• List of items prohibited for shipment. What cannot be sent by Russian Post and New Mail

    When sending a parcel, a very large list of items is allowed to be sent. But as with everything, there are some things that cannot be sent by mail.

    Each delivery service has its own list. The prohibited list of items is divided into those that cannot be sent abroad and those that cannot be sent domestically.

    What cannot be sent by mail within Russia

    Items that cannot be shipped domestically include:

    • weapons, such as firearms, electroshock, pneumatic, gas;
    • cold weapons, as well as ammunition, main elements of firearms, spark discharge devices;
    • substances that have psychotropic, narcotic, radioactive, caustic, and also strong effects. Substances that are easily flammable and explosive;
    • representatives of flora and fauna that may cause toxic effects;
    • currencies of other countries and Russia;
    • products that spoil quickly;
    • parcels that create inconvenience for transportation if they pollute or damage transportation equipment or other parcels;
    • items that create unfavorable working conditions for postal employees.

    What cannot be sent by mail abroad

    • audio recordings and printed materials that incite terrorism and extremist actions;
    • pornography, as well as information that promotes Nazi propaganda;
    • information that may be harmful Russian Federation;
    • all weapons, ammunition;
    • hazardous waste;
    • equipment that allows you to illegally obtain secret data;
    • substances with toxic, narcotic, psychotropic effects;
    • processing and scrap of non-ferrous metals, precious metals that have not been pre-processed, as well as their waste and scrap, substances containing precious metals, mineral raw materials;
    • secret information about the subsoil;
    • all representatives of flora and fauna, except leeches, bees, silk worms;
    • alcohol, tobacco products;
    • substances that cause the destruction of the ozone layer, as well as radioactive ones;
    • perishable goods, as well as diamonds and precious stones.

    As for sending by Nova Poshta, there is a list of items that are unsafe for sending.

    What cannot be sent by Nova Poshta

    • birth documents, identity cards permitting travel outside the country, as well as valuable shares;
    • plastic cards and money;
    • natural fur;
    • objects of antique significance, ivory, precious stones;
    • goods that are perishable;
    • animals;
    • battery devices and cylinders with gas and liquid;
    • materials containing pornography;
    • substances classified as narcotic, chemical and flammable.

    As for the list of sending prohibited items abroad of the Russian Federation, it is different for each country.

    In order to make sure that the sender knows which goods cannot be sent by mail, they must be checked before packaging, and then they are packaged and transported.

    Arthas 10-06-2011 22:07

    I bought a layout from a comrade. Well, they sent it by mail, everything is as usual. Delivered on time. I come to the post office with a piece of paper, give it to me, and they deliver the package to me. Exactly as in the photo. With a straight face. Full mail people, let's push the item back, but you can't take away the first impression

    WereVolk 10-06-2011 22:26

    Well knowledgeable person will understand, but some granny won’t even realize what kind of piece of iron is sticking out.

    Is the layout itself intact?)

    Arthas 10-06-2011 23:53

    Yes, everything is fine)

    SeRgek 11-06-2011 14:31

    delete 11-06-2011 15:07

    Yeah cool.

    So, in principle, you can send a machine gun if you wish.

    Although last fall I watched the film “The American” with George Clooney.
    He doesn't care international mail They sent the RUGER automatic carbine in disassembled form. True, they sent it in a camouflaged form, the barrel in a tube and all that, but still.

    WereVolk 11-06-2011 16:41

    quote: Originally posted by delete:

    What can we say about security in the subway and at the airport, if you can send a machine by regular mail.

    Not a machine gun, but a mock-up.

    A criminal case was opened against one comrade.

    And how did it end?

    Arthas 11-06-2011 18:27

    quote: Originally posted by SeRgek:

    A criminal case was opened against one comrade.

    Based on what?

    SeRgek 11-06-2011 19:42

    Based on what?

    SeRgek 11-06-2011 22:04

    quote: Originally posted by WereVolk:

    Did you give me the layout?)

    yes, sort of

    Balag 11-06-2011 23:29

    quote: Originally posted by SeRgek:

    based on a statement from a post office employee, and then they conducted an examination and closed it without the participation or even notification of the comrade.

    Those. Can I send weapons, explosives, ammunition to my enemy without his knowledge and they will open a case against him?

    Arthas 12-06-2011 06:39

    quote: Originally posted by Balag:

    Those. Can I send weapons, explosives, ammunition to my enemy without his knowledge and they will open a case against him?

    Naturally. If you manage to do this without presenting documents.

    WereVolk 12-06-2011 09:28

    Well, you can send it in an envelope... some kind of powder) And without documents)

    Arthas 12-06-2011 11:55

    Max_Z101 12-06-2011 14:21

    quote: Originally posted by Arthas:

    Have you ever had your passport checked when you send a parcel?


    Arthas 12-06-2011 23:04

    quote: Originally posted by Max_Z101:

    What kind of watering can is sticking out of your parcel? =)

    For olives)

    East13 01-07-2011 22:56

    drugs by mail from Moscow to Novosibirsk are quite successfully sent in a letter envelope.

    Miranda-Zz 01-07-2011 22:59

    quote: Originally posted by iv82:
    I don’t know about weapons, but according to the experience of one of my friends, drugs are quite successfully sent by mail from Moscow to Novosibirsk in a letter envelope. They don’t always get there, but they do. There were no problems on the recipient's side.

    What kind of drugs are you wondering?)

    Arthas 01-07-2011 23:04

    quote: Originally posted by East13:

    so you probably have to wait for a fucking long time for the parcel

    Yes, they don’t have time, they open one envelope and off they go.

    Arthas 02-07-2011 01:10

    Dear, your messages discredit the forum.

    iv82 02-07-2011 11:01

    quote: Originally posted by Arthas:
    Dear, your messages discredit the forum.

    And how do they do this?

    Journalist 05-07-2011 17:39

    well, dogs sniff out international correspondence at the post office... I don’t know how things are inside the country

    Today I went to my post office to receive another package from our Chinese friends, and while I was waiting for the line of old ladies in front of the window to pass, I decided to spend my time usefully, namely, to study the numerous regulatory documents Russian mail, which were hung in abundance on the walls. The time spent was not in vain, for I discovered a most interesting document called "List of items prohibited for shipment". The very first lines of this “masterpiece” almost plunged me into Homeric laughter, such nonsense was written there. So, I bring to your attention: Items and substances prohibited for import and export on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union

    There is a ban on shipping to international postal items all types and categories of the following investments on the territory of the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation:

    - Items of an obscene or immoral nature.

    Apparently this is to protect the interests of domestic sex shops. There is no point in sending cheap Chinese dildos and other things by mail, use ours, dear ones, in Russian size, so to speak. Apparently porn also ends up here, it’s good that with the advent of the Internet, people download it directly. Well, then, morality is a subtle concept, for a nun even a condom would be immoral.

    - Counterfeit and pirated items.

    This actually killed me, counterfeit is okay, but the phrase itself - “Pirate items” - what is it? Cutlass, cannonballs, tricorn hats? In short, I’m at a loss) Yes, and with counterfeit goods, not everything is smooth, whether the item is counterfeit or not, this still needs to be proven. Here they sent me Schonheiser headphones. Same as from the store but 5 times cheaper. Is this a counterfeit or not? From the point of view of the authorities, it is a counterfeit, since I did not pay the entire chain of intermediaries and bureaucrats, as well as the gentleman Mikhalkov, who profit from citizens by extorting prices and import duties.

    - Items that, by their nature or packaging, may pose a danger to postal workers or the general public, stain or damage other items, postal equipment or the property of a third party.

    Well, everything is clear here, but the joke on this point will be lower.

    - Documents that are in the nature of current and personal correspondence, as well as all kinds of correspondence exchanged between persons other than the sender and recipient, or persons living with them.

    When I was little, I wrote letters to relatives under dictation from my grandmother, to practice the Russian language, and so as not to strain my grandmother. But it turns out it was impossible, so that’s it.

    - Banknotes of the Russian Federation and foreign currency.

    Well, it’s clear here - the fight against the withdrawal of capital abroad. And by the way, those who ordered Zimbabwean or whatever billions in one piece of money, keep this in mind.

    - Any type of weapon, its main parts, cartridges for it and their parts, products structurally similar to civilian and service weapons.

    - Explosives, flammable substances, explosive devices, blasting means.

    Chinese butane lighters break off

    - Live animals, with the exception of bees, leeches, silkworms, which are sent with a veterinary certificate.

    And here is the promised joke about the dangers of postal workers. If the bees accidentally get free in post office, angry, since they probably will like sitting in a box, hungry, then the employees of the department will have a hard time) But look, some driver Vasya decides to make fun of the parcels in his van, you never know who might be waiting for an iPhone, opens another box, and then bees! And it will be useless for him to sing the Winnie the Pooh song “I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,” feet in hands and run. Although, if a family of leeches or silkworms gets out, it won’t seem too small either. Moreover, you can arrange a planned provocation - you send a family of bees to a friend in another city, and write an iPhone or laptop on the parcel, and of course, do not feed the bees before sending. Greedy Uncle Vasya starts to steal your laptop, gets caught by the bees, and as they say, and then Uncle Vasya realized that he no longer wanted to steal packages.

    - Conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic organisms.
    Like don't send germs!

    - Goods subject to rapid deterioration.

    Well, everything is clear here, no one likes the stink.

    - Alcohol products and ethyl alcohol, beer.

    Again, gentlemen, you don’t need to drink cheap French and Spanish wine, drink our water.

    - Any types of tobacco products and smoking mixtures.

    Same as with wine - smoke what they give you

    - Plants in any form and condition, plant seeds.

    What harm did the plants do to them?

    - Precious stones in any form and condition and natural diamonds, with the exception of jewelry.

    I don’t think there is a person who would risk sending jewelry or stones by Russian post.

    - Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

    Drugs are bad

    - Ozone depleting substances.

    That's right, the ozone layer must be protected, it is already thin

    - Hazardous waste.

    It’s not entirely clear what this is all about

    - Toxic substances that are not precursors to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

    Something about drugs again

    - Equipment for extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources:

    1. Ready-made knotted fishing nets made of synthetic or other polyamide monofilaments with a thread diameter of less than 0.5 mm and a mesh size of less than 100 mm (the size of the constructive mesh pitch is less than 50 mm).

    2. Electrofishing systems and devices consisting of electrical generators signals, with connected conductors and an accumulator (batteries), jointly performing the function of extracting (catching) aquatic biological resources through electric current.

    Nature protection type

    Printed and audiovisual materials:

    Main camp will not work, although all this has been on the internet for a long time

    2. pornographic in nature;

    Everything has been online for a long time

    3. manufactured or distributed in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the countries of the customs union of the Eurasian Economic Community on elections and referendums;

    4. aimed at promoting Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or paraphernalia or symbols that are confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols;

    In short, don’t let the truth out!

    In addition, the following attachments (sent to individuals or sent to individuals for needs not related to business activities):

    Special technical means designed to secretly obtain information.

    And the Chinese sell their watches with cameras and don’t know)

    - Human organs and (or) tissues, blood and its components.
    Well this is actually a joke

    - Radioactive materials.

    Cultural values.

    Waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

    Raw precious metals, scrap and waste precious metals, ores and concentrates of precious metals and commodities containing precious metals.

    Mineral raw materials (natural unprocessed stones).

    - Information about the subsoil.

    All information about the subsoil has long been on the Internet, there is no need to send anything

    The following items are classified as conditionally accepted for shipment in international mail and require appropriate permission from the state control body:

    How is this conditionally? If you really want it, is it possible?

    - Encryption (cryptographic) tools and devices that have encryption (cryptography) functions.

    High frequency devices.
    Chinese gadgets