• Parental control - how to protect children from the dangers of the Internet. Parental control in Windows - how to set up and what can

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    Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I'm going to deviate a bit from my main mission. We will not talk about making money on the Internet, but we will discuss one very important thing. Let's talk about protecting children from malicious sites, games and applications.

    From this article you will learn how to put parental control on the Internet, I will show a video on how to protect your children from harmful effects computer. I’ll tell you which phone to buy for the smallest and set the lock so that no one will even guess that something is forbidden to him.

    Parental Controls in Windows

    If you have Windows 7, like mine, then you can put a ban on the use of certain programs, games and determine the time at which children can be at the computer.

    If you need to put a ban not only on the use of the computer itself, but also on the Internet, you will have to download additional extensions on the official Microsoft website, allowing you to increase your management capabilities. It's free.

    If for some reason you do not like this method, then you can install another additional program. However, in any case, first you have to learn how to create additional user accounts. Let's get this over with quickly.

    Create a new account

    Go to the control panel to create a new account. It is needed to control only children and not have problems when using the laptop yourself.

    Now open the tab Parental control».

    And create a new account.

    This account does not need to use . Only you (the administrator) need it so that teenagers cannot get into the system and reconfigure the conditions for more comfortable ones.

    To tick or not - it's up to you, and, probably, a child. After entering the name, click on "Create".

    Ready. Let's set it up now.

    Time limit

    In order to apply additional settings need to go to account created for offspring. Click on it.

    OK it's all over Now. You are where you need to be. Enable parental control at the top of the window that opens.

    Without additional programs you can limit the child by time, games and applications used. Let's click on the first option.

    Be careful, you mark in blue the time at which he cannot be at the computer. After completion, it remains only to click "OK" and you're done.

    Game ban

    Tracking and control programs

    If for some reason you don't want to install Windows Live, and the ban needs to be implemented, then I offer you a program KidsControl. Thanks to it, you can also block access to unwanted resources, exercise control over time, and see which sites the baby has visited.

    The work of the application itself will not be noticeable, and when accessing a forbidden resource, the site will issue an error 404, “Server not found” or “Page not available”. The utility is shareware. You will have 14 days to free use, and then you have to pay 870 rubles for using it.

    To use it, you, as in the first case, will have to create several accounts, including for a child. I don't think it will be such a problem. KidsControl will only open when the system is started and logged in with your (first) account that launched it.

    In the future, no one will understand that you have this program on your computer. To open it, you will need to restart the operating system. It's funny, but even the ubiquitous one does not see her, that is, it will be difficult for even a sneaky teenager to get to her.

    So, download the program and reboot the system. This will open a window where you can make settings.

    As you can see, there are two accounts here: the administrator, the one who downloaded the program and has all rights, and everyone else.

    You can create multiple users who will have access to this program. You don't have to restrict everyone.

    The black list will include sites that the child is not allowed to access.

    The program determines the prohibited resources itself. It has a built-in base automatic system updates, which periodically monitors the Internet and adds sites that are inappropriate for children.

    If you want, then the "Prohibited files" tab will block the ability to download some files: music, videos and programs.

    Well, the access schedule will not allow your child to get into the computer at a time not intended for this purpose.

    That's all. Now you know how to protect your child from the computer. Shall we go to the phone?

    Parental control on the phone for the little ones

    First, I would like to talk to you about protection for the little ones. In the case of them, I would recommend that you do not put protection on the Internet or phone, but purchase bb-mobile . You add to it telephone number, by which the baby can call and write SMS.

    There are no complicated buttons here. unnecessary functions. At any time, you can press a couple of buttons and get a map with the exact location of your baby. In the same way, you can access your baby's mobile from your phone and turn on the audio broadcast of what is happening around. The phone will call you back automatically, without the participation of the child.

    When it comes to the little ones, this thing is simply irreplaceable.

    Of course, a rare child in the second or third grade will calmly walk around with a BB-mobile and not throw a tantrum asking him to buy a fancy phone. We will talk about how to work with a tablet and an Android phone in one of the future articles. Subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss out.

    Until we meet again and good luck in your endeavors.

    For modern children, figuring out how to use the Internet and a smartphone is a simple and quick matter. Fortunately, it is also not difficult to protect a child from “18+” materials, of which there are by no means few on the network. Operators have services to customize the use of gadgets by children. We will deal with their capabilities using the MTS Internet Control service as an example.

    Closing access to websites

    “He will climb anywhere” is the main fear of a parent whose child uses the network. There is only one way out - content filtering. There are five safety modes in " " for each age. Options are available from the most strict "Under 7 years", with access to a very limited list of children's sites and safe search, to "Adult", where the list of allowed sites is significantly expanded, but sites of dangerous categories are still blocked. In the "Personal" mode, you can independently "close" different categories of sites, turn on the safe search mode in Yandex, Google and YouTube. If you want to allow the use of a resource blocked by the system, create your own "white" list.

    Security Modes

    Site groups

    Setting the schedule

    To avoid “well, five more minutes, please” and solve the issue of school breaks without taking your eyes off the screen, setting up an access schedule will help. In the MTS service, you can select the days of the week and the time when access to the Internet will be completely prohibited. During X hours and days, for example, on weekdays, the child will not be able to access the network at all, at other times, for example, on weekend evenings, he will use it in accordance with the configured filtering type.

    Access Schedule

    Start a magazine

    Internet Control allows you to view detailed statistics child's Internet use. Reports with information about when, what sites and how many times the child visited can be sent to your e-mail according to the selected schedule. To do this, you will need to establish an extended link between the number of the child and the parent, which we will discuss in detail below.


    Date and time of visits

    Another possibility of the service is to disable downloading files to a smartphone or select allowed categories - images, audio files, video files or documents.

    How to set it up?

    You can secure a children's smartphone in a couple of minutes. To do this, you will need him (the device, not the child), your phone and a computer.

    1. The easiest option is to dial the command on your phone *111*1116*1# In response, you will receive an SMS about the connection to the service number “Internet Control. Parent". Two types of links are possible between parent and child numbers:

    • a basic bundle that allows you to manage the settings of your child's device. Installation requires confirmation for a service SMS message;
    • an extended link, in addition to managing settings, allows you to view the history of sites viewed and blocked as part of the provision of the service. The numbers of the parent and child must be issued to one personal account or to the same subscriber (verification according to the passport data of the owner of the number). Verification takes up to three days.

    2. Now go to the MTS Personal Account to send a request to connect the service to the child. Select the section "Service Management", "Internet" and follow the link "". The window for adding a child's number is hard to miss. If it is issued to you, select "Advanced Communication" and get the opportunity not only to set rules for using the Internet, but also to view statistics on visits and downloads.

    Service selection

    Link type selection

    An SMS message will be sent to the number of the son or daughter with a request to confirm consent to a bunch of numbers. After sending the answer with the text "Yes", you can proceed to setting up the rules.

    Nearly every child between the ages of seven and fourteen has a device that allows them to freely “travel” around world wide web. And their first contact with a laptop occurs at an early age.

    Parents understand that the Internet is not only a way to quickly get necessary information or the ability to communicate with people on another continent. The web is overflowing with content that is inappropriate for a child. But how do you restrict children's access to the Internet so that they can still study? There are several ways to block inappropriate content on various devices.

    How to restrict children's access to the Internet?

    To begin with, parents need to understand what the essence of parental restriction of access to the Internet and applications is. This safeguard is to control the effects of the Network and personal computer on a child. Parental control is activated either using the built-in operating system software or using third party applications.

    To understand how to restrict children's access to the Internet, you need to understand the types of parental controls. Access restriction can be divided into two main subtypes:

    • Active parental control.
    • Passive parental control.

    Active control consists in total tracking of all the actions of the child. The software sends the parent a list of websites the child has visited. Also, an adult can impose a ban on downloading sites containing unwanted content.

    Passive parental control allows you to set a time limit for using a personal computer or smartphone. Also, the parent can prevent the download, installation or launch of certain applications, such as games. Children can only be granted access to a certain list of sites, and so on. Understanding how to restrict children's access to the Internet is simple. No special skills or knowledge are required. The dedicated application menu is intuitive.

    Parental control on a computer or laptop

    Many parents are wondering how to limit their child's access to a computer. Setting up in the Windows operating system does not take much time.

    First you need to go through the following path: "Start" - "Settings" - "Accounts" - "Family". Next is to create new profile by clicking on the "Add family member" button. The system will then prompt you to "Add a child account". After entering the basic data, you must specify the age of the child. If you put down a date according to which it will be less than eight years old, then the operating system will automatically set the maximum security level.

    Parental control in action

    After installing parental control, there are no questions about how to restrict a child's access to the Internet. Windows will automatically block inappropriate content. But the parents themselves can make some changes.

    For example, a parent can set a timer. having asked exact time operation of the device, adults can be sure that the child will not sit through the games all day. Parental control allows you to block certain applications. The program also allows you to track how much time the child spent on specific applications.

    In addition, the parent will receive weekly full information about the activity of the child using this device.

    Setting Internet Access Restriction on a Smartphone or Tablet

    There are several options for how to restrict a child's Internet access. "Android" devices allow not only to use the built-in functions, but also to download a special children's launcher from the Play Market.

    "PlayPad Kids Launcher" after a simple installation will allow parents to severely limit the list of launched applications. The program will also make sure that the child does not wander into online stores and does not make purchases. In addition, the exit from the "children's mode" will be available only to parents.

    The launcher provides parents with the ability to control the device remotely, set time limits for using the gadget, and also help track the location of the child.

    Devices running Android version 5.0 and below have a built-in Snap to Screen feature that allows you to restrict access to one pinned app. In order to set up this function, you need to go to "Settings" - "Security" - "Attaching to the screen". In the window that opens, you must select one of the proposed programs and fix it. The child will not be able to exit the app without the permission of the parent.

    Hi all. Today, solving the problem of a child spending time at a computer and on the Internet becomes quite difficult.

    The deprivation of a modern child of a computer can be compared with the deprivation of literacy in the Middle Ages. But to optimize the communication time of the child with the computer, we will be quite reasonable.

    The duration of gaming sessions, the safety of visiting the Internet are among the main parameters of parental control.

    The Windows 7 operating system includes a number of services that could help parents exercise the necessary control over restricting access to applications, sites and games. In addition, a number of additional software provide additional control capabilities.

    For example, complex applications such as Norton internet security and Kaspersky Internet Security today are also able to solve these issues. For those who do not approve of the combined software, there are options that are only for performing parental controls.

    Most of them are in English, but with an increase in demand for such programs, Russified versions are becoming more and more common.

    1.1 KidsControl

    KidsControl software is developed by YapSoft programmers. The size of the program is small. Only 4.4 MB. Has a shareware status.

    It is designed to control the time of access to Internet resources. A feature of the program is that if you try to enter a prohibited site or simply access the Internet at an unscheduled hour, the web page will not be displayed. Instead, a message is displayed "Server not found".

    Like any program from the parental control series, this software consists of two modules. The first module implies an application that is responsible for blocking sites.

    Second module is the control panel itself. In order to enter the control panel, a special cipher is used. The cipher is set using a special keyboard containing numbers from zero to 10. This kind of protection will protect set password from keyloggers.

    The second module, namely the control panel, contains several profiles.

    Default is profile. "child" and profile "no limits". Additionally, you can create profiles for other family members.

    If no cipher was entered when starting KidsControl, the program will start with the profile "child". To switch to another profile, you will need to enter the correct cipher combination.

    The most interesting thing is that the cipher to access the control panel and the cipher to go to the profile "no limits" may be different. For each profile, it is desirable to set its own cipher combination.

    More detailed settings provide additional restrictions: web filter by category, restriction of access to Internet resources by time, white and black lists of sites, prohibitions on downloading certain types of files.

    And yet, despite the fact that the web filter is equipped with a database of a million sites, testing shows that this is not enough. By turning on, to block all categories of sites, including even videos and music, by going to the Google search engine, some of them will still be displayed in the browser.

    Therefore, to help such a software product, it does not hurt to add software Kaspersky Internet Security(more on that below). In this combination, both programs will complement each other and provide tighter control over Internet resources.

    It is also possible to restrict access to the Internet by time. At such a time, there is no way not to open a web page and look at the information in the mail. The disadvantage of this program is that you can make a schedule for working at the computer, but you cannot set the total number of hours that the child spends on the Internet during the day.

    There are also differences in the work of black and white lists, consisting in the fact that when compiling a white list of sites, you do not need to be sure that these are the resources the child will visit.

    They'll just be available, that's all. To create a white and black list of sites, you need to use the "*" symbol. For example, if you specify the line “*tube” in the black list, then the child will not be able to visit YouTube, Rutube sites.

    That is, if the specified combination of characters occurs in the site name, then it will not be displayed in the browser. But if, for example, you add YouTube.com to White list, then the blacklist in the presence of a combination of characters will not block it.

    Pay attention to the download limit various types files. Testing this option shows that it is quite correct, but it would be nice to add the ability to add prohibited file types manually. For example, if you block the download ZIP files, RAR archives will load without problems.

    2 Parental control in Kaspersky Internet Security

    Parental control is no longer a rarity in applications that are responsible for the security of your computer on the Internet.

    A good example would be the module "Parental control" in software Kaspersky Internet Security.

    When parental control is activated, all users receive a profile "Child", which implies the appropriate restrictions that are set using the program settings.

    Profile titled "Parent" includes the ability to full access to Internet resources. At the same time, the parental control module remains enabled.

    By choosing a profile "Parent" you need to set a password for it. Ability to turn off parental controls or use a profile "Parent" It will be possible only by entering the correct password.

    Software Kaspersky Internet Security has the possibility of an individual approach to each site separately, mail, etc. If a category of sites is undesirable for a child, it can be made unavailable. This also applies to mail and chats. More fine tuning involves the creation of black and white lists of Internet resources.

    Parental control of this program even includes limiting the time of using Internet resources. Setting involves setting the daily rate of sessions or setting hours that provide access to network resources.

    In case of getting to a prohibited site, a blocking message is displayed. All attempts to access prohibited sites are recorded in a special report.

    Restrict computer operation in general Kaspersky Internet Security "can not", but is quite compatible with other applications. That is, does not refuse to work in pairs.

    2.1 Time Boss

    Time Boss software is developed by programmers nicekit. Like most operating room applications Windows systems of this type, it has a relatively small size. Namely, the size of this program.

    Distributed by software shareware. Like standard remedy Windows Time Boss has the ability to set restrictions based on accounts.

    The software window displays a list of users who have access to the computer. For each account, an account type is defined − "Chief" or "Slave". Time Boss primarily limits the time of using a computer, Internet access. It also makes it possible to restrict access to the list of prohibited programs and folders.

    Tools for limiting the time spent on the computer are well thought out. It is possible to set the number of hours the user works at the computer per day or per week. Indicate specifically the hours during which work will be done at the computer.

    It is also possible to create a schedule for all days of the week. There is also an interesting addition - this is the addition of bonus time for a convenient or desired day. The above restrictions can be set for work on the Internet.

    It should be noted that the software product perceives only the following browsers as Internet applications: Internet Explorer, Opera and Firefox. Other browsers must be added manually by going to the program settings.

    It may also be noted that the software has the ability automatic detection applications that interpret the Internet, but it would be better to play it safe.

    One of the special features Time Boss is an individual approach to each specific application. Namely, setting the usage time specifically specific application. This feature can be used to limit the time a child spends playing computer games.

    Time Boss can install system restrictions. Namely, prohibit: the use of the system registry, task manager, control panel, changing the date and time, downloading files through Internet Explorer. In addition to everything, it is possible to disable the search and execution of applications located in the Start menu, set restrictions on disk access.

    In addition, the administrator can choose which of the two modes he prefers to work in. If preference is given normal mode, then the user can see how much he has been assigned to work.

    To do this, click on the icon in the taskbar. If, nevertheless, the administrator preferred the mode "Invisible", then the program starts background. Five minutes before the end of the work, the system will notify the user about this as a warning. Warning can be displayed in the form of text, picture, system error on the monitor screen.

    To all of the above, Time Boss 2.34 has a section "Prizes". Its purpose is to allow additional time to work with a computer or Internet resources. If in the section settings "Prizes" check the box "Disable Time Limits", then the user can use the computer and the Internet, bypassing the set early schedule.

    The program is able to perfectly collect statistics on the work of each user individually.

    The log describes in detail all the actions that users performed. At the same time, there is the possibility of filtering logs. For example, attempts were made to get to prohibited sites and launch prohibited programs. Statistics can be displayed in text and graphic form.

    If the administrator considers the collection of statistics insufficient, it is possible to enable the creation of screenshots. Time Boss will determine the screenshots, at set intervals, which can be viewed in the log.

    The Sceenhots folder, which is located in the Time Boss installation directory, should be moved to a safer place for greater security and everyone should not be able to access this folder.

    If the Time Boss program is no longer needed, it must be unloaded by pressing the button "Prepare for removal". This button can be found in the settings. Otherwise, the program is not removed from "Startup" and restarts immediately when the process ends.

    2.2 Conclusion

    Don't underestimate children. The restrictions that the above programs create can only temporarily keep the child from negative information.

    Therefore, you should not completely rely on parental control programs. It never hurts to have an extra conversation between parents and children about the rules of behavior on the Internet, about why a computer is needed in the first place.

    Combining entertainment and useful information, which the child will underline from the computer, Calculating machine will become indispensable assistant and contribute to the educational process.

    Parental Control in Windows is a built-in feature of all operating systems from Microsoft, with which parents can organize the work of the child at the computer, prohibit the use certain programs or sites and view PC activity statistics.

    The function is useful in any family, because you will always be aware of how much time the child spends at the computer, what sites he views and what games he plays. One of the main parental control options is setting the time to turn on the PC. You can forbid your child to turn on the computer, for example, after six in the evening. As a result, he will not be able to log into his account in any way.

    Parental controls in Windows

    With the standard control option, parents will be able to:

    • Keep track of all the actions that the child performed at the computer. What programs did you run and how long did they run. The system provides the PC administrator account with a detailed report on children's accounts. Thus, you can get the most complete picture of the interaction between the child and the computer during the week or month;
    • Parental control on Windows computer allows you to install game programs, taking into account their age limit. The child will not even be aware of the presence of an active control function. During the game installation process, the system will automatically check digital signature installer, which contains the name of the game, the company of the developer and the age limit. If the age is higher than allowed by you, the application will not be installed under the guise of a system error;
    • Full control over the browser search engines and various web resources. Track the history of your child's activity on the Internet, limit the use of sites that contain the keywords you specified in the description;
    • Limiting computer time. Set the time period during which the child can turn on the computer. After the required time has elapsed, the gadget will automatically shut down. This option will allow the child to organize their daily schedule and help them get used to limited sitting at the computer without constant requests from parents to turn off the device.

    Creating accounts with a password

    Before setting up parental controls in any of the Windows versions, you need to create two accounts on the computer - for you and the child. If the parent account is without a password, the child will be able to easily bypass all the restrictions set by logging in under the administrator account.

    The child's account does not need to be password protected. Without entering a code word, it will be easier for the account owner to get started with the computer. Just click on the profile photo and wait for the desktop to load.

    Follow the instructions to create multiple system users in Windows 8/10:

    • Open the start menu and click on your profile picture;
    • Then, in the drop-down list, click on the "Change account settings" field;
    • In the window that appears, go to the "Family and other people" section;
    • Click on the "Add family member" button;

    • Then go to add child account mode and follow the installation wizard instructions. After the procedure is completed, two accounts will appear on the computer - yours and the child's;

    To set a password for a user's record, click on his photo and select "Access Password" from the list. If the administrator account is linked to Microsoft service Online, the access password is the password of the e-mail associated with the account.

    Instruction for Windows users 7:

    • Go to the control panel and select the "Category" view mode;
    • Click on the "Accounts" field, and then on the button for adding a new profile;
    • Set a password for your account and for the child page. In Windows 7, this is done by simply clicking on the user's photo and entering a passcode in the settings. There is no binding to the Microsoft Online service.

    Setting the feature in Windows 7 - how to enable

    Parental Controls in Windows 7 supports the following options:

    • Time limit for turning on the computer;
    • Setting the list of allowed programs;
    • Game time limit.

    To enable control, make sure that a child account has been created on the computer. Then open the Control Panel and select the User Accounts field. Select an administrator profile.

    Check if a password has been set. To get acquainted with the parental control documentation from the OS developer, click on the field indicated in the figure below.

    All additional profiles will be displayed under the admin entry. Click on the child's entry, in our case it's the Tester icon. Next, a window with additional information will open.

    In the "Select allowed actions" section, activate the parental control.

    Now you can start limiting the work of the second user. The above window displays a set of options that you can change. The first of these is setting the computer's operating time.

    You only need to mark the time range during which the use of the PC will be allowed. You can make settings for each day of the week. Click on White square to change its color. Blue color means that at this time the child will be able to work at the computer.

    To select several cells at the same time, hold down the left mouse button and highlight the desired time period.

    The next function is setting up work with installed games. Here you can prohibit or allow the inclusion of gaming applications, set the allowed age rating, or manually select those games installed on your computer. Which the child can turn on.

    Notice! If the application does not indicate its rating, it will also be blocked for the second account.

    To save the settings, press the OK button at the bottom of the screen.

    If you have pirated games installed on your computer, it is recommended that you configure access to applications manually, since these programs will not be displayed in the window for choosing the allowed age limit.

    To check the correctness of all settings, be sure to test the operation of all functions yourself. Try to enable a prohibited program or game. If necessary, double-check that the settings are correct.

    Setting up parental controls in Windows 10

    Parental controls in Windows 10 support more more features and opportunities. The innovation that the developer launched is the option to control purchases in the Microsoft store. Parents can set the maximum purchase amount and age limit. Thus, a child cannot buy a game that is intended for a certain age.

    In total, the app store has 5 categories of software divided by age:

    1. 6+ years;
    2. 12+ years;
    3. 16+ years;
    4. 18+ years old.

    Create a child account as described above and set a password for the system administrator page. Now you can start setting up parental controls.

    Immediately after creating a new account, log in under its name and check if it was really created in the "Child" category. Also, you can customize the desktop design and add all the necessary shortcuts for the child to work on it. This will allow children to get to work faster and not look for desired programs all folders in the system.

    To manage your child's account settings, go to https://account.microsoft.com/account/ManageMyAccount?destrt=FamilyLandingPage and log in with your computer's owner (administrator) account credentials.

    The second account is already linked to yours. To start the setup, just click on the additional profile icon.

    Available settings:

    • Work timer. To limit the time spent at the computer, set the allowed time range for each day of the week.

    Also, in the parental control settings window there is an option to control the location of the child. If he uses a portable gadget with Windows 10, parents will always be aware of where the child is now. This is possible with real-time location services.

    Disable Parental Controls

    Consider how to disable parental controls on Windows 7.10. To deactivate the function in Windows 7, just go to the child account settings and uncheck the box next to the "Parental Control" field.

    To deactivate the option in Windows 10, go to the family office on the Microsoft website and reset all previously set restrictions.

    Additional programs for parental control

    In addition to standard control tools, from the store Microsoft Store you can download other programs for organizing children's work at the computer.

    Waky Safe

    Waky Safe is a simple and functional utility for organizing information search on the Internet. The utility is used as absolutely secure browser. Which is recommended for use by children. There are built-in mini-games.


    Limits the ability to work with the Internet. Parents can adjust the settings for working with search engines and social networks.