• Incorrect login password. What is a login (username) and password, how to come up with and create them

    No matter how strange it may seem, many of us use logins. Don't believe me? Try to log in to the social network - you will definitely be asked to provide a login. Do you have an online banking account? Without a login, you will not log into your personal account. So what is a login?

    Login is the name or identifier of a user account that allows the user to undergo authorization (identification). Recently, an additional method of data verification is increasingly being used along with the login to better protect the account. For example, after entering a login and password, the user needs to answer the secret question that he asked during registration, or indicate a set of numbers or symbols that he will receive in an SMS message to the phone number linked to his account.

    Why is the login called this? There is a phrase “Log in”, which means “login”. At the dawn of the development of the Internet, users decided to combine the phrase into a single word Login and use it as an identifier. This word has taken root with us, although in our language there is the word “identifier”, which accurately reflects the whole essence. It is interesting that the word “login” is indicated directly in this form on the website by many services.

    What is a login? The login can be:

    • Email address (e-mail).
    • Set of numbers.
    • Set of letters.
    • Character set.
    • Username.
    • Mobile phone number.

    Login examples? It all depends on the service where you register. On some services, an email address is required as a login, on others - any set of letters or symbols like 123abc, somewhere - a cell phone number. You can find out more specifically at the service where you will register.

    Now we will give examples of services where you need to enter a login for a general understanding.

    Of course, you can’t do without the VKontakte social network: here you will be asked to enter a phone number or e-mail - in this case, both the phone number and email address, which are linked to the account, act as a login. Yes, you can enter one thing (mail or phone) and the system will accept it as a login.

    Let's go further - Sberbank Online. This is online banking for making payments, viewing accounts, transferring funds, etc. Here you also need to enter the login that you receive when registering your personal account (at the office or ATM).

    Finally - Yandex.Mail. Yes, and here you also need to enter a login - the same set of letters that you once came up with when registering on the site.

    As you may have noticed, everywhere in addition to the login you need to enter a password; this is a standard procedure. Moreover, in addition to the password, the system may ask you to enter additional data that protects your account from hacking - this is exactly what we talked about at the beginning of the article.

    Now you know what a login is.

    • ivanov392487356

    alexandr-kuznetsov or kuznetsov2009) logins alex.kuznetsov, al.kuznetsoff, director.kuznetsov mr.cuznetsoff, chief.alex-kuznetsov or senior.director sasha.kuznetsov or shura.kuznetsov.

    registration .

    Finding a good email address is not an easy task. It often seems that all the beautiful and easy-to-remember addresses are already taken.

    Statistics show that every third login on Yandex is registered using a login generator - its suggestions are visible in the drop-down tooltip. We decided to significantly improve this mechanism in order to offer users even more good and diverse logins.

    In the improvement process, we pursued the following goals:

    • reduce the number of non-responses and increase the number of possible options
    • completely exclude from the search results random and inadequate answers like ivanov392487356
    • intelligently process popular Russian names
    • use different ways of writing first and last names in Latin letters
    • increase the number of possible combinations from which we collect logins

    Now, when suggesting login options, we take into account various methods of transliteration of first and last names, gender and desired address (if you specify it). When generating a login, we combine the last name, first name and desired login in many different ways and now we are able to guarantee that the user will be offered at least 10 good options.

    For example, we will offer Alexander Kuznetsov, who is trying to register an already occupied director@ site address (in addition to the usual options alexandr-kuznetsov or kuznetsov2009) logins alex.kuznetsov, al.kuznetsoff, director.kuznetsov. We also have “Pretentious” proposals - like mr.cuznetsoff, chief.alex-kuznetsov or senior.director. In addition, we know that Alexander is Sasha, Sanya, Shura, Alex, etc., and we will definitely show it in the list sasha.kuznetsov or shura.kuznetsov.

    We hope that our generator will help you register a beautiful address and spend less time on registration.

    Viktor Karpov, hardcore transliterator


    Finding a good email address is not an easy task. It often seems that all the beautiful and easy-to-remember addresses are already taken.

    Statistics show that every third login on Yandex is registered using a login generator - its suggestions are visible in the drop-down tooltip. We decided to significantly improve this mechanism in order to offer users even more good and diverse logins.

    In the improvement process, we pursued the following goals:

    • reduce the number of non-responses and increase the number of possible options
    • completely exclude from the search results random and inadequate answers like ivanov392487356
    • intelligently process popular Russian names
    • use different ways of writing first and last names in Latin letters
    • increase the number of possible combinations from which we collect logins

    Now, when suggesting login options, we take into account various methods of transliteration of first and last names, gender and desired address (if you specify it). When generating a login, we combine the last name, first name and desired login in many different ways and now we are able to guarantee that the user will be offered at least 10 good options.

    For example, we will offer Alexander Kuznetsov, who is trying to register an already occupied director@ site address (in addition to the usual options alexandr-kuznetsov or kuznetsov2009) logins alex.kuznetsov, al.kuznetsoff, director.kuznetsov. We also have “Pretentious” proposals - like mr.cuznetsoff, chief.alex-kuznetsov or senior.director. In addition, we know that Alexander is Sasha, Sanya, Shura, Alex, etc., and we will definitely show it in the list sasha.kuznetsov or shura.kuznetsov.

    We hope that our generator will help you register a beautiful address and spend less time on registration.

    Viktor Karpov, hardcore transliterator

    Finding a good email address is not an easy task. It often seems that all the beautiful and easy-to-remember addresses are already taken.

    Statistics show that every third login on Yandex is registered using a login generator - its suggestions are visible in the drop-down tooltip. We decided to significantly improve this mechanism in order to offer users even more good and diverse logins.

    In the improvement process, we pursued the following goals:

    • reduce the number of non-responses and increase the number of possible options
    • completely exclude from the search results random and inadequate answers like ivanov392487356
    • intelligently process popular Russian names
    • use different ways of writing first and last names in Latin letters
    • increase the number of possible combinations from which we collect logins

    Now, when suggesting login options, we take into account various methods of transliteration of first and last names, gender and desired address (if you specify it). When generating a login, we combine the last name, first name and desired login in many different ways and now we are able to guarantee that the user will be offered at least 10 good options.

    For example, we will offer Alexander Kuznetsov, who is trying to register an already occupied director@ site address (in addition to the usual options alexandr-kuznetsov or kuznetsov2009) logins alex.kuznetsov, al.kuznetsoff, director.kuznetsov. We also have “Pretentious” proposals - like mr.cuznetsoff, chief.alex-kuznetsov or senior.director. In addition, we know that Alexander is Sasha, Sanya, Shura, Alex, etc., and we will definitely show it in the list sasha.kuznetsov or shura.kuznetsov.

    We hope that our generator will help you register a beautiful address and spend less time on registration.

    Viktor Karpov, hardcore transliterator

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    Fresh logins - always available

    Finding a good email address is not an easy task. It often seems that all the beautiful and easy-to-remember addresses are already taken.

    Statistics show that every third login on Yandex is registered using a login generator - its suggestions are visible in the drop-down tooltip. We decided to significantly improve this mechanism in order to offer users even more good and diverse logins.

    In the improvement process, we pursued the following goals:

    • reduce the number of non-responses and increase the number of possible options
    • completely exclude from the search results random and inadequate answers like ivanov392487356
    • intelligently process popular Russian names
    • use different ways of writing first and last names in Latin letters
    • increase the number of possible combinations from which we collect logins

    Now, when suggesting login options, we take into account various methods of transliteration of first and last names, gender and desired address (if you specify it). When generating a login, we combine the last name, first name and desired login in many different ways and now we are able to guarantee that the user will be offered at least 10 good options.

    For example, we will offer Alexander Kuznetsov, who is trying to register an already occupied director@ site address (in addition to the usual options alexandr-kuznetsov or kuznetsov2009) logins alex.kuznetsov, al.kuznetsoff, director.kuznetsov. We also have “Pretentious” proposals - like mr.cuznetsoff, chief.alex-kuznetsov or senior.director. In addition, we know that Alexander is Sasha, Sanya, Shura, Alex, etc., and we will definitely show it in the list sasha.kuznetsov or shura.kuznetsov.

    We hope that our generator will help you register a beautiful address and spend less time on.

    Viktor Karpov, hardcore transliterator

    Welcome to the blog site! I have long wanted to write an article about what the password for an account should be so that it would be very difficult to hack it. This article will teach you how to create a complex password. We will look at techniques that will help not only make your password secure, but also not difficult for you to remember.

    Now we can no longer imagine our life without the Internet. Almost every site requests registration. The most popular resources are social networks. Every day, millions of users log into their accounts. We risk making a lot of mistakes by sending important data in messages. It’s good to have a complex password for VK or another popular social network, this helps protect yourself from intruders.

    Several password complication methods

    What should the password be? This question is asked by hundreds of Internet users. The following types of passwords are distinguished:

    • alphabetic;
    • symbolic;
    • digital;
    • combined (combination of previous options);
    • register usage.

    The first three types do not inspire confidence. These are too simple ways to create a password. Due to inexperience, we make mistakes and set them up. Okay, this will be a “password” for an account on a forum or other similar place. And, if this is the entrance to a bank office, all your money will be lost. The only thing that saves you is that the security service of such sites has developed a system for rejecting easy passwords.

    Letters, numbers and symbols

    A combination of letters, symbols and numbers is the most secure type of password. You have to seriously rack your brain to guess it.

    Experienced “users” advise beginners to use this particular combination. Also, don't make it too short. A long combination will allow you to keep your data and correspondence safe from third parties.

    The main thing is not to use the banal phrases below:

    • "123";
    • "123456";
    • "321";
    • "qwerty";
    • "asdfg".

    These and other similar sets of characters from the keyboard guarantee hacking. It’s not just you who come to mind first, but hundreds of people. They will be calculated not even by a special program, but usually by an ill-wisher.

    How to choose a password for mail or other type of authorization? This issue is worth tackling on your own. Several more password complication options will help.


    Before entering your username and password, you should pay attention to the case sensitivity of some forms. Combining uppercase and lowercase letters will make the password more secure.

    When writing a secret word, think about its variety. Alternate capital and small letters one or more at a time. This method will seriously upset online villains.

    The most annoying thing is if you forget the order yourself. According to the recommendation of experienced users, it is worth making the first character uppercase, the second lowercase, and then alternate one at a time. It is better to take note of this advice so as not to rack your brains later.

    You can do without introducing case features into the “password”, but this is still another method to increase the complexity of the password.


    The date of birth that any user will remember is the most banal and simplest way. If you play it correctly, it can turn out to be a good option. Using the “reversal”, many have managed to create a winning password that is unlikely to be solved.

    The method is based on writing characters in reverse order. Choose any date, for example, when you were born and type the text backwards. If you have the phrase “081978” in mind, then turning it over, we get “879180”. It is quite easy to remember how to write such a password.

    Let's consider other more complex ideas. Let's assume that the password is based on your first and last name. We type, already knowing the technique using the register - “PeTrPeTrOv”. Now let’s apply the “changeover” tactics. We use the date, for example, when the user was born - February 21, 1982. Plus we’ll add symbols to everything. At the end we get the following example password - “PeTrPeTrOv!28912012”. The result was stunning, because for the “user” it is simple and easy, but not for attackers.

    Check the strength and security of your password using online services:

    • https://password.kaspersky.com/ru/
    • https://howsecureismypassword.net/


    What should the password be? Let's find out another great way. Let's look at the principle of encryption. In fact, all the previously discussed methods have something in common with this. Here we will show what passwords are by encrypting phrases.

    We take the most meaningless and unique phrase that will easily be remembered. Let there be “space cockroaches”. You can use any lines from songs and poems, preferably not very well known.

    Then we apply a cipher to our phrase. Let's look at a few surefire ways:

    • rewriting a Russian word on an English layout;
    • "shifter";
    • replacing letters with symbols that are similar in appearance (for example, “o” - “()”, “i” - “!”, “a” - “@”);
    • removing paired or unpaired characters;
    • dropping consonants or vowels;
    • addition of special characters and numbers.

    So, let's think of a few words with meaning - “space cockroaches”. We take 4 letters from each, we get “komtara”. Switch to English and retype – “rjcvnfhf”. We complicate it by starting the cipher with a capital letter and adding symbols.

    This is what the password should be, using the example of the originally conceived phrase - “Rjcvnfhf@955”.

    A reliable combination with a large number of symbols has been invented. The strength of the password is checked using special services, for example, passwodmetr.com. The combination was not easy for the scammers to guess, since the user’s personal data is not involved. But for the “user” such a “password” is a godsend, since remembering such a reliable password will not be difficult.


    For those who do not want to spend extra time thinking, developers have long invented complex password generators. This method provides some degree of reliability. The best ones are still considered to be “passwords” invented by one’s own mind.

    What is a generator and how to use it? This is a smart program that displays random passwords - completely random combinations. He uses many of the methods discussed, but does not take into account “turnovers”.

    The complex password generator is downloaded from the Internet. For example, let's take "keepass". Like any other generator, it is not difficult to operate. The application and the generation itself are launched by pressing a special button. After the operation is completed, the PC issues a password option. The only thing left to do is to enter the resulting combination in unchanged form or with additions.

    Difficult passwords created by the iron friend are very difficult to remember. Rarely does anyone keep them in their mind; more often they have to be written down. There are usually a lot of passwords, because we don’t sit on one site and constantly register again and again on other resources. Therefore, storing a bunch of such information is not convenient for everyone. You can completely lose all the papers with notes.

    There is one way out with storage - print them in a computer file. This is one of the most reliable cases. You just have to remember that the PC system does not last forever and also becomes unusable.

    All methods for creating complex passwords have already been discussed above, and you can create an email password that will reliably protect your data from third parties.

    Here are some useful tips for creating passwords:

    • do not mention personal information about the user (names of relatives, names of pets, phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth, etc.);
    • You cannot use the Cyrillic alphabet in your password;
    • do not use phrases that can be easily calculated using a dictionary of popular passwords (yaster, love, alfa, samsung, cat, mercedes and other similar ones, as well as their other derivatives and combinations);
    • take into account the length of characters - preferably at least 10;
    • complicate the password using a combination of various methods - upper and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols;
    • do not use the most common passwords - templates, think original (a robot that calculates your password cannot be as smart as a person).

    Login is user ID to log into Internet services (mailboxes, forums, social networks, etc.). The name comes from the English words " log", which translates as " logbook", And " in", which means "in", "inside". The login is used in conjunction with a password, a special secret word. This is a couple necessary to gain access to personal data that should be hidden from outsiders. The security password changes periodically.

    Depending on the specific service, the identifier may coincide or not with a username that displayed inside the service and visible to other people. If there is no match, then enter carried out by entering a login and password, and communication is carried out under a name. This name could be real or fictional, whether to include the last name or not. Typically used on the Internet pseudonyms(nicknames, nicknames). For example, the qip.ru portal requires you to enter a separate login and username (with last name) when registering:

    In social networks it is often used for access E-mail or phone number. Here is an example of logging into facebook.com:

    Rules for creating a login

    Traditionally, identifiers for logging into the service consist of a set Latin letters and numbers (plus the underscore “_”). This has been the case since the days of the Unix operating system, when this method of protecting users was invented. The use of the Cyrillic alphabet is possible for some systems operating on the Runet.

    Also allowed use of special icons. The aforementioned qip.ru favors the symbols “-” and “.”, but swears at the underscore “_”. Rambler.ru accepts all three of these characters, but limits their use. Special characters must not appear at the beginning or end of the identifier, and must not follow each other. Examples correct names for rambler.ru: “vasya1996”, “katerina.sidorova”, “ya-svobodnyi”.

    Rules for creating a password

    Reliable Passwords are considered to be length at least 8 characters, consisting of Latin letters (necessarily lowercase and uppercase mixed!) and numbers. Example: "frt67hG438", "Hjd521Yjk". Categorically not recommended use secret words consisting of a set of identical letters or numbers, phone numbers, first names, last names, addresses. Verbal experiments like “1234567”, “iloveyou”, “privet” are a real gift for attackers.

    Cyrillic in passwords banned. Special characters are used to a limited extent, this depends from a specific service. The same rambler.ru allows you to use the set “!@$%^&*()_-+”, this increases the complexity of the secret word. To make your password more complex, replace the letter “i” with “!”, “a” with “@”, and so on. If your imagination is completely impoverished, launch a special generator, like pasw.ru:

    A useful tool for those who already have sore fingers and imagination to come up with new logins or nicknames. The generator will be an indispensable assistant for those who often register many users with gobbledygook in the login field. Our login generator is a smart system because it allows you to use beautiful masks at the beginning of the login and at the end. Everything inside is randomly generated. You also have access to settings and the ability to change the mask yourself. We updated the login generator in 2015 and made it even more convenient.

    Create a list of logins for yourself and use any of them

    Mask at the beginning (use your own mask, for example your name):

    Length of variable part: characters

    Mask in the middle (you can disable other masks):

    Length of the second variable part: characters

    Mask at the end (use your own mask, for example year):

    How many logins to generate:
    From 1000 - the browser may freeze!

    Also, you can copy them to Excel:

    "; c = f.count.value; d = chars2.value; for (i=1;i"; ">

    What symbols to use:

    Remove extra symbols or add your own to generate only from them.

    Available character options that can be used in the password:
    - lowercase letters
    - CAPITAL letters
    - Russian lowercase letters
    - Russian CAPITAL letters
    — Russian safe letters (without “byuzhekhyo”)
    - Russian vowels only
    - numbers
    - special characters

    New logins

    Use the automatically generated logins below or create new ones according to your parameters:

    Is it possible to register multiple times on one site?
    Usually - no. On some sites this is monitored and punished (you will be banned for doing too much), on some they will not do anything, because... It’s just that no one is doing this.

    How can you torture the owner of a forum or website with mass registration? There are two options here - the first is to do everything yourself and with your hands. But this option will take a lot of your time and will not be very effective. Option two is to use specially trained programmers who can register en masse in various systems. Usually such things are done for a certain fee. But you save time. You can torture the owner of a forum or website, but to do this you need to make at least a couple thousand registrations.

    How to register anonymously on the site? First, use a proxy server. Secondly, try to always delete all cookies from your browser, and change your browser altogether. It would be good if your email address does not need to be confirmed, or you do not need to confirm it via mobile phone. Otherwise, you won’t be able to do many registrations.

    What advice do you have for users? Use some nice name in your login at the beginning, and preferably at the end. Such logins are difficult to separate from normal, ordinary registrations of real people. And in general, such logins are beautiful and much easier to read/remember.

    Especially for game lovers" Watch" and other quests - you can use our generator to generate your own codes for games. For example, you can configure the generator as follows: use only numbers, indicate the “game number” in the mask at the beginning, remove the mask at the end. Remove the length of the first variable part, specify the length of the second part according to your code (for example 4), and specify the mask in the middle of DR. As a result, you will receive a list of unique passwords for the game like “22DR6151”.

    Generators of Russian nicknames and logins - we use the Russian language (Cyrillic)

    New functionality has become available for creating names - only using Russian characters. Depending on your wishes, you can also use masks at the beginning, end and middle of the login when creating logins. You can quickly use safe Cyrillic characters, as well as only vowels.

    When you choose to use only Russian letters, you have a unique opportunity to generate names and logins for social networks such as VKontakte, MoiMir or Odnoklassniki. There is nothing easier than mass creation of a random login. Especially if you need to create not just one, but a lot of them.

    In the example shown in the picture, a mask is used at the beginning of the login “Vasya”, then a random code is created. After this, through the underscore, we indicate the mask in the middle “_Ivanov”. Next is the second part of the random code and finally the mask at the end of the login “2015”.

    None of the login generators work with this functionality. Add us to your bookmarks so as not to lose this useful and free resource!

    Did you like the generator? We would appreciate your short feedback.

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