• How to identify a refurbished iPhone by the box. What is iPhone “refresh” and iPhone “refurbished”

    Apple phones have been the most popular for ten years now, despite their high cost. In an effort to purchase the coveted iPhone for less than its market value, their fans resort to various tricks. The most popular way is to purchase refurbished phones. Let's find out what is special about such devices, how to distinguish them from new ones, and whether it is worth buying at all.

    What is a refurbished iPhone and how is it different from a new one?

    A similar name is given to a smartphone that has already been repaired and is back on sale at a discount. As a rule, such devices are sold in poor countries due to their lower price.

    A similar procedure is practiced by all major manufacturers of similar devices: Samsung, ASUS, Apple and others.

    Usually, devices that are returned to the manufacturer for some reason are subject to restoration. In order not to incur losses, such a smartphone is sent to the factory, where it is carefully checked and, if there are any malfunctions, put in order. Then it goes on sale again, with an official guarantee.

    It is impossible to recognize such a device by eye. It is completely identical only to the one that came off the assembly line in appearance, filling, software and configuration.

    How to distinguish a refurbished device from a used one

    Quite often, out of ignorance, a refurbished iPhone is compared with a used device. However, this is not entirely true.

    • A refurbished iPhone is actually new. Therefore, it does not and cannot bear any traces of use or activation. It is covered with factory protective films and is fully equipped.
    • During repairs at the manufacturing plant, faulty iPhone parts are always replaced with new ones. When you open such a device inside, you will not see any traces of soldering, gluing or other repairs.
    • This smartphone is covered by a manufacturer's warranty that lasts 1 year. Therefore, if a restored iPhone does not work, it can be sent for repair to an official service center or replaced within the 14 days required by law.


    There are two types of smartphones of this kind:

    • Manufacturer refurbished.
    • Seller refurbished.

    Manufacturer refurbished

    Translated from English, this phrase means “factory refurbished.” That is, devices of this category were repaired by specialists who assembled them. This means that everything was done at the highest level, in accordance with Apple standards. All new parts that are installed to replace faulty ones are original, not Chinese copies.

    Any manufacturer refurbished phone is almost no different from a new one. And if, nevertheless, the restored iPhone breaks again, it can be replaced under the Apple warranty, repaired, or the money returned.

    Despite their excellent characteristics, such devices are sold at a lower price. Moreover, on the same official websites and stores where the new ones are. However, the manufacturer officially confirms that the phone has undergone a repair process and this is indicated in the accompanying papers for the device.

    How to distinguish a manufacturer refurbished iPhone from a new one

    Although both a new and a refurbished smartphone are indistinguishable from each other, Apple is trying to be honest with customers in this matter. Therefore, she introduced a special marking to help recognize a manufacturer refurbished smartphone.

    How to check whether an iPhone is restored or not? The manufacturer provides several simple and accessible ways to do this.

    Is it worth buying

    Is it worth getting an officially refurbished iPhone? Absolutely yes. After all, despite the repair, in fact this is a new device, the first user of which is its buyer.

    Even if it was already activated before the repair, it is reflashed at the factory and assigned a different serial number.

    In addition, the device costs less than a new one, and is still under an official warranty. Therefore, the probability of its failure is the same as that of an unrestored one.

    The main problem when buying such a smartphone is a reliable seller. Otherwise, this phone can be an excellent budget option for all fans of Apple products, with the same level of quality and service.

    iPhone seller refurbished

    This type of repair translated from English means “repaired by the seller.” That is, the manufacturing plant has nothing to do with the restoration of such devices. This means that it does not provide guarantees, so the quality of such repairs is akin to a big lottery.

    In fairness, it is important to note that sometimes domestic craftsmen can perfectly restore an iPhone, and it will serve faithfully for quite a long time. However, such a case is the exception, not the rule.

    The main disadvantage of this type of restoration is the quality of the parts. Since the original ones are not cheap, craftsmen purchase Chinese analogues, which often quickly fail or interact poorly with the device itself.

    The main methods of such restoration

    To put such a device in order, repairmen use different methods. Many of them border on scams. Often they try to pass off a seller refurbished iPhone as one refurbished at the Apple factory or simply used, but not repaired. For this purpose, they use the following tricks.

    • They assemble one iPhone from parts of other devices of the same brand.
    • They repair breakdowns, but do not replace faulty parts.
    • They sell a smartphone with a box and documentation from another device. Or they complete it with Chinese headphones and a charger.
    • There are cases when, along with the original packaging and papers, they sell a Chinese counterfeit of good quality, which only specialists can distinguish by eye.
    • It is very rare, but it happens that a refurbished seller sells a real manufacturer refurbished product in excellent condition, but with an expired warranty.

    Difference between seller refurbished and manufacturer refurbished

    Although both types of restoration have the goal of putting a substandard device in order and then selling it again, it is achieved in different ways. Therefore, you should know about their main differences.

    It is noteworthy that all these obvious shortcomings of seller refurbished may not affect its price in any way. It often costs the same as a factory-repaired one, which unscrupulous sellers are desperately trying to pass it off as.

    How to distinguish seller refurbished from manufacturer refurbished

    While an iPhone that was repaired by domestic craftsmen certainly cannot be confused with a new smartphone, sometimes it is simply indistinguishable from a factory-refurbished one. However, if you are careful, it is not difficult to find out which device has fallen into your hands. True, the above-mentioned methods of checking whether an iPhone is restored or not (marking the box and serial number of the device) will not be of much help here. After all, absolutely any data can be indicated on the seller’s refurbished smartphone and its packaging. But their veracity is very doubtful.

    Below are effective ways to help determine whether an iPhone is refurbished (and whether it was done in a factory or in the basement around the corner).

    Do not forget that all these methods of checking whether an iPhone is restored or not help to distinguish only devices from the seller refurbished category. Those that have undergone factory repairs have special markings.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Having figured out how to check whether an iPhone is refurbished or not, it’s worth considering the pros and cons of buying the seller refurbished variety.

    Such devices have the following disadvantages:

    As for the advantages of purchasing such an iPhone, the only thing that falls into this category is its lower cost.

    Is seller refurbished worth buying?

    Having considered the disadvantages and advantages of a restored seller refurbished iPhone (more precisely, just one plus), we can definitely advise everyone not to purchase such a device. After all, it is not just used (although among such equipment there are often smartphones in excellent condition), but a device of dubious origin and also quality. Therefore, if you buy a refurbished iPhone, then only after a factory repair, and nothing else.

    Where are officially refurbished phones sold?

    Due to their lower cost (compared to new ones), manufacturer refurbished iPhones are in great demand. Therefore, they are sold not only in specialized brand stores, but in almost all major household appliance chains, as well as through Internet resources. Even on the official Apple website there is a section for refurbished equipment, where you can order not only an iPhone, but also other company products.

    Where to buy a manufacturer refurbished iPhone to be sure of its quality?

    First of all, you should look in stores or on websites that officially cooperate with Apple. Moreover, when purchasing, you need to ask questions and ask to see documents confirming the existence of such trade relations. The ideal option is when, upon purchase, you have the opportunity to personally inspect the device and its documentation. And also carry out mandatory testing of the IMEI and serial number of the phone.

    If the device is purchased second-hand, it is important to be doubly careful. In this case, all warranty documents, instructions and box must be present, and the numbers on them must match. If one thing is missing or the data on the device and the accompanying papers differ, it is better to refuse to purchase the product from this seller. After all, an iPhone is too expensive for you to spend money on it and end up with a non-working device.

    A refurbished iPhone is a great opportunity to own an Apple device at a much lower price. The buyer of such a gadget can be sure of full warranty service, the availability of new accessories, housing and battery. But, unfortunately, its “internals” remain old, which means that such a gadget cannot be called new. That is why today we will look at how you can distinguish a new iPhone from a refurbished one.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a refurbished iPhone. If we are talking specifically about devices restored by Apple itself, then it is impossible to distinguish them from new ones by external signs. However, unscrupulous sellers can easily pass off used gadgets as completely clean, which means they increase the price. Therefore, before buying from hand or in small stores, you should check everything.

    There are several signs that will allow you to clearly check whether the device is new or refurbished.

    Sign 1: Box

    First of all, if you buy a fresh iPhone, the seller must provide it in a sealed box. It is by the packaging that you can find out what device you have in front of you.

    If we talk about officially refurbished iPhones, these devices are delivered in boxes that do not contain an image of the smartphone itself: as a rule, the packaging is white, and only the device model is indicated on it. For comparison: in the photo below on the left you can see an example of a box of a refurbished iPhone, and on the right - a new phone.

    Sign 2: Device model

    If the seller gives you the opportunity to study the device a little more, be sure to look at the model name in the settings.

    Sign 3: Mark on the box

    Pay attention to the sticker on the smartphone box. Before naming the gadget model, you should be interested in the abbreviation "RFB"(which means "Refurbished", that is "Restored" or "Like new"). If such an abbreviation is present, this means a refurbished smartphone.

    Sign 4: IMEI check

    In the smartphone settings (and on the box) there is a special unique identifier that contains information about the device model, memory size and color. Checking by IMEI, of course, will not give a definite answer as to whether the smartphone has been restored (if we are not talking about an official repair). But, as a rule, when performing a recovery outside of Apple, technicians rarely try to maintain the correct IMEI, and therefore, when checking, the information about the phone will differ from the real one.

    Be sure to check the smartphone by IMEI - if the data received does not match (for example, the IMEI indicates that the body color is Silver, although you have Space Gray), it is better not to purchase such a device.

    It should be recalled once again that buying a smartphone second-hand or in unofficial stores often carries great risks. And if you have already decided to take such a step, for example, because of significant savings in money, try to take the time to check the device - as a rule, it takes no more than five minutes.

    Today, more and more often, among the offerings of domestic stores, you can find such a product position as “iPhone like new.” Many will think this is a hoax. In fact, we are talking about the original iPhone, but only one that has undergone a restoration procedure. In other words, such a phone is a restored iPhone that has been refurbished to a new condition. Such offers became especially relevant after a significant fall in the ruble exchange rate, when new original Apple phones began to be sold at exorbitant prices. But many consumers can afford to buy an iPhone 5, 6 or 6S, which looks like new but costs much less. The approximate cost of such devices in rubles is the price of new original devices before the crisis.

    Refurbished iPhones: what are they?

    There are currently two types of refurbished iPhones on the market. The first is a device refurbished at an official Apple factory. These are devices that, during preparation for sale or in the first year of operation, had defects discovered and these devices were exchanged for new ones under warranty. Such phones are transported to Apple production facilities, where they are repaired and returned to the mobile device market under the unusual “Apple Certified” label. Such devices are sold not at the regular price, but at a significant discount.

    At the same time, such iPhones are equipped in the same way as new original copies and are visually indistinguishable from the latter, except for packaging. The box of the refurbished phone is white and there are no images on it. On the front of the package there is the name of the iPhone model.

    Another type of refurbished phones are devices repaired at unofficial firms and factories. In addition to a large number of iPhones exchanged under warranty, which go straight to official Apple production facilities, a significant portion of similar non-working devices are bought for pennies by Chinese companies. These companies specialize in iPhone restoration. Such companies also successfully revive non-working phone copies and release them onto the market with the “Refurbished” mark.

    When purchasing just such devices, you need to be as careful as possible. Not every Chinese company is able to provide high-quality iPhone 6S repairs. When purchasing such a phone, the consumer cannot be absolutely sure that in another month after use it will not turn into a brick that is not subject to further use. After repairing such a phone, as a rule, only the motherboard and processor remain from the original device. An authentic touch ID can also be used. Everything else in such a device is replaced with non-original components.

    Often in such phones the screen, body and battery are changed. In addition, all accompanying devices will not be original. For example, a USB cable, charger, headphones and a SIM card eject clip. The phone box will not be authentic either.

    Among the trusted Chinese manufacturers of refurbished iPhones, we can recommend Comwingo Electronics. This is a large company that is distinguished by its constant presence in its assortment of iPhone models that are guaranteed to function with domestic LTE 4G networks. It’s no secret that the main problem with phones supplied from Europe or the USA is often the fact that they do not work with Russian cellular operators.

    How to distinguish a new original iPhone from a restored one or a Chinese copy?

    In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation when a used or refurbished iPhone was sold to a consumer under the guise of a new phone, you need to pay attention to a number of key details.

    Firstly, it is important to evaluate the equipment included in the device. Of course, the most important part of the kit is the phone itself. But we can draw some conclusions based on the accessories in the box. The best option is to purchase the phone in new packaging, fully equipped and with the required documents.

    Although, today there are many resources on the Internet that contain blank sales receipts and warranty cards from a variety of manufacturers. Almost any advanced computer user can download such samples of official documents, make the necessary changes to them and print them. Therefore, the presence of an original warranty card even for the iPhone 6S is, of course, a definite plus, but you should not completely trust the seller, taking into account all of the above. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the headphones that come with the device. If the phone looks like it was used, but the headphones are completely new, this should arouse suspicion among a potential buyer.

    Also, it is necessary to visually evaluate the appearance of the headphones and the plastic box. The gaps between the elements must be ideal, and the Apple manufacturer logo - an apple - will be embossed on the top of the branded case. On the contrary, counterfeits are often made carelessly and without the apple. In addition, you should pay attention to the charger. If the iPhone comes from the United States or Great Britain, but is equipped with a charger for European type sockets, then the iPhone is not original.

    The same is true for the box. Visually distinguishing the original packaging from a fake is almost impossible. But phones from Britain come in packaging that is slightly larger in size than others. This is due precisely to the use of a three-prong plug in the kit. Accordingly, depending on the type of charger, the linings will differ. In addition, non-original chargers for Europe are often made identical in shape to American devices, although they should differ significantly. You should also pay attention to the brightness of the letters. For fakes, they are much brighter than the original packaging.

    iPhone serial numbers

    The next step is to turn on the iPhone and check the device serial numbers.

    After loading the phone, you need to make sure that it is not linked to someone else's Apple ID. Otherwise, it will be impossible to go through the activation procedure and use this device in the future. So, if everything is ok with this, you need to go into the phone settings. After that, go to the “General” section, and then select “About this device”.

    Now you should find the model, serial number and IMEI of the device. In addition, it is recommended to check the storage capacity. It can be 16, 32, 64 or 128 Gb. After this, the information found must be compared with the data on the packaging. They must be identical. By the way, already at this stage of verification you can obtain information about the country for which a specific copy of the iPhone was released.

    IMEI check

    The next step is to use one of the services on the Internet and check your iPhone by IMEI. As such sites, you can suggest www.iphoneimei.info and the foreign resource www.imeidata.net. The first one is very simple and easy to use. You just need to insert the desired IMEI into the search form. After this, the service will display . First, the color and capacity of the device will be indicated. They must be compared with the actual characteristics of the iPhone that is in the user’s hands. If the phone has been repaired, then on the website, for example, it may be listed as one color, but in reality it will be a different color. This means that the iPhone case has been replaced.

    The serial number must be identical to what was on the packaging, in the phone settings and on the device body.

    Find My iPhone is a feature that protects your device from theft or loss. If it is already activated, this is a serious reason to think about the advisability of the purchase. The date of first activation or in English First Activation Date is the day when the iPhone was first activated. Most likely, it was then that it was sold. If the seller claims that the phone is new and only from the store, and based on the data from the IMEI check service, the device is several years old, this means that, at best, this iPhone has had its screen and case replaced.

    The Last SIM Activated parameter will indicate which cellular operator services were used on this device. Telephone Technical Support, Repairs & Service Coverage - information about technical support and warranty status. If the IMEI verification service indicates that they have expired, and the seller claims that the phone is new, it means that in fact an attempt is being made to deceive. In addition, the system will show the country of destination or, in English, Country purchased. This data must be compared with the model number, which encrypts the country for which the device was manufactured. For example, ME308LL/A. Here, the two letters before the slash mean that the phone was made for the USA. The status next to the SIM Lock parameter should be Unlocked. This means that the iPhone can function with any SIM cards.

    All similar information can be found on the second specified network resource. In addition, it provides the opportunity to perform one check without registration to determine if the device is on the black list of cellular operators. This Free check Blacklist presents the main operators of Western countries.

    Of course, after checking the phone using all the above methods, it is finally advisable to examine its performance. It is necessary to evaluate the functionality of the buttons, microphone and speaker. In addition, you can check the operation of Wi-Fi, GPS, tilt sensor and even the compass. In conclusion, it would be appropriate to recall the letter codes of the countries where new iPhones are sold.

    The other day I again encountered Apple devices, namely the iPhone, but not in the usual role of a simple user, but as a geek specialist, and the task was to check a refubrished device. Actually, I decided that this experience would be interesting to many people, and I hope the article will be useful.

    In this post, I will try to collect all the subtleties and nuances that need to be checked when buying a refurbished iPhone; in fact, some of these points will also apply to buying a used iPhone.

    Today, Apple perhaps occupies a leading position in the popularity of its products, in particular, one of the most coveted products of the Apple company is the iPhone. And really, who would give up an iPhone today?

    However, since the price for such a device is quite high, compared to seemingly almost the same devices from other companies (for example, Samsung), not everyone can afford to buy an iPhone. However, more and more new device models are coming out and outdated models are becoming more accessible, but who needs the old “bricks”? And this is where the purchase option comes to the rescue. iPhone refurbished, I found it on sale iPhone 5S refurbished by Apple, and saw a review on YouTube iPhone 4s refurbished, however, if you find other models, write in the comments (thank you).

    What is refubrished and what is it eaten with?

    Such a device is cheaper than a simple iPhone (by ~$100-200), which terribly attracts buyers and makes them think about purchasing iPhone refurbished. Smart and attentive buyers will pay attention to the inscription “refubrished” and look on the Internet what it means. However, having stumbled upon two equally probable, and at the same time diametrically opposed, versions, they will most likely get scared and not take such a device.

    The fact is that the inscription “ refurbished by Apple" states that this device was once returned by the buyer for some reason. This could be, for example, a manufacturing defect: a non-working microphone/camera/or any other module, or simply a refusal to purchase. In this case, the company recalls the phone, it is reassembled at authorized Apple factories, replacing “consumables” (glass, case, battery) and returns it to sale with the mark “refubrished by Apple.”

    However, humanity is too greedy not to take advantage of the opportunity to make money, and very competent entrepreneurs play on the “refubrished” label and take dead/defective devices, repair them in their workshops/garage/office/service and sell them as “refubrished”, but with one disclaimer: " refurbished by seller". Such a phone may not give its owner the happiness of using an Apple device, because... when repairing the device, they could have used the cheapest Chinese spare parts, which certainly affects the build quality, quality of work, and service life.

    But you don’t need to immediately refuse such a purchase after reading terrible articles on the Internet about unscrupulous sellers. You just need to check the device. Moreover, the company that sells such a phone usually provides a warranty period for this device.

    How to check an iPhone when purchasing

    Let's look at the main ways to check an iPhone when purchasing, accessible to any buyer. iPhone refurbished. Also, this instruction is suitable for checking used iPhone.

    iPhone Packaging Check

    The first thing the buyer sees is the packaging, so let's start with that. When purchasing a refubrished version of a phone, the box differs from the standard Apple box of the purchased model, and it looks like the one shown in the picture below.

    In packaging, we are interested not only in appearance - the box must be smooth, clean, without deformation, but also most importantly - the sticker on the back of the package - pay attention to the quality of the printer's paint on the sticker - the inscription must be clear. For comparison, I will give an example of the original box and text printed on a dot-matrix printer.

    Now let's move on to checking the phone data using the familiar IMEI and Serial No. Personally, I used several resources to check the device, namely:

    The most basic ones are actually: a service from Apple itself, namely the last link and SNDeepInfo. The service on the third link allows you to check whether the Apple ID is linked to this device or not. The pictures below show screenshots of the results of services, except for the third one, because There is no currently unattached device, and I don’t think it will cause any difficulties.

    Let's start with a screenshot of Apple Check Coverage (No. 1). In this service, pay attention to the end dates of telephone support (item 2) and, most importantly, the end date of warranty repairs (item 3). If all these points are marked green, this is already a good sign. If you buy a used phone, usually the last two items will be expired, which is actually logical.

    The second screenshot was taken from the site iunlocker.net and displays the following information: whether the phone is activated, whether it is under warranty, whether the Find My iPhone service is enabled, operator and order date. This screenshot shows the data of a phone purchased a long time ago, so use it only as an example.

    In the third screenshot you can see the model, year of manufacture, factory code, week of manufacture, and the age of the phone from the date of its manufacture. I also recommend paying attention at the bottom of the page to the firmware version with which it is sold. A new device should come with exactly this firmware version (+\-), refubrished or used ones can naturally come with newer versions.

    Checking your iPhone's contents

    Now is the time to unpack the device and check the components:

    1. headphones (EarPods);
    2. USB cable (Lightning);
    3. charging block.
    4. Instructions + iSickle

    Each of these elements must be original if you are buying a new or refubrished iPhone, and may be replaced or missing if you are buying a used one, which is naturally discussed during the sale.

    The EarPods come in a square box with the Apple logo embossed on the back, as shown in the picture. When checking the headphones, pay attention to the protective mesh of the speaker - it should look like metal, shimmer a little in the light; Chinese headphones in this place are covered with a regular rag mesh. Also pay attention to the gap in the microphone between the back and front of it (the button gap) - it should be minimal (~2 mm). Also check the tactile feel when pressing the microphone buttons - they should have a relatively smooth movement.

    The charger (power supply/cube) must be one of the types shown in the pictures below and have the logo and branding “Designed by Apple in California.”

    The USB (Lightning) cable can be checked visually; below are photographs to compare the original Apple cable and the fake, as well as instructions for a detailed comparison:

    In my experience, in refubrished versions you may find an unusual clip for removing the SIM card tray, and if anyone has information regarding this element, please write in the comments, thank you in advance. Below are two types of original paperclips and paperclips found in refubrished versions of unknown origin.

    UPD: As it turned out, the second type of paper clip (bent) is a common occurrence, and it still seems that such a paper clip is the norm for refubrished versions of phones. You can find more detailed information in the comments at the end of the article.

    Checking iPhone before purchasing

    Before you start checking the functionality of the device itself, make sure the quality of the device’s assembly, and also check the IMEI on the back of the phone and the box - they must match. To check the build quality, tactilely check all the buttons: volume controls, locks, Home button. The buttons should not crunch, they should move smoothly. Also check the toggle checkbox on the left side of the device, which is responsible for switching to silent mode.

    Also pay attention to the frame of the device: the black/white inserts on the frame should not protrude/recess too much (see image below), the phone should not creak/crunch when you lightly press one side or another.

    One of the indicators that the phone has been repaired is the “licked” screws that secure the iPhone cover, located on the bottom side of the device. If the phone was repaired at an Apple factory, then the screws will be in normal condition; if it was repaired at a service center or at home, then the screws will be damaged.

    After we have inspected the phone, you can turn it on and begin testing all modules of the device. To activate the phone we will need a SIM card of the appropriate size (Nano SIM/Micro SIM/SIM). To determine the type of card for your phone, you can go to the Apple website and find out which SIM card is needed for your device (https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT202645). When installing the card, check the moisture indicator to make sure that the device is not “drowned”, as shown in the image.

    Next, you need to go to the “Settings” - “Basic” - “About this device” section and check the IMEI, Serial No. (Serial Number) and Model with those indicated on the package. Interestingly, the model of refubrished devices seems to be the same for everyone, and does not always coincide with the model indicated on the box, but the IMEI and Serial number are the same.

    Return to the “Settings” section and go to the wallpaper settings in the “Wallpaper” item and select the blackest, darkest and most monotonous picture (for example, a standard one with planets, or download any black picture from the Internet) and set it as the background for both tables by selecting the option “ Both Screens" when setting the image as the background.

    Lock your iPhone and press the lock button again so that the screen starts to glow, check for any light spots, glare or any other visual defects. The image must be of high quality and monochromatic without spots or glows.

    Then go to the “Settings” - “Display and Brightness” section and set the brightness to low and, if not active, activate “Auto Brightness”, then move the device close to the light source so that the light hits the light sensor. A few seconds after increasing the light level, the brightness slider should automatically move to the right, in the direction of increasing brightness.

    Dial any number, for example an operator, and cover this place with your finger; if the screen is automatically locked, then everything is in order and the sensor works as expected.

    Now check each function:

    • check the camera (front and rear). Point the camera at an object and click on it on the screen to focus on the object, then click on the wall on the screen, for example, to focus on it. Make sure there are no defects;
    • Record a video with sound and watch it to make sure the microphone and speaker are working;
    • toggle the silent mode flag to check vibration;
    • go to the compass application and check its operation, swipe to the side and check the level;
    • call the phone, talk to the interlocutor, can you hear everything without interference;
    • connect to a Wi-Fi network, go online, watch a video from YouTube;
    • turn off Wi-Fi in settings and turn on cellular data to check Edge/3G;
    • check Bluetooth (AirDrop), if your model has it, by transferring files from device to device;
    • check TouchID (fingerprint unlocking), if your model has it, by customizing it for yourself;
    • Don't forget, for this you will need a computer and a program.

    Bottom line

    Buy iPhone refurbished it is possible, but as in the case of buying a used iPhone or even a new device, you need to be careful not to become a victim of scammers. In this article I tried to list all the points that need to be checked before purchasing. refurbished iPhone, but if you know any other points that need to be checked, write in the comments, we will supplement the article.

    Don't forget to like, share the article with your friends, and write positive comments if this material was useful to you. Good luck choosing your apple device. 😉

    As with previous generations of smartphones, Apple recently launched refurbished iPhone 6s Certified Pre-Owned. How do these smartphones differ from brand new gadgets and how can you avoid purchasing a fake iPhone 6s under the guise of CPO by mistake?

    What is the difference between the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s CPO?

    Apple started refurbishing devices as part of an initiative to reuse components of its devices to preserve the ecology of the planet. Apple recycles all old and broken smartphones.

    Sometimes a gadget may have a minor defect that can be easily fixed at the factory under the CPO program. The iPhone 6s is broken down, the battery is replaced, and the device is fully tested. With an updated serial number and components, the iPhone 6s is sent for sale with a 1-year warranty at a reduced cost.

    How to distinguish iPhone 6s CPO and fake?

    In addition to factory restoration of the iPhone 6s, some stores can independently restore the functionality of Apple smartphones. But some people forget to mention that the device has already been used or is refurbished, selling them as new.

    What should you pay attention to when buying an iPhone 6s, so as not to run into a fake?

    Serial number

    All iPhone 6s CPO have serial numbers that start with the letter F. This means that this is a refurbished device.

    Smartphone status

    The serial number of any Apple smartphone can be checked on the official website. Information about the warranty period, technical support, etc. is posted there.


    Even if the packaging of the iPhone 6s looks satisfactory, the appearance of the smartphone itself should not be overlooked. Therefore, feel free to open the package and check the details inside.

    The smartphone film must be glued evenly and efficiently, and must not lag or bubble.

    The case and screen of the iPhone 6s should not have the slightest scratches or damage, because the device is fully tested at the factory. Check the screen for any play - this is a fairly common problem with fake iPhones. Turn on the device and find out whether the screen backlight is even.

    The camera of the device must be strictly in the center of the eye, without any displacement.

    The Lightning charging connector should not be scratched or dirty. Check the far wall of the socket especially carefully - you can often find abrasions there that indicate a used device.


    iPhone 6s CPO comes in special packaging, which is slightly different from the standard one. Under the "iPhone 6s" label in the middle it says Apple Certified Pre-Owned. The box is packed at the factory, so the film must have even seams and fit tightly.

    iPhone 6s CPO is a good opportunity to save on your purchase. But for those for whom it is important to buy a new device that is guaranteed not to have been used.

    Always stay up to date with the latest mobile devices, read the blog about smartphones and their choice at https://PhoneNash.ru. A lot of useful information about smartphones, reliable reviews of the latest gadgets.