• How to disable all additional. How to disable paid subscriptions on Tele2 - through your personal account online. You can unsubscribe from such paid SMS from any short numbers by dialing *111*919#

    The question of how to disable MTS services is asked by many subscribers of this operator, because cases when a company imposes paid services on its customers are far from uncommon.

    If you notice that in lately funds began to disappear from your account somewhere or the subscription fee for the tariff suddenly increased; most likely, the money is being “eaten up” by some service from MTS. This article will tell you how to disable paid services on MTS yourself. If you want to know how to disable paid subscriptions this operator, you will find instructions in .

    How to find out what paid services are connected to your MTS number?

    Before you disable anything, you should pay for which services your funds are used. The point is that there is no universal method, which would allow you to immediately, in one go, get rid of all paid options. Therefore, you will have to deactivate the connected services one by one.

    • Find out the list of connected MTS services You can send a blank SMS to number 8111. In response, you will receive a message with a list of all connected services (paid and free). If to the number 8111 send an SMS with the text 1, then in response you will receive an SMS with a list of paid services. An SMS with the text 0 will allow you to see a list of active free services.
    • You can also check which paid services and subscriptions are connected to your number using service team✶152#.

      Enter this request on your phone, and in the menu that appears, select "Your paid services", or immediately dial the direct command ✶ 152 ✶ 2 #. Now you can choose: get information about paid services or find out about paid subscriptions connected to your number. In response, you will receive an SMS message about the connected services and instructions on how to disable them.

    How to disable paid services on MTS from your phone? USSD and SMS commands

    The vast majority of paid services can be disabled independently. You just need to send a specific USSD command from your phone or send an SMS to service number. In this list you will find commands to disable the most common paid MTS services:

    • Disable the service “Beep” (GOOD’OK) the combination will help ✶ 111 ✶ 29 #
    • USSD commands ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # and ✶ 111 ✶ 338 # will allow you to disable the service "They called you".
    • The key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # is intended to disable the MTS service. You can also deactivate it by sending an SMS with the text 33330 to the short number 111.
    • To disable the service "Child under supervision" and completely remove your family’s data from the service, send an SMS with the text DELETE to 7788.
    • Disable the service "Locator" You can send an SMS message with the text OFF to number 6677. If you send an SMS with the text PACKAGE STOP to the same number, the service will be suspended. This will stop writing off subscription fee for the option, and the list of friends will be saved.
    • To deactivate the service "On full confidence» MTS use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 32 #.
    • Option "All Russia" disabled by the key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 895 #.
    • To disable the service “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” send an SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 or use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 868 #.
    • To disable the service "Internet Assistant", enter the command ✶ 111 ✶ 24 # on your phone.
    • To disable the option "MTS TV" use one of the following commands:
      ✶ 999 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 999 ✶ 2 # - with a daily subscription;
      ✶ 997 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 997 ✶ 2 # - with a monthly subscription.
    • Disable the service "MTS Music" (MTS Music) USSD command will help ✶ 111 ✶ 9590 #.
    • Disable the service "BIT" You can use USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 #.
    • The command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # will remove the option "SuperBIT".
    • The combination ✶ 111 ✶ 62 # will help get rid of the option "MiniBIT".
    • Disabling the option "SuperBIT Smart" done using the command ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 #.
    • Refuse the service "GPRS" you can send the command ✶ 111 ✶ 17 #
    • Deactivate the service "Favorite number" command will allow ✶ 111 ✶ 43 #
    • To get rid of the service "Neighboring regions", dial USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2110 #
    • USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 442 ✶ 2 # will delete the service "Black List".
    • By sending the command ✶ 111 ✶ 47 # from your phone, you will disable the service "Caller Identifier".
    • Disable the service "Call Forwarding" Team ✶ 111 ✶ 41 # will help.

    Another option to disable connected services on MTS directly from your phone is to install the application on your smartphone "My MTS". With its help, you can not only manage paid services and subscriptions on your number, disabling or connecting them, but also check the balance (main and bonus), top up your account, control the balances of packages of minutes, Internet traffic and SMS, change tariff plan and much more.

    You can find and install the application on your smartphone in Google Play(for Android 2.3 and above), iTunes (for iOS 7.1 and above) or Windows Store (for WP 8.1 and above).

    Disabling MTS services through “Personal Account”

    Another way to refuse paid MTS services is to use the “Personal Account”. It is located at https://login.mts.ru/. Registration in this service will not take much time: you only need to enter your phone number and password from SMS, or you can log in to the site through your account from social networks.

    Having gained access to your “Personal Account”, you can disable unnecessary MTS services in literally one click.

    To do this, go to the section "Tariffs and services" and select "Service Management". You will be redirected to a page with a list of services active on your number.

    Opposite each option you will see information about its cost and connection date. All you have to do is carefully review the list and refuse unnecessary services by clicking on the “Disable” button opposite each of them. After this, your phone will receive an SMS with a report about the disabled services.

    Some MTS services cannot be disabled either in the “Personal Account”, or via SMS, or USSD commands. For example, from the options " Parental Controls" or "Content ban" can be refused only through the contact center (), or in the MTS store.

    I hope that the information from this article helped you figure out how to disable MTS services. If you know of other methods or know how to disable any paid service that was not mentioned in the article, I would be glad to hear your comment!

    If you find that money has begun to disappear from your account, and you don’t understand where, then it’s worth checking the list of connected paid services and, if necessary, deactivating them.

    Checking connected services on MTS

    Before you disable anything, you should find out what options your money is going to pay for. You can check the paid subscriptions of your MTS operator as follows:

    • Send an empty SMS to 8111. You will receive a response message with a list of all connected services: paid and free. In response to SMS with text 1 you will receive a list of paid options, SMS with text 0 - a list of active ones free services.
    • You can check using the USSD command *152#. Dial this number on your phone, then select “Your paid services” in the menu that appears. You can bypass this action using the direct service command *152*2#. Next, you can choose: find out about connected paid subscriptions or get information about paid services. In response, you will receive an SMS with a list of connected services and detailed instructions how to disable them.
    • Use your “Personal Account” at login.mts.ru. To register, you will need to enter your phone number and password from SMS; there is also an authorization method via social media. After logging into your personal account, go to the “Tariffs and Services” section, then select “Service Management”, you will be redirected to a page with a list of connected options.
    • Install the “My MTS” application on your smartphone. It is available in Google Pay(For Android versions 2.3 and higher), App Store(for iOS 7.1 and higher) or Windows Store (for WP 8.1 and higher). In the main menu of the application you will find the “Services” tab, there is a list of all connected services.

    Disable via USSD command or SMS

    There is no single combination that allows you to deactivate all paid options at the same time, but most of them can be disabled manually one by one. For deactivation, certain USSD commands, short codes and numbers are provided to deactivate services via SMS. The table contains common paid operator options mobile network MTS and ways to disable them:

    Service name

    Disconnection method

    Combination *111*29#

    They called you

    USSD commands *111*38# and *111*338#

    Everywhere feels like home

    Request *111*38# or SMS with text 33330 to number 111

    Child under supervision

    SMS with the text DELETE to 7788 (completely deletes your family’s data from the service)

    Message OFF to number 6677, if you send an SMS with the code PACKAGE STOP to the same number, the option will be suspended, the subscription fee will stop being charged, the list of friends will be saved

    With full trust

    USSD command *111*32#

    All Russia

    Key combination *111*895#

    Call for free to MTS Russia 100

    Message with code 8680 or USSD request *111*868#

    Internet Assistant

    Team *111*24#

    *999*0*1# or *111*999*2# (with daily subscription)
    *997*0*1# or *111*997*2# (for monthly subscription)

    MTS Music
    (MTS Music)

    USSD command *111*9590#

    Service request *111*252*2#


    Combination *111*628*2#

    Command *111*62#

    SuperBIT Smart

    USSD request *111*8650#

    Key combination *111*17#

    Favorite number

    Team *111*43#

    Neighboring regions

    Service request *111*2110#


    USSD command *111*442*2#

    Caller ID

    Request *111*47#

    Call forwarding

    Keyboard shortcut *111*41#

    Deactivation via mobile application

    By using mobile application“My MTS” you can not only view the list of options, but also disable paid MTS services. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. From the main menu of the “My MTS” application, go to the “Services” section.
    2. A list of options will appear on your screen, with a toggle switch located opposite each of them.
    3. To disable the option, move the toggle switch to the OFF position.

    Management through your personal account

    Having gained access to your personal account on the operator’s official website, you can disable paid services on MTS using the following algorithm:

    1. From your personal account page, go to the “Tariffs and Services” section.
    2. Select "Service Management".
    3. You will be redirected to a page with a list of all connected services.
    4. Opposite each of them you will see information about the connection date and cost.
    5. To deactivate an unnecessary option, click on the “Disable” button opposite the entry.
    6. After the operations have been completed, you will receive an SMS message from the MTS operator with a report on the disabled options.

    Personal visit to the office or call the operator

    Some services of the MTS operator cannot be disabled independently, either through the “Personal Account”, SMS or USSD commands. Such options include, for example, “Parental Controls” and “Content Blocking”. You can refuse them only through the contact center, by calling the operator, or in a specialized MTS store.

    And MTS subscriptions without knowing which ones you currently have. To do this, dial the command *152*2# using the keys and press the call button. On screen or in special SMS information about paid services that are available on your number will be displayed. To disable all paid services on MTS yourself, use the combination *152*2*2*3#. After this, you will receive a notification that the operation was successful.

    You can disable all paid services on MTS through your personal account on the company’s official website. The entrance to the office is at the bottom of the page. All recommendations upon receipt personal login and the password will be given on the screen, and the procedure will not take much time. Appearance-the assistant changes periodically, but in any case you will see a section of current services. Through service management, select those that are unnecessary and disable them yourself.

    Contact help desk operator by number 0890, selecting the section in the voice menu direct connection. First, ask your operator to name the connected paid services, and then tell them which of them you want to disable. The operation is performed right on the spot and upon completion everything will be turned off.

    How to disable all subscriptions to MTS

    The “Expense Control” service will help you disable everything on MTS, and USSD-*152# will help you switch to it. Using the text menu instructions, you can deactivate unnecessary mailings. You can also find out information about connected services via an SMS request with the number 1 to number 8111. As soon as you find out which information services active on at the moment, look on the Internet or on the operator’s website for codes that disable them, for example, *111*29# for the “Beep” service, *111*20# for WAP and *111*4751# for weather forecast.

    You can completely disable all paid services and subscriptions to MTS, even refusing the MTS newsletter. Just enter the command *111*375#. You will receive an SMS notifying you of successful deactivation. It is worth considering that in the future this may prevent you from learning information about your balance.

    Contact any MTS communication store and ask employees to disable all paid services and subscriptions. A passport is required for this. However, recently, office employees are increasingly redirecting subscribers to their personal account on the operator’s website, citing the fact that some services can only be disabled there. As a subscriber, you have the right to insist that everything unnecessary is turned off immediately in the salon.

    Operator cellular network Megafon provides an extensive list of paid services that are aimed at improving the quality of subscriber service and must be authorized by the user. In practice, things are somewhat different. Often the subscriber does not understand why the amount of expenses has increased, begins to find out the reason and is surprised to learn about the connected paid services that came in addition to the new tariff or were automatically activated after Internet surfing.

    In the article:

    This situation is quite acceptable if the service or subscription is really useful. But most paid services are quite specific and are designed for a specific target audience. An unacceptable situation arises when the user has to regularly pay for something that is useless, uninteresting or unnecessary for him at the moment.

    Here it is urgent to disable paid options and optimize costs, since additional amounts often exceed 300 rubles. per month. Services with daily subscription fee, who write off several rubles from their balance every day. In such a situation, the user long time does not even suspect that he is spending his mobile budget irrationally.

    The online assistant Megafon website will tell you in detail how to disable Megafon services yourself or with the help of an operator, so that you choose the most appropriate course of action for yourself and are guaranteed to get rid of unnecessary expenses.

    Ways to disable paid services on Megafon

    There are dozens of different paid services. It is important to understand here that the mechanism for their implementation is well thought out. Often paid service initially provided to the subscriber as a temporary free service, but they “forget” to warn the user about this. A month or two passes, and the process of regularly debiting funds from the balance towards the subscription fee for its use begins.

    When deciding how to disable paid services on Megafon, the main difficulty lies in identifying the options that are connected to your SIM card. Each service has unique activation and deactivation commands, so you need to know exactly what to deal with. As you may have guessed, the first step towards getting rid of overpayments will be to obtain a list with the names of connected services, and only after that you need to start disabling those that seem really unnecessary to you.

    To do this, you can use the following methods.

    USSD request

    To get a list of activated services, you need to send a short command * 505 # from your phone or *105*11# . These USSD requests are completely similar and in response to activation they send an SMS to the subscriber, which indicates both the connected services and service codes to turn them off. All that remains is to independently identify useless options and generate USSD commands with codes to disable them.

    USSD menu “Service Guide”

    After sending the USSD request * 105 # the user enters the voice menu of the operator’s service guide. Next, you need to select “1” (My Account), “4” (section “Services”) and “4” again to receive a list of active services and instructions for disabling them via SMS.


    A call to the short number 0505 allows you to get a full overview of active paid services and disable useless ones using autoinformer prompts. After connecting, you must press “1” (“Information about the number”), then select “2” (“Connected services and options”).

    Shutdown via SMS command

    You can also send an SMS message with the text INFO (or INFO) to number 5051. The sent CMC will contain a list of connected paid Megafon services and instructions for deactivating them.

    Personal account

    Registration on the provider's official website allows you to access the online self-service service. The functionality of the client environment provides extensive options for setting up the number. In the main menu you need to select a section "Services and options" and in the form that opens with a list of connected services, deactivate unnecessary ones by clicking the “Disable” button next to them.

    Important! To quickly enter your Megafon Personal Account, enter your login as subscriber number and send with phone USSD-request * 105 * 00 # . The response SMS will contain the login password.

    Calling the customer service center

    By calling the Megafon call center at 0500 or 0500559, you can always count on successful deactivation of paid services with the help of a provider specialist. Here you will need to provide your passport information to confirm ownership of the SIM card. The main inconvenience of this method is the frequent and long wait for a connection with an operator.

    Visit to the Megafon communication salon

    It's not very convenient, but it's versatile and free option changing number settings and managing connected paid services. Be prepared to present your passport, otherwise the office employee may refuse to serve you.

    In conclusion

    Your faithful Internet assistant Tarif-online.ru hopes that this material was useful to you and helped you choose a comfortable and effective way solving the problem with unwanted paid services from Megafon.

    We look forward to your comments, feedback and comments.

    Megafon company, like any other operator cellular communication, provides its clients with the opportunity to use various additional paid services. Many of them are indeed very useful and are connected by subscribers consciously. However, paid services connected to the phone are not always the initiative of the subscriber himself. Sometimes such services are connected in addition to some tariff, or are activated when used new SIM card. Everything would be fine if these services were of some use, but often they are completely useless and only increase the cost of cellular communications.

    Knowing how to disable paid services on Megafon, the subscriber will be able to get rid of unnecessary options and thereby avoid additional expenses. Moreover, the savings can be quite significant, because some of Megafon’s services exceed 300 rubles per month. Others suggest daily write-off from the balance of insignificant amounts, as a result of which the subscriber may not be aware of the presence of paid services for a long time. In this article, we will look at ways to disable paid services with minimal loss of time. All you have to do is read the information below and choose the best option for yourself.

    • Brief information
    • To disable paid services, dial the USSD command *505# or *105*11#. In response, you will receive a message with the services connected to your number and commands to disable them. To learn about other methods, read the entire article.

    Disabling paid services on Megafon

    The Megafon operator has been engaged in its activities for quite a long time and over such a long period it has developed a rather impressive range of different services. Of course, over time, some become archival and others appear, adapted to modern realities. Moreover, each service has its own command for connecting and disconnecting. That is, there is no single command for connecting all services. Therefore, before disabling paid services on Megafon, you need to determine which options you have connected. This is quite simple to do and below are the ways in which you can obtain this data.

    1. USSD command. It is possible to disable paid services using the USSD command * 505 # . You can also use other commands: * 105 * 11 # . Fundamental difference there is no difference between these teams. In both cases, you will receive an SMS message with the names of the connected services and commands to disable them. All you have to do is decide which services are useless for you and disable them using the appropriate commands.
    2. SMS message. Another fairly simple way to disable paid services on Megafon involves sending an SMS message to a short number. The principle is the same as in the previous case. Send an SMS message with the text info to number 5051, after which you will receive a response SMS with information about the connected services and how to disable them.
    3. Service guide. To connect or disconnect services, you need. In the main menu of the service, open the “Services” section. The page that appears will show all services connected to your number. Here you can disable them. The service guide is very convenient tool for subscribers of the Megafon operator. In your personal account, you can not only manage services, but also control the spending of funds on your personal account, change the tariff, top up your balance to another number, find out about promotions available to you, etc.
    4. Contact center. If none of the above methods suits you, you can always solve problems with cellular communication by calling the customer support center. To use one of the following numbers: 0500 or 0500 559 . The disadvantage of this method is that it can take a long time to wait for a consultant. It is hardly possible to say exactly how long you will have to wait, because the waiting time for a specialist’s response is contact center depends on the system load. This may take only 1 minute, or it may take half an hour. If you are not ready to wait that long, the above methods will help you.
    5. Megafon mobile phone store. This is not the most common and convenient option, however, it should also be said about it. You can always disable paid services in any Megafon store. The main thing is to take your passport with you and the salon employee will certainly help you with your problem.

    This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to disable paid services on Megafon. As you can see, there are quite a lot of methods, you just have to choose the most suitable option for you. By spending a little time disabling useless services, you can reduce your cellular communications costs.