• How to enable Do Not Disturb mode for specific contacts on iPhone. How to turn on Do Not Disturb mode for certain contacts on iPhone A way to hide your number

    “Do not disturb” is a very interesting feature of the iOS 7 operating system, which allows you to silence any notifications received on the device, including calls (you can read the instructions for setting up a call blacklist at). Turning it on/off on iPhone and iPad can be automatic according to time or manual if the device is disturbed at some specific inopportune moment. Complete silence mode is quite flexible and easy to set up, however, many users have questions about its effective use.

    So how do you use iOS 7 Do Not Disturb feature on iPhone and iPad?

    How to turn on/off Do Not Disturb mode on iOS 7?

    1. Swipe up from the bottom edge of the device screen to open the control center for its most popular functions:

    2. Tap on the icon with the image of a crescent to turn on/off the silence mode:

    How to set up Do Not Disturb mode on iOS 7?

    1. Go to the “Settings” application of the iOS 7 operating system:

    2. Go to the “Do Not Disturb” menu:

    This settings section contains the following options:

    Manual — manually turn on/off the mode;

    Scheduled - the time period during which the silence mode will be turned on automatically;

    Allowing calls - this menu will allow you to determine those calls that will or will not be able to reach a user who has Do Not Disturb mode turned on - it is most convenient to use the "From favorites" setting, but for this you will need to add the most important contacts to the application menu of the same name "Telephone";

    Repeated calls - the ability to call numbers blocked in the Call Allowance menu to the user using a repeat call;

    Silence - the mode can only work when the iPhone or iPad is locked, or on a permanent basis.

    Thus, a properly configured Do Not Disturb mode will help the user not only avoid unwanted calls at certain times of the day (for example, at night), but also temporarily block any notifications at a business meeting or any similar event.

    Do not disturb mode on an iPhone is a very useful feature that not every owner of an Apple device knows about. It is designed to completely turn off the sound during calls and receive notifications when the device is locked. This mode on the iPhone 5 and other Apple smartphones allows the owner of the gadget to choose at what time and from which subscribers he wants to receive calls.

    If you still don’t know what the crescent moon on an iPhone means, we inform you that this sign indicates that the do not disturb function is active. By the way, in other smartphones this icon indicates the device is in sleep mode.

    There are two ways to enable or disable this feature:

    1. You need to go to the settings section and select “Do not disturb”.
    2. Select the “Manual” section in the settings, then the mode will turn on instantly, or set up a schedule.

    How to change mode settings?

    If the owner of an Apple smartphone wants calls and notifications accompanied by sound signals not to disturb him at any particular time of the day, he needs to take care of setting up a schedule. How to do this?

    To set up a schedule on your iPhone, you need to do the following steps:

    • Enter settings.
    • Select the “Do not disturb” option.
    • Enable the "Scheduled" section.
    • Choose the right time.

    In addition, wonderful devices from Apple provide a choice of options for the user to receive an alert, a call, or a notification:

    1 “call admission” parameter, thanks to which the user can select calls from all subscribers or from some of them (favorite ones). In this case, contacts can be from iCloud or from the phone’s memory. 2 Recall option. When selected, if someone calls the user two or more times in the last 3 minutes, the call will be made with sound so that the iPhone owner does not miss an important call. 3 A parameter, the inclusion of which implies absolute silence and silence of the device during any calls and always (or only when the device is locked).

    What happens to iPhone in Do Not Disturb mode?

    Many users of Apple devices are interested in the question of what a subscriber sees and hears when trying to call someone if the latter has this mode enabled on their device. And secondly, what the user who is calling will see. Will he be able to understand by certain signs that someone is trying to call him or send him a message? Next, we will lift the veil of secrecy and answer these questions.

    A user calling a subscriber with Do Not Disturb mode enabled will constantly hear beeps on the handset indicating that the number is busy. For someone who does not want to receive calls at the moment, the display during a call will not indicate in any way that a call is in progress. The screen will not light up or other characters will appear and the display will be dark. But when the user activates the screen, a message will pop up indicating that a call or SMS was missed. In other words, all incoming calls and SMS will be reflected and saved in history. But their arrival on the device will not be indicated in any way, and this is especially true for sound alerts.

    Sometimes the owner of an Apple gadget needs to block calls from a certain subscriber. This can be done by adding this person to the so-called “black list”. This option is present in the smartphone settings. But it should be said that a blocked subscriber can easily check the availability of a number by calling it from another phone.

    How to Block Incoming Calls on iPhone

    The blacklist function was already present in the seventh version of iOS, and then was retained in later versions - the eighth, etc. Since then, any iPhone user can send an annoying caller to this list, and this procedure is done very easily. I must say, many Apple fans were happy about this function. But today it is successfully implemented not only in smartphones, but also in regular mobile phones. If you add a contact that is no longer needed to the black list, calls from him will no longer be received.

    To blacklist a specific person from your contacts on your Apple smartphone, do the following:

    • Go to the phone menu, then to recent tabs or to the contacts section.
    • Click on the contact you are looking for to open information about it.
    • Go down to the bottom of the window and activate the blocking function for this subscriber. The contact will be blacklisted and you will no longer receive calls from him.

    If you subsequently want to unblock one or more subscribers who are on the blacklist, go to the settings menu of your smartphone, select the phone section and the blocked tab. Here you can unblock contacts by performing intuitive actions.

    Through the help menu, the user can remove a contact from the list of blocked ones, as well as add new contacts to the black list directly from the address book.

    In face time, blocked subscribers can be seen in the settings section of the same name.

    If you are blocked...

    When calling an iPhone on which the user’s number has been blacklisted, he will first hear a very long beep, which will end abruptly, followed by a series of short beeps. These sounds simulate the number being occupied. Absolutely nothing will be displayed on the device being called.

    But, having heard such a combination of sounds when calling someone on a smartphone, you should not immediately think that you have been blocked. To find out why, send a friend an iMessage. For those who don’t know, this is a specialized service from Apple for exchanging messages between users of Apple gadgets. And if, when sending a test SMS, it is not delivered, the system will notify you, this is a clear sign that you have been blocked.

    A way to hide your number

    If you want to hide your number when calling another subscriber, use a special function on your phone. This feature is often provided by the device manufacturer, but sometimes it is only available through your carrier and is a paid service, although the cost is usually low.

    To hide your number from other subscribers to whom you make calls, turn off the number display toggle switch in your phone settings. If in this section you find that the slider is not displayed, then you will have to contact the telecom company for the service.

    Hello everyone, dear readers and owners of cool Apple gadgets such as iPhone or iPad. In today's relatively short article, I will tell you what do not disturb mode is, what it is for, and how to configure it correctly.

    Do not disturb mode is a mode activated on your Android mobile device in which all sound signals, such as notifications, calls, and SMS messages, are deactivated on your iPhone. It is very convenient to use this mode if you want to relax in silence or, simply, are in a place where extraneous sounds are undesirable.

    In addition to activating this mode, you can configure a schedule for its activation and deactivation. For example, set the do not disturb mode at night.

    Mode activation

    Activating this mode is very simple, just follow the instructions below:

    You can also make some adjustments that will make working in do not disturb mode more comfortable and efficient.


    Below I will give you a brief description of each of the proposed settings for this mode:

    1. Planned. With this setting, you can specify when do not disturb mode is activated and when it is deactivated. For example, turn on the mode at 22.00 and turn off the mode at 08.00. A very convenient setting so that you don’t have to manually turn on this mode every time;
    2. Allowing calls. Another important setting. Using it, you can specify subscribers to whom the do not disturb mode will not apply. Those. when they are called, the bell signal will sound as normal. For example, my mother and relatives are standing here. You never know what could happen to them;
    3. Repeated calls. If a person persistently tries to call you, then on his second call the signal will sound as normal. In principle, the usefulness of this function is very doubtful, some people can call a hundred times, I had such a case;
    4. Silence. Here you can choose one of two options: silence - if you select this item, the mode will work even when your iPhone is unlocked while the iPhone is locked - do not disturb mode will only work when your iPhone is in lock mode.

    As you understand, that’s all for me, if you have any comments, additions or any questions, you can leave them in the comments to this post. See you in the next useful articles.

    As you know, using an iPhone is very interesting and you can always find some unknown function like the “Do Not Disturb” mode.

    This mode appeared back in iOS 6.0. Since then, not many people have started using this mode, but if you are interested in it, then today I will tell you everything I know about it.

    What does Do Not Disturb mode or the month icon mean on iPhone?

    Every person goes to study, work, or just about their business. There are times when calls from different subscribers are simply undesirable and you want to leave only the most important numbers.

    A feature called “Do Not Disturb” is designed for just such a case. It simply turns off all the sounds that remind you of calls, either when various notifications from applications arrive, or just regular messages.

    The settings for these functions are very flexible and they can help you use your smartphone more correctly in different life situations.

    How to disable/enable Do Not Disturb mode

    Now let's see where exactly to look for this function and how it can be turned off or activated. Typically, two ways are used for this:

    In the future, of course, you will only use the first option. If you want to configure the mode parameters, then we will use the steps from point 2. Now we’ll talk about this.

    How to set up Do Not Disturb mode

    Now we have reached the parameters of this mode and it will be easier if I tell you a little about each of them:

    There is nothing complicated, we just configure all the parameters for ourselves and use it.