• How to activate free incoming calls in roaming on MTS. “Inbox when traveling in Russia” service from MTS

    So that you can receive incoming calls for free while in your “home” region, in any other region of our country or abroad, MTS has several tariffs for this. Check them out and choose the best one for yourself.

    1. Use the "Everywhere at home" option in home region or in any other region of the Russian Federation. By connecting it to communicate with other MTS subscribers, you receive:

    • You accept all incoming messages for free, including when traveling around Russia.
    • You can make outgoing calls in your home region for 3 rubles/minute.
    • Make outgoing long-distance calls to mobile and landline numbers for 3 rubles/minute.
    • The price of Internet traffic and a number of other services is set according to the tariff plan you previously connected.

    The cost of connecting to the service is 30 rubles, then you pay 5 rubles for every day; disconnection is free.

    • To connect/disconnect, dial: *111*3333# and then "challenge".
    • Also for the connection operation, send a message with the text 3333 to the number 111 .
    • To disable, send a message with the text 33330 to the number 111 .

    If you doubt that everything is connected correctly or cannot understand whether the option works or not, then send an SMS with any text to the number 8111 .

    Keep in mind that some tariff plans, for example, “Business without Borders,” cannot activate the option, or the package of services previously provided to you has priority over “Everywhere at home.” Also, in a number of regions very remote from Moscow, networks of partner operators operate, as a result of which tariffs may vary slightly. If you are not sure that this option includes free incoming MTS for your package, then open the official website of the company and enter “Everywhere at home” in the search bar. Next, select information about the service and then click on the “Terms of Service” tab.

    2. Connect “Inbox when traveling around Russia” when you arrive in any region of the Russian Federation or region. Incoming calls to your friends and family living in this area will be free for you. Just don’t forget that both you and they must be MTS subscribers. The cost of connection is 0 rubles. For the option to take effect, type: *111*473# and then "Challenge".

    3. Connect to the “Zero Without Borders” service and save on calls while in another country. All incoming calls from 1 to 10 minutes will be free for you. They will be paid only if you are in Azerbaijan, South Ossetia, Uzbekistan. The price of the option for each day is 33 rubles.


    • dial the command on your phone *111*4444# and then press call. Next, select the item you need, following the prompts.
    • send an SMS to the number 111 with text 33 for connection and 330 for disconnection.

    Good day!

    There are only 10 days left before the May holidays and soon everyone will rush off on vacation. Therefore, the topic of roaming here will be extremely relevant.

    I’m posting here a very interesting article that I found from my Caucasian megaphone operator.
    I think it will be useful not only for those who plan to spend their holidays abroad, but also for everyone who wants to know what roaming is and how to use it with maximum comfort.
    So it is recommended to read)

    Paid inbox

    Surprisingly, but true: people forget about the lack of free incoming calls when roaming; this is due to the habit of paying at home only for outgoing calls. Indeed, incoming calls to international roaming may be cheaper than outgoing ones, but it’s still tens of rubles per minute.
    Prepare your sleigh in the summer. Camel roaming (roaming with real-time billing) is automatically activated for subscribers on prepaid tariffs, which are the majority of all operators. But the owners contract tariffs You must write a statement at the office. For example, at MTS, the procedure for connecting international roaming can take several days, so it is recommended to visit the office in advance. An application for roaming connection is also required for tariff plans designed for modem users.

    Educational program

    All operators have special “Before your trip” sections on their websites; it is highly recommended to read them. There are a lot of general words, truisms and boring explanations, but there are also a lot of sensible recommendations. And these recommendations are updated regularly. For example, I didn’t even know that in MegaFon you can dial the command *127# and receive roaming rates on your phone for the country from which the command was sent.

    Tariffs and discounts

    Familiarize yourself ahead of time, get a feel for the “scale of the disaster” and understand the available discounts and promotions. It’s very expensive to just travel and just talk; standard roaming prices are a trap for the lazy and incurious. It’s a pity for them, but it’s a shame to be one of them. The current discounts are a kind of compromise and are aimed at those who would not pay too much in any case. Therefore, it’s better to pay less than to refuse to use your SIM card while roaming and not pay anything at all.

    Online registration

    A phone in another country independently finds available networks for connection and registers in one of them. But registration failures do occur. The official recommendation is to enable the “manual network selection” mode, find it in the list that appears available network and connect to it. It works effectively, but this is a last resort option. In this mode, after losing the network in an elevator/basement, etc., the phone may freeze waiting for the “connect” command, this is inconvenient. In practice, 90% of problems with online registration are easily resolved by turning off and restart apparatus.

    Money on balance

    Too much - you risk wasting it in vain; too little - you may be left without communication. After the account is reset and blocked in a foreign country, simply topping up the balance may not help; the network will stubbornly refuse to register the phone. As a treatment, you can try to manually register in the network of another operator. Sometimes it helps to insert the “offending” SIM card into another phone once. But it’s not a fact that it will help, so when roaming it’s better not to let your balance go to zero. It's fraught.


    A known problem for inexperienced travelers. In roaming, any conditional forwarding (including to voicemail) is fraught with costs, only unconditional forwarding is safe. If you are in doubt or “off topic”, before your trip, dial the command ##004 #. This will cancel all (possibly) set redirects and is guaranteed to get rid of potential problems.

    Per-second billing and free thresholds

    Calls in roaming are charged per minute, the usual three-second free threshold works only for MegaFon subscribers. The wording “connection lasting less than three seconds” means that you need to have time to “fight back” in two seconds. This is not much, but it is an order of magnitude better than zero seconds for other operators.

    SMS and MMS messages

    When roaming, only incoming SMS are free; when receiving “free” incoming MMS, data traffic is paid separately. For example, receiving or sending a medium-sized photograph in an MMS message will cost 150-200 rubles. However, sending the same photo via email It's unlikely to be much cheaper.

    Account and service management

    Many people still use their usual free SMS for service management. In international roaming SMS to short numbers are charged, requests from the phone's SIM menu are essentially the same SMS messages. It’s high time for even the most “stubborn” conservatives to master USSD commands, which work reliably and are free of charge even in international roaming.

    Calling friends while traveling

    Our tourists sometimes believe that the line in the description of tariffs “Outgoing to numbers in the host country” refers to calls to all phones located in the country. And it’s relatively inexpensive to call a friend in the next hotel room. This is, of course, not true. A caller using a Russian SIM card pays for this call as a call to Russia, even if the friend is in the hotel bar on the floor below. And the caller to the so-called “tourist SIM card” pays for the call at the “Outgoing to numbers of other countries” tariff, since de jure he calls to Estonia. For example, for MTS subscribers such a call will cost twice as much as a call to Russia.

    Delays in write-offs

    For prepaid tariffs with online billing, the issue is irrelevant, and for contract subscribers, delays in debiting money can be significant. Moreover, incoming calls, as a rule, are calculated immediately, the balance decreases and creates the illusion of small expenses. A few days later, money for outgoing calls begins to be debited, and an epiphany sets in. Or financial blocking of the number, depending on your luck.

    Dialing Rules

    Before your first trip abroad, it’s not at all harmful to look into your phone’s address book and make sure that all Russian numbers are written down in it. international format+7 495/926/916, etc. By calling 8 926 1234567 in Egypt, we can easily disturb the peace of a local citizen with the number 892-6123. Or, in the best case (for the wallet), we won’t get through to anyone. I don’t know how it is now, but several years ago such incidents happened quite often. By getting rid of the “eights” in the address book, you do not lose anything; a number in standard international format will be dialed no worse in Moscow than in Cairo.

    ICQ and other messengers

    In international roaming, savings may be negative. The 100-kilobyte rounding of traffic in itself is not a gift; many foreign operators strive to calculate and charge data transfers every 15 minutes. Naturally, with the same rounding. In this case, a habitually connected messenger can easily eat 200 rubles per hour. Even very expensive SMS in roaming can end up being cheaper.

    Data transfer

    Modern smartphones (and telephones) regularly access the Internet. Check the weather, check exchange rates, update the contents of the “store” menu, etc., you can’t list everything. And an auto-mail check forgotten on the phone can reset the balance to zero in a couple of days of travel, a common occurrence. You can use data transfer in international roaming, but only if it is really necessary. And only if you are aware of the “price of the issue.” If not, then GPRS roaming service or in general GPRS is better turn it off before travelling. This is much simpler and more reliable than rummaging through the smartphone menu in search of programs that themselves go online.

    Laptop with modem

    It is better to leave the modem at home, this is a medical fact. Those who take him with them “just to look at the mail” bring bills for tens of thousands of rubles. While you read your mail, he will have time to update Windows, upgrade your antivirus and the latest Adobe version Flash Player download. At a speed of 150-200 rubles per second, yes. This is the other side of the 3G comfort coin.

    Skype and Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi network in a hotel or cafe - great way calling is cheap, no doubt about it. But the method is insidious and I would be careful with connected GPRS roaming. Even with a short signal loss Wi-Fi smartphone can “jump” to the 3G network, the user does not notice this and dials the number. The consequences, as you understand, are sad.

    Disabling discounts and options

    Finally, when you return home, it’s a good idea to remember to turn off roaming options from subscription fee, if any were connected before the trip. The phone doesn’t care where you are, and the operator even more so. Many people forget to turn it off and continue to pay the subscriber literally “for air”.

    The number of Russian regions is quite large, so national roaming is a very popular service. After all, many have friends, acquaintances or relatives in the neighboring region. It is very unpleasant to realize that just a hundred kilometers increases the cost of calls to unimaginable amounts. And paid inboxes are completely annoying, so there is an opportunity to make them free for more comfortable negotiations with other regions. This is an exclusive MTS tariff, which so far has no analogues from other mobile operators.

    Inbox in MTS roaming is free

    The MTS “Zero Without Borders” service allows you to make all incoming calls free, and the connection cost is only 19 rubles. In addition, this service will reduce the cost of outgoing calls to zero if the call does not last longer than ten minutes. Of course, this service has its limitations. For example, only those subscribers who have been using MTS services for more than six months can connect it. In addition, the cost of mobile operator services must exceed 600 rubles per month. The requirements are not that great, but before connecting, you should make sure that your SIM card meets them. Incoming calls via roaming are available to all MTS subscribers if the call lasts no more than ten minutes, and the rest of the time is paid according to the tariff, so the exact cost can only be found out by reading the terms of your tariff, for example, on the MTS website.

    You can find out more about the cost of calls in roaming by calling the MTS operator number.

    It should be remembered that calls within Russia are cheaper than calls to other CIS countries, and they, in turn, are cheaper than calls to non-CIS countries. Price additional services, such as SMS messages and MMS messages, must be clarified separately, depending on the tariff (and they change periodically). For lovers text communication There are special SMS packages “around the world” that allow you to send SMS anywhere by paying the cost of the package once (until it is completely used up, of course). The cost of one SMS with a connected package will be about 11 rubles (if you use them all).

    If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

    Incoming calls in MTS roaming: additionally

    GoGo roaming is also perfect for the “Zero Without Borders” service, which can reduce the cost of outgoing calls to a minimum. You can read more about this service in previous articles on our website. To use it, just enter the combination “*137*” before the subscriber’s phone number and roaming will not be so expensive.

    IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.