• Programs spying on a remote PC. Spyware on the computer. How to detect and remove spyware


    There are various types of spyware: keyloggers, screenshots, geolocators, information collectors, Internet spies, and others. Some universal programs combine several functions, which makes it easier to process information. There are also more specific programs aimed at realizing more specific goals: audio, video surveillance of a hidden nature, password guessing for a Wi-Fi network, taking pictures from your device's webcam, listening to conversations in popular programs (Skype, Zello, etc.) .), backing up all information from user's portable media, saving information from USB media, and many others. Consider the most popular of these programs.


    Spyware can not only monitor, but also block user access to programs and sites. Filters can be configured both by site address and by individual requests (for example, block access to all sites for the word "porn" on your home computer). There is also an option to access only allowed sites, blocking access to other Internet resources.

    Realspy interface is not Russified

    However, this program also has some disadvantages. One of the drawbacks is that the program does not know how to work with Russian-language operating systems at all. When removing keystrokes, hieroglyphs are recorded in log files instead of Russian characters. This is understandable, because the program is not Russified. The second drawback is the high cost of the program, which is also important.


    This program is not much different from similar ones that deal with remote control and administration, but there is still one significant difference: it operates in a “hidden” mode. All information collected by the program is sent immediately via the Internet. This program is very convenient to use for remote surveillance of your computer or computers of your company, which can be located both in the office and with employees who work remotely at home. The program has the possibility of hidden installation, which can help in its installation on remote computers. A feature of the program is that even if the user does not have the Internet, the program still collects information and sends it immediately when connected to the Internet.

    Snitch Interface

    The program monitors all keystrokes, mouse clicks, visited sites, programs used, as well as opened and edited files. All information is systematized and provided in a convenient form: it is possible to build graphs and reports. You can find out the time spent in each program, the number of hours spent on social networks or games. And tracking file operations will allow you to monitor the safety of service information. However, there are also significant disadvantages: after installing the control module, it is very difficult to turn it off, because. it is hidden deep in the system. The same problems arise and, if necessary, remove it. The lack of fine-tuning tracking for each computer separately is very inconvenient, since there is no need to collect all the information about some users.

    Download Snitch

    power spy

    The program is almost a complete analogue of Snitch, differing only in some elements. Unlike the program described above, it has the ability to upload reports to an FTP server or send them by mail, and works in an absolutely hidden mode. You can call the administrator part of the program only with a pre-set keyboard shortcut.


    A program that allows you to collect detailed information about the actions performed on the computer. It will be a great help to the boss, who is faced with a difficult choice about laying off employees. By analyzing reports built on the information collected by the program, it is easy to track the time spent by each employee. Moreover, real data will be taken into account, and not just the time during which this or that program was opened. Even if the work program was open all day, but all this time the user spent on social networks, or playing games, then all this will be reflected in the reports. Based on the information collected, you will get the real amount of working time spent by employees on work, and not just time spent at the computer, wasting pants.

    Working time schedule

    In addition to the function of collecting information, the program can create a list of allowed and prohibited programs for each user and limit the operation of programs by time.



    According to the creators of the program, EliteKeylogger easily interacts with many antiviruses. This is very convenient, because almost all antiviruses define spyware as "potentially dangerous". In addition, an important advantage of the program is that it works at a low level of the kernel in the system and in no way lowers its performance. The program, unlike other keyloggers, has a wider arsenal: there are functions for tracking files sent for printing; programs with which the user works; tracking the user's mail correspondence; saving correspondence in the most popular instant messengers (ICQ, Jabber, MSN, AOL, AIM). An equally important feature of the program is the work with user accounts of the operating system, which allows you to monitor each user separately.

    Elite Keylogger

    The program can send the received information by mail, copy it to a folder on the local network, or upload it to an FTP server. Reports are stored for the period specified in the program or until the file reaches the specified size. Among the shortcomings: frequent installation problems on Windows 7 and 8 operating systems. After installing the program, drivers for various devices sometimes fly off, and some antiviruses also block the program.

    ActualSpy 2.8

    A program that is no different from many other spyware programs. Collects data about the user and his system, organizes and sends information to the user over the local network or to a remote server. From time to time there are problems with antiviruses, especially with Kaspersky.


    All of the above programs help the user perform certain computer monitoring tasks. Some are broader in scope, some are more specialized. The main thing is to determine the tasks assigned to you and choose the necessary program. The NeoSpy program provides all the necessary modules for monitoring the operation of the computer, up to taking pictures from the webcam and geographic tracking of the computer on which the program is installed. Internet traffic tracking helps you keep track of the websites your child visits and the search queries they enter. And reports viewed on a computer or via the Internet will help you quickly get the information you need in a form convenient for you. It is also worth noting Mipko Employee Monitor, which signals the entered words from the list and signals the system administrator about it. Another program is Maxart Quick Eye, which can not only monitor, but also prohibit user actions. You can create black and white lists of programs. The only thing left is to select the desired program and install it. And your computer will be under control.

    Monitoring the work of computer equipment helps the leaders of organizations to fully establish the efficiency of work. The same applies to the control of parents over their own children during their absence from home. For this, there are special computer spyware, which can show with whom and at what time the correspondence was carried out, which web pages were accessed, etc.

    This software has nothing to do with trojans, because these utilities are installed by computer owners and system administrators themselves, and they do not cause any harm. Trojans, on the other hand, significantly reduce computer performance, steal data, and its distributors automatically become criminals, which can also lead to criminal liability. As a rule, company employees are aware of the established programs from the control area. But sometimes there are cases when the manager does not do this in order to get an idea about the person: whether he is responsible, whether he transfers commercial data to third parties, etc.
    Consider several computer spyware that monitor page visits, correspondence, etc.

    Refers to universal utilities that can control the actions of a remote computer. Already at the installation stage, the program will be hidden from prying eyes. It is almost impossible to calculate and disable, even when viewing processes and running applications in the task manager. Only with administrator rights, it will appear as shortcuts and workgroups in the appropriate places (Start menu, task manager, folders with installed applications, etc.).

    Features of NeoSpy:

    • keyboard typing control;
    • viewing visited Internet pages;
    • viewing the user's actions in real time;
    • taking screenshots of the desktop, as well as taking pictures from the webcam (if installed);
      idle time control;
    • determination of the equipment that was connected to the computer (flash drives, external hard drives, etc.);
    • tracking documents that have been printed;
    • indicate the current location of the computer.

    These are just some of the features, but they give an idea that NeoSpy has a lot of features at its disposal that will provide complete control over computing equipment from a distance.

    The Real Spy Monitor program has many tools that are capable of monitoring . As a rule, parents use it to control their children, because this utility has tools that allow you to prohibit certain actions (including visiting certain pages, starting games, etc.). Also in Real Spy Monitor you can configure each user profile separately. And although the interface is in English, it is intuitive and will not cause any problems when using this program.

    A significant disadvantage of this utility is the fact that it is not free. To use it, you will need to pay about $40.

    In addition to the applications discussed, there are also others (SpyGo, Snitch, etc.) that have all the basic tools for controlling your computer.

    How can I find the installed spy on my computer?

    These programs are hard to find. One way could be to check the system, which can recognize the spyware as malware. But this is only possible if the system administrator has not included it in the antivirus exceptions. But again, looking at the exceptions may show that a similar program is present on this computer.

    As a counterbalance to this software, some employees use third-party utilities that block messages from being sent to an administrator or manager. This is necessary for those people who categorically do not want their work on the computer to be completely controlled.

    In contact with

    There are many programs for wiretapping mobile phones. It is clear that they all have their own characteristics. However, they all have something in common. As part of this short material, let's talk about downloading a mobile spy on your phone. Below are links to official services where you can download these wonderful applications. In conclusion, we will briefly describe the essence of the installation with the setting to hide from the smartphone.

    Such solutions can be supplied in several versions - simple and professional (root version for android). In the first case, there are no big differences from working with regular applications. In the second - you will get a little more functionality. The differences are described in detail by the developers in their instructions. The root version will take some extra time to figure it out. The smartphone will become more vulnerable, the warranty will fly off, if it was still there. But there will be new opportunities, which will be a bonus)

    All spyware is installed on the phone only when you get direct access to it. There are no magic commands for remote installation of such solutions on other people's phones. The next important point is that you can download the program for wiretapping your phone only from the official website, for example, by going there from a smartphone browser. No playmarkets or appstores, etc. It's tracking software, not regular mobile apps. They are ordered to go there. You can also download the spyware from the official website to your computer, upload the installation file to your phone via cable and run it there through the file manager.

    In order to download the spyware from the site, and not from the same play store, you need to remove the ban on installation from unknown sources. This is done on Android by checking the appropriate checkbox in the settings section. Depending on the version of android, this setting may differ slightly in name or location. But the main thing is to know what to look for.

    • Universal program for wiretapping a mobile phone:
    • The most democratic spy in terms of price policy: from your personal account (after registration)
    • Elite wiretapping on android or iphone -

    After installation on the phone, the application will need to be configured in accordance with the instructions. Usually, at the very first stage, you will need to link it to your identifier from your personal account on the service (everywhere this is implemented differently and is always described in the instructions) and protect it from access by hiding it from the smartphone list. If this is not done by default. Those. there may be a setting-switch to hide/unhide visibility.

    Perhaps every PC user at least once thought about the safety of confidential data on their own hard drive. Any person stores personal secret information on his computer, but he himself may not be aware of it. For example, purchases can be made through a PC in online stores using electronic money or a plastic card. Such a computer automatically becomes interesting for scammers.

    The problem of protecting confidential data is not a single year old and there is no universal solution for it. Currently, there is a fairly wide selection of programs to ensure the security of a computer, for example, various antiviruses, firewalls, or restricting access rights. But you should not completely rely on these methods of protection, because in addition to virus attacks, there is a threat that comes from a person. How to find out what happens to a work computer when the user is on a lunch break or just walked away for a few minutes?

    A few minutes is enough for an experienced user to find out a huge amount of information about the owner of the computer. The easiest way is to access the history of negotiations on various instant messengers and e-mail correspondence. In addition, in a few minutes you can remove the list of all system passwords in use, as well as view a list of all resources that the owner has visited. Should we talk about unprotected files and folders?

    This review will focus on specialized software products designed to spy on a computer and its user. Such utilities are often used on work computers, to control employees, as well as at home to organize parental control or monitor the actions of the second half.

    Various firewalls and antiviruses treat these types of applications with suspicion and may consider signs of malware in them. Developers of such utilities indicate this on their websites. However, once the firewall is properly configured, it will stop responding to spyware.

    This application will give users the opportunity to receive information about what actions are performed on the computer. The utility can work with several accounts of the Windows operating system and, when compiling a report, indicates the user name and actions performed by him. In the settings, those accounts can be selected, upon activation of which the application will automatically start.

    The program generates reports that contain information about all actions performed by the user, including: keys pressed, names of windows in which typing is performed, visited sites on the Internet, names of programs and files launched, as well as the time they were used. Among other things, the utility saves all messages from popular IM clients and takes screenshots at intervals specified in the settings.

    The received information can be viewed both in the window of the program itself and as a report in HTML format. It also provides a search among the displayed data and automatic deletion of obsolete information.

    Maxapt QuickEye is primarily targeted at corporate users. The program is most effective for viewing and analyzing reports. Thus, managers have the opportunity to quickly find out which of the employees worked and who did not. The application displays a list of all programs launched by the user, takes into account the time spent working with all utilities and how actively they were used. For example, the program window can be open throughout the working day, but the user worked with it for no more than an hour, the program will display all this in the report.

    The program groups all running applications into categories, which makes it possible to enter the category of Internet messengers and quickly find out which of the employees spent little time on their work. In addition, the application supports grouping network computers into several categories, which further facilitates the process of working with it.

    It is worth noting the ability of the utility to restrict access to selected applications, as well as to compile a whole list of prohibited programs for each employee individually.

    This software tool was previously known as KGB Keylogger. However, the functionality of the utility has not changed from the name change and, as before, the main advantage of this “spy” is the ability to remotely monitor computer activity. During the installation of this application, the user receives detailed information on how to properly configure the antivirus installed in the system for the correct operation of both utilities.

    The Mipko Employee Monitor application is very well organized to work with multiple users, which is a significant plus for system administrators. Monitoring of different computers can be configured in different ways. For example, for one user, you can set only application launch monitoring, for another, copy all typed text, etc.

    The application is able to work in alert mode, that is, if the user performs certain actions or types certain words on the computer, the program marks him with an alarm icon and sends a warning to the network administrator.

    The program allows you to apply special tracking filters, that is, the administrator can create a list of applications whose activity should be monitored, without paying attention to other utilities.

    Of course, all this functionality would not be complete without taking screenshots. A screenshot can be taken both for the entire working area of ​​the computer and for the active window. Screenshots can be taken not only after a specified period of time, but also when a new application is opened.

    The program is able to intercept messages in all known instant messengers, including: Yahoo!, QIP, ICQ, AIM, Skype, Miranda and others.

    With this utility, the user can obtain various information about the use of the computer. The program monitors the contents of the clipboard, marks data on the activity of all applications, creates screenshots of the screen at specified intervals, takes into account the time the computer is turned on and off, tracks data on keystrokes and monitors files sent for printing.

    The program is launched using a custom keyboard shortcut and does not appear in the list of running applications or in the tray, but impersonates the corresponding folder in the Start menu. Therefore, when using this spy, you should delete this folder.

    This application has only one, but quite a significant drawback - the program accepts keystrokes only in the English layout, you should keep this in mind when choosing spyware.

    The demo version of the utility works only for 40 minutes from the moment of activation, but in some cases this is enough to protect the PC, for example, during a break at work.

    One of the main parameters of a spyware program is stealth. After all, if a bright, blinking icon with the name of the application “hangs” in the task manager, the user will understand that he is being watched and will be able to bypass the protection. The developers of the NeoSpy program have done everything to ensure that their application is completely invisible on the computer. When installing the program, you can immediately select a hidden or administrator installation. With a hidden installation, the program folders will not be visible either on the hard drive, or on the desktop, or in the Start menu. To start it will be necessary to use the command line.

    This application, in addition to its invisibility, is endowed with good functionality. The program can intercept messages from popular instant messengers, easily captures the names of all launched applications, and also notes the start and close times. NeoSpy automatically creates screenshots at specified intervals, as well as during the launch of all utilities.

    With the help of this spy, you can get detailed information about the activity on the Internet - the addresses of all visited sites, the time spent on the network and the amount of traffic spent.

    We can say that the program makes it possible to monitor every user action on the computer. NeoSpy saves all text typed on the keyboard, saves data from the clipboard, tracks the creation and deletion of new files.

    Elite Keylogger is completely undetectable by most antiviruses and does not affect the performance of the system as a whole. The application is declared as a means for continuous monitoring of activity for any period of time. Statistics are automatically classified by day, which provides quick and convenient access to administrator information. The utility allows you to create lists of users who need to be monitored.

    The program can control the operation of most popular applications for communication over the Internet, captures e-mail correspondence, saves data on the activity of all applications and documents sent for printing. Elite Keylogger can save all received information to a separate folder on a network drive, upload it to an FTP server or send it by e-mail.

    It is worth paying special attention to the removal of this utility. If the user wants to remove Elite Keylogger, he will not be able to do this even with the help of special utilities that control the startup of the Windows operating system. The only way to remove this application is to go into the program and select the appropriate action in the settings.

    This program is designed to monitor human activity in the local network. In addition to network monitoring, the utility also captures other user actions on the computer. The application intercepts the data of most well-known instant messengers, saves a list of all visited sites on the Internet and all the text typed on the computer.

    In addition, the program is able to automatically create screenshots at specified intervals, keep a record of all documents sent for printing, perform covert copying of edited files and documents copied to removable media.

    The program stores all received information in a database on the administrator's PC, and can also send notifications to the specified computer under certain conditions.

    And finally.

    Currently, there is a wide selection of spyware on the market, and anyone who wants to install such software on a computer will be able to choose the right application that meets all user requirements. Of course, such utilities are most in demand in organizations where there are serious requirements for the actions of employees at work.

    More recently, spyware could only record keystrokes on the keyboard, but now they are able to control all user actions on the computer. Thus, software of this kind develops very quickly, and no one knows what functions will be introduced by developers in new versions of utilities.

    In addition to tracking employees and loved ones, spyware will help you organize comprehensive protection of confidential data on your computer.

    Online tracking and remote control

    How to follow the child if you are not nearby? Easily. There are programs that allow you to view the screen via the Internet, by linking to an account. Moreover, in addition to the tracking function, each of these programs has a lot of additional functions. Let's take a look at the most popular tracking and remote control software.

    NeoSpy is a program for remote monitoring of a user's PC with the function of online screen viewing via the Internet (linked to an account). With this software product, you can always view the screen of your home or work PC not only from another computer, but even from a phone or tablet via the Internet. The program is easy to install: you download the installation wizard from the official website, which downloads the program itself and installs it (by the way, there are no advertising and intrusive toolbars that even large software companies have been guilty of lately in the distribution kit). Further, after installation, go to the settings and link the program to your account, after which the function of viewing the screen online will be available.

    NeoSpy Spy Software

    In addition to normal viewing, you can choose what to watch: windows that open, text typed on the keyboard, sites visited by the user, as well as correspondence in instant messengers installed on the user's PC.

    As you can see from the screenshot of the settings, the program provides a lot of opportunities, which everyone chooses for himself, based on his goals and objectives.

    Linking an account is very easy. Select the "View via Internet" item, enter the username and password, click "Connect". Turn on tracking.

    Now go to the program's website, enter your username and password, go to the "Account" tab and click on "Your computers".

    Online tracking in the account

    In addition to viewing the screen itself, you can connect to your webcam, which will help you monitor not only the actions on the computer, but also around it. You can see if your child is doing their homework.

    If the program is installed on a portable device, the program shows on the map the geographical location of your device at the time of use.

    It should be noted that of the considered programs of this kind, it is NeoSpy that makes it possible to conduct covert online tracking and allows you to save video from the screen in your account. It is also possible to scroll, rather than watch the entire video. Unlike NeoSpy, other programs do not save video, and tracking requires you to be constantly connected to the screen.

    An important difference between NeoSpy and other presented programs is completely hidden surveillance, that is, the user does not see messages about your connection on his screen, as, for example, in TeamViewer and other programs, thanks to this your child will not know about the surveillance of him.

    What else can be done with NeoSpy?

    Traffic encryption. All data transmitted through the server is securely encrypted. They are almost impossible to decipher. NeoSpy uses AES encryption of data transmitted over the network (image screen, motion pointer, keyboard signals, etc.). Double password protection. The first is the online account: the password that is used to log into the online system. This only allows you to view the list of computers previously added to the online system, but does not allow you to contact them. The second password (and the most important one) is the access password, which allows you to connect to your computer and see sensitive data.

    Main window interface

    Remote Access Alerts

    When using the "Messages" option, you can notify the user about something. Other security features:
    The user cannot remove or close the tracking module even through the task manager.

    Remote Desktop

    Controlling a remote PC displays the screen of that PC (via the Internet or LAN) on your own monitor. That is, you will be able to see everything on the remote PC as if you were sitting in front of it, regardless of the distance between the PCs.

    The program allows you to work with different remote PCs simultaneously, from anywhere in the world.

    How is Remote Desktop in NeoSpy different from other programs?

    The main advantages of the NeoSpy remote control software are:
    - Built-in keylogger;
    - High speed and performance;
    - Internet Gateway allows you to connect to a remote PC behind a firewall or when there is no IP address routing or the IP address changes dynamically - this is a unique feature of the program!
    - Low network load due to optimized data compression algorithm. The encryption algorithm makes the use of the program absolutely safe;
    - Multiple simultaneous connections. With this feature, the network administrator can effectively view various remote computers at the same time;
    - The graphical interface is convenient and intuitive;
    - Remote Desktop is easy to install. You do not need to be a computer expert to set up and operate this software.

    UltraVNC is powerful and simple, and last but not least, it's free. It displays the desktop of a remote PC (via the Internet or LAN) on your computer screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the remote computer you are connected to. You can manage this computer as if it were your own. For technical support workers, this program will be especially useful, because. will help you quickly access the client's PC and carry out the necessary operations, wherever the client is. The program does not require particularly complex actions from the client and is launched from a file. UltraVNC works great under almost all operating systems (Windows: from Windows 95 to Windows8, Linux, Mac OS) x32 and x64. With the built-in viewer, you can share files between computers.

    UltraVNC Interface

    Who will benefit from UltraVNC - for those who need support for remote Windows users. The products have been specially designed to meet the needs of:

    • Help Desk;
    • IT departments;
    • Users who want to help their relatives and friends, or access their home PCs from work or Internet cafes.

    DameWare Mini Remote Control

    Powerful PC remote control software that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. DameWare Mini Remote Control (MRC) is one of the best remote control software. DameWare Mini Remote Control is available from DameWare Central Server and Administration Console for advanced management. MRC is licensed based on the number of vehicles in your organization. The program was created more than 10 years ago and since then thousands of IT administrators have got a perfect connection to remote servers, PCs and laptops thanks to DameWare Mini Remote Control. DameWare MRC provides remote control for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux systems and includes many great features for PC remote control.

    Intuitive control interface. You can receive information from remote computers that can be located anywhere: in the same building, on the other side of the city, or around the world. DameWare MRC makes remote desktop use incredibly fast.

    Benefits of DameWare Mini Remote Control:

    • Remote control of Windows, Mac OS X and Linux systems. Connect via RDP, RDP or VNC from one console. A separate screen is created for each user, for easy remote troubleshooting. File transfer possible during remote control sessions Mini Remote Control can be deployed with a DameWare central server and administration console that provide advanced management capabilities from a single center. You can restart your computer and turn on sleeping computers, edit BIOS settings remotely, create Mount ISO images on remote PCs. It is possible to install or reinstall the OS remotely.

      With DameWare MRC's chat feature, you can chat online with remote users to set up their computer. DameWare MRC allows you to define rules for accessing remote PCs for different types of users: require non-administrators to obtain permission for remote connections; allow administrators to connect without permission; manage access rights using group policy. Automatically Deploy Remote Control: DameWare MSI Builder is included with MRC, allowing you to create an MSI package to install MRC customer service agent, including with any custom settings. DameWare Mini Remote Control supports authentication and remote connection using a smart card. MRC is part of the DameWare Remote Support (DRS) system administration tool. In addition to RTOs, the DRS software package includes DameWare Mobile, Windows Administration, Active Directory, management, configuration and export tools. However, please note that in order to download the trial version, you will need to fill out a registration form.

    Radmin 3 is a program for remote control of your PC running Windows. The program makes it possible to work on several computers at once quite fully, simply by connecting to the desktop of a remote PC. The software allows you to use many languages, share files. The ability to work in Telnet mode makes it possible to manage a large organization remotely without problems.

    Radmin remote control

    Program features:
    - The program is compatible with all versions of Windows.
    - Excellent speed.
    - Secure connection.
    - Supports Intel® AMT features.
    - Works under Windows 8 x86 and x64.
    - Support for multi-user chats, both text and voice.
    - Work with multiple monitors.
    - Easy and simple to install.
    - File transfer is protected.
    - Does not require a lot of system resources.
    - Supports multiple connections at the same time.
    - Technical support is free.
    Additional features:

    The ability to select the screen color transmission mode: from 2 thousand to 16 million colors.
    - Mouse wheel support.
    - Support for keyboard shortcuts.
    - There is no limitation on the screen resolution of the remote PC.
    - The viewer is compatible with Wine (works under Linux OS).
    - Clipboard support.
    - Unlimited address book.
    - Built-in search for Radmin servers.
    - Excellent reference.
    - Work in TelNet mode.
    - Ability to remotely shutdown the PC.
    - Logging of all connections.

    Another program that allows you to easily connect to any computer that has Internet access is TeamViewer. Just an ID and a password are enough, because the program has the ability to run even without installation. TeamViewer is a program for managing a PC, showing a specific window from your screen to other users, which helps to train employees, hold meetings, listen to employees' reports, and simply discuss and plan work without leaving the computer.

    Remote control via TeamViewer

    You can create an account on the program's website and add any computer to your address book. Lists inside the book are supported, which will allow you to connect to the desired computer in just two clicks, simply by selecting the desired PC name from the list. For persistent connections, you can set a permanent password and store it in your address book. This will allow you to quickly connect to the desired computer without entering a password. Advantages of TeamViewer: The program has a conference mode (but there is a limit of 25 participants). There is support for mobile devices. You can take screenshots in real time. TeamViewer guarantees the security of the connection. The program is shareware and has limitations of free use. Paid features are more suitable for large companies. However, there are some connectivity issues between different versions. A user with version 9 will no longer be able to connect to a user with version 4.

    Anyplace Control is a remote control program. The program displays the client's remote desktop on your screen and allows you to control it remotely using your own mouse and keyboard. Some of the software's popular applications include remote support within a corporate environment or simply work from home with remote access to office computers.

    Transfer files between PCs Anyplace Control provides an easy and secure option for transferring files between PCs using an interface that is similar to Windows XP Explorer. The Anyplace Control file transfer software is very fast and reliable. Even in the event of a network failure, it will resume transmission at the location where the failure occurred. Thus, there is no need to start the procedure again. There is no need to set up a router or firewall. You will be able to connect to Remote Desktop in three different ways: "Connection IP", "Account Connection" and "Computer Connection ID" Anyplace Control provides access to remote PCs over the Internet that do not have external IP addresses. You can easily connect to other PCs with dynamic IP addresses or internal (192.168.xx) addresses without any additional network configurations. You will be able to easily connect to your PC via the Internet, even if it is behind a router, firewall or proxy server. You don't need to open firewall ports or configure your router.

    Anyplace Control Interface

    You can connect to your client in a few clicks. Anyplace Control does not require special computer skills. If the standard installation of the host module is too complicated, then a remote user can manually download the software by clicking on a special link that has a pre-configured host module (does not require installation or any additional configuration).

    Summing up, we can say that most programs support the most necessary functions - direct control of a remote PC. Some are free, some you have to buy. Some programs support the creation of accounts, which greatly simplifies remote management in the future. Often you can just view the screen of a remote computer without taking control of the latter. However, not all programs are multiplatform. Some work exclusively under the control of only one operating system, which is not very convenient in a large organization. For such purposes, it is much more expedient to use paid global products that support creating accounts and PC lists, saving passwords, run most of the most popular operating systems and are easily integrated into a large organization. If you just need to periodically monitor the screen of your home PC remotely, there is no point in buying expensive software, most of the functions of which you will not need. It is also worth paying attention to the very operation of the program: some clearly show your remote presence on the computer, and some do not manifest themselves in any way, which will be very useful for covert monitoring of the computer.

    Programs that might interest you

    - a program for monitoring the computer.

    — Verification of fidelity of spouses;
    — Control of children on the Internet;
    — Calculation of negligent employees at work.

    NeoSpy intercepts and sends all correspondence, screenshots, visited sites and passwords to your email.

    passwordspy- a program for recovering saved passwords from browsers and email programs.

    — Recovery of lost passwords;
    - Support for more than 100 programs (ie, chrome, opera, firefox, outlook, the bat! and others);
    - The portable version can be run from a flash drive.

    Browsers, email programs, instant messaging programs store information about the passwords you use and PasswordSpy can recover them.

    voicespy- a program for hidden recording of conversations in Skype.

    - Quick installation and permanent recording of all conversations;
    - Completely hidden mode of operation;
    - Sending recorded conversations in mp3 to e-mail.

    Internet Sheriff- a program blocking unwanted sites.

    – Protecting the child from harmful and corrupting information;
    - Blocking entertainment and social networks for employees;
    - Ready-made lists of porn sites, social networks, entertainment sites.

    Reprinting materials from the site site is allowed only if all indexed links are saved, including links to the program page in the site catalog