• Legal partner. Legal partnership Additional benefits of cooperation

    Legal affiliate programs with payment for Leads, that is, applications, are becoming more and more profitable when making money on the Internet. This is a white hat way to monetize sites, and this kind of traffic will only increase.

    This is due to the fact that it is much easier to get legal advice on the Internet without leaving home. This is the most convenient both for saving time and for personal comfort, since you don’t have to go anywhere to negotiate. You can get the same information from a qualified specialist at home.

    By the way, the price of such a consultation is lower than offline due to the lack of rental rates and so on. At the same time, the quality of service remains the same.

    Legal affiliate programs for making money on the Internet

    With the help of legal affiliate programs, you can monetize not only thematic traffic, but also related to business, real estate. That is, such offers can be placed on sites of related profiles, in the same way, making a profit from them.

    At different times, from 2 to 5 specialized systems for earning money on traffic of this kind worked simultaneously. Now standalone, that is, independent systems, there are only 2, which consistently pay and guarantee an excellent profit.

    It can also be found as part of CPA networks, but the functionality in them falls short. In any case, I will also mention such solutions that are present there at the time of writing the post.

    Pay per lead

    Leads are applications for legal services, and payment is made for them. The rate depends on the geography of the user. The largest, which allow you to earn the most on the Internet, are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    The important point is that small cities do not take part in this at all, since they are unprofitable for the advertiser. Only two capitals and a dozen or one and a half large metropolitan areas remain.

    Each application goes for moderation and, after its approval, goes to one of the advertisers of this partner program of lawyers. Upon the occurrence of this fact, the money is credited to the balance of the webmaster.

    When paying for applications, the latter may not be counted in certain cases:

    1. Wrong region.

    2. Wrong phone number.

    3. The question is not from the field of jurisprudence.

    And now I will go directly to the description of the systems themselves and their capabilities and available promotional materials.


    Of the two advertising systems I offer, it has the largest coverage in terms of geography and promo.

    (!) Keep in mind that as leads grow, you can ask for higher buyback rates.

    Allowed traffic:
    • Own sites

    • doorways

    • Contextual advertising - consult with the manager!

    Average cost per lead:
    • Moscow -100-135 rubles

    • St. Petersburg - 80-100

    By the way, Crimea has now begun to be accepted.
    Screenshot of part of the regions, the list is large:

    The average for the system is around 80, but in reality the regions are at the level of 60. But they always increase when you start pouring. They are very loyal to webmasters.
    There are 5 landing pages available in Leadia, which you can put on your domain and promote them in search engines or send them from direct (context). Here is one of them:

    A database of keywords is available for dora - 54,000 keys.
    The minimum amount for withdrawal in automatic mode is 500 rubles on WebMoney. On Thursdays.


    In this legal affiliate program, geo is limited to:
    • Moscow and Moscow region - 200 rubles

    • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - 100 rubles

    (!) But, as you can see, you can sell leads more expensively.
    Online consultants are available in different colors and with different faces:

    You can put a callback form:

    There are two landings, here is one of them:

    But Leetero has a lot of banners of various sizes.
    The minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 rubles webmoney on request. You can connect a bank transfer.

    CPA networks

    I looked at the offers now and was surprised by such a turnover. The only real options available are:
    Military medical board (assistance to conscripts) – 7OFFERS

    There is an interesting option here - Unified State Register of Legal Entities - obtaining extracts from - MIXMARKET

    • 40 rubles for ordering a paid online service

    • 240 rubles for a 24-hour subscription to paid portal services

    I will update this post with relevant information on the topic.

    It is difficult to imagine a modern law firm without its own website. However, its attendance largely depends on the method of promotion. At the same time, there is an opportunity to significantly increase your earnings - this is a legal affiliate program.

    I suggest that you optimize your legal traffic with the help of the affiliate program of the leetero.ru service.

    At the same time, I guarantee a good additional income, which will be more than enough not only for the current costs of the site, such as paying for a domain name and hosting, but also for its promotion, as well as advertising. See screenshots of statistics below.

    In this article:

    What is an affiliate program for legal traffic

    In fact, dear lawyers, get a tool that will cover the current costs of advertising your own services.

    It is no secret that often Internet sites interact with each other. This also includes the placement of materials from partner sites.

    They may relate to online legal advice on various issues, applications for the provision of services, as well as analytical articles.

    However, this is not all. By posting materials from partner sites, you can earn some income. In the language of Internet users, this is called legal traffic monetization.

    In each case, its size depends on the location of the potential customer of legal services.

    Let's say the application came from Moscow or the Moscow region. Then the amount of remuneration from the partner may increase, in comparison, for example, with the same Yekaterinburg, although a good amount accumulates from the regions a month.

    Daily income. The picture is clickable

    What you need to start cooperation

    First of all, you should carefully study the terms of the agreement, which can be concluded online. It will agree on all the conditions for placing promotional materials on your site, as well as the conditions for paying partner remuneration.

    An important point is the provisions on leads. Simply put, this is a visitor's application left on the site for advice or other types of legal services. The number of such reviews directly affects the amount of remuneration within the affiliate program.

    The legal affiliate program leetero.ru is ready to post materials daily. Moreover, it can be either a banner or a special form where you can chat with a lawyer. It is the latter method that is optimal in terms of obtaining the necessary advice.

    Also, the leetero.ru service is ready to provide legal support at any time of the day, regardless of the day of the week. It works both on weekends and holidays.

    Agree that this is especially important when the nearest legal consultation is a day off or is already closed, and you still don’t want to lose income, although not big.

    Income statistics for 1 week

    Additional benefits of cooperation

    I agree that it is impossible to describe the work of a legal affiliate program for the webmaster leetero.ru within the framework of one article. However, there are a few more benefits to consider.

    First of all, this is the prompt settlement of all financial issues. Payments under the affiliate program occur on time without any commissions, both automatically and at your request when the minimum payment threshold of 450 rubles is reached.

    Revenue statistics for 1 month

    It is only important to notify in advance of your desire to withdraw funds to the specified details.

    In addition, leetero.ru employees provide users with round-the-clock technical support. And if any problem arises, the consultant will get in touch with you in the ticket mode in your personal account or by communicating by e-mail.

    If we talk about additional financial opportunities, then there is a system of bonuses, the amount of which is determined separately in each case.

    In a word, if you want to promote your legal business, we recommend using the offer of the leetero.ru affiliate program.

    After all, in addition to earning money, you will freely expand the circle of your potential customers.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It's nice that "white monetization options" constantly appear on the market, when you are not ashamed of what you offer. Before that, I have already written more than once about “white” ways of converting traffic of various subjects into hard currency, but I have not yet touched on the topic of finance and jurisprudence. Apparently, the time has come.

    Actually, this method appeared quite recently, but its potential is very promising. We are talking about the opening of an affiliate program for the sale of online accounting called my business(and more advanced version My Bureau).

    The products of this brand are well-known, and over the nine years of their existence, they have gained many hundreds of thousands of followers. Still, few of those who are engaged in business understand accounting, and this system can take on most of the routine or even all of it completely (depending on your desire).

    It is possible that this is too optimistic forecast, but still the demand for such products will grow. There is such a wonderful service called Google Trends, where you can see the change in the frequency of a particular request and understand its further development dynamics. For the query "online accounting", the picture shows a steady demand:

    Specifically for this affiliate program on the network, you can find quite seductive forecasts for earnings (starting from 30 thousand per month) and a good conversion of invested funds. But you can earn money not only on direct sales and registrations in My Business.

    Banners can be used both on your site of a suitable theme, and on third-party sites, blogs or forums (place them there for money).

    In addition, on the tab "Landings" from the top menu of the affiliate account you will find links to ready-made landing pages (), which are made in such a way as to maximize the conversion of visitors who come to them into buyers.

    Links to any landing pages you like can be run through the referral link builder shown above in order to use them on your website, in contextual advertising, doorways, social networks, email newsletters and other options for attracting traffic:

    Earnings on attracting referrals to the affiliate program

    You can offer to register in the affiliate program itself users interested in recruiting their own (again, via a reflink, but leading not to some page of the My Business site, but to the affiliate site).

    You can take it again on the tab "Partner network" from the top menu of your personal account in the affiliate program:

    The payments you receive from attracted partners (who will recruit their referrals who register and pay for connection to the My Business online accounting department) are shown in the screenshot:

    1. 500 rubles for each active partner who manages to attract at least 50 confirmed users (referrals).
    2. 30 rubles for each new user (registered in the system) brought by such a partner.
    3. If your partner, in turn, attracts a partner (second level relative to you), who recruits his referrals, then you will again receive rewards for this ( 250 rubles per client and 10 rubles per referral, respectively).
    4. If this partner of the partner also attracts another partner (the third level is already obtained), then you will receive from his referrals already 100 and 5 rubles, respectively.

    It is clear that in order to attract partners to this program, you will need to use a completely different type of traffic.

    First of all, these are webmasters (who have financial or legal resources), arbitrators (those who know where to get a stream of target users, who can then be profitably converted into hard cash using affiliate programs), doorways, owners of thematic communities in social networks and other groups of people interested in such earnings.

    Permitted options for attracting traffic

    Rules of the affiliate program of special restrictions on traffic sources is not superimposed, except for outright spam and display of contextual advertising for the keywords of the My Business brand. You can use the following popular methods:

    1. Contextual advertising (except for advertising on a brand) - to help you
    2. Placing an advertising banner or referral link on your own site (or someone else's site, forum or blog for a fee). Reflinks can be tried and placed on thematic forums for free (in the signature, for example).
    3. Doorway is a topic for professionals with experience in creating and successfully promoting HS sites automatically generated. Their distinguishing feature is their exceptional sharpness for search engines in order to climb as high as possible in the search results. The traffic received in this way (the flow of visitors) is redirected to various affiliate programs, including "white" ones. Doorveishiks in this affiliate program can be provided with a list of keys for promotion.
    4. Teasers - traffic from teaser networks (perhaps I will devote a separate article, but for now you can read about .
    5. E-mail newsletters - you can use both your own newsletters and popular newsletters of a suitable topic, where you can attach your promotional offer for a fee.
    6. Social networks - you can use the thematic groups you have, or be placed in popular communities of suitable topics for a fee. You can also use targeted advertising in social networks.
    7. Any other options that do not fall under the category of outright spam.

    Summing up

  • "White" branded product.
  • The affiliate program is multi-level, which seriously expands the possibilities and size of your earnings.
  • The product is in demand by the market, which means it will be easier to sell it.
  • There are free "buns" that, with the right approach, can significantly increase the conversion.
  • The affiliate program, unlike the My Business service itself, appeared recently, which allows us to hope for a good harvest of partners and a decent passive income from the sales of their referrals.
  • All in all register, try and start actively participating in the My Business affiliate program right now.

    Is it possible to "marry" the Soviet symbols and the landing page of a legal affiliate - see this analysis.

    Initial information from the subscriber

    The opinion of knowledgeable people is interesting) We have only one offer - lawyers and we do not work with affiliates and referrals yet. We need the owners of sites and forums on yurtematics. We plan to search for them through Adwords and Direct by targeting the names of existing similar affiliate programs specifically for yurthematics.

    Plus targeted requests from the series "legal affiliate program", "CPA for lawyers". Accordingly, all this is divided into Search / YAN, Search / CCM campaigns.

    I don’t see any point in using broad queries from the “Favorable affiliate program”, “New affiliate program” series. Too specific audience that needs to be attracted.

    We will be glad to any constructive criticism)

    Yagla Audit

    Let's start with the first screen:

    First of all, let's remember - why are we making a website and what should it be like in order to work effectively?

    The goal is to attract visitors and earn money with their help. In this case, we invite everyone who has a website or a forum dedicated to legal topics to the affiliate program. With the help of a landing (one-pager).

    The first screen of the landing page answers questions from the audience:

    1) What do they offer me?

    2) How does it work? (How will I get results?)

    3) Why do I need it? (What benefit will I get with this product?)

    4) Why should I apply specifically to you?

    Subsequent landing screens handle possible user objections, increase loyalty through trust triggers (testimonials, guarantees, etc.)

    The task of the landing page is to collect the maximum number of leads, that is, contacts of users interested in purchasing the product.

    The following elements must be present on the first screen of the landing page:

    1) Company logo.

    2) Descriptor - a description of the type of activity of the company.

    3) Contacts - those that suggest the desired target action of the visitor. If we want people to call, then this is the phone.

    All this information is at the top of the page - the header.

    The contact block should be bright, the phone numbers should be written in a large, clear font, and the call order button (target action) should be in a contrasting and unique color that is not used anywhere else on the page.

    Important point: the grossest mistake is to make the button and the contact block “in the corporate style of the company”, “under the color of the logo”, and so on, since the button in this case merges with the background, users simply do not notice it.

    Well, now let's go directly to the affiliate page.

    1) The header contains a logo with the word "Sovinformburo", which does not evoke even the slightest association with what the company does.

    2) A descriptor that could lift the veil of secrecy is also missing.

    3) The contact phone number is lost against the background of the red canvas of the page.

    4) The most important element is the title. It is he who attracts attention in the first 5 seconds, gives an understanding of the essence of the proposal to the audience, reveals the unique properties of the product and the benefits of its acquisition. The title affects the conversion in 100% of cases.

    What do we see?

    There is simply no title (!) And, therefore, there is no value proposition.

    5) The text of the slogans is absolutely incomprehensible in its content. I understand that the calculation of the creative approach. However, 90% simply will not puzzle over whether they got on the Communist Party website or somewhere else) And the creative approach will remain invaluable.

    The value proposition should be as clear, simple, accessible as possible.

    Let's look at the key questions:

    • What do they offer me?
    • How it works?
    • What will I get?
    • For what and in what time frame?

    ……… What about you?

    6) Signature to the lead form and button of the target action:

    The caption to the lead form motivates the user to leave their contacts in order to start interacting with the company. And in order for him to leave these contacts, you need to give him something very important, valuable, interesting - “just like that”, in exchange for a phone number.

    Target action button - the more attractive the call to this action, the higher the likelihood that the user will click on the button.

    Your "button-modest" bashfully hides in the right corner, merging with the background. The inscription on it does not motivate in any way. Just because the Soviet style gives an association not with the type of your activity, but with the Communist Party (to join the ranks of which there is no desire).

    Audience segmentation

    So, you have identified the main segment of the audience - the owners of sites and forums on legal topics.

    Now the question is: what do you offer them?

    It took the two of us (!) an hour and a half to get to the truth and understand who your target audience is and what you offer them. And we are not completely sure that we understood everything correctly) Because there is no clear and simple explanation on the site.

    Our hypothesis:

    There is, say, the owner of a site on legal topics. With the help of his site, he brings warm visitors, and if they convert into a lead, he receives a reward from you.

    CRM system - is needed so that your partners can track what is happening with traffic, how many applications were received and how much they earned.

    And if we understand everything correctly, the main audience segment can be divided into:

    • Experienced webmasters - who have worked with affiliate programs more than once and are used to monetizing traffic;
    • Beginners who do not really understand anything in legal matters and who worked as partners only with Yandex & Google.

    Does this person understand what you wrote on the first red screen? Can he understand that you are offering him additional income?

    The most important question for a beginner - HOW does it all happen? He should be introduced to the process and told how simple, proven, effective it is, show how much he still does not use the internal potential of his site.

    A question for a more experienced guy - why are you better than others? And we got the answer to this question ... .. from the comments to the analysis in VK))) But not from your site .... It turns out - you offer golden conditions! The cost of a lead is at a fixed price, without reduction, depending on the time frame.

    And also - a clear explanation of the rejection of the application. That is, firstly, there is no “distrust” (what if they just take advantage of me?), besides, there is an opportunity to influence the quality of applications and receive more money as a result ...

    But, I repeat - we learned all this from the comments in the community. Not a word about it on the site!

    If you are looking for a profitable affiliate program for lawyers, we write about the high cost of a lead.

    If you are looking for an affiliate program with a minimum payout threshold, then we are talking about this in the title (well, there is none).

    If we remember about our newcomer, he just needs to earn money. And that everything was laid out on the shelves. Motivation - a clear interface, training materials and a bunch of examples.

    To hyper-segment traffic according to the needs in requests - you need to look at the requests themselves - send us, we will prompt.

    The general principle, I think, is clear. We respond to the needs of each segment of the audience in such a way as to emphasize the competitive advantages for it.

    We are waiting for requests and high conversion for you!

    Yagla expert on traffic hypersegmentation Roman Suvorov

    Skype suvorov.yagla Email [email protected] Phone + 7 499 3505475 ext. 22