• How to make a folder with a password on a laptop. How to protect your data from prying eyes. How to protect a folder with a password using auxiliary programs

    Everyone loves secrets, but not everyone knows how to password protect a folder with files in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7. In some cases, a protected folder on a computer is a rather necessary thing in which you can store passwords for very important accounts on the Internet, work files not intended for others and much more.

    The list of free third-party folder protection solutions that can be recommended in any way is limited to those listed. But there are also paid programs for these purposes. Perhaps some of them will seem more acceptable to you for your purposes.

    Hide Folders

    The Hide Folders program is a functional solution for password protection of folders and files, hiding them, which also includes Hide Folder Ext for setting a password on external drives and flash drives. In addition, Hide Folders is in Russian, which makes it easier to use.

    The program supports several options for protecting folders - hiding, password blocking or combinations thereof; it also supports remote control of protection over the network, hiding traces of program operation, calling via hot keys and integration (or lack thereof, which may also be relevant) with Windows Explorer, export lists of protected files.

    In my opinion, one of the best and most convenient solutions of this kind, although it is paid. The official website of the program is https://fspro.net/hide-folders/ (free trial version works for 30 days).

    IoBit Protected Folder

    Iobit Protected Folder is a very simple program for setting a password for folders (similar to the free utilities DirLock or Lock-a-Folder), in Russian, but it is paid.

    I think you can get an understanding of how to use the program simply from the screenshot above, and no explanation is needed. When you lock a folder, it disappears from Windows Explorer. The program is compatible with Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, and you can download it from the official website www.iobit.com

    Folder Lock from newsoftwares.net

    Folder Lock does not support the Russian language, but if this is not a problem for you, then perhaps this is the program that provides the greatest functionality when protecting folders with a password. In addition to actually setting a password for the folder, you can:

    • Create “safes” with encrypted files (this is more secure than a simple folder password).
    • Enable automatic blocking when exiting the program, Windows, or turning off the computer.
    • Safely delete folders and files.
    • Receive reports of incorrectly entered passwords.
    • Enable hidden operation of the program with a call using hot keys.
    • Create backup copies of encrypted files online.
    • Creation of encrypted “safes” in the form of exe files with the ability to open on other computers where the Folder Lock program is not installed.

    The same developer has additional tools to protect your files and folders - Folder Protect, USB Block, USB Secure, with slightly different functions. For example, Folder Protect, in addition to setting a password for files, can prohibit their deletion and modification

    All developer programs are available for download (free trial versions) on the official website https://www.newsoftwares.net/

    Setting a password for an archive folder in Windows

    All popular archivers - WinRAR, 7-zip, WinZIP support setting a password for the archive and encrypting its contents. That is, you can add a folder to such an archive (especially if you rarely use it) with a password, and delete the folder itself (i.e., so that just a password-protected archive remains). At the same time, this method will be more reliable than simply setting passwords on folders using the programs described above, since your files will actually be encrypted.

    Password for a folder without programs in Windows 10, 8 and 7 (Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise only)

    If you want to make really strong protection for your files from strangers in Windows and do without programs, while on your computer a version of Windows that supports BitLocker, I would recommend the following method for setting a password on your folders and files:

    From what Windows itself has to offer, this is probably the most reliable way to protect files and folders on your computer.

    Another way without programs

    This method is not too serious and actually protects little, but for general development I present it here. To begin, create any folder that we will protect with a password. Next, create a text document in this folder with the following content:

    Cls @ECHO OFF title Folder under password if EXIST "Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRM echo Are you going to lock the folder?(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Wrong choice. goto CONFIRM:LOCK ren Private "Locker" attrib +h +s "Locker" echo The folder is locked goto End:UNLOCK echo Enter the password to unlock the folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%== YOUR_PASSWORD goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Locker" ren "Locker" Private echo Folder successfully unlocked goto End:FAIL echo Incorrect password goto end:MDLOCKER md Private echo Secret folder created goto End:End

    Save this file with the .bat extension and run it. After you run this file, a Private folder will be automatically created, where you should save all your super-secret files. Once all the files have been saved, run our .bat file again. When asked if you want to lock the folder, press Y - the folder will simply disappear. If you need to open the folder again, run the .bat file, enter the password, and the folder appears.

    The method, to put it mildly, is unreliable - in this case the folder is simply hidden, and when you enter the password, it is shown again. In addition, someone more or less computer savvy can look into the contents of the bat file and find out the password. But, nevertheless, I think that this method will be interesting to some novice users. Once upon a time I also learned from such simple examples.

    How to put a password on a folder in MacOS X

    Fortunately, on an iMac or Macbook, setting a password for a folder with files is not difficult at all.

    Here's how to do it:

    1. Open “Disk Utility”, located in “Programs” - “Utilities”
    2. From the menu, select “File” - “New” - “Create image from folder”. You can also just click "New Image"
    3. Specify the image name, size (you won’t be able to save more data into it) and encryption type. Click "Create".
    4. The next step will ask you to enter your password and confirm your password.

    That's all - now you have a disk image, which can be mounted (and therefore read or save files) only after entering the correct password. At the same time, all your data is stored in encrypted form, which increases security.

    That's all for today - we looked at several ways to put a password on a folder in Windows and MacOS, as well as a couple of programs for this. I hope this article will be useful for someone.

    Unfortunately, Windows does not provide the ability to protect a folder with a password. In many cases, a folder with a password would help protect important data from being viewed by strangers without any problems. I will discuss how to implement this on a laptop or computer in this article. The instructions are suitable for systems with Windows 7, 8 and 10

    We will talk about free programs and their paid analogues, as well as some other methods ( without third party utilities) with which you can protect folders and valuable data in them with a password.

    Free utilities and programs for setting a password for a folder

    There are few such programs, but there are those that can easily help you put a password on a folder. I will conduct a mini review of the most worthy ones, and you yourself will choose which one is best for you. They should be compatible with popular versions of Windows OS. All links will be listed immediately in the article.

    It is important to know that it is not necessary to install more than 1 program for such purposes. They may conflict with each other.

    Anvide Seal Folder

    Probably the most popular, free program that allows you to create a folder with a password. There is support for the Russian language. Download the archive and run it. Add to the list 1 or more folders that need to be protected with a password. Just drag them into the working window. Close access from the menu ( or press F5). Do this for all required files.

    The settings allow you not only to encrypt the folder with a password, but also the data stored in it ( name, file size). All unsuccessful authorization attempts are remembered and shown if entered correctly.

    You can easily check the remaining features yourself. The author of the program always helps if any problems arise.

    WinMend Folder Hidden

    A program with a very attractive interface that allows you to access folders using a password. There is Russian localization ( after installation and launch). Download and use for free.

    Just a few control buttons. There are no settings other than the color scheme and language. Drag a folder into the window and it will automatically become hidden. It can only be accessed from within the program.

    The disadvantages include the lack of encryption without hiding folders.


    An equally simple program in English, but it has a very friendly interface that even an inexperienced user can understand. Download it and install it. Enter the password at 1st start. It will be required to enter the program where the protected folders will be located.

    This password is also required when deleting ( For reliability, you can use recovery via Email address).

    Once in the working window, you just need to drag the folder into it with the mouse or select it in the directory through the menu ( Add). Pay attention to the status. Lock - protected. Unlock - no protection. To gain access to the files again, you will need to go into the program and unlock the directory from here. Below in the window there are instructions that most likely will not be useful.

    With these simple steps you can reliably block unauthorized access to a folder with valuable files.


    The easiest to use program, by installing it you can protect a folder immediately from the Windows Explorer context menu ( a new Lock/UnLock line will appear). There is nothing superfluous in it. Download it and lock the folder by entering the password 2 times. This must be done every time after viewing protected files.

    All protected folders are displayed in the main program window. They can also be unlocked from here.

    Convenient and safe solution.

    Paid programs to protect folders

    If free options are not suitable, then you can use paid ones. They are of course made of better quality and have more functionality, but you have to pay for it. I will consider the best programs in my opinion, and you decide which one is best for you.

    Folder Guard

    This program has a free trial period of 30 days. Russian language is available. Immediately after installation, you will be asked to enter a password to enter the program. To set a password for a folder, just drag it into the window. Each setup step is described in detail and no difficulties should arise. Download it and install it.

    You can simply hide the folder, both regular and network, or you can set a password. It is possible to restrict access to different users. There is an emergency recovery function in case the password is forgotten.

    There is even protection in safe mode. The program hides itself using the “Hidden” attribute. Hotkey calling is supported. Everything can be fine-tuned to suit your needs. Of the minuses, I would note that the certificate is in English.

    In general, it is very convenient to use; in addition to setting a password, there are a lot of different options. They can really be useful in various situations.

    IObit Protected Folder

    The simplest of all paid programs to protect folders in your native language ( selectable in settings). 20 trial runs. Supports all current versions of Windows. From the picture below you can see that it will not cause any difficulties in use.

    The options have several additional options. I liked this program more than all the others. Convenient, fast, safe and there is nothing superfluous. Download it and try it yourself.

    My Lockbox

    Another program from a Russian developer that will allow you to easily protect your important data. There are no bells and whistles in it. When starting for the first time, you will be required to enter a password. Access to all folders will be opened after entering it. There is a recovery service via Email ( optional). Download and test.

    The interface has only a few main buttons. It is possible to set a filter for trusted processes. Lots of themes. The functionality is similar to other programs.

    1. Install—adds protection to the folder.
    2. Clear - deletes it.

    It is possible to use for free with only 1 folder. The paid version removes this limitation and adds user support.

    Locking a folder with a password inside the archive

    You can encrypt your virtual hard disk or flash drives. If you forget your password, it will be almost impossible to recover your data. A reliable method of protection using Windows without third-party programs.

    Microsoft script for setting a password for a folder

    An unreliable method, the protection of which is very easily circumvented by simply turning on the display of hidden Windows system files. However, this is also the case in this article, as otherwise the folder is accessed using a password that was previously set. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to download any third-party applications.

    What else can you do

    In Windows, although there is no built-in function for setting passwords for folders, you can get by by simply creating a second user and setting a password for the account. In addition to this, limit rights. A fairly simple and effective method of data protection. However, an experienced user can handle this too.

    I would also advise encrypting it. This can be done using the same Bitlocker utility or similar ones. There is also a disadvantage here in that the section can simply be deleted and the data will be lost.

    Of all the above, the most reliable way to protect a folder is encryption. But here, if you forget your password, you yourself lose access to the data. I add the folder to the archive and encrypt it. I think this is much more convenient and safer than everything else. It all depends on who needs to hide the information. There is no 100% protection against everyone.

    I hope you have found a solution to your problem. I will answer all questions in the comments.

    Which method did you use?

    Windows has no built-in functionality for this task. But you can use free programs from third-party developers. Let's take the 7-Zip archiver and the Anvide Seal Folder utility as an example.

    Using 7-Zip

    7-Zip archives the folder, encrypts its contents and blocks access to it with a password. Surely you are already using this program. If not, then download 7-Zip from the official website. If you prefer another archiver, then most likely you can use it to put a password on the folder in the same way.

    After installing the archiver, right-click on the desired folder and select 7-Zip → “Add to archive”.

    In the window that appears, under the “Encryption” item, enter the password and repeat the combination. Check the box “Encrypt file names” and click OK.

    After this, the program will create a copy of the folder in the form of an encrypted archive, the contents of which can be viewed only after entering the password. Delete the original folder that remains unprotected.

    In exactly the same way, 7-Zip allows you to password protect any selected file.

    Using Anvide Seal Folder

    If you don't want to mess with the archive, you can set a password directly on the folder itself using the Anvide Seal Folder program. This utility encrypts the contents of selected folders and hides them from prying eyes. Containers protected in this way can only be opened through the Anvide Seal Folder interface after entering the password.

    The program is very easy to use. By clicking on the plus, you can select the path to the desired folder or to several containers one by one. After this, a list of added folders will appear in the Anvide Seal Folder main menu. To put a password on one or more of them, just select them, click on the lock and follow the prompts of the utility. You can also set a password to log into Anvide Seal Folder.

    On macOS you can do without third-party programs. The system allows you to create a so-called folder image, which is an encrypted copy of it. All files that are saved within this image are password protected.

    To create such an image, open Disk Utility (Programs → Utilities → Disk Utility).

    Click “File” → “New Image” → “Image from Folder” and specify the path to the folder you want to protect.

    Enter the name of the image and indicate the location on your computer where you will store it, as well as the password to access its contents. For encryption, select 128 or 256 bits, and for Image Format, select read/write. Then save the changes.

    Open the created image, enter the password and make sure that all files are in place.

    Delete the original folder. Now you can use it in a protected way instead.

    When using a computer, some users wonder how to put a password on a folder on the computer. And it’s kind of natural, everyone has their own secrets.

    At the request of a friend, I decided to figure out how this could be done. Yes, there are currently many ways to set a password for a folder! And I was convinced of this as soon as I started looking for a convenient and easy way. In this article I want to talk about some of the methods. I hope you find it useful.

    The most interesting thing is that most people use the WinRar archiver to put a password on a folder; in the article we will look at this method.

    How to put a password on any folder using programs

    In the process of searching for a suitable option to set a password for a folder, I went through many programs, but I would like to talk about a few that really deserve attention and use.

    Free Anvide Seal Folder in the past Anvide Lock Folder

    This program deserves special attention because... she can not only set a password for a folder, but can also . In order to use its capabilities you need to download and install it.

    After you have downloaded and installed it, a shortcut will appear on your desktop, launch it. A small program will launch, which copes with its functions with a bang.

    The program interface is convenient and friendly, but let's figure out how it all works. To set a password for a folder, you need to drag the folder into the program or click on the plus and select from the list. In the program window, go to the folder and click on the lock icon, enter the password you created 2 times, then "close access", sim-salabim and the folder disappeared.

    During the password setting process, the program will prompt you to enter a hint; you don’t have to enter it, but don’t forget the password you set.

    To access the folder, you need to run the Anvide Seal Folder program, select the desired folder, click on the icon "open lock", enter the password, the folder will appear and access will be granted.

    The interesting thing about the program is that after setting a password, even an advanced user will not be able to find your data, even when booting from another operating system. The only note is that the program is not intended to protect confidential information, only for private use.

    Attention! Before reinstalling Windows, do not forget to open access to all folders to avoid data loss!

    To start and make changes to the program, you need to set a password, to do this, click the mouse by the "code lock" button on the left side of the program, and enter your login password.

    The program has several useful options, to do this, go to the settings, click on the "wrench"

    To do this, in the program settings go to “Basic Settings”, and check the boxes – “Close access to all folders after exiting the program”. “Forcibly close access to folders”, this function will be needed in cases where, when access to the folder is closed, the file is occupied by another application, the program will forcefully close it.

    To make this function available to you you need to click on the “Configure” button and indicate the installed program "Unlocker"(by default, the program is installed in the C:\Program Files\Unlocker directory, and select the program file Unlocker.exe).

    How to set a password for a folder using Lock-A-Folder

    Another interesting program for setting a password on a folder and hiding it, meet Lock-A-Folder. Please keep in mind that this software is not intended to restrict access to confidential information.

    This program does not use encryption when setting a password for a folder, and also hides the folder from prying eyes, this is what makes it interesting. You can enable the Russian language in the program. The interface is clear and convenient.

    Download Russian.ini copy this file to the program folder C:\Program Files\LocK-A-FoLdeR\Lang

    After downloading and installing, launch it. When you first launch the program, you will receive a message about the need to create a master code or, in other words, a password to enter the program. Click OK and enter the password, repeat the password, enter the program. In the program at the bottom right from the drop-down menu Choose a language – Russian (Russian), for easier use of the program.

    To set a password for a folder using Lock-A-Folder you you need to click on the “Lock folder” button, then select the folder to set the password and hide click OK, after selecting, the folder will appear in the list and disappear from the selected location.

    You can do the same with other folders. Hidden folders are not displayed by the program when the function is enabled in Windows.

    In order to unlock and the folder appears, you need to run the program, you need select a folder from the list And click on the “Unlock folder” button

    Uninstalling the program if the folders are locked will not be possible until you enter the password to access the program. By deleting the program, all hidden folders automatically become visible and restrictions are removed from it. The program allows you to put a password on a folder and hide it in Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1.

    How to set a password for a folder without programs using a script

    On the Internet I came across many scripts for this purpose, but none of them provided security. Programs work on the principle of this script to set a password for a folder. It is based on the same password for hiding a folder from the computer, BUT in many scripts, when you enter a password, the folder is hidden, and when you enable the function in windows, the folder is visible. In the same script, everything works as expected.

    Let's figure out how to set a password for a folder without programs.

    Step 1. Copy the text of the future script:

    Select all text, right-click on the selection and select copy

    cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Private if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRM echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho% ==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM:LOCK ren Private "HTG Locker" attrib +h +s "HTG Locker" echo Folder locked goto End:UNLOCK echo Enter password to unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%== 12345 goto FAIL attrib -h -s "HTG Locker" ren "HTG Locker" Private echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End:FAIL echo Invalid password goto end:MDLOCKER md Private echo Private created successfully goto End:End


    title Folder Private

    if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK

    if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER


    echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder (Y / N )

    set /p "cho=>"

    if % cho %= = Y goto LOCK

    if % cho %= = y goto LOCK

    if % cho %= = n goto END

    if % cho %= = N goto END

    echo Invalid choice .

    goto CONFIRM

    : LOCK

    ren Private "HTG Locker"

    attrib + h + s "HTG Locker"

    echo Folder locked

    goto End

    : UNLOCK

    echo Enter password to unlock folder

    set / p "pass=>"

    if NOT % pass %= = 12345 goto FAIL

    attrib - h - s "HTG Locker"

    ren "HTG Locker" Private

    echo Folder Unlocked successfully

    goto End

    : FAIL

    echo Invalid password

    goto end


    md Private

    echo Private created successfully

    goto End


    The line to set a password for the folder is if NOT %pass%== 12345 goto FAIL (12345 is the default password, here you enter your password)

    Step 2. Open notepad Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad, or just write in the search bar notepad and click on it as shown in the picture.

    In the window that opens paste (Ctrl+V) the text copied earlier and save. Click File > Save As, select file type – All files, and the file name is any, adding at the end .bat, choose a location for the file, I save it to the desktop and click Save.

    The file will appear on your desktop or in the location you specify.

    Example: It should look like this - lock.bat

    Run lock.bat, if you did everything correctly, the folder will appear - Privat. You copy anything into this folder that you wanted to set a password for and hide. Run the script file again, a window will open in which the script will ask, "Are you sure you want to lock the folder", must be entered to confirm the action, in English Y (Yes - Yes), press Enter. We click refresh on the desktop, the folder disappears.

    Since our script file is on the desktop, the folder will appear on the desktop and disappear from the desktop.

    For that for the folder to appear, run our script file lock.bat, enter the password which you entered in the line and press Enter, the folder appears. That's all. A simple way to set a password for a folder without programs.

    The script file must be stored separately from the place where you set a password for the folder and hid it. The only inconvenient thing about this script is that you need to copy the script file back, and only then run it and enter the password. But I think these are minor things.

    Set a password for a folder using the archive and WinRAR program

    Most PC users have a program for working with archives, as it is the recommended software for convenient work on the computer.

    Using WinRAR you can easily set a password for a folder, but you will have to archive it. And every time you use a folder under a password, you will have to unpack the archive itself, this is a little inconvenient, but if the folder is not large, then this is a minor matter.

    But this method has its place, and it is effective and popular, and this method can also be considered how to set a password without third-party programs.

    Let's look at the process with an example.

    Right-click on the folder you are going to set a password and select from the context menu "Add to archive..." In the program window that opens, click "Set password"

    Enter the password twice, or once when checking the box "Display password as I type". After entering the password, click "OK", in the next window "OK" again, an archive with a password will begin to be created. If you check the box "Encrypt file names", then when you try to view the contents of the archive, you will not see anything. Sometimes this function is useful, so take it into account.

    To access the archive folder and file, you need to unpack the archive, right-click on the archive, select "Extract to current folder" or " Extract to .....”, enter your password, then OK.

    The most important thing is not to forget the passwords to the archives; if you forget the password, it is extremely difficult to retrieve data from such an archive.

    Many people want to have something personal that is not available to anyone except the user themselves - their own developments, “special” photographs not intended for public viewing, secrets, etc. This requires passwords.

    Most likely, you don’t need to explain to anyone what a password is, everyone knows it. But not everyone knows how to place them.

    We will figure out how to set passwords on folders and on certain files in the operating system Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows XP, and we will also talk about programs for encrypting folders.

    Encrypt folders and files

    Read also: TOP 3 Easy ways to show hidden folders or hide a required folder and set a password on it in Windows 10

    1 First of all, you need to create a virtual disk, and then connect it to a personal computer. What is it? A virtual disk is a standard file that is mounted as an image for CD and DVD. He should appear in "My computer" under the hard drive icon.

    2 After completing the previous step, you need to right-click on this icon. Next, we connect and configure encryption.

    3 Enter the password and repeat it again, press the button "Next" .

    4 Then you need to move the necessary files and folders to this virtual disk. Do not share your virtual disk password with anyone to ensure the security of your files.

    This method is the safest.

    Method number two

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    The next method is more specific, but for development it is worth talking about.

    1 First of all, you need to create a folder on which you want to put a password.

    2 Then create a notepad file in this folder.

    3 Write the text into the notepad file you created.

    4 Save this file with the .bat extension and run it.

    5 After you run this file, a Private folder will be automatically created, where you should save all your super-secret files.

    6 After all files have been saved, run the .bat file again.

    7 If you need to open the folder again, run the .bat file, enter the password, and the folder appears.

    Until the password is entered, the folder is not visible; when you enter the password, the folder appears. The user can also go to the file - notepad bat and see the password for the folder.

    VIDEO: How to password protect a folder in Windows

    How to password protect a folder in Windows 7

    The best encryption programs

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    It is worth noting, as previously mentioned, to encrypt folders and various files, there are specialized programs that are designed specifically for this.

    We have selected two of the best applications for these purposes. We will talk about them a little below.


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    7-ZIP is another archiver with which you can easily set a password. The application is completely free.

    To encrypt a file or folder, follow the same instructions as with Winrar. The only difference is that here you can choose one of several extensions.



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    FlashCrypt is another good encryption program that uses an algorithm called "AES".

    When using the application, folders and files are not hidden; when opening them, you are required to enter a password. Don't worry if you forgot your password. You can always install it.

    Instructions for use:

    1 First of all, you need to download the application;

    3 The next step is to enter a password, after which you need to press the button "Protect" .

    Anvide Lock Folder is a portable utility for encrypting folders and files. The application does not require installation. It can be loaded from other drives.

    Instructions for use:

    1 First of all, you need to run the program;

    3 After this, drag the user folder into the program window or add it using the button with the “+” sign.

    4 Click on the closed lock icon, enter your password and click "Close access" .

    AxCrypt provides secure AES-128 encryption of individual files using passwords. Usage is amazingly simple.

    To encrypt a file or files in a folder, simply right-click on the file or folder and select "encrypt".

    Double clicking on an encrypted file allows you to edit or view it with the program of your choice. Closing an open file will automatically re-encrypt the file.


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    AES Crypt is a simple program that adds a context menu item to the general file system context menu. The program does not have a windowed mode, which most . Those. work is carried out only through the context menu.

    You simply right-click on the file you need to encrypt or decrypt, select AES Crypt, enter your password in the small dialog box.

    And a new encrypted or decrypted file will appear next to it. In the case shown in the picture (we are encrypting), the name of the new encrypted file will be Bootstrap.kdbx.aes.


    Setting a password in Windows 7/10

    Read also:

    1 First you need to find out the OS bit depth. To do this in the menu "Start" need to find a point .

    2 V "Control Panels" you need to enter the menu "System and Security" .

    4 V "System" The system capacity will be indicated. She must be remembered.

    7 When you click the button, the installation file will begin downloading. After downloading, you need to install it by simply clicking on the downloaded file with the left mouse button (in Google Chrome this is the case).

    8 After installation, the program must be opened.

    Selected folder

    11 Next, the folder must be added to the archive. As a matter of fact, it is not necessary to look for the folder in the program itself. For convenience, it’s easier to download and install the program, after which, going to the folder, right-click and select "Add to archive" .

    12 Afterwards you need to configure the future archive. First you need to select a name and format, and then go to the tab "Additionally" .

    13 In the menu "Additionally" you need to set a password. The longer it is, the more reliable it is, but at the same time it is easier to forget.

    The password must be easy to remember, but at the same time so that no one knows it. Then you need to click "OK" .

    The archive has been created and password protected. For greater reliability, you should add secrecy to the archive.

    To do this, right-click on the archive and select "Properties" .

    The file will become invisible until Windows shows hidden files and folders.

    When you try to open the archive, it will open itself, but its contents will be password protected.

    For example, the Boruto episode in the archive in the picture requires a password. Password-protected files are marked with a “*” in WinRar.

    15 If the password is entered correctly, a password-protected file will begin and you can open it. In this case, see the video.

    If the password is entered incorrectly, an error window will appear. You need to close it and try again to enter the correct password.

    Ready. But we must remember that any passwords can be hacked using various hacking programs.