• Types of LED matrices. Types of LCD matrices

    For a long time I was tormented by the question: how do the images of modern monitors with TN, S-IPS, S-PVA, P-MVA matrices differ? My friend ne0 and I decided to compare.

    For tests we took two 24"" monitors (unfortunately we didn't find anything on S-IPS:():
    - on a cheap TN matrix Benq V2400W
    - on a medium category P-MVA matrix Benq FP241W.

    Candidate characteristics:

    Benq V2400W

    Matrix type: TN+Film
    Inches: 24"
    Permission: 1920x1200
    Brightness: 250 cd/m2
    Contrast: 1000:1
    Response time: 5ms / 2ms GTG

    Benq FP241W

    Matrix type: P-MVA (AU Optronics)
    Inches: 24"
    Permission: 1920x1200
    Brightness: 500 cd/m2
    Contrast: 1000:1
    Response time: 16ms / 6ms GTG

    Trends in recent years

    TN matrices (TN+film) improve color rendering, brightness and viewing angles.
    *VA matrices (S-PVA/P-MVA) improve response time.

    How far has the progress been?

    Already now you can watch films on TN (TN+Film) matrices and work with color in editors.
    Play games on *VA without motion blur.

    But there are still differences.


    The Benq V2400W (TN) has its initial color settings (RGB) set to almost maximum. At the same time, in terms of brightness (at maximum settings) it does not reach *VA (at medium settings). In comparisons with other TN monitors, they indicate that the V2400W’s brightness is lower than that of its competitors (alas, we couldn’t compare :)), but I can say with confidence that the brightness of *VA monitors will be higher than TN monitors.

    In Benq FP241W (*VA), due to the brightness of the backlight, black is also bright. For TN, black remained completely black when we compared the on and off states of the monitors. This may be missing on other *VA models and present on the TN. (I'm waiting for comments verifying this statement :))

    Black color *VA does not interfere with work at all and is associated with black (thanks to our adjusting eyes :) and a good contrast ratio of 1000:1 monitor). And the difference in black brightness is visible only in comparison (when one monitor is placed next to another).
    Due to the high brightness, colors on *VA seem a little richer, and whites on *VA are whiter - on TN, it appears gray in comparison.
    You yourself noticed this effect when, for example, you switched the color temperature on the monitor from 6500 to 9300, when your eyes were already accustomed to a different color temperature (probably most of the people here started changing the temperature :)). But when the eyes get used to it again, on TN the white becomes white again :), and the other temperature is either bluer or yellower.


    Colors on TN and *VA monitors can be well calibrated (so that the grass is green, the sky is blue, and skin colors in photographs do not turn yellow).

    On TN monitors, bright and dark colors close to each other are worse distinguished (for example, bright blue and white, on clouds, close to black (4-5%) and white (3-5%)). The differences in these colors also change depending on the viewing angle, turning negative or disappearing. But it seems that due to this, on TN monitors, black is truly black.

    *VA shows the full spectrum of colors - with a good video card and settings, all color gradients from 1 to 254 are visible, regardless of the viewing angle.

    Photos looked good on both monitors and had fairly rich colors.

    Both monitors have 16.7 million colors (not 16.2, like some TNs) - gradients looked identical without color “misses”.

    Viewing Angles

    The first main difference between TN and *VA is the viewing angles of the monitors.

    If you look at the TN monitor directly in the center, then from the top and bottom the screen begins to slightly distort (darken) the colors. This is noticeable on bright colors and dark colors - dark colors become black, and bright colors turn gray. On the left and right, the darkening from the corner is noticeably much less - which most likely pushes manufacturers to make monitors with large diagonals wide :). Plus, because of this effect, some colors begin to fade into others and merge.
    It is difficult to look at a TN monitor from above and especially from below - low-contrast colors are distorted, become faded, inverted and merge very much.

    On *VA monitors, color distortions (or rather brightness) are also present. If you look at the monitor in the center at a distance of less than 40 cm, then in the white color you can see small fades at the corners of the monitor (see picture), which cover about 2-3% of the corners. Colors are not distorted. That is, if you look at the monitor from the widest angle, the picture will not lose its colors, it will just be a little brightened.
    Due to the lack of distortion, *VA monitors are made to rotate 90 degrees.

    Watching video on TN from the sofa is possible, but it must be directed exactly at the viewers (vertically). With *VA there are no problems with turning the screen towards the viewer; the film can be viewed from almost any angle. Distortions are not significant.

    Response time

    The second main difference is response time. Former.
    Already now, overdrive systems are moving at full speed - and if earlier this played a major role, now it has faded into the background.

    TN monitors are leaders in this area and are considered the best for gamers. The trails on them have not been seen for quite some time. In the photographs, the square flying into the corner doubled.

    *VA monitors look at the TN heels. Having played Team Fortress 2, W3 Dota, Fallout 3, no distortions or blurry trails (blur effect) were noticed. Watching the video was also a success. In the photographs, the square flying into the corner tripled in size.

    Visually, in the test, if you look closely, the running square on the *VA matrix had only a 1.1 times larger train.

    What would I choose?

    If you are trying to choose between S-IPS or *VA matrices and don't know what to choose, then I recommend *VA, which you will be very happy with. *VA is great for working with color - pay 2 times more for the name of the matrix and large viewing angles of S-IPS, compared to *VA is not worth it - the difference in quality is not worth the money.

    For gaming, office/Internet work, viewing photos, simple editing of pictures, photos and videos, and watching movies alone - TN is perfect. Even with the necessary skill + specific SuperBright (Video) modes, you can watch movies on TN on the couch with minor, unnoticeable color distortions (oh, why do they need a movie :)).

    For processing photographs, working with color in videos (you can edit them in the right places on TN, right?), and drawing on a tablet, *VA is better suited. As a bonus, you can watch movies on it while lounging in a chair (high brightness helps). And playing and doing Internet/office work on it is just as convenient as on TN.

    P.s. After purchasing *VA, I immediately noticed a purple gradient on the “Welcome screen” in Windows XP at the bottom left :), which I didn’t notice on old TNs.

    IPS or TFT - which is better to choose? More recently, I was faced with the need to give a person a reasonable answer to this question when buying a tablet. Knowing for sure what was already on everyone’s lips, I was ready to immediately give an answer. But still, I decided to study this topic a little in order to support what was said with compelling arguments. I had to dig through the information a little and even... To understand the situation, I’ll say right away that we were talking about buying a reliable used tablet. As it turned out, this also contributes to the final decision regarding what is better - an IPS or TFT matrix. Even if you need to buy a new tablet or smartphone, the information below will also be relevant and useful. So, let's begin our short review.

    A little about the technologies used to produce IPS screens

    Although most modern displays use liquid crystals, each case may use slightly different technologies, resulting in differences in the performance of the final product. Terminology used throughout may vary. Therefore, in order not to be misled regarding TFT or IPS monitors, the following should be noted.

    First and foremost, let's separate the weeds from the chaff: IPS technology is no different than TFT. It is TFT – or rather, one of its implementations. On the other hand, "our" person called TFT understands TFT-TN.

    Thus, the comparison is made between two representatives of TFT matrices: IPS or TN. Regarding the technologies used:

    • TFT (we understand that we are talking about TFT-TN). Liquid crystal display (thin film transistors). The crystals are arranged spirally in the matrix body between two plates. The formation of an image occurs due to the rotation of the crystal molecules. If there is no voltage, their horizontal rotation angle is 90 degrees, and they are white. At the maximum applied voltage, the rotation is carried out at an angle at which, when light passes through the crystal, it turns black. So, depending on the voltage applied to the crystals, they change their color.
    • IPS (actually TFT-IPS). The same crystals, only their location is parallel to each other. When there is no voltage, the crystal molecules are not rotated.

    Now let's move on to the main question: ? Which display should you choose?

    IPS or TFT - which is better? Differences between screens in image quality

    The key features of any monitor, display, IPS or TFT screen are, first of all, determined by the quality of the picture display. In turn, quality can be broken down into indicators such as contrast and viewing angle.

    When it comes to the IPS matrix, it significantly outperforms TFT in terms of image contrast. This is achieved by almost perfect reproduction of black crystals. Namely, the display of black directly affects such an indicator as contrast. In TFT displays, individual pixels (when displaying black and other colors) may have a slightly “own” tint, which leads to distortions in the color of the image.

    An important factor influencing the choice of mobile device screen is the viewing angle. This indicator is especially important if the device is to be used together with others, for example, showing a photo of a recent trip to the sea. With a viewing angle of 178 degrees from any side, the IPS matrix undoubtedly wins, allowing several of your friends or colleagues to enjoy the image without distortion. This is also important to consider when purchasing a particular device.

    Reaction speed of IPS and TFT display

    The apparent advantage of a TFT display over an IPS screen is its high response speed. Here he has no competitors. At the same time, the IPS matrix needs more time to rotate an array of crystals that are located in parallel.

    This fact leads to the obvious conclusion that in devices whose purpose is critical to display speed, it is still better to use TFT. On the other hand, when it comes to everyday use (as a tool for studying, communicating via the Internet and other tasks), this difference is practically invisible to the human eye, and is revealed only through the use of special technical tests. Therefore, when choosing a screen type, in most cases, preference should be given to an IPS matrix.

    Which matrix needs more power - IPS or TFT?

    There are other differences that we continue to list. How is the energy consumed in batteries of screens made using different technologies? There are obvious differences. The energy consumption of IPS is actually higher. Not only more time, but also more voltage is required to rotate the crystals of this type of matrix. The logical conclusion is an increased load on the battery. Therefore, when purchasing used devices, when it is obvious that the battery is no longer new, this fact must be carefully weighed. If you purchase a new phone, tablet or smartphone, and its use involves a long stay out of reach of the mains, it is better to focus on high-quality TFT matrices.

    Cost of devices with different types of displays

    The cost of IPS screens is always higher. You can pay attention to this by filtering out devices with this type of matrix in any online store. It should be said that IPS is used in almost all modern devices, gradually replacing TFT. At the same time, if you only need the equipment to make a call, what's the point of paying extra for a screen whose benefits won't be used? Moreover, if this increases the overall energy consumption of a smartphone or tablet.

    TFT or IPS - which is better? Which matrix should I choose?

    So, if you need a modern, high-quality tablet with which you can not only work, but also comfortably show high-quality photos to friends, definitely choose only devices with an IPS matrix. When paying attention to the manufacturers' markings, do not forget that TFT includes both TN and IPS matrices. But this is not all of their types. Knowing which of these two types of matrices is better - TFT or IPS, and wanting to buy a tablet, smartphone or phone, contact any of the trusted online stores (Rozetka, Eldorado, Citrus and others) that provide a full range of these products, with the ability to filter according to the most significant parameters.

    By the way, a person who bought a tablet with an IPS matrix, which was delivered to him from Poland, was satisfied with it and constantly admires the comfort of using the device even on a sunny day. Facts, they say, are stubborn things.

    Similar to a television, based on a huge cathode ray tube. There was nothing to please such a unit. A bulky, heavy electrical energy destroyer. It's no wonder that with the advent of thin monitors, users all over the planet breathed a sigh of relief.

    But here, too, everything turned out to be not so simple. Each thin device was strikingly different from each other in color rendering, price, and viewing angles.

    Matrix. Its features and characteristics

    Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor is an extremely controversial issue. First of all, it’s worth clarifying what it is.

    In appearance, it is a glass plate, inside of which there are liquid crystals that change color. The simplest products respond only to changes in electrical signals passing through them. More complex models independently adjust color and brightness. And the most modern examples are also additionally illuminated, creating the highest possible contrast.


    The answer to the question “which matrix is ​​better for a monitor” is impossible without mentioning a term such as “response”. This property is characterized by how smoothly the frames on the screen will change due to voltage changes. Measured in milliseconds (ms).

    What type of monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? Of course, with good image response. But if you figure out which type of monitor matrix is ​​better for everyday life? With a response of 10 ms or less. What about the gaming type of monitor matrix? Which one is better? prefer a response of less than 5 ms.

    Refresh rate

    The refresh rate will tell you a lot about which matrix is ​​better for a gamer's monitor. The picture in the virtual world changes very quickly. Only the highest quality screens can refresh at rates greater than 120Hz.

    Viewing angle

    Which matrix is ​​better for a monitor in general? Of course, the one with good viewing angles. What are they? In order to understand what we are talking about, it is recommended to look at the monitor from the side. For an ideal product, the picture will be visible from everywhere. A cheap unit will not be able to please you with such convenience. The picture is faded, blurry and unclear. Which monitor matrix is ​​better for the eyes? Of course, the one where you can view the image from any angle. In addition, when working with such a monitor, your eyes get much less tired.

    TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)

    For a long time, such a matrix was considered the best for a monitor. Simple and cheap, it is still built into millions of devices every year. What made this technology especially popular was its price. It is thanks to affordability that users are ready to forgive the matrix for its disadvantages, of which there are many. Viewing angles are extremely poor. You need to sit exclusively in front of the monitor to see the full picture. Some manufacturers use a special film to increase viewing angles, but this helps little.

    The human eye is a unique mechanism capable of seeing more than sixteen million different shades. With a matrix of this type, it will not be possible to realize this property given by nature, no matter how hard you try. Colors are usually dull, faded, dull, faded, unnatural. But for an undemanding user this is not a critical problem.

    There are very few complaints about contrast changes. The main users are office workers. Working with text on monitors requires special concentration. Text with low contrast is far from being the best assistant; it tires your eyes very quickly. Graphics specialists dislike such matrices even more. This monitor is only good for watching movies and playing some games.

    The only thing that can please the matrices of this type is the fast response of black and white shades. But in today's world of color this is a weak advantage.

    Almost every budget laptop in the world is sold with a TN matrix.


    Numerous user complaints have prompted manufacturers to explore a new “monitor matrix type” technology that is better and more productive than its predecessors.

    The latest development is called IPS (In-Plane Switching). This type of matrix was produced by Hitachi. What is its significant difference from TN? First of all, it is color rendering. No matter how much users love their huge cathode ray tube monitors, they convey shades very accurately. And now the opportunity to enjoy bright and rich colors has arisen again.

    Viewing angles have also increased significantly compared to its predecessors.

    The disadvantages of the technology are the color change from black to purple when viewed from the side. Also, the first models had a relatively low response time - 60 ms. There were many complaints about the low contrast. Blacks appeared grey, making typing difficult and nearly impossible to work with in applications that required fine-grained design.

    However, manufacturers were aware of the shortcomings and after some time the world saw S-IPS (Super IPS) technology, in which many of the shortcomings were eliminated. First of all, the new product pleased gamers. The response time has decreased by almost five times, to 16 ms. This value is excellent for solving the vast majority of everyday tasks.

    The main manufacturers of IPS matrices are Hitachi, LG, Phillips, NEC.

    MVA (PVA) matrices

    A little later, a new matrix was presented to the world, which took into account the numerous wishes of both gamers and office workers - MVA.

    The only drawback of such monitors was the distortion of some shades. But opponents of the TN matrix noted color rendering as quite tolerable and suitable for most tasks.

    Of course, not everything immediately became smooth and ideal. The first models were quite slow, even compared to their TN predecessors. Sometimes, when changing frames quickly, the user could notice a picture that did not change for several moments. This problem was solved somewhat later, when accelerated matrices of this type entered the market.

    But such monitors are fine with contrast and viewing angles. Black is black, and details are visible even in their smallest variations. It is not surprising that professional designers choose MVA.

    There is another type of matrix of this type. Its name is PVA. It was developed by the Korean corporation Samsung. PVA is much faster and has more contrast.

    Working on such a matrix is ​​a pleasure, so it has taken its rightful place in the niche for professionals.

    What to choose

    So, there are three main types of matrices.

    TN technology should be chosen only if the budget is very limited.

    An IPS type matrix is ​​suitable if the buyer is actively involved in graphics or drawings.

    Which monitor matrix is ​​best for gaming? MVA! It is optimal for aesthetes who value the perfect picture.

    #TN+film #TN #IPS #MVA TN + film, IPS and MVA are the 3 main technologies used in the creation of .

    The “film” part in the technology name means an additional layer used to increase the viewing angle (approximately from 90° to 150°).

    TN + film is the simplest technology. It has been used for quite some time and is used in the majority of monitors sold in the last few years.

    TN+ film, at least in theory, is intended to create entry-level panels. Today, TN + film panels are the cheapest.

    The TN+ film matrix works as follows: if no voltage is applied to the subpixels, the liquid crystals (and the polarized light they transmit) rotate 90° relative to each other in the horizontal plane in the space between the two plates. And because The polarization direction of the filter on the second plate makes an angle of 90° with the polarization direction of the filter on the first plate, light passes through it. If the yellow, green and cyan sub-pixels are fully illuminated, a white dot will appear on the screen.

    When voltage is applied, in our case directed vertically, it destroys the helical structure of the crystals. The molecules will try to align themselves in the direction of the electric field. They will line up perpendicular to the polarization direction of the second filter, and the polarized incident light will not reach the subpixels. As a result, a black dot appears on the screen.

    Let's say a few more words about the disadvantages of TN technology:

  • Firstly, it is quite difficult to align liquid crystals strictly perpendicular to the polarizing filter. As a result, it is almost impossible to achieve perfect black display.
  • Secondly, if the transistor malfunctions, it can no longer supply voltage to the corresponding 3 subpixels. As a result, a white dot appears on the screen.

  • When voltage is applied, the molecules align parallel to the substrate.

    In-Plane Switching technology was developed by Hitachi and NEC and was intended to overcome the disadvantages of TN+ film. Using IPS, it was possible to increase the viewing angle to 178° with the best color reproduction of all types of matrices and an acceptable response time.

    If no voltage is applied to the IPS matrix, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate. The second filter is always turned perpendicular to the first, and no light passes through it. The black color display is perfect. If the transistor fails, the “broken” pixel for an IPS panel will not be white, as for a TN matrix, but black.

    When a voltage is applied, the liquid crystal molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position and transmit light.

    The disadvantages of IPS are, firstly, the fact that applying voltage using 2 electrodes leads to high energy consumption and, even worse, requires a significant amount of time. Therefore, the response time of IPS matrices is generally higher than that of TN matrices.

    Some use MVA matrices. This technology was developed by Fujitsu and is theoretically the optimal compromise in almost all areas. Horizontal and vertical viewing angles for MVA matrices are 170°, and colors are displayed much more accurately than with TN matrices.

    MVA is the successor to VA technology introduced in 1996 by Fujitsu. When the voltage is turned off, the liquid crystals of the VA matrix are aligned perpendicular to the second filter, i.e. do not allow light to pass through. When voltage is applied, the crystals rotate 90° and a light dot appears on the screen.

    The advantages of MVA technology are short response time, deep black color and the absence of both a helical crystal structure and a double magnetic field.

    Problems arise when trying to look from the side. When displaying, say, light red, only a fraction of the maximum voltage is applied to the output of the transistor, and the crystals will only partially turn. A user looking straight on will see a light red color. A user looking from the side will see either red or white (depending on which side they are looking from).

    MVA technology, which solves this problem, appeared a year after VA.

    Each subpixel was divided into several zones, and the polarizing filters were made directional. The crystals were no longer aligned or facing the same direction. The subpixel is divided into several zones, and the user perceives only one of these zones depending on the angle at which he looks at the display.

    Analogues of MVA are PVA technologies from Samsung, ASV from Sharp and Super MVA from CMO.

    LCD TFT matrix technology involves the use of special thin-film transistors in the production of liquid crystal displays. The name TFT itself is an abbreviation for Thin-film transistor, which means thin-film transistor. This type of matrix is ​​used in a wide variety of devices, from calculators to smartphone displays.

    Probably everyone has heard the concepts of TFT and LCD, but few people have thought about what they are, which is why unenlightened people have the question of how TFT differs from LCD? The answer to this question is that they are two different things that should not be compared. To understand the difference between these technologies, it is worth understanding what LCD is and what TFT is.

    1. What is LCD

    LCD is a technology for manufacturing TV screens, monitors and other devices, based on the use of special molecules called liquid crystals. These molecules have unique properties; they are constantly in a liquid state and are able to change their position when exposed to an electromagnetic field. In addition, these molecules have optical properties similar to those of crystals, which is why these molecules got their name.

    In turn, LCD screens can have different types of matrices, which, depending on the manufacturing technology, have different properties and indicators.

    2. What is TFT

    As already mentioned, TFT is a technology for manufacturing LCD displays, which involves the use of thin film transistors. Thus, we can say that TFT is a subtype of LCD monitors. It is worth noting that all modern LCD TVs, monitors and phone screens are TFT. Therefore, the question of which is better than TFT or LCD is not entirely correct. After all, the difference between FTF and LCD is that LCD is a technology for manufacturing liquid crystal screens, and TFT is a subtype of LCD displays, which includes all types of active matrices.

    Among users, TFT matrices are called active. Such matrices have significantly higher performance, in contrast to passive LCD matrices. In addition, the LCD TFT screen type has an increased level of clarity, image contrast and large viewing angles. Another important point is that there is no flicker in active matrices, which means that such monitors are more pleasant to work with and less tired for the eyes.

    Each pixel of the TFT matrix is ​​equipped with three separate control transistors, resulting in a significantly higher screen refresh rate compared to passive matrices. Thus, each pixel includes three color cells, which are controlled by the corresponding transistor. For example, if the screen resolution is 1920x1080 pixels, then the number of transistors in such a monitor will be 5760x3240. The use of such a number of transistors became possible thanks to the ultra-thin and transparent structure - 0.1-0.01 microns.

    3. Types of TFT screen matrices

    Today, thanks to a number of advantages, TFT displays are used in a wide variety of devices.

    All well-known LCD TVs that are available on the Russian market are equipped with TFT displays. They may differ in their parameters depending on the matrix used.

    At the moment, the most common TFT display matrices are:

    Each of the presented types of matrices has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    3.1. LCD matrix type TFT TN

    TN is the most common type of LCD TFT screen. This type of matrix gained such popularity due to its unique features. Despite their low cost, they have fairly high performance, and in some cases, such TN screens even have advantages over other types of matrices.

    The main feature is the fast response. This is a parameter that indicates the time during which a pixel is able to respond to a change in the electric field. That is, the time it takes for a complete color change (from white to black). This is a very important indicator for any TV and monitor, especially for fans of games and films rich in all kinds of special effects.

    The disadvantage of this technology is limited viewing angles. However, modern technologies have made it possible to correct this shortcoming. Now TN+Film matrices have large viewing angles, thanks to which such screens can compete with new IPS matrices.

    3.2. IPS matrices

    This type of matrix has the greatest prospects. The peculiarity of this technology is that such matrices have the largest viewing angles, as well as the most natural and rich color rendition. However, the disadvantage of this technology until now has been the long response time. But thanks to modern technologies, this parameter has been reduced to acceptable levels. Moreover, current monitors with IPS matrices have a response time of 5 ms, which is not inferior even to TN+Film matrices.

    According to the majority of monitor and TV manufacturers, the future lies with IPS matrices, due to which they are gradually replacing TN+Film.

    In addition, manufacturers of mobile phones, smartphones, tablet PCs and laptops are increasingly choosing TFT LCD modules with IPS matrices, paying attention to excellent color rendition, good viewing angles, as well as economical energy consumption, which is extremely important for mobile devices.

    3.3. MVA/PVA

    This type of matrix is ​​a kind of compromise between TN and IPS matrices. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that in a quiet state, the molecules of liquid crystals are located perpendicular to the plane of the screen. Thanks to this, manufacturers were able to achieve the deepest and purest black color possible. In addition, this technology allows you to achieve larger viewing angles compared to TN matrices. This is achieved with the help of special protrusions on the covers. These protrusions determine the direction of the liquid crystal molecules. It is worth noting that such matrices have a shorter response time than IPS displays, and longer in comparison with TN matrices.

    Oddly enough, this technology has not found wide application in the mass production of monitors and televisions.

    4. Which is better Super LCD or TFT

    First, it’s worth understanding what Super LCD is.

    Super LCD is a screen production technology that is widely used among manufacturers of modern smartphones and tablet PCs. In essence, Super LCDs are the same IPS matrices that received a new marketing name and some improvements.

    The main difference between such matrices is that they do not have an air gap between the outer glass and the picture (image). Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a reduction in glare. In addition, visually the image on such displays seems closer to the viewer. When it comes to touchscreen displays on smartphones and tablets, Super LCD screens are more sensitive to touch and respond faster to movements.

    5. TFT/LCD monitor: Video

    Another advantage of this type of matrix is ​​reduced energy consumption, which is again extremely important in the case of a stand-alone device such as a laptop, smartphone and tablet. This efficiency is achieved due to the fact that in a quiet state, the liquid crystals are arranged so as to transmit light, which reduces energy consumption when displaying bright images. It is worth noting that the vast majority of background images on all Internet sites, screensavers in applications, and so on, are just light.

    The main area of ​​application of SL CD displays is mobile technology, due to low energy consumption, high image quality, even in direct sunlight, as well as lower cost, in contrast, for example, to AMOLED screens.

    In turn, LCD TFT displays include the SLCD matrix type. Thus, Super LCD is a type of active matrix TFT display. At the very beginning of this publication, we already said that TFT and LCD do not make a difference, they are, in principle, the same thing.

    6. Display selection

    As mentioned above, each type of matrix has its own advantages and disadvantages. All of them have also already been discussed. First of all, when choosing a display, you should consider your requirements. It is worth asking yourself the question - What exactly is needed from the display, how will it be used and in what conditions?

    Based on the requirements, you should choose a display. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no universal screen that can be said to be truly better than all the others. Because of this, if color rendition is important to you and you are going to work with photographs, then IPS matrices are definitely your choice. But if you are an avid fan of action-packed and colorful games, then it is still better to give preference to TN+Film.

    All modern matrices have fairly high performance, so ordinary users may not even notice the difference, because IPS matrices are practically not inferior to TN in response time, and TN, in turn, have fairly large viewing angles. In addition, as a rule, the user is positioned in front of the screen, and not on the side or on top, which is why large angles are generally not required. But the choice is still yours.