• PM educational practice program. PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software Educational practice for the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software


    Kit of materials

    On organization and conduct

    Industrial practice

    Industry focus


    Applied computer science (by industry)

    Alexandrov 2014

    Compiled by: Egorova L.B. deputy director for business management

    Sharko L.V. teacher of special disciplines of the highest qualification category

    Ivanova N.I. teacher of special disciplines of the highest qualification category

    Antonov K.A. teacher of special disciplines

    Stepanova O.V. teacher of special disciplines

    Vorobiev V.S. teacher of special disciplines


    Chairman of the regional methodological association of informatics and computer technology, teacher of special disciplines of the highest qualification category of the Vladimir Aviation Mechanical College Voronova S.A.

    The kit includes:

    · instructions for organizing and conducting industrial practice (practice in the specialty profile) in PM 02 for students studying in specialty 230701 Applied Informatics (by industry);

    · structure of the practice (which sections and topics are included in the content of the practice);

    · necessary requirements for the development of knowledge and skills to acquire practical experience in performing tasks designed taking into account the specifics of the activities of the enterprises where students are doing internships;

    · list of individual assignments for practice;

    · requirements for the preparation of performance reports;

    · task schedules,

    · instructions to students undergoing internship.

    Prepared for publication at the Alexander Industrial and Humanitarian College

    General provisions

    Industrial practice is an integral part of the main professional educational program in the specialty Applied Informatics.

    Industrial practice is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by students during the learning process, acquiring and improving practical skills (practical experience) in the direction of 230701 “Applied Informatics (by industry)”.

    Industrial practice, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, is complex in nature, i.e. The internship program provides for the study of the organization of activities of a production unit (the organization as a whole).

    Industrial practice is carried out at enterprises and organizations corresponding to the specialty profile or in laboratories and departments of the college.

    Practice at enterprises, institutions and organizations is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the college and the enterprise (institution, organization). The agreement regulates all issues related to the practice, including student labor protection, and provides for the appointment of a practice manager from the enterprise.

    To guide students sent to practice, teachers of special disciplines of the college are appointed, who teach topics, sections and disciplines that determine the content of practice.

    Students can undergo internship as part of a group (2-3 people) or individually in agreement with the internship supervisor.

    Before starting their internship, all students are briefed on safety precautions and the operating mode of the enterprise.

    At the end of the practice, students defend the results of the practice, presented in the form of a report. Defense of the practice report is one of the stages of the qualifying exam stage for PM.02.

    Goals and objectives of the practice

    Purpose of industrial practice– acquisition by students of practical skills, knowledge and abilities in terms of independently completing individual tasks, using modern technologies and tools used at all stages of software development, studying issues of the standardization system, metrology and information security.

    The practice program is based on the following disciplines and topics within the PM, studied by the student at previous stages of study:

    · Operating systems and environments

    · Computer and aircraft architecture

    · Development of information systems

    · Computer graphics

    · Metrology and standardization

    · Software development technology

    · Database development

    · Multimedia technologies

    Information security

    · Software implementation and adaptation

    · Software operation

    · Network technologies

    · “Programming in high-level languages”,

    The main objectives of production practice are:


    · technological processes, relevant production equipment at enterprises and organizations;

    · current standards, technical conditions, regulations and instructions for the operation of computer hardware and software, peripheral equipment, testing programs and preparation of technical documentation;

    · rules for the operation of computer equipment, network, and technological equipment available in the department;

    skill application check:

    conduct surveys and interviews;

    build structural and functional diagrams;

    analyze business information using various techniques;

    formulate the client’s needs in the form of clear logical structures;

    participate in the development of technical specifications;

    identify, analyze and structure information content objects;

    develop information content using markup languages;

    develop software using information content programming languages;

    develop scenarios;

    post information content on global and local networks

    use development support tools and content management systems; create animations in specialized software environments;

    work with multimedia tools;

    select a software debugging method;

    generate error reports;

    compose sets of test tasks;

    adapt and configure software to solve assigned tasks;

    carry out adaptive support of a software product or information resource;

    use content management systems to solve assigned tasks

    program in built-in algorithmic languages;

    draw up technical specifications;


     methods for analyzing the technical level of automation and control tools and systems to determine their compliance with current technical conditions and standards;

     methods of using equipment, software for monitoring and studying individual characteristics of the computer equipment used;

     application software packages used to perform individual tasks;

    gaining practical experience:

    collecting and analyzing information to determine client needs

    development and publication of industry-specific software with static and dynamic content based on ready-made specifications and standards

    debugging and testing of industry-specific software

    adaptation of industry-specific software

    development and maintenance of design and technical documentation

    measurement and control of software product characteristics

    ­ Table 1

    Practice program

    Practice section Index of module, sections, topics in accordance with the working curriculum Name of PM topics Number of hours
    Practice section 1. PM.02 Section 1. Topic 1.
    PM.02 Section 1. Topic 2. Computer graphics
    Practice section 2 PM.02 Section 1. Topic 4. PP development technology
    Practice section 3 PM 02 Section 2 Topic 1. Operation and adaptation of software
    PM 02 Section 2 Topic 3.
    PM.02 Section 1. Topic 6 Multimedia technologies
    Practice section 4 PM.02 Section 1. Topic 5. Database development
    Practice section 5 PM 02 Section 2 Topic 2. Network technologies
    Total 180 hours

    Tables 2

    Schedule for completing and supervising production practice according to PM.02

    Practice section 1.

    Head Stepanova O.V.

    Contents of student work Number of hours Execution result
    Individual task
    Familiarization with the enterprise (organization) Description of the enterprise
    Studying the structure and activities of the enterprise Write a rationale for choosing a technology for designing enterprise activities
    Perform functional modeling of the activities of the enterprise where the practice is organized: Please note: perform functional modeling in the BP Win environment.
    1. Creation of a context diagram of the enterprise’s activities, based on an analysis of the subject area. Provide an analysis of the subject area
    5-6 Create a context diagram of enterprise activities
    2. Conducting information analysis of processes 7-8 Carry out an information analysis of processes (Mandatory consultation on completing the first part of the task)
    3. Construction of a decomposition diagram 9-10 Build a decomposition diagram
    4. Selection of the process of executing the functional diagram of the enterprise for further detail 11-12 Select one of the processes of the enterprise functional diagram
    Detail the process selected for the functional diagram of the enterprise and
    Describe in detail with justification for choice
    5. Drawing up a functional diagram for the selected process. 15-16 Draw up a functional diagram for the selected process.
    6.Report preparation and presentation to the manager 17-18 Submitting a report to the manager (Mandatory consultation)
    Total 36 hour

    Practice section 2.

    Head Ivanova N.I.

    Contents of student work Consultation No. of the teacher-supervisor Number of hours Execution result
    Receiving an individual task and consultation on its implementation Individual task
    Specification of an individual task in accordance with the direction of activity of the enterprise (organization)
    Programming in a high level language:
    Interface development 3-4 Problem formulation
    Selection and application of effective data processing algorithms
    Drawing up flowcharts of algorithms and programming application functions in event handlers 6-8 Flowcharts (Required consultation)
    Debugging applications 9-11 Program codes of modules
    Application testing 12-13 Assessing the quality of the application and the prospects for its use
    Description of testing methods used
    Obtaining and analyzing results Results of solving the problem (Mandatory consultation)
    Preparation of technological documentation (reports)
    Drawing up instructions for the user User instructions
    Preparation of technological documentation Completed technological documentation
    Submitting a report to the manager Ready report
    Total 36 hour

    Practice section 3

    Head Antonov K.A.

    Contents of student work Consultation No. of the teacher-supervisor Number of hours Execution result
    Receiving an individual task and consultation on its implementation Individual task
    Familiarization with the enterprise (organization); Definition of structure; displaying the structure of the enterprise and its management
    Carrying out work on the topic “Multimedia technologies”
    Studying the scope of activity, history of creation, services provided and other information about the company necessary to create a website 3-5
    Development of website creation technology 6-8 Brief description of hypertext markup language; script language used
    Coordination of website creation technology with the head of this section of practice Coordination of website creation technology with the manager (mandatory consultation)
    Carrying out work on the topic “Information Security”
    Study of the protective equipment used at the enterprise Description of the protective equipment used at the enterprise
    Compiling an application for registration of a program or database Completed application
    Conclusions and proposals on the effectiveness and sufficiency of methods of information protection of enterprise activities Coordination with the manager (mandatory consultation)
    Performing work on operation and adaptation of software
    Familiarization with the software used in the enterprise Reflect in the report
    Studying proposals and feasibility of purchasing and installing software Justification and suggestions for possible software acquisition
    Description of the technology for installing and configuring new software at the request of the employer Reflect in the report the technology of their installation
    Organization of work on adaptation of new software at the enterprise 16-17 Description of work on adaptation and effective operation of the software
    Preparing a report and presenting it to the manager
    Total hours

    Practice section 4

    Head Sharko L.V.

    Contents of student work Consultation No. of the teacher-supervisor Number of hours Execution result
    Individual task
    Studying the subject area in accordance with the topic of the assignment Definition of input and output information
    Gathering information on the topic Text example of filling in initial data
    Development of technical specifications for programming Technical specifications according to GOST
    Coordination of the terms of reference with the head of this section of practice Agreed technical specification (mandatory consultation)
    Justification for choosing software Chapter of the report
    Installing database tables, establishing connections DB file
    Entering data into tables Completed database tables
    Form development Developed forms
    Query development Created queries
    Report development Generated reports
    Menu development Button or light menu
    Debugging created applications Testing created applications
    Experimental operation of the task Comprehensive task testing and program correction
    Checking the results of the decision by the practice manager (mandatory consultation) Proven programs
    Development of user instructions User instructions according to GOST
    Presentation of task results Prepared and printed report in accordance with With requirements
    Submitting a report to the practice manager A report on the section signed by the manager (mandatory consultation)
    Total hours

    Practice section 5

    Head Vorobiev V.S.

    Contents of student work Consultation No. of the teacher-supervisor Number of hours Execution result
    Receiving an individual task Individual task
    Study of local computer networks used in the enterprise Description in the report of existing networks or proposals for the possibility of installation and feasibility of use in the enterprise
    Familiarization with the complex of network technical means Description
    Studying the cable layout Schematic image
    Ability to connect the network to the Internet Description of connection options
    Coordination with the head of this section of practice Mandatory consultation on how to reflect this part of the assignment in the report
    Study the topology of an existing or proposed local network Show diagram
    Network type
    Length of lines and network operating conditions
    Location of PC nodes Conclusions on rationality
    Cable layout Show diagram
    Coordination with the supervisor of the progress of this section of practice Mandatory consultation
    Familiarize yourself with network administration (network administrators, electronics engineers, methods of their work) 13-14 Description in the report
    Carrying out work on setting up, diagnosing and testing network equipment 15-16 Description of the methods used to configure, diagnose and test network equipment
    Preparation of technical documentation List what is in the technical documentation on networks, what should be
    Making a report Approval of the report on the practice section by the supervisor (mandatory consultation)


    For practical training in the specialty profile

    according to the program of the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software

    1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the student: _______________________________________________

    2. Group: _____________________________________________________________________

    3. Individual task:

    Practice section Subject Task formulation lead time Supervisor
    Information systems development Write a rationale for choosing a technology for designing enterprise activities. Perform functional modeling of the activities of the enterprise where the internship took place: a. Conduct information analysis of processes. b. Create a context diagram of the enterprise's activities based on an analysis of the subject area. c. Construct a decomposition diagram. d. Select one of the processes of the enterprise functional diagram for further detail and describe it in more detail. e. Draw up a functional diagram for the selected process. f. Create a report. Functional modeling is carried out in the BP Win environment. Stepanova O.V.
    Computer graphics Additionally, you can develop graphic elements - enterprise logo, program icon, etc. Stepanova O.V.
    Software development technology 1.Programming and debugging in a high-level language and working in a visual environment: interface development; selection and application of effective data processing algorithms; drawing up flowcharts of algorithms; debugging and testing the application Ivanova N.I.
    2. Preparation of technological documentation
    Multimedia technologies. 1. Development of a website for an enterprise (organization) Antonov K.A.
    Operation and adaptation of software. Ensuring information security. 2.Describe the software used at the enterprise. 3. Describe the technology for installing and configuring new software.
    Ensuring information security Describe and draw conclusions about the existing information security at the enterprise
    Database development Enterprise database development Sharko L.V.
    Network technologies Describe the existing network support of the enterprise. Make proposals for improving network support. Vorobiev V.S.

    4. Initial data (name of enterprise, nature of activity):


    - Individual task.

     Feedback from the practice manager from the enterprise.

    - Literature used.

    6. Duration of internship: from __________ to ________________

    7. The deadline for submitting reports on sections is indicated in the schedule for completing and managing production practice according to PM.02 (attached to the individual assignment)

    The task was accepted for execution

    Student _________________________/ Full name

    Date: _____________/ / ______________/ / 2014

    Heads of practice:______________________O.V. Stepanova

    N.I. Ivanova

    K.A. Antonov

    L.V. Charcot

    V.S. Vorobiev

    Appendix 2

    Sample of the title page of an internship report (general)

    Department of Education of the Vladimir Region Administration







    groups ____________


    Sample design of the title page of a report on the practice section



    By practice section

    “Database development” (PM.02 Section 1. Topic 5)

    Student ____________________________

    groups __________

    Head: ________________L.V. Charcot

    Assessment (or admission to defense)






    Kit of materials

    On organization and conduct

    Industrial practice

    (practice according to specialty profile)

    PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software

    Industry focus


    KOGOAU SPO Kumensky State

    Agricultural-Technological College

    WORKING PROGRAM for training practice

    according to the professional module

    PM.02 development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software


    specialty 230701 “Applied informatics (in economics)

    qualification: software engineer

    The work program of educational practice for the professional module PM.01 Processing of industry information was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for the profession of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SPO) 230701 “Applied Informatics (in Economics).

    Organization - developer: Kirov Regional State Educational Autonomous Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Kumen State Agrarian-Technological College"


    _Forkosh Evgeniy Ivanovich, teacher__________

    Full name, academic degree, title, position

    Protocol No.____________ dated “____”__________20__

    I approve: __________________Deputy Director for Academic Affairs T.S. Sitnikova





    1. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline program

    1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline

    1. PROGRAM passport

    educational practice in the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software

    1.1. Scope of application

    The educational practice program for the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession SPO230701 “Applied Informatics (in Economics).

    The program of the academic discipline can be used in training in specialty 230115 “Programming in computer systems”

    1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

    The educational and practical training program is included in the professional cycle of the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software.

    1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

    must have practical experience:

    Collection and analysis of information to determine client needs;

    Development and publication of industry-specific software with static and dynamic information content based on ready-made specifications and standards;

    Debugging and testing of industry-specific software;

    Adaptation of industry-specific software;

    Development and maintenance of design and technical documentation;

    Measuring and monitoring the characteristics of a software product.

    As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must be able to:

      Conduct surveys and interviews;

      Build structural and functional diagrams;

      Analyze business information using various techniques;

      Formulate client needs in the form of clear logical structures;

      Participate in the development of technical specifications;

      Identify, analyze and structure information content objects;

      Develop information content using markup languages;

      Develop software using information content programming languages;

      Develop scenarios;

      Post information content on global and local networks;

      Use development support tools and content management systems;

      Create animations in specialized software environments;

      Work with multimedia tools;

      Select a software debugging method;

      Generate error reports;

      Compose sets of test tasks;

      Adapt and configure software to solve assigned tasks;

      Provide adaptive support for a software product or information resource;

      Use content management systems to solve assigned tasks;

      Program in built-in algorithmic languages;

      Draw up technical specifications;

      Prepare technical documentation;

      Test technical documentation;

      Select quality characteristics for evaluating a software product;

      Apply standards and regulatory documentation for quality measurement and control;

      Prepare a quality control report.

    Total practice 216 hours, including:

    educational practice in the laboratory for the development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software 216 hours

    General competencies

    OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

    OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

    OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

    OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

    OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

    OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

    OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

    OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

    OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

    OK 10. Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

    Professional competencies

    PC 1.1. Process static information content.

    PC 1.2. Process dynamic information content.

    PC 2.1. Collect and analyze information to determine client needs.

    PC 2.2. Develop and publish industry-specific software and information resources with static and dynamic content based on ready-made specifications and standards.


    2.1. Scope of educational practice

    Type of educational work

    Hours volume


    Educational practice (total)


    2.2. 1. Thematic plan and content

    Educational practice according to the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software


    Name of sections and topics

    Hours volume

    Mastery level





    Topic 1.

    Microsoft VISIO

    Create a calendar


    Creating flowcharts


    Creating network topology diagrams


    Creating a House Plan


    Create a route map


    Create a garden plot diagram


    Create a site diagram


    Create a fire evacuation plan


    Topic 2. Maintenance of computer equipment

    Diagnostics of computers in room 19


    Topic 3. Processing of economic information

    Study of technologies for recording, collecting and transmitting information


    Studying the structure of the software used


    Studying the documentation


    Test work


    Preparation and submission of the report


    Topic 4. Legal reference system GARANT

    Studying the search capabilities of the legal reference system


    Working with the props card


    Working with a list of documents


    Working with document texts


    Search documents


    Studying the found documents


    Compiling a selection of documents on a legal issue


    Legal problem analysis


    Topic 5. Visual Basic visual programming environment

    Installing and configuring the Visual Basic visual programming environment


    Introduction to the visual programming environment Visual Basic


    Working with Visual Basic Environment Variables


    Working with Visual Basic Strings


    Working with Visual Basic Environment Procedures


    Working with Visual Basic Visual Programming Features


    Handling Errors in the Visual Basic Visual Programming Environment


    Working with Visual Basic Environment Controls


    Exploring the Visual Basic Visual Programming Environment User Form


    Working with the Visual Basic Environment help system


    Programming in Visual Basic

    Linear Algorithm Programming


    Programming a Branching Algorithm


    Cycles. One-dimensional array


    Nested loops. Two-dimensional array


    String Data Processing


    Creating Forms


    Working with a list


    Populating Databases


    Building charts


    Working with files


    Creating a text shell


    Creating Animation


    Working with Loops with Dependent Variables


    3. conditions for implementing the discipline program

    3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

    The implementation of the educational practice program requires the presence of a training room “Laboratory for development, implementation and adaptation of software”; laboratory "Information Processing Laboratory".

    Classroom equipment:

    Workplaces for students - 24

    Computers - workstations - 9 pcs.

    Teacher's workplace

    Workplaces for practical training - 4.

    Technical training aids:

    Interactive whiteboard Smart Board,

    Projector NEC

    Electronic educational resources:

    Electronic textbooks

    Multimedia aids

    3.2. Information support for training

    Main sources:

    Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming, Golitsyna OL, 2010

    Information security, Partyka TP, 2010

    Software, Golitsyna OL, 2010

    Additional sources:

    Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming: guidelines for practical work, S.I. Soldatova, Arzamas, 2010

    Internet sources:



    4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the Discipline

    Control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes and laboratory work, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments, projects, and research.

    Learning outcomes

    (mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

    Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

    Be able to:

      Conduct surveys and interviews;

      Build structural and functional diagrams;

      Analyze business information using various techniques;

      Formulate client needs in the form of clear logical structures;

      Participate in the development of technical specifications;

      Identify, analyze and structure information content objects;

      Develop information content using markup languages;

      Develop software using information content programming languages;

      Develop scenarios;

      Post information content on global and local networks;

      Use development support tools and content management systems;

      Create animations in specialized software environments;

      Work with multimedia tools;

      Select a software debugging method;

      Generate error reports;

      Compose sets of test tasks;

      Adapt and configure software to solve assigned tasks;

      Provide adaptive support for a software product or information resource;

      Use content management systems to solve assigned tasks;

      Program in built-in algorithmic languages;

      Draw up technical specifications;

      Prepare technical documentation;

      Test technical documentation;

      Select quality characteristics for evaluating a software product;

      Apply standards and regulatory documentation for quality measurement and control;

    Prepare a quality control report

    Formal observation during practical work on situational tasks