done when a web resource has several hundred articles, several dozen pages and subsections.

    Of course, it’s easier to do everything right right away, and then fully control the promotion process and know which direction to move next and what needs to be done for this. How to quickly and efficiently cluster search queries? There are several options:

    Do it yourself by hand Microsoft Excel(long, but high quality)
    special software, for example, Key Collector(it turns out quickly and efficiently, minus that the program is paid)
    take advantage of special online services, there are paid and free (they do it quickly, but not always of good quality, you have to modify it manually)

    From my point of view, the best option is to use seo software - Key Collector. Yes, it is paid, but it is worth the money and even more. I do many labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks in the collector in a few minutes and have never regretted buying it. Google him on the Internet and you will be very surprised to find out what he is capable of.

    By the way, I have the opportunity to purchase Key Collector at a discount, if anyone needs it, write through the feedback form. I don’t take interest or commission, I just help in a friendly way. The only condition is that you must be my regular reader.

    Internal website optimization

    Now we have reached the most interesting and large section. After distributing the keys, you can, with a clear conscience, begin work on internal optimization, which consists of several stages. Next, I will try to briefly and clearly talk about each of them.

    It would be better to write a separate article for each stage. I will definitely do this in the near future. So let's begin.

    1. We optimize each page for search queries from the local language

    We correctly write meta tags (title, description, keywords) for pages, subsections, categories and articles. All pages must have: unique titles, descriptions, meta tags and text. Remember the golden rule, there should be only one heading in h1 format on a page.

    Use headings h2-h6 in articles, use key phrases in them and in the text. With their help, the readability of the text increases and its attractiveness to search robots increases. Know when to stop, everything should look harmonious and natural, remember that you are writing for people.

    Attention! The title and h1 must contain a key phrase in direct entry and it is advisable that they are not the same.

    Text in articles or pages must be at least 3000 characters. Keep in mind that search guards are not asleep and strictly punish with penalties for over-optimized, spammed and non-unique text.

    Be sure to place thematic images in articles and tailor them to the search query. To do this, write meta tags images (title, description, alt) using key queries.

    Some webmasters ignore this point, but in vain, because this is an additional plus to the overall SEO optimization of the site, as well as a small increase in traffic due to transitions from services Yandex Pictures And Google Images.

    As you may have guessed, for the process that is popularly called SEO website optimization, step-by-step instructions can serve as an excellent assistant for effective promotion in search engines. So, we have dealt with this point, now let's move on to the next one.

    2. We make internal linking of the site

    Another important point in my guide. To make it clear to everyone what it is, let's start with a brief definition. Internal linking is the process of placing thematic links within a site from one page or article to another that is similar in meaning.

    For example, if a page is devoted to the topic of how to catch pike with a spinning rod, then it would be useful to place a link here to another page of the same web resource, which talks about 5 popular lures for catching pike with a spinning rod. Did you get the meaning?

    How is internal linking useful? Firstly, behavioral factors are improved, since users will follow links and receive the necessary information in full, and this in turn increases the total time spent on the web resource and the number of page views.

    Secondly, accelerated indexing of the entire resource occurs, since search bots, when indexing, like to follow all the links found on the page. You need to remember this and try to use at least one thematic link on the page.

    Thirdly, the overall usability quality. Remember that your Internet project is created for people and it should be convenient and understandable to use. These are not all the advantages and useful properties of internal linking; in fact, there are many more.

    Within the framework of this article, I cannot fully cover this topic, so subscribe to blog updates, because a separate, detailed article will be coming soon.

    3. Correct CNC setup

    For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll give you a breakdown. CNC- these are human-readable URLs (links). The appearance of links plays an important role, both for people and for search engines. If your web resource, like mine, runs on the WordPress engine, then setting up the correct display of links will not be difficult for you. I will write more about this in future articles.

    As an example, look at how links should look correctly:

    1. http:///kak-vesti-blog/kak-pisat-stati-dlja-bloga.html
    2. http:///2016/post-36=?274-

    4. Setting up Sitemap.xml

    Don't be alarmed if you hear this strange word for the first time :) Now I will tell you what it is and why it is needed. Sitemap.xml- this is a map of your web resource, intended exclusively for search robots, it contains information about the pages and links of your site that are subject to indexing.

    Simply put, this is a special file that helps search engines do their work faster and better. Why is Sitemap.xml useful? It makes the indexing process much faster. As an example, you can see my Sitemap at http:///sitemap.xml.

    If you still don't have this file, create it right now. For those who have the WordPress engine, download and install Google XML Sitemaps plugin, it will automatically generate a map and update it as needed. For those who have another content management platform or a self-written website, Google information on this topic on the Internet.

    5. Setting up an HTML sitemap for people

    This map increases ease of navigation for visitors, improves behavioral factors, and also helps to increase the speed of indexing the site as a whole, since it contains a large number of internal links.

    HTML map is a separate page that is available to visitors and search engines. Bloggers often call it “All Articles” or “Site Map”. This page displays all sections, categories, pages and articles of the Internet resource. In WordPress, an HTML map can be created in a few clicks using plugins Dagon Design Sitemap Generator or WP DS Blog Map.

    This is what the html map of my blog looks like - http:///vse-stati-bloga.html

    6. Setting up the robots.txt file

    Robots.txt file is a regular text file that contains a set of detailed step-by-step instructions for search engines, which specify the rules for indexing pages, sections, files, folders, directories, etc.

    This file is located in the root folder. What is it for? Robots.txt - plays an important role in SEO optimization, since it can be used to prevent search engines from indexing system files, pages that do not contain useful content, and much more.

    7. Use micro markup

    At the beginning of 2011, the search giants Yandex, Google, Yahoo and others announced to the whole world that they were introducing an innovative technology called micro markup, also called semantic markup.

    Micro markup- this is SEO markup of website pages, which uses special tags and attributes thanks to which search robots (SR) recognize and analyze the information presented on the web resource much faster.

    See what websites look like with and without micro-markup:

    Advantages of micro markup from an SEO point of view:

    attractive appearance of the snippet in search results
    increase in the number of clicks on article titles
    improving overall relevance

    As you probably noticed, the topic is quite large, despite the fact that I tried to talk about all the important points briefly and to the point. As I said at the beginning of the post, I divided this material on the topic of SEO website optimization on your own, step-by-step instructions for beginners, into 2 parts.

    >>> You can read the second part by following the link - “”.

    After studying, do not forget to implement the acquired knowledge, remember that water does not run under a lying stone. How do you like the article? Which points from the step-by-step instructions do you implement on your website? What would you add from yourself?

    Surely you have heard about search engine promotion of a website. Even if you are unfamiliar with this formulation, then you know very well that there are search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler and others) that provide users with lists of sites in response to entered queries (for example, “rent an apartment”, “delivery of lunches to the office” or “hotels in the Moscow region”). Moreover, some sites go to first places in a search engine, and some can be found only by scrolling through a few pages.

    Exactly search engine promotion(or, as it is also called, search engine optimization of the site) precisely serves to ensure that your site reaches the best places, i.e. in the TOP. More scientifically speaking, search engine optimization of a website (search engine promotion, website promotion, SEO - SearchEngineOptimization) is set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results for pre-selected queries.

    Why does your company need SEO optimization?

    If in the recent past the Internet was used mainly to search for information, today the situation has changed a lot. The constant increase in the number of Internet users, new technologies (communication with the target audience using a website, online payment systems, the ability to order on-line, etc.) and many other factors have turned the Internet into both a powerful marketing tool and a place for sales. simultaneously. For example, the boom in online shopping definitely indicates that skillfully used Internet technologies bring stable profits to website owners.

    Internet promotion can be effective for ALL companies whose potential audience is looking for similar products or services on the Internet. According to statistics, the number of Internet users is growing every year; today more than a third of Russians already use the Internet. Moreover, this audience is very attractive for business, because it has high solvency. Think about it, thousands, and perhaps tens and hundreds of thousands of people search for your products every day, but find competitors’ products! And all because more agile competitors have already taken the best places in search engine results. You, too, can take these “places in the sun” - to do this you need to start search engine optimization of the site.

    Why does the site need to be on first places in search engines?

    There are several reasons for this. Firstly, top places in search engines can be compared to prestigious areas of the city. Usually, the client gets his first impression of the company even before visiting the organization, having learned where it is located. The more prestigious the area, the more confidence the client has, and accordingly, the greater the chance that he will choose you. The stereotype works: if a company is located in the very center of the city, then this company is thriving. This stereotype works similarly with SEO promotion. Sites that are in the TOP are, as a rule, the most respected sites.

    Secondly, a good location attracts a much larger number of visitors. More than 95 (!) percent of users will pay attention to sites located in the first ten positions (TOP-10, i.e. the first search page). If a search engine returns a company’s website on the fourth page and beyond, then less than 2 percent of users will have the patience to scroll to this page.

    Therefore, the higher the site is in the TOP, the more traffic it will have. We recommend being in the TOP 5 search results for the most important queries.

    Why is it important to choose the right query list?

    Of course, search engine optimization is a very effective way to attract customers, but with one caveat: it must be done by professionals. And the point here is not so much that inept optimization can cost your site penalties, but that the number of site visitors will increase, but the number of buyers will not. For promotion to give the best results, you need to decide.

    Why is not promoting in search engines harmful?

    There are situations when the user has already chosen several alternatives for himself and is inclined to contact your company and competing companies for additional information. Then the user searches for sites or contacts of these organizations. In such a situation, few people will open the city telephone directory or call the help desk to find out information. Most will look for information on the Internet. And if the site is not SEO-optimized, then the user most likely simply will not find information about the company on the Internet! Today's Internet user is extremely spoiled and is not used to spending a lot of time searching. If they don’t find you, they will turn to competitors, the search for information about which will be easier and faster. Agree, it is very unpleasant to lose clients who already wanted to contact you, but simply could not do so.

    In recent years, search engine promotion has changed significantly: new tools and auxiliary services are constantly appearing, the work of which is aimed at improving Internet resources. Competition is growing significantly, which creates a need to look for something new and productive. Search engines, in turn, pose more difficult tasks for optimizers to get into the TOP. Now it’s not enough just to purchase links and place good content on the site - there are about 800 parameters that are taken into account when ranking search results. It is impossible to keep track of all these aspects, but among them there are those fundamental ones, by working on which you can implement successful SEO promotion (Search engine optimization) yourself.

    Search engine algorithms set new standards that do not slow down development. We offer you effective tips for website promotion that will help you not only get into the top ten, but also constantly maintain these positions.

    Step 1. Where to start promoting your website from scratch?

    A novice optimizer is faced with the task of figuring out for himself the purpose of creating and promoting a resource. Most business owners do not understand why SEO optimization of a website is needed and how it functions. The knowledge of most entrepreneurs is limited to the fact that they simply aimlessly create online platforms and do not know how to attract customers.

    If you have set yourself the task of creating and promoting a resource, then be prepared to work on it on an ongoing basis. It will not be possible to invest in a business once and let everything take its course, as this will be a waste of time. The Internet is teeming with sites that are not optimized for search engines and do not provide any value to users.

    Therefore, the first stage of SEO optimization in our step-by-step instructions is to define goals and plans that will help implement the site:

    • determine the benefit that the resource can bring to your company;
    • what useful and interesting things can you give to your target audience;
    • how much are you willing to invest (time, effort, money).

    The more benefits a resource provides to users, the more valuable it is to search engines. So be prepared to create something useful and algorithm-compliant at the same time.

    After determining the main tasks that will be assigned to the resource (informing the audience, selling goods, a place to spend free time, etc.), you can proceed to the next stage.

    Step 2. Internal organization of the site

    You can organize search engine promotion on your own only if the resource is technically prepared. We are talking about code, on which a lot depends: from ease of use to page loading speed. If everything is in order with the code, but the pages are still freezing, then you should pay attention to the hosting and, if necessary, change it. You should have a permanent specialist who will correct the code from time to time and remove unnecessary parts. Such manipulations will further help you implement promotion in search engines on your own, since a reliable base will be prepared for this in the form of clean, optimized code.

    In the code, it is necessary to work out those elements that make the site heavy. An experienced programmer will not overload the page with unnecessary modules, and will also compress all images (the quality should remain unchanged).

    When you hit the page again, you can avoid loading it using caching. The page will already be stored in the cache and it will not take time to open it. This applies to those pages that contain only static elements.

    Step 3. Design

    The outer shell of the site forms the first impression on visitors, which is important for independent promotion in search engines. The design must be extremely clear and created according to all usability rules. Color and composition solutions must correspond to the theme. For example, a company that specializes in the manufacture of equipment cannot have a website in pink colors.

    Visitors should have pleasant associations with your resource. All important components should be visible, such as feedback forms, call buttons, etc. Readable text will be a plus, since only because of unpleasant sensations while reading can a user leave your resource and switch to a more comfortable one.

    If you have an online store with a huge number of products, then you will need filters for convenience. This will win over potential buyers and turn their routine search into an enjoyable experience.

    Now it is impossible to imagine a good website without a mobile version, since more than half of users use smartphones to search for information and order goods. Adaptive design makes it possible to present users with a beautiful picture, no matter what device they use to access your resource.

    Step 4. Content preparation

    The next stage of step-by-step website promotion is content preparation. The text content must meet the following parameters:

    • uniqueness. Find a good copywriter who can comply with the parameters of uniqueness and at the same time write interesting texts. It is not possible and necessary to write articles with 100% uniqueness for every topic, since the presence of specific vocabulary can exclude this possibility;
    • structure. The text should be divided into logical parts, each of which has a title. Enumeration lists will also help you navigate the text;
    • content. The article should not only perform SEO functions, but also be interesting to users. It is necessary to reveal the topic of the article, write in simple and understandable language, and not overload the text with key phrases, and then the article will appeal not only to the audience, but also to search bots.

    Articles must contain phrases from the semantic core, which will be used to independently promote the site on the Internet. It is necessary to analyze competitors before promoting a page for any request. All keywords are divided into groups, each of which has a main phrase. It is the main one by which the resource will be promoted.

    Step 5. Help with navigating the site

    Another stage of our step-by-step instructions for successful SEO optimization is creating all the conditions for comfortable and trouble-free movement around the resource. Creating a site map will easily solve this problem. It is necessary not only for users to make it easier to find the necessary sections, but also for search engines, which will take into account the presence of the map when ranking.

    Competent internal linking is also necessary. By referring in one article to another published on your resource, you draw the attention of readers to other useful materials. Plus, behavioral factors improve, as users spend more time on the resource pages. Linking can be successfully implemented if you create a blog on the site and share thematic materials with visitors.

    Step 6: Indexing

    In our instructions for SEO optimization, the matter comes to introducing the prepared web resource to search bots. Before you open access to the site, you need to make sure that self-optimization of the site is done correctly:

    • the content is unique and interesting;
    • pages load quickly;
    • system pages are hidden and everything functions smoothly.

    You can ask someone to test the site, try to order a product, browse the pages and describe your experience of using it. This procedure will help you determine whether the resource is ready for indexing and whether it will be to the taste of users.

    When everything is ready, you can open the site for Yandex and Google search bots. To speed up indexing, you can enter the resource into the system yourself (Yandex.Metrica, Google.Analytics), which will also help track statistics.

    Step 7. First steps in independent SEO promotion

    Competitor analysis is where you need to start promoting your site after it is included in the index. A newbie SEO needs to determine how competitors attract traffic and through what channels.

    You should not suddenly use all methods (purchasing links, many new publications, etc.), since such bursts will seem unnatural to search engines. Everything needs to be done progressively, the main thing is to move towards attracting the target audience.

    To begin with, social networks will be an excellent tool, where you can directly communicate with users, answer questions in a relaxed atmosphere, inform about new products, promotions and sales. You can create a page for your company or publish advertisements in popular public pages. In any case, you will arouse keen public interest.

    Step 8. Link mass

    When the audience has already warmed up a little, and search engines have seen the first positive changes in behavioral factors, you can begin to build link mass. Here it is important to slowly and regularly increase your momentum, otherwise you may run into search engine filters.

    To ensure that purchasing links is as efficient and safe as possible for your wallet, you need to contact a trusted exchange. SAPE specialists will show you how to promote your website for high-frequency queries and not go broke ().

    Step 9. Work on a permanent basis

    To remain in the top ten, you will need to constantly work on SEO promotion of the site yourself: create new interesting content and publish it regularly, which Yandex greatly values; also promote your Internet platform using third-party resources such as questionnaire sites, forums, and post articles on other sites. Communicating with users on blogs on behalf of the company will also bring good results, as you will always be heard.


    In our step-by-step instructions, you learned how to promote your website yourself. Work with the resource must be carried out on an ongoing basis, the site must be improved in accordance with the requirements of search engines. In order for users to enjoy using your site, you should regularly stir up their interest and connect various channels to attract the target audience. In this case, you will be able to recoup the resources spent on independent SEO promotion.