• Notes on how to guide the role-playing game "Mail" for children of senior preschool age

    Plot summary - role playing game" Mail"

    Target: continue to form children’s ideas about the work of people in different professions. Expand children's understanding of the work of postal workers.

    Develop imagination, speech; the ability to develop the game together.

    Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help. Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.

    Progress of the game:

    Educator: Guys, the time has come for us.

    Let's play now!

    Shall we play?

    Children: We will!

    A noise is heard (a pigeon flies in along with a letter to the soundtrack)

    Educator: Guys, a homing pigeon has flown to us. Did he have the wrong address?

    Pigeon: I was flying to you guys

    Across seas, oceans.

    I flew for a long time, through different countries.

    I brought you a letter, read it!

    Educator: Children, who do you think could write a letter to you? Who is it from? Let's take a look together. It came from a girl Tanya from another kindergarten. Tanya, like you, goes to the second junior group. Guys, do you want to read this letter? Now I will read it to you. Oh, what is this? In the letter, instead of letters and words, some pictures are drawn. What happened, how can this be?

    ^ Children's answers.

    Educator: That's right, children. Tanya doesn’t know how to write yet, so she drew a letter for you. Now I will read it to you. (The teacher reads a letter to the children)

    ^ After reading the letter, the teacher talks with the children about mail. Suggested questions:

    What is mail?

    Why do we need it?

    What do we do at the post office?

    Why do we need letters, parcels, telegrams?

    Was life bad for a person without mail?


    People live on earth

    In villages, towns, cities.

    So that relatives are not forgotten,

    Letters would be sent to them

    There is a mail service for this,

    All employees are greatly honored!

    Postman, telegraph operator,

    Sorter and signalman.

    We can't do without mail.

    All over the land, all over the country

    Mail, glory to you!


    Who works at the post office?

    (Postman; letter and parcel receivers, telegraph operators, delivery men)

    ^ The teacher shows the children all the attributes of mail: letter, mailbox, telegram, parcel, telephone.

    Educator: Guys, now let’s each of you also write a letter to the girl Tanya, because she’s really looking forward to an answer from you. What should we write, guys?

    After the children have written an answer to the girl, the teacher invites the children to take the letter to the post office. All children take their letters to the post office and put them in the mailbox.

    Role-playing game in middle group"Mail"


    Target: Improve children's understanding of the work of the post office. Activate new words in the children's dictionary (postman, receiver, postal machine, operator).

    Encourage children to speak coherently and build dialogue. Improve your ability to team up in games.

    Develop the ability to independently perform game actions in accordance with the game plan, based on personal experience and knowledge.

    Cultivate goodwill and communication skills.

    Material: A cap, a bag for a postman, a mailbox for letters, mailboxes for children with an emblem, signs “operator”, “receiver”, “Mail” - for the car.

    Robes, scarves, bags, wallets, dolls, hats. Ready letters with emblems for the postman, parcels, envelopes.

    Preliminary work: Examination of the “Mail” illustrations, getting to know the postal workers: postman, operator, based on illustrations and playing out individual actions. Collecting parcels, letters, reading fairy tales by Ya. S. Marshak “Mail”, “Luggage”. Making picture letters to each other, looking at stamps and gluing them to envelopes.

    Progress: There is a knock on the door. There is a bear cub on the threshold, next to a box with things.

    Guys, a bear cub came to us, he found someone’s things and doesn’t know whose they are. Let's help him find out whose they are? (answer)

    Vos-l: shows the children a cap, a postman's bag, letters, postcards, magazines, newspapers.

    Who wears such a bag or cap?

    Who has a lot of letters, newspapers, magazines in their bag? (answer) - What to do now since the letters will not reach the addressee? Maybe the little bear will take them to the post office?

    Guys, our Misha doesn’t know what mail is. Maybe we can play “Mail” with him? (answer)

    Let's choose a place where we will have “Mail”.

    We choose a place for the operator, receptionist, hang up signs “operator”, “receptionist”, lay out the attributes (cash register, telephones, mailbox for clients, scales for the receptionist, forms, magazines, stamps, envelopes, postcards, newspapers.

    Who will be the receiver, the operator?

    We select 2 children, they put on dressing gowns and take jobs.

    And I and the bear cub will be a client, who else wants to go to the post office and send letters, parcels, buy magazines, postcards.

    Children put on scarves, hats, vests, take handbags and dolls and go to the post office.

    Voss: (Greets greetings to the postal worker).

    Hello, please take a turn. Who wants to send a letter, buy stamps from the operator, and if you want to send a parcel, stand in line at the receiver.

    The little bear and I will send a letter and buy a magazine. Which magazine do you like Misha? (answer).

    The teacher makes sure that the children are friendly and helps them in the game. Children paste stamps and drop letters into the box; the operator sells envelopes and magazines. The receiver weighs the parcels, lays out magazines and newspapers and takes them to the operator for sale.

    Voss: Who will take the letters to the addresses? (answer)

    Let's choose a postman.

    Who helps the postman deliver mail over long distances? (A postal car driven by a driver).

    Can we help you build a postal machine?

    Who will be the driver?

    The teacher and the guys build a car using chairs, hang up the “Mail” sign, the driver sits in the cab, the guys load mail to the addresses (into mailboxes with emblems).

    Voss: Look, Misha, how many guys sent letters, parcels, bought magazines.

    Guys, let's look at your mailboxes, have you received any letters?

    Children look into individual mailboxes (boxes with an emblem) take out letters, open them, analyze pictures and drawings.

    Voss: What's in your letter, Olya? Who else wants to talk about the letter?

    Children talk about their letters.

    Voss: The bear cub and I also received a letter from the children of the nursery group of our kindergarten. Look at the picture there is a Christmas tree, but there are no toys on it, and very sad children are standing next to it

    What do you think the letter means? (Soon New Year, and the guys don’t have toys)

    How to help kids? (answers)

    Let's collect a package for the guys and send them New Year's toys.

    The children and the teacher put New Year's toys in a box, seal the parcel and take it to the kids.


    Strengthen children's ideas about the work of postal workers.

    Learn to perform game actions in accordance with the general game plan.

    Strengthen the ability to independently plan and equip the place of play, distribute roles, select and correctly use the attributes of the game.

    Activate children's vocabulary (correspondence, customer service operator, postal operator).

    Cultivate a friendly attitude and the ability to negotiate with each other in the game.

    2. Preparing for the game.

    The date is the third week of December.


    Making attributes

    Enrichment with impressions

    Teaching gaming techniques


    - “Sew” a bag for the postman.

    Draw pictures, make applications from colored paper, from waste material to send to relatives for the New Year (grandparents, etc.)

    Production of “Mailbox” boxes, parcels, parcels.

    Watching the postman as he passes through kindergarten with correspondence.

    Reading works: S.Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Mikhalkov “Who to be?”

    Place the prepared drawings in envelopes, crafts in “parcels”, “parcels”.


    Drawing signs: “Post”, “Telegraph”

    Ask parents to visit with children Post office, observe the work of operators, telegraph operators, and how clients behave at the post office.

    Playing out individual stories with children.


    Making paper: envelopes, calendars, stamps, money, wallets, forms.

    Riddles on the theme "Mail".

    The teacher's story about who works at the post office and what work they do (using colorful pictures).

    Reading B. Zakhoder “What crafts smell like”

    Teach children to pack parcels by weighing them on scales.


    Making seals and stamps from vegetables (carrots, potatoes).

    Collection of children's magazines, newspapers, New Year greeting cards.

    Cut scarves from blue fabric for post office employees.

    A conversation on the topic “Letter”, how it will find an addressee, consolidate children’s knowledge about their home address.

    Didactic game “Broken phone”. Offer to parents

    write a letter of wishes to Santa Claus with your children and put it in the mailbox together.

    Teach children to put stamps on forms and postcards.

    Lay out postal correspondence in places, deliver to recipients.

    3. Long-term plan for preparing for the game “Mail”

    7. Game scheme


    1. - Place of the head of the post office.
    2. - Position of the operator for working with clients.
    3. - Place of the postal operator.
    4. - Postman's place.
    5. - Place for clients (tables and chairs).
    6. - Post car.
    7. - Telegraph.

    Hello! Today we’ll tell you about the first game, which we thoroughly mastered as part of the “Games with Marina and Masha” project. fresh air" This role-playing game is called “Postman” in some places, and “Mail” in others.

    To begin with, let me briefly remind you what kind of project we have.

    Thinking about how fun it is

    and spend quality time with your child?

    We will try to help you! Because in the project we decided to collect interesting games with children on the street and at home. Those games that we played as children, as well as our parents.

    We thought that there were a lot of wonderful interesting games on at the moment forgotten, and children, going for a walk in the city yard or on village streets, sometimes get bored. They are bored because no one can remind them of how many interesting, fun outdoor games there are in the world.

    Game "Mail" - a role-playing game

    for preschool children.

    Description, conclusions and comments


    This role-playing game seems suitable for children preschool age.

    You don’t need to think much in it, just have fun, jump, and gallop.

    Where can I play?

    This game is good both for a birthday party in a noisy company of children, and for a street gang of children.

    Number of players

    From two people.


    Let me remind you that to begin with, as a guide for those playing, we took an old book by A.V. Kenneman "Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR." In the main article you can find links for downloading and even for purchasing second-hand books.

    In this book we are now choosing games.

    The game "Mail" here refers to Russian folk

    Game "Postman" - game rules

    At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen - the postman. Or mail. Who likes it more?

    And the players are given forfeits. It is advisable that each player have forfeits of the same type. For example, one has blades of grass, the second has sticks, the third has dandelions, etc. Wrappers are perfect.

    And at home you can simply cut out forfeits of any shape from multi-colored paper. Each player has his own color.

    When the preparatory activities are completed, the game begins.

    The presenter says this:

    - Ding-ding-ding! (for some reason this quickly turned into knock-knock-knock J)

    The players answer him:

    - Mail! (postman)

    - From the city!

    - What are they doing in the city?

    Now the presenter must quickly come up with what they are doing in the city these days.

    For example, he says:

    - They're dancing in the city!

    Then all the players start dancing. The leader looks at everyone and decides whether everyone is dancing well, or perhaps someone is slacking.

    If a lazy dancer is detected, the postman says something like:

    -You're not dancing well! You're lazy!

    The player whom the postman rated so unflatteringly must give the postman one forfeit.

    When the postman has five forfeits, the game stops. Begins next stage. Redemption of forfeits.

    It was for him that it was necessary to distribute various forfeits. Because now the presenter needs to determine whose forfeits he has and tell the players who own these forfeits how they should redeem their forfeits.

    Some people get to recite a poem, some get to jump on one leg, some get to crow.

    Everything is at the mercy of the presenter’s imagination.

    Have all the forfeits been redeemed? Great! If you haven’t gotten bored with the “mail” game yet, choose a new host and start a new game!

    Fun games for children on the theme “Mail”

    Video demonstration of the game

    Well, this is our detailed video report.

    Have fun watching!

    We'll probably end here. It seems to me that we told and showed everything we knew about the plot-role-playing game “Mail.”

    I hope now you know exactly how you can have fun with your children and play postman.

    And when you get tired of mail, come see us! Our next game will be “Fanta”. That's what it's called in the book. And we call it “Black and White”.

    Role-playing game "Mail".
    Preparatory group for school.
    Goal: Continue to form in children realistic ideas about the work of people in different professions. Expand children's understanding of the work of postal workers.
    Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.
    Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.
    Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.
    Equipment: mailbox, postman's bag, envelopes with paper, parcel boxes, telegram forms, telephones, car.

    Progress of the game.
    Postman: I brought you a letter. Read it!
    Educator: Who could this letter be from? How to find out?
    Children: You need to read the return address.
    Educator: Guys, this is a letter from grandparents, from whom the bun ran away.
    Child: We baked a bun,
    Kolobok is a ruddy side.
    Lying on the window
    And he ran away from us.
    Guys, help us,
    Find the bun quickly.
    Educator: Guys, let's help grandparents.
    Children: Let's go.
    Educator: How can we help? Do your grandparents live in a village, far from here?
    Children: Mail will help!
    Child: People live everywhere on earth:
    In villages and villages, cities.
    But so that you don’t forget your family and friends,
    So that letters and telegrams are sent,
    There is a mail service for this,
    All employees are greatly honored:
    Postman, telegraph operator,
    Sorter and signalman.
    We have no mail, no matter how you play around,
    There's no way around it at all.
    All over the land, all over the country
    Thank you, mail, and glory to you!
    Educator: Who works at the post office?
    Children: The postman - he delivers letters. Receivers - they accept letters and parcels. Telegraph operators - they transmit telegrams. Delivery workers - they deliver letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.
    Educator: Guys, let's write a comforting letter to grandparents, send a telegram about an ambulance and go to their aid ourselves. Guys, how can we get to another village?
    Children: By bus, car, train, plane.
    Educator: Okay, what type of transport will we choose?
    The children choose the type of transport on which we will go to the village to visit their grandparents.
    Educator: Okay, we have chosen the transport, and now let’s all go to the post office.
    Children independently distribute responsibilities as to who will work for whom at the post office.
    1. Receiver of letters;
    2. Telegram receiver;
    3. Parcel receiver.
    4. Postman.
    Children write letters, glue stamps, put stamps. Then the letters are put in the mailbox, people talk on the phone, send telegrams, collect parcels, load everything onto cars and take it for sending.

    Children build the chosen type of transport and load mail onto it.

    Educator: Well then! The mail has been loaded! And who will go to help grandparents?
    Children: Me! I! I!
    Everyone gets into the chosen transport.
    We won't get lost anywhere
    We'll go to grandma and grandpa's.