• How to disable daily charges for MTS Internet. How to connect the Internet to MTS - common methods

    It is now difficult to imagine a person who still does not take advantage of mobile transmission data. Constant access to the network makes life much easier, helping with work and allowing you to always be aware of all events. For those who have not yet joined " World Wide Web» on your phone, will become useful information about how to connect the Internet to MTS.

    First of all, you should start by choosing a tariff plan. The company provides several of the most advantageous offers for mobile devices. They include the “Beat” and “SuperBeat” services. The first charges 75 megabytes mobile internet without speed limits per day, the second – 3 gigabytes per month. Another difference between the tariffs is their coverage area. The “Bit” package is active only within the region in which a service agreement was concluded with the company. “SuperBit” is valid throughout Russia.

    After subscribers exceed their daily (monthly) tariff quota, the company automatically provides them with an additional 30 or 300 MB according to the selected offer.

    IMPORTANT! If you have used up the provided traffic for a day (a month for the “SuperBit” option), but do not want to receive additional traffic for an additional fee, just dial *111*931# and the call key on your phone. In this case, the access speed will drop to 64 Kbps and there will be a restriction on the provision of services in file-sharing networks.

    How to connect the Internet to MTS - common methods

    Once you have decided which tariff is most beneficial for you, it’s time to activate it. There are three main methods of connecting to mobile Internet from MTS on your phone.

    1. You can use the online connection service on the company’s website. To do this, you need to enter your phone number in the required field, then specify the password that will come in the incoming message.
    2. Enter the USSD command on your phone (*252# for the “Bit” function, *628# for “SuperBit”) and press the call key.
    3. If the above methods are not suitable for some reason, you can activate the tariff using your Personal Account.

    Those who do not need access to the network every day will interesting function"Internet for a day." When activated, you do not need to make monthly or daily payments; money is withdrawn from your account only on the day you use the data service. The option does not contain any restrictions on access speed. To connect it, just enter mobile team*111*67# and press the call key. Or send SMS to short number 111 with the text "67". You can also use the capabilities of your Personal Account.

    How to disable

    In the event that you no longer need access to the network, you can deactivate the options. To disable the Internet on MTS, just use one of the methods described below.

    For "Bit"

    • Enter the USSD request *111*252*2# on your phone and click the “Call” button.
    • Send a message with the text “2520” to 111.
    • Disable the tariff in your Personal Account.

    For "SuperBit"

    • On your mobile dial the command *111*628*2# and the call key.
    • Send SMS to number 111. In the text indicate “6280”.
    • Use the Personal Account service.

    For “Internet for a day”

    • Enter *111*67# on your mobile phone and call.
    • Send a message to 111 with the text “670”.
    • Disable the function in a special section of your Personal Account.

    Among a wide range to choose from tariff plans in the MTS network there is a tariff called “Basic”. Its main advantage is economical calls to landline numbers, but in general the price for its use is excessively high, so it is unpopular among Russian subscribers. Despite this, if a person does not use his number for 5 months (150 days), the “Basic” package is automatically configured on his phone, which provides subscription fee in the amount of 3 rubles per day. This state of affairs does not suit all users of the MTS network, since the card is not notified, and when it is outside mobile device(i.e. in a disabled state), a person may not even know about his transition to a new tariff. However, if you are generally satisfied with the Basic mobile package, you can continue to use it without any daily charges. Many users often do not know where to start; the daily fee for the “Basic” tariff is constantly charged, and it is not clear how to disable it. To order a shutdown paid options, many different options have been invented, but most users still prefer to call support. However, in our article we will look at all the methods for disabling subscriptions and daily fees.

    Disable - all options

    To disconnect from unprofitable options and unnecessary expenses, use any of the options listed below:

    1. Send an SMS message containing “1” to the four-digit number 8111. They will no longer charge you 3 rubles a day. If you want to disable more than just this option, send the text “0” to the same number. In response, your phone will receive a text message with connections on your number paid subscriptions and numbers to turn them off. The letter is sent free of charge.
    2. If you use a smartphone or tablet device, you have access to the My MTS application, where you can perform almost all mobile operations. There, in the “Control over services” section, you can order to disable daily payment and other paid services.
    3. To call help desk subscriber support, dial any of these numbers: 0890 or 8 - 800333 - 0890. The call is free, incoming call receives an answering machine. However, if you would like to speak with a specialist mobile network, you often have to wait from 1 to 30 minutes for a call to be answered. To avoid wasting time, find and prepare your passport for dictating data to an employee.
    4. Take advantage personal account on the main website of the MTS operator - all possible operations for connecting and deleting any options and services are always available there. In addition, on the website you can change the tariff if you are not satisfied with the current one. On the same portal there is a list with all the services provided and their prices.
    5. Visit your nearest service center operator - they will help you perform any action regarding the mobile network, but you need to have a passport and an agreement with you, drawn up on the day you purchased the card.
    6. Call standard reference number 111. Following the instructions from the answering machine, you can select and order the installation or removal of any options, and you can connect to an operator. Calls are accepted free of charge 24 hours a day.

    A few tips to speed up the process of connecting with an operator

    Because the network is often congested, employees have to queue every customer who calls the helpline. Therefore, to reduce your waiting time, follow these simple recommendations:

    1. Call on weekdays, try not to request a connection on weekends and on the eve of holidays (usually the network is busiest on these days).
    2. The minimum waiting time for receiving a call is observed at night and in the morning. Day and evening are the busiest times for specialists. cellular network.
    3. There is a special rush for mobile issues on Friday evenings, so if your question is not urgent, it is better to postpone the call until Monday morning or at least until Saturday.
    4. While you are waiting for the connection, prepare everything that may be useful in the conversation: a piece of paper, a passport, a pen. The attendant will definitely ask for your personal information for identification, and will also immediately dictate to you all the numbers for activating or deactivating paid options and services.

    If you switched yourself or were automatically transferred to the “Basic” tariff plan, then you can return to your previous tariff if it is still working. If it is in the archive, you will have to either choose another suitable package or stay with the usual one.

    I want to warn you right away that you must believe in everything that is written in this article, but draw conclusions very carefully. I myself will try not to draw any conclusions, but will simply present some of my observations from the series “Operation of Cellular Networks”.

    Have you ever thought that more money is being withdrawn from your mobile phone account than you actually spend?

    If this is the case, then you are a subscriber of the MTS cellular network.

    Many people told me that MTS is stealing, that we need to switch to another provider mobile communications. But I didn't go over. Why? Because there is no other provider in Moscow that provides mobile communication services better than MTS does. And, frankly, I considered all the speculation about the theft of money to be ordinary suspiciousness of citizens.
    I confess that recently I have changed my attitude towards such statements.

    It all started a year ago, when a friend of mine began to complain about the insane speed of spending money from her MTS account during the periods when she was abroad.

    And so, a week ago, I started receiving calls from this same girl, let’s call her Olga, asking me to top up my account, which was melting right before my eyes. At that time she was vacationing in Antalya and did not talk on the phone at all, but kept it on to receive SMS (short text messages) from their relatives.

    Deciding to figure out what was happening, I took all the phone details and delved into studying the issue.

    I started with the ISSA system (access to personal account and service settings via the Internet).

    To begin with, I ordered detailed invoices for Olga’s stay in Turkey.

    Having received the details, I saw that Olga spoke with Moscow twice, and for quite a long time, for which she was charged about $15.

    It would seem like $15 is nonsense. But this is for those who constantly talk on mobile phone. And for those who use it carefully, $15 is enough for a month, or maybe more.

    I was surprised by Olga’s claims, and the next time she called (and she did not call from a mobile phone, for fear of losing all her funds, but from a pay phone), I asked who called her. It was then that it turned out that her sister called her, but there were no conversations for five minutes. Moreover, of all the calls, she answered only one and very briefly, and learned about the rest from the phone menu - “unanswered calls.”

    This is where it got interesting to me.

    I called the MTS financial service and asked for comments on what was happening.

    Interesting observation. After I gave my phone details, they started talking to me. But as soon as I described the problem, they told me that they would only talk to the owner of the phone. Moreover, I have all the data on my personal account and full access In addition to all the information through the ISSA service, it did not confirm my rights as the owner, the girl referred to the fact that I was a man. And even introducing myself as Olga’s husband, I was unable to change the situation. I had to demand an explanation for a long time and forcefully this fact not on a specific phone number, but about the possibility of such cases in general.

    A nice girl explained to me (ATTENTION!) that if the phone has identified the number, then the fact of establishing a connection with the device is recorded and then the usual tariffication of the call time proceeds, with all the consequences.

    This is where I almost felt bad. I asked to explain why a person should be so happy to pay for a conversation that did not happen. The answer was short, like everything ingenious, something like: “Who should pay for this?” It probably meant that established connection(but not with the subscriber, but with the device of the called subscriber) is still paid at roaming rates and MTS is not going to charge these costs to its own account, but imposes them on the unfortunate subscriber.

    “What is this,” I was indignant, “it turns out that I can leave the phone in the house, go outside, and some acquaintance will heat me up for a month’s salary by calling me non-stop?”

    For a very long time the girl tried to come up with at least some weighty argument in favor of her statement, but all her reasoning crashed against the rocks of my logic, which consisted of two simple theses.

    1. If her statement is true, then why don’t I pay for failed conversations while in Moscow.

    2. If her statement is valid only in relation to roaming calls, then where is this stated.

    I was never able to get from the financial control representative any reference to an internal MTS document or any federal rule dictating that number identification on a cellular network is the beginning of a conversation with the caller.

    My conversation with the girl ended with me being indirectly called abnormal, saying that any normal person knows that number identification is the beginning of a conversation. And a suggestion for Olga: write a claim to the financial service. The claim, of course, will be considered and satisfied if MTS financial service will consider it justified.

    Well, how can the financial service consider it justified, when the same financial service a minute ago, with the confidence of an armored personnel carrier, assured me that such a write-off of funds is a normal phenomenon.

    And the fact that the girl was constantly consulting with someone finally convinced me that she was not speaking “in her humble opinion,” but was expressing the official opinion of MTS.

    Moreover, I was asked to accompany the claim with a printout of the details, but after my call to MTS, I was no longer satisfied with the delivery of Olga’s account details by e-mail. That is, applications were accepted by the system, but not satisfied. What, errors at work? email? Maybe. But I don't believe in it. You'll have to travel with your feet to get the printout.

    After talking with " financial control"I contacted the service technical support MTS, which was asked a simple question: “Can the activation of the “number identification” service be considered the start of a conversation in the parent tariff zone or in roaming, and are there any conditions under which a failed conversation can be charged?”

    To which I was categorically told that the call is charged only from the moment I press the “answer” button on the phone. Those. from the moment the conversation begins, and not from the moment the call arrives. And no additional conditions can affect this rule.

    I asked Olga not to make any calls from her mobile phone at all and not to receive any calls except mine.

    The next day, Olga’s account was completely empty and the debt was already -20.

    Draw your own conclusions. Give your friends a link to this article, what will they say?

    Take a closer look at the details of your conversations. And may he be with you cellular communication with fair pricing!

    And I will definitely send the claim to the MTS financial service,