• How to ask a question to the program. Help. There is no required option in the mobile application, what should I do?

    Do you want to ask a question on the Internet, but don’t know how to get it answered? You have to be able to ask questions, it’s not that simple. To do this, you need to try a little, because not everything in life comes easy. Read this article to find out exactly how and where to ask a question in order to get the answer you want.


    Part 1

    Look for the answer to your question

      Look for the answer to your question in a search engine. Before asking your question on a website or forum, look to see if it has already been answered. Try entering your question into the Google search engine. View the results. You can phrase your search query in different ways. For example, in the form of a question. Or try searching using keywords.

      • Search the Internet for the answer before asking a question, this is very important. If the answer to your question is already online, you may not receive an answer or even be reprimanded when you ask your question.
      • If you want to find information on a specific site, add "site:sitename.com" before your query. Google will only show results for this site.
    1. Assume this question has been asked before. The Internet is simply huge, so you are unlikely to be the first person in the world to have such a question. Try searching for similar questions and answers online. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

      Check out the FAQ (Questions and Answers) sections. Many sites, services and companies have FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions, translated) sections on their pages and sites. There you can find answers to many questions that concern the clientele and the global Internet community in general.

      You may be able to find partial answers to the question that interests you. You can use this information you found to better formulate the question that worries you, if you decide to ask it on one of the forums on the Internet. This will show forum users that you are seriously interested in this topic and you are already partly aware of it, or at least have already searched for answers to your question on the Internet, and all to no avail. This will help them answer your question more accurately.

    Part 3

    Question formulation

      The title of the post should be a shortened version of your question. When you create a new post on the forum, pay attention first of all to the title. Then describe all known and relevant details within the post to make it easier for forum users to understand and answer your question.

      • For example, "Windows won't start" is not a very good name. Instead, write something more detailed, such as: "Windows 7 won't start and the following error message appears when you turn on your computer:<сообщение>".
    1. Then pay attention to the text of the question. After you have chosen the title for your post question, write the body of the question. Here you need to describe in detail the problem you encountered, what you tried to do to fix it, and what happened. Please indicate the sources from which you obtained the information you are using. The more details you provide in the question, the more accurate the answer will be.

      • If you are asking a technical question, please include detailed information about the program or system you are using. For example, indicate the characteristics of your system, its version, etc., as well as any error messages that you received. If the question is automotive-related, please include the model number and year, as well as the part of the vehicle that is causing the problem.
    2. Write politely and clearly. If you avoid making grammatical errors, you will be more likely to get a good answer to your question. Don't use too many exclamation points or swear words. Write correctly.

      • Don't use abbreviations or slang. Do not write in caps lock (capital letters).
    3. Ask once. There is no need to post the same question ten times. If you have several different questions, create a separate post for each of them. This will help forum readers focus on one issue and give it their full attention. Otherwise, your post may simply be deleted, or you simply will not receive a response.

      There is a possibility that you will not receive an answer, or you will not like the answer. It's OK. There is no need to get angry and irritated, or write rude answers.

    Personal written consultations from experts, auditors and 1C methodologists on tax and personnel accounting issues.

    How the service can help

    Ask a question about accounting and within seven working days you will receive a response from an auditor or methodologist from 1C.
    You can ask a question in your personal account on the website its.1c.ru using a web form.

    Terms of Use

    Questions are accepted on the following topics:

    • the procedure for recognizing the organization's income and expenses;
    • taxation and recording of specific business transactions;
    • filling out accounting (including primary) documents;
    • determination of the taxable base for taxes and contributions;
    • procedure for paying taxes and contributions;
    • filling out and submitting accounting and tax reporting, as well as reporting on contributions;
    • the procedure for hiring, rewarding, applying penalties and dismissing employees;
    • the procedure for assigning various payments to staff (vacation pay, benefits, compensation);
    • filling out various personnel documents.

    Exceptions include questions

    • on organization and optimization of business;
    • on optimization of taxation and choice of organizational and legal form and taxation regime;
    • related to risk assessment;
    • relating to legal relations that are regulated by foreign, regional and local legislation;
    • on the preparation and evaluation of legally significant documents (agreements, acts, claims, lawsuits, orders, instructions, etc.);
    • on the assessment of business transactions carried out in a certain way;
    • relating to currency regulation;
    • formulated incorrectly (the content of the question does not allow it to be answered correctly);
    • issues related to taxation of individuals.

    Only one question is accepted from one user at a time. The user can send the next question after receiving the answer to the previous question.


      The “Auditor Answers” ​​service is included in the 1C:ITS PROF level information technology support packages.


    How to ask a question correctly

    • Indicate the name and legal form of the organization.
    • Indicate the registration number of the program for which the 1C:ITS Agreement is issued.
    • Describe the business situation that prompted the question:
      • formulate the conditions under which it arose;
      • indicate the actions that were performed;
      • indicate the features that affect the answer (tax regime, period of the transaction, etc.).
    • Formulate your thoughts clearly and competently.
    • Each question must be sent in a separate letter. If you receive a letter that contains several unrelated questions, only the first question will be answered.

    Form and terms of use of the answer

    • Answers are provided only to questions regarding the economic activities of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur asking them.
    • The answer to each question is given in writing and does not imply a detailed audit opinion.
    • Each answer to a question is the result of the intellectual activity of 1C employees. Reply rights are protected by civil law. The exclusive right to each answer belongs to 1C LLC. An organization or individual entrepreneur has the right to use the response received to resolve situations that arise in the course of their business activities. The user who asked the question does not have the right to provide the answer received from 1C (or any part of it) to third parties or use it in their activities in any other way, except for resolving their controversial issues. The 1C company reserves the right to stop consulting an organization (or individual entrepreneur) that has violated these conditions.
    • The answers reflect the opinion of 1C specialists and are advisory in nature. The user makes the decision to use them in practice independently.
    • 1C Company reserves the right to use questions and answers in consulting materials without the consent of the person asking the question.
    • Information on questions asked (quantity and content) can be transferred to a partner organization of the 1C company, with which the person asking the question has a support agreement.

    Viewer participation rules
    in the television program “What? Where? When?"

    1. Game television program “What? Where? When?”, hereinafter referred to as “television program”, is broadcast in the form of cycles of individual episodes of television programs.
    2. To participate in the television program, the viewer must send a letter for creative selection to the address: 127427, st. Academician Koroleva, 12, “What? Where? When?" or by email: [email protected]. *
    3. Based on the concept of a television program, a letter from a television viewer is considered by the editorial team as an informational reason, based on the facts and information contained in this letter, for creating a question that will be voiced on behalf of the television viewer on air of the television program. In accordance with the main principle of the television program, this question should not be for exact knowledge, but for a logical solution.
    4. Information sent by a TV viewer undergoes editorial verification using additional sources, until it is confirmed by experts in a particular field.
    5. Due to technological and other reasons (for example, incorrect formatting, improper forwarding of correspondence, etc.), not every letter makes it to the creative selection of the editorial team.
    6. When selecting viewers and their letters to participate in a particular episode of a television program, the editorial team is guided solely by creative considerations.
    7. In the event that several viewers send information for a question based on the same fact, the editorial team makes a decision on the participation of one of them in the program at its own discretion.
    8. There is no time limit for letters that have passed creative selection to be included in any episode of a television program.
    9. Letters from viewers must be formatted in accordance with the requirements set out in Appendices No. , , , to these Rules.
    10. Telegrams, faxes, telephone messages and other methods of transmitting information are not considered.
    11. Letters (parcels and parcels) that participated in the television program, as well as those that did not pass the creative selection, are not stored by the editorial team and are not returned to viewers.
    12. The editorial team does not enter into correspondence with viewers regarding questions sent in their letters.
    13. For a television viewer to apply for funds due to him, these Rules establish a six-month period from the date of airing of the corresponding episode of the television program. During the same period, the editorial team, for its part, also makes reasonable efforts to notify the viewer. After this period, LLC “Television Company “Igra-TV”, due to technological reasons, cannot guarantee the viewer the receipt of the above-mentioned funds.
    14. By sending his letter, the viewer simultaneously expresses his agreement with all the provisions of these Rules, and also grants Igra-TV Television Company LLC the right to use the sent question and the materials attached to it in any way that does not contradict the law, including, if necessary, making changes into the text of the question and rework it without the consent of the viewer.
    15. By sending his letter, the viewer also gives Igra-TV Television Company LLC the right to disclose personal information that he considered necessary to disclose about himself.
    16. These rules are a public offer.

    * In the 2019 season, you can also use special boxes for receiving letters for the “What? Where? When?" at VTB Bank branches.

    Write a program that asks the user a question (the question requires a clear answer, like yes no). Check the correctness of the question. Give the user several hints and attempts to answer the question. If he guessed right, ask him for his name, and display a congratulation on the screen, which is a concatenation of several lines, using his name twice.

    This solution was provided by Liliya Maryenko, we thank her. Source code is below:

    #include #include using namespace std; int main() ( setlocale(LC_ALL, "rus"); int answer = 0; // user response char *name = new char; // here we count the User name // a set of congratulatory lines char str1 = ", heartfelt congratulations You!!!"; char str2 = "All the flowers are at your feet,"; char str3 = "!!!\nThis music is for you!!!\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\ a\a\a\a\a"; char congratulation = ();//line into which we copy the entire text of the congratulations //ask the question to the user cout<< "Год рождения Николая Васильевича Гоголя - 1809г.? (да - 1, нет - 0): "; cin >> answer; while (answer != 1) // until the answer is 1 (yes) ( if (answer == 0) // if you press 0 (no) we give a hint ( cout<< "\nПодумайте внимательно:)" << endl; cout << "Подсказка: число заканчивается на 09" << endl; cout << "Год рождения Николая Васильевича Гоголя - 1809г.? (да - 1, нет - 0): "; cin >> answer; ) else //if the user entered another number (not 0 or 1) ( cout<< "\nНекорректный ввод! " << endl; cout << "Год рождения Николая Васильевича Гоголя - 1809г.? (да - 1, нет - 0): "; cin >> answer; ) ) if (answer == 1) //if the answer is correct ( cout<< "\n\nВы правильно ответили на вопрос!!! Введите Ваше имя (латиницей): "; cin >>name; ) cout<< endl << endl; //копируем имя и все поздравления в одну строку strcat(congratulation, name); strcat(congratulation, str1); strcat(congratulation, str2); strcat(congratulation, name); strcat(congratulation, str3); //выводим поздравление на экран cout << congratulation; cout << endl << endl; delete name;//освобождаем память return 0; }

    Let's look at the result of the program, it is very unusual.

    Year of birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - 1809? (yes - 1, no - 0): 0 Think carefully:) Hint: the number ends in 09. Year of birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - 1809? (yes - 1, no - 0): 1 You answered the question correctly!!! Enter your name (in Latin): Denis Denis, we sincerely congratulate you!!! All the flowers are at your feet, Denis!!! This music is for you!!!

    Here he is! By the way, in the comments there is also a rather interesting solution to this problem, if you don’t believe me, look for yourself.

    User Agreement

    First steps

    Payment for consultations

    Questions for experts

    How to top up your account?

    Communication with an expert

    Features of the LiveExpert mobile application

    Video/audio in chat

    Security Issues

    What is a website?

    the site is a site for those who wish to receive professional advice in almost any field, including law, medicine, psychology, and esotericism.

    On the website you can choose experts who can answer your questions and consult with them online.

    Do I need to register?

    In order to start working on the site and contact experts, you must register. Otherwise, the expert will not be able to read your message to him; it will appear in his chat only after you complete registration and activate your profile.

    How can I view information about an expert?

    You can find the entire list of experts by clicking on the “Experts” tab in the top blue menu. Next, you need to select the category that interests you at the moment.

    You can see more detailed information about the expert and reviews about him by clicking on his name or photo.

    How to become an expert on the site

    The site offers the opportunity to register and provide consultations in different categories. When registering as an expert, you can answer customer questions or provide consultations via chat, video or audio communication.

    In order to become a site expert, you need to follow a few simple steps:

    Register on the site as a client. In your profile, click on the “Become an Expert” button. In this case, there must be confirmation of registration via email address. During the registration process, you need to link your profile to your mobile phone number.

    For consultations in the field of Medicine, Psychology, Law, it is necessary to confirm your education. A color scan of your diploma must be sent by email.

    For consultations in the field of Esotericism, you must confirm your profile photo by sending a color scan of the document to the address.

    How much does a consultation cost?

    All consultations start free of charge; pay for the consultation only after you are convinced of the expert’s competence.

    The experts themselves determine the cost of the consultation and the conditions for its implementation. We recommend that you clarify the terms and conditions before payment.

    Some experts provide consultations for free, but if the expert’s consultation was useful to you, you can thank him.

    How to pay for a consultation?

    Enter the chat with the expert, enter the amount (minimum 50 rubles) in the box next to the expert’s photo and click on the “Pay” button. If the amount is already stated there, you need to change it to the one that was agreed upon with the consultant.

    How to ask a question?

    Enter the “Questions” section in the top blue menu, then formulate a question in the editor (at the top of the page) and confirm by clicking the “Get answer” button on the right. Next, select a category and post your question.

    You can check the box “Make the question anonymous” - in this case, no one will know from which profile the question was asked.

    How can I evaluate the answers to my question?

    Under the answer, click on the thumbs up icon if you like it, or down if you don’t like it.

    You can also select the Best answer by clicking on the corresponding link under the answer.

    Payment questions and refund conditions for questions.

    Paid questions are always higher than free questions in the feed; experts see them before others. The higher the cost of the question, the greater the chances of getting high-quality answers to it. We guarantee to receive answers only to paid questions.

    If the following conditions are not met, the site automatically returns the payment (except if you selected the Best or Favorite expert answer):

    · Question for 200 rub. – At least one expert must answer you within 24 hours.

    · Question for 600 rub. – At least three experts must answer you within 6 hours.

    · Question for 1500 rub. – At least five experts must answer you within 2 hours. Also, the expert whose answer you selected as the Best in this matter will provide you with 15 minutes of free consultation to clarify the situation on this issue.

    Bonus questions (Gift VIP questions) are also not returned.

    How to top up your account?

    In order to pay for a consultation, you must first top up your account on the site.

    You can top up your account by selecting the coins icon in the top main menu - click the “ ” option on it.

    The main ways to top up your account are:

    • Bank cards – Visa, MasterCard.
    • Electronic money – Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi wallet.
    • Mobile phone - MTS, Megafon, Beeline.
    • Payment terminals, ATMs and communication shops.
    • Money and bank transfers.

    The required option is not available in the mobile application, what should I do?

    Currently, the functionality of the application has been reduced and you may not find all the functions and options that are available in the full version of the site. In such a situation, we recommend that you switch to the full version to perform the required operation. To do this, you need to go to the site through a browser, select the “Full version” option at the bottom of the page. Link to how to upgrade to the full version - .

    How to switch to the full version of the site on a mobile device?

    You can go to the full version in the mobile browser on your device.

    Step 1.
    If you are using an application, close it. Go to the browser on your mobile device. Login to the site

    Step 2.
    After logging into your profile, at the bottom of the page you need to select the option “Full version of the site”

    For a device with the Android operating system, we recommend using Google Chrome. For a device with the iOS operating system, we recommend using the Safari browser.

    Video chat not working on your mobile device?

    Unfortunately, this situation can occur on iOS devices and on older Android devices. If you encounter such a situation, we first recommend updating your device to the latest version.

    Using the mobile version of the site in the device browser can help solve the situation. Log in to the site through a browser, log in and go into the chat with your expert.

    Step 1.
    In order to use video/audio chat from a mobile device, please log in to the site through a browser.

    Step 3.

    From your browser profile, you need to enter the chat with the expert and contact him by selecting an audio or video call.

    Have a good consultation on the site!

    What is the difference between a mobile application and a mobile version, how to log into the mobile version?

    The application is a separate program on the phone adapted to the device for easier use of the site.

    Not all site functions are available in the application yet; some sections of the site may not work here or may be missing. We recommend using the mobile version if you are unable to do something in the application.

    To enter the mobile version, you need to log into the site through your browser.

    From it you can easily switch to the full version (the option is at the bottom of the page) and back, directly from your device, to use all the functionality.

    How to test video chat from a mobile device?

    In order to test video/audio from your phone, you need to go to the full version of the site. We have described for you how to do this.
    To test the video/audio chat, go to the top main menu with the envelope, then click the green button “Test the video chat is working.”

    How to test video chat yourself.

    Audio\video chat works in the full version of the site (If you are in the application or mobile version, you need to go to. To test video\audio chat, enter the top main menu with an envelope, then click the green button “Test video chat is working.” .

    The operation of video/audio chat can be checked in the full version of the site.

    To upgrade to the full version, follow these steps:

    "User Agreement" (at the bottom of the page) - "Payment Rules" - Full version of the site."
    If video or audio in chat does not work, we recommend going through the steps in the help section.

    In which browsers does audio/video chat work?

    For Microsoft Windows, audio/video chat works in the following browsers:

      Edge version 40.15063 and higher

      Firefox version 44 and higher

      Google Chrome version 56 and higher

      Opera version 43 and higher

      Yandex version 16 and higher

    For macOS, audio/video chat works in Safari version 12.1 and higher.

    For stable operation of audio/video chat, the Internet connection speed must be at least 2.8 megabits/sec.

    In order to achieve maximum browser compatibility with audio/video chat, make sure that you have the latest available version of your browser installed.

    How to communicate via voice/video chat?

    In addition to chatting, the site provides the ability to see and hear the interlocutor.
    Don't leave out details in your correspondence. Use video or audio chat. Eye contact and voice communication often lead to better rapport and trust, which in turn can enhance and improve the overall outcome.

    All you need to do to connect is follow the simple steps.

    How does this work?

    Step 1. If both interlocutors are now online, both of them will have additional options for connecting in the chat. This is a tube - audio connection and a camera - video connection.

    Step 2. When you click on one of the channels, an invitation to communicate is sent to your interlocutor.

    In the chat, the connection initiation is displayed.

    Step 3. A new window opens, in which you sometimes need to confirm that you allow the use of a microphone or video camera.

    Step 4. If everything is confirmed, you see:

    Step 5. If your interlocutor clicked on the link in the chat and made similar confirmations, you see or hear each other. Two windows are displayed. If your interlocutors have video turned on (the camera icon is not crossed out), you see your interlocutor in one window, and yourself in another smaller window.

    I don’t see or hear the interlocutor.

    If you have difficulty hearing or seeing your interlocutor, please check the following:

    Make sure the camera or microphone is working and connected to the appropriate devices. If you are working on a computer or laptop, make sure that the webcam is connected to the USB connector and the microphone is connected to the 3.5 mm pink audio jack. If you are working with a tablet/phone, use a compatible headset. If you successfully use video and audio in other combinators on this device, then you can skip this advice;

    If you have several browsers open, close all browsers, including the current one, and open the site in the browser through which you plan to communicate;

    If you still can’t hear/see your interlocutor and the chat window is not displayed, go to the recommendations;

    I can't hear my interlocutor.

    If you still have problems with sound when connecting to a chat, we recommend checking the settings below.

    1. Find the speaker icon on the taskbar.

    2. Right-click on it and select “Recording Devices”

    3. In the window that opens, right-click. Select the "Show disabled devices" option.

    4. In the list of devices
    stv see which microphones are displayed as “Disabled”

    5. Right-click on the disabled microphone and click “Enable”.

    6. Say something into the microphone. In this case, the green indicator should fluctuate. If the level of the indicator is clearly visible, then everything is fine with the microphone. Try connecting in chat again.
    7. If the indicator level is low or absent, right-click on the microphone, then “Properties”.

    8. Go to the “Levels” tab.
    9. The blue speaker should not be crossed out. If crossed out, click on it and raise the microphone volume. Click OK.

    When I click on connection, nothing happens.

    For Chrome.
    1. Click on the crossed out window icon in the upper right corner.

    2. In the window that opens, select the option “Always show pop-ups...”

    3. Click "Done"
    4. Reconnect in chat.

    For Opera
    1. In the upper left corner, click “Menu”, select “Settings”.

    2. In the window that opens, select “Sites”

    3. In the tab that opens, find the “Pop-up windows” block, select “Show pop-up windows”.

    4. Reconnect via video/audio chat.

    The microphone/camera selection window is not displayed.

    For Chrome.
    1. Tap the camera icon in the top right corner.

    If there are no devices to select in the window that opens, it means the microphone and camera are not connected or they are being used by another program or browser. Close other programs, browsers, and current chat tabs. Call again.

    2. Select your camera and microphone from the drop-down menus. (Usually you need to select a device other than the "default device".

    3. Allow the site to use the camera and microphone by checking the “Always allow the site...” option.

    4. Click "Done".
    5. Press the F5 key on your keyboard.
    The webcam should turn on.

    How to choose an expert for consultation?

    To increase your chance of getting effective advice from a professional, follow just a few simple tips:

    1. Pay attention to the time that has passed since the expert registered on the site
    2. Also, be sure to look at when the expert was last on the site.
    3. Evaluate the activity of an expert - if he was registered a year ago, but during this time he received only a few reviews and answered one general question, you should be wary of offering paid services from him;
    4. Pay attention to the rating - it allows you to fairly accurately understand the reputation of an expert on the site;
    5. Try not to communicate with experts outside the site and, most importantly, do not pay for anything not through the site, in this case the administration will be powerless to help you;
    6. Ask for written confirmation of obligations in the chat - if there is a complaint from you, the administration will only be able to check the correspondence, neither audio nor video chat can be checked;
    7. If you are going to order work that takes longer than the arbitration period, it is better to contact an expert who has been actively working on the site for a long time.

    On the site there is an opportunity to file for arbitration if 3 to 7 days have passed since payment, and if the subject of the agreement is recorded in text form (in a chat or letter).

    I am not satisfied with the quality of the consultation

    Within 3-7 days after paying for the consultation (depending on your business level), you can select the “My Payments” section in the main top Menu and, opposite the consultation with an expert, click on the “Contact Arbitration” link. We look forward to your maximum description of the situation.

    If the expert agrees with your complaint, he can return the money himself. Otherwise, the expert can leave a comment (which both you and the administration can see) and your request will be considered by the Arbitration Commission. The review period is within 14 days, but we usually do it faster. By its decision, the Commission can transfer the money to the expert or return it to you.

    In order for the Arbitration to consider controversial issues as impartially as possible, one basic condition must be met - all communication between you and the expert must take place exclusively within the framework of the project. We can protect the client and help resolve disputes only in situations where payment and communication took place within the site’s channels.

    I paid an expert for a job (service) that he promised to do in a few days (months) and did not deliver

    If more than 3-7 days have already passed after paying for the consultation, there are no guarantees of a refund from the expert. But we ask you to definitely contact the site support, we will check what can be done in your situation.

    Can I transfer money to experts not through the website?

    Payment for the services of site experts bypassing this resource is prohibited. Transfers not made through the website are only possible if you are unable to replenish your account using any of the methods presented on the replenishment page. Please be sure to coordinate this situation with site support.

    Payment through the site will help protect you from unscrupulous experts, provide the opportunity to go to arbitration in case of unsatisfactory advice, and will affect the achievement of the next business level on the site.