• Blackmail with photos on VKontakte, what to do. If you are blackmailed on the Internet: VK, Skype and other services

    First of all, calm down. Now you are in an excited state and you are easy to manipulate. This is what the blackmailer is trying to achieve. He will intimidate you, promise that he will send all the information to friends, family, partner, colleagues, etc. He will tell you that he has saved your page data and you will not be able to hide anywhere or delete anything. Most likely, he is not lying and actually managed to save data about your friends, personal information and groups. He will ask you for money, perhaps small, depending on how he assesses your wealth and capabilities. He will say that you have a limited amount of time to in order to further intimidate you and not give you the opportunity to think it over. He will promise you that he will delete the information and will never appear in your life again. Think about it for a second. You are about to give money to a person who is now trying to get it from you ILLEGALLY.

    Blackmail and extortion on VKontakte

    After all, if you follow the lead, the extortion will continue, because once having fulfilled the demands under threats, the blackmailer will expect exactly the same behavior from you the next time he tries to extract money from you. That is, if you do not stop his illegal actions and, say, transfer him a certain amount of money, then know that you will continue to do the same regularly, since they will not leave you alone, know this, all the cases when a person followed the lead of scammers , are repeated as a carbon copy, the blackmailer will continue to demand money, so in no case should you comply with his demands.

    The only legal way to fight this is to contact the police. Searching for a blackmailer on your own is ineffective and most likely will not yield results; entrust the search to professionals.

    Blackmailed on VK. what to do?

    Sensing something is wrong, he can immediately start sending the remaining incriminating evidence to your friends.

    • Make a list of the most important people who should not see your correspondence. You start writing messages to all of them with something like the following: “Hi, I urgently need 5,000 rubles.
      It’s a matter of life and death, I’ll explain everything later!!!” or “Oh, look at the link, I found this photo of you (insert some spam link)” or any other message that is usually sent from hacked pages. For realism, we’ll post some kind of post on the wall about a “miracle penis enlarger.”
      In general, it’s as if your page has been hacked. Important!: it is advisable to do this at night, or send messages first to those who are offline. Otherwise, your friends will immediately complain and you will be banned instantly.
      In any case, now you can say that you were just hacked, you didn’t write anything.


    Everything related to Internet fraud is reviewed by Department “K”, this is a special police unit involved in the fight against cybercrime (Internet scammers, hackers, carders, etc.). It is they who will look for intruders, based on the data that you provide them.


    That is, the phone numbers from which they wrote you SMS, accounts on social networks, the check will concern the details that were sent to you to transfer money and other materials that will help investigators find the criminal. Also know that usually such fraud is carried out by not particularly prepared characters, they do not have a clear plan or strategy, they work on luck, whether it will work or not.

    There may be a lot of errors and inaccuracies in their scheme, which can easily help police officers get on their trail.

    What to do if you are blackmailed on the Internet: Skype, VK


    It is best to get the blackmailer’s phone number, so it is possible to track his location. The internal affairs bodies know how to do this very well. If the extortionist writes to your phone, even better, you can indicate in the application the phone number from which the threats are coming, and also if they sent you details, also indicate them in the application.

    Try to extract as much information as possible from him, communicate with him, pretend that you are doing something, but it is very difficult for you to find money. But be sure to contact the police! But if for some reason you don’t want to go to the police, then another way to identify a fraudster will be described below.

    Blackmail on VK

    And then, when, in his or her opinion, there is enough compromising material, an ultimatum is issued demanding that the money be transferred, otherwise it will be sent to all friends. Sometimes the criminal appears to be an entire organization that has its own forum and website. And he hides behind good intentions.

    • Correspondence and photos without a face.
      Usually during the process they ask you to send an intimate photo, for example, your penis with two fingers. They blackmail you by saying that they will forward messages to all your friends. The criminal asks to send an intimate photo, and then threatens to send it to all his friends.
    • Photo with your face. The worst case is when the scammer has a real photo that you sent him. The same thing, only here the criminal needs a photo with his face.
    • Record video with a face. Even worse, the photo could at least be said to be a photomontage. With the video, no one will believe it anymore.

    What to do if you are blackmailed by photos, videos or correspondence on social networks.

    If you find your photos or videos of an intimate nature on some Internet resource, then you have the right to write a statement to the police on this fact and provide a link to the page or resource. Also, in order to record a violation, you can contact an electronic notary; he will record the fact of the violation and certify a screenshot of the page on which the material is located.

    Next, you can go to court with a request to remove materials that defame your honor and dignity. It is difficult to attract the resource on which the photographs are located, unless of course it belongs to the culprit, but if the culprit is found, he will be held responsible.

    If the person who posted these photos or videos is discovered, he will be charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation if he blackmailed you earlier and demanded money.

    What to do if you are blackmailed by publishing personal photos or videos?

    One of the most famous among them is the VKontakte (VK) website. It now has more than 955 million users.

    And almost every one of them uses the network every day as the main service for communicating with other people. We write posts, publish photos, send messages.

    But we never think about the fact that we could be hacked and all this information could fall into the hands of real criminals - cyber blackmailers. If VK is blackmailing you, what should you do? What types of VK blackmail are there? Conventionally, all crimes can be divided into 3 groups:

    • Hacking personal profile user; At the same time, the attacker gains access to all page data, personal correspondence, personal photos and videos.
    • Dating on VK; Most often, girls become his victims.

      On the site, in personal correspondence, a guy begins to actively show interest in them.

    Blackmailed on VK what to do

    During correspondence, they create many provocative situations. They will become the basis of extortion. In all cases, extortionists demand that victims transfer money to e-wallet a certain amount of money.

    Otherwise, all collected incriminating evidence will be used against the profile owner. Blackmailed on VK. What to do If you foolishly fall for the trick of scammers, below we will try to tell you what to do. Plan of action In view of all the above, the question becomes: what to do if you are blackmailed on VK with photographs or personal messages? First of all, don't panic! IN in this case you have only 3 correct options:

    1. Write a statement to the police; This type of action will be correct if you have certain information about the ransomware. Police officers can also identify an attacker by IP address.

    Blackmailed in contact what to do

    In any case, your appeal must be registered with KUSP. KUSP is a book for recording reports of crimes; when you apply, the following data is entered into it, such as the serial number that is assigned to your application (application), the date and time at which the application was received, a summary of the application and other data that must be filled out by the person on duty receiving the application, the main thing Make sure that your request is assigned a number and that you are given a coupon notifying you that your request has been accepted.

    The notification coupon that is sent to you indicates the number of your application according to the KUSP, the name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that received your application, information about the employee who accepted your application, the date, etc. Next, the spine of the notification coupon is torn off, which remains with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the coupon itself remains with you, do not lose it, it will be useful to you.

    I'm being blackmailed on VKontakte, what should I do?

    Or you're a girl and wanted a cool job. A potential “employer” has appeared, but in order to get a job you need to “prove yourself.” And now he’s threatening to send the photo to all your friends if you don’t pay.

    How does this happen? Usually the blackmailer corresponds with you until he receives enough compromising material. Then you receive a message: “You are involved in the development of an Internet project to fight for morality. If you don’t transfer the money, we will send all your photos and messages to all our friends.” Then an explanation comes that blocking your page is useless, all friends are saved.

    What to do if you are blackmailed on VK

    Write a request, provide links and attach screenshots. There they will tell you that your question will be answered within a few hours, which you most likely do not have if the mailing has already begun. Ask several friends, at least about 5, to complain about the page from which the mailing occurs, or do it from your fake pages. This will stop the mailing and all messages will be sent to spam and no one will see them.

    You can also ask VK support to put a filter on certain images, and ask to remove information from groups where information about you may have already been posted, everything will be cleared in a short time, the main thing is to provide necessary information and evidence (sometimes they ask for a photo of a person with a passport in the background of your application). When VK support arrives, most likely the account will be deleted for violating the site rules.4.

    So, what do we do: What to do first:

    • The scammer usually says that the money needs to be transferred right now. We ask where, perhaps he will send card details which will make it easier to find him later.
    • We are starting to stall for time. Say that there is no money right now because you are a poor student. Well, or say: “I’m at work right now and I can’t, but I’ll send it soon.” In any case, you make it clear that you are ready to pay, but right now it’s not possible. The scammer needs money and he will scare you, but he still won’t send anything until he receives the money. If it is clear that he will start sending out messages now, go straight to step 5/
    • You write to VK technical support that you are being blackmailed. You send screenshots of the scammer’s messages and the address of his page. This is done so that he cannot forward messages to your friends.

    Blackmail and extortion on VKontakte

    And this intimate correspondence, you never know what this bastard managed to write from a hacked page. Moreover, this version will be confirmed by the inscription when entering your page “We noticed suspicious activity on the page (your name). We temporarily froze it to take it out of the hands of attackers.”To be on the safe side:

    1. Perhaps you didn’t have time to send spam to all your friends and you were banned.

      It’s okay, now that the page has been unfrozen, write all your friends a message like this: “Hi, I’ve been hacked. They asked for money from my page. Those who refused were insulted. If you received something, then I’m sorry, it wasn’t me who wrote it.” The situation becomes more complicated if the scammer has photos of you with your face.

      But even in this case, do not follow his lead. Say you sent photos or videos to your girlfriend or boyfriend and they were stolen by a damn burglar.

    2. Write a report to the police! Yes, this is required.

    Blackmailed on VK. what to do?

    It’s unlikely that they’ll start teasing you, maybe your relatives will just talk or make a joke best friend or a friend, but no more, people are not fools and still try not to start a conversation about things that are not pleasant to a person anyway. You just need to show the blackmailer and let him understand that the materials that he considers compromising on you are not in fact compromising and he may immediately lose interest in you. The main thing is not to insult the scammer and not to enter into controversy with him, we received an SMS saying that pay me money, otherwise all your friends including relatives will see your photos, we answer “send it to me anyway”, that’s enough and don’t add anything else.

    If you quarrel with the scammer, you risk angering him, and then the materials will definitely be sent out, just to spite you.


    But not only scammers can do this, but also ex-boyfriends and girlfriends with whom you broke up with a scandal and they decided to take revenge on you in this way and fray your nerves. Under no circumstances should you give in to fear and threats; scammers are counting on you to transfer money to them in the very first minutes under the influence of fear, and when you come to your senses it will be too late. Tip No. 1: never overestimate the amount of responsibility and the amount of fear, this will lead you to a dead end into which you are driving yourself, such fear can paralyze your psyche and ability to think soberly.
    First of all, understand that you didn’t do anything illegal, it’s just that those who find themselves in such a situation equate their action almost to the most shameful and last! This is not true, you need to act and forget about all the nonsense about being laughed at, that it is shameful, etc. You need to give a worthy rebuff.

    What to do if you are blackmailed on the Internet: Skype, VK

    Continue to communicate with the blackmailer and, in the meantime, move towards the internal affairs bodies. Give the blackmailer hope that you are looking for money right now, but since you are not rich, he needs to wait a little, you can pretend that you are very scared, ask and “beg”, respectively, with a catch (and the opportunity to stall for time) so that The blackmailer under no circumstances sent the materials to relatives and friends. If you communicate exclusively on the Internet, then send the blackmailer your phone number and tell him that he can contact you using it at any time and tell him that you went to look for money, let the blackmailer write you an SMS, indicate the details for transferring money, you need pretend to be a victim and pretend to be scared and pretend that you are really looking for money, but go to the police and immediately write a statement.

    Blackmail on VK

    As we can see, if you have intimate materials posted in open access, then you have the right to demand their removal, both from the site administrator and in court. Conclusions from the article! Know that even such a serious problem at first glance can be solved, no matter what evil incriminating evidence you think the attacker holds, this problem can always be solved. If they didn't help law enforcement agencies, then contact a specialized agency, where experienced detectives use the same techniques and even better than the police and they work for results, they are more interested in helping the person.
    After all, as we said, the blackmailer is most afraid of losing anonymity and for him a bad dream is a real sentence in prison.

    What to do if you are blackmailed by photos, videos or correspondence on social networks.


    And for those who do not want to contact the police, further in the article there is another way to solve the problem, but it will require money. How to contact the police about this fact? In order to record the fact of a crime, you need to contact the nearest Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs agency, in simple words go to the police and write a statement. You must accept your application at any time of the day or night.

    To submit an application, contact the duty officer. There is also the option to submit an application to electronic form through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for your region (city), it will be even easier and you don’t need to go or travel anywhere. Just fill out the required form, indicate your details and contact information. An application submitted electronically will be printed by the internal affairs bodies and work with it will be carried out in the same way as with an application submitted directly at the police department.

    What to do if you are blackmailed by publishing personal photos or videos?


    What promises of his can you BELIEVE? He deceives you, and you deceive yourself. These people have no conscience, honor, dignity, or sense of compassion. Someday they will return again.. What to do in this case? You can see tips from lawyers here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhh3EyISVIU Tips from us.1.

    Take a screenshot of the ransomware message and its page.2. Don't answer him and send him to the blacklist. Or tell him that you don’t care about his threats and add him to the emergency situation. Yes, he may get angry and start sending out messages to the list of your VKontakte friends; such cases rarely happen, since in this way the attacker immediately loses the leverage to obtain which he made an effort or gave some money himself.
    But this can happen, be prepared for it.3. Write to VKontakte support, the support page is located under the menu on the left in the MORE item when you expand the arrow.

    Blackmailed on VK what to do

    Especially with your face.

    • If you see the words “I don’t communicate with fakes, only real pages” in a dating ad on a social network, then this is 100% a scammer. They need real pages to send incriminating evidence to your real friends.
    • Do not contact any Internet agencies like the “Internet Police”, which supposedly solve the problem for money. These are yet another scammers. You will lose money and besides, most likely they will also blackmail you.

      Often other scammers take advantage of your awkward position to extract more money from you.

    • Types of scammers and blackmailers on social networks. Examples of scammers:
    1. Just correspondence. You are talking to a girl (or a guy if you are a girl).

      He talks to you about intimate topics, asks questions, the answers to which may later compromise you.

    Blackmailed in contact what to do

    And remember, extortion and threats are a real crime, for which the blackmailer may be punished in the form of restriction of freedom or a fine (everything will depend on the scale of the scam).

    • Complete ignoring of blackmailers; Most often, if the victim long time does not respond to threats and does not come into contact with the attacker, then the blackmailer will not publish the available incriminating evidence. In this case, you should not respond to any messages, but it would be best to delete your profile from all social networks.
    • Convince the blackmailer that you are a poorly chosen victim; In this case, you will have to communicate with the attacker. IN best case scenario you will be able to convey to him that you do not have the requested funds, and he will stop the scam.

    I'm being blackmailed on VKontakte, what should I do?

    An acquaintance told me that similar photos of one work colleague were sent to all office employees, and what do you think happened to him? Nothing, everyone forgot after 2 days, because everyone has enough worries of their own and even the most furious gossip would not want to raise such a topic. I assure you, everyone will forget about it immediately. So relax about this, as they say, fear has big eyes. But for those who still do not want their friends, acquaintances and relatives to see their photos or videos of an intimate nature, read on! Still, for everyone who doesn’t want to admit the possibility that his photos or videos of an intimate nature ended up with friends, relatives or acquaintances, we will give some useful tips, since if we refuse, then our chances are 50 to 50.

    There is a second tactic! It will allow you to get some information about the blackmailer.

    What to do if you are blackmailed on VK

    The attacker may again try to make contact from other accounts. Disable the ability to write messages to you or temporarily delete the page. Since you will be recognized as a “problem patient,” they will leave you alone. Do not write to any groups like in-police, help with blackmail, etc. On the walls of these groups, attackers can track you. Some administrators of such groups are themselves extortionists; if you save you from one scammer, they themselves will ask for money in order not to disclose information. What to do when incriminating evidence has been spread against you? You will experience several stages of grief. You will deny what happened, you will be overcome by hatred of the blackmailer and yourself, you will begin to bargain with yourself (or even the scammer), you will be overcome by despair, but then acceptance will come. remember that the main battle is being fought in your head and you need to quickly go through these stages and reach the finish line. 1.

    Along with the enormous opportunities that the Internet has given us, new types of crimes have appeared. relating to the personal lives of those who cannot imagine themselves without a laptop and tablet.

    Many of us are accustomed to sharing our photos with colleagues and friends, meeting and communicating only on social networks. Such active user behavior often leads to problems.

    One of them is blackmail on VKontakte, associated with coercion to perform certain actions in exchange for non-dissemination of compromising information. What is considered blackmail and how to behave?

    What is considered extortion?

    They call it extortion presenting demands and uttering threats to disseminate personal information on the Internet that could harm the victim’s reputation.

    That is, if the swindler only wrote that he wants to send information compromising you to his friends, but has not yet done so, this is already considered extortion.

    Types of blackmail on VKontakte

    Criminal liability for online extortion

    Blackmail with photographs, videos and correspondence of an intimate nature is a criminal offense. It falls under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Extortion”.

    The act under this article entails punishment in the form of:

    • restrictions of freedom for up to 4 years;
    • forced labor for up to 4 years with or without restriction of freedom for up to 2 years;
    • arrest for up to 6 months;
    • imprisonment for up to 4 years with a fine of 80 thousand rubles;
    • arrest for up to 7 years (if the criminals acted as part of a group and extorted more than 25 thousand rubles);
    • imprisonment for 15 years (organized group + extortion of more than 1 million rubles);
    • deprivation of the right to carry out certain types of activities or work in a specific position for a period of up to 36 months.

    In addition, for blackmailing VKontakte with sending compromising video photographs of the criminal, punishment in accordance with Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy” in the form of arrest for up to two years or a fine in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

    Actions of attackers to hack correspondence in social network qualifies separately. Responsibility for them is provided for in Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or community service.

    What to do if you are blackmailed in contact?

    There are three ways to solve the problem. When faced with such a difficult situation, you can take three different paths. Let's look at each of them.

    Method 1. Contact the police

    This is the most reliable method of fighting ransomware, recommended by leading experts. You will not be able to track whether photos were destroyed or copies of video files were made, so you will never have full confidence that extortion will not happen again.

    The best solution is to contact the police. To do this, you need to write a statement like this:

    To the head of police department No.____district of _______

    Petrova O.A.,

    residing at _______ (specify)

    Tel._______________ (specify)


    Please involve me in criminal liability an unknown person under the nickname “Maxim”, who, under the threat of distributing intimate photographs to my friends, demands the transfer of 10 thousand rubles to a QIWI wallet on September 30, 2016 before 18.00. A message of this nature was delivered to me on September 28, 2016 at 18.00 on the page of the social network VKontakte. The actions of an unknown person violate my rights regarding confidentiality of correspondence. They can also cause significant harm to me, humiliate my dignity and honor. On criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation in accordance with Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation warned.

    Attached to the application: screenshots social page VKontakte, screenshots of messages from an unknown person.

    Petrov O.A. Date________ Signature__________

    This statement must be taken to the police department, located at your place of residence.

    Remember, any additional information, received by you after drawing up the application (receipt of new threats, distribution of information compromising you, increase in the required amount, etc.), will help law enforcement agencies quickly determine the whereabouts of the blackmailer.

    In most cases, criminals use special programs, which do not allow you to determine the IP address. In this case, it will only help to expose the blackmailer operational work employee of department "K" (investigates crimes in the area computer information), who managed to track the path of sending messages.

    By contacting the police for help, be prepared for a strong psychological “attack”. You will have to talk about your personal life both during the investigation and in the courtroom. Be prepared to study in detail all the information (photos or videos) that became the subject of blackmail.

    The investigator will find out where they were taken from., how the extortionist managed to gain access to them (unauthorized or you sent them to him yourself), do you know this person - standard procedure, without which not a single inquiry into the case is complete.

    Most likely, the materials with which you are being blackmailed will be attached to the doula as material evidence and will become known to the public (lawyer, state prosecutor, judge, secretary, etc.).

    It is for this reason that many victims try to solve the problem on their own, without washing their dirty linen in public. In 60% of cases, such a decision bears fruit.

    Method 2: Ignoring the threat

    According to statistics, in 99% of cases, the extortionist will not publish materials if the victim completely ignores any contact with him from the moment signs of blackmail are detected.

    1. Remove yourself from all social networks. Simply deleting photos will not help - an experienced hacker will be able to track you.
    2. You can also avoid visiting the page for a very long time. Special invisible programs will help you stay informed and control this situation.
    3. Try to erase as much as possible from the World Wide Web all your data (telephone numbers, addresses, biographical information, etc.).
    4. Do not contact the blackmailer, do not respond to any of his messages - they should remain unread. If a criminal sees the slightest sign of your visiting vk.com, he will immediately bring his threats into reality.

    Perhaps after some time the criminal will forget about you. Then you can create a new page for yourself.

    Otherwise, you will only have to gain strength and get through that difficult period when your relatives and friends will begin to vigorously condemn your intimate life. But you will save a considerable amount of money and stop being afraid.

    Method 3. Claim lack of money

    What to do when blackmailed on VKontakte to avoid publicity and not pay anything? Convince the swindler of your insolvency- make it clear right away that you do not have this amount and there is nowhere to get it either.

    No matter what they tell you, no matter how they threaten you, stand your ground clearly. Once the criminal realizes that he has nothing to take from you, he will either reduce the amount or leave you alone.

    Your main task is not to be nervous, not to make trouble, but take everything philosophically and under no circumstances change your own position. As a last resort, demand an increase in time - during this time you will decide what to do next.

    Know that all intimidation is aimed only at making you quickly figure out where to find money. The swindler will not put them into action, because then he will lose his potential earnings.

    Of course, there is a small risk that the extortionist, getting angry, will publish incriminating evidence. But this entails another article of the Criminal Code.

    What happens if you pay and don’t go anywhere?

    Having given the money once, you don’t need to think that it’s all over for you. There are known cases where blackmail and extortion on VKontakte continued for many years.

    Periodically appearing on the network, the attacker demands more and more transfers for his silence. And if you don’t react now, he will definitely carry out his intentions - just to punish you for disobedience.

    What to do if you are accused of sexual harassment on VKontakte?

    If you are accused of sending intimate photos or videos to a minor, urgently file a police report.

    You are unlikely to be able to cope with blackmail on VKontakte for sending obscene materials on your own, since charges of this kind entail criminal liability for a serious crime.

    Remember There is a huge difference in negotiations with an adult and a “minor” blackmailer. Here, every word you say can work against you.

    Under no circumstances contact the Internet Police or other similar organizations that offer to solve the problem for a lesser amount of money. There are no such units in law enforcement agencies!

    In front of you is either the same ransomware, “working” with different pages, or fake sites profiting from random victims.

    How to avoid becoming a victim of online extortion?

    None of you are safe from hacking of pages on the Internet or encountering an extortionist. But by following some recommendations, you will reduce the danger:

    The Internet world is full of dangers and adventures. Be more attentive to new acquaintances, question every word of your interlocutor and learn to keep your thoughts, emotions and feelings within the limits of what is permitted.

    Last updated March 2018

    The World Wide Web has long become part of the usual way of life modern man. Along with new technological capabilities of users, new methods of crime have appeared that affect the privacy of those who cannot imagine themselves without a computer or tablet. Many of us have long followed the habit of “sharing” personal photos with our friends, colleagues, and spouses. Sometimes actively capturing yourself brings problems associated with extortion, coercion to perform some action in exchange for non-distribution of candid photographs. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the ransomware often “works” under a fictitious name and nothing is known about it. What to do if you are blackmailed on the Internet?

    Methods of blackmail on the Internet: intimate photos, videos, VKontakte, Skype

    There are a lot of ways to ruin the life of an ordinary “user”. Here are the most common:

    • Personal page on popular social networks hacked. In such a situation, the attacker gains access to all the friends of the page owner and, of course, to all photographs that he can use to achieve criminal goals.

    For example, you habitually go to your Facebook page (in Contact, in Odnoklassniki, etc.) and see a message from an unknown user of the following nature: “Photos of an intimate nature have been found on your page. To prevent them from being sent to all your friends, send 3,000 rubles to a Qiwi wallet. If you try to block the user who sent you this message or file a complaint with the admins, the photos will be sent to strangers automatically.”

    • Internet extortionists often fall victim to former lovers who are blackmailed with the distribution of photographs or videos. In such a situation, the attacker can hide under someone else’s name or pose as his own, depending on the nature of the requirements.

    For example, a man and a woman were in a long-term relationship relationships of trust, recorded together the so-called “ home video", took naked pictures of each other. After a breakup, a man (less often a woman) begins to take revenge and threaten to send images. The condition for non-proliferation can be not only the transfer of the required amount of money, but also other options: becoming a couple again, breaking up with a new man, etc.

    • The object of blackmail may be online dating users.

    When you have met a charming lady who asks to exchange intimate photographs, it is quite possible to face threats of sending them to your friends. Moreover, such threatening messages are also common: “You just sent me an image of your genitals, I’m 13 years old, I’m forced to go to the police with a statement of child molestation if you don’t transfer money in the amount of 10,000 rubles.” At the same time, the discouraged man is sent screenshots of the correspondence that existed between them, confirming his firm intentions to provide all this to the police.

    • Video on Skype. Some new way extorting money from Internet users mainly affects young people and high school students.

    Unexpectedly for the owner of a tablet (computer, smartphone), a charming stranger appears on Skype and asks to confirm authorization and add her to your contacts. It’s a rare young man who will refuse to chat with an attractive girl; usually this move works and now a nice stranger tells him that she was bored, broke up with her boyfriend and called a completely random Skype user, who turned out to be such a nice young man. Then the conversation smoothly turns into flirting, followed by an offer of virtual sex. Immediately after the Internet love session is over, the girl leaves and leaves a message with the following content: “Your intimate video is recorded, if within 24 hours you do not send 15,000 rubles to your wallet (WebMoney, Yandex and other anonymous payment systems), I will send it people on your contact list."

    What responsibilities are provided?

    Regardless of what the blackmail is used for - photographs, videos, correspondence of an intimate nature, such actions are always criminally punishable. Responsibility for this form of extortion is provided for in Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, where the punishment may be as follows:

    • restriction of freedom for up to 4 years;
    • imprisonment for up to 4 years with a fine of 80,000 rubles;
    • imprisonment for up to seven years (if the extortionists act as part of a group or extort more than 250,000 rubles);
    • imprisonment for up to 15 years (if an organized group operates or extorts more than a million rubles).

    You should know that extortion is already considered over from the moment demands are made and threats are made to disseminate facts from a person’s life. So, if the attacker announced his intention to send screenshots of correspondence to the victim’s friends, but did not do so, extortion as a crime has already been committed.

    Let us add that the subject of threats must be such personal information, the dissemination of which actually harms the reputation of the victim.

    Hacking actions of attackers are classified separately postal correspondence on the Internet ( e-mail, pages on social networks) - responsibility for this is directly provided for in Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the secrecy of correspondence - punishment in the form of a fine of up to 80,000 rubles or community service).

    If the extortionist nevertheless sent incriminating evidence to other persons, he must be additionally prosecuted under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for violating privacy (punishment in the form of a fine of up to 250,000 rubles or imprisonment of up to two years).

    Where to go

    What to do if you are blackmailed in contact? Experts recommend contacting the police. To do this, we write a statement:

    To the head of police department No. 0________district ________
    Molchanov A.A., living at ____________ (specify)


    I ask that an unknown person under the nickname “Sergey” be brought to criminal responsibility, who, under the threat of distributing photographs of an intimate nature to my friends, demands the transfer of 20,000 rubles to a Qiwi wallet before 01/02/2016 until 24 hours.

    A message of this nature was delivered to me at 23:20 on 01/01/2016 on the social network page in contact. The actions of an unidentified person can cause me significant harm, humiliate my honor and dignity, and violate my rights to confidentiality of correspondence.

    On criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation in accordance with Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation warned.

    Appendix: screenshots of a contact page, screenshots of messages from an unknown person.

    Molchanov A.A., date, signature.

    The application should be taken to the police department at your place of residence. Any new information that appears to you after the statement (the criminal nevertheless sent racy photographs to your friends, new threats were received, the required amount has increased) will be useful for the police, since each contact the extortionist makes can help in establishing his location.

    Of course, blackmailers almost always use special program, preventing the determination of the IP address. At the same time, the blackmailer can be exposed if employees of Department “K”, investigating crimes in the field of computer information, manage to trace the route of sending the messages.

    If you contact the police, be prepared to testify about your personal life not only during the investigation, but also in court. You will have to go through the unpleasant moments of thoroughly studying the information that has become the subject of blackmail. The investigator will find out where the photographs were taken from, whether they were sent to the extortionist or whether he gained access to them without permission, whether friends know this person - without such procedures, the investigation of the case will not be complete. It is likely that the compromising photographs used to blackmail you will be included as evidence in the case, therefore, they will be examined by a lawyer, public prosecutor, judge, secretary, etc.

    Of course, not every victim has the patience and fortitude to go through this, so many prefer not to write a statement to the police and “not wash dirty linen in public.”

    What happens if you don’t go anywhere?

    In this case, there are two options - pay the required amount or simply ignore the threats:

    1. if the user transfers money, usually the ransomware destroys all photographs, videos, etc., disappears from his virtual life. At the same time, there are cases where blackmail is long-term and continues for years: periodically appearing online, the criminal demands again and again that amounts be transferred to his accounts for silence.
    2. If you do not respond to threats, in 95% of cases they are carried out. If you are ready to go through the time when acquaintances and friends will ask you about what happened, discuss your personal life, then completely ignoring the blackmailer’s letters is a suitable way out of this situation. In the end, all these unpleasant events will be forgotten and, perhaps, soon you will remember them with a smile.

    What to do if you are blackmailed in contact by contacting the police about sexual harassment of minors (when they report that you sent photos to a person under 18 years of age)? In this case, we strongly recommend contacting the police, thereby preventing a possible unfounded charge of a serious crime. Under no circumstances accept help from the so-called “Internet police,” whose services may be offered to you for a fee. Such a unit does not exist in law enforcement agencies and, quite possibly, the same fraudster is hidden behind this name.

    How to avoid becoming a victim of online blackmail

    Of course, no one is immune from hacking of pages on the Internet. And yet, by following some recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of others using your privacy:

    • make your profile on social networks “private”;
    • do not add unverified users to your contacts;
    • change your password periodically, choosing a complex combination;
    • never send intimate photos of yourself to strangers or those you just met (even if the person you are communicating with sent the photo first);
    • do not correspond on topics of intimacy online;
    • do not communicate and, especially, do not participate in video chats with strangers;
    • if your page is hacked, be sure to report it to technical support.

    Question - answer

    On my contact page there are photos in underwear. Recently, a stranger sent me a message, attaching one of them, and he demanded 1000 rubles so that he would not send the photo to my boyfriend. How could they take possession of the pictures if my profile is private, my contacts include only real friends, I haven’t met anyone online, my page hasn’t been hacked?

    In your case, you need to track the applications that are installed on the gadget. Of these, there are some that can be automatically installed as companion ones. For example, if you downloaded a movie, small print accompanying download may be indicated free application, designed in such a way that access to your photos in contact becomes unlimited. This is due to the fact that many sites (especially for downloading movies, songs, etc.) allow you to register through social networks, where you allow you to “trust” a particular site. By confirming such permission, you thereby make the security system of the social network page vulnerable. Report your case to technical support in contact and contact the police.

    Is it possible to delete my personal information stored on the computer of the extortionist, knowing the IP?

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to remotely wipe a criminal’s computer, especially since the information can be stored on storage disks, flash drives, etc. In addition, interfering with another person’s computer content is unacceptable by law, despite the fact that the information sought was obtained through criminal means.

    My daughter experienced extreme stress while being blackmailed by her ex-husband. As a result, he was convicted of interference with private life (he distributed photographs from his married life) and for extortion to 2 years in prison. The effects of stress on my daughter are still present - her health has seriously deteriorated and she was twice hospitalized in the neurology department. Is it possible to recover moral damages from the offender?

    Yes, the categories of crimes you indicated allow for the recovery of moral damage caused to the victim. To do this, you need to collect evidence of diseases caused by stress, a doctor’s report indicating the period and cost of treatment, diagnosis, etc. All this information is attached to the statement of claim, which is filed with the district court at the place of residence of the defendant (that is, the convicted person).

    If you have questions about the topic of the article, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer all your questions within a few days. However, carefully read all the questions and answers to the article; if there is a detailed answer to such a question, then your question will not be published.

    And for those who do not want to contact the police, further in the article there is another way to solve the problem, but it will require money. How to contact the police about this fact? In order to record the fact of a crime, you need to contact the nearest Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs agency, in simple words, go to the police and write a statement. You must accept your application at any time of the day or night. To submit an application, contact the duty officer. There is also the option to submit an application electronically through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for your region (city), this will be even easier and you do not need to go or travel anywhere. Just fill out the required form, indicate your details and contact information. An application submitted electronically will be printed by the internal affairs bodies and work with it will be carried out in the same way as with an application submitted directly at the police department.

    Blackmail and extortion on VKontakte

    But after the blackmailer sends you a sample message for distribution, the bewilderment that played in you a minute earlier is replaced by panic and anxiety. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to take control of your page in order to take possession of incriminating evidence. Perhaps you weren’t even hacked, but you yourself allowed it malicious application get all necessary information and forward it to the scammers for further blackmail.

    First of all, be sure to enable double authorization in the settings, and also change the password, this will ensure the security of your confidential information. What to do next? Open “Settings” in VKontakte, then go to the “Security” tab, there you will see your activity history. Then click the "End all sessions" button. After this action, all strangers will be thrown out of your account; they will not be able to access your page, even if you do not change your password.

    What to do if you are blackmailed on the Internet

    After all, if you follow the lead, the extortion will continue, because once having fulfilled the demands under threats, the blackmailer will expect exactly the same behavior from you the next time he tries to extract money from you. That is, if you do not stop his illegal actions and, say, transfer him a certain amount of money, then know that you will continue to do the same regularly, since they will not leave you alone, know this, all the cases when a person followed the lead of scammers , are repeated as a carbon copy, the blackmailer will continue to demand money, so in no case should you comply with his demands. The only legal way to fight this is to contact the police.

    Searching for a blackmailer on your own is ineffective and most likely will not yield results; entrust the search to professionals.

    What to do if they threaten, blackmail, extort money on VKontakte?

    As we can see, if you have materials of an intimate nature posted in the public domain, then you have the right to demand their removal, both from the site administrator and in court. Conclusions from the article! Know that even such a serious problem at first glance can be solved, no matter what evil incriminating evidence you think the attacker holds, this problem can always be solved. If law enforcement agencies have not helped, then contact a specialized agency, where experienced detectives use the same techniques and even better than the police and they work for results, they are more interested in helping the person.
    After all, as we said, the blackmailer is most afraid of losing anonymity and for him a bad dream is a real sentence in prison.

    Blackmail, extortion in VK

    Hello!!! https://m. Asks to pay using Qiwi wallet 9671050045 1 Like 1.3K views 1 Like Show likesShow shared copies 1.3K On Skype they scammed me into virtual. the interlocutor turned out to be a blackmailer. Recording an intimate video with my face in the frame. Help! 5 Like 1.8K views 5 Like Show likesShow shared copies 1.8K https:// I am asking for help. Blackmail from this profile. She constantly changes accounts and blackmails, help 2 Like 2.4K views 2 Like Show likesShow shared copies 2.4K Hello, there is a female individual who receives personal photos of users and thereby blackmails people and demands money from it. And in the end, all personal photos end up in her group with victims of its activities. There is evidence of this 2.5K views Like Show likesShow shared copies 2.5K Good afternoon.

    What to do if you are blackmailed on the Internet: Skype, VK

    Then you urgently need to notify all your friends that you have become a victim of hacking, and that it is quite possible that they may have received requests to “intercept before your salary.” Explain to them that nothing needs to be translated. And if a transfer has been made, you must immediately contact the bank or the police. First of all, warn all partners in confidential correspondence that the information may be at risk.
    How to prevent the sending of incriminating evidence? Under no circumstances should the blackmailer’s demands be fulfilled, because as long as the blackmailer has leverage and you have money, you will be harassed. This is logical, the sooner you understand this, the better for you. Blackmail in contact is no different from blackmail after virtual or blackmail on Skype.

    Blackmailed on VK. what to do?

    What to do if you are blackmailed? Although I have a legal website, in this article I will make a digression and tell you a little how to calm down in such a situation and conduct a short psychological conversation or training, and then we will look at the case from a legal point of view and find out how you can find and punish the fraudster, in the meantime, don’t worry and carefully, and you can even read the text below several times and understand that nothing bad happened, anyone can get into such a situation, we are all people and we all have different hobbies. Let's consider two options for the development of events, and you will choose the one you like best. Many people who have become victims of this type of fraud in the first seconds after learning that they were deceived, that the attacker fraudulently obtained their intimate photos, begin to panic and fall into stupor.

    Blackmail in contact

    If you find your photos or videos of an intimate nature on some Internet resource, then you have the right to write a statement to the police about this fact and provide a link to the page or resource. Also, in order to record a violation, you can contact an electronic notary; he will record the fact of the violation and certify a screenshot of the page on which the material is located. Next, you can go to court with a request to remove materials that defame your honor and dignity.
    It is difficult to attract the resource on which the photographs are located, unless of course it belongs to the culprit, but if the culprit is found, he will be held responsible. If the person who posted these photos or videos is discovered, he will be charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation if he blackmailed you earlier and demanded money.

    If your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is threatening and blackmailing you, then at least you know who the culprit is, unlike those who suffered from scammers. You can act in different ways. But the most the right way, don’t give in to panic from threats that your video or photo will be posted online, immediately write to the blackmailer “post it, I don’t care” and if you have the courage to say so, then you are a great fellow and this may all just end. You see, it is human nature to inflate everything that is connected with him, a kind of inflating the problem to incredible proportions and fear of what may not happen at all.

    The blackmailer expects the reaction of a frightened animal from you and immediately anticipates the answer “Yes, I will do everything, whatever you say, just don’t send this video to anyone!” And the answer “I don’t care, send it out” will discourage him and break his well-established pattern, according to which he spins a lot of victims.

    An acquaintance told me that similar photos of one work colleague were sent to all office employees, and what do you think happened to him? Nothing, everyone forgot after 2 days, because everyone has enough worries of their own and even the most furious gossip would not want to raise such a topic. I assure you, everyone will forget about it immediately. So relax about this, as they say, fear has big eyes. But for those who still do not want their friends, acquaintances and relatives to see their photos or videos of an intimate nature, read on! Still, for everyone who doesn’t want to admit the possibility that his photos or videos of an intimate nature ended up in the hands of friends, relatives or acquaintances, we will give some useful advice, since if you refuse, then our chances are 50 to 50.

    There is a second tactic! It will allow you to get some information about the blackmailer.

    Fraud blackmail in VK


    Please read our next article about how scammers carry out blackmail and how to resist it. After clients came to us with such a problem as blackmail in contact, there was no doubt left to write this article. If you require prompt assistance, contact us urgently, we will get rid of the blackmailer in a few hours.

    Where can an attacker get incriminating evidence on you? It's all very commonplace - a page hack. After all, it’s one thing when you send intimate material to a stranger during virtual reality, and quite another when you’re sitting at an evening movie and your peace of mind is violated by a blackmailer demanding an immediate payment of a ransom for not sending incriminating evidence. At first, you don’t attach great importance to this, because you have no idea where third parties could have gotten your intimate materials that you only sent to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

    Be sure to check everything. And under no circumstances follow the blackmailer’s lead. Is it possible to find and punish a fraudster? This is quite real, but you first need to contact the police, because what you are faced with is blackmail, that is, a demand for the transfer of someone else’s property associated with the threat of disseminating any information of an unseemly nature that could undermine a business reputation, good name, etc. ., are punishable by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under Article 163, and it is worth noting that this crime is quite serious and the punishment for it is from 4 to 8 years in prison. Your main rule is if you are faced with blackmail, do not remain silent and do not follow the blackmailer’s lead, go to the police and write a statement.