• How to turn off the timer on a laptop. Setting a timer to automatically turn off your computer at the right time - nothing could be easier! How to set a computer shutdown timer without programs

    It may seem strange why you need to turn off your laptop/computer on a schedule if you can do it yourself, but there are actually many reasons. Why and how to enable the shutdown timer on Windows 7? For example, some task is being performed on the device, and you urgently need to leave, or other users are working on your PC via a remote connection, and they will complete it closer to night or in the morning, and there is no need for your presence. Everyone will find a situation in which they need to enable the Windows 7 shutdown timer. So, there are several ways to enable the Windows 7 shutdown timer, we will describe each below with detailed instructions.

    Enable shutdown timer using CMD

    From the articles on our portal, you are well familiar with CMD - a command line that allows you to manage services and software components from DOS mode with elevated privileges. There is no point in talking about the advantages, since everyone has at least once encountered working in cmd. So let's get started.

    There are several ways to launch cmd:

    Start panel → Run.

    Using hotkeys + [R].

    The next step is to move directly to how to enable and configure the timer:

    Enter without quotes and maintaining the syntax “shutdown –s –t 300” → “OK”.

    Where “–s” means to save all applications with the correct shutdown of the machine, “-t 300” indicates the amount of time in seconds before the OS turns on the shutdown timer - it turns off after 5 minutes. You can specify absolutely any period, but in seconds. In addition, you can specify the option to force shutdown without saving and dialogs from the system “-f”.

    As a result, the system will start the timer and return the message “Windows will shut down in 5 minutes.” - this is an example based on the entered command; moreover, the date and exact time of shutdown will be indicated.

    It is not difficult to enable the timer using the described means, but if there is no longer a need, the following parameter will help you disable it:

    Enter the following into cmd without quotes and maintaining the syntax: “shutdown -a” → “OK” /, where the parameter “-a” turns off the timer.

    A message appears in the system tray indicating that logging out is disabled.

    Enable OS shutdown timer: quick way

    You can enable the timer in Windows 7 without constantly using cmd; you can use access to commands from the system’s graphical shell, for this:

    The image at the top of the properties window should change → “Apply” → “OK”.

    Time management assistant

    There is another way to enable scheduled shutdown of the OS using the built-in tools of Windows 7, which is more suitable for less experienced users. Below are detailed instructions on how to enable the Windows 7 computer shutdown timer using the task scheduler.

    • In the list we find “Task Scheduler”.

    Sometimes users have to leave the computer for a while to complete a certain task on its own. After completing the task, the PC will continue to idle. To avoid this, you should set a sleep timer. Let's see how this can be done in the Windows 7 operating system in various ways.

    There are a number of ways that allow you to set a sleep timer in Windows 7. All of them can be divided into two large groups: the operating system’s own tools and third-party programs.

    Method 1: Third-party utilities

    There are a number of third-party utilities that specialize in setting a timer to turn off your PC. One of these is SM Timer.

    1. After the installation file downloaded from the Internet is launched, a language selection window opens. Click on the button "OK" without additional manipulations, since the default installation language will correspond to the language of the operating system.
    2. Next opens Installation Wizard. Click on the button here "Next".
    3. After this, the license agreement window opens. It is necessary to move the switch to the position "I accept the terms of the agreement" and press the button "Next".
    4. The additional tasks window opens. Here, if the user wants to install program shortcuts on Desktop and on Quick Launch Toolbars, then you must check the boxes next to the appropriate parameters.
    5. After this, a window will open containing information about the installation settings that were previously entered by the user. Click on the button "Install".
    6. After the installation is complete, Installation Wizard will report this in a separate window. If you want SM Timer to open immediately, you need to check the box next to the item "Start SM Timer". Then click "Finish".
    7. A small window of the SM Timer application opens. First of all, in the top field from the drop-down list you need to select one of two operating modes of the utility: "Shutting down the computer" or "End session". Since our task is to turn off the PC, we choose the first option.
    8. Next, you should select the time counting option: absolute or relative. When absolute, the exact shutdown time is set. It will occur when the specified time of the timer and the computer’s system clock coincide. In order to set this counting option, the switch is moved to the position "IN". Next, using two sliders or icons "Up" And "Down" located to the right of them, the shutdown time is set.

      Relative time shows how many hours and minutes after activating the timer the PC will be turned off. In order to set it, set the switch to the position "Through". After this, in the same way as in the previous case, we set the number of hours and minutes after which the shutdown procedure will occur.

    9. After the above settings have been made, click on the button "OK".

    The computer will turn off after a set amount of time or when the specified time has passed, depending on which countdown option was selected.

    Method 2: Using Third Party App Peripheral Tools

    In addition, in some programs, the main task of which is completely unrelated to the issue at hand, there are secondary tools for turning off the computer. This feature can be found especially often in torrent clients and various file downloaders. Let's see how to schedule PC shutdowns using the example of a file download application.

    Now, when the specified time is reached, the download in the Download Master program will be completed, immediately after which the PC will shut down.

    Method 3: Run window

    The most common option for starting a computer auto-shutdown timer using built-in Windows tools is to use a command expression in the window "Run".

    If the user wants the computer to forcefully shut down programs when the computer is turned off, even if no documents are saved, then it should be set in the window field "Run" after specifying the time after which the shutdown will occur, the parameter "-f". Thus, if you want a forced shutdown to occur after 3 minutes, then you should enter the following entry:

    shutdown -s -t 180 -f

    Click on the button "OK". After this, even if programs with unsaved documents are running on the PC, they will be forcibly terminated and the computer will be turned off. When entering an expression without a parameter "-f" The computer, even with a timer set, will not turn off until documents are manually saved if programs with unsaved content are running.

    But there are situations when the user’s plans may change and he will change his mind about turning off the computer after the timer has already started. There is a way out of this situation.

    Method 4: Create a mute button

    But constantly resorting to entering the command through the window "Run", entering code there is not very convenient. If you regularly use the shutdown timer, setting it at the same time, then in this case it is possible to create a special button to start the timer.

    1. Click on the desktop with the right mouse button. In the context menu that opens, hover the cursor over the position "Create". In the list that appears, select the option "Label".
    2. Starts Wizard to create a shortcut. If we want to turn off the PC half an hour after the timer starts, that is, after 1800 seconds, then enter into the area "Specify location" the following expression:

      C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 1800

      Naturally, if you want to set the timer for a different time, then you should specify a different number at the end of the expression. After that, click on the button "Next".

    3. The next step is to assign a name to the shortcut. By default it will be "shutdown.exe", but we can add a more understandable name. Therefore, to the area "Enter a name for the shortcut" We enter the name, looking at which it will immediately be clear what will happen when you press it, for example: "Start shutdown timer". Click on the inscription "Ready".
    4. After these steps, a shortcut for activating the timer appears on the desktop. To prevent it from being faceless, the standard shortcut icon can be replaced with a more informative icon. To do this, right-click on it and select the item in the list "Properties".
    5. The properties window opens. Moving to the section "Label". Click on the inscription "Change icon...".
    6. An information alert will be displayed indicating that the object shutdown has no icons. To close it, click on the inscription "OK".
    7. An icon selection window opens. Here you can choose an icon to suit your every taste. In the form of such an icon, for example, you can use the same icon as when turning off Windows, as in the image below. Although the user can choose any other one to his taste. So, select the icon and click on the button "OK".
    8. After the icon is displayed in the properties window, click on the inscription there too "OK".
    9. After this, the visual display of the PC auto-shutdown timer start icon on the desktop will be changed.
    10. If in the future you need to change the time the computer turns off from the moment the timer starts, for example, from half an hour to an hour, then in this case we again go to the shortcut properties through the context menu in the same way as discussed above. In the window that opens, in the field "Object" change the numbers at the end of the expression with "1800" on "3600". Click on the inscription "OK".

    Now, after clicking on the shortcut, the computer will turn off after 1 hour. In the same way, you can change the shutdown period to any other time.

    Now let's see how to create a cancel button to turn off your computer. After all, the situation when it is necessary to cancel the actions taken is also not uncommon.

    Method 5: Use the Task Scheduler

    You can also schedule your PC to shut down after a specified period of time using the built-in Windows Task Scheduler.

    1. To go to the task scheduler, click the button "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen. After that, select a position in the list "Control Panel".
    2. In the area that opens, go to the section "System and Security".
    3. Next, in the block "Administration" choose a position "Task execution schedule".

      There is also a faster option for switching to the task schedule. But it is suitable for those users who are used to remembering command syntax. In this case, we will have to call up the already familiar window "Run" by pressing the combination Win+R. Then you need to enter the command expression in the field "taskschd.msc" without quotes and click on the inscription "OK".

    4. The task scheduler starts. In its right area, select a position "Create a simple task".
    5. Opens Task creation wizard. At the first stage in the field "Name" The task should be given a name. It can be completely arbitrary. The main thing is that the user himself understands what we are talking about. Let's assign a name "Timer". Click on the button "Next".
    6. At the next stage, you will need to set a task trigger, that is, indicate the frequency of its execution. Move the switch to position "One time". Click on the button "Next".
    7. After this, a window opens in which you need to set the date and time when auto shutdown will be activated. Thus, it is set in time in an absolute dimension, and not in a relative one, as it was before. In the appropriate fields "Begin" set the date and exact time when the PC should be turned off. Click on the inscription "Next".
    8. In the next window you need to select the action that will be performed when the time specified above occurs. We should turn on the program shutdown.exe, which we previously launched using the window "Run" and a label. Therefore, we set the switch to position "Run program". Click on "Next".
    9. A window opens where you need to specify the name of the program that you want to activate. To the region "Program or script" enter the full path to the program:


    10. A window opens that provides general information about the task based on the previously entered data. If the user is not satisfied with something, then click on the inscription "Back" for editing. If everything is in order, check the box next to the parameter "Open the Properties window after clicking Finish". And click on the inscription "Ready".
    11. The task properties window opens. About the parameter "Run with highest privileges" check the box. Switch in the field "Customize for" put in position "Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2". Click "OK".

    After this, the task will be queued and the computer will turn off automatically at the time specified using the scheduler.

    If the question arises, how to disable the computer shutdown timer in Windows 7, if the user changes his mind about turning off the computer, do the following.

    After this action, the task to auto-shut down the PC will be cancelled.

    As you can see, there are a number of ways to start the computer auto-shutdown timer at a specified time in Windows 7. Moreover, the user can choose ways to solve this problem, both with the built-in tools of the operating system and using third-party programs, but even within these two directions between specific methods There are significant differences, so the appropriateness of the chosen option must be based on the nuances of the application situation, as well as the personal convenience of the user.

    Many users of home computer systems and office workers are well aware that sometimes it is necessary to use a computer shutdown timer. We will further consider Windows 7 as an example, although in all other modifications of this operating system the actions are completely similar.

    But what is this for? There are a lot of situations that can be cited. For example, a person watches a movie on the computer in the evening, but realizes that he can fall asleep and the computer will remain on. An office worker, in order to avoid access to the terminal while he is away, may forget to put the system into sleep mode. Thus, it is necessary to decide in advance the question of how to set the computer shutdown timer (Windows 7). There are several simple ways to carry out this procedure, which will be discussed further.

    How to Set a Computer Shutdown Timer (Windows 7): Basic Methods

    The methodology behind setting a preferred amount of time before the computer shuts down is quite simple.

    As in any other system, in Windows 7, turning off the computer using a timer can be done either using the built-in tools of the system itself, or using special third-party programs. Very often you can find not even full-fledged applications, but so-called widgets that are installed on the “Desktop” in the same way as is done in mobile devices.

    As the most commonly used tools in Windows 7, shutting down your computer using a timer can be done either from the command line or from the Run menu. Both methods are almost identical to each other, the only difference is in the commands entered, although they can equally be used both ways.

    Set the computer shutdown timer (Windows 7) from the command line

    First, let's look at the actions with the command line, called through the execution console (Win + R) by entering the cmd combination. Note that in this case it is not necessary to run it with administrator rights, since the enable or disable commands used work at the user level as well.

    After calling a command console window reminiscent of old DOS systems, you need to enter the line shutdown /s /t XXXX (or -s -t), where XXXX is an arbitrary time interval value expressed in seconds (for example, for one hour it is 3,600 ). After this, the enter key is pressed, and a message appears on the screen indicating the period after which the computer will shut down and the final shutdown time.

    Setting shutdown in the Run console

    Basically, to avoid using the command console, the computer shutdown timer (Windows 7) can be activated directly from the Run menu, which looks much simpler.

    After calling the menu, you need to write in it a line similar to the first example, but using other attributes: shutdown -s -f -t XXXX. Please note that while execution attributes can be written on the command line without spaces, here they are required.

    In both examples, the “-f” attribute does not have to be used, but its use will allow the system to be shut down forcibly if any programs freeze.

    Using the Task Scheduler

    In Windows 7, you can also set the computer to turn off using a timer using the so-called “Task Scheduler,” which can be called up through the administration section in the computer properties or “Control Panel” or found through the search engine of the main “Start” menu. This program is standard and is present in absolutely all modifications of Windows systems:

    • In the editor, you should use the "Scheduler" library section located on the left, and on the right in the action menu - create a simple task.
    • Next, in the name field you need to enter the desired name of the task (for example, “Shutdown”).
    • Then (which is very important) indicate the execution mode (once, daily, etc.).
    • After this, the continue button is pressed, in the programs and scripts section, the shutdown command is selected with the browse button or the shutdown command is entered manually, and the above attributes are written in the add arguments field (-s -f or /s/t/XX, where XX is the time period, again, expressed in seconds).
    • Then all you have to do is click the continue button and “Done” again.

    Quickly disable the timer

    Now a few words about how to disable the computer shutdown timer (Windows 7). Based on the described methods of activating it, you can accordingly use two methods of disabling it:

    1. The first method, if you were using the Command Prompt or Run Console, is to call them again and issue the command “shutdown /a” for the Command Prompt or “shutdown -a” for the Run Console without the quotes.
    2. In the same way, the question of how to disable the computer shutdown timer (Windows 7) is easily resolved in the “Task Scheduler” itself. In this case, all actions boil down to finding the created task in the library section in the middle column and deleting it through the corresponding line in the RMB menu.

    The most popular programs and widgets for setting a timer

    However, many users may find the above methods too complicated, and some do not like to delve into Windows settings at all. In this case, some third-party utility can be used, generally referred to as the “Computer Shutdown Timer” program (Windows 7).

    You can find a lot of such utilities, they all have a minimal size and, as a rule, do not require installation. But after launch, widgets appear on the “Desktop”, and applications constantly “hang” in the system tray. Actually, that’s why access to their settings is carried out differently.

    • PowerOff is a small utility with settings for specific times of shutdown, sleep, reboot, etc.;
    • TimePC is a program that allows you not only to set a shutdown, but also to put the computer into hibernation mode and wake the system from it according to specified time parameters;
    • AutoShutdown - “Computer shutdown timer” widget (gadget) (Windows 7) with capabilities similar to the first two utilities, but always present on the “Desktop”;
    • Ultimate Shutdown and PC Autos are simple gadgets for controlling PC operating modes.


    As you can see, in Windows 7, turning off the computer by timer can be activated in several ways. Which of these should you prefer? It seems that the most logical solution is to use the system’s tools and tools, although third-party widgets can also be a simple solution. It’s just who you like.

    However, in the case of the “Scheduler”, the decision to activate the timer looks somewhat more complicated. In addition, special attention should be paid to its operation modes. It is clear that when setting daily triggering, when a person forgets about the installed settings, the computer will turn off at a strictly defined time, and the user will begin to puzzle over why this is happening.

    But disabling it in the form of the described commands for the command line and execution console allows you to cancel shutdown not only by timer, but also by standard procedure. True, to use this method, a person must have a good reaction and have a ready-made means of quick access to commands at hand.

    But, by and large, even in multimedia players, after watching a movie or listening to a music album, you can set the action to turn off the system by setting the appropriate action in the settings.

    Good day to you, my dear friends and readers. Very often before going to bed, my beloved wife and I watch a movie or TV series. So somehow sleep comes faster). Usually I always turn off the computer when I'm getting sleepy. But sometimes it turns out that I fall asleep while listening to the movie.

    And so it continues to work for a long time, either until I wake up (I have a fairly light sleeper and I cannot sleep all night listening to the sounds of the TV or computer), or until the computer goes into sleep mode. In general, I don't like my computer running all night, even in sleep mode. I need to know it's off.

    Yes, yes. And again our magic line will help us. I just can't live without her. I use it whenever possible.

    So how? It's clear? In my opinion it couldn't be simpler. But that's not all. Let's look at another way.

    Using the task scheduler

    The Windows system has a special application - "Task Scheduler", thanks to which you can assign different tasks to your computer for a specific time. Of course, the computer will not conquer the world for you, but it will help in some other ways.

    Using third party programs

    Among other things, for those who do not like all sorts of writing and other things, the easiest way is to use a program with a convenient and intuitive interface. For these purposes, I recommend that you use the program WinMend Autoshutdown. It is very simple and you will not have any difficulty using it.

    In addition, it can turn off the computer, log out, enter sleep mode at a specified time or after a certain time. It's up to you to decide.

    But personally, I prefer not to use third-party programs if it is possible to use the built-in Windows tools.

    Do you use these methods yourself? Or are you planning to use it? If yes, which one do you like better? In general, feel free to leave comments or ask questions on this topic.

    By the way, even such an unnoticeable thing as setting a timer helps you work more productively at the computer. But still this is not enough. I would advise you to study an excellent video course on productive work on a PC, thanks to which you will learn to optimize all your work, reduce time and increase productivity. The course is actually very powerful and interesting. I recommend you to watch it.

    Well, I’m finishing my lesson for today and I really, really hope that you liked my article. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog. There will be a lot of interesting things. I look forward to seeing you in my next articles. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

    Surely every PC user sooner or later wondered what would be nice if the computer itself could stop working at a strictly defined time that we need.

    Such a useful function may, for example, be needed when we download movies at night and go to bed, because it is no secret that in many regions of Russia night Internet traffic is much cheaper than daytime traffic or is not charged at all.

    And in this case, we will have to try hard not to oversleep in the morning in order to turn off the PC in a timely manner and stop downloading files.

    How to set a timer to automatically turn off your computer

    We may also simply forget to turn off our computer when we are late, for example, for work. In general, as they say, cases are different. Therefore, the function of automatically turning off a PC is absolutely necessary for everyone.

    Setting a timer to automatically turn off your computer is an easily solved problem

    In fact, there are an incredible variety of ways to solve this problem - from the built-in tools of the Windows operating system (all configurations - 7, 8, 10) to programs specially developed for this purpose.

    The simplest and most accessible methods of how to set a shutdown timer on a computer or laptop and where you can download such a shutdown timer for free in Russian will be discussed in this article.

    Set the shutdown timer using Windows tools

    Perhaps the most accessible ways to set a timer to automatically turn off our computer are the useful tools provided in the operating system itself to solve this issue. I'll tell you about the two simplest of them.

    Method 1. Set the timer via the command line

    So, first we need to open the command line. This can be done in two ways - either through the "Start" menu - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Run", or by simultaneously pressing two "R + Win" keys on the keyboard.

    Call up the “Run” window by simultaneously pressing “R” and “Win”

    In the window that appears, enter the following: “shutdown -s -t N”.

    Attention! N is the time value in seconds before the required automatic shutdown of the computer.

    Let's say we need the PC to turn off after 10 minutes, therefore, through simple mathematical calculations in our heads, we get the value N = 600 seconds. We substitute this value into our formula “shutdown -s -t 600”, which in this form is entered into the “Run” window, as shown in the photo:

    Write the required command in the "Run" line

    A message appears warning you that the system will stop working in 10 minutes

    Thus, there are 10 minutes left before the computer automatically turns off. After this time, the PC will be turned off and all programs will be closed. In this case, we will be given the opportunity to save our work, as is done when we normally end the session and turn off the computer manually.

    Note: In order to force all programs to close when the scheduled time expires, we add the “-f” parameter to our formula.

    To force the computer to shut down without saving open documents, add the "-f" parameter

    If for some reason you change your mind about turning off the computer using the set timer, then you can cancel your action by calling the command line again, into which you now need to enter the command “shutdown -a”.

    To disable the timer that reports the time until the computer turns off, enter the command shutdown -a

    After executing this command, we will see a pop-up window indicating that the automatic shutdown of the computer has been cancelled.

    A window will appear informing you that shutdown has been cancelled.

    Naturally, this method of starting a timer is not entirely convenient for regular use. Therefore, it can be easily improved if you follow these instructions:

    Note: In order to change the shortcut icon to any other one of your choice, right-click on our shortcut, then select “Properties”, then “Change Icon”.

    We change the appearance of our icon at our discretion

    Method 2: Windows Task Scheduler will help you shut down your PC automatically

    Another simple way to set a time to automatically shut down your computer is to use the Windows Task Scheduler. To implement it, follow the step-by-step guide:

    Simultaneously press the "Win" and "R" keys and call the command line;

    In the line that appears, write the command “taskschd.msc” and click “Ok”, thus calling the Windows system task scheduler;

    In the "Run" window, write the command "taskschd.msc" and click "OK"

    In the menu on the right of the “Task Scheduler”, select the option “Create a simple task”;

    In the task scheduler, click "Create a simple task"

    Now come up with a name for the task and click “Next”;

    Specify the name of the task at your discretion

    We indicate the task trigger, for example, “one time” and click “Next”;

    Set the required task trigger

    Now set the date and time to run the task and click “Next”;

    Specify the date and time when you want to run this task

    Select "Run a program" and click "Next"

    The last window of the Task Scheduler “Running a program” appears and the line “Program or script”, where we enter the command “shutdown”, and in the line “Add arguments” we write “-s”, click “Next”.

    Fill in the lines “Program or script” and “Add arguments”

    Now, strictly at the specified time, the task scheduler will launch a program to automatically turn off the computer.

    Universal timer programs for turning off a PC

    Above, we looked at ways to achieve automatic shutdown of a computer or laptop at a designated date and time without resorting to third-party programs, but only using the Windows system itself. Now it’s worth talking about the software that will help solve this problem even easier.

    The PowerOff program will help you cope with the task

    And the first program that we will look at will be a small universal utility with a timer function PowerOff.

    Run the executable file of the program

    A multifunctional panel opens before us, with the help of which you can perform not only a programmed shutdown of the computer, but also many other tasks.