• TOP 5 historical facts about the profession of a postman. Introduction to the profession of a postman. Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development

    When we hear who the postman is, we immediately imagine a person - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a woman or a man - with a thick bag, full of letters. With the development of the Internet and cellular communications people began to communicate more by e-mail and mobile phone. However, the postman profession, despite this sad circumstance, has not outlived its usefulness at all.

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    What does a postman do?

    Today, as before, postmen are assigned to support points where correspondence arrives. In fact, over the centuries of this existence, everything has remained the same.

    The duties of the postman include the following actions and manipulations:

    • developing a route for the day and sorting mail accordingly;
    • grouping newspapers and magazines according to streets and house numbers;
    • sorting and labeling valuable letters, notices, parcels;
    • the actual distribution of postal items to the recipients.

    To prevent the luggage from seeming unbearably heavy to postmen, they are given special trolleys. So, they deliver mail from house to house, money transfers and pensions.

    Pros and cons of the profession

    Among the minuses One can highlight a clear discrepancy between the salary and the effort expended. A postman is one of the lowest paid positions, which is, of course, unfair, since he has to be on his feet all day and often lift heavy loads.

    Another minus - frequent meetings with vicious dogs and deranged recipients. Dogs are more common in rural areas, and deranged recipients are everywhere. In case of attack, postmen are instructed to always have a gas canister on hand.

    The main advantages of the profession are: :

    • constant movement. Serious physical activity saves you from physical inactivity, stagnation of blood in the veins, and frequent exposure to fresh air promotes excellent ventilation of the lungs;
    • no higher education required. In principle, to work as a postman, no education is required at all; it is quite enough to be able to read and write at the level of a primary school student;
    • pleasant communication. Due to the nature of his service, a postman accumulates a huge number of acquaintances over the years of work - many look forward to his arrival and are always ready to give him tea or something stronger.

    On the other hand, for some, the work of a postman has become a kind of springboard leading to the path of advanced training - if you wish, you can get an education in this field and take a leadership position.

    Which people are accepted as postmen and which ones are not?

    People with good memory, including visual memory, are welcome, since postmen often have to navigate the area. Among the qualities of an applicant for the postman position, the ability to fully concentrate at the right time, attentiveness and responsibility should stand out.

    • Not the least role is played by neat appearance. The post office must also keep its mark, and if it is represented by employees dressed casually or provocatively, this will cause dissatisfaction or at least bewilderment among the recipients. And postmen are also required to be polite, which will also maintain the good reputation of the post office.
    • A person who has heart and vascular diseases or problems with the nervous system and apparatus cannot physically be a postman. Poor hearing and vision, which cannot be corrected with the help of special means, are an insurmountable obstacle to employment.

    You can find out who the postman is in more detail if you visit the nearest post office and ask its employees. Perhaps all the delights of this profession will have such an effect on you that you will want to immediately join the orderly ranks of postmen.

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    Who knocks on my door with a thick bag on his belt,
    With the number 5 on a copper plaque, wearing a blue uniform cap?
    This is him, this is him, the Leningrad postman.
    S. Ya. Marshak

    Today I will tell you about an ordinary Yakut postman Vasily Alekseev, who works in the village of Maya - one of the oldest settlements in the republic, and has been faithful to his profession for 23 years.

    Taking out a fan of multi-colored advertisements from the mailbox and looking in it for what was really addressed to me, I never thought about who brought me these letters and notices. That is, I understand that a certain postman is doing this, but I have never met him in my life. Another thing is the posters who put up advertisements - I kicked them out of the entrance, and even handed over one of the most impudent ones to the department. And about my postman, I don’t know his name or what he looks like. Rare letters appear in the mailbox as a matter of course.

    The story about the Yakut postman Vasily will go in the second part of this report, but first let me make a historical digression:

    Yamskaya chase

    1. The postal service in Russia appeared during the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The postal service that existed from the 13th to the 19th centuries was called “Yamskaya chase” and was a system of post yards (or pits) intended for changing horses, located at a distance of 40-50 miles from each other.

    Coachmen were coachmen, were in the public service and carried out various transportations for government needs, including postal ones. Until the widespread use of railway transport, coachmen were of utmost importance for the Russian economy. Today this is history. Yakut postal workers honor traditions that go back to the times of the coachmen of the Irkutsk-Yakutsk postal route and, together with the Russian Post, organize themed holidays.

    In the photo is Pyotr Kondakov, a descendant of the coachmen of the Vilyui volost of the Yakut province, and his guard, accompanying valuable parcels, German Arbugaev. I had the opportunity to go directly from the plane to the historical reconstruction of the delivery of urgent sovereign mail on the Lena River. In four days, the coachmen, taking turns themselves and changing horses, covered more than 400 kilometers.

    Famous actor Christoph Waltz also took part in the historical celebration and reincarnated as one of the coachmen)

    A wax seal was placed on the coachman's trunks. The parcel was passed from one driver to another, and so on throughout the route.

    Great river Lena. It is much wider than it appears in this photo. This is just one of its small sleeves.

    Is it easy to ride a horse fifty kilometers at -40ºC on the ice of the Lena? A couple of kilometers was enough for me)
    Fortunately, Bukhanka, the main wheeled transport of the Russian post office in Yakutia, picked me up.

    We reached the village of old Tabaga. The coachman Dmitry was waiting for his turn, and was a little worried.

    Before heading back to Yakutsk, I had time to walk around the village a little in search of dystopian views. I don’t know why, but these are the landscapes that attract me. Maybe because of the movie Kin-dza-dza.

    The main thing is not to conclude from these photographs that everything is so bad in distant villages. This is not true at all.


    While sorting through the photographs at home, I suddenly realized that I had not taken a single photograph of the city. I filmed in neighboring villages, I walked around the port of Zhataya, but forgot to film the capital of the republic (which means I’m definitely destined to return). Meanwhile, Yakutsk is the largest city located in the permafrost zone. This is the third city of the Far Eastern federal district in terms of population after Vladivostok and Khabarovsk.

    There is no railway connection with Yakutsk as such. Mail delivery from outside the republic is carried out mainly by air. Getting to Yakutsk by road is problematic because of the Lena River: the federal highway of the same name only reaches the village of Nizhny Bestyakh, located on the right bank of the Lena, opposite Yakutsk. Ground communication with the city is inconsistent and is carried out only from December to mid-April and from June to September - in winter by ice and in summer by ferry. During the spring thaw, there are irregular private hovercraft flights that cost a fortune. During the freeze-up period, a ferry with an icebreaker operates. This option is even more expensive.

    The absence of a bridge across the Lena causes enormous logistics and transport inconveniences to all residents of the republic. Using the post office as an example: every year for five months the city becomes cut off from the right bank, the federal highway and all districts (uluses) with which communication is carried out through the Lena. During this entire time, mail reception by ground transport in these areas is closed.

    In Yakutsk, all mail arrives at the Yakut Mainline Sorting Center, from there it is distributed throughout the postal service system and further to the regional centers of the republic. In regional centers, sorting by settlement is already underway.

    Mail in Yakutia travels by plane, car, water transport, hovercraft, snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle. The chapters are very helpful municipalities, which pick up mail from regional centers to villages.

    Postman Vasily Alekseev

    From Yakutsk to Maya, mail is delivered on a postal Bukhanka. Maya is the administrative center of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus, a fairly large settlement with a population of 8,000 people. When the river closes, everyone delivers the mail possible ways. By helicopter and hovercraft.

    The May post office employs three postmen delivering pensions and five postmen delivering stamps. Vasily is a postman foreman.

    At the age of 17, he went to work at the post office and has been faithful to his profession for 23 years. Every morning except Sunday, he forms the addresses and puts the newspapers he subscribes to in his bag, incoming letters, notices and telegrams.

    In the morning his bag weighs more than 10 kilograms, but with each yard its weight gradually decreases.
    - Vasya, doesn’t your back hurt from the bag? Carrying so much on one shoulder every day!
    “Oh, my back hurts,” Vasily laughed, “a backpack is better for health, but it’s not convenient to get out of it.”
    The postman took out another newspaper and quickly dropped it into the mailbox. We moved on.

    In one day, Vasily walks up to 500 yards and walks up to 20 kilometers.

    Now I mainly distribute newspapers and notices. There have been much fewer letters over the past 10 years. People have forgotten about the magic of a handwritten letter, about its mystery, anticipation, and the long-awaited opening of the envelope. And there’s no time to write letters to people now - everyone communicates via WhatsApp. But there were a lot of registered letters with documents - people began to sue more,” Vasily smiled.

    The postman has it main enemy. It's an intercom! Now they have installed it in many houses, and it takes me a lot of time to get into the entrance. Some residents give me door pills, I have a whole jar of them.
    - How do you get to the other entrances?
    - I'm calling apartments. Everyone in the village knows me, they always let me in. But all this is wasted time.

    One summer I was delivering mail and met a little girl, about two years old. It was on the outskirts, not far from the cemetery. She said she was lost and asked for help finding her house. Surprisingly, she was very calm. We searched for about twenty minutes for her house and met her grandfather, who was looking for her. He was very happy and thanked me for a long time.

    Does it happen that residents invite you for tea or offer you lunch?
    - I rarely agree, there’s not enough time. One day I took the newspaper and registered letter one woman. She treated me to tea. She was leafing through the newspaper and suddenly she screamed! It turned out that she won an apartment in Yakutsk in the lottery.

    According to postal rules, if delivery from the city arrived after two o'clock in the afternoon, delivery to addresses is carried out the next day. While the sorting takes place, while the postmen collect their bags. But Vasily, even at five in the evening, will still follow the route. His soul hurts until he delivers the mail. Even his wife regularly helps him,” said Anna Alexandrova, the head of the Main post office, over tea, who had set such a luxurious table for our arrival that I regretted three times that I had a hearty breakfast in Yakutsk.

    I asked at the post office if it was possible to watch Vasily bring a newspaper to some family? It turned out that according to the rules, all printing is delivered only to mailboxes. But on Vasily’s route there are several houses where he, on his own initiative, hands over newspapers personally. Vasya said that we would go to Maria Semyonovna, a war veteran. And he warned her about the visit by phone.

    It was a complete surprise for me that Maria Semyonovna and her daughter would meet us in national costumes, and even give us tea and pancakes.

    Strekalovskaya Maria Semenovna is 83 years old. Unfortunately, she recently completely lost her sight. But Erkeey still subscribes to the local newspaper all the time. She is read to by her daughter or by social workers who come to visit her. On TV, as scheduled, Maria Semyonovna always listens to programs about Ukraine, about Donetsk and Lugansk. And he’s very worried.

    It turned out that Maria Semyonovna also once worked at the post office. But she doesn’t remember how long. She said it was a lot.

    There are quite a lot of people like Maria Semyonovna on the postman’s route. The Mayans know Vasily well, wait for him and trust him. Many people subscribe through it without going to post office. On the street, while we were walking through the courtyards, everyone we met greeted the postman.

    Alekseev Vasily Fedotovich, born in 1975. Married, has one child. Hired as a postman in October 1992.

    This is just the beginning of the story about my trip to the republic. In the following parts, watch reports about the Lena Pillars, the port of Zhataya and the story about Tiksi.

    Many thanks to Vasily Alekseev, the entire May post office and everyone, everyone, who took part in organizing the Russian Post press tour to Yakutia!

    Postman is a post office employee who delivers letters, newspapers, and other correspondence to recipients. This is an ancient profession that has essentially changed little over the several centuries of its existence. Just like 200 years ago, the postman takes the correspondence received at the post office and delivers it to the recipients. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

    The working day of a modern postman begins early in the morning with the arranging of correspondence according to the “track”, i.e. along the route. The postman groups newspapers and magazines by street and house, signing the addresses. Sorts letters and notices. The postman also delivers valuable letters and parcels, pensions, money transfers, etc. - he receives them against receipt and is responsible for their integrity.

    The postman's salary consists of salary and piecework, so in addition to correspondence, he delivers some goods (on order), advertising, and issues subscriptions.

    Salary as of 03/21/2019

    Russia 6500—20000 ₽

    Moscow 21900—30000 ₽

    Despite the fact that people write paper letters to each other less and less often, they subscribe to paper newspapers and magazines less and less, the package of correspondence weighs impressively. Sorted and grouped mail must be distributed to strongholds, which are located in different blocks of the postman’s assigned area. The driver does the delivery.

    Then the postman goes along the route (if in the city, then usually on foot), picks up a portion of correspondence at the strong point and delivers it to the addresses. Then - the next strong point. And so on until all the mail is delivered.

    With this kind of work, you have to spend a lot of time on your feet, keep in memory a lot of addresses, faces, names... But, as they say knowledgeable people, it’s difficult only because you’re not used to it.

    In addition, to make the task easier, postmen are given trolley bags. To protect themselves from angry dogs or insane citizens (this also happens), they carry gas canisters.

    The disadvantage of the profession is the low salary with significant physical activity. But there are also advantages. The postman constantly communicates with people, and over the years he becomes almost one of the residents of his area. Another advantage: with such work, a person is definitely not at risk of physical inactivity. And finally, no special education is required to master this profession. At the same time, it can be a starting point for those who want to get an education in the field postal service.


    A postman works in a post office. He is assigned his own area, where he delivers correspondence.

    Important qualities

    The profession of a postman involves good memory, including visual, the ability to navigate the area, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, politeness, neat appearance.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular, nervous system, loss of hearing and vision that cannot be compensated by special means, are contraindications.

    Knowledge and skills

    The postman must know the procedure for working with various postal items, the rules for processing correspondence and delivery to addressees; know the location of houses on your site.

    Where do they teach

    You can become a postman by getting a job at a post office. School education is enough for this. You can continue your education at a college, technical school, or institute.

    Moscow colleges
    . College of Telecommunications MTUSI
    . College of Communications No. 54

    Specialty: Postal Communications.

    Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
    Faculty information technology
    Department of Information Security and Postal Communications Technology (ZITPS)

    Elena Sazontova
    Summary of educational activities for cognitive development for children senior group"Profession - postman"


    TARGET: Creating conditions for development of curiosity in children, through the formation of ideas about profession postman, what's happened postal items , what is it for? postal service.


    1. Expand the view children about profession« postman» and about postal service , about the necessity and benefits of labor postman;

    2. Introduce children to the history of letters, their form in different times and methods of transportation postal items;

    3. Clarify knowledge children about the variety of postal items;

    4. Introduce the mode of transport, which can be used to transport postal items;

    5. Познакомиться with sorting correspondence;

    6. Clarify knowledge about mandatory condition registration postal items(address available);

    7. Develop children's ingenuity, visual memory, logical thinking.

    8. Develop speech, the ability to argue, reason, prove.

    9. Cultivate desire learn new things, be interested in the history of the origin of an object or phenomenon of interest.

    10. Cultivate interest in professions of adults, and understanding the importance of work.

    11. Educate children a sense of mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards others, a desire to help.

    Equipment: Slides depicting letters at different times, slides and cards depicting types of transport with the help of what and by whom letters can be delivered. Cards with pictures of animals, newspapers, letters, postcards, magazines, a stand with toy mailboxes.


    Educator: Guys, what is on my table?

    Children: Newspaper, magazine, letter, postcard.

    Educator: That's right, well done! And to find out who brought it all to us, we need to guess riddle:

    He brought us a telegram:

    I'm coming, wait, Mom.

    I brought my grandfather a pension,

    At least not Santa Claus

    He's been on his feet since dawn

    Who is this?

    Children: Postman

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Guys, have you guessed who we will talk about today?

    Children: ABOUT postman.

    Educator: Right. ABOUT the postman and the postal service. Who is this postman? What does he bring to us?

    Children: They express their thoughts, list what kind of correspondence there might be.

    On big screen image appears postman.

    Educator: Guys, what do you think? mail has been around since ancient times, or postmen started working when paper letters appeared?

    Children: make assumptions.

    Educator: You guys are great! Would you like to know what the letters were like and where they came from? mail? (The teacher’s story is accompanied by a show of slides from letters from different times, and various types transport)

    The need to talk to each other appeared among people in ancient times. But how can you talk if the person you need is very far away? After people learned to read and write, this problem disappeared. The first letters were on stone plates, in Ancient Rus' letters were written on birch bark (this is the bark of a tree, there were letters that were written on palm leaves, on fabric, and paper was invented in China. Letters had to be delivered to different cities not only by land, but and by sea! Soon there were so many letters that a whole one appeared. postal service, which began to deal with sending letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, and parcels. At first mail transported on horseback, then began to be transported by railway, appeared later airmail. Nowadays, when computers have appeared in homes, letters and messages can be sent using electronic mail. mail.

    Game "We deliver letters"

    Educator: Guys, let's play boss mail, you and I need to choose a transport that can deliver our letters to the recipients? after I read the question, you will choose a card with a picture of the vehicle that you think is most suitable for this.

    Children: they come to the table, where envelopes with a set of necessary cards have been prepared, after the children have chosen, they sit on the carpet, in a semicircle

    Educator: reads out the questions, the children choose the right card, the teacher asks clarifying questions, after which the correct answer appears on the slide, the children check themselves.

    To send a letter by rail, you need (what (Mail car) . (when used)

    To send a letter by airmail, needed (what (Airplane). (why? And when to use)

    To send an email needed by mail(What (Computer).

    To send a letter to the north, you need (what (Dog sled, helicopter) (Why).

    To send a letter to a pigeon by mail, needed (who (Pigeon). (why? And they use the code)

    Educator: Well done, we found out how you can deliver a letter to the addressee! Let's take a little rest and stand together circle:

    Fizminutka « Mailbox»

    I stand on the bench - they rise on their toes and stretch

    As soon as I get the box out, my hands reach up.

    I open the box - "Open",

    Blue, shiny.

    Spilled out of the box - Children squat, then stand with arms outstretched

    The letters are real.

    Educator: Guys, today from postal From the box I took out this newspaper. And you home the postman brings something?

    Children: They talk about their correspondence.


    All newspapers, magazines, letters are brought to mail by car. And before you take everything home, newspapers, magazines, letters and postcards should be laid out like this (shows): newspapers to newspapers, magazines to magazines, postcards to postcards, and in this pile - letters.

    Educator: Guys, what do you think, how postmen find out which newspaper is in whose put mailbox?

    Children: express their assumptions.

    Educator: Using leading questions, leads to reasoning children besides that every newspaper, magazine and letter has address: city, street, house and apartment number.

    Didactic Game "Forest postman»

    Educator: Our guys the postman got sick, and today's mail has not yet been sorted. All newspapers and magazines with letters and postcards lie in one pile and are waiting for them to get into their mailboxes, Let's see whose we have mailboxes(there are four hanging on the stand postal boxes with images of animals and numbering apartments from 1 to 4).

    Children are asked to divide into 4 groups, the teacher has in his hands 4 upside-down cards with the image of the animal and its number mailbox. One child each groups approaches and chooses his group box number, in which they will select correspondence, after which the teacher suggests approaching one person from each groups to the table and choose a newspaper, postcard, letter or magazine with the number his group's mailbox.

    Children: They come up and select letters, newspapers, magazines with that number mailbox who dropped them group(the teacher should make sure that the pile contains the required amount of correspondence and each child should get something that he throws in his mailbox).

    Educator: Well done guys, you sorted out the whole stack, and now you need to deliver mail to our animals, but what must be done before sending a letter or postcard to mailbox? Let's direct children for that that you need to check the address.

    We invite children to place their correspondence in the appropriate mailboxes.

    Children: Go to the box that matches them group, checks the apartment number and places the letter, postcard, magazine or newspaper in the box.

    Educator: You guys are so great! helped our sick person to the postman, and all the animals got their mail.

    Educator: let's remember once again what's new today found out:

    Who is postman?

    What does he bring to us?

    What used to write letters to each other?

    A profession« postman» very necessary? Why?

    What transport can be used to deliver letters?

    What must be included in a letter or postcard?

    This is how interesting and very necessary profession« postman»

    Educator: Guys, you see how much we now know about professions« postman» and about postal service! What do you remember most about our lesson? What were the most interesting moments, which game did you like best? (answers children)

    Educator: I'm very proud of you! You were attentive, smart, and most importantly kind and sympathetic. Thank you

    Marina Chistyakova
    Introduction to the profession of a postman. Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development.

    Topic: Introduction to the profession of postman.

    Program content:

    Reinforce ideas about the need for adult labor.

    Activate children's speech activity.

    Improve dialogic speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention.

    Develop general and fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Form a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson.

    Foster respect for the work of adults.

    Vocabulary work:

    Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic (work, deliver, receive, drop, postman, mail, parcel, letter, newspaper, magazine).

    Methodological support:

    Presentation about the postman, cards with a picture of a mailbox, fragments of the film “Prostokvashino”, letters for Santa Claus, envelopes, stamps for each child.

    Preliminary work:

    Looking at illustrations about postmen, reading S. Marshak’s book “Mail”, talking about the origin of the envelope, watching the cartoon “Prostokvashino”, drawing letters to Santa Claus.

    Progress of the lesson:

    At the beginning of the lesson, a postman comes into the group and says: “You have mail,” and puts out envelopes, postcards, newspapers from his bag...

    Educator: Let's see what's in the package. (Takes out an envelope containing a letter from the parcel)

    Finger gymnastics "What did the postman bring us?"

    What did the postman bring us? They raise their shoulders.

    He walks around with a thick bag. Show the bag.

    Translation, magazine, newspaper, Bend one finger at a time.

    There are two cassettes in the parcel

    And a letter from Aunt Valya,

    So that they await her arrival.

    Educator: Guys, have you guessed who we will talk about today?

    Children: About the postman.

    Educator: Correct. Who is the postman?

    Children: Say their guesses.

    An image of a postman appears on the big screen.

    Educator: What does a postman need to work? (Children's answers). That's right, look at the screen now.

    Frames appear on the screen depicting the postman's work accessories and his work.

    Educator: Guys, look what this is on our table?

    Consideration of attributes for the game "Mail".

    1st child. I have a letter.

    2nd child. And I have a postcard.

    3rd child. I have a newspaper.

    4th child. And this is a magazine.

    Educator: That's right. Who brings us all this from the post office?

    Children. Postman.

    Educator: Correct. Sit down.

    The picture “The Postman” appears on the screen. A conversation is being held about it.

    Who do you see in the picture?

    This is the postman.

    What is he doing?

    He carries letters and newspapers.

    Right. Look how thick the postman's bag is. It says "Mail" on it. It contains a lot of newspapers, magazines, letters. The postman came to the post office early in the morning, sorted out the letters and postcards that arrived on trains and flew in on planes from different cities, put them in a bag and is now carrying them to you and me. He will go to the entrance and put a letter or postcard in the box. Each letter contains the address and name of the person who should receive it. The teacher takes out an envelope, a letter, a stamp, performs actions and comments on them.

    If you want to send a letter, you put it in an envelope, seal it, write the address, put a stamp on it, put the letter in the mailbox. A writing stamp is like a ticket for a person. In order for the letter to travel or fly to another city, a stamp is placed on it.

    Where should the letter be placed?

    To the mailbox.

    Educator: Now we will rest a little. Let's play the game "Letter". Everyone stands in a circle. They join hands. The teacher says: “I want to give a letter...” and presses the neighbor’s hand, who in turn presses his neighbor’s hand and so on until the letter reaches the addressee.

    Educator: Guys, remember when we wrote a letter for Santa Claus? I suggest you now put it in an envelope, attach a stamp, and then we will go to the post office and send the letters. Where are we going to put the letter? And who will get it from there and take it to Santa Claus?

    Now I suggest you trace and color the mailbox.

    Listen to the poem.

    TO mailbox letters are like birds

    They flock together to hit the road

    Some go to Moscow, and some go abroad,

    Just don’t forget to write the address, my friend.

    Educator: Which pencil will you take to outline and color the box?

    Children. Blue pencil.

    Children complete the task, the teacher monitors the seating position, the position of the hand, and evaluates the work of each child.

    Educator: Guys, what is the most famous cartoon postman you know? Right! And now we will watch the film “Prostokvashino”.