• Regional portal of public services. Using a single portal of state and municipal services for registration

    IN lately use for registration of individual entrepreneurs And legal entities Unified portal of state and municipal services. You can fill out documents without leaving your home, send them to the registration authority and get the result; you just need to register on the portal and go to the website www.gosuslugi.ru.
    In accordance with clause 1 of the Regulations on the Federal State Information System " Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2011 N 861, federal state information system"Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" provides:
    a) access of individuals and organizations to information about state and municipal services, functions of state control (supervision) and municipal control contained in the federal state information system "Federal Register of State and Municipal Services (Functions)";
    b) provision of state and municipal services to applicants in electronic form, as well as the provision of such services by institutions (organizations);
    c) taking into account requests from applicants related to the functioning of the Unified Portal, including the opportunity for applicants to leave electronic feedback on the quality of the provision of state and municipal services (performance of functions), as well as the provision of such services by institutions (organizations).
    The Unified Portal implements the concept of a user’s “personal account”, which provides the opportunity to receive services after the user registers on the portal.
    Currently, two authorization methods are implemented to access services on the Unified Portal:
    - using login/password,
    - using electronic signature.
    The first method can only be used individuals, the second - both physical and legal.
    Registration on the portal for Russian citizens involves the creation account in two options: creating a simple account and creating a standard account.
    A simple account does not require confirmation of the user's identity; to create it, simply indicate the email address to which a letter with an authorization code will be sent.
    However, the scope of services provided to users who have received such an account is minimal: they can only make an appointment with a doctor or pay for housing and communal services.
    To be able to use all the services provided by the portal, you must create a standard account.
    To do this, you will need an email address, a compulsory pension insurance certificate number (SNILS) and an identification document.
    So, to register on the portal, a Russian citizen needs to go to the website www.gosuslugi.ru, enter the “Registration” section, select the account type, and then select a method to confirm the user’s identity.
    The portal offers three options:
    1. Receive an activation code through Russian Post. If you select this method, you will be sent a registered postal item with activation code. The portal reports that the average delivery time for this item is about two weeks, but in practice this is true.
    2. Obtaining an activation code from the Rostelecom service center. To do this, you will need to contact the nearest Rostelecom service center with a passport and a certificate of compulsory pension insurance. The website has interactive map indicating such centers in the user’s region of residence. This method allows you to receive an activation code almost immediately.
    3. Identity confirmation using an electronic signature. Identity confirmation is carried out online as a result of checking the user's electronic signature. An electronic signature can be obtained from one of the certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The site also has an interactive map indicating such centers in the user’s region of residence.
    Next, the user needs to fill out the registration form, indicating all his data, and then confirm his identity using the previously selected method.
    Having received the activation code by mail or at the Rostelecom service center, the user will need to log back into the site and complete the registration by entering the activation code in the appropriate field.
    As for obtaining an electronic signature, everything looks a little more complicated.
    In accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature” electronic signature is information in electronic form that is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or is otherwise associated with such information and which is used to determine the person signing the information.
    In order to obtain an electronic signature, you need to obtain a qualified electronic signature verification key certificate and the corresponding electronic signature key (together abbreviated as SKP).
    SKP applicants are issued by organizations that issue certificates of electronic signature verification keys for use in public information systems and are accredited certification centers, the accreditation of which is valid on the day the certificate is issued, and are members of the network of trusted certification centers, of which the Federal Tax Service of Russia is a member.
    Applicants can also use SKP issued for the transfer of tax and accounting reports to electronic form via communication channels.
    In fact, obtaining an electronic signature means looks like this: the certification center establishes the identity of the citizen who applied to receive an electronic signature means, creates an electronic signature key on a special USB drive or smart card, and issues the key carrier to the citizen. To access the key, a password is required, which should be known only to the owner of the key.
    The procedure for issuing an electronic signature is free, but you will have to pay 660 rubles for the medium.
    After receiving the media, the user needs to attach the electronic signature key media to the computer, and also install a web browser plugin for working with electronic signature tools (a link to the plugin is available on the portal website). Next, you need to follow the instructions on the site, and registration will be completed.
    Receiving an electronic signature makes it possible not only to register on the website of the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services, but also to use it for signing electronic documents. In our case, this makes it possible to submit applications for state registration without witnessing the applicant’s signature by a notary and even without going to the registration authority: everything is done on a computer.
    Here, however, it is worth noting that for now the government services website only provides the opportunity to form an application to submit documents to the registration authority, sign a registration application (which makes it possible to do without going to a notary), but you still have to submit documents in paper form in person. At the same time, obtaining an electronic signature makes it possible to use the service for sending electronic documents provided by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, but this will be discussed a little below.
    For foreign citizens, the site only allows for the creation of a simple account, that is, they cannot use the portal for registration.
    For legal entities, registration is possible only using electronic signatures.
    After registering and creating a standard account, the user has the opportunity to use all the services provided by the portal.
    It is also worth noting the sad fact that the work of the portal and government agencies interacting with it cannot always be called coherent and flawless.
    Some services, such as the issuance of foreign passports, are already quite well mastered by government agencies and cause few complaints. At the same time, the provision of services related to state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, at the time of writing the book, does not yet provide tangible benefits and is complicated a large number system flaws.
    This can also include software, offered by tax authorities for automatically filling out application forms for state registration. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend the use of these tools without checking the results of their work.
    Yes, these tools are constantly being improved, errors are being found and eliminated, but if you decide to use them, be sure to check the ready-made forms “manually”; in addition, it makes sense to read discussions about the operation of these forms on various forums on the Internet.



    dated July 10, 2013 N 447-PP

    About the Integrated Information System "Public services in the field of education in electronic form"

    Document with changes made:
    (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 09/10/2014);
    (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 04/30/2015);
    (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 09/01/2015).

    In order to implement the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" the Moscow Government


    1. Create a comprehensive information system "Public services in the field of education in electronic form" (hereinafter - CIS "GUSOEV").

    2. Approve the Regulations on the Integrated Information System “Public Services in the Field of Education in Electronic Form” (Appendix).

    3. Establish that the Department information technology of the city of Moscow is the operator of the CIS "GUSOEV", the state customer for the creation and operation of the CIS "GUSOEV".

    4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow Ermolaev A.V.
    by Decree of the Moscow Government of April 28, 2015 N 251-PP.

    duties of the Mayor of Moscow
    S.S. Sobyanin

    Application. Regulations on the Integrated Information System "Public services in the field of education in electronic form"

    to the resolution of the Moscow Government
    dated July 10, 2013 N 447-PP

    (as amended as of September 1, 2015)

    1. These Regulations define the purpose and rules of operation of the Integrated Information System "Public Services in the Field of Education in Electronic Form" (hereinafter - CIS "GUSOEV"), participants in information interaction using the CIS "GUSOEV" and their powers when providing public services in the field of education and services in the field of education provided by state educational organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as services in the field of education), execution government functions in the field of education in electronic form, as well as when maintaining a consolidated electronic accounting persons mastering additional general education programs, engaged in leisure activities, as well as athletes and those involved in physical education and sports institutions.
    (Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP.

    2. CIS "GUSOEV" is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to provide services in the field of education and perform government functions in the field of education, including in electronic form, containing information necessary for the provision of services in the field of education, as well as for maintaining in electronic form a unified record of the specified information and a consolidated electronic record of persons mastering additional general education programs, engaged in leisure activities, athletes and those involved in physical culture and sports institutions.
    (Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP.

    3. CIS "GUSOEV" is the property of the city of Moscow.

    4. The main objectives of the CIS "GUSOEV" are:

    4.1. Ensuring the receipt and processing of requests (applications) for the provision of services in the field of education, including those received through the state information system "Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the PGU of the city of Moscow).

    4.2. Maintaining industry registers, classifiers and directories.

    4.3. Ensuring that legally significant events are taken into account, the results of the provision of services in the field of education, the results of individual administrative procedures related to the provision of services in the field of education.

    4.4. Ensuring the possibility of generating statistical and analytical reporting on the provision of services in the field of education.

    5. The main functions of the CIS "GUSOEV" are:

    5.1. Reception, registration and processing of applications, including those submitted in electronic form using the PSU of the city of Moscow:

    5.1.1. On registering children and sending them for enrollment in state educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education that implement the educational program preschool education.
    (Clause 5.1.1 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP.

    5.1.2. On referral for enrollment in state educational organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, implementing:
    (Paragraph as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 10, 2014 N 528-PP by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 1, 2015 N 555-PP.

    Educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education;

    Educational programs of secondary vocational education;

    Additional general education programs.

    5.1.3. On transfer to another state educational organization in Moscow and changing credentials in electronic form.
    (Clause 5.1.3 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP.

    5.1.4. On providing information about the student’s current performance.

    5.2. Providing information:

    5.2.1. On the procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have completed educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, including in the form of a unified state exam, as well as information from Moscow databases about participants in the unified state exam and on the results of the unified state exam.

    5.2.2. About the results of passed exams, tests and other entrance tests, as well as about enrollment in a professional educational organization.
    (Clause 5.2.2 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP.

    5.3. Directing the results of providing services in the field of education to PSU in Moscow.

    5.4. Formation and sending of interdepartmental requests in order to obtain documents and information available to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations necessary for the provision of services in the field of education.

    5.5. Informing applicants about the progress of the provision of educational services and their results, including using email, SMS notifications and transmission systems instant messages using the state information system "Unified mobile platform of the city of Moscow", as well as PSU of the city of Moscow (informing the applicant in the "Personal Account" subsystem).

    5.6. Reception, recording and processing of complaints against actions (inaction) of officials and employees of executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations providing services in the field of education, within the framework of pre-trial (extrajudicial) appeal.

    5.7. Preparation, configuration, generation and placement of forms of statistical and analytical reporting on the provision of services in the field of education.

    5.8. Ensuring access control to the premises of a state educational organization subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, including using an electronic card ( material carrier), containing information recorded on it in visual and (or) electronic (machine readable) forms about the card user and certifying the right of the card user to receive services in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as the electronic card).
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP)

    5.9. Automation of planning, accounting and payment processes for food using electronic cards.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP)

    5.10. Ensuring the possibility of using electronic services, access to which is provided using electronic cards.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP)

    5.11. Collection, processing and storage of information related to the provision of services in the field of education using electronic cards.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP)

    5.12. Maintaining consolidated electronic records of persons studying additional general education programs, engaged in leisure activities, as well as athletes and those involved in physical education and sports institutions.
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP)

    6. Interaction of the operator of the CIS "GUSOEV" with operators of other information systems of the city of Moscow is carried out in in the prescribed manner using a regional interdepartmental system electronic interaction Moscow city, Automated system state and municipal services and functions and Automated system " Unified system maintaining and managing registries, registers, directories and classifiers."

    7. The connection of information systems to the CIS "GUSOEV" and the interaction of operators of information systems of the city of Moscow are carried out in accordance with the technical requirements approved by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

    8. Interaction between executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations using the CIS "GUSOEV" is carried out in compliance with the requirements for ensuring the protection of information using technology electronic service in formats set by the operator CIS "GUSOEV", and electronic signature tools.

    9. Processing information using the CIS "GUSOEV" does not entail a change in the established category of access to such information.

    10. Electronic messages containing information constituting state secrets are not subject to processing in the CIS "GUSOEV".

    11. Users of the CIS "GUSOEV" are employees:

    11.1. State organizations carrying out educational activities and (or) participating in the provision of services in the field of education.

    11.2. State institutions of the city of Moscow providing services for conducting physical education and sports classes, sports training services for sports at the stages of sports training.

    11.3. State institutions of the city of Moscow that organize leisure, social, educational, physical education and sports work with the population at their place of residence.

    11.4. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow performing the functions and powers of the founders of the organizations specified in paragraphs 11.1-11.3 of these Regulations.

    11.5. Organizations of additional education that implement additional general education programs, organizations that provide services for conducting classes in physical culture and sports, sports training services for sports at the stages of sports training, organizations that organize leisure, social, educational, physical education and sports work with the population at the place of residence, participating in the implementation of consolidated electronic accounting and not subordinate to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
    (Clause 11 as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP.

    12. Operator of the CIS "GUSOEV":

    12.1. Ensures the functioning of the CIS "GUSOEV" in accordance with the requirements established by law Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information security, as well as the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Communications and mass communications Russian Federation, around the clock.

    12.2. Provides registration and access of users to the CIS "GUSOEV", delimitation of the rights of users of the CIS "GUSOEV" at the request of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the organizations specified in paragraph 11 of these Regulations.
    (Clause as amended, put into effect by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP.

    12.3. Ensures the protection of information transmitted using the CIS "GUSOEV" from unauthorized access, its distortion or blocking from the moment the specified information is received in the CIS "GUSOEV" until the moment it is transferred to another information system, is responsible for the immutability of information transmitted through the CIS "GUSOEV" "from individuals and legal entities, executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations.

    12.4. Approves the procedure for functioning of the CIS "GUSOEV", which, among other things, determines the composition of the subsystems of the CIS "GUSOEV", the procedure for providing access to the CIS "GUSOEV", entering information into the CIS "GUSOEV" and providing it to users of the CIS "GUSOEV".
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 10, 2014 N 528-PP; as amended by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP.

    13. Certain functions of the operator of the CIS "GUSOEV" may, by his decision, be transferred to another organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

    14. The operator of the CIS "GUSOEV" is not responsible for:

    14.1. For the reliability of information transmitted using the CIS "GUSOEV" from individuals and legal entities, executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations.

    14.2. The quality and terms of provision of services using the CIS "GUSOEV", if violation of such terms or a decrease in the quality of services arose for reasons beyond the control of the operator of the CIS "GUSOEV".

    15. In order to provide services in the field of education in electronic form using the CIS "GUSOEV" in the city of Moscow, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations:

    15.1. Ensure the reliability of the information contained in electronic messages transmitted using the CIS "GUSOEV", and the ability to verify the authenticity of received electronic messages.

    15.2. Ensure compliance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation limited access to certain types of information received and transmitted using the CIS "GUSOEV", including personal data of citizens.

    16. The Department of Education of the city of Moscow, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow specified in paragraph 11.4 of these Regulations, ensure that information relating to the competence of the government institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to them is entered into the relevant industry registers, classifiers and directories that are part of the CIS "GUSOEV". , and also organize and (or) carry out the processing of personal data contained in the CIS "GUSOEV", determine the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed using the CIS "GUSOEV", actions (operations) performed with personal data contained in CIS "GUSOEV".
    (The clause was additionally included by Moscow Government Decree No. 528-PP dated September 10, 2014; as amended, put into effect on September 12, 2015 by Moscow Government Decree No. 555-PP dated September 1, 2015.

    17. The organizations specified in clause 11.5 of these Regulations apply to the operator of the CIS "GUSOEV" with an application for connection to the CIS "GUSOEV", in which they confirm acceptance of the conditions for connection and interaction using the CIS "GUSOEV", established by the Regulations for the interaction of city executive authorities Moscow and other organizations in the implementation of consolidated electronic accounting of persons mastering additional general education programs, engaged in leisure activities, as well as athletes and those involved in physical culture and sports institutions, approved in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of October 7, 2014 N 585-PP "O consolidated electronic accounting of persons mastering additional general education programs, engaged in leisure activities, as well as athletes and those involved in physical education and sports institutions in the city of Moscow."
    (The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated April 28, 2015 N 251-PP)

    Revision of the document taking into account
    changes and additions prepared
    JSC "Kodeks"

    Unified portal of public services

    – a nationwide automated information system that allows citizens and organizations to receive state and municipal services remotely (electronically). For example, via this service you can get information about the status personal account V Pension Fund Russia, about the presence of administrative offenses in the region traffic, about enforcement proceedings, debts to the tax authorities, file a tax return, issue a foreign passport of both the old and new type, register a new or used car or deregister it, register at the place of stay or place of residence, obtain an extract from Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, as well as information about registered organizations, real estate of organizations, etc.

    The functioning of the portal is carried out on the basis of the federal law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

    To register on the portal, you must enter your contact information in the appropriate section. In addition, citizens of the Russian Federation must indicate identification number taxpayer (TIN) and insurance number of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS), and foreign citizens - the series and number of the migration card. After that on email The user will be sent a confirmation code, which must be specified by following the link to the site.

    The next step is to receive an activation code " Personal account" It can be ordered in two ways. The first is using SNILS. In this case the code is sent by registered mail by mail or issued free of charge at Rostelecom sales and customer service offices. The second is using an electronic signature. USB key with digital signature can be purchased at Rostelecom service centers (cost: 660 rubles). When applying for a code or digital signature at Rostelecom, you must have your passport and SNILS with you.

    After activating the “Personal Account”, the services of the state portal become available to the user in full. For example, it will be possible to pay traffic fines using by bank card or electronic wallet QIWI.

    Unauthorized users of the portal can only use general reference information about the procedure for providing services by authorities, copy application forms, and also receive services that do not require unique identification of the user.

    Today, the number of users of the public services portal is 15 million people, of which 3 million have “Personal Accounts”.

    See what the “Unified portal of public services” is in other dictionaries:

      Portal of public services of the Russian Federation- The request “Public Services” is redirected here. A separate article is needed on this topic. Portal of public services of the Russian Federation ... Wikipedia

      Unified portal of state and municipal services- 1. The unified portal of state and municipal services is a federal state information system that ensures the provision of state and municipal services, as well as the services specified in Part 3 of Article 1 of this... ... Official terminology- Consolidated Register is a federal state information system containing information on information provided by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorities local governmentOfficial terminology

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      EPGU- EPGU Unified portal of state and municipal services http://www.gosuslugi.ru/​ state, Russian Federation, network EPGU