• How to make a stand for a phone or smartphone at home. How to make a phone stand? Convenient gadget made from scrap materials Unusual phone stand made from Lego

    A tablet stand is a convenient thing if you want to watch a movie, read a book on the tablet, and also for those who type text and use the tablet to show photos to a group of friends.

    This kind of thing is not worth buying, since it is extremely easy to make it yourself from cardboard, wood, and, in general, from any available items. Here are some great ideas, most of which any beginner can do.

    In fact, a tablet stand can be made from almost anything, including things that we usually throw away, so if you make such a stand yourself, you can justifiably be proud of yourself - you support the environmental movement;)

    1. The easiest way to make a tablet stand with your own hands is to cut it out of cardboard.

    Or not just from a piece of cardboard, but in a cafe, from a paper cup.

    You can use part of the packaging of the iPad itself. Or maybe the packaging designers secretly hoped that people would figure out how to use the packaging in this way and would not waste money on unnecessary accessories?)

    2. Wire tablet stand.

    From a wire hanger, the cheapest, you can very quickly make a stand for a tablet, and you can roll it up in more than one way...

    Or you can take a piece of stiff wire and a couple of rubber bands for money. And you will also get a light and convenient stand for your tablet.

    3. Tablet stand made from scrap items.

    If you are in the office and you urgently need a stand for your tablet, for example for a presentation, then use erasers for money and pencils (it’s more convenient to take those with erasers).

    Exactly the same design can be obtained from Chinese chopsticks.

    The tablet stand will turn out very beautiful if it is cut out of natural wood and varnished. But this stand option is for those who have skillful hands and a lot of time.

    And here is a tablet stand that can be made in 10-15 seconds. From Lego parts.

    Again an office option. A business card stand from a regular stationery set works great as a tablet stand.

    If the stand for business cards is metal, then you can bend it additionally or screw in a couple of screws so that the tablet does not fall. It’s probably better to wrap the screws with something soft (again, a rubber band for money).

    In our progressive times, it is difficult to meet a person who does not have a mobile phone. Even when sending a child to first grade, parents provide him with the necessary means of communication. We use modern mobile devices not only for communication, but also for gaming applications, typing, reading, as well as watching videos and much more. Often, an owner who wants to always have a phone at hand wants to position it in a convenient way. Various expensive holders are offered in stores, but from our article you will find out what you can make from

    Stationery binders

    Surely those who study or work in an office will have several office clips called binders on their desktop. Next, let's look at how to make a phone stand from these devices. To create a strong holder, you can use 1, 2, 3 or even more binders. Some craftsmen assemble three-dimensional structures from many different sized clips. But such stands look bulky and are inconvenient for temporary use. It is enough to fasten two binders together and do not forget to bend one metal end of the holder slightly towards the phone located on it. Even one piece with a curved ear will be enough to support a mobile device.

    You can build another structure from the same binders by placing the clamps opposite each other so that the ears point to the sides. The telephone is inserted into these ends, like into grooves. To keep the clips stable, clamp a small piece of cardboard on both sides.

    We use pencils

    If you don’t have binders at hand, the question may arise: how to make a phone stand out of pencils. Before building this structure, prepare 4 erasers and 6 pencils. In fact, you need to assemble a three-dimensional geometric figure - a tetrahedron. The principle is that you need to fasten two pencils with an elastic band, and insert the third between the turns. It is recommended to use pencils with an eraser at the end to prevent slipping on the table and provide a stronger grip on the phone.

    Bottle models

    In the household we use a lot of cleaning products and detergents. Most of them are contained in plastic containers. It can be used as a mobile device holder. Let’s look further at how to make a phone stand out of a bottle.

    The type of device will depend on the shape of the container. This could be containers for shampoo, shower gel, cleaning products and others. Take a bottle twice as long as your phone. Cut off the neck and part of the container on one side approximately to the middle. All sizes are relative - measure at your own discretion. On the opposite area of ​​the bottle, cut a hole corresponding to the parameters of the charger. You should end up with a piece that resembles a handbag or pocket with a handle. Place the phone in the stand and connect the adapter to the network through the hole. Your mobile communication device will not lie on the floor, and there will be no risk of crushing it. You learned another way - how to make a phone stand. If desired, this holder can be painted or covered with beautiful paper or fabric.

    Paper clips

    The simplest and most affordable option for a stand is a regular metal clip. It must be bent into a straight line and folded as shown in the diagram. The resulting product is quite strong and stable. This design holds the mobile phone perfectly without interfering with watching videos.

    Cardboard and plastic cards

    How to make a phone stand out of cardboard? You will need a cardboard sheet from which you will need to cut a strip measuring 10 x 20 cm. Then you need to fold it in half along the short sections. Next, draw a figure as shown in the photo below. The fold line must remain intact. Having opened the part, you will see that you have a comfortable and stable stand for your phone.

    If you have an unnecessary card lying around (any discount card), it will also make an excellent phone stand. Making such a device at home is very simple. Step back 1 cm from the edge of the card and bend the piece along the short side. Fold the remaining part of the card in half in the opposite direction. You will get a zigzag shape. Place the phone on the resulting ledge. The stand is ready.

    Unusual coasters made from simple things

    Savvy people began to use ordinary glasses as a phone holder. They only need to be turned over with the arms up, which, in turn, need to be crossed. The mobile device is located between the frame frame and the temples that hold the phone.

    How to make a phone stand from a children's construction set? In this case, everything depends on your creativity and imagination. To create such a model, you need to use a platform and several bricks of various shapes. A stand made of parts can hold the phone in both vertical and horizontal positions. The tilt of the screen can be adjusted by adding or removing additional bricks.

    Another interesting detail that will help keep the phone in a vertical position is the old cassette holder. It is necessary to open it and tilt the lid back, thereby turning the box inside out. You can place your communication device in the hole that once served as a pocket for an audio cassette. The convenience of the stand is that it is quite durable and transparent, and does not interfere with the use of the phone. In addition, it can be easily washed.

    As you can see, from the simplest items found in every home, you can make such a useful thing as a phone stand.

    Mobile communication devices are found in every home; they have become almost indispensable for modern people and perform many functions. Therefore, quite often they need to be kept not in your pocket, but on the desktop, so a smartphone stand is a necessary thing for everyone. There are many ways to make a phone stand, but one of the best options is, of course, wood, since, despite its hardness, it will not scratch the smartphone and will look good both in the office and on the table at home.

    The easiest way to make a wooden phone stand with your own hands is to simply make it from an ordinary plank. The design of such a product is as simple as possible - a groove of the required width is made in the board and the stand is already ready. Since the board has a large plane, after you put your mobile phone in the slot, it will stand firmly and securely on the table.

    The most important thing in this wooden phone stand is the base area that will be in contact with the table; it must be large enough to cope with the functional load. As a base, such a homemade phone stand can have any wood and can be given any shape. But the manufacturing process itself is limited to the fact that a groove is simply made in the board using a router. The groove can be made flat or sloped, depending on the angle at which the device should be positioned.

    When you make your own smartphone stand, it is important to sand it well, especially in the groove area where the mobile will sit. After all, if there are irregularities, you can scratch the glass, and this will ruin the appearance of your gadget.

    Stand- a useful and convenient thing in everyday life. For example, phones or tablets, which have become an integral part of our daily lives, are a little inconvenient to use in a hospital setting. If you do not have a branded or suitable case that can secure the gadget in an inclined position, then you will have to hold it with your hands. This is inconvenient when watching a movie for a long time, while eating or reading for a long time.

    The best solution to this problem may be to purchase a stand specifically designed for this purpose. But sometimes we need it right now, or we simply feel sorry for the money for a seemingly temporary thing. In this case, you can make a stand yourself from available materials. It won't take long! A couple of minutes and you can comfortably sit in front of the screen of your gadget, while freeing your hands.

    In this article we will rely primarily on options for phone stands, but they can also be slightly modernized and used for tablets, books, even for pictures or plates. It all depends only on your imagination. But if she is sleeping, then there is nothing wrong with it. The options proposed in the article are discussed in detail, and it will not be difficult for you to slightly increase the dimensions specifically for the thing for which you are making a stand.

    Handy materials to help

    You can make a stand yourself from scrap materials. Almost any material you have at home is suitable for this. It could be:

    • wire
    • cardboard
    • carton
    • fabric and padding
    • bottle
    • tree
    • paper
    • pencils
    • constructor
    • stationery holders
    • unnecessary plastic cards
    • old cassette player

    Only your imagination can limit your choice. Of course, the stores offer a huge selection of products in this category. However, making the holder yourself has a number of undeniable advantages:

    • Rapidity. Sometimes you need a stand as soon as possible, and there is no time to go to the store to buy it.
    • Inexpensive or free. You can make a holder from what you already have in your home.
    • Originality. With your own hands you will create a truly unique product.

    Phone stand made from pencils

    In order to assemble this structure, you will need:

    • 6 pencils
    • 4 rubber bands

    Despite the intricate appearance, this design is very easy to assemble. The idea is that two pencils are held together at the ends with an elastic band, and the third pencil is inserted between the turns of the rubber band. The result is a geometric figure - a tetrahedron. If you still have questions about how to make this version of the stand, then use the example below.

    The picture clearly shows how the pencils are held together.

    To avoid slipping and make the stand more stable, use pencils with erasers at the ends.

    Phone stand made from paper clips

    The most economical and simple version of the stand, to create which you only need a paper clip.

    To do this, you need to bend it into the same shape as in the figure.

    This design will hold your phone without any problems.

    Plastic card phone stand

    Any unnecessary plastic card will do for this. Simply fold it along the short side, leaving about 1 cm from the edge, and bend the remaining part in the opposite direction exactly in half. You will get it as shown in the picture.

    Cardboard phone or tablet stand

    Cardboard- an excellent material that is widely used for various homemade “things”. Probably, many people have a cardboard box or an unnecessary sheet of cardboard at home. It’s worth trying to use it to create a stand.

    To do this you will need:

    • cardboard
    • scissors

    From a sheet of cardboard folded in half, cut a strip measuring 10 by 10 cm. Then draw the figure shown in the figure on it and cut it along the contour.

    You will get a comfortable and stable stand that you can carry with you.

    This holder option can be used for a tablet or book. The essence of manufacturing is the same, you just need to adjust the part to the size of your gadget, as shown in the figure.

    It is necessary to use cardboard that bends well so that the stand does not “open up”.

    It is important to understand that a cardboard stand is not necessarily a sloppy brown structure. It can be stylish, comfortable and beautiful. You just need to change the shape a little and the result will change dramatically.

    Origami paper phone stand

    You may not have cardboard at home, but you do have thick paper. This is also suitable for making a stand! For this you only need paper and scissors. Cut out the shape according to the diagram below, then fold along the fold lines.

    That's all. The origami stand is ready to use.

    Wire stand for phone or tablet

    One of the budget options, made from scrap materials.

    During work you will need:

    • wire 2-3 mm thick
    • pliers
    • wire cutters to cut wire

    Everything is done as simply as possible: in the right places the wire is bent so that it becomes a holder.

    To make the structure more stable, the wire can be connected with a rubber band.

    Such a stand can be a real design solution: you can paint it a different color and it will be completely transformed, or you can fill the “voids” with decorative wire curls. This design is suitable for both a phone and a tablet, the only difference is the size of your gadget.

    Unusual Lego phone stand

    Probably, this version of the stand will especially appeal to teenagers and men. Here you can show your imagination by creating a whole complex for your smartphone with the ability to change position, and maybe even amplify the sound of the speaker, or get by with a minimum of details. The creative process will not only bring pleasure, but also bring benefits.

    To make such a design, you will need several parts and a base. The level of inclination can be changed by adding or removing parts. And the position of the gadget is easy to change, also adjusting the design.

    Phone stand from an old cassette player

    Perhaps someone has an old cassette player lying around at home. It is unlikely that it will ever be useful, and with the advent of disks and electronic media, no one uses cassettes anymore. But still, you can find a use for the cover in which the cassette was located.

    To do this, just “turn” the cassette player inside out, tilting the lid back. The hole in which the cassette was held can accommodate a telephone. The advantages of this design are that it is easy to wash and transparent.

    Phone stand made from a plastic bottle

    Many of us go on a trip or run errands by train. Often, on trains there is nothing near the sockets where you can securely place your phone. However, the gadget is discharged and needs to be charged. You can simplify this task by using a stand made from a bottle. Its essence lies in the fact that the gadget is placed in the cut off bottom of the bottle, which remains hanging on the plug from the charging device. This way, you don't have to stand nearby and hold the phone in your hands or look for a way to secure it.

    To make such a stand holder you will need:

    • plastic shampoo or drink bottle
    • scissors

    First, wash the bottle to remove any remaining makeup or soda. Then, mark it. The back wall of the stand should become a kind of handle on which the phone holder will hang. The front wall should be high enough so that the phone does not fall over the edge. The next step is to cut out the stand along the office.

    To do this, it will be more convenient to use a sharp stationery knife.

    Cut a hole at the top of the handle so that it can be attached to the charger plug. You can decorate the stand to suit any taste: using adhesive paper, paints or stickers.

    Wooden phone or tablet stand

    If you want to make an original stand, then one of the good materials for making it is wood. Such a stand will be strong, durable, and can also serve as a good gift for a loved one. It is important to understand that working with wood requires some minimal skills and special tools.

    In the process of work, in addition to a wooden block, you may need materials such as:

    • jigsaw
    • sandpaper
    • wood cutting knives

    Be careful and attentive when working with such tools.

    Stages of making a stand:

    • Process the wooden block by sawing off the excess parts and making a recess at the top in the middle for a phone or tablet.
    • Using sandpaper, remove all roughness and splinters from the surface of the future holder.
    • You can coat the finished product with varnish or special paint.

    Another option for a wooden stand for a phone or tablet is an analogue of its cardboard version. In this case, it is better to use plywood instead of a wooden block.

    To do this, make a stencil of the “legs” of the holder and a crossbar that will fasten them together. And transfer it to the plywood. Carefully cut out with a jigsaw and smooth out any unevenness and roughness with sandpaper. Using super glue, connect the legs and the crossbar.

    DIY stand case for your phone or tablet

    The most popular option for a gadget stand is a stand case. You will have to tinker with it a little, but the result is worth it. This option is convenient to take with you when traveling, it is durable and can protect the screen.

    To make such a holder you will need:

    • facing material, it is best to choose leather
    • material for interior cladding
    • plain and thick cardboard or rigid material
    • elastic band for fastening
    • pencil
    • ruler
    • scissors
    • double sided tape

    How to do this?

    • Cut the cardboard according to the size of the tablet so that it completely covers it. This is the future basis, the dimensions of which will be basic for all elements.
    • Make several folds in the same way that the front of the case will then need to bend to support the tablet.
    • Now we take hard material, which will give the case stability. We cut it so that it follows the contour of the workpiece.
    • We apply it to the base and make an edging so that it does not interfere with the folds.

    • From the inside we treat the case with soft materials, gluing it to the base blank with double-sided tape.
    • The next step is fastening for the tablet itself. To do this, we make small holes in the rigid elements for elastic bands that will hold the tablet.

    • We glue the finishing material on the outside.

    Do this as carefully as possible. The appearance of the product will depend on this.

    That's all. The stand is ready! It is convenient and can be used not only as a holder, but also to protect the screen.

    Stand-bag for tablet or phone

    An original and cute version of a gadget stand. It is suitable for girls and can be a cute home accessory.

    To make it you will need:

    • scissors
    • textile
    • padding material
    • thick cardboard
    • thread and needle
    • button

    Manufacturing process:

    • First you need to cut out a template from cardboard according to the size of your gadget.
    • Then cut out a rectangle from the fabric twice the size of the resulting template.
    • Fold the fabric base in half and mark with stitches a fold 10 cm from the edge.
    • Sew the bag, leaving one side unsealed.
    • After turning the bag inside out, position it so that the seam runs through the middle and a diamond shape is formed at the end. After ironing it, bend the top corner of the diamond so that it is in the middle and sew. This is shown in more detail in the figure.

    • Then insert cardboard into the product and fill the remaining space with padding material.
    • Make a seam along the very edge of the template. Folding the edges of the unstitched side, carefully stitch it, leaving an opening for stuffing.
    • Make a roll and sew up the hole.

    That's all. The product is ready. You can decorate it to your liking, giving it even more charm!

    Phone stand made from paper clips

    Another interesting and at the same time very simple option. If you have several office clips at home, then feel free to use them!

    You will need 2 clamps: one larger and the other smaller. By connecting them together as shown in the figure, in a couple of seconds you will get a phone holder.

    This can also be done from two clamps of the same size.

    Phone stand made from an unwanted CD

    An unnecessary CD can serve as a stand for your phone. In order to make such a holder, you will need a little time and work with temperature. So be careful!


    For a creative person, all boundaries are erased. And he can create any object with his own hands from scrap materials. For the stand, you can use options such as an ordinary office business card holder, or a book stand that is well known to all of us since school days, even a toilet paper roll can be an excellent holder option.

    There are many opportunities for creativity, you just need to look around carefully. Maybe you will make the most unusual accessory for your smartphone with your own hands!

    A big and warm hello to everyone! I haven’t written in the “DIY” section for a long time. Regular readers have probably forgotten that such a thing exists. But oh well, today I will improve. And I will share with you very cool ideas on how to make a phone stand with your own hands.

    Lately I've been reading a lot, studying information, watching videos. But holding the phone in your hands is not very convenient. And it happens that, for example, I’m preparing food, cutting food, and I have to prop up my phone with whatever comes to hand. And suddenly the idea came to me, why not buy a stand at the store that will make my life much easier. Having scoured the Internet, finding the answer to the question of what it costs and what it costs, I came across a photograph that showed that very thing, but made in seconds and with my own hands. Then the idea sparked in my head to put together several inspiring ideas. And in the end, I hope, an interesting post was born. And so let's begin!

    I suggest starting with the very best option for a paper phone stand. You can build it at any time and anywhere, the main thing is to have a sheet of paper approximately A4 size on hand. It seems to me that students and schoolchildren will like this idea. The main principle here is to take a sheet of paper, preferably thick, and fold it lengthwise to make at least 3 layers, but of course everything depends on the width. Then you need to fold the paper again, making folds across so that 3 wide edges of the same width and one small one are formed. Look at the photo, it clearly shows what the end result should be. The last step is to make two small folds.

    I can’t even imagine who could have such a rarity as a box of tape cassettes for a tape recorder. But it turns out that such an object, seemingly completely useless, can be used. In a couple of seconds, by turning it over in a certain way (see photo), you will get a very cool stand for your smartphone. Moreover, if you paint it with paint from a bottle, then few will guess what it is made of.

    If you have several DIY kits lying around at home, then it is quite possible to build a structure to hold your phone in a horizontal position. And this is done in a matter of minutes. And it’s also easy to disassemble it, putting it back in place.

    Plastic card as a phone stand? The idea is bold, but quite realistic. All you need is a couple of cards and some strong scissors. Trim the parts as shown in the photo and enjoy watching videos, photos and reading e-books.

    The next way to make your life easier is to stock up on six pencils and four erasers. Basically, you need to make a three-dimensional figure, as shown in the picture. Start with a simple triangle, then add one edge at a time, securing it all with rubber bands. Get an original delivery for the phone.

    Having a couple of wooden pieces in the house, it is possible to make an interesting and original, and most importantly durable device for smartphones. You can glue the parts with hot or universal polymer glue. And indeed, this design will serve you for a very long time.

    Here are some more lifehacks for your phone to keep it running while charging. Such devices are needed mainly when there is simply nowhere to put the gadget unless there is a table or cabinet nearby. Such holders are made from a plastic bottle, as in the first case, or from thick cardboard, as in the second.

    I've seen so many ideas with toilet paper rolls, but this one! You will need the sleeve itself and 4 paper buttons (to be honest, I don’t know what they are called correctly). Attach them as legs, cut a hole at the top to size so that you can put your phone through it, and enjoy the result. It is better, of course, to decorate such a stand with something or simply paint it.

    As you already understand, making a phone stand out of paper is the easiest option. So, you will need a piece of very thick cardboard. If there is none, then make it from several layers, gluing them to each other. Cut holes in the part as shown in the picture. Moreover, such a holder is suitable not only for smartphones, but also for tablets.

    Well, the very last way I suggested to make a phone stand with your own hands is to use a stationery clip. I’m sure everyone will have it, and if not, then it’s not very expensive in stores. Take a couple of these devices and bend one round part of the paper clip inward. It will serve as a barrier for the phone to prevent it from rolling off. Place one binder inside another. Place the smartphone so that it rests on one ear, and the second one is bent towards the screen. Here's a simple holder for you!

    That's all for today, I hope you liked the ideas and were inspired to make one of the presented gizmos! See you again!