• Do I need to glue a protective film or tempered glass? Does your smartphone screen need a protective film? Why do you need a protective film for your smartphone?

    Protective films became popular in the late 2000s, when touchscreen smartphones began to appear on store shelves. But now the need for stickers of such films looks very doubtful. After all, modern devices are not those pieces of plastic with fragile glass on the front panel. Let's figure out whether it's worth sticking something on a brand new smartphone now.

    First, let's remember how the history of mobile devices developed. For some time, cell phones did not have any screens, and therefore there was nothing to protect. And if the first device had fallen on the asphalt, the road surface would have cracked rather than damaged the phone.

    Later, the size of mobile phones decreased, and the LCD display moved from monochrome to color. But nothing has changed - most phones successfully withstood external influences. If scratches appeared on the glass, they did not bother the owner at all. There were two reasons for this:

    • The screen did not occupy the largest area of ​​the front panel; the appearance of the keyboard and other parts of the case was much more important;
    • The cost of a mobile phone was becoming lower and lower, which made it possible to replace the old device with a new one almost at any time.

    At the end of the 2000s, quite unexpectedly, push-button mobile phones began to give way to their touchscreen counterparts. Smartphones also gradually began to switch to touch controls. As a result, the keyboard was almost completely replaced. If there were any controls under the screen, they were represented by only three or four buttons. And they soon became sensory. From now on, most of the front panel was occupied by the screen. Of course, glass was applied on top of the LCD display itself - sometimes with an air gap, sometimes without it. But glass was the most common, and in some cases transparent plastic was used. It was possible to break such glass without any difficulty, especially if there was air under it. And it was completely impossible to carry a phone in the same pocket with keys, since deep scratches immediately appeared on it. At this moment, a new accessory appeared in stores: a protective film for a smartphone.

    Do modern devices need a protective film?

    What has changed in seven or eight years? A lot, actually. Standard glass now covers only the front panels of the cheapest Chinese smartphones, the names of which no one remembers. If the cost of the device exceeds 5,000 rubles, then its display must be covered with special protected glass. He is being released Corning, Asahi and some other companies. It is tempered, making it very difficult to damage such glass even on purpose.

    But in fact, the answer to the question “Do I need protective film?” not so clear cut. The fact is that safety glasses are divided into generations. Initially, the same company Corning produced very unreliable first-generation Gorilla Glass.

    Well, now devices are coming off assembly lines that are equipped with one of the latest generations of protective glass. He is not afraid of the metals from which keys are made. And some glasses have no consequences even after using a kitchen knife!

    Please note: glass is not designed to withstand falls from great heights. But film will not help in such cases.

    There is one material that protective glass is still afraid of. This is sand. If you are going to the beach, it is better to put your smartphone in your bag, taking it out only in case of urgent need.

    Sand easily leaves scratches on any device. It is in such cases that the film comes to the rescue - after a trip to the beach, you can remove it, getting rid of any scratches.

    Which is better: film or glass?

    Any protective film is a piece of very thin plastic with varying degrees of transparency. It is the minimum thickness that allows it to be flexible. But now another accessory is gaining popularity: protective glass. At first, users asked the question: “Why do we need additional protective glass if the smartphone already has it?” Time has shown that there is sense in using such an accessory. In some cases, he saves from falling by taking the blow himself. But this does not happen in 100% of cases - sometimes the screen still receives some damage.

    Another question is which is better: glass or film? It all depends on how actively you use your device.

    If your smartphone regularly falls on a hard surface, then you need to get glass, since film does not protect against this.

    But at the same time, you may encounter not the best sensor performance, since the glass is thicker than any film. If you are very afraid of this, then it is better to opt for film, or do without a protective accessory altogether.

    It should be noted that there is a universal film that needs to be cut according to a specific pattern, as a result of which it will be suitable for your smartphone. This is true for little-known models for which separate accessories are not available. In the case of glass, this trick will not work, because it cannot be cut. Therefore, you can easily find glass for sale for iPhone, many models from Samsung, Huawei, HTC, etc. But if you have some rare device at your disposal, then there is a high probability that you will not find glass for it. And practice shows that it is precisely such devices that could use additional protection. Read more about protective glasses for smartphones you will read in a separate article.

    Which film is better: matte or glossy?

    At the end of the 20th century, we regularly printed photographs. Usually at such moments we chose not only the size of the photo, but also the type of photo paper. It's about the same story with films - they come in matte and glossy. Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of such surfaces.

    Matte film:

    • It is much more difficult to leave fingerprints on it;
    • Almost complete absence of sun glare.
    • The image becomes slightly grainier.

    Glossy film:

    • The picture is practically not distorted, its brightness is reduced by only 1%;
    • This film is much easier to find on sale.
    • Sun glare may appear;
    • Fingerprints are clearly visible on the gloss.

    Additional explanations are unnecessary here. You just have to decide which shortcomings are less significant for you, after which you can go to the store to buy. Note that expensive glossy films have a special coating at their disposal (in the manner of an oleophobic one), as a result of which fingerprints accumulate a little more slowly.

    Summing up

    Be that as it may, any protective film for a smartphone screen has a number of disadvantages. You will have to come to terms with them. But it’s better just not to buy such an accessory. Especially if you have a good smartphone released in 2015 or later. You can safely put it in the same pocket with your keys; this will not affect its appearance at all.

    In most cases, the film is a transparent plastic that has the property of sticking to the screen. Although this material is relatively inexpensive, there is one caveat here: the diagonal of the screen of a mobile device can be from 3.5 to 10.5 inches, which implies the need to find a film that is suitable in size. Another option is available - purchasing a large sheet of plastic, from which the required piece is subsequently cut out.

    Disadvantages of transparent plastic

    Many people think that transparent film is an ideal element for protecting the touch display. This is not true. Problems can begin at the stage of gluing plastic to the screen. Air bubbles may appear under the film after its application, which will lead to the need to repeat the procedure.

    Another drawback of the material is the appearance of scratches from objects that could not harm the screen itself. A lot of such damage leads to the need to remove the old layer and apply a new one, otherwise the appearance of the smartphone will be completely unpresentable.

    The technical characteristics of the film are not at all ideal. It is advisable to keep in mind the following nuances:

    • Cheap material has a negative impact on the touch properties of the screen;
    • The plastic is 99% transparent, which makes the image slightly blurry and cloudy.

    If the decision to use film as display protection is nevertheless made, you should take into account the recommendations for its application. This step-by-step procedure might look like this:

    1. The screen must not only be cleaned of dust, but wiped with soapy water;
    2. Starting from the top of the device, apply the film to the touch surface.

    Corning Gorilla Glass is a new technology

    The issue of protecting the touch screens of mobile devices has become more serious with the advent of Android tablets. Corning quickly took stock of the situation, providing gadget manufacturers with the opportunity to apply a coating to the display even at the manufacturing stage of the device. The new product was protective glass, when applied there was no air cushion, the image was not distorted.

    Although the new technology was used by tablet manufacturers, it still had one drawback - the complexity of tempered glass to install. Everything changed in 2013 with the advent of Gorilla Glass 3, an even more advanced product from the same Corning. The glass has become 40% more resistant, and the comparative ease of installation has attracted attention to the company's products from smartphone manufacturers. Now, unless we are talking about cheap Chinese counterfeits, almost all mobile devices in this category are equipped with such protection.

    As practice shows, the Gorilla Glass screen cannot be scratched with a coin, key, screwdriver, or other similar object. Any doubts? You can easily verify this by searching the Internet for videos on the relevant topic.

    When you still can’t do without a protective film

    Gorilla Glass is able to withstand the effects of man-made materials almost flawlessly. The conclusion suggests itself: a protective film is not needed. This is not entirely true. There is also sand, a substance that can leave scratches even on a screen with such a serious coating. This is the reason why mobile devices with LCD displays are not recommended to be taken to the beach. If, however, there is no choice, in this case it is worth sticking protective plastic on the display, which will save you from scratches.

    Smartphones aren't cheap and we don't want scratches on their screens. That's why many people stick special films on them. But more and more users doubt whether a protective film is needed for a smartphone or tablet.

    Once upon a time it was mandatory. But today, the plastic surfaces of screens are protected by tempered glass. It is quite resistant to external influences. Therefore, modern smartphones practically do not need a protective film.

    What is protective film

    A screen protector is a flexible sheet of plastic that adheres to the surface of a mobile device's screen. It is cut to fit the size of a smartphone or tablet. The film should have special holes for buttons and a speaker. That's why we used to look for screen protectors that fit our phones and smartphones.

    To stick them, you had to thoroughly clean the screen with a microfiber cloth, apply a little soapy water to the film itself and gradually stick it on, starting from the top. All this must be done very carefully so that the film does not move and no air bubbles or specks remain under it.

    As a result, we received an additional plastic coating on the display. If this coating is scratched, it can be replaced. In this case, the screen itself will remain intact.

    The arrival of Gorilla Glass

    In fact, Corning Gorilla Glass is an advanced protective film. All modern smartphones already have this coating on their display. Gorilla Glass is tempered glass that is resistant to scratches, shocks, bending and other mechanical impacts. Corning is constantly improving this material. In 2013, the third generation of Gorilla Glass was introduced. According to the developer, it is 40% more reliable than Gorilla Glass 2.

    The smartphone screen under such tempered glass has virtually no risk of being scratched. If you nevertheless stick a protective film on it, then after some time scratches will appear on it. Therefore, you might think that it protected the screen from damage. But this is not necessarily true. What can scratch plastic film will not necessarily leave a mark on tempered glass.

    The latest generation Gorilla Glass will not scratch even steel keys. This material has a higher hardness than metals used in the manufacture of keys, coins and other household products. On YouTube you can find many videos demonstrating that even a steel knife does not leave any marks on Gorilla Glass.

    Disadvantages of protective films

    Screen protectors can change the experience of using a mobile device. They may feel softer or stickier to the touch. They also change the appearance of the device and the clarity of the image on its screen. This is especially noticeable if the material is subject to fading over time. Screen protectors protect your phone screen from scratches, but they themselves accumulate them in huge quantities.

    Most of these shortcomings can only be avoided by timely replacement of the protective coating.

    So does your smartphone need a protective film?

    There are materials harder than Gorilla Glass and they can scratch it. The most dangerous in this regard is sand. If you go to the beach, grains of sand get into your pocket with your phone, rubbing against its screen... Natural stone has a similar property. If a smartphone falls on it, then, in addition to other damage, large scratches may appear on its screen. There are other items that can damage Gorilla Glass. But they are much less common. An example is diamonds in jewelry.

    Thus, a protective film for the screen of a modern smartphone is needed, first of all, if you go to the beach or work in a dusty environment.

    Some screen protectors boast that they are fingerprint-resistant. But the screens of modern smartphones also have an oleophobic coating, which leaves virtually no stains. And are fingerprints such a serious problem? Carry a microfiber cloth with you and wipe the screen from time to time.

    In most cases, a protective film is not necessary. If you are using a smartphone or tablet that was released in recent years, you can leave it “naked”. Of course, it is advisable to carry keys, coins, etc. in a separate pocket. After all, it’s not just the screen that can be scratched on a smartphone.

    A smartphone is not the cheapest device. Not everyone can afford to buy it regularly. Most often, a smartphone is used for a couple of years. At the same time, the device is protected in every possible way so as not to accidentally damage it. Standard protective equipment includes a special film sticker. This is considered to be the best way to protect your screen from scratches. But is this film really needed in our time? After all, the screens of many smartphones are covered with protective glass.

    What is a protective film?

    Some people consider screen protectors to be a high-tech item. Meanwhile, such film could have been produced decades ago, if only there was a need. Most often, the film is a clear sheet of plastic that is held onto the screen. Mobile device display sizes now vary from 3.5 to 10.5 inches. This forces the buyer to look for a film designed specifically for his smartphone or tablet. Or you have to cut the film yourself from a large sheet, risking making a mistake. What saves the situation is that the protective film is relatively cheap; no one bothers you to buy a couple of sheets just in case.

    Not everyone knows about the correct method of applying protective film. It is not enough to simply clean the screen of dust first. It is advisable to wash it lightly with soapy water. Only after this the protective film is carefully applied to the device, starting from its upper part. Most often, after this there are no bubbles or extra specks left. The film may well protect the phone from scratches. Replacing it is much easier than replacing the display.

    Gorilla Glass

    With the advent of the first Android-based tablet computers, the question of protecting their 10-inch screen arose. Protective film is good, but I would like a more radical solution. The new technology was introduced by Corning. It was a protective glass that was applied to the screen by the manufacturer. In this case, there is no air gap, so there is no image distortion.

    The first and second versions of tempered glass were too difficult to install, which is why they were mainly equipped only with tablets. But everything changed with the advent of Gorilla Glass 3 in 2013. This glass is 40% more resistant than the previous version. And the ease of installation allowed smartphone manufacturers to pay attention to Corning products. Now almost every smartphone is equipped with protective glass, unless we are talking about a Chinese device for 3-4 thousand rubles.

    Owners of smartphones with protective film know cases when scratches remained on the film. They believe that this part protected the screen from damage. But this is a misconception, since it is much easier to leave a scratch on the film than on a protective screen. If you do not carry a stationery knife, blade or scalpel in your pocket, then there is nothing to fear. A modern display with Gorilla Glass cannot be scratched by keys, coins and other similar objects. You can easily verify this by watching videos on YouTube. People use screwdrivers and nails, but even with these items they cannot scratch the screen.

    Disadvantages of protective films

    Protective film has many disadvantages. A cheap sheet of plastic negatively affects the touch qualities of the display. The screen begins to perceive your touch worse. Only more expensive films do not have this drawback. But even they can affect the image quality. Plastic is called transparent, but in reality this is not entirely true. It can only be 99% transparent, which is why some of the light is still hidden. In many cases, the image begins to appear too cloudy or blurry - this is also the fault of the protective film.

    And we must not forget about the difficulties of applying film to the screen of a mobile device. Not everyone will be able to complete this process on the first try. Many people get air bubbles under the film, which is why they have to make a second attempt. And the protective film can quickly collect several scratches from those objects that actually could not harm the screen. After this, a new film will again need to be applied, or you will have to be content with the unpresentable appearance of the smartphone.

    When is protective film still needed?

    Now we can conclude that modern smartphones and tablets do not need a protective film. But this is not entirely true. The latest generation of Gorilla Glass copes well with man-made materials. But sand can cause scratches on this glass. Microscopic grains of sand can have any shape; protective glass cannot be adjusted to billions of options. This is why electronic devices with an LCD display are not recommended to be taken to the beach. If you decide to do this, then first apply a protective film. It will certainly save you from unforeseen consequences.

    The film can also save you if your smartphone falls on hard rocks. But in this case, you will be more concerned not with scratches on the display, but with other damage received by the phone.


    The conclusion after all this is very simple. If you buy a smartphone for 6 thousand rubles or more, then do not run to the store for a protective film. You will need it, but only if you go to the beach. The most expensive smartphones are generally terribly afraid of any foreign films. Their screens are equipped with an oleophobic coating that fights moisture and fingerprints. By applying a film you can permanently remove this coating.

    There are several ways to protect your phone from unwanted damage. As a rule, these are all kinds of covers and protective films. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail. Many of you are familiar with them firsthand and even use them currently. They are quite cheap and create an additional layer of protection between the smartphone screen and the cruel outside world, which is trying in every possible way to destroy it.

    And yet I do not use protective films. Why you ask? Well, for several reasons. Firstly, I am very annoyed by the sticking process itself, and I am wildly indignant at the sight of air bubbles and dust particles leaking under the film. Familiar feeling, right? Secondly, I don't like the tactile feel of the film-protected screen. Believe me, even the most expensive film can change your experience with the device for the worse. Either of these, over time, causes content on the screen to appear less crisp and clear than if you were looking at an unprotected display. This comes from the constant interaction of the film with natural and other fats from our fingers. And finally, I just don't feel like I need it. After all, phone manufacturers used specially developed materials for screens, which in most cases are very difficult to scratch.

    Engineers all over the world use the concept of material hardness. To classify materials by hardness, various tests are carried out based on the ability of certain materials to influence each other, and in our case, with phone screens, to scratch each other. In general, in theory, a harder material cannot be scratched by a softer one. Usually smartphones these days have protective glass and usually it is Gorilla Glass. According to Corning specifications, Gorilla Glass 3 has a hardness of 534 - 649 kgf/mm2. This value can be compared to the hardness of tempered steel and means that objects such as household knives, keys or coins are unlikely to scratch the display. In addition to increased hardness, Gorilla Glass uses a special so-called oleophobic coating that reduces its ability to collect fingerprints.

    There are actually a limited number of materials that your phone screen comes into contact with that can scratch it. By adopting a simple strategy for handling your mobile device, you can avoid scratches without resorting to protective films.
    This is what I do. Every piece of my clothing has a “designated” pocket in which I carry my phone, and I know for sure that nothing but it will go there. This can be either a pocket of trousers or jeans, or any internal pocket in outerwear.
    The main culprit for scratches on the screens of not only smartphones, but also watches is sand. Sand itself is a product of mechanical weathering of rocky soils, and grains of sand, as a rule, consist of the most unweathered particles, mainly quartz, which is used in glass production. As they say, I found a scythe on a stone. If you live on the coast or are just on vacation at the seaside, then you should get a small plastic container to store your phone when visiting the beach. I agree that the “naked option” of carrying phones is not for everyone. Maybe you are a sea rescuer or a builder, and your work takes place in an environment of “unfriendly” materials.

    This article was not written to discourage everyone from using mobile device protection, but only to raise awareness. I see a lot of people around who, almost on a subconscious level, feel a manic need for the screens of their smartphones. Believe me, companies have already spent a lot of time and money on research to make your phone's glass more durable and scratch-resistant. And I hope the information and tips above will help you save some money and the hassle of using screen protectors.

    What do you think about this? Are you able to do without protective films on the screens of your devices? Tell us in the comments about your strategy for avoiding scratches on displays.

    Smartphones aren't cheap, and you've probably spent hundreds of dollars on one. And the more expensive our device, the more carefully we treat it. After all, in essence, we are investing money in a product that can be resold after a certain time, and a phone “worn by life” is unlikely to arouse interest among a potential buyer. And for the owner himself, you will agree that it is much more pleasant to use a device that looks like new for a long time.