• Leawo TunesCopy will reset DRM protection from videos downloaded via iTunes

    Digital Rights Management (DRM) license is a tool that allows the copyright holder to control access, prevent illegal copying and distribution of their software. Cracking a digital code will be an impossible task for most people. Therefore, many users quite logically have a question: how can you reset Android DRM licenses and what is it?

    DRM is an acronym for Digital Rights Management, which translates to “digital rights management.” It is implemented through the developer’s implementation of various technical means, which do not allow it to be illegally disposed of. As a result, the person who downloaded the product can use it only for his own personal purposes, without the possibility of copying and transferring to other users. A DRM license is a digital lock, the necessary key to which is held by the developer, who is also the copyright holder of this software.

    When creating such digital code various mathematical algorithms, called cryptoalgorithms. We will not go into detail and explain what a crypto-algorithm is, but will only note that it is very difficult to crack a DRM license. The most common scheme for implementing this technology on Android is as follows:

    • The user buys a phone or tablet that, in addition to the OS itself, contains special software from the developer.
    • After the device is turned on and activated, the pre-installed software starts working in a demo version (for a period of a week, month, etc.). After time has elapsed trial period, the program stops working, offering to buy paid version from the copyright holder.

    Purchasing a premium product is the acquisition of a DRM license for the selected application. In addition to the above diagram, there may be other examples of implementing copyright protection on Android devices.
    You can learn what a DRM license is for Android by watching the video below.

    Resetting DRM licenses

    Depending on which product is covered by the license, you must use one or another solution to the problem. For example, using various hacking software, you can reset the application activation counter. Some utilities allow you to remove the binding certain files to the site, disable the need to verify the digital key and much more.

    For your mobile phone running Android OS, reset DRM licenses can be done without using hacker programs. To do this, just do the following:

    • Go to the main menu of the smartphone settings, through the retractable curtain or from the main screen.
    • Select the “Backup and Reset” tab. In Android 5 and higher, it is located under the accounts tab.
    • Click on the line “Reset DRM (DRMreset)”.

    This feature should be used very carefully, especially if you do not know what will happen when resetting the DRM license. The fact is that after the actions taken, the user may lose access to certain features and functions of applications already installed in the memory. Also, some proprietary pre-installed programs that are present in phones from Samsung and Sony may simply stop working. But otherwise, the functionality and personalization of the phone will not be affected in any way. A regular factory reset, which can be found in the “Backup and Reset” tab, will not remove DRM licenses.

    How to remove DRM protection

    IN lately Many Android software developers are constantly faced with user protests regarding the inconvenience of a digital license. However, in many products, including mobile applications, multimedia files, etc., it is still in use. Let's look at the main methods that allow you to remove the Digital Rights Management "digital lock" from the most common file types:

    • Using specialized utilities. For example, free programs “DRM Media Converter” or “DRM Removal” can bypass and deactivate DRM protection from many popular file types. These include documents with extensions: .WMV, .M4B, .M4V, .ASF and many others.
    • Convert files protected by a digital license using converters. Such programs include: Digital Music Converter, Sound Taxi, Note Burner, as well as many others that can be found on the Internet. Despite the fact that they are used only for a narrow range of extensions, after conversion you will receive an absolutely “clean file”.
    • Using CD and DWD drives. Files with the WMV and WMA extensions can be easily and simply removed from digital protection if you have a computer and a blank blank at hand. It is enough to burn WMA to CD, and WMV to DVD, and then copy them back to the PC. After this, the DRM license will be removed from them.

    Utility interface for DRM removal protection

    Note that in many cases, you can find a free-to-use alternative to DRM-protected software. Also, by purchasing a paid version of the product from the developers, you guarantee yourself the opportunity to use all the functions and capabilities of the software.

    I was in the pool seven times, swam 5 km 100 m - this is slightly less than in January and February, because swimming got me pretty tired, but overall I am already very close to 40% of the annual goal.

    I still read three thick books in four languages. To take my mind off them, I quickly read one subtle and exciting one: Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty. It’s impossible to tear yourself away, but after a couple of days it’s impossible to remember what they were talking about.

    We are reading the third part of the Neapolitan Quartet together with Bruno, and also watching the TV series based on the first book - a bit boring, to be honest. But all movies are boring to me. We won’t have time to finish reading before Bruno leaves - he will fly away from here on April 24 and return at the end of June. In March we bought him a bunch of tickets to Asia. I think that I won’t be as bored as I was in the winter, since I have a whole series of exams waiting for me - eight final exams in German, plus I need to think about whether I want to repeat French - then I also have to pass entrance tests for it. But I probably won’t want to, and besides, I know a good private French teacher here.

    I studied German diligently for the whole month, I even met with a classmate and we spent an hour and a half preparing for the dialogue, and we passed well. “How I stopped being afraid and fell in love with the atomic bomb”: I now clearly prefer days with exams, because I don’t have to carry an iPad and printouts, and there is always a chance to finish quickly and be released ahead of time. True, I didn’t pass the last exams brilliantly - an average of 8 (previously it was 10!).

    I did an important organizational thing: I submitted all the papers for a new Spanish license, they should arrive by mail, but they haven’t arrived yet. I think that when Bruno returns, we will fly to Lanzarote or Palma, rent a car there and restore my driving skills, but this will not be before July.


    I recently went on an excursion to the southern airport. It was organized by a local association of British people in collaboration with the PR service of AENA, a company that manages almost all airports in Spain. It was difficult to get there - there were too many people willing, but I succeeded the second time.

    The visit consisted of four parts. First, the presentation, which seemed boring to me, since I already knew almost all the facts, and all the questions like “when will they do it?” automatic system baggage sorting" or "why is there not a single hotel near the airport", the answer was one - it is not economically feasible.

    But I found out useful words In airport Spanish, the bus that carries passengers to the plane is called a “plant box,” the baggage carousel is a “racetrack,” and the tractor that pushes the planes is a “crab.”

    Then we were given breakfast in the form of a sandwich, an apple and juice, as well as badges, and taken to the meteorological office. They said that the meteorological conditions of the southern airport are very close to ideal - in the memory of the chief meteorologist, it was closed only once in 2005, due to a tropical storm. But at the northern airport the conditions are very bad, so at least several times a week planes from it are redirected to the southern one.

    By the way, tomorrow will be 42 years since the day that happened at the northern airport (be careful, longread!). After it, the construction of the southern one accelerated sharply and it opened in 1978.

    After the weather bureau, we went through inspection and verification of documents, and then the most interesting thing began: we were put on a bus and taken to the “Fauna Control” department. 23 birds of prey – falcons and hawks – work as controllers. Falcons specialize in birds, especially pigeons and seagulls (the airport is located right on the seashore), while hawks specialize in terrestrial animals like rabbits. I asked the falconer what a little rabbit could do to a plane, he replied that running into a rabbit at high speed is like hitting a stone, anything can happen. Regarding gender differences, he said that males are faster, but females are angrier. And cool leather caps are put on the birds’ heads so that they don’t get nervous when they are moved from place to place.

    Below are a few photos, but for now I want to remind you that on my Twitter there is thread dedicated to life in the Canary Islands. Updated daily.


    About a year ago I made an order on Aliexpress for the first time. I decided to summarize some statistics.

    293 euros spent in a year.

    30 items were purchased, meaning on average I paid almost 10 euros for each item. Of these, I use 12, spending only 105 euros on them - everything else turned out to be either of terrible quality, or did not correspond to the description (color, size), or for some other reason did not suit me. It turns out that I threw away 188 euros (or paid 25 euros for an item of normal quality), which, of course, is very disappointing.

    In general, we have to admit that this is an extremely unwise investment. I don’t blame Aliexpress, but I blame my complete inability to evaluate quality and convenience from a photograph. Naturally, I read the reviews first, but they don’t help at all - everything that I threw away, other buyers really liked.

    • Cloth in Ali - complete trash. Almost everything I ordered had to be thrown away immediately - both the fabric and the tailoring were completely worthless. All I have left is a striped scarf and gauze pants, but in six months they too have turned into a rag; I’ll soon throw them away.
    • Wallets and bags- also by. I am generally satisfied with their quality, but due to the inability to touch and hold everything in my hand, it turned out to be inconvenient. The only exception is a clear plastic bag, I love it very much and have not torn yet.
    • With little things for three kopecks things are better, in any case, the ring for the phone for 55 cents turned out to be quite suitable, and in general I wear earrings for 87 cents almost every day.

    Well, apparently, I will only buy small things, and clothes and bags - in normal offline stores, with fitting. We'll see in a year if I can optimize my ali shopping experience.

    Related links:


    I showed off the contents of my handbag. Life was completely different then (I lived in Italy, wintered in Thailand), but I carry almost the same thing with me, with minimal changes.

    So welcome to my 2019 bag.

    1. Notebook and pen. I ordered it for everyone's last birthday. notebooks, because I write them out very quickly. This one is a gift from France.
    2. Keys (entrance, mailbox, apartment, roof). In Thailand there was only one key, but in Italy there was a whole bunch (two or three houses and a car).
    3. A cosmetic bag in which there is nothing cosmetic, but only all sorts of emergency pills, drops, lenses, a cloth for wiping glasses, etc.
    4. Documents. In Thailand there was no need to carry them with you at all, but here they are needed very often. In a plastic folder I have an Italian ID card, a Spanish residence permit, and a health insurance card.
    5. Transport card. This is also an innovation - in Thailand you pay for travel in cash, in Italy there was no transport except a car. There used to be paper cards here, but now they have switched to plastic, which can be topped up via the Internet.
    6. Shopping bag. One has already been torn to pieces, this one will also end soon.
    7. The wallet is the same mywallit, bought in Lucca. It is, of course, a little dirty, but terribly comfortable and the right size.
    8. Xiaomi Mi A1 phone. Between Samsung and this there were two Oneplus.
    9. Handkerchiefs.

    The bag in which I carry all this is now like this:

    Mandarina Duck is almost the only brand that has a hypnotic effect on me (also Lancaster). If it weren’t for my pumped-up willpower, I would have bought the entire assortment!

    There is only one internal pocket in the purse - there are documents and a travel card, but for so many things you don’t need more. As before, when I’m going somewhere that requires additional items (for example, water, a jacket, an mp3 player), I unfasten the strap of this bag and put it in a larger bag.


    February, as usual, flies by quickly, but next year, it seems, a day will be added to it.

    I'm still progressing towards my "no travel" goal without a hitch. True, unlike January, I drove around the island twice: to the south and to Puerto de la Cruz. You should go to Puerto more often - although it is touristy, unlike the south, it is quite beautiful. And going there is twice as fast and cheaper. But, unfortunately, there are no main magnets of the south: the Kalinka store with sauerkraut, horseradish, frozen cherries, as well as a good manicure and pedicure.

    I also skipped German twice and generally barely made it through the holidays, which are taking place right now.

    Everything is bad with the books: just like in January, I read three, and didn’t like any of them. I started three thick ones: in Spanish (Maria Dueñas, El tiempo entre costuras), in Italian (the third book of Ferrante's "Neapolitan Quarter") and Nabokov's "Inferno", and from two iPads at once, in order to compare English and the translation. It’s clear that all this is going extremely slowly, and it’s good if I finish them this year. So I need to add a fourth to them - something super entertaining.

    I finished the blanket (I’ll write a separate post about it), the horse wasn’t lying around in the coloring book.

    For the strict Mrs. Organizatrix, February was dedicated to the kitchen - decluttering, cleaning and organizing. I had my first and, I hope, not the last celebrity guest: butcher and chef Sveta Khaninaeva told me which things are absolutely necessary in the kitchen and which are absolutely not.

    I never fell in love with swimming, but nevertheless, I am also moving quickly towards the goal of swimming 50 kilometers this year: in February I went to the pool 8 times, and in total this year 17. And I still have 35.5 km left to swim, after which I hope to quit swimming forever, since absolutely no improvements in health and well-being have been observed.

    I read with interest the results of February ten years ago: then, after much ordeal, I received an Italian license, and well: ten years later, naturally, they ran out and now I need to change them, and from abroad. It’s amazing how many interesting things I cooked back then (calling it “it’s amazing how little I cooked”). Since then, I’ve also completely fallen out of love with movies and audiobooks. But now I study languages ​​much more and speak them better (except for French, but also Spanish).

    A few illustrations.


    I always took teachers for granted, like the weather: good or bad - the main thing is to pass. But then suddenly, in my old age, I met an excellent German teacher, and decided to formulate what the quality of teaching depends on for me personally.

    • A good teacher thinks through the program of the year, month, week, lesson in every detail. If for some reason the planned activity is impossible (the projector is broken, for example), he always has something else in stock.
    • A good teacher does not focus on failures, but always notices the small victories of students.
    • But a good teacher can not only notice gaps in knowledge, but also generalize them and offer the student a clear plan on how to deal with them (texts, exercises, textbooks, etc.).
    • A good teacher knows how to work with students of different levels so that no one gets bored and everyone progresses. The bad one deduces for himself" intermediate level", and is guided by it.
    • A good teacher balances exam requirements with real-world knowledge, trying to push students in both directions. The bad one chooses one thing, as a result, his students either know something, but fail in exams, or pass exams, but they have no real knowledge and skills.
    • A good teacher offers students a wide range of resources without requiring them to use those resources. The bad one is tied to one textbook.
    • A good teacher tries to make the process as easy as possible for the students: he comes up with mnemonic rules, explains complex parts “at a glance,” and, if necessary, makes generalizations or goes into the smallest details. The bad guy is focused on dumping material on the students and then letting them figure it out on their own.
    • A good teacher not only prepares for the content of the lesson, but also thinks through the technical side in detail. The bad one is distracted by searching for a pen, desired page in a textbook, etc.


    On the channel of the strict Mrs. Organizatrix, February is dedicated to the kitchen: we declutter it, clean it and organize the space. On this occasion, I thought: is there a multifunctional device in nature that could replace several others at once? Of course, this is not a food processor, which takes up a lot of space, is difficult to clean, is expensive and most often simply duplicates the functions of other devices (grater, mixer, chopper, etc.), which are much more convenient for grinding, whipping and chopping. And not a slow cooker, contrary to the name.

    The winner of my internal hit parade was...

    (drum roll)

    Sticks! But not drums. And ordinary wooden chopsticks, which are given out free of charge in Chinese and Japanese restaurants, but I prefer reusable ones - about three years ago I bought a set of ten pairs for €1.

    So, what can you do with chopsticks?

    • There is almost everything except liquids. Sushi and sashimi - this goes without saying, but I also use them to eat vegetables, cheese, pieces of meat, and chopped fruit so as not to get my hands dirty. By the way, Asian soups can also be eaten without a spoon: first, use sticks to fish out all the solids, and then drink the liquid over the edge - this is not shameful. This won't work with puree soup.
    • It is convenient to use chopsticks to turn what is being fried in a frying pan instead of tongs.
    • I rarely deep fry, but if this happens, you can use chopsticks to dip the food into the boiling oil and remove it.
    • Sticks are great for beating eggs. Here's a classic example: Julia Child uses them to make an omelet in a few seconds. I think you can also whip cream, but it will take longer.
    • They are also great for making scrambled eggs - crack the eggs into a frying pan and stir for yourself.
    • To make a salad (not Olivier salad, but one made from lettuce and other greens), you often buy a set of a giant spoon and the same pseudo-fork, which then wanders from drawer to drawer because it takes up a lot of space and doesn’t really fit anywhere. It’s much more convenient to mix the salad and put it on plates with chopsticks!
    • If you don’t have a match, you can poke a stick into the cake or crust – if it remains dry, it’s ready!
    • The sticks can be used as skewers for kebabs.
    • They can be used to stir porridge or some other brew.
    • If you don’t have a teaspoon at hand, or it’s too short for your large cup, then a stick will perfectly stir sugar in tea and coffee.

    What did I miss?


    Many things in my life happened thanks to Livejournal.com (LJ) - in particular, 17 years ago someone realized that you can ask each other questions: everyone, including me, answered these questions with delight. Now most of the questions seem stupid, but nevertheless, for nostalgic reasons, I decided to answer them periodically.

    2002: For me, I hope, the following will not happen: sooner or later, I will get off LiveJournal and what happens to it next will not matter at all.

    2013: LJ, oddly enough, has not gone away, and I’ll even go and read the feed. They still write pleasant texts about nothing, there is much less politics and current insanity there than on Facebook. However, I mostly read google reader, fed him and dear ZhZhstov too (in the Freaks folder:-).

    2019: Google reader is dead, now I read Feedly and Pocket. Social media I read irregularly. None of them can compare with the LiveJournal of the early 2000s. LiveJournal seems to be eternal - recently there were announcements about the next improvement. Out of my >500 friends, a couple of people write, plus one active community.

    What really infuriates me is the jumps from site to site, the inability to read everyone in one place. It would seem that Feedly was invented for this, but no - Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram do not have any feeds.

    How many virtuals do you have in LiveJournal?

    2002: I don’t have virtuals, I only have a secret diary and an obvious feed for it, which, however, has not been updated for a long time. I admit that virtual is an interesting artistic challenge, but I simply don’t have the energy for it.

    2013: This is where the focus completely shifted: then the virtual really seemed to me an interesting artistic challenge. Now the idea of ​​spending airtime on something other than self promotion seems wild.

    2019: Yes, self-promotion, content, in general, if I write something, it’s because I need it, and not because I want it. There are no virtuals. Strict Mrs. Organisatrix is ​​not virtual, it is a subpersonality.

    What is the history of your confrontation with the user Telnikov? Do you have erotic-sadistic fantasies with this user - do you force him to play naked, sodomize him with a bow, put a collar on him and put him in a cage, drip hot wax on the user Telnikov for a false note or tastelessly pretentious posting?

    2002: The history of my confrontation with the user Telnikov does not exist, since the confrontation itself does not exist (to admit, I rarely read the diary of the highly respected user Telnikov, and I suspect that he rarely reads me either). Have you mixed up anything?

    2013: There was such a Telnikov - he played the violin, wrote about his wife and daughter, he was the first to post his 17 cm in LiveJournal. And then... by the way, it’s not entirely clear what exactly happened then. The user nasha-sasha was accepted into the secret women's community, but I don’t know whether he really cut off inches, or just changed his clothes.

    2019: I’ll tell you a secret - I don’t have fantasies at all, neither erotic nor sadistic. Fantasy is a tool for creating content; it is not wasted. I completely forgot about Telnikov, like many others. You know what? And I don't mind.

    If a person turns around at a glance, feels it, is this proof that God/Higher powers/etc exist?

    2002: No. As a poorly educated person, I would rather admit that the gaze has laser/electromagnetic/microwave rays, but there you go.

    2013: No. And if I had left out the rays, I could have passed for an educated person.

    2019: No, and I would skip this question now.

    Do you have bad premonitions? Do they make your stomach hurt?

    2002: No. I have a “short” intuition, like “But now he will say that...” or “This lady will take a handkerchief out of her bag.” Stomach pain is extremely rare.

    2013: That's it.

    2019: My stomach is one of the few parts of me that rarely continues to hurt. Thank you, belly!

    Are you a believer?

    2002: No.

    2013: No.

    2019: No.

    Do you have racial and national prejudices?

    2002: Eat.

    2013: There are, and a lot of them. The older I get, the more I understand: people are not the same, they are not equal to each other, just as five does not equal three. Equal rights and equal treatment are complete bullshit and a fiction, because people will still remain different, and everyone’s opportunities will always be different.

    What I didn’t feel eleven years ago and feel well now is that you can’t talk about this out loud, it has become completely indecent.

    2019: I now have a built-in automatic filter so I don’t say too much. The only thing I can say is that now I wouldn’t call it prejudice. This is life experience.

    Do you like cheap (but not very bad) brandy with smoked sausage?

    2002: No.

    2013: No.

    2019: No.

    What is your favorite dish? In general, what cuisine do you like?

    2002: I guess I can’t imagine my life without eggs. Eggs are the basis of my diet. Well, cheese.

    2013: I eat what they give me! But now I am in my Indian period.

    2019: Indian and Malay, but I don’t have any good ethnic restaurants close at hand, only an Italian and a Turkish eatery.

    What is your favorite drink?

    2002: My favorite drinks are spirits and water.

    2013: I haven’t stopped loving water and alcohol, but I’m still very fond of tea.

    2019: Tea. Unfortunately, there is no tasty water here, alcohol is slowly but surely disappearing. All that was left was wine, and only occasionally.

    Do you have a favorite variety (type) of cheese? can you describe your feelings when eating it?

    2002: Well... I think I love all the soft and smelly varieties. From the sensations, I like to break the crust with my tongue and spread the pulp across the palate. I also like to melt hard cheese and then wrap it around a fork. What I can’t stand is fried Camembert with blackcurrant sauce.

    2013: Gorgonzola with mascarpone.

    2019: Now I live in cheese heaven - there are shops with Italian and French cheeses, a large selection. Among the latest hobbies are Camembert and Comté.

    Have you ever experimented with hallucinogenic drugs?

    2002: No.

    2013: Well, no.

    How many cigars do you smoke per day?

    2002: I don't smoke.

    2013: And I don't smoke.

    2019: I still don’t smoke.

    Do you like spicy cuisine?

    2002: Not good.

    2013: During the first Thai winter I fell in love sharply, but now I have cooled down again.

    2019: Judging by the fact that one shelf in my refrigerator is completely filled with hot sauces, I probably still love them.

    Do you like to cook?

    2002: Sometimes.

    2013: I completely fell out of love and think with horror that in Trior there is no way to do without it.

    2019: No. Cooking is kept to a minimum - omelettes, salads.

    What was your first sexual experience?

    2002: Of course, you need to write separately and thoughtfully about your first sexual experience. But for now I don’t know what to consider – the first kiss? first psychotrauma? first penetration? Please clarify your question.

    2013: It’s unfortunate, but during the period of my first sexual experience, no matter what they call it, I didn’t keep diaries, and now I remember much less about it than then. I can, of course, imagine realistically.

    2019: I don't even remember the last one :-)

    When did you first fall in love?

    2002: I must admit (with regret) that I have never fallen in love. That is, the infantile experiences of a state of passion from someone else’s – the other’s – did not turn into anything with age and did not acquire any sexual overtones. Maybe we need to think about this separately too.

    2013: Pure bullshit. I had this image then, contrary to the userpic - a cold, asexual northern woman. I was very worried whether everyone understood the difference between asexual and anorgasmic.

    2019: When did I first fall in love? Probably at school, but who?

    Have you come across exhibitionists along the way?

    2002: Once, in the park named after. Ivan Yakutov. I was skiing, it was school lesson physical education. Suddenly everyone made a noise: “Look, look!” – something was white in the bushes. The face was wrapped in something dark, the legs were also not visible, and only the pink and white belly shone. Was he wearing a dick, and what kind? I didn’t pay attention, because I was shocked by the fact that the man was in winter! – exposes such a sensitive, vulnerable place as the stomach.

    However, I’m lying: there is another psychotrauma related to this, but I’m going to talk about it separately somehow.

    2013: Come on, psychotrauma! They showed the dick in the elevator. There’s not even anything to tell – it doesn’t happen to anyone.

    2019: Now, if I hadn’t written it down then, I wouldn’t remember now and would resolutely answer that no, we never got caught. People, if you are over twenty years old, write your memoirs. You will forget everything.

    Your intimate preferences - what role do you play in the bedroom, what turns you on, do you have any taboos?

    2002: Some pornographic pictures and my own erotic dreams turn me on. On the bed I assign myself a completely traditional role from below. Taboo – I don’t quite understand what is meant. There are some things that are physically unpleasant to me or leave me completely indifferent.

    That is, for example, I don’t eat rats not because it’s taboo, but because ---

    Although the example is unfortunate, one might think that they are offering them to me.

    In short, my brain is my sexual organ, so where does the taboo come from?

    2013: Well, I've done a lot. Rats, some pictures - who looks at them in bed?! It turns me on to be wanted. Only this is always stable, and nothing else. Like absolutely any standard chick.

    2019: That's it.

    Who took your amazing photos in the bath and with a cigar?

    2002: I don't remember, honestly.

    2013: Again, funny coquetry - she did it herself, at arm’s length! Photo in the bath. Over the years, I have lost both a bath and a tragic look.

    2019: Back then, in 2002, it was terribly important to take a good photo from a favorable angle, with the right accessories. And the technical means were weak. Now there are a lot of filters and everything, but the quality of portraits and self-portraits has become completely unimportant.

    According to you, it’s better to drink alone. what about having sex?

    2002: Of course yes! How can you compare.

    They ask me a lot of questions about sex, but why is unclear: after all, I am an opponent of life, and therefore an opponent of sex. In my deep conviction, it is better not to deal with them at all; but if this is absolutely impossible, then - yes, sex alone will be a palliative - If you think that sex is funny, fuck yourself and save the money.

    2013: What enchanting nonsense.

    2019: I didn’t understand at all what I wanted to say.

    Have you had the experience of same-sex love or hints of it - kisses, caresses that were not continued?

    2002: So that I remember this - no. But I can’t swear that something doesn’t happen when I’m drunk. My erotic dreams are exclusively lesbian ones.

    2013: Hehe. This is where a decisive breakthrough occurred. I remember everything! And I don’t have lesbian dreams anymore.

    2019: Experience confirms that I'm as straight as an electric pole.

    By taboo in love I understood your limits. For example, experiments with B&D and S&M, blindfolding, tying up, role playing? Which role playing games do you like it, if at all?

    2002: Oh, it’s also taboo for me. I really love pictures with S&M, but I’m completely indifferent to B&D. Role playing – I used to really love it, but then I got tired of it. Well, there were different ones, but quite traditional - some kind of medicine, or as if we were at the North Pole.

    2013: Absolutely none, and what did I even mean by the North Pole?!

    2019: Who has time for role-playing games?!

    How do you feel about shaving? (personally, I like it both on a woman and – equality – on myself).

    DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, which translates to “digital rights management.” Thus, the answer to the question: “DRM protection - what is it” will be: “It is a class of technologies that are used by publishers to control content.” This can be expressed in this way: an audiobook that was purchased digitally on the site will be played normally on the computer with which the purchase was made. But if you copy it to another computer, it will become unnecessary file, which cannot be opened by any player.

    Real examples of DRM technologies can be much more complex.

    DRM was designed from the beginning to prevent digital products from being copied. But the next generation of technology provided the tools to limit viewing, printing, and editing.

    In an attempt to protect the interests of copyright holders, DRM protection has become the cause of a considerable number of complaints from users purchasing digital products. Inability to use purchased music using various devices negatively affected customer demand. As a result, publishers realized that there was an opportunity to sell music in digital form without imposing DRM protection. It will be even more successful. In other words, DRM protection even had a negative impact on sales of various digital products.

    DRM protection - what is it?

    Over time, these technologies were able to gain support in legislation. For example, a large number of countries have legal provisions that prohibit bypassing copy protection. In these states, disputes about whether DRM protection is needed, how to remove it, etc., are essentially illegal.

    But DRM also poses another complication because such technologies can interfere with users' ability to exercise their legal rights. That is why, in order to understand DRM protection - what it is, you need to realize that it is not possible to create backup copies purchased work.

    Without delving into legislative practices on the application of various laws in everyday life, it is possible to propose a scheme for how to remove DRM protection, which will be completely legal in most countries. The only exception would be Australia. It is possible to create several copies for your own needs or for reserve, but not for sale or distribution. Please note that the process of creating copies of more than 10 pieces may be considered commercial use. Therefore, you should avoid copying more than normal. There are no clear restrictions on making copies. For this reason, it is technically possible to lose DRM somewhere in the process of obtaining mp3 copies that are not protected. But using a program that is designed to disable copy protection may be a violation of the law. Thus, when talking about how to bypass DRM protection, you should remember that you can only do this for your own personal purposes.

    How to do this?

    But it’s good that this technology can be removed using programs for general use that are not covered by DRM protection. How to remove it? The best example In this case, the mp3Recorder Studio application serves. To do this, you need to enable playback of the purchased audio file with protection when using the required program (WMP, iTunes or another). Next, you need to capture the audio using mp3Recorder Studio and then save the audio directly to mp3. This process will use the built-in function of sound cards, which allows you to capture sound already in the middle of the device. Most provide a recording device called a “Stereo Mix”. However, different names are used. This device makes it possible to capture everything that is being played sound card. This may require you to install latest driver from the official website of the card manufacturer. Typically, the drivers that Windows automatically installs most often disable and hide such a device.

    “Digital copyright management” (or, more simply, copy protection systems) is supposed to protect. But in reality, not only does it not fulfill its main function, but it also makes PCs accessible to hackers. How and for what reason does this happen?

    Why do you need to remove DRM protection?

    DRM systems can also be insecure. With the wrong options for implementing copy protection, it is possible to open holes in the computer's security system, which, in turn, would remain closed in the absence of DRM. The point here is that in order to block normal copy functions in the OS, rights management software packages need the broadest access rights to system files, and in fact take over control of such functions.

    A good example of an unsafe implementation of this technology is the anti-copying system for audio CDs from Sony BMG. This rootkit was placed on a large number of audio CDs from a music label that is one of the most famous in the world. When such a disc was loaded into a computer's CD-ROM, automatic mode XCP for WINDOWS began. It was supposed to protect against copying of an entire album or the process of stealing tracks from a disc.

    The XCP rootkit penetrated deep into the OS, and at the same time it installed completely independently. The ability to uninstall using normal methods was not possible. Also, during operation, it took up a large part of the memory and could cause crashes. But the most important thing is that absolutely nothing was written about this rootkit and its functioning in the user agreement (EULA). This is all despite the fact that almost no one reads such agreements.

    But the most important thing is that the XCP rootkit created a real threat to the entire system. For example, after its installation, all files that begin with $sys$ acquired the “hidden” mode. This was immediately used by virus creators. For example, the Breplibot Trojan, which was sent as attachments to E-mails, was detected only by antiviruses and programs. Such unsafe files were absolutely invisible to users.

    How to disable protection

    DRM protection on WMV and WMA files is done in stages.

    These days, most audio that is downloaded and protected (WMP, iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Bearshare, Spiral Frog) are DRM files.

    The process of writing a file is not complicated. There is a free method to remove DRM protection from WMV and WMA files. This is done in two steps.

    1. You need to burn the DRM WMA file to a CD or DRM WMV to a DVD.

    2. You need to extract WMV and WMA with protection to the PC itself, after which DRM protection will be disabled.

    Rewrite method

    This method is the most popular and accessible. It consists of burning DRM WMA and DRM WMV files with a regular converter that converts recorded and unprotected files. Precisely because such technology is easy to use, formats that differ from DRM WMA and DRM WMV will also be supported by converters such as SoundTaxi, NoteBurner and others. But this also has its downsides.

    New technology

    Hook Hook is an advanced technology that can be used to disable EPUB DRM protection. When comparing these programs with dubbing programs, it is this type that has noticeably fast conversion. However, it will not be easy to make it work with some of the DRM formats that have new high-quality encryption techniques.

    After testing, the result was that DRM WMA and DRM WMV protection is simply removed using Digital Music Converter. This program can extract audio content from DRM WMV files. This program also supports other unprotected formats, such as: mp3, M4b, M4A, WAV, AC3, AAC.

    Conversion steps:

    1. First you need to add DRM WMA, DRM WMV or other files that are not protected.

    2. You need to select the desired outgoing format.

    What is DRM? Why do you need to remove DRM from WMA WMV files?

    Speaking about the meaning of the term “DRM protection” (what it is - we generally discussed above), you need to know: these are programs that protect against copying and make it difficult to perform actions related to video and audio files. For example, if WMA or WMV files downloaded from WMP are protected with DRM, then it is possible to play them only using compatible devices. If every song had DRM, then the user would have to purchase this track on disk in order to listen to it using a player or car radio. For example, if tunes were purchased on iTunes and they are listened to on the iPOd, then due to the fact that they have already been purchased, the user will not need to perform this action again and again. You just need to remove DRM from the file, and you will be able to play it on iPod, Zune, PSP, CD player, PC and other devices.


    This method is not entirely suitable, sometimes it can even cause damage to the CD-Roma. WMP only has the ability to record DRM WMA and DRM WMV files. For other formats you will need DVD-Ripper.

    Due to the long recording process, the conversion speed will not be better. During the recording process, most of the audio may be lost.

    Some phone users encounter incomprehensible menu settings on their devices. One of these is Android DRM License Reset. What this process is and whether it is necessary is described in this article.

    What is DRM

    Digital Rights Management (in the Russian version - “Technical means of copyright protection”) is a technology that allows authors to protect their digital products from piracy. In the case of Android, these are applications.

    The protection process is carried out through the programmer introducing certain technical means into the software that prevent illegal use. As a result, a person uses the software only for personal needs and cannot copy or transfer it to other people.

    DRM license is the key that opens the digital lock of the application. It is designed using complex cryptographic algorithms to prevent quick hacking.

    Important! Hacking or circumventing DRM protection is against the law and will result in civil and administrative penalties in most countries.

    The principle of operation of the technology:

    1. A person purchases a smartphone or tablet on which (in addition to the OS) special software from the developer is installed.
    2. After turning on and activating the device, the preinstalled programs work in demo mode for a limited period (week, month). After its expiration, the software stops functioning and offers to purchase the full version and a DRM license for it.

    Resetting licenses

    The main purpose of the reset function is to stop using the purchased software.

    Important! Hard system reset does not affect purchased licenses, and deleting the latter does not affect the performance of the OS, but will prohibit the use of programs protected by DRM technology.

    After this, reboot your device if pre-installed applications were affected.

    Pay attention! At the moment, DRM is losing its relevance due to imperfect protection. Android 6 and above do not have a reset feature.


    DRM license is a right of use full version software that is purchased from its copyright holder. The license reset function allows you to abandon such software without affecting the performance of Android.

    DRM is an intellectual property protection tool that allows the copyright holder to control access, preventing unauthorized copying and distribution of software. The technology is used on various products, including mobile operating systems, so users periodically have the question of what it is to reset a DRM license on Android.

    What is DRM

    DRM is an abbreviation for Digital Rights Management, which can be translated as “digital rights management.” Control is implemented by placing various technical means in the product that prevent illegal disposal of the software. The owner can use the protected product only for personal purposes; he will not be able to copy it and sell it. In essence, DRM is a kind of digital lock, the key to which must be purchased from the copyright holder.

    The DRM key for gaining access is presented in the form of a code, the creation of which uses cryptographic algorithms. It is very difficult to hack, and you can only get it after purchasing a digital product with a license. On Android technology often implemented like this:

    1. A person buys a new device, in which the manufacturer preinstalls certain software.
    2. After turning on and activating the device, the software starts working for free in demo mode. After the trial period, the application ceases to function, requiring the purchase of a license.

    Purchasing access to a full version of the software is an element of DRM. This is just one of possible options, there are other examples of copyright protection.

    The procedure for resetting DRM differs depending on what the license covers. For example, using hacker software, you can reset the program launch counter, unlink files from the site, disable key verification, and perform other actions to unlink the license. As for Android, a reset can be done without hacker software.

    You must use this feature with extreme caution, because after resetting your license, you may lose access to certain product features. DRM keys are required for operation special applications from the phone manufacturer. You can find such programs on Sony, Samsung, etc. devices. After resetting the key, branded applications may stop working, but otherwise the functionality of the phone will remain at the same level.

    It has nothing to do with giving up a license. If, when rolling back settings, all applications installed by the user, as well as personal data, are deleted from the phone, then deleting the license only leads to the disabling of the software built in by the manufacturer.

    If you want to know what the requirements are different applications, what programs will be affected by the removal of licenses, whether the device supports the technologies that are needed for normal functioning services, then install to mobile device DRM Info. The application displays information about DRM components, at the same time indicating whether they are supported on devices.
    Why is this information needed? To understand whether it is worth buying premium accounts or applications with licenses. For example, to play Full HD and 4K videos on Netflix, you need 1 level of Google Widevine. Most devices come with the third level, therefore, there is no point in spending money on a premium account, because there will be no improvement in quality - the device does not support the necessary technologies.