• Booklet for parents “Addiction to gadgets. "Computer games for children of senior preschool age" (booklet for parents) Download the booklet on equipping computers at school with recommendations

    Natalya Ataskevich

    In recent years, interaction with the family has become one of the main areas of work for educators. This branch of pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions is important and relevant. Memos, brochures, and folders can cover a variety of issues related to the development and upbringing of a child. Current preschoolers, due to the high information and technological development of society, they master early computer. Therefore for parents the question “How to protect your child from the harmful effects of computer, tablet, phone." For this purpose, brochures with recommendations were created " Computer and preschooler", in which everyone parent will find interesting information for himself.

    It includes 1. Pros and cons of using computer 2. Clear and understandable recommendations for proper use computer as a child

    3. Instructions on how to choose the most useful game for children 4. gymnastics for the eyes.

    Publications on the topic:

    Questionnaire for parents “Computer in your home” Questionnaire for parents: “A computer in your home” Dear parents! We would like to know your opinion on some issues that interest us.

    Consultation for parents “Preschooler and computer” Consultation for parents “Preschooler and computer” Teacher of the first qualification category Kubrak Larisa Arkadyevna Lastly.

    Consultation for parents of preschool children “Computer and child.” A lot of discussions can be heard around this topic in the family, especially when it concerns our children. You and I had a similar problem in our childhood.

    Consultation for parents “Hyperactive preschooler: is there any cause for concern?” Prepared by: teacher of MADOU No. 21 Svetlana Aleksandrovna Volodina High motor activity, instability of attention and impulsiveness.

    Consultation for parents “Is a computer a medicine or a drug?” Computer – medicine or drug? We present for your consideration a letter from a mother who is concerned about her son's overweight.

    In my work, I like to use and create booklets myself because they can briefly and colorfully present information on any topic. Some.

    In these times of stress and speed, everyone wants everything as quickly as possible. Modern parents are literate, informed, and busy.

    GCD "Economics and preschoolers" Municipal preschool educational institution "KINDERGARTEN No. 103" Summary of the lesson in economics "Preschoolers and economics."

    The influence of the computer on the psyche.

    Gambling addiction, Internet addiction - how serious are these problems? How much does a computer affect people's mental health? Answer yourself and make a decision!

    1. Organize your work . Take frequent breaks. Resist the temptation to sit on the computer during breaks; it would be much better to go out and get some fresh air. As much as possible, try to replace computer tasks with other activities.

    2. Exercise! This is probably the simplest advice. But we forget about this all the time. Exercise is a great tonic.

    3. Sit up straight! Another simple and obvious tip. It is important to have a chair with a high back, so that you can fully recline not only your back, but also your head.

    4. A monitor is not a microscope ! This tip is about your look. Remind yourself to keep a “safe” distance from your computer screen.

    5. Take care of your hands and wrists . One of the main causes of discomfort is the keyboard installed on the edge of the table.

    6. Don't eat at the computer ! Eating at the computer can cause digestive disorders.

    Work on your computer and be healthy!

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 1"

    City of Usinsk, Komi Republic

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    Are you interested in this topic? You are absolutely right! A person who spends a lot of time in front of a monitor needs to know what the impact of a computer on health is.

    The main harmful factors affecting the health of people working at a computer:

      sitting for long periods of time;

      exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor;

    • overload of the joints of the hands;

      stress due to loss of information.

    Seated position.

    It would seem that a person sits in a relaxed position at the computer, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence , as well as excessive stress on the spine, , and in children - scoliosis. For those who sit a lot, a kind of heat compress is formed between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - And , diseases, the treatment of which is a long and unpleasant process. Besides, often leads to , and others.

    Electromagnetic radiation.

    Modern have become safer for health, but not yet completely. And if there is a very old monitor on your desk, it is better to stay away from it.

    Effects on vision.

    The eyes register the smallest vibration of a text or picture, and even more so the flickering of the screen. Eye overload leads to loss of sharpness . Poor selection of colors, fonts, window layout in the programs you use, and incorrect screen placement have a bad effect on your vision.

    Overload of the joints of the hands.

    The nerve endings of the fingertips seem to be broken from constant hitting the keys, numbness and weakness occur, and goosebumps run through the pads. This can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future may become chronic.

    Stress when losing information.

    Not all users regularly do your information. But do not sleep, and hard drives from the best companies sometimes break down, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes press the wrong button... As a result of this There were also heart attacks.

    Dust and dirt: allergies and intestinal infections.

    Dust and dirt accumulate in and around the computer over time , and removing them is often very difficult. And where there is dirt, there are all kinds of microbes, bacteria and fungi; where there is dust, there are dust mites. All this can provoke a variety of diseases - from to " ".

    Exercises to relieve eye strain

    1.At the count of 1-4, close your eyes with tension, at the count of 1-6, open your eyes.

    2.Look at the tip of your nose on the count of 1-4, and then look into the distance on the count of 1-6.

    3. Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes: up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-left-down-right, then look into the distance for a count of 1-6.

    4. Keeping your head still, move your gaze and fix it: on the count of 1-4 up, on the count of 1-6 - straight. Make diagonal movements with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the other direction, then, on the count of 1-6, look straight ahead.

    computer addiction

    in a child

    To prevent computer addiction, psychologists advise the following:

      Set a personal positive example. It is important that words do not diverge from deeds. And if a father allows a child to play for a limited amount of time, then he himself should not play for three to four hours.

      Limit the time you spend working with the computer, explaining that the computer is not a right, but a privilege, so communication with it is subject to parental control. It is impossible to sharply prohibit working on a computer.

      Offer other ways to spend time. You can make a list of things you can do in your free time. It is advisable that the list include joint activities (going to the cinema, going to nature, playing chess, etc.)

      Use the computer as an element of effective education, as a reward (for example, for doing homework correctly and on time, cleaning the apartment).


    “With the right approach to studying on a computer

    You can get the maximum benefit for your child’s development.”

    B. Shlimovich


    Reminder for parents on use

    computer as a child .

    1. So that parents can control the use

    a child of a computer, they themselves must be able to use it at least at an elementary level;

    2. The child should not play computer games before bedtime;

    it is necessary to take a break while working at the computer; (change of activity).

    3. Parents must supervise their child’s purchase of computer discs with games so that they do not cause harm to the child’s health and psyche;

    4. If a child uses the computer irresponsibly, a password must be entered to prevent access without parental permission.

    SIGNS OF DEPENDENCE FROM COMPUTER GAME The child doesn’t do his homework, sits playing for hours, can’t stop playing.
    Prefers computer games to communication
    There are no other hobbies other than computer games.
    The total time spent playing games exceeds the time spent doing homework, walking, or other hobbies.
    WHAT TO DO? The approach to solving such problems should be comprehensive and not be reduced to a simple struggle with the computer.
    Here are the recommendations neuropsychologists give to eliminate addiction to computer games:
    1. You can reach such a child only through emotions, that is, education, motivation to do something using “carrot and stick.”
    2. When there is play activity and emotional tension, the child does everything well and correctly.
    3. You need to draw up a program of action for him and try to make him remember it.
    4. Any activity can be performed in a playful manner, while giving the child small rewards - encouragement, this can be payment from improvised means, for example - washing the dishes -
    received chewing gum, a postcard, and so on.
    5. It is necessary to teach the child to perform a certain sequence of actions, a program, starting with a simple one, such as:

    brew tea, boil pasta, fry scrambled eggs and ending with a difficult one: boil

    6. In this case, talk through the actions together with the child.
    7. The forehead is a mirror; if you don’t have your own, then the mirror must be external.
    8. Sports and drama classes are useful for children, as they expand their bodily capabilities and form a connection between the forehead and the subcortex (emotions).
    9. You can also advise your child on how best to do something, and why.

    10. When he explains this, he will have
    a program of action is formed, cause-and-effect relationships are established.
    USEFUL ASPECTS OF GAMES: computer games develop: logic,
    thinking, memory, attentiveness,
    Some games develop knowledge of foreign languages ​​and computer knowledge.

    mental disorders, visual impairment,
    development of cruelty, games like “drugs”,
    deterioration in physical and educational fitness.
    1. The computer helps to identify and develop a child’s abilities.
    2. It is a great way to educate yourself.
    3. Develops independent thinking.
    4. Strengthens concentration.
    5. Teaches the child to quickly switch from one action to another.

    The main thing is safe communication

    with a computer!

    Find your way around what interests your child.

    Spend as much time as possible together.

    At first, sit at the computer together, then the machine will not become a great authority for him.

    Talk to your child more.

    Instill in your child a “computer taste.”

    Don't buy violent games.

    Don’t forget that children still enjoy drawing, coloring, playing with friends, sculpting, and playing sports.



    Seven steps to salvation from computer addiction.

    1. Find your way around what interests your child.
    2. Spend as much time as possible together.
    3. At first, sit at the computer together, then the machine will not become a great authority for him.
    4. Talk to your child more.
    5. Instill in your child a “computer taste.”
    6. Don't buy violent games.
    7. Don’t forget that children still enjoy drawing, coloring, playing with friends, sculpting, and playing sports.

    Rules that will protect the health of your young genius.

    1. Maintain a sense of proportion;
    2. Rest not from the child, but with the child;
    3. Time must be strictly regulated;
    4. Take a break;
    5. Optimal monitor settings;
    6. Correct screen refresh rate.

    Real advantages:

    1. Availability of useful information;
    2. There are educational and educational games;
    3. Disaster relief;
    4. A lot of information can be stored;
    5. There are programs to improve vision;
    6. Fast and cheap sending of messages;
    7. Orders and purchases via the Internet;
    8. Main assistant in study, work and leisure;
    9. Helps in communication between people.

    Real cons:

    1. Uncontrolled work worsens vision;
    2. A person leads a sedentary lifestyle;
    3. The desire to communicate more with virtual or strangers than with those living nearby;
    4. There are games that promote violence. Games that absorb the person playing;
    5. There are viruses that damage computers;
    6. A large percentage of information contains unethical or immoral content;
    7. Negatively affects the human nervous system.

    types of computer games:

    1. "kill 'em all" games
    2. adventure games
    3. strategy games that require you to make decisions
    4. educational games
    5. educational games
    6. diagnostic games
    7. graphic, related to drawing, design.
    1. Kill 'em all games

    These are games with warlike plots, pools of spilled blood and mountains of corpses. Naturally, all this provokes outbursts of anger, evil and violence in children.

    Heroes of “shooting games” and “adventure games”, like usually have several lives. And a child carried away by the game, “living” several dozen lives a day, loses respect for his own, losing the instinct of self-preservation and dulling the sense of danger.

    1. Adventure games.

    These are games based on cartoon films. They are very colorful and emotional, but here you also need to be on your guard.Japanese doctors have described massive epileptic seizures in children who watched computer cartoons. It turned out that light flickering on the display imposes its rhythm on the cerebral cortex, causing convulsions.

    Computer and child

    What can a computer do?

    1. Design of cards, invitations...
    2. Development and design of printed products.
    3. Compilation and design of photo albums.
    4. Creation of video reports, videos.
    5. Creating presentations, etc.

    Completed by: Baskakova Tatyana Igorevna

    Municipal educational institution No. 48


    1. Games - strategy.

    They form an internal plan of action, develop memory, thinking, and imagination. But psychologists say that such multi-level games are especially dangerous for children.

    The child’s psycho-emotional arousal increases with each level, leading to increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, increased adrenaline levels in the blood, requiring physical release, often with an aggressive focus towards to others.

    1. Educational and developmental games

    They are very emotional, accompanied by a cheerful children's melody or song. They are created using beautiful bright colors that attract children's attention. They are very educational: children gain knowledge about the world around them. There is a development of creative abilities and thought processes.

    You can replace or repair a computer that has become unusable, but this does not work with the human body. Therefore, when buying a computer, you need to think about what is more expensive and in addition to the performance of your electronic assistant, you need to take care of yourself. You can successfully use a computer and stay healthy at the same time by following simple recommendations. Warm-up exercises Place your hand on the edge of the table, palm down. Holding your fingers with your other hand, move your hand back and hold in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other hand. Lightly rest your hand on the table and tighten your fingers and wrist for 5 seconds. Do the same with the other hand. Clench your fingers tightly into fists, then straighten them. Sit straight in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor. Bend down as low as possible to reach your knees with your head. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then straighten up, tensing your leg muscles. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Many people keep a rubber elastic toy or an expander ring on the table and use it to stretch their hands from time to time. . "Take some precautions or you'll pay the price. Our bodies are not computers. We have parts that can't be replaced." Rick Pearsall. Opening hours Monday Tuesday from 9.30 to 18.30 Wednesday Thursday from 12.00 to 18.30 Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00 The library is open without a break Saturday is a day off The last Thursday of the month is sanitary We are waiting for you at the address: G. Rezh, st. Lenina, 30 Phone: 2-10-34 E-mail: [email protected] Compiled and designed by: Akulinina N.S., bibliographer of the MBU "Centralized Library System" Central Children's Library AND HEALTH Dir. 2012 Nowadays, few doubt that working on a personal computer does not affect human health in the best way. At the same time, few people have the idea of ​​giving up working with a PC to save their health. It happened that people did not give up even more harmful activities, and besides, the benefits of a PC were noticeably greater than the harm. To this day there are many discussions, what is the impact of the computer? Is it harmful? And if so, how much? Is a computer more dangerous than a TV, or is it no more harmful than an ordinary electronic watch? Harmful radiation when working at a computer A computer is a source of several types of radiation and fields: * X-ray radiation. * Electromagnetic radiation. * Electrostatic field. It occurs as a result of irradiation of the monitor screen with a stream of charged particles. The electrostatic field contributes to the settling of dust and aerosol particles on the face, neck, hands, which can cause negative skin reactions in people - dryness, allergies. It also affects the ionic composition of the air. A positive charge appears on the surface of the monitor kinescope, which neutralizes negatively charged beneficial air ions, which worsens the environment in the room with the computer. Computer and vision Already in the first years of computerization, specific visual fatigue was noted in users of displays, which received the general name “computer vision syndrome.” Signs: * Decreased visual acuity * Slow refocusing from near to distant objects * Double vision of objects * Rapid fatigue when reading * Burning sensation in the eyes * Feeling of “sand” under the eyelids * Redness of the eyes * Pain in the orbital area and forehead when moving the eyes Diseases of the muscles and joints Doctors distinguish several syndromes: * Prolonged static load syndrome: pain in the arms, neck, lower back. * Carpal tunnel syndrome: trembling, itching, tingling in the fingers, as a rule, they appear a few hours after working on the computer. Organization of the workplace * The room should have both natural and artificial lighting. * The table should be placed on the side of the window so that the light falls from the left. * Artificial lighting should be general and uniform, but the use of table lamps alone is unacceptable. * To ensure that working at a computer does not harm your health, you must constantly monitor your body position during the process. * The head should be kept level in relation to the shoulders. * Slouching places excessive stress on the shoulder tendons and muscles.