• Which is better fell or ntsc. PAL or NTSC - which is better, what's the difference? Television broadcast standards

    All this is almost a thing of the past. PAL and NTSC belong to analog television, which is slowly being replaced by digital everywhere and irrevocably. However, some time ago, these abbreviations were familiar to everyone who watched or shot video at home: discrepancies in recording standards led to equipment failure to play. Today the problem is not so acute: decoders are used if necessary. And yet, at one time, many copies were broken about the issue of the differences between PAL and NTSC, especially considering the strict territorial reference: PAL belonged to Europe, NTSC to the USA and Japan. This alone caused controversy about what was best for a Soviet-Russian person. However, there is no answer to this question and there cannot be: taste and color always take precedence, and neither PAL nor NTSC were broadcast in Russia - SECAM reigns here.

    PAL- color system analogue television, adopted in a number of countries in Europe, Africa, and Australia.
    NTSC- analogue color television system adopted in the USA, Japan, South Korea and some other Asian countries.

    Comparison of PAL and NTSC

    Actually, the difference between PAL and NTSC is solely in the specifics of technology. Most video equipment models are omnivorous: they are capable of receiving a signal and reproducing an image of any of the three standards without distortion. First of all, you should pay attention to the horizontal scanning frequency: for PAL 625 lines, for NTSC - 525. Accordingly, the resolution is obtained at European system higher. But the frame rate is the opposite, 30 Hz versus 25 Hz.
    To the eye, the differences between PAL and NTSC are noticeable in the quality of color reproduction. Technically more complex NTSC allows for color distortion, while PAL gives a picture that is close to natural. NTSC is sensitive to phase distortions of the signal and amplitude fluctuations, therefore the predominance of red, for example, or color replacement for it is common. In PAL, which appeared later, these shortcomings were eliminated, however, this was done at the expense of the clarity of the resulting image. In addition, the PAL receiver is more complex in configuration; it contains a delay line; therefore, the assembly cost is higher.
    The PAL standard today exists in many varieties, different in specificity. NTSC is represented by three, one of which, NTSC N, corresponds to PAL N, differing almost in no way, so the names turned out to be interchangeable. Valid in Japan own format NTSC J
    It's all about television. However, abbreviations are very familiar to gamers, and they are biased towards this issue. Or they treated it because the phenomenon had lost its relevance. Some years ago, game console manufacturers and game developers took into account the sales region when releasing content in either PAL or NTSC format. The consoles only recognized their own, refusing to work with strangers. Therefore, the game was localized not only through translation, but also by coding in accordance with the standard. Sometimes, along the way, something was changed or cut out in it, so that the same release in Europe and the USA could differ, and significantly. Those who could choose (and then owners of consoles without regional locking) often chose PAL - because the resolution and color quality are slightly higher. But the games could slow down slightly. Naturally, there was no unanimity on this issue. Today, division by region is still relevant for some models of game consoles, but with chips (thanks to the craftsmen) and cross-platform it is not a problem.

    TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between the PAL format and NTSC is as follows:

    PAL is the standard for European countries, NTSC is for the USA, Japan and some Asian countries.
    Scanning frequency for PAL - 625 lines, NTSC - 525.
    Frame rate for PAL - 25 Hz, for NTSC - 30 Hz.
    NTSC allows for distortion in color reproduction; PAL has lower image clarity.
    Games and game consoles differ by sales region: NTSC for the USA, PAL for Europe.

    Many people believe that the standard Japanese monitor of a right-hand drive car is a useless toy for Russia. On many forums you can hear: “the format is NTSC, and in Russia it’s Pal, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” This is not entirely true.

    At the same time, we have become familiar with the functions that are available for left-hand drive cars, even in budget versions:

    • so that there is normal “music” in the car,
    • so that the child can be shown cartoons on the road,
    • to read MP3 from a flash drive,
    • to connect a rear view camera, and for right-hand drive, an overtaking camera

    In general - so that everything is “normal”. But instead, the floor of the panel is occupied by an almost useless Japanese head, which even barely picks up the radio.

    There are different ways to solve this problem.

    I. Replacing the standard head unit.

    Pros: As a rule, these are modern 2Din devices that have a wide range of functions:

    • playing music and video
    • USB port and card reader
    • connecting an overtaking and rear view camera
    • infrared remote control or joystick on the steering wheel
    • Bluetooth for connecting to your phone
    • and even GPS
    • the price of such “combines” can be from 20 thousand rubles. and higher.
    • installation price can reach up to half the cost of the radio
    • the original is not saved appearance panels. Often the plastic inserts of the panel may not fit the new radio and there are gaps on the sides.

    And sometimes replacement is simply impossible, because... The standard monitor can display information on controlling some vehicle systems (climate control, settings of the on-board computer, clock, etc.)

    II. Adaptation of standard monitor. Installing a TV tuner-transcoder that converts any signals to NTSC.

    • all functions of the standard device are retained
    • it becomes possible to connect a regular DVD radio or car camera and display the image on a standard screen
    • the appearance of the interior is preserved
    • shows Russian TV
    • price for transcoder from 11 thousand rubles.
    • the price for installation in a company center can absolutely reach the cost of a transcoder
    • with these investments we get the function of Russian TV and ONLY THE OPPORTUNITY (!) to connect additional devices (car cameras and DVDs), which again will require additional costs.
    • But in general, the solution is very good, if you do not take into account the price.

    III. Use NTSC devices. And it turns out there are not so few of them!

    1. For example, overtaking cameras KPC-S28 and KPC-DNR880 are available in the NTSC version - they can be connected directly without any transcoders or adapters. And they will immediately provide a good, clear, non-recoded image on the standard monitor of a right-hand drive car.
    2. Also, most car radios can transmit signals in both Pal and Ntsc formats. Simple statistics:
      • on Yandex.market there are descriptions of 2438 car DVD players,
      • 1917 of them have a video output (i.e. can display an image on an external monitor),
      • Of these, 1649 can output images in NTSC format. Those. can be connected to a standard Japanese head unit without any expensive transcoders!!!

      Almost all of them have USB input and can read any audio and video formats and display images on a standard monitor.

      And the price for them is very, very affordable - from 1,500 rubles.

      It is not necessary to install it in the central panel, but anywhere - in the glove compartment, under the seat, etc.. However, then you will have to pick up a radio with a control panel and buy USB extension cable for flash drives (100-200 rubles). And all this will work without expensive transcoders and absolutes.

      An example of such a connection can be seen in the photo report:

      IN in this example, you will see for very little money standard system was supplemented with new functions - watching DVD disks (all formats), MP3 music, reading data from a USB flash drive and an overtaking camera is connected. At the same time, the appearance of the panel is completely preserved, all the standard functions of the standard device, the “native” rear view camera works in the standard format.

      But when using a standard monitor, you need to take into account some nuances:

      • blocking video when moving. As a rule, for safety reasons, the ability to watch video while driving is blocked on Japanese cars. The locks can be different - for the ignition, for the parking brake, etc.. This problem has been solved a long time ago, and for all cars there are solutions on the appropriate forums - how to remove all the locks. A normal auto repair shop can remove video blocking for little money.
      • You may want to connect several video devices to one video input, such as an overtaking camera, a rear view camera and a car DVD player. If you do not plan to use them at the same time, you can connect all devices to one video input using a simple double/tee for an RCA plug (100 rubles) or simply by connecting the corresponding wires. If one device is turned on, the corresponding picture will be shown on the monitor. If 2 or more devices are turned on, then the monitor simply does not recognize the video signal and will not show anything, or will show ripples - nothing can burn out from such a connection. This option is quite justified if you use 2 cameras - overtaking and rear view. As a rule, there are no situations where both cameras are used simultaneously. But if you plan to connect DVD, then it is better to do it through a relay, because turning off the radio every time you need to turn on the camera is not very convenient. An example of such a connection via a relay is in the photo report mentioned above. Again, in a normal car service they will connect you 2-3 devices to one video input via a relay, and this should not cost much (the cost of the relay itself is 30 rubles).

      The purpose of this article is to dispel prejudices about the uselessness of standard NTSC monitors.

      Perhaps for some, much of what is said here will not be news, because... Similar topics, one way or another, pop up on various forums. We will try to surprise even seasoned specialists with such “exotic options”:

    3. Displaying images on a standard Japanese monitor with cell phone. Few people know, but some phone models can display images in analog format. For example, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia N97 mini, Samsung Galaxy S I9000 (Android) and others can output images and music to any monitor using a standard 3.5 jack-3RCA video cable (150 rubles) and all have NTSC support. All IPhone models You can also connect to the video input of the standard radio using special cable. Thus, if your phone has navigation programs– you can display the image on the standard monitor, and voice prompts on the car speakers. But, unfortunately, phones with analog video output are no longer produced (except for IPhone), most manufacturers have switched to HDMI video output. However, this may be one of the few adaptations (in quotes) of Japanese navigation.

      Connecting a media player. Despite the fact that media players appeared relatively recently, according to Yandex.market data, there are already more than 600 models. For connection in a car, we will consider miniature models with the ability to install hard drive from a laptop. These models are conveniently small in size - slightly larger than a pack of cigarettes. The player can be placed anywhere in the cabin or on the dashboard; it takes up little space and will not spoil the appearance. Almost all models have a control panel, read USB flash drives and SD cards, and support both Pal/Ntsc formats. Most support both formats, but it's best to check. Important point(!). All these devices operate on 220 volts via an external power supply. But most have their “native” voltage 5V. For example, models Qumo Home Base HB001, Supra MP-13, iconBIT HD277HDMI - all can be powered by 5V, support NTSC, hard drive slot, USB, SD, read all video and audio formats and cost between 1500-2000 rubles. To get 5V from a car's 12V, you can use a regular cigarette lighter/USB charging adapter. After all, the standard USB voltage is 5B. For a player with a hard drive, you need to choose a 1.5-2A charger; without a hard drive, 1-1.5A is enough. If there is no usual USB charging with high current, you can use chargers from GPS navigators or smartphones. As a rule, they all have parameters of 5V and 1.5-2A.
      Thus, we can connect the player directly to the car's network without using bulky adapters with DC to 220V and vice versa. As a result, we will get a very inexpensive solution that will allow you to watch movies on a standard monitor and listen to music from a flash drive. Nothing will prevent us from connecting overtaking and rear view cameras to this video input, as described above. The main thing is that the camera format is NTSC.

    We would like to develop the use of NTSC devices, and we regularly hold a promotion - if you can make a good photo report on connecting an overtaking camera, media player, cell phone or other device to your car's radio - take part in the "1500 rubles for a photo report" promotion. Describe your idea to us, make a good photo report and we will pay you money or send you an overtaking camera completely free of charge.

    Good luck to everyone on the roads. Love your car and it will love you back.

    When confirm the order, we will ask customers what TV system in their country is: NTSC or PAL. This was requested. Then, What is NTSC, PAL?

    PAL, NTSC, and SECAM, the three TV technology standards of the analogue color world. This standard is for television station and television to carry video and audio signal together. Only subject to the same technical standards, may be able to achieve TV signal normal acceptance. It's the same as sockets and plugs, only the same type can be connected together. The China plug cannot be inserted into a UK standard power socket.

    Color display The image on a TV screen consists of a mixed signal of three primary colors: red, green and blue colors. The brightness level of the three colors makes colorful images. How to deal with the three basic color signals and achieve broadcasting and reception, this requires certain technical standards that formed the color television standard. So comes three TV systems: NTSC (also known as the N system, or US standard), PAL system (also known as Parr or West German, UK), SECAM system (also known as the Sekon system or French system). The main differences between these three systems are frame rate (field frequency), resolution rate, signal and carrier bandwidth, color space conversion ratio, etc.

    PAL (Phase Alternating Line), a television system developed in 1965, is mainly used in China, Hong Kong, the Middle East and Europe. This system with 4.43Mh color bandwidth, audio bandwidth 6.5MHz, 25 frames per second.

    NTSC (National Television Commission) standard is developed based on the National Television and Development Committee of the United States in 1952. The United States, Canada, Japan, China Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines and other countries use this standard. This system with 3.58Mhz color bandwidth, 6.0Mhz audio bandwidth, 30fps image.

    Why is the NTSC system 30 frames per second while the PAL system is 25 frames per second? This is because the country's electricity is 110V\60Hz, so the TV signal frequency field directly obtain the frequency AC 60Hz, and two represent a frame, so 60 divided by 2 equals 30, which is the number of television frames. China's electricity is 220V\50Hz, so 25 per second.

    PAL, SECAM and NTSC- these are systems in which a signal is broadcast (from an antenna, cable, satellite receiver or DVD). The most important thing you need to know about them and a little history in our article

    About what it is PAL or SECAM Most of us found out only in the late 80s, when we brought with us from abroad or bought the first imported video recorders, video players and video cassettes with films or music in company stores. What a disappointment it was when it turned out that it was not so easy to connect them to our Soviet televisions, and having connected them, it turned out that the picture was black and white. Then, turning to the master, the owner of the video camera learned that his television only received the system colors" SECAM", and all the videotapes he bought were recorded in " PAL"or, even worse, in one of the standards" NTSC"

    Speaking in simple language, PAL, SECAM and NTSC- These are systems of “chromaticity” or color transmission. If they do not match (at the signal source and the TV), the picture on the screen will be black and white (and it may also be narrowed or even stripes instead of a picture). The signal itself, which the TV circuit processes, contains information about brightness (black and white picture) And chromaticity(about how a b/w picture needs to be colored). So, information about the color of “paints” is precisely encoded into one of the PAL, SECAM systems...

    I bet many have heard the terms PAL, SECAM and NTSC. Televisions and TV tuners, in the process of setting up channels, often suffer from questions about choosing one of them. The situation gets worse when it additionally offers several subtypes of any of the three formats to choose from. So what should you choose? And most importantly, how do all these formats differ from each other? We will now look into all this.

    There are three systems in the world analog color television - NTSC, PAL And SECAM, similar in many ways, and at the same time, differing in a number of parameters. This situation often requires the use of special decoders to convert video recordings from one standard to another.

    A television picture consists of lines (lines) sequentially displayed on the screen. This method of image formation is called line scan, and the cycle full shift images (frames) - personnel scanning. The more lines on the screen, the better the vertical clarity of the image, and the increased frame rate eliminates the possible flickering effect.

    The figure shows the predominant use of color TV standards by region.

    Basic parameters of TV signals

    Due to the limited bandwidth of communication channels, each frame in all TV standards is transmitted in two steps or, as they say, consists of two fields. Initially (in the first field) even lines are displayed, then odd ones. This scanning is called interlaced and, unlike horizontal scanning, it somewhat degrades the image quality, but allows the TV signal to fit into the standard frequency band of communication channels.

    The frequency spectrum of a complete color TV signal is shown in the figure, from which it can be seen that the TV signal consists of brightness, color and sound signals transmitted over communication channels using separate carrier frequencies. The main differences between the standards are in the way color is encoded based on modulation of the carrier frequency of the color signal.

    When displaying a received television signal, the color component is superimposed on the brightness component. Therefore, when using equipment that does not support one or another standard, it is usually possible to obtain at least a black and white picture. The audio carrier frequency can be different even in variants of the same standard, which is sometimes the reason for the lack of sound during normal video playback.


    This color television standard ( NTSC) developed in the USA. The first version appeared in 1941, and regular television broadcasts began in 1954. In development NTSC The largest electronic companies at the time, members of the National Committee on Television Systems, took part. National Television System Committee(NTSC)). Currently standard NTSC used throughout most of the Americas, as well as in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines.

    Two options are widely used NTSC, denoted by the letter indices M and N. Historically, the first was, and is now the most common version, NTSC M. Then NTSC N (sometimes called PAL N) appeared, today used in some countries in South America. True, NTSC J also works in Japan, but this option differs slightly from the main one - NTSC M.

    Main characteristics of the NTSC format

    The horizontal scanning frequency for NTSC M is 525 lines per screen, the frame rate is 30. The frequency band occupied by the video signal is 4.2 MHz. NTSC N uses slightly more lines - 625 and a lower frame rate - 25 Hz.

    System based NTSC allows to provide high quality color images, but imposes very stringent requirements on receiving and transmitting equipment. Due to the peculiarities of signal formation in this format, during decoding it is not always possible to completely separate the signal into individual components, so color signals are mixed with brightness. And, depending on the brightness of the image area, it may slightly change its color tone.

    Phase distortions of the signal, which sometimes occur during transmission, also contribute to a not entirely natural transmission of color tone, and amplitude-frequency distortions cause a change in color saturation.


    Standard PAL(English) Phase Alternation Line) was first used in 1967 in Germany and the UK. Broadcasting in these countries began in slightly different versions, which have now become even more numerous. PAL is widely used in most countries in Western Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

    Essentially PAL is an advanced NTSC system that eliminates the sensitivity of the transmitted signal to phase distortion by changing the method of modulating the color carrier frequency. True, this led to some deterioration in clarity, which is partly compensated (in some versions of the standard) by an increased number of lines.

    The PAL standard has greatest number varieties used.


    Standard SECAM(French) Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire) - sequential color transmission with memory was developed in France. Regular broadcasting using it began in 1967, in France and the USSR. IN SECAM 625 lines are used at 25 frames, or 50 fields per second. Now SECAM used in France and some European countries, some former CCCP countries and Africa.

    The peculiarity of the system is that color difference signals are transmitted via frequency modulation. Whereas PAL and NTSC use quadrature amplitude modulation. Frequency modulation, as well as alternate (through the line) transmission of two color signals, made it possible to get rid of excessive sensitivity to distortion, but somewhat deteriorated the clarity, which, however, in reception conditions terrestrial television not always fundamental and most noticeable in cable systems. SECAM allows you to achieve more natural color rendering due to improved separation of color signals from brightness.

    For recording on magnetic tape, a type of standard was used - MESECAM, in which the subcarriers of color difference signals are moved to more low frequencies(approximately 1.1 MHz), which minimized the impact of variable tape speed on color quality.

    Comparison of formats

    A list of the main differences between the standards is summarized in the table. As can be seen, there are significant differences in carrier frequencies and the total frequency band occupied in communication channels.

    Number of lines/frames 525/30 625/25 625/25 625/25 525/30 625/25 625/25
    Video signal frequency band, MHz 4,2 5 5,5 4,2 4,2 5 6
    Color carrier, MHz 3,58 4,43 4,43 3,58 3,58 4.25 and 4.406 4.25 and 4.406
    Sound carrier, MHz 4,5 5,5 6 4,5 4,5 5,5 6,5

    However, today it is unlikely that readers will have to suffer seriously due to problems and incompatible formats. No matter how you output video from your computer, you will almost always be able to choose from at least two formats PAL or NTSC.