• How to make a device certified. A lot of Android smartphones are waiting to be blocked by Google - what will this turn out to be? How to check for certification

    It's no secret that in order to use Google Play and other services from Google, you need to sign a MADA contract, which imposes certain obligations on the hardware manufacturer. For example, this contract requires you to submit your devices to Google-authorized laboratories for certification and testing, which can cost between $5,000 and $10,000 per device and take up to two weeks. For large manufacturers, this is not the money that affects the cost of the final device, but for small companies that produce one model with a circulation of 5-10 thousand pieces, it is noticeable and completely changes the cost of the device. It's no joke when you have to spend a dollar on each device. And if its cost is 40-45 dollars, then this turns out to be noticeably more than 5%, and the manufacturer’s efficiency suffers. Therefore, factories in China have found several schemes in which they add Google Play and related services without signing a direct contract with Google. This is a violation of the concept that was developed for Android, and a direct path to the fact that anything can appear on devices - viruses and Trojans, malicious software, or simply programs that noticeably worsen the performance of devices. Also, the lack of a direct relationship between manufacturers and Google allows the first to release their devices on older versions of Android at a time when everyone who complies with MADA can no longer do so. An interesting situation has developed over the past year: those who already comply with MADA are complaining about those who do not, because, in their opinion, they are gaining an advantage. Google promised to resolve this issue within 2017 and has already begun implementing its plans. The result will be a completely redesigned Android smartphone market, and the way Google does it is beautiful and simple, but will affect us all.

    Three steps to disabling Google Play - certified devices

    Google has approached the fight against those who violate MADA and do not receive certificates for their smartphones or tablets globally. The program affects the whole world, although the specific implementation dates in one country or another may differ. But they are approximately the same, and there are no differences in the steps that will be taken. At the first stage, with one of the Google Play Services updates, the “Certification” line appeared in the Play Market settings.

    Just look here in your device to understand how your smartphones comply with Google certification. Open the Play Market, then settings and see this line at the very bottom. Many B and C brands do not have such certification, and, to my sincere surprise, Meizu did not certify its devices.

    The second step took place during MWC and a little earlier, when Google informed partners that they were going to “disable” uncertified devices. Technically this will be implemented very simply. When you first activate a smartphone or tablet from a company that has not certified the device, a pop-up message will appear stating that the operation of Google services, including the application store, is not guaranteed on this device. Then downloading applications from the Play Store will be disabled, that is, the buyer will have to either use an alternative application store or install applications manually from the APK. Considering that these will be devices with a price comparable to smartphones of similar characteristics from other B/C brands, no one will need such torment; people will simply start returning them to retail stores. Oddly enough, it will be retail that will be hit; it will be the first to suffer, as people will take their smartphones back.

    It is important to make a reservation that for all smartphones that are already activated and are in people’s hands, a kind of amnesty is coming. No sanctions will be applied to them, people will not see restrictions. There is also a kind of grace period for manufacturers - everyone who signs MADA in the coming months, but does not have time to certify certain batches of devices, will be able to declare a range of IMEI numbers for which an exception will be made. Google is aware that devices may be in retail and warehouses, meaning there will be a short transition period. But it won't be possible to take advantage of this loophole for a long time.

    Google's strategy is very simple and clear: in every country in the world they will force hardware manufacturers to sign MADA and comply with the rules of the game. Theoretically, you don’t have to do this, but then you won’t have services from Google, that is, you will have to use empty Android, which is uninteresting. Also, in theory, you can try to sell smartphones without MADA and assume that users will begin to solve their problems themselves. But from my experience, this is possible with a striking difference in cost, and no one can achieve this, the maximum difference in price will be 5-15%, this is not the money that will attract consumers and make them suffer headaches.

    The main question is when this will start to happen. No one gives a clear answer, but they are talking about the third quarter of 2017, or it will happen a little earlier. You can perceive the first shutdowns as a public flogging; this will become a kind of scandal, and outraged users will begin to return newly purchased devices. Oddly enough, in Russia both operators and retailers perceived this approach by Google positively, as they saw for themselves in this a reduction in the number of problems due to devices that have flaws. For example, a number of operators have encountered over the past month the fact that smartphones from a number of C-brands are sending paid SMS to Africa, and users are complaining. They are compensated for this money, since the smartphones were purchased in the retail networks of operators and are sold by them, but the story itself looks like a never-ending one, requiring blocking of these numbers at the operator level, so as not to replace the smartphones themselves. Very big headache.

    In retail they are saying that they will simply add one more point when purchasing devices, the need for Google certification, which will give them confidence that there will be no problems with the end buyer.

    As you can see, big business approached this issue blissfully and calmly, I expected more turbulence and discussion of this point, but this did not happen.

    Fast Pass Program – Certification Compensation for the Manufacturer

    Google has come up with a way to solve a number of its problems and compensate the costs of manufacturers. Starting from the second quarter of 2017, the Fast Pass program will begin operating; this is a quick certification of devices, which is paid not by the manufacturer, but by Google. At the moment, this program includes devices on the most popular chipsets from MediaTek, that is, the majority of budget Android smartphones, the largest piece of the market. Devices based on Qualcomm will appear in the program later; at the moment, Qualcomm is not ready to bear partial costs for this program, so it is not there. But I’m sure that as soon as Fast Pass starts working and Qualcomm sees that it is necessary to invest in this program, they will quickly get involved - the level of costs for Qualcomm is scanty, but the return is large.

    So, if your smartphone is built on a chipset that is described in the Fast Pass program, and you have a contract with Google, then you send the device for certification to one of the laboratories. The certification period takes up to 10 days, often faster. Google bears all certification costs. In theory, this program will gradually spread to all devices and become the main one.

    But there are several important points here - the manufacturer cannot use additional programs in its device, similar to Google search, email, the Chrome browser and a number of others. That is, it turns out that you need to use your smartphone only with GMS services; you won’t be able to install anything else. The second point is that any smartphone that uses the shell does not fall into this program. In my opinion, this was done deliberately in order to attract manufacturers to use pure Android. Google is aware that large manufacturers will continue to use their add-ons and shells for Android, but small companies, on the contrary, will focus on a pure system. At the same time, Google’s task is to standardize the offer of small manufacturers, to make it the same - in this approach, the task looks quite real and can be solved in the next couple of years. That is, it turns out that large manufacturers have their own shells, small companies have a clean and at the same time well-functioning Android, the second is achieved by certification (it also imposes restrictions not only on the software, but also on the hardware that is used by the manufacturer - that is, it sets the level of performance) .

    All these efforts on Google’s part look like a planned “cleanup”; the company is trying to put its relationships with hardware manufacturers in order, remove complex issues and make Android guaranteed to be productive on both expensive and cheap devices. And so far it looks like the approach will work.

    It is clear that there will be scandals when newly purchased devices report that the Play Market and other Google applications will not work for them. People who fall for such purchases will begin to return them en masse to retail. This will impact cross-border trade and create confusion as buyers fear that a smartphone ordered from China will not work. In a word, we are in for a period of emotional statements, but in the end, what Google is doing is right - they are putting things in order in the budget Android segment, and not only there.

    What do you think of this Google approach? Will you miss smartphones in which Google Play was installed using the wrong methods?

    Owners of smartphones from leading manufacturers can safely ignore this material. But for those who purchased an inexpensive Chinese-made device, produced not under a well-known brand, but under a little-known brand, it may prove useful. Have you already encountered problems when trying to download an application from Google Play with a situation where the service does not start and the message “The device is not certified” appears on the screen? Then this article is just for you. In it, we will explain why this failure occurs, tell you what the lack of certification entails, and suggest a safe way to solve the problem.

    The reason for the problem with launching the Play Store and the appearance of the “” message lies in Google’s desire to protect its rights and provide users with a full and comfortable experience with services and applications. To this end, the corporation obliges manufacturers whose devices use software and services from Google to undergo certification. This process is available in a wide variety of countries, and a network of laboratories has been created specifically for certification. Almost any manufacturer can get GMS (Google Mobile Services) on their smartphones. There are only three requirements:

    1. The hardware specifications of the device must provide the minimum possible functionality included in the version of Android OS used by Google.
    2. The deadline for submitting for certification for the selected version of Android OS should not expire at the time of contacting the laboratory (a very reasonable requirement that stimulates the development of the platform and the expansion of device capabilities).
    3. It is necessary to pay for certification (the amount ranges from 10 to 15 thousand US dollars per model).

    It is clear that for OEM manufacturers the question of the feasibility of undergoing certification does not arise at all - they calmly sign the MADA contract ( Mobile Application Distribution Agreement) and receive the right to officially include Google services in the functionality of their smartphones. Unlike market leaders, small companies that produce their phones in quantities of 1000 units or more and survive due to their affordability cannot afford such luxury. After all, with an average retail price of $5, an extra dollar markup automatically throws the company’s products out of the competition. The increased demands on hardware are no less painful. If we talk about smartphones with firmware from Chinese factories, some of them use Google services unofficially, but the corporation will soon get to them.

    Of course, in Google’s desire to present its software in the most favorable light, there is also concern for users - about full functionality, productivity and comfort. Those who buy uncertified smartphones are given a fair warning on the corporation’s website:

    • These devices may be unsafe.
    • On such devices, applications and the Android system may not be updated.
    • They may not have genuine Google apps installed because Google has not licensed the app to the manufacturer.
    • Applications and system functions may not work correctly.
    • Data may not be backed up securely.

    Google has already informed partners that GMS will be blocked on uncertified devices. The first time you activate such a smartphone or tablet, a pop-up message will appear stating that the operation of Google services (including the Play Store) on this device is not guaranteed, after which downloading applications from the Play Store will be disabled. The buyer will only have to look for an alternative application store, or install applications manually via APK. However, the desire to save is sometimes stronger. And in this case, you shouldn’t be surprised if, when you try to download an application you like from Google Play, you see the following message on the screen: “ The device is not certified»

    How to solve the problem with downloading applications from Google Play on an uncertified device?

    It is clear that Google has approached the fight against MADA violators and those who refuse to undergo certification of their smartphones and tablets globally. Soon this program will cover the whole world - it is only a matter of time and a specific region. So far, after one of the Google Play services updates, a new line “ Certification" Fortunately, it is still possible to circumvent the prohibitions.

    A solution to the problem of downloading applications from Google Play onto uncertified devices has yet been found. But before taking decisive action, users are advised to read the following warnings:

    1. First of all, you must realize: using the method is risky - the device may turn into a brick forever or temporarily lose its functionality.
    2. No one guarantees that the method will be effective in your case.

    Weigh the pros and cons and only then make an informed decision.


    • Availability of root rights;
    • File Manager Root Explorer;
    • Build.prop files (stock and custom);
    • Common sense.


    1. Replace the contents of the following lines from your build.prop file with lines from a custom build.prop (you can use the application BuildProp Editor):

    ro.product.brand = ro.product.manufacturer = ro.build.product = ro.product.model = ro.product.name = ro.product.device = ro.build.description = ro.build.fingerprint =

    2. Save;

    3. Go to Settings -> Application Manager -> Google Play Store -> Erase data;

    Several months ago it became known that Google, as the owner of the Android operating system, plans to disconnect all uncertified devices from its resources, including the Google Play application store.

    And yesterday, MEIZU officially announced that all international versions of its smartphones have passed the Google certification process. In this note, I will try to explain what this certification is, what options manufacturers have for implementing it, and also what awaits users of official and unofficial MEIZU smartphones.

    What is Google Certification?

    Every smartphone manufacturer that wants to equip their devices with Android OS has two options. In the first case, he has the right to use a completely free version of Android, which he can use at his own discretion and without any restrictions, without signing any contracts or fulfilling any conditions from Google. You may ask a logical question: why are other options needed at all, if everything is free and unlimited? We answer. When using this version of the OS, the device is deprived of pre-installed Google services (GMS), that is, the device will not have Google Play, Gmail, or Google Music. Also, most notifications will not work, since developers almost always use GMS to deliver push notifications. There are still a number of limitations of “free Android”, but the first two reasons are enough to ensure that you will never buy a device without GMS, so the vast majority of manufacturers choose the second path.

    In the second case, the manufacturer enters into a so-called MADA contract with Google, which includes a number of conditions for the use of Android and a number of requirements for devices, and the manufacturer undertakes to certify each smartphone model in Google-accredited laboratories. This can cost 5-10 thousand dollars per model, and the device must fully comply with Google’s requirements for components, performance, and firmware. This is a guarantee that the device will work correctly with Android, since it will meet the requirements of the OS developer.

    By concluding a MADA contract with manufacturers, Google solves two problems at once. As an operating system developer, the search giant promotes the use of its services, for example, it regulates that the first screen should always have a Google search widget and several icons of branded applications. And at the same time, Google makes sure that Android devices correspond to one or another version of the system in terms of characteristics, that is, they have those specifications under which the device will not slow down (processor frequency, amount of RAM, etc.). The relevance of the Android version is also regulated, that is, Google does not certify a smartphone that has a very outdated system.

    Google rules and three stages of tightening the screws

    Until recently, Google was loyal to all manufacturers and did not demand strict compliance with all the rules prescribed by it. It seems to me that she acted this way for two reasons. Firstly, the search giant wanted to get as wide distribution of its OS as possible, and now that Android has finally consolidated its position as a world leader, it is time to restore order and regulate relations with partners. Secondly, until recently Google did not have a certification program designed for B and C brands, and the conditions of the main program for them were often prohibitive.

    Large manufacturers and market leaders, despite Google’s loyalty and lack of sanctions on its part, have long followed MADA’s requirements, since the cost of certification is insignificant for them. Smaller manufacturers, whose task is to produce devices in the “price-quality” category and delight users with more features for less money, often tried to save money and until recently took advantage of Google’s “kindness”, saving a few dollars when developing a smartphone, which turned into dozens dollars in savings for their clients.

    A little later, Google notified smartphone manufacturers that all devices that do not pass certification will be disconnected from GMS in the future and will not be able to use programs from Google, including Google Play. This became the second stage.

    The third stage is the direct introduction of restrictions by Google and disabling GMS. According to some reports, it will start in 2018. The start of blocking will most likely occur in different countries at different times, but the result will be the same.

    According to rumors, the search giant will give an amnesty to smartphones released before the start of the third stage, that is, on those devices that are already in the hands of users, Google services will not be blocked. But this, according to some data, will only affect those devices whose manufacturers ultimately agree with Google for certification.

    Two certification programs

    Another interesting fact is that Google has developed an additional certification program relevant for B/C brands called Fast Pass. Unlike the main program, Google bears all the costs of certification, but at the same time regulates its relationships with smartphone manufacturers even more strictly.

    If the manufacturer chooses the main program and pays for certification itself, then it can preinstall third-party software on the smartphone, albeit without shortcuts on the first screen, participate with Google in sharing revenue from users (purchases, payments), and also use its own shell. If the manufacturer follows the Fast Pass path and certification is compensated by Google, then it no longer has the right to install any programs on the smartphone other than the GMS package and use its own or a third-party shell. But the certification period will be minimal and will be up to 10 days.

    Analyzing these facts, I come to the conclusion that large manufacturers will continue to remain relatively free, and small ones will gradually be brought under a single standard.

    What's wrong with MEIZU?

    The official website of MEIZU Russia reported yesterday that all international versions of smartphones legally imported (and already imported) into Russia have been certified by Google. Now all new international MEIZU devices will come with pre-installed services from Google (Google Mobile Services).

    According to a press release on the MEIZU Russia website, models released in the second half of 2017 (PRO 7, PRO 7 PLUS, M6, M6 NOTE) will soon receive firmware updates with integrated Google services. The rest of the official smartphones will continue to operate as normal and will also be considered certified by Google.

    An important note is that MEIZU smartphones produced for the Chinese domestic market will not receive Google Mobile Services due to the irrelevance of these services in China. Certification verification is carried out using IMEI; accordingly, devices with handicraft installed international firmware and with a replaced ID will not receive certification from Google and the ability to further use GMS services.

    To check whether your device is certified and officially imported into Russia, please follow the link:

    Users and smartphone manufacturers have long been accustomed to the fact that Google does not monitor the distribution of its own services and the Android operating system. In this regard, you can install full-fledged services from the Google Apps set (GAPPS) on any phone, even one intended only for the Chinese market. However, as it became known today, many Android smartphones will be blocked by Google, and this will result in very serious consequences, which may not be resolved at all.

    In China, Google services on smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system are partially blocked, so they are used by only 3.4% of owners of all mobile devices based on this OS, according to a study conducted in August of this year. In this regard, all manufacturers of various electronic devices prefer not to think at all about certification called Google Mobile Services, which is mandatory.

    Google Mobile Services certification is an absolutely free procedure, but it is easy to pass only in Europe and the USA, while in all other regions, even extremely developed ones, it is very difficult to obtain such a license, especially when it comes to some “small” company , and not a large Chinese corporation, which has all the necessary resources for this. Google management is completely unhappy that Chinese manufacturers are violating the rules for using its proprietary services by installing them on their own smartphones without the necessary certification.

    Independent expert Arkady Markaryan claims that by the end of 2017, many Android smartphones will be blocked by Google. The company will simply disable all of its GAPPS services on mobile devices, tablets, computers and any other devices that have not passed mandatory certification. Since most smartphones in Russia, China and other regions of the world do not have such a license, owners of such phones will lose access to all Google branded services.

    All this will result in the fact that absolutely all Google services will stop working on most Android smartphones in the world, from the Play Store application store to the client for watching videos on YouTube. Absolutely all smartphones, tablets and other devices are under the threat of blocking, not only from Chinese brands, but also from many others, including Russian ones, which also do not see the point in free certification.

    When Google blocks smartphones running the Android operating system that do not have a license, the only way to return the previous functionality will be through the mandatory Google Mobile Services (GMS) certification procedure, through which all Chinese manufacturers will have to go through all models of their mobile devices released throughout their history. Only in this case, owners of Android phones will be able to gain access to Google services again.

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    Google officially introduces the concept of a “Certified Android Device.” Therefore, in the near future, a logo with the inscription “Google Play Protect” will appear on the boxes of smartphones/tablets and some other equipment based on Android OS. What this means and what it is required for, we will find out in detail in this material.

    Read also: " Price of free Android OS ».

    Certification concept

    In simple terms, certification is the process of testing a device to ensure it meets the minimum requirements for full operation of the Android OS. The test helps determine hardware compatibility and ensure that apps downloaded from Google Play work as expected.

    Why is certification needed?

    Certification is one of the requirements of the signed agreement (MADA) between the manufacturer and the search giant for the use of the Google Play application store and related services. This is also a way to find flaws that may negatively affect the interaction between the owner and the device. And also oblige the manufacturer to use a modern version of the operating system and up-to-date components, which will reduce OS defragmentation and improve application optimization by developers.

    What is Google Play Protect

    The corresponding marking on the box is Google’s way of drawing the attention of users to the fact that the search giant imposes certain requirements on electronics manufacturers. It is also a guarantee that the device has passed compatibility tests, meets Android security requirements and includes licensed Google services.

    In addition to labeling, certified devices include a set of protective measures aimed at additional security, as well as identifying unlicensed applications and services. Devices that do not pass certification will be forcibly deprived of access to the Google Play application store. Such stringent measures are the result of the activities of some companies, mainly Chinese, using the services of the search giant, bypassing certification.

    The fact is that in order to certify one model, you need to pay an average of up to 10,000 USD. In a small batch, this leads to an increase in the cost of each device by an average of 5%, and the certification process often takes up to two weeks. If problems are identified, the manufacturer is obliged to fix the problems and undergo re-certification for a fee. And so on until the device meets the set requirements.

    To save money, some manufacturers resort to adapting operating systems from other devices. Use Google services with incompatible parts. As a result, applications and software components do not work properly, causing the end consumer to suffer and the image of the Android OS to deteriorate.

    How to check for certification

    To verify that the device has passed certification, you need to launch the Google Play program, in the application menu or via a shortcut on the desktop screen. Next, click on the button in the form of three long stripes so that a hidden panel appears on the left side of the screen. Select “settings” and scroll to the very bottom, where the corresponding section is presented.

    If there is no certification, it is not recommended to purchase these devices. It is better to return the purchased equipment for several reasons:

    • Unsafe storage of personal information.
    • Lack of application and operating system updates.
    • Google services are fake because the company has not issued a license to the manufacturer.
    • Applications do not work or function incorrectly.
    • Insecure backup process.

    It is also worth noting that the process of blocking access to the Google Play application store only works on Android 7 and higher. Models with earlier OS versions will continue to operate as normal.


    Google has developed an effective lever of influence on unscrupulous manufacturers who enjoy all the benefits of Google Play, but avoid certification in every possible way, which is why consumers ultimately suffer. Therefore, restricting access to the application store is fair to companies that comply with the rules of the MADA agreement.