• Why is the contact not working? Spelling n and nn in different parts of speech

    The story “Asya” by I. A. Turgenev is one of the best works of Russian literature dedicated to love. In general, love, to a greater or lesser extent, is present in all of Turgenev’s works. According to the writer, this is a fundamental feeling in human life.
    All the writer's heroes pass the test of love. It is this test that turns out to be the most important and most difficult. But it is precisely this that determines the moral basis, the essence of man.
    Thus, in the story “Asya,” love arises between the main character, Mr. N.N. and the girl Asya. Having met in a provincial town in Germany and starting to communicate in a friendly manner, these heroes realize that they have fallen in love with each other. Emotional and courageous in her feelings, Asya sees no obstacles to her happiness with Mr. N.N.. The hero becomes a victim of his own weakness, fear, and prejudice.
    During the events described, the twenty-five-year-old hero travels around Europe, studies people's lives, enjoys his youth, freedom, and wealth. In almost every town he has a lady of his heart, but he himself understands perfectly well that all these hobbies are frivolous. But unexpectedly, in one German town, Mr. N.N. meets his love. She turns out to be a strange girl Asya. Born of a nobleman father and a servant mother, she stood out among her surroundings with her wild, original character, intelligence, emotionality, and impetuosity: “Asya was extremely understanding, she studied well, better than anyone; but she didn’t want to fit in with the general level, she was stubborn, looked like a beech...".
    The author emphasizes the girl’s originality. And indeed, Mr. N.N. I immediately noticed this: her artistry, plasticity, impetuosity, enormous emotionality, desire to live a bright and memorable life. Such a heroine could not help but attract the attention of the hero. Having met Asya, he feels in his heart love for one beautiful widow who rejected him. But we understand that these feelings are largely feigned. And the hero himself admits this. Only Asya managed to evoke a sincere feeling in him. Turgenev depicts to us the origin of love, its formation and the separation of the heroes.
    The separation, in my opinion, was due to the fault of Mr. N. Although he loved Asya very much, he was afraid of responsibility. We remember that Gagin came to Mr. N. with a story about Asya’s love. He gave the hero an ultimatum: either he marries Asa, or they leave. A little later, the hero meets Asya herself. She confesses her feelings to Mr. N., but the hero betrays both the girl and his love. Prejudice and fear of the opinion of society and the opinion of Gagin force him to push away Asya, who was ready to follow Mr. N. to the ends of the earth. Later, the hero regrets his betrayal and wants to fix everything, but he missed his chance. Asya will tell him about this in a farewell note.
    Having recognized Mr. N. well enough, Gagin and his sister decided to leave without waiting for an answer. They understood that Mr. N. was not yet ripe for such an important decision, and as time passed he would regret it. And so it happened. In a fit of feeling, the hero rushed to catch up with Asya, but fate decreed that he would not catch them. As Mr. N. himself later admitted, this was the best ending for him: “However, I must admit that I was not sad for her for too long; I even found that fate was good in not uniting me with Asya; I consoled myself with the thought that I probably would not be happy with such a wife.”
    From the last chapter of the story we learn that the hero never met his love, he lives as a lonely little boy and still keeps the memory of Asa. Among the numerous series of women he had, only this girl left a deep mark on his soul. Perhaps this was his only love, and, having missed it through his own fault, he remained lonely and unhappy for the rest of his life. Or maybe the hero still had a chance to fall in love and become happy, but he passed by. Because by his nature he has not matured to love, he is afraid of strong emotions and drastic changes in life.
    Thus, in my opinion, Mr. N. did not pass the test of love. He lost Asya's love only through his own fault. We understand this by reading the scene of Mr. N.’s date with Asya. Here the hero appears before us not yet matured into deep and serious Love. Unlike Asya, Mr. N. is afraid of difficulties, so he follows the easiest path, which, however, does not bring him happiness. The hero refuses new strong, high feelings, intense spiritual experiences. The lifestyle of a social slacker taught Mr. N. to fleeting hobbies, to superficial experiences, to a frivolous attitude towards life and feelings. Therefore, at the first serious test, when the hero is required to make a choice, he retreats.
    Mr. N. appears to us as incapable of making independent decisions and life changes. This indecision and weakness is especially clearly visible against the background of Asya, one of the ideal “Turgenev girls”. She is ready for the highest manifestation of love - self-sacrifice.

    It’s a beautiful, cheerful morning, I turn on the computer, open my favorite browser, but the sites don’t open! Some specific one, many different ones, or all of them. Damn, what should I do? In this article we will talk about this fairly common problem, possible causes and solutions.

    Looking ahead a little, I will say that in 95% of cases the cause of errors is DNS servers or the actions/residual effects of viruses on your computer or laptop. There is good news. Most likely, I will help you quickly solve the problem without reinstalling Windows or calling a specialist to your home. Let's go!

    For the impatient, here's the video:

    First, let's check if the Internet is working

    It is logical to assume that the Internet simply does not work. This is quite easy to check. Look at the Skype icon to see if it is green, or try updating your antivirus. In general, check whether any separate application that you installed for yourself is working, except for the browser that uses the Internet. This is the easiest way to immediately understand what is happening.

    Let’s say the applications are running, the “ping” command receives responses, but the sites do not open. The next step is to check if DNS is working. This service translates website names (domains) into IP addresses. Enter this command:

    ping mail.ru

    We also look at what he writes in response. The only correct option:

    The numbers may be different, but the main thing is that four messages begin with “Response from..”. If there are answers, then everything is fine with DNS. If, for example, there are not four answers, but fewer (but they exist), then the problem is the quality of the Internet. Perhaps you have a mobile Internet and the quality of communication at the moment leaves much to be desired)

    It remains to consider the option when we received no answers. In principle, at the moment you can access sites if you know their IP address. Just for fun, you can enter into the address bar of your browser:

    The mail.ru website should open. But the DNS problem needs to be solved, and more on that later.

    Solving the problem with name recognition (DNS)

    Two words about the problem. Sometimes the provider's DNS server is faulty, in which case it is better to replace it with a more reliable server from Google or CloudFlare. But by default, when connecting to the Internet, the provider's DNS server is set. To change or not to change depends on the frequency of the problem. Viruses are also a common cause. They can replace the values ​​with their own.

    To change addresses to Google ones, right-click on the network icon in the corner near the clock (in the form of a computer or Wi-Fi connection) and select “Network and Sharing Center”

    In the next window, click the “Properties” button and then find it in the list "Internet Protocol Version 4" and go into it by double clicking.

    OK-OK-Close Or:

    These will be the new faster DNS from CloudFlare. You don’t have to reboot; in a minute the new settings will start working. Check if the sites are opening now. If not, then enter this on the command line:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    Reboot and check.

    If you have a router, it would be better to change the settings directly in it. In this case, you need to find the network settings. They are located differently on each router; I won’t give universal advice here, but I’ll show you using the example of a TP-Link router:

    You need to find the fields responsible for DNS: Primary (primary) and Secondary (backup) DNS, check the box to use them (Use this DNS servers) and enter the IP addresses there exactly as in the picture: and Save the settings and reboot the router.

    Invalid “hosts” file, some sites do not open

    The problem with recognizing site names into IP addresses may not only be due to a buggy DNS. Even, probably, more often this happens due to a corrupted “hosts” file, which is located in the Windows system folder of any version. To deal with this problem, read the article about solving the problem with . In principle, not only this, but all the other tips in the article will also help if any other sites do not work.

    Treating the system for viruses

    The problem itself with a corrupted “hosts” file is in most cases caused by viruses running on your computer. Draw your own conclusions (hint – ). And in general, problems with websites are often related to viruses. Therefore, pay special attention to scanning your computer for malicious files using the Malwarebytes Antimalware program, which is described in the link above.

    The second easy way to check is to download the Drweb CureIt!

    Internet works, problems with browsers

    So, we’ve decided that everything is fine with the Internet, which means you need to look towards your browser. First of all, check how the sites open, the problem is in one or all of them. If in any specific one, then the conclusions are obvious - you need to tinker with its settings.

    Usually the standard Internet Explorer/Edge and one of the Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox or Yandex browsers are installed. Try completely uninstalling and reinstalling your browser. Please note that IE/Edge cannot be uninstalled; it is built into Windows. If you only have one browser, then download others, perhaps you will find something better for yourself

    Check which extensions are installed in your browser and disable unnecessary ones. Perhaps something was installed there without your knowledge. Disable recently installed extensions, often one of them is the cause of the problem. and in general the entire browser history.

    Check to see if the Internet speedup option is enabled in your browser. It is usually called "Turbo" or built-in VPN. In this case, not all sites may load equally well, disable Turbo mode.

    Proxy server registered

    A common problem is an incorrectly specified proxy server. In general, a proxy server is almost never used on home computers, so if it is registered, we will simply remove it.

    Most modern browsers have gotten rid of the local configuration of proxy servers and use system settings that are configured in the Internet Explorer or Edge browser. By the way, it is in IE that I advise checking whether sites load normally, and then moving on to your favorite browser, if it is not IE)

    Open Internet Explorer browser properties, “Connections” tab, “Network settings” button

    We set everything as in the screenshot, there should be only one checkbox “Automatic detection of parameters”. Just in case, save your previous settings. If this step does not help, then it is better to return everything as it was. Save the settings and see what happens.

    Corrupt TCP/IP protocol

    route –f

    netsh winsock reset

    These commands apply in general. This is an important point, do everything as it is written there.

    Correcting system parameters using the AVZ utility

    A more advanced method of combating our illness, if the previous points did not produce results. You need to download the AVZ utility and launch the program shortcut using the right button, selecting “Run as administrator”.

    In the program window go to the menu "File -> System Restore" and check the boxes as in the screenshot:

    Click “Perform selected operations.” The AVZ program will do everything, by the way, including correcting the file hosts, if you haven’t done this yet, and will register Google DNS in the system parameters of the computer. Before performing these steps, I recommend creating a system restore point.

    Let's get into the registry

    Less often, but it’s worth a try, especially if there’s nowhere to go. Open the Windows registry: press the “Win ​​+ R” buttons and write “regedit” there.

    In the Registry Editor window you need to follow this path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windows"

    and see if there is a parameter “Appinit_DLLs” on the right

    Copy somewhere what is written there and erase the value, i.e. reset it. Now do the same with the branch "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows".

    Reboot and check if you can access the sites. If it doesn’t help, then it’s better to return the previous values ​​back.

    If all else fails

    It happens that nothing helps, but the solution to the problem lies on the surface. Another reason could be:

    That's all, if you have any questions or additions, then welcome to the comments.

    Unfortunately, sometimes you can encounter quite serious problems with turning on computers and starting operating systems, although until a certain point there were no signs of trouble. It happens that most often the computer turns on, but the operating system does not start. It is these situations that will be discussed further. Let's look at questions related to why the computer won't boot and what to do in such situations. There are several universal solutions here.

    The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: reasons

    Among all the possible situations when failures occur at the loading stage, several typical cases can be identified.

    There are three options:

    • a black screen appears;
    • Blue screen BSoD occurs;
    • The operating system starts, but cannot fully boot.

    In the first case, when the computer does not start (the boot does not turn on), messages may appear on a black screen indicating physical or software problems. In the simplest case, when nothing serious happens, the system may report that, for example, the keyboard is missing (for desktop PCs). The simplest solution is to connect it and reboot.

    If the computer turns on, but the boot does not start, and instead warnings about software failures or missing files appear on a black screen, there can be many reasons for this system behavior. Among them, first of all, we can highlight problems with the hard drive, damage to the operating system (accidental or intentional deletion of system components or registry entries), exposure to viruses, incorrect boot sector entries, RAM conflicts, etc. By the way, if a blue screen pops up, this mostly applies to the RAM or recently installed device drivers, which cause conflicts not at the software level, but at the physical level.

    What to do if the computer does not boot and the operating system does not start for the above reasons? Depending on the situation, there are several solutions. To an uninitiated user, they may seem quite complicated, but in certain situations only they can be used to resuscitate the system. Therefore, you will have to spend both time and effort.

    The computer turns on but does not boot: what to do first?

    So, let's start with the simplest thing. Let's assume that a short-term technical failure has occurred in the system, for example due to incorrect shutdown or power surges.

    As a rule, almost all Windows modifications used today usually automatically activate startup upon restart. If this does not happen, before starting the system you will have to use the F8 key to call up the additional boot menu (Windows 10 uses a different method).

    The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start? There's no need to get upset. Here, in the simplest version, you can select the line to load the last working configuration. If everything is in order with the system components, the system will boot without problems. If this does not help, you will have to use the troubleshooting section, and sometimes even trying to boot into safe mode may be successful.

    Possible viral infection

    Unfortunately, viruses can also cause such situations. What to do if the computer does not turn on? Ways to solve this particular problem boil down to using a powerful one that could check for threats even before the OS itself starts.

    Among the variety of anti-virus software, it is especially worth noting disk utilities that start directly from an optical media or USB device, have their own boot records and even a graphical interface like Windows. One of the most powerful tools is Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Its use can guarantee almost one hundred percent detection of viruses, even those hiding in RAM.

    RAM conflicts

    Now let's see what to do if the computer does not boot and instead a blue screen appears. As already mentioned, most often this indicates problems with drivers and RAM. We’re not touching the drivers yet, but let’s look at the RAM.

    The proposed solution to the issue of if the computer does not boot is mainly designed for stationary PCs. In this situation, you should remove all memory sticks, and then insert them one by one and check the load. Perhaps one of them is the link that causes failures. This may occur when trims from different manufacturers are added.

    If the system can somehow be loaded using the same safe mode, the RAM should immediately be checked using the Memtest86+ utility, which will help identify the true cause of the problem.

    The system does not see the hard drive

    Now the worst situation is when the computer does not boot. The causes and solutions may be related to the hard drive.

    A hard drive can have both software and physical problems, although sometimes that’s not even the issue. The problem may be completely trivial: the user in the BIOS settings has set the priority for booting from a removable device, for example, from an optical disk, which is currently in the drive, but is not a system one. You just need to remove it and download again.

    On the other hand, another problem that the computer does not start (the system does not start) may be due to the fact that the bootloader and the records of the corresponding sector are damaged. The solution to this situation will be discussed a little later. But in the simplest case, you can try to restore disk data using Recovery utilities.

    Sometimes changing the settings of the primary BIOS input/output system also helps. Here you need to find the section related to setting up the hard drive, and in the SATA configuration parameters, deactivate the use of AHCI mode.

    Finally, the hard drive may also have purely physical damage, and this cannot be done without outside intervention.

    Using the installation disc

    Many users clearly underestimate the help that the installation or system image can provide in solving problems associated with situations when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not load.

    Firstly, almost any kit includes a so-called recovery console, with which you can eliminate many software failures, and secondly, you can use the command line here. This, by the way, is the most effective method. Next it will be clear how this works.

    Problems with the BOOTMGR bootloader

    It is believed that the most common problem when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not start, is damage to the Windows boot manager (Boot Manager). In this case, the system just writes that there is no system partition (it simply does not see the hard drive).

    You can fix this problem by starting from the boot disk and going to the command line in the recovery console, to open which you press the “R” key. Next, you need to first use the check disk command and then fix (restore) boot records.

    The whole sequence looks like this:

    • chkdsk c: /f /r;
    • Bootrec.exe /FixMbr;
    • Bootrec.exe /FixBoot.

    After entering commands, punctuation marks are not placed, but the enter key is pressed. If for some reason executing these commands does not have a positive effect, you can alternatively use a complete rewrite of the boot sector, which is performed by the Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd command. If the hard drive is not physically damaged, this should work, as they say, one hundred percent.

    You can also use some third-party utilities. The most suitable program seems to be a tool called MbrFix, which is included in the Hiren’s Boot CD. After calling it, for example, for Windows 7, provided that this particular system is installed, and only on one disk (there is no partitioning), the following should be written:

    • MbrFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7.

    This will save the user from having to make changes to boot records, and the boot will be restored.

    Problems accessing the NTLDR file

    When a message appears that a given component is missing from the system, a boot commit is first applied, as in the previous case.

    However, if the result is not achieved, you will need to copy the original file to the root of the system partition. For example, if the drive is "C" and the drive is "E", the command would look like this:

    • E:\i386> copy ntldr C:\ (after copying, the system will boot without problems).

    Damaged or missing HAL.dll file

    If the computer turns on, but the operating system does not load in normal mode, the reason may be a damaged component HAL.dll (a corresponding notification may be displayed on the screen).

    In this situation, you need to boot the system in safe mode, call the command console and write the following line in it:

    • C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe (then press the Enter key and restart).

    Instead of a total

    Here is a brief summary of everything that concerns solving the problem of the inability to start the operating system. Naturally, the issues that the cause could be low power, CMOS battery failure, loose cable connections, dust inside the system unit, or other malfunctions were not addressed here. But in software terms, the above methods work flawlessly.

    There are several reasons why the browser does not open web pages of sites; you can read the solutions in the article. Modern users often encounter a situation where Internet-related applications function, but some social networks, individual web pages, or even all pages in the browser do not open.
    In some cases, these sites may open, but for a very long time, with freezing and long loading of both images and other content on it.

    1. Registry

    First of all, let's move on to checking the registry. This is done through the Windows folder, but it is faster and easier to configure and check through the command line:
    - Win+R brings up the command line;
    - Enter the regedit command;
    - Confirm the command entry.

    The next window is the registry editor we need. On the left side there are sections where you need to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE item. After which various components are selected one by one, we need to find the Windows component.
    On the right side there is a list of settings, pay attention to the setting " Applnit_DLLs" If there is nothing in it, it is empty, then everything is fine. If any path is indicated there, then erase all the contents and confirm the changes.

    Also in the registry, look in another section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, where you should do exactly the same as with the previous section. When the operation is completed, restart your computer and try to enter the required page. Most often this helps.

    2. HOST file

    If Skype works, but browsers do not accept any pages, then most likely the problem is in the hosts file. Although hosts often impose restrictions specifically on social networks, there are exceptions.
    Path to HOSTS: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, the file has no extension. By default it contains the following text:

    The last line is necessarily localhosts. If there is other text afterwards, then this is all code added by programs or other utilities that needs to be deleted, then restart the computer and try to log into the network.


    It happens that the problem is in DNS - this is not uncommon. All the user needs to do in this case is to go to the command line and ping a specific site that should, but does not work.
    To check, they usually ping the search engine: google, yandex.

    If the answer is the same as in the photo above, then google.com was not detected. And the problem is precisely in the DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with all eights.
    If it helps, now go to the properties of the Internet connection and insert these eights as full-fledged DNS servers. If the cause of the denial of service was DNS, then after configuration the ability to interact with a specific resource will resume.

    4. Viruses

    The reason for the inability to connect to a certain site from a browser when applications are running may be ordinary malware, popularly known as viruses.

    Typically, viruses act specifically on a specific application: Chrome, Yandex, Opera, and it often happens that anti-virus programs do not see them on the system.

    To find and neutralize such viruses, there are special programs - Antimalware. Most often, these programs are free for a certain period, but usually they are needed only in emergency situations and hardly anyone will use it for more than 1 day.

    Some viruses have the ability to partially block networks, creating a situation where it is impossible to connect to a specific address.
    Usually some major social network such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, or less often Facebook is blocked.

    To prevent such incidents from happening, you should install reliable and proven protection on your PC. Popular antivirus programs are suitable for such protection. Basically, most of them are paid, but you shouldn’t skimp on protection.

    5. Firewall and antiviruses

    It happens that websites are blocked by the firewall itself or by an antivirus. To continue interacting with a certain resource without problems, set your antivirus settings so that there is no ban on a certain resource.

    6. Static routes

    Sometimes entries in the routing table can be tampered with. If there are a lot of them, then it will take a long time to remove the excess. And in this case it is best to use the route command, with the –f switch special for it.

    - Call the command line, in which we write route-f.
    This command will clear the list of routes and allow you to interact with all sites through your browser.

    7. TCP IP parameters

    It also happens that you may need to reset the TCP IP parameters. This is done, again, through the command line, where the following commands are entered: netsh winsock reset, as well as nets in ip reset.

    Reboot the computer and try to connect to the network.