• Fresh keys for Diablo 3. How I got the key to Diablo III Beta

    Drop from key keepers

    Key of Bones

    We go to Act I and teleport to the Deadly Fields. In this location live unpleasant horned creatures or in the common people of Khazra. Here you will need to find the first of the necessary bosses - Odig. It will not be difficult to recognize him, since he uses rather unpleasant spells that push the player a long distance, then, slowing down and immobilizing him, throws fireballs and spears. It will pose a particularly great danger to melee classes.


    We head to the next Act II and teleport to the Dalgur Oasis. The second keeper of the key, Sokar, will be waiting for you here. You can find it in another way, since it is given away by its own aura, which slows down projectiles. Look carefully at the edges of your screen to notice its aura, then you definitely won’t go wrong.


    Now we go to act 3. On the territory of the Stone Fort you will be met by another key keeper - Za'Rit. He uses nasty ice skills that can take a fair amount of your health while slowing you down greatly. Also teleports during battle. However, finding this “key keeper” is much easier than the previous ones, since this area is made in a corridor style and you won’t have to look for him for long.


    The last keeper of the key is located in Act 4, namely on the first level of the Silver Spire territory. His parents nicknamed him Nekarat. He is able to throw him a long distance, put him in a cage and debuff him to reduce the healing he receives. Loka, like the previous one, is also small and the search will not take much time.

    About how to use the infernal device and where to activate you can recognize it from the picture by clicking on it.

    In order to assemble the infernal device you will need to knock out its sketch and three keys: destruction, hatred and horror. And so that all this could fall on you MUST have 5 stacks of Nephalem Valor, and the chance will be equal to 5%.

    You can increase the probability of keys falling out using: SM1-10%, SM2-20%... SM10-100%. Thus, with CM10, when you kill a guardian, you are 100% likely to receive a key.

    Please note that after use the infernal device is destroyed, and to create a ring of hellfire you will need from 3 (CM10) to 30 pieces (CM1), and it is not a fact that it will be good.

    Before activation, the infernal device would better team up with two other, or even four, players. This way you can obtain reagents for the hellfire ring much faster, given the fact that each of you has one device and everyone uses it.

    When stacking up to kill bosses, don't forget to kill the key keeper in the first act.

    In one created game, 3 infernal devices can be activated, and each open portal will lead to a different set of bosses, of which there are three in total. Each of them can drop a reagent for creating a hellfire ring, but that's another story... which is described in our guide to creating a hellfire ring.)

    Twenty years have passed since hordes of the undead, led by the mighty demons Diablo, Mephisto and Baal, rampaged through Sanctuary, but those who fought against the ancient evil still remember the terrible events of those days... In search of knowledge that will help overcome new incarnations of evil, Deckard Cain returned to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral. And then the herald of the Apocalypse descended from heaven, engulfed in flames: the blow fell on the very place where Diablo once entered the world. The heavenly flame awakened the ancient Evil. The hour has struck! The heroes of Sanctuary must once again rise to defend the mortal world from the raging forces of the underworld.

    ATTENTION! You are buying codes (not a disc)! The game is downloaded after activation!

    How to redeem Diablo III Standard Edition (RU) code:

    1) Go to eu.battle.net/ru/ and register (if you have a Battle Net account, log in).
    2) After logging in, select the “Attach game key” section (eu.battle.net/account/management/claim-code.html) and enter the purchased Diablo III Standard Edition (RU) code.

    How to redeem a Diablo III Guest Pass code (RU):

    1) Go to http://www.diablo3.com/guest and register (if you have a Battle Net account, log in).
    2) Enter the received guest key
    3) Download the game for free (Guest version allows you to play Diablo III until the battle with the Skeleton King in Act I)

    How to redeem WoW Guest Pass code (RU):

    1) Go to http://www.warcraft.com/guest and enter the guest key you received
    2) Download the free trial version of the game
    3) Play World of Warcraft for free up to level 20

    About availability: Many, regularly, officially (from SoftClub). You receive activation codes immediately after payment! Includes the main code and guest code for D3 and WoW (All reprinted from the jewel edition on disk).



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    March 29, 2012 at 01:17

    How I got the key to Diablo III Beta

    • Website development,
    • Programming

    In YouTube videos ThisIsGood Recently, keys to Diablo III Beta have begun to appear. In the 7-minute video, the key is shown for a second; whoever activates it first wins. This is what the key looks like on a still frame:

    Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?

    There are 10 keys in total.

    Key 1
    I didn’t know about the first key and probably no one knew. Some people are lucky.

    Key 2
    For the second video, the simplest bot was ready, which updates the page with the added video every 10 seconds and, if a new video appears, a modal window in the form of an alert reports this. It turned out that after 4 hours YouTube detects the bot and asks him to enter recaptcha, and then every hour he asks him to enter it. It’s very inconvenient, but I didn’t really want to waste time and write in a normal way, since I expected that the second key would appear somehow differently, for example, at least in green letters. I missed the second key, but when I saw the same gray numbers and letters, in the same font, the same size, on the same white background and even the size of the same three lines, I decided to make a normal bot.

    Key 3
    For the third video, the bot used the youtube api, the quota for the number of requests for which allowed scanning once every 5 seconds for 12 hours.

    The algorithm was simple:

    So, an alert popped up informing me about the release of a new video, I logged into battle.net, after 10 seconds the video downloaded, after another 10 seconds a screenshot with the serial number appeared:

    I entered it and... it turned out to be already used. Error analysis showed that data via the youtube api is updated with a delay of up to 5 minutes! By the time the bot discovered the new video, it was already too late. Some of the other bots or users pressing F5 were lucky.

    Key 4
    By the fourth video, the bot has been improved: now it uses about 100 proxy servers (1 thread for each proxy server), which scan gdata every 5 seconds. Tests have shown that about 20 proxies simply instantly report the release of a new video, the rest catch up within a minute, it was great. Unlike gdata, direct links appear immediately for any IP, so here, without a proxy, the bot simply downloads videos in 20 streams (it worked even in 1000 streams, YouTube allows it). The download speed has increased. The scanning algorithm has been improved: the bot first scans the second part of the video in 4 threads (in all previous videos, the serial key appeared at the end of the video), and then the first part in 4 threads. For reliability, the scanning step was reduced to 500 ms, and other parameters were also slightly weakened.

    So, an alert popped up announcing the release of a new video. Before I had time to log into battle.net, the video had already downloaded (10 seconds) and a screenshot with the serial number appeared:

    I was glad that I had taken into account the possibility of his appearance in two lines. With shaking hands, I somehow wrote it and activated it! It all took about 20 seconds. I was very lucky with the scanning; the algorithm almost immediately showed the serial number, despite the fact that the full scan lasted 30 seconds. In this video, as it turned out, there were two keys that appeared sequentially, I entered the second one. Congratulations to whoever activated first!

    5 more keys left
    You can refine the algorithm: run the scan along with the start of the download, the algorithm will become more complicated, but the gain will be 10 seconds. You can also recognize the serial number and automatically enter it into battle.net. Then the key can be entered even in 5 seconds.

    Everything was written in Java using HttpComponents (http protocol) and VLCj (video processing)

    P.S. Diablo III is cool

    It was interesting to write the bot itself, so I regard the 20 hours spent as time spent on entertainment, and not as 20 hours for which one could earn much more money than the key itself costs. In my free time, I relax or study something new, rather than work, but here’s something pleasant and useful. Haven't finished the game yet.

    I deliberately did not immediately indicate the algorithm for determining the serial number for two reasons. Having learned the absolutely accurate algorithm, the authors of ThisIsHorosho will quickly make the key unrecognizable, and I will be doing a disservice to those who also write the bot. Although I admit that there are no such people, but judging by the comments, they enter serial numbers in 3 minutes, do they really press F5 while waiting...

    Well, since there are a lot of questions about the algorithm... The main thing is that the algorithm must be very fast. The main idea is immediately visible from the screenshot with the serial number.

    1. We take a picture from the frame and save it with a size of 640x320, VLCj allows you to save pictures with any resolution, even if the video has a different one. All points close to the text color are made black, everything else is white. As a result, we get black and white pictures. A couple of such pictures are included in this article.
    2. For each screenshot, we calculate the statistics of white and black dots. We declare as background those where the number of white dots is more than 92%; in tests, 94% was enough, but this is with a margin. In the frames with the background we look for the serial number.
    3. We retreat 30 pixels from the edges of the frame, since the serial appears closer to the center, but never from the edge. We divide the remaining field into 20x20 squares, in each of which we count the number of black dots
    4. We declare squares with the number of black dots from 10% to 60% to be squares with letters - this is taking into account the fact that a letter can only fit halfway into the square and with some margin.
    5. Frames that have a continuous sequence of at least 6 squares with letters horizontally and 3 squares vertically are declared frames with a serial number. We save them in a folder.

    As a result, only pictures with text similar to the serial number appear:

    In practice, there are not many of them, so finding the one you need is not difficult.

    Working with VLCj
    Working with VLCj is very simple. First, I read the documentation www.capricasoftware.co.uk/vlcj/tutorial1.php, then I played a little with the MediaPlayer class, but it was somehow buggy, in general I settled on calling direct functions from the LibVlc library - it is both faster and more bug-free.

    First we create the library
    LibVlc libvlc = LibVlcFactory.factory().create();

    Then we create an array of 8 AnalyzerThreads (of Runnable type) (each 1/8 of the video time), which we pass to Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4) in this order: 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3. Those. The second part of the video will be scanned first, and then the first. Each AnalyzerThread contains the following code:

    System.out.println("Run section " + num); libvlc_media_player_t p_mi = null; libvlc_media_t media = null; try ( // prepare //libvlc_instance_t instance = libvlc.libvlc_new(0, new String); libvlc_instance_t instance = libvlc.libvlc_new(2, new String("--vout", "dummy")); p_mi = libvlc.libvlc_media_player_new( instance); libvlc.libvlc_audio_toggle_mute(p_mi); libvlc.libvlc_media_new_path(instance, fileName); .libvlc_media_player_pause(p_mi) ; // start snapshoting int block = blockFrom; for (long msTime = msFrom; msTime<= msTo; msTime += msInBlock, block++) { String path = snapshotPath + File.separator + "snap-" + String.format("%03d.png", block); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_set_time(p_mi, msTime); int r = libvlc.libvlc_video_take_snapshot(p_mi, 0, path, picWidth, picHeight); if (r != 0) System.out.println("SNAPSHOT FAILED: block=" + block + ", returnCode=" + r); else analyzeImage(path); } } finally { if (p_mi != null) libvlc.libvlc_media_player_stop(p_mi); if (media != null) libvlc.libvlc_media_release(media); if (p_mi != null) libvlc.libvlc_media_player_release(p_mi); System.out.println("Close section " + num); }

    The analyzeImage function determines whether the key is in the screenshot or not; if it is, it saves it in a special folder.

    The information in the article is outdated due to the release of patch 2.3.0. Keykeepers now immediately drop Infernal Devices.

    Drop from key keepers

    Key of Bones

    We go to Act I and teleport to the Deadly Fields. In this location live unpleasant horned creatures or in the common people of Khazra. Here you will need to find the first of the necessary bosses - Odig. It will not be difficult to recognize him, since he uses rather unpleasant spells that push the player a long distance, then, slowing down and immobilizing him, throws fireballs and spears. It will pose a particularly great danger to melee classes.


    We head to the next Act II and teleport to the Dalgur Oasis. The second keeper of the key, Sokar, will be waiting for you here. You can find it in another way, since it is given away by its own aura, which slows down projectiles. Look carefully at the edges of your screen to notice its aura, then you definitely won’t go wrong.


    Now we go to act 3. On the territory of the Stone Fort you will be met by another key keeper - Za'Rit. He uses nasty ice skills that can take a fair amount of your health while slowing you down greatly. Also teleports during battle. However, finding this “key keeper” is much easier than the previous ones, since this area is made in a corridor style and you won’t have to look for him for long.


    The last keeper of the key is located in Act 4, namely on the first level of the Silver Spire territory. His parents nicknamed him Nekarat. He is able to throw him a long distance, put him in a cage and debuff him to reduce the healing he receives. Loka, like the previous one, is also small and the search will not take much time.

    In general, all key holders are killed confidently, especially in the current realities, where all classes and their skills have been noticeably strengthened.