• How to repair a scratched RV disk. Recovering data from a damaged CD. Differences in the principles of reading a DVD player and a computer

    Despite the fact that discs are extremely reliable and resistant, it is almost impossible to avoid the occasional appearance of scratches and abrasions on them. Ultimately, this damage can result in missing your favorite music track, or in the case of a data disk, losing the data table you've been working on for two weeks. Don't despair, there is a chance to fix the disk. There are commercial scratch repair kits and disk repair machines available (which are definitely worth a look if you deal with scratched disks all the time), but you may be able to fix it at home.

    First of all, clean the disk. Even if the disk is not actually scratched or worn, or the scratches did not cause a problem with data readability, dust, grease stains and other surface dirt could lead to this. So in any case, cleaning is the first step.
    Use a purchased set of a non-abrasive cloth and a special disc cleaning fluid or:

    — if you find stubborn dirt or fingerprints on the surface, very carefully rub the area with your fingers while washing (not your nails!; but it’s better to buy a special non-abrasive cloth for discs) or even use liquid soap (with water); or use rubbing alcohol instead of water. Every time you rub or wipe a disc, you should start in the center of the disc and work straight up towards the edge to avoid further scratches.
    - Shake the disc to remove any water droplets from it and allow the disc to air dry (do not wipe the disc with a towel or napkin).

    Try reading the disk. If it doesn’t work, try counting on other equipment: some players cope with scratches better than others; In this case, computer CD/DVD drives and car stereo systems are optimal. If you can read it on your computer, immediately make a copy of the disk.

    Those that run from the center to the edge of the disk, perpendicular to the circular spirals, may have no effect on readability at all. The dangerous ones are those that go in the direction of the disk spirals. They are responsible for the loss of many consecutive bits of data, which is why the algorithm of data recovery programs may not cope with the task.
    If there are several scratches, but the disc does not read/skips only some files/tracks, you will probably be able to figure out which specific scratches are causing problems. The first track on a music disc starts near the center of the disc, and the playing direction goes outward, towards the edge of the disc.

    Many disc burning programs can be configured to continue reading after an error is detected (such as when the data cannot be read due to a scratch). If the program is unable to read the data at all, it will fill it with random information. The program may also try to read the damaged section repeatedly at a very low speed. Plus, this technique doesn't carry the risk of damaging the drive further, so use the program first before trying anything else (but even if you end up damaging the drive further, this method can still be used) .
    For Windows OS, in this case, try Nero; for Linux - Ddrescue. Often these programs cope with the task successfully, and they are especially effective with audio discs (where accuracy is not so important). Remember that due to long read times and numerous attempts to read the damaged section, these programs can take a long time to complete (in Windows XP, disk recovery takes about 2 hours).

    Disc polishing


    Despite the seemingly counter-intuitive action, polishing a disc can remove scratches by removing the outer plastic coating and thereby making existing scratches less deep. A number of household substances can be used for polishing, but toothpaste (especially baking soda paste) and Brasso polish are the most commonly used and effective products. You can also use fine-grain polishes such as those used on cars or tools.

    — Apply a small amount of paste (it should be a paste, not a gel) or Brasso on a soft, clean, lint-free cloth (an old undershirt, for example); either buy a special wipe for discs or use a wipe for glasses;

    - Gently rub the wipe over the scratch or work your way around the radius (start in the center and move forward to the outer edge of the disc, like the spokes on a bicycle wheel). Repeat 10-12 times throughout the entire disk. Rubbing in a circular motion can cause small scratches that will completely disrupt the laser system in any player. Try to focus your efforts strictly on the scratch or scratches you find (see search method above), if possible.

    - Polish in this way for a couple of minutes, adding product (Brasso or paste) to the cloth as needed. Be careful not to press too hard. However, you will still feel the wipe gently and still rub the disc.

    Remove polish from the disc. If you used paste, rinse the disc thoroughly with warm water and let it dry - !completely! - in the air. Make sure to wash off all the paste. If you used Brasso polish, wipe off the remaining product with a working cloth and let the rest dry thoroughly. Then, using a clean, non-abrasive cloth, gently wipe the disc again.

    Try playing the disc again. If the problem persists, repeat polishing, but now extend the process to 15 minutes or until the scratch is completely smoothed out. The surface around the scratch should sparkle and have many tiny, superficial scratches. If you don't notice any difference after polishing for a few minutes, the scratch may be too deep or you may be polishing the wrong scratch.

    If the disk is still not working, try taking it to a professional from a computer toy store - they often encounter a similar problem.


    Then wipe off excess product from the surface using a clean, soft, lint-free cloth - again, from the center straight up, along the radius. Follow the product manufacturer's factory instructions (some products need to dry before you wipe them off; others need to be removed before they dry).

    Test the disk. If the disk has been read, make a copy immediately. This method is just a temporary solution.

    Light bulb method

    Note: This method doesn't always work, but it's very simple and worth trying.

    Turn on the lamp on your desktop (or any available one) - you need a 60-watt bulb. Insert your index finger into the center hole of the disk and turn the working area of ​​the disk towards the lamp. The distance to the lamp should be about 10 cm (watch this while you hold it). Continue the “solar treatments” for about 20 seconds, slowly rotating the disk around your finger. Then - while the disk is still hot - try to read the data. If it works, make a copy immediately.

    A disk recovery device can cost 750 rubles, but highly efficient machines will cost 9,000-180,000 rubles.

    Removing scratches on the silver layer of a disc

    Look at the working surface of the disk under the light to see if there are any areas where the silver coating is missing. If you find one, turn the disk over to the side with the logo/design up and with a marker mark on it the place with the problem found (the one you saw on the other side). Cut two pieces of masking tape, place them on top of each other, and stick the resulting piece directly onto the drawn mark. In this case, the music disc may begin to play a little louder, but 70% is that small areas that have lost the silver coating will be restored.

    Additions and warnings:

    — Deep scratches that reach the silver coating of the disc can render it completely inoperable;

    — Products for removing scratches from discs are often sold in gaming stores. They cope well with small and shallow scratches;

    — Poorly calibrated lasers in players and disk drives mean that such devices are unable to read anything other than completely new, smooth and unscratched disks. This may simply be a property of the hardware;

    — Practice first restoring scratched discs that are not too important for you to get better at it;

    — Don’t forget to make 2 copies of important materials. Moreover, if the disk is scratched but can still be read normally, immediately make a copy of it;

    “Really deep marks on the disc cannot be repaired.” But due to the peculiarity of the structure, when data is distributed along a spiral track on disks, such a scratch along the radius of the disk may not cause you any special problems, and you can recover the data quickly and easily. But a number of small defects along the tracks/paths are much more dangerous than one large one perpendicular to them;

    — The polycarbonate bottom layer of the disk acts as a lens that focuses the larger laser beam to the small size required to see the track on the data layer of the disk. This allows the laser to miss small imperfections in the plastic surface of the disc that are much larger than the track on the data layer. If you remove a lot of plastic, it may affect the refractive power of the lens, causing data to no longer be read. This means that even with visible abrasions or a network of scratches, the disc can be played normally, because the laser looks right through coating defects that are visible to your eye, or reads right next to them. This is why the waxing method works quite well. After it, the disk does not have to look perfectly polished to be able to read data;

    — It’s better to immediately give a disk with important data into the hands of professionals;

    — Expensive specialized wheel polishing products work no better than Brasso, so the choice is yours;

    — If the disc is an Xbox 360 game, try exchanging the disc in the store. Disc mileage may vary, but Microsoft is saving 25 cents on the production cost of Xbox 360 discs by not including disc safety measures that would help avoid many scratches. Such discs will show themselves as deep scratches along the radius, but sometimes not over the entire surface of the disc;

    — Do not hold the disc for a long time in the sun (looking at scratches) or near a lamp;

    — If you polish incorrectly (for example, apply too much force and/or rub in a circular motion), you can shorten the life of this disc;

    — In order not to damage the equipment, make sure that after the procedures the disk is completely cleaned of products and completely dry;

    — Do not inhale disc polishing products - wear a mask and work in a well-ventilated area;

    — The data on the disks is stored under a thin painted layer on top, which is much thinner than the polycarbonate layer on the working surface. Therefore, be careful when working and do not place the disc face down on a surface that is too rough, hard and/or uneven. The thin top layer of paint is very easy to damage; if this happens, the data will be lost forever. If the surface is too soft, pressing on the disk can leave a crack in it or cause delamination;

    — Solvents cannot be applied to discs; they will change the formula of the polycarbonate base, causing it to become opaque and the disc unreadable;

    — Remember that the paste can scratch the disc even more;

    — If you decide to try these methods with a licensed DVD (last 3), be extremely careful not to rub the rag on the side with the name of the DVD. If you do this, you will kill the drive completely. So just clean the shiny working side of it.

    The working surface of optical discs is easily damaged - the protective layer becomes scratched even with not too intensive use. Deep defects often lead to the impossibility of extracting information from damaged media. Next, we will tell you how to restore a scratched disc by polishing using toothpaste, GOI paste, and also consider some “harmful” tips from the CD Resuscitation Network.

    Rules for working with damaged optical discs

    Let us say right away that unreadable media with deep scratches can be restored in this way, at best, only partially. Moreover, you will have to act extremely carefully, otherwise the surface can be completely damaged. It would be better to first practice on old unnecessary media before restoring a disk with valuable information - this way you can evaluate the effectiveness of the method and, as they say, get better at it.

    And do not try to immediately resort to using the method described below when a reading error occurs - check the disk on another computer - often the DVD drive is the cause of the problems. In addition, there are a lot of applications that allow you to extract maximum information from scratched blanks thanks to a modified reading algorithm. One effective solution is Durable Copy.

    It is advisable to use the program to work with discs that have already been restored by polishing, because we have already noted that heavily damaged media can never be restored 100%.

    How to polish a blank with toothpaste at home

    The most affordable and safest way to polish is with toothpaste:

    The movements during the polishing process should not be too intense so that the surface does not heat up quickly. There is no need to put pressure on the blank either. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the disc thoroughly in warm water. Its surface may become matte due to the appearance of many microscopic scratches, but deep damage will become much less noticeable, which should have a better effect on the readability of the disc.

    Dry the optical drive, try inserting it into the DVD drive. If your goal is to retrieve photos, important documents, etc., use Durable Copy or a similar app. Surely this time there will be noticeably more copied intact information.

    If necessary, restoring the working surface using the method described above can be repeated, but it makes sense to carry it out for no more than an hour. As practice shows, polishing with paste for too long causes the opposite effect - there is less readable data on the media.

    Professional polishing method

    For truly valuable and expensive disks, such artisanal methods should no longer be used. To obtain an acceptable result, the polycarbonate base will need to be polished with fine abrasive GOI paste (sold in hardware stores) using an electric drill with a grinding attachment:

    If you don’t have a power tool, polishing with GOI paste can also be done manually, but a positive result is far from guaranteed, and the process can take a long time.

    How not to restore optical discs

    Often on the Internet you can read a lot of alternative ways to restore scratched compacts. For example, sometimes it is recommended to polish simply with soft or denim cloth. It is clear that you cannot polish the surface with non-abrasive materials. It will simply overheat and the media will no longer be recoverable.

    Another extreme option (real advice from “experts” on the Internet) is polishing with fine-grained sandpaper. This method can immediately ruin the surface without even making an effort. The same applies to heating the disk in the microwave, under a table lamp, etc.

    Another popular tip from the Internet is to cover the scratch with “green paint” or even completely treat the surface of the compact with it.

    • Recovering damaged data from all of today's most common media types
    • Working with data that has become spoiled both after physical damage to the media and due to software errors
    • Giving the user complete control over the recovery process
    • Providing the user with the most detailed report on the data recovery process

    But the most important thing is that all these brilliant features are completely free for the user! From now on, you have an affordable, uncomplicated, but at the same time powerful data recovery tool that does not require any costs!

    Data recovery utility from damaged media

    Utility Recovery Toolbox for CD Free designed to recover data from damaged media of all the most common types today: CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray, etc. The program allows you to recover files of any type. The utility performs a full scan of damaged disks and saves as much information as possible. In the process of recovery Recovery Toolbox for CD Free applies a large number of different algorithms, which seriously increases the quantity and quality of recovered data.

    The user will receive a complete, easy-to-read report on every detail of the recovery process.

    The program provides the user with extremely convenient options for complete recovery management: where and what files to restore, in which folder and where to save the data, etc. You can also view all the necessary information, both about the source of the data being restored and the location where it was saved.

    The utility will be indispensable in the following cases:

    • physical damage to the media (scratches, contact with liquids, etc.)
    • Damage to the media format by disc burning programs
    • OS errors when reading and accessing media
    • etc. etc.

    In all these unpleasant situations, the program will quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary actions to recover as much data as possible.

    A convenient, intuitive interface makes the process of working with the program efficient and enjoyable.

    In terms of the number and quality of algorithms used in the program, ease and accessibility of use, wide functionality, the utility Recovery Toolbox for CD Free– one of the best in its class; and, I repeat, unlike most of its analogues, it is absolutely free.


    • Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 or Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016 and higher

    CD/DVDs are an important means of storing data. You can store your favorite movies, songs, or even some important work projects on them. Discs must be stored in special packaging, and not in bulk in any box. But even if you handle the discs with the utmost care and in an appropriate manner, scratches cannot be ruled out on the surface of the discs.

    This article will tell you about some simple ways to get rid of scratches on a CD. There are even special devices for polishing and “repairing” a scratched disc, however, these devices are quite expensive, so we will make do with “folk” remedies available in everyday life.

    First you need to thoroughly clean the disk. This is necessary because sometimes dust and other contaminants can prevent the disk from reading data properly. In order to clean a CD from contaminants, you need to wash it in warm water and soap. You can also clean it with liquid soap, detergents or even alcohol.

    Disk required clean away from the center of the disc to the periphery (i.e. to the edges of the disk). Necessary use a soft, lint-free cloth. After you wash the disc, you need to dry it. Do not dry the disc in the sun or under a lamp or use a towel.

    If the CD does not work properly even after cleaning, then try turning it on in another player or drive. Often the cause of the problem is not as much the disk as the laser of the “low” power of the player or drive.

    If you begin to notice problems with reading data from a disk, and you value the data recorded on it, then you urgently need to make a copy of it or save its contents on your computer.

    Please note How are the scratches located on the disc?. Their location directly affects the degree of disk damage. Scratches that are located perpendicular to the center of the disc have a much lesser impact on the functionality of the CD/DVD than scratches that are located spirally on the disc.

    In a proven and reliable way Improving the quality of playback of a scratched disc is its polishing. For this you can use such means, like soda, toothpaste, alcohol, “anti-freeze” (window cleaning liquid). These products must be applied to the surface of the scratched disc and rubbed in a circular motion. As a doormat You must use a soft, lint-free cloth or wipes to wipe your glasses. The CD should then be washed and allowed to dry.

    For polishing a disc you can also use polish for a car or neutral shoe polish.

    After polishing a CD, check its surface. If you notice that the surface of the CD has become much shinier (although some small scratches may still remain on the surface), then this means that the polishing has given a positive result. If you do not notice any difference, even after polishing the disc, then the scratches on its surface are large and deep, and in this case ordinary polishing will no longer help.

    If everything worked out for you, then you can safely turn on your favorite CD player and go to

    Will meditating really help develop your psychic abilities?
    Gov’t is definitely eliminating you with high frequency electricity.Theotokos Virgin Mary gave prayers to “Schema-nun Antonia” on how to save aborted
    infants from hell. In the event that you pray these prayers diligently,
    aborted babies are released from hell. On each painted nail there are 40
    demons Smoking is definitely a censer to the devil.Using foul language calls upon Pagan deities (aka
    demons); Holy Spirit departs on 7 meters. People who use drugs see
    demons who cleverly disguise themselves as ghosts and aliens.America will
    be the last country to switch to Euro (antichrist’s world
    foreign currency). Contraceptives = abortion;using contraceptives for 1 year = 5 aborted children.Miscarriages happen due to high heel shoes; cesarean because of tight
    pants (second generation cesarean will end up being infertile).Unbaptized aborted/miscarried/unborn babies burn off in hell for until Final Judgment; if pregnant
    keep carefully the child and deliver in the home because children are
    chipped using IVs and vaccines in hospitals. Dentists and doctors chip sufferers secretly.
    Ultrasound network marketing leads to indicate of the beast; don't do
    ultrasound, please. Abortion leads to breast malignancy; a demon is usually released from hell
    for every aborted kid. Canines may become possessed; don't keep dogs inside your home.
    Walmart offers technology to administer indicate of the beast to those who have cat bacteria within their stomachs; stay away from cats.
    Next fake flag may be the Statue of Liberty. Above earth there is usually ice (hemisphere); when rockets
    go up they provide ice down from higher
    sky to less sky; ice stuck in lower sky will fall on us during Apocalypse.
    Earth is flat; earth stands on 3 pillars (the The majority of Holy Trinity); pillars stand
    on water at zero Kelvin; underneath this ice there is a bubble; and then the abyss.
    Zodiac can be planetary prison of demons; don’t have confidence in horoscopes or you’ll exhibit the traits
    of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons by no means do good.
    Sleep completely clothed; pray the Jesus prayer.

    Pray to your guardian angel to possess normal sleep.

    Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Apostle
    John (who wrote the Book of Revelation), Enoch, Elijah, resurrected Seraphim of Sarov, and resurrected Sergius of Radonezh will preach against the antichrist.
    Human beings were developed about 7525 years ago. Birds take part in period creation. It's a sin to destroy birds.
    Dinosaurs live under our level; they will obtain out through sinkholes and
    lakes; to kill them, choose their nerves. Save the birds;
    but destroy the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come
    out of Volga River in Russia. Scientists don’t discover dinosaurs under our level due to
    radiation. Sinkholes happen because people dig for assets underground and because earth is heating up.

    Demons grow human being skin (from a sample used during abduction) and wear it in order to appear to be
    us. Demons will invite visitors to be healed inside their UFOs; those that go will be like zombies after.
    Gov’t provides demons with diamonds and enables demons to abduct people.
    If you are being abducted, gradually pray the Jesus prayer.
    Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power them
    UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases:
    1)moon 2)inside false mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)in lake Baikal
    in Russia 4)in Atlantis which is usually underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Sea.
    There are no aliens. Nobody lives on various other planets.
    Airplanes that decrease are strike by demons because they want the
    airspace to battle Jesus. Antichrist is definitely pale with red eye.
    He’s possessed by Satan since he’s 12 years aged.
    He flies super fast; deceived people will state: “Christ is here now; Christ is there" when he’s flying in one city to another extremely fast.
    He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's encircled by demons who appear as angels of
    light. Antichrist will trick people that he can perform mountain moving and resurrection using holograms/hypnotherapy; fire from the
    sky is true due to pollution gases in the atmosphere.
    Antichrist could have food only for six months; then he will feed his 666ed people
    flour from mashed up turtles (Tavrion Batozskiy), but this won’t be enough because
    666ed people are 10 situations as angry and 7 occasions as
    hungry as regular people despite the fact that 666ed
    became people shorter (3-4 feet high = 80 – 120 cm) because nanochips do
    function of organs (organs diminish) .
    When you have a whole lot of nanochips in your forearm, then you
    will not be in a position to make appropriate Orthodox sign of the cross (last mercy for you personally is
    to cut your forearm off). Nanochips are sprayed by
    the gov't using chemtrails; they’re also in gov’t food and medicine; so, eat food from your garden. In the event garden is usually
    destroyed by ice from the sky, have hens for eggs and goats for milk (Paisios).
    Lipstick consists of cells of aborted fetuses, dog fat, and placenta;
    human being flesh is definitely in McDonalds, Pepsi, toothpaste, antiaging, anticancer,
    vaccines, perfume, etc.; that’s why you ought not to be using anything that modern society has to offer.
    You’re better off hiding within a 10-12 people group
    in order to escape Apocalypse. During Apocalypse, Christians
    will consume dirt from under pussywillowtree as it’s filled
    up with tears of Theotokos Virgin Mary; this drinking water will flee if a 666ed person tries to get it.
    Barcode is definitely Druid black magic curse; QRcode is definitely
    Mayan curse; when food is definitely scanned, it becomes lifeless
    because laser beam is a substance from demons. Don't go into a UFO to end up
    being healed by demons. Green 666 is definitely given by isotope rays
    on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive
    small plastic material gray card without name onto it (Globe
    Passport). It generally does not have to be during this procedure (could be anything you sign up for or anywhere where there’s a key scanner); biometrics (fingerprints, eye scan) or obtaining picture for passport are very harmful because they could
    mark you secretly. Gabriel Urgebadze stated
    that they do it on index finger when they scan your finger.
    Basically, try to avoid new documents by any means.
    Police will certainly microchip and isotope ray people on highways.
    Chipped people will be influenced by computer systems to
    take gray credit card; but when they perform, green mark
    by isotope rays is certainly provided on forehead/wrist.
    Food stores will isotope ray people as well.
    Antichrist will also launch prisoners to tag people. Reject 666 at all cost
    because it leads to long term hell. If you’re about to end up being marked, pray the Jesus prayer.
    Conceal with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics
    behind so that antichrist’s minions can’t monitor you; burn files because they’re from Satan. The The majority of Holy Trinity gives you a name during
    baptism; devil gives an antiname during antibaptism
    (ex. Social Security Number). Individuals who die with
    these Satanic documents go to concentration camp in hell to await Final Judgment; once the
    BEAST Pc is burned straight down, souls will end up being
    released for Last Judgment. That’s why you should give back documents
    of your deceased family members back again to the gov’t so that the gov’t
    cancels these digital antichristian titles provided during antibaptism by the beast
    system; or simply burn these documents because gov’t could
    easily get upset and could send demons to mark you
    due to this outright work of defiance. Prophecy from
    half a millenium ago describes Final Judgment such as this:
    Jesus was extremely upset with individuals who had little boards (plastic-type material cards) in their hands
    because they needed discount from the antichrist. Share with charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he
    rescues people from temporary hell two times a year (or brings them up a level, that
    is, to a level with much less punishment; eventually, folks are freed).

    Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell.
    It’s a big sin to remember the lifeless with wreaths (because demons
    put these wreaths on their necks if they're in hell with them
    hands tangled up behind their back while hanging by their hands), meat, alcohol, sweets, and worldly music.
    Demons print icons of saints in papers so you throw these papers in the trash blaspheming these saints.

    Crosses on soles of sneakers and back of pants are blasphemy.
    Demons make carpets and rugs with crosses and put them on sidewalks in order that people walk on crosses.
    Handmade cards mock how Jesus suffered on the cross:
    clubs (cross on which Jesus was crucified), diamonds (four fingernails Jesus
    was crucified with), hearts (sponge with vinegar that Jesus was given to drink), spades (spear with which Jesus was pierced).Cremation is devil worship;
    just blasphemers such as for example Lenin ought to be burned; if
    Lenin can be buried, earth will end up being polluted,
    and China will assault Russia due to this.After China attacks Russia, Ruski Orthodox Tsar (proven by resurrected Seraphim of Sarov) will come to power in Russia;
    this Tsar will slay traitors inside church and gov’t; because of this,
    Russia would be the only country not under the antichrist.Ecumenism = 263 heresies;each heresy leads to hell.
    In 2006 in Moscow (that is why Moscow will sink), representative from most religions signed a record where it says that all religions
    worship the same Supreme Becoming. Priests who took part in ecumenism could have Pagans walking on the heads in hell.
    Arkhimandrite Antonin Kapustin left a prophecy that John the Baptist’s living space can be a church
    and it’ll become blessed by forerunner of antichrist; Patriarch Kirill of Russia
    blessed this church.When priests pray for current gov’t (instead
    of praying for future Tsar), Jesus gets up from His throne and turns His
    back again to them. Forgive me.