• What is WebMoney. How to register with WebMoney and open a wallet. How to create your own e-wallet

    This article answers the question “How to create a webmoney wallet?”.

    This brief instructions, how it goes webmoney registration wallet Keep in mind that sometimes the registration scheme for WebMoney wallets changes slightly. Therefore, if you are registering your first wallets for the first time, you look at these instructions and see that on the registration site something is not the same as in my instructions, then do not be alarmed. This is all normal. Just a registration scheme electronic wallets WebMoney has changed a little since this article was written. When registering, you should proceed as indicated on the registration site. And my instructions are intended rather for initial familiarization, so that it can be seen that there is nothing difficult or complicated about creating a webmoney wallet. And please also note that this instruction “how to create a webmoney electronic wallet” is intended only for individual. For legal entities And individual entrepreneurs There is a different scheme for registering WebMoney wallets.

    Registration of Web-Money wallets is absolutely free. The content of these wallets is also free. You don't have to pay anything annually subscription fee. These electronic wallets “don’t ask for food” (unlike a bank account). Therefore, you can create a WebMoney wallet just like that, just in case, even if you do not plan to actively use them. What if someday there will be a situation where someone will offer to transfer their money to you via WebMoney. This is where you simply tell the person your wallet number.

    First you need to prepare for registration in WebMoney. To do this, you need to have your own email mailbox. If you don’t have your own e-mail yet, then create one on some service free mail. I recommend starting email on mail.ru, there will be fewer problems. Write down the login and password for this mailbox in a safe place and do not lose it, as very important information. In all social networks and for correspondence with friends, use other mailboxes.

    First you need to open your browser Internet Explorer, which is already installed in the operating room Windows system, no matter how badly you feel about this browser. You will experiment with your other favorite browser and its settings later, for example, when you try to transfer money from one WebMoney wallet to another. But correct creation WebMoney wallets are guaranteed only in Internet browser Explorer, and in standard settings default. Therefore, immediately set this browser to default settings.

    If you try to create WebMoney wallets in some other browser and something does not work out for you, the WebMoney support service will advise you only after you start registering through Internet Explorer. Alas, there are a lot of different browsers, and the functioning of the WebMoney system needs to be made cheaper. Therefore, WebMoney support service is not scattered, but focuses only on supporting one browser.

    So, let's start registering a webmoney wallet. Go to the official website of the WebMoney system and click on the “Registration” button there or immediately go to a separate registration site: start.webmoney.ru.

    The first step is choosing a webmoney e-wallet management program

    You will be asked to select a program to manage your electronic wallets webmoney. There are four programs: Mini, Classic, Light and Mobile. You can, of course, read there how they differ from each other. But further here all the instructions will be only for the case if you choose the Classic program. Although beginners and those who find it difficult to choose are advised to choose the Mini, I advise everyone to choose the Classic. All the same, you will then switch from Mini to Classic, because Classic is the most convenient and full-featured. According to statistics, the majority of all Web Money users work with Classic. So click on the “Select” button next to the word Classic.

    The second step is filling out the WebMoney system form

    You are taken to a page to fill out a form. All questionnaire items highlighted in bold must be completed. Please note that the “Mobile phone” item is now highlighted in bold. You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Immediately indicate only the correct phone number, since changing one number to another in the WebMoney system is not free, but is carried out for paid SMS according to your current tariff of your mobile operator.

    Indicate your reliable data in the form, and not the data of some Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. Otherwise, if something happens, you will not be able to prove that these are your wallets and you may lose your money. You will experiment with registering for some Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov later, if you ever need it at all.

    By the way, you can then hide your personal data (address, phone number) from viewing by other users of the Web Money system, so you can safely indicate all your real data without hiding anything.

    Click on the "Continue" button. A window will appear to check the entered data. Check the entered data and click on the "Continue" button again. You will be taken to the email verification page.

    The third step is checking your e-mail and mobile phone in the WebMoney system

    Check your email. There should be a letter for you from the WebMoney system. If your mailbox is registered at mail.ru, then such a letter will arrive to you within a minute. On others postal services this time may be longer; for example, on Rambler.Ru a letter may arrive within a day.

    The email contains a 32-character code that you must copy to the email address verification page. This is how they simply check that you have entered your email address correctly and not someone else’s. DO NOT DESTROY the letter with the code! The code will be needed later.

    If you don’t receive a letter for a long time, it doesn’t matter. You can close your browser until tomorrow. The received letter contains a link, by clicking on which you can continue registering your WebMoney wallet from the Third Step. All your data entered in the Second step is stored for 10 days, waiting for the registration to continue.

    Similarly, your mobile phone number is then verified. On the WebMoney wallet registration page, you must indicate the code that came to you in the form of an SMS to your mobile phone.

    Installing WM Keeper Classic

    After this, you once again confirm that you select the Classic program, then download the installation program to install the WM Keeper Classic program on your computer, launch it and install it on your computer. Installation proceeds normally, nothing complicated. You agree to all terms and conditions and MUST confirm the download of all certificates.

    Finally, you make your first launch installed program WebMoney Classic Keeper.


    At the very first start, in the window that appears, select the “Register in WebMoney” item.

    In the window that opens, you need to enter again registration code, which you have already received by email. Click the "Next" button. In the window that opens, create a password. This password will be used each time you log into Keeper Classic. Write this password down in a safe place.

    Now you will be asked to randomly move the mouse in different ways. During random mouse movements, unique access keys are generated.

    After this, you will be assigned your personal WM-identifier (WMID). WMID is your unique number in the Web Money system. It consists of 12 digits and is associated with your personal data. It acts as your login when logging into Keeper Classic. You can use it to view your personal data (if you have not prohibited such viewing for everyone in the settings). It is also used when corresponding with other WebMoney system participants via internal mail through the Keeper Classic program. Write down this identifier in a safe place (although, in principle, it is not secret to others, but you also need to remember your login). Click the "Next" button.

    In the window that appears, you must specify another password (access code) for your key file and indicate the path where to save the key file. Please note that the access code must not be the same as the Keeper Classic password. Write this code down in a safe place too. This password will be needed when you want to work with your WebMoney wallets from another computer and you need to transfer the key file to another computer and assign them a different path.

    By default, you are prompted to save the key file on floppy disk A:. You should change this path and specify another, more secure location, for example, on a flash drive or somewhere on a computer disk, if you are sure that your computer is well protected. Don’t forget to then make a copy of the key file to another flash drive or CD, or even better, two copies on different media.

    Finally, you will receive an activation code by email, which you will need to enter to finally complete the registration process with WebMoney. Of course, due to the slowness of email, it is envisaged that this activation code can be entered later, when starting the Keeper Classic program.

    By the way, you may receive such activation codes more than once when you are already fully working with the Web Money system. For example, when you change your IP address on the Internet, when you change your computer, when you switch to new version WebMoney Keeper Classic programs, etc.

    Concluding remarks

    You need to be very clear about the difference between the Keeper Classic login password and the key file access code. The password is needed simply to enter the Keeper Classic program, as usual, you enter any programs that require authorization. In this case, your ID in the system serves as your login. But the key file is needed to be able to connect to WebMoney from another computer or after reinstallation operating system.

    Therefore, if someone finds out your password to enter the Keeper Classic program, they will not be able to use your money in the WebMoney system, since they do not have your key file on their computer. This distinguishes WebMoney from many other payment systems, where, if your login and password are stolen, they can transfer all your money to themselves.

    And in WebMoney, even if a fraudster manages to copy your key file to his computer, it will still not give him anything, since he will also need an access code to the key file. The WebMoney system will definitely ask him to enter this access code in order to register new way to the key file and start working from his computer.

    This is such multi-level protection! If you have ever worked with any bank on electronic system payments "bank-client" via the Internet, then, of course, they realized that the Web Money system uses real banking system protection. And therefore, today the WebMoney system is one of the most secure in the world.

    Now, as for working with the WebMoney system. I am not giving instructions here on how to receive money to your wallet and how to send money to someone else’s wallet from your wallet, since it’s all very simple. (See the menu system in the Keeper Classic program.) If you managed to create your own wallets (and you have four wallets there: ruble, dollar, euro and hryvnia), then you will be able to figure out how the WebMoney system works yourself. In addition, you can consult the support service on the official website of the WebMoney system. Look on the same site how you can deposit regular money into the WebMoney system and how you can withdraw it from there, for example, in the form of cash rubles.

    Hello! In this article we will look at step by step instructions, how to register and create a wm - wallet in the WebMoney electronic payment system.

    I know how much you “like to read long introductions.” Therefore, I will only say that if you are going to make money on the Internet, then it is almost impossible to do without your own WebMoney wallet. The fact is that many web services for earning money make payments and accept payments through this payment system. And also, on some sites, registration occurs through the WebMoney system. In addition, it can be useful not only for withdrawing earned money. Through the WebMoney system you can pay for various services, loans, make purchases on the Internet, transfer electronic money anywhere in the world and much more.

    How to register with WebMoney

    To register in the WebMoney Transfer system:

    1) Open the registration page on the official WebMoney website.

    2) We indicate the phone number. You only need to use your number to which you have constant access. In the future, it will be needed to perform various operations. For example: authorization in the system, money management, restoring access to your account if you accidentally forget your password, etc.

    3) Fill in your personal information, preferably real information. Select a security question from the proposed options, indicate your secret answer to this question. Next, we confirm our consent to the processing of our personal data by checking the appropriate box. If you do not want to receive system news and information about promotions, then uncheck these items and click “Continue”.

    4) On next page Once again check the correctness of the specified personal data. If you accidentally made a mistake when entering data, then click “Return” and edit them. If everything is correct, then click “Continue”.

    5) To confirm your number, an SMS message with a verification code will be sent to your phone. Specify this code. Click “Continue”.

    6) Come up with a password. Enter the numbers from the picture and click “OK”. Use your phone number as your login.

    Actually, this is the process registration in WebMoney completed. You can now log into your account.

    Enter your username - phone number, enter your password. Click “Login”. In the future, you can use your confirmed email or your wmid number in the WebMoney system as a login.

    Enter the code from the SMS message and click on the “Login” button.

    How to create a webmoney wallet

    Immediately after registration you can create an electronic wallet. To do this, click on the “add wallet” tab, then “create wallet”, select the type of WM - wallet (type of currency). For example, WMR - wallet- This Russian rubles. See title signs (types of wallets) just below.

    Accept the terms of the agreement and click continue.

    Everything is ready. Created webmoney wallet is displayed in your personal account on the tab at the top. If you need one or more wallets, then we create them in the same way. Just keep in mind: it will not be possible to delete the wallet in the future. Therefore, open a new wallet only if you really need it.

    Types of WebMoney wallets:

    • WMZ— wallet type Z — funds equivalent to US dollars;
    • WMR— wallet type R — funds equivalent to Russian rubles;
    • WME— wallet type E — funds equivalent to euros;
    • W.M.U.— U-type wallet — funds equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia;
    • W.M.B.— wallet type B — funds equivalent to Belarusian rubles;
    • WMK— wallet type K — funds equivalent to Kazakh tenge;
    • WMY— wallet type Y — funds equivalent to Uzbek sums;
    • WMG— wallet type G — funds equivalent to gold;
    • WMX— wallet type X — funds equivalent to 0.001 BTC;
    • WMH— wallet type H — funds equivalent to 0.001 BCH.

    WebMoney wallets can also be managed on a computer. To do this, you must obtain a formal certificate and establish official program WebMoney Keeper WinPro for Windows. This method of managing wallets is more convenient and secure.

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    WebMoney is commonplace. They are well aware of why this payment system is needed, what opportunities it provides and how to ensure the security of their data and cash. For those who are just about to start working with the WebMoney service, this article will be very useful.

    From this material you will learn:

    • Advantages of the WebMoney system;
    • How to create a wallet;
    • How to pay via WebMoney;
    • How to ensure the security of payment information.

    So, let's start getting acquainted with this payment system.

    A few words about the payment system

    For many network users who work with Internet money, WebMoney evokes only good emotions. In fact, this payment system is the most widespread in the world, in Russia and Ukraine as well. The number of grateful users is growing rapidly, and this is not surprising!

    A wide range of services and goods available for payment via WebMoney is attracting more and more customers. The low interest rate for making payments and transfers pleases employers on the Internet, as well as freelancers.

    Security is the hallmark of the payment system. Here the user has four ways to manage wallets, which will be discussed below. Various systems Protection for entering the site and making payments is also provided. A one-time SMS password, an e-num protection system or password-protected electronic keys will ensure the secure storage of the user’s money.

    Some aspects of the WebMoney payment system will be discussed in more detail during wallet registration.

    Registering a WebMoney wallet

    Open the main website of the WebMoney service. It looks like this – webmoney.ru or webmoney.ua depending on the user’s country. Go to the main page and see brief overview website and payment system, as well as some news. On the right top corner Click on the orange “Registration” button.

    Please note that registration in the system takes place in four steps - specifying your phone number, personal data, checking your phone number and assigning a password to log in. The first step is to enter your mobile phone number. Attention, use valid number cell phone to successfully complete registration in the system. To your device mobile communications SMS will be sent with confirmation passwords.

    The second step when creating account in WebMoney is to indicate personal data. These include the user's date of birth, valid email address, and selection security question and indicating the correct answer to it. Proceed further by clicking on “Continue”.

    Check the boxes if you want to receive newsletters or information about promotions from the payment system on email or remove them if you don't need them. Next, you should double-check that all data has been entered correctly and proceed to the third step - confirming your phone number.

    It is worth noting that this service is paid. A new user will have to pay for forwarding one SMS message to any of the specified numbers. If you have a smartphone and a program for reading QR codes, you can scan the code and simply click on send message. After waiting for the delivery report, you can safely click on “Continue”.

    Let's move on to the last point, namely assigning a password. You should come up with it yourself secure password using various characters, lowercase and capital letters and numbers. How longer password, the more reliable it is. You can also use special services password generators. They will create a secure password for you without much effort on the part of the user.

    Using WebMoney

    Having completed the registration process in this payment system, we find ourselves on the main page of the service. It looks like the screenshot below. What do we see here? The message window allows you to conduct a dialogue with other system participants and receive notifications from it. At the top right you can see your 12-digit WMID. On the left there are buttons for managing the system - funds, correspondents, you will also find payments and a market there, the ability to borrow funds. At the very bottom of this column there is an account settings button and a logout button.

    What is WMID? No, this is not a wallet to which you can receive funds and transfers. This is the internal user ID. To make it easier to understand, WMID is similar to ID in social networks, for example, VKontakte. Using WMID, you can add a correspondent on the corresponding page. Just enter your user ID and security code. You will see information about the owner of the WMID - add him to the list of correspondents. Now you can communicate with a person, make and accept payments.

    Creating wallets

    Even if you receive a personal WMID, you will not be able to make payments or receive transfers to WebMoney! To do this, you need to create a wallet. How to do this? Go to the "Wallets" tab in the left column.

    Now you should click on the plus next to the words “Finance”. The system will open a wallet creation page for you. At this stage, you need to select the type of wallet, otherwise its currency. As you can see, WMR corresponds to the ruble, WMZ to the dollar, WME to the euro, and WMX to cyber currency (bitcoin). Select the required currency, review the agreement, and then click the create button.

    A user can create more than one wallet. Register as many currency wallets as you need. You can also create multiple wallets in the same currency to use your funds as efficiently as possible.

    Account Settings

    The wallet creation process is complete. Now let's take a closer look at the user profile settings. To enter the settings menu, click the corresponding button at the bottom of the control column. Here the user has access to profile and security settings, the ability to install and configure access to WebMoney applications for mobile devices, as well as the ability to connect the payment system with social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mail.ru, Facebook, Yandex ", etc.).

    Profile Settings

    In this subcategory of settings you can edit and add information about the user. Here you can see WMID, user passport, levels, phone and email, as well as settings for account management methods.

    Let's talk more about the certificate. What is it and why should it be done? This is a digital certificate based on the user's submitted data. The certificate serves for the level of identification of the client, as well as the status of the wallet in the Yandex Money system. The more data is known about the user, the higher the certificate he can receive. Accordingly, the best certificate provides more opportunities to its owner. Here are just some of the advantages of a formal certificate over an anonymous one.

    For ordinary users There are several certificates. Anonymous, formal, initial and personal certificates open up everything they need. If a person decides to conduct business through the WebMoney system, then he may need a certificate of a seller, service, guarantor or operator in case of cooperation with the system.

    You can obtain a formal certificate without leaving your computer. All you need to do is upload scanned documents and fill in the fields correctly. But with the initial and personal certificates the situation is more complicated. To do this, you need to visit the official office of WebMoney or one of its representatives. This information can be found on the website.

    To obtain a formal certificate, you need to provide all personal information - full name, passport details, registration, as well as postal address, upload copies of documents to the website and wait for the certificate to be issued.

    Recently, it is possible to obtain higher certificates without visiting representatives. Detailed instructions is outlined in the help on this page - http://wiki.WebMoney.ru/projects/WebMoney/wiki/Certificates

    In principle, for basic operations with the system (depositing and withdrawing funds), a formal certificate will be quite sufficient. When you receive it, it will be displayed in your profile settings as follows:

    Ways to manage WMID

    This point should be given special attention to each user. The security of his data and funds depends on which management method a person chooses. Let's take a closer look at them.

    The old names were replaced by new ones, but the methods remained the same. Immediately after registration, the user works in the system through Keeper Standard - a simplified web version of WebMoney. By choosing control via WinPro or WebPro Keepers, you get full spectrum services and access to them. It is worth noting that to connect WebPro you must have a personal certificate.

    WinPro is a way to manage your own WMID using a program installed on a PC. For it to work successfully, you will need to download the program, upload electronic keys and create a separate password for this control method. Let's do this.

    Click on the underlined “Enable” button next to the WinPro control method. We see that to continue the planned actions you need to log in with confirmation. Click on the link and you will be taken to the authorization page.

    You can confirm authorization by entering a code from an SMS received to your cell phone. It is also possible to secure your account and all actions in it through the e-num protection system. How to activate it?

    Creating e-num protection

    Since you will need to download the e-num application for your mobile device, let's do it right away. Let's look at the example of an operating room Android systems. Let's go to Play Market and download official application, after which we launch.

    In the first window we see the “Register now” button - click on it. On next stage indicate your email address (preferably the same as in WebMoney) and mobile phone number. Enter the security code and continue.

    The next point is confirmation of the mailbox. Open your email and you will see a letter confirming your registration in the e-num system. Click on confirmation. Then we return to the application and enter the code from the message received on the phone in the field.

    The final stage will be authorization in the system. In the last window, enter your email and account activation code (also sent via SMS). Do not delete it; you will need it if you lose access to the application. It is recommended to set a security code or graphic key for the e-num application for greater security.

    Linking two accounts is quite simple. Go to the security tab in your WMID settings. Then in the e-num line, click on connection. Enter your details in the system, confirm in mobile application through a question and answer - and e-num will begin to be used as protection.

    We also recommend adding this security system to “Confirmations”. Thus, attackers will not be able to log into your WebMoney account, much less make payments without your confirmation through the mobile application.

    Changing the control method (continued)

    The application of this security system is designed very competently and conveniently. If at the time of going to this page your smartphone was online (the Internet), then the application itself will notify you of such actions and offer to receive a response number. Enter it in the appropriate field and confirm your entry.

    On the next page you need to create a password for the new way to manage WMID. Remember that the password for the site will remain the one you specified during registration! So, let's introduce a new one strong password and duplicate it. Click on the green button!

    Key generation. These are electronic keys for managing your account in the system. They need to be downloaded as a single file, which weighs almost nothing. Attention! Proceed ONLY after successful download electronic keys.

    Let's start installing the WebMoney Keper WinPro program. Download installation file The Russian version can be found at http://download.WebMoney.ru/wmk_ru.exe.

    We agree with all points, including license agreement. Be sure to download the plugin required for correct operation(just agree in the dialog box). After installation is complete, open the application.

    When starting the program for the first time, given that the user is working with it for the first time, there is no need to specify the electronic key file. They will be useful if you need to restore access to the identifier. At this stage, it is enough to enter your personal WMID and password from this method management.

    Remember an important detail: the password for the electronic key file is the same as for WinPro. When reinstalling the system or trying to log in from another computer, even when re-equipping your own, the program will require electronic keys.

    When you first start, an error may occur, as in the picture. Don't be scared possible problems. This is the usual confirmation of your actions. To do this, you need to go to your email and copy the registration code from the letter from the WebMoney support service. You can go to the page specified in the error description directly from it or from an email.

    Enter the code in the required field, and also enter the captcha correctly. WMID should be filled in automatically. Click the activation button. Agree that you really want to activate Keeper on your equipment. Activation is now completed successfully!

    That's it - Keeper is created. Now you can manage electronic money through the program on your PC. All functions the usual way and even more are now available to you, a person who until recently did not even have an account in WebMoney.

    Let's summarize. The WebMoney monetary system is the undisputed leader among its competitors. Registering an account and receiving certificates does not take much time. Using all security measures will ensure the safety of your personal data and funds. Several control methods allow you to choose the most convenient option for you. Use WebMoney wisely and have fun!

    In this step-by-step instructions for the site, we will continue the topic of finance and learn how to create a variety of wallets in the WebMoney system. But first, let's consider our potential capabilities and mandatory initial conditions.

    To create a WebMoney wallet, you need:

    1. Register on WebMoney (WebMoney) - see step-by-step instructions “” (it’s better to open in a new window using the right mouse button).

    2. Authorize (log in) to your WebMoney personal account using a secret Login and Password, and, sometimes, the personal mobile phone number registered in the previous step (see the previous instructions on our website).

    Which WebMoney wallet should I open?

    Each user answers this question individually. Someone needs a dollar WMZ wallet to work with foreign sites, someone needs a ruble WMR wallet to pay for goods and services on the Runet, well, someone can’t do without a euro - WME or a hryvnia - WMU account.

    In particular, almost all online stores on the Russian-language Internet accept WebMoney, therefore, it is better to immediately create several different wallets, which will definitely come in handy in the future.

    On at the moment The following WebMoney wallets are available for creation:

    WMZ - equivalent to USD (dollar);
    WMR - equivalent to RUB (ruble);
    WME - equivalent to EUR (euro);
    WMU - equivalent to UAH (hryvnia);
    WMB - equivalent to BYR;
    WMG - equivalent to 1GG;
    WMX is the equivalent of 0.001 BTC (bitcoin).

    How to create a WebMoney wallet: step-by-step instructions

    To begin with, let us once again recall the direct address for switching to WebMoney - http://webmoney.ru/

    1. Go to the “Wallets” section (the very first icon/link in your personal account):

    3. Select from the drop-down list the equivalent of the wallet that you need to create (see the table of options above), check the box agreeing to the rules of the system - “I accept the terms of this agreement”, click “CREATE”.

    4. We are transferred to the main section personal account, where there is already a green inscription stating that: “The WM wallet was successfully created!”

    5. To continue creating additional wallets for other currency equivalents, you must again go to the “WALLETS” section and do the same steps in the same order. The only caveat is that if you have already created wallets, you have to select the “+Add more” function

    Hello friends! Do you want to know how to create a webmoney wallet? Then you are at the right place! I hope you liked the previous article about that newbie that I wrote about last time. If you haven't read it, be sure to read it. But today we will talk about the popular electronic Internet wallet webmoney.

    Even without planning any purchases, when leaving the house, the item that everyone has with them is a wallet. Browsing the Internet is usually associated with searching for information, but even on the Internet you may need money at any time.

    If you are the owner of your own business, then you should definitely know about the need, and the WebMoney payment system will open up many opportunities for you, the main one is payment for goods.

    Electronic money is applicable not only on the Internet; pay rent, electricity, gas, water consumption, purchase tickets and insurance - the list of available operations is huge. The benefit is obvious - minimum commissions, saving time and effort. All that remains is to find out how to create electronic wallet WebMoney in Russia and abroad without a passport and get a personal account in the system.

    How to create a webmoney wallet in Russia

    Types of webmoney wallets and their purpose

    Before going step by step through the registration stages and creating a WebMoney electronic wallet, let’s consider the main options for managing an electronic wallet:

    WebMoney Keeper Mobile

    It may happen that you need to pay for something, that is, gain access to your WebMoney wallet, but you won’t have a laptop or computer at hand.

    In order to facilitate user access to electronic wallets, the system offers WM Keeper Mobile is an application with the ability to install the program on your phone; it is adapted to work from almost any mobile device.

    WebMoney Keeper Light

    Manage your wallet through a browser on the system’s online service page with mandatory inclusion JavaScript support.

    WebMoney Keeper Mini

    The control method is similar WM Keeper Light, but JavaScript support is not required.

    WebMoney Keeper Classic

    Program, webmoney keeper classic, for managing WebMoney wallet, installed on personal computer. It is considered the most convenient and in a reliable way.

    How to create a WebMoney Keeper Classic wallet on your computer

    How to register a WebMoney wallet

    First you need visit the site payment system , on home page at the top right you will see two prominent buttons Registration and Login. We choose the first one, you will need the second one after you register.

    On the page that opens, you will be offered to register and manage your account using social network or enter your mobile phone number.

    Please note, create electronic webmoney You can only access a wallet if you provide reliable information about yourself, starting with your phone number. Passport details must match, otherwise you won’t be able to withdraw money from the system later.

    After entering the number in international format for Russia, it starts with +7, click continue and fill out the form.

    Next, you must fill out its form and agree to the terms, and click on the activation button “ continue". Next, a registration code will be sent to your specified mailbox or mobile phone. Enter the code into the form and click continue.

    After the system checks the correctness of the entered code, you are taken to a page with a choice software for managing electronic wallets.

    In the next step you need download Webmoney Keeper program. After launching the installation file, it is advisable to read the terms of the agreement and then follow the instructions of the installation program.

    When you first launch your webmoney wallet, select the option indicating your desire to register with WebMoney.

    In the next step, you need to enter the registration code that was sent to you earlier. You must enter it in the appropriate field and then follow all the instructions that the registration wizard offers.

    As soon as key generation is completed, you will become the owner of your own WM identifier (WMID). This is required to log in, so it's best to write it down.

    Attention. The key file is saved in the computer's memory, and an access code is assigned to it. In a situation where you decide to reinstall the operating system or decide to use keeper on other equipment, the system will definitely request the keys and code for them.

    For greater security, it is recommended to store key files in an inaccessible place and have backup copy on any removable media. Of course, if the keys are lost, they can be restored, but this will take time. There is another one the way to store a file with keys is the Enum-Storage service.

    At the last stage of registration in the system, you will receive an offer to enter a special activation code, it will be sent to the phone or email specified at the beginning of registration.

    Congratulations! Now you have a webmoney wallet, registration of which will allow you to instantly perform various financial transactions.

    How to use webmoney keeper on a computer

    You can launch WM Keeper Classic from the start menu. After entering the WM identifier (WMID) and password chosen during registration, the program will connect to the certification server, and you will gain access and be able to manage WM wallets. To do this, in the main menu of the program, go to the wallets tab.

    How to create a webmoney wallet wmr, wmz, wmu

    By analogy with ordinary money, your wallet may contain rubles or euros, your electronic money will be stored in different accounts depending on the currency. Creating them is quite simple: using the special webmoney tab you will be taken to the wallet creation menu. To begin with, you can limit yourself to ruble, it will begin with the letter R (wmr) and dollar, it is called wmz.

    Only these twelve-digit numbers must be specified when replenishing your balance in cash or indicate for transfer of electronic payments. If necessary, you can add wallets in other currencies to your WMID.

    Now, as soon as you need to make or receive any payments, you just need to launch Webmoney Keeper and specify the WMID and password in the window that appears.

    How to exchange currency in webmoney

    If you need to exchange dollars for rubles, you can do it in a few seconds. Just select the desired wallet and use the right mouse button to see available operations. In the list that opens, select the exchange item and enter the amount of currency that needs to be exchanged in the appropriate field, the second line will be filled in automatically, there you will see the amount in the desired currency at the system rate.

    If you are happy with it, just follow the prompts.

    How to use webmoney on a mobile phone

    It may happen that you need to pay for something, that is, gain access to a virtual wallet, but you don’t have the necessary equipment at hand. Webmoney offers WM Keeper Mobile is an application that can be installed on a mobile phone or communicator; it is adapted to work from almost any mobile device.

    You just have to take into account that whether to receive a Webmoney certificate or not depends on your desire. This is an optional operation, but it is very useful for doing business. Thus, users with a passport lower than the initial one and who only have one received during registration in Keeper Mobile have some restrictions and one of them concerns the maximum possible amount in the account, it should not exceed 5 thousand rubles or an equal amount in another currency.

    The amount of one transfer cannot exceed 1 thousand rubles, there are also limits on the number of transactions for a certain period, for example, per day. You can learn more about the rules for using the system, limits and other types of wallets on the official website of the Webmoney payment system.

    I hope you liked the post on how to create a webmoney electronic wallet, and you will be happy to read my previous article about that, but first, help me develop the project, all you need to do is click on the button below from your social network, and this material will be seen your friends. Until we meet again, friends.