• Ps3 super slim update 4.81. PS3 super slim firmware. New firmware for the console

    The PlayStation 3 firmware significantly expands the functionality of the console: you can download games from the Internet, run additional programs, and copy games from friends.

    • After flashing the PlayStation 3 firmware, you get the opportunity launch any game downloaded from the Internet, on your console. You will have access to all the games that were released for these consoles, as any game can be found on torrents.
    • The game can be started both from a USB flash drive and from a hard drive(including from internal). You can copy games to the console either via a flash drive or via the network.
    • For the convenience of launching games and getting additional features, the console can be installed special programs: MultiMan, etc.
    • You can burn several games to your hard drive consoles and conveniently launch them from the list. No need to switch BR disks, just select the game and start.
    • I love it You can copy the game from the BR disk to internal memory, and the disk will no longer be needed after that. You can borrow a game from a friend or rental store, quickly copy it, and return the disc.

    Which consoles are suitable for firmware?

    To install the firmware, you must have the system version installed on your console no higher than 3.55. The current version can be viewed in the console settings - in the "System Information" section.

    If the system version 3.56 or higher, then you first need to first prepare the set-top box for firmware. Accordingly, the service is more expensive (see price list below) and takes longer.

    Please note that previously it was possible to flash only those consoles that were released no later than the beginning of 2011. Now Our workshops perform firmware for any PlayStation 3 model: Fat, Slim and Super Slim.

    Previously, for set-top boxes for which downgrading the software version was not available, another hacking method was used instead of firmware - . Now this method is no longer relevant, since all PS3s are flashed.

    For the vast majority of experienced owners of game consoles, the word “firmware” does not cause absolutely no reaction, because for them this is as familiar as the game itself on the console. Being a fairly common way to “pump up” a console, installing additional software gives many different privileges to those who take the risk.

    Play Station firmware is the installation of special software that either corrects errors in the operation of the device or unlocks it for unlicensed content. Most often, official software is replaced with hacked or simply modified ones.

    Pros and cons of ps3 slim firmware

    Basically, when discussing the pros and quite significant disadvantages of installing firmware on the console, we are talking about unofficial software products, so you should remember that everything said below about the advantages and disadvantages is only true for custom firmware. In general, there are quite a few reasons to flash your console.

    1. Unofficial firmware opens the door to unlicensed games, as well as so-called homebrew programs. Homebrew is mostly unlicensed add-on software that is usually developed by enthusiasts. You can simply download games and programs of interest from the Internet, and they will be played on the console without any problems.
    2. With custom software, you can “transfer” programs and games from licensed media to your internal hard drive, after which no external drives will be needed anymore.
    3. A firmware Play Station 3 can also replace other consoles. That is, in order to play exclusive games for some consoles, you do not need to buy them. It is enough to install an emulator of other consoles on the firmware version of the console and you can play absolutely any games.

    As a result, installing “custom” software on the console will save money in the future, significantly expand the gaming capabilities of the console, and also extend the life of the drive (after flashing the firmware, its use will become extremely rare).

    The impressive advantages of the idea of ​​flashing your Playstation 3 greatly counterbalance the disadvantages of this solution.

    1. Sony consoles support the PSN service, which allows online games. The service includes a special DNAS system designed to track unlicensed games online. If the system detects a pirated game, an immediate ban will follow. That is, if the purpose of buying a PS 3 is to play online, then firmware is not really an option. On the other hand, you can still install the firmware, but purchase licenses for online games, then you can avoid a ban. When using any unlicensed software, the set-top box must be disconnected from the network. And when you access the Internet, you need to turn off all pirated and homebrew programs, even if they are running in the background or it’s just a file manager shell.
    2. Not every model can have firmware installed. Today, only official software no higher than version 3.55 can be upgraded. Of course, this rule can also be circumvented. To do this you will have to do a “downgrade”, which is a rather expensive procedure regarding the firmware. The fact is that the procedure for downgrading the software version (“downgrade”) requires the presence of an E3 flasher. At home, downgrading the software version is difficult and, moreover, unprofitable, since the cost of the programmer is much higher than the price of a “downgrade” in a workshop. And that's not all. Not all models can be downgraded. Sony found a way to protect later versions of consoles. Models that are 100% flashable are all PS thick boxes that were produced before July 2009. As for “slim” models, models up to 2010, as well as some versions of 2011, can be flashed. Supersim and Slim models, which were produced from the second half of 2011, are not subject to either firmware or downgrade. For them, only ODE (drive emulator) is suitable, which will provide some functionality of custom software.

    You can find out whether your existing console can be updated with firmware by contacting any workshop. However, before this you need to find out the series of the console and when it was produced. The Playstation 3 Slim series code begins with CECH2*** or CECH3***. Instead of asterisks there will be a code indicating a specific model of the console. The year and quarter in which the console was released is indicated by a specific DATA code, written in the 0A format, where the number 0 indicates the year the console was released (2010), and the letter A is the first quarter. Accordingly, if the console was released in the third quarter of 2012, then the console will say 2C. Experts, using the series code and release date of the console, will tell you whether it can be flashed, or whether you will have to be content with only ODE.

    Do-it-yourself Playstation firmware

    A large number of PS3 slim owners are interested in how to flash their console at home, and whether they can do it themselves. The answer is clear: if the console is one of those versions that are flashed, then you can flash it yourself. However, only those whose hands grow from the right place should sit down to this matter, otherwise it may turn out that more money will be spent on restoring the console than on five firmware in the workshop.

    To begin with, it’s worth touching on the topic of installing official firmware.

    There are two installation methods:

    1. Via the Internet. If you have an Internet connection, the new software is downloaded directly to the Playstation. To do this, you need to select “System Update” in “Settings”, where you click on “Network Update”. When using this method, the latest update will be installed.
    2. From external media. You need to download the software onto the flash drive from the official website playstation.com. For the entire operation to be successful, the media must be prepared. Before you start downloading the update to the flash drive, you need to create a PS3 directory on it, and in it the UPDATE folder (folder names must be entered in capital characters). The software should be downloaded to the UPDATE folder. After the download is complete, the media must be connected to the set-top box. Next, on the console, go to “Settings” > “System Update” > “Update from Storage Media”. All that remains is to select the media and wait a certain time for the system to update.

    The official firmware can only be changed to a newer one. Rollback to older versions is not available. This may be due to the fact that Sony creates new firmware when the old ones have already been hacked. That is, when a user wants to “roll back” the system, Sony suspects him of using unlicensed content and tries to prevent the offense.

    Considering that on the official firmware it will not be possible to play pirated games, run homebrew programs, or launch game images, it is quite natural that many will want to install unlicensed firmware on their console.

    To install custom firmware, you will need a formatted hard drive. Installation directly via the Internet, as is the case with official firmware, is not supported.

    Manipulations with a flash drive when installing custom firmware are exactly the same as when installing official software. The media needs to be formatted and two directories created: PS3, and UPDATE in it.

    Among unofficial firmwares, Rogero 4.55 and 3.55 kmeaw are very popular.

    Regardless of which firmware was selected, the downloaded update file must be renamed PS3UPDAT.PUP (this is the name of the file with the official firmware). Next, the flash drive needs to be connected to the set-top box, and the set-top box must be disconnected from the power supply. As soon as the set-top box is turned off, you need to connect it to the outlet again and hold down the power button. At this time, the set-top box will turn on and off. After this, you need to press the button again and hold it until the console makes two characteristic “squeaking” sounds. After this sound, the button should be released immediately. The set-top box will start recovery mode. Next, all you have to do is take the joystick and go to “Settings” and from there click “System Update”. Now all that remains is to wait for Playstation to install the firmware itself and allow gamers to enjoy the full gaming variety.

    Once the installation is complete, the set-top box should reboot. You can make sure that the update has actually arrived on the console using two points that were not there before: Install package files and /app home/PS3_GAME.

    In order to play games without purchasing licenses, you will need the MultiMAN manager. It can be downloaded to a flash drive from specialized forums. Next, having connected the drive to the console, you need to select “Install package files” and write the path to the manager download file.

    After the manager is installed, you can safely download games from torrents and “throw” them into the GAMEZ folder, after which they will be available on the console. You just need to find the game in the MultiMAN manager, click on the “cross”, after which the game image will be automatically mounted and the action will begin!

    Having become the owner of a wonderful PlayStation console, most owners are thinking about how to flash a PS3 at home.

    Why PlayStation owners are puzzled by this question is not difficult to understand. The problem is that the console refuses to run unlicensed gaming applications.

    And only custom PS3 firmware allows you to run any homebrew and other unlicensed content. Homebrew is a software or gaming product developed by enthusiastic programmers.

    Many people are not satisfied with the standard PS3 firmware, so they reflash their device

    In addition, after decoding, which also includes the PS3 firmware, you will be able to run copies of licensed games downloaded from original discs from friends or from a torrent.

    If you carefully read the instructions on how to install firmware on the PS3, you will immediately notice several conditions, without which it will simply be impossible to flash the PlayStation 3.

    There are models of PS3 consoles that simply cannot be decoded using any of the available methods.

    It is very important to determine whether your set-top box is subject to modernization, and only then begin practical actions.

    Which consoles are being flashed?

    If your console has already acquired the status of an “old lady”, since it was released more than five years ago, you are in luck; you can jailbreak it by updating the operating system to version 3.55.

    Unfortunately, if the operating system on the PlayStation 3 was previously updated to the specified version, then jailbreak will simply be impossible.

    All new PlayStations are immediately accompanied by versions no lower than 3.55, so decoding requires more complex manipulations, which include downgrade.

    But even downgrade is not possible on every PlayStation. For this reason, you should first figure out which consoles can be downgraded and which cannot.

    First, try to determine the type of console you have. Pick up your PlayStation, unfold it, and look at what the sticker says.

    In particular, it is very important to clarify the production date of the console; it is indicated next to the “datecode” parameter. It is also very important to clarify the parameter of the so-called CECH revision.

    Looking at the datecode, you can find a number and a nearby Latin letter. The number indicates the year of release, and the letter helps to figure out in which quarter the PS3 console first “saw the light” and went on sale.

    For example, having datecode 10D, we can say that it was in the fourth quarter of 2010 that the console was released. The letter D occupies the fourth position in the alphabet, so we can safely say that we are talking about the fourth quarter.

    A console revision may be designated slightly differently. If the console has a FAT system, then next to the revision there will be five letters CECHH and two numbers indicating the region in which the console was manufactured.

    Since the region does not play any role for firmware, you can only pay attention to the first five letters.

    If you have SLIM or SuperSLIM in your hands, then the revision will be displayed in the form of four letters (CECH), four numbers (year of manufacture) and finally another letter indicating the parameters of the hard drive, which also do not play a role in the determination, you can Is it possible to flash this console?

    Now that you have successfully figured out which console model you have, you can determine whether it can be flashed.

    All set-top boxes with the FAT system, accompanied by the inscription CECHH, can be flashed and custom firmware installed on them.

    SLIM consoles with revision CECH - 20xx and CECH - 21xx are flashed. If revision CECH - 25xx has a datecode below 1A, the model can also be flashed.

    Unfortunately, the SLIM console, which has a revision of CECH - 30xx, or the SuperSLIM console are not flashed.

    Risks and disadvantages of console firmware

    You should start decoding the PlayStation only when you have received complete information on how to carry out the process without errors and problems.

    Of course, some experienced craftsmen can try to “revive” the PS3, but this will require a lot of effort, so such a service will not be cheap, you will have to fork out the cash.

    Unfortunately, even such resuscitation actions are not able to completely bring your PlayStation back to “life”. The set-top box will work, but it’s unlikely to last long enough.

    Another risk is that by flashing a PS3, the owner of the console loses the right to official warranty service. In particular, after installing unlicensed firmware, PlayStation gets banned, as a result of which online multiplayer will simply be unavailable.

    All this should be taken into account, the degree of risk should be weighed, and only then can you finally decide whether to jailbreak or downgrade your PS3.

    Handmade firmware for the console

    Flashing a set-top box with custom firmware is not difficult if you first study the procedure algorithm. By the way, custom firmware is significantly better than jailbreak.

    To flash the PS3 firmware, you will need an ordinary flash card or external hard drive, which you first format into the FAT file system.

    Installing the official software update

    After making sure that the PS3 console version does not exceed 3.55, you can perform some manipulations to update the existing firmware.

    Having formatted the flash drive in advance, do not forget to create a folder on it, calling it “PS3”, inside it - another one, but under the name “UPDATE”. It is very important that it is signed in capital letters.

    Now download the archive containing the update files, unzip it, find the file responsible for the official update process PS3UPDAT.PUP, and then move it to “UPDATE”.

    Connect the flash drive to the PlayStation, find the “System update” option, click on it, and then select the new option “Update from storage media”.

    After turning off the set-top box, start it again, go to the “Settings” main menu, select “System Settings”, then go to the “System Information” submenu. It will now indicate that the console comes with version 3.55.

    Installing custom firmware

    If you want to install custom firmware, you must first find it on the Internet and download it, of course, giving preference only to trusted sources.

    There are several options for custom firmware that are popular, among them Rogero 4.55 and 3.55 kmeaw.

    Now unzip the downloaded version, rename it to PS3UPDAT.PUP if necessary, and then move it to the “UPDATE” folder located on the flash drive, which should be prepared in the same way as before the update.

    Immediately after disconnecting, reconnect the set-top box to power. At this moment, hold down the power button and do not release, the set-top box should turn on itself and then turn off itself. Next, do the same, hold down the power button and hold it until the console beeps twice.

    After this characteristic sound, release the power button to start recovery mode.

    Now, having connected the joystick, you need to select the PS option, and then click on the “System Update” button. Now all the important steps are behind us, since the PlayStation 3 will continue to act independently and the firmware will be installed automatically.

    After the installation process is completed, the set-top box will reboot. You can make sure that the custom firmware has been installed by the presence of two items “Install package files” and “/app_home/PS3_GAME”, which were not there before.

    Installing the multiMAN manager

    Having installed custom firmware, it’s too early for you to celebrate your victory, since you were pursuing a slightly different goal - launching unlicensed games.

    And you will be able to do this only after installing the special multiMAN manager.

    Download the program itself by visiting specialized forums or websites, and then place the download file on a flash drive.

    Now, having gone to the “Games” menu, you need to find the “Install package files” item there, by clicking on it, specify the path to the multiMAN boot file.

    After successful installation of the manager, download from torrents the games that you would like to run on the console. Place them in the GAMEZ folder.

    Now, having opened the multiMAN manager, you can find the desired game in it, click on the cross next to it, the image will be mounted, and the game will start. This completes the firmware process and the user can enjoy daily gaming.

    So, the firmware process is completely simple if you initially carefully prepare for it, and then follow the algorithm that was developed and presented by experienced users and programmers.

    Downgrade and firmware for Sony PlayStation 3.

    Didn't find the service you need? Find out the price from consultants by phone.

    What does the firmware provide?

    After flashing the PlayStation 3 firmware, you will be able to:

    • download games from the Internet and run them from internal and external hard drives;
    • use programs created specifically for firmware set-top boxes (homebrew): file managers, shells, video players;
    • copy licensed game discs to the HDD and then run them without the disc.
    For Super Slim versions, as well as some Slim models, firmware capabilities are limited, but games can be launched for all models.

    Which PS3s are flashed?

    For now All consoles can be updated with firmware, however, depending on the model, the firmware methods differ.
    • For Fat and Slim consoles up to model 2500, full firmware is installed, which has all the features.
    • For the Slim model 3000, as well as all Super Slims, a different firmware is used, which has slightly less functionality.

    Our specialists will advise you in more detail about the firmware capabilities.

    What firmware version will be installed?

    To the console the most current (latest) version will be installed firmware. Our technicians monitor the release of new firmware and update them in a timely manner.

    How long does it take to install?

    The firmware is installed on the day of arrival and usually takes no more than an hour.

    What to take with you?

    You don’t need to bring any cables, joysticks, etc. Only the console itself.

    All work is guaranteed.

    How to determine your PS3 model

    How to find out a specific PS3 model

    There are currently 3 series of Playstation 3 game consoles:

    1. (produced from 2006 to 2009): Glossy black body. The only PS3 model with the ability to be installed both horizontally and vertically.
    2. PS3 Slim(produced from 2009 to 2012): Matte body. Colors: black, white or red.
    3. PS3 Super Slim(produced from 2012 to 2017): A combination of matte and glossy body elements. Black, white or red.

    Each series included several modifications. You can accurately determine the model by the markings on the back panel.

    The PS3 FAT model range is marked with a letter code with CECHA By CECHQ.

    PS3 Slim and Super Slim have an alphanumeric code. For Slim this is a series CECH2*** By CECH3***(instead of asterisks on the case, numbers corresponding to the model are indicated), for Super Slim the encoding is used CECH40** or CECH42**

    In addition to the model number, the rear panel indicates DATA CODE, indicating the release date in year-quarter format. The year is indicated by one digit (0 corresponds to 2010, 6 to 2006, 1 to 2011, etc.). The quarter is designated by the letters A-D. For example, DATA CODE "1B" means. that the console was released in the second quarter (from April to June) of 2011.

    Information about a specific model will help our operators give you more accurate information on the timing and cost of repairing or flashing your PlayStation 3. DATA CODE is also important because different versions of software may have been installed on the same model at different times. Therefore, when dialing our number, keep this information at hand.

    How to flash PS3 using Rogero

    When you purchase a new Sony Playstation 3 game console, you have standard, factory firmware. It allows you to use only games and programs licensed by the manufacturer.

    In order not to buy new games every time and use amateur programs, you can manually flash your PS3.

    You can flash from a flash drive, via the Internet and from a flash drive, through the recovery menu. We suggest considering the method through the recovery menu.

    There are many different firmwares: CFW from Waninkoko, CFW from Geohota, CFW from kmeaw, CFW from Wutangrza, Homebrew. In many ways, they are installed in a similar way; we suggest installing one of the most common and reliable custom firmware from the time-tested kmeaw and the popular Rogero.

    How to flash PS3, PS3 slim, PS3 super slim 500 Gbwith official firmware yourself at home to install games from a flash drive

    First of all, make sure that your console is flashable. To do this, the set-top box must have an official operating system of no more than 3.55 (if younger, then you need to update to version 3.55 using the manufacturer’s official update). To find out the system version, just find the system information item in the settings and see the version there.

    Alas, today systems version 3.56 and older, for example version 4.81, cannot be flashed, because they are protected. To do this, you need to downgrade the console, and this is another extensive topic. You can contact the service center for consultation and repair work, if required, to specialists in Sony Playstation game consoles.

    Instructions on how to flash PS3 yourself from a flash drive

    You yourself changed the firmware to an expanding custom version, all that remains is to install a program (manager) to configure and launch games. Today the most popular program is multiMAN. Download the program, copy it to the folder of the flash drive and follow the path “Games -> Install Package Files” and install the game software launch manager into the console you have flashed.

    After such operations, you can freely download the information products you need for PS3 from the Internet to a disk, flash drive, or directly into the memory of the console itself and launch it using the installed manager and the console is ready!