• A TV with a satellite tuner or what DVB S2 means in the device characteristics. TVs with built-in satellite receiver: how to select and configure

    DVB-S2 - Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite

    DVB-S2 standard. Digital TV broadcasting system.

    Second generation system standard ( DVB-S2) for video broadcasting, interactive services, news gathering and other broadband satellite (SAT) applications is an addition to the widely used DVB-S SAT broadcast standard. The new standard was developed by the DVB Project consortium (Digital Video Broadcasting Project - an organization that develops standards in the field digital television for Europe) and has been technically studied in detail by the Joint Technical Committee of the European Broadcasting Union (RBU), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CENELEC and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

    Main characteristics of DVB-S2

    DVB-S2 is a DVB specification for second-generation broadband SAT applications, developed on the basis of proven technologies DVB-S and DVB-DSNG (Digital Satellite News Gathering - digital satellite video journalism). DSNG usually refers to mobile systems for transmitting TV information from the scene, called news gathering systems. The DVB-S2 system was developed mainly for:

    • standard definition TV broadcasting services (SDTV) and high definition TV (HDTV or HDTV);
    • interactive services, including Internet access;
    • professional applications.

    Rice. 1 LDPC encoding rate

    For all these applications, DVB-S2 uses the latest advances in both modulation and channel coding, allowing for increased throughput about 30% or more compared to DVB-S. A wide range of adaptive coding, modulation and error protection levels (ie coding rates) can be used within the transmitted data stream. Through the reverse channel (and this can be any physical channel, including telephone lines), informing the transmitter about the actual reception conditions, transmission parameters can be optimized for each individual user in point-to-point broadcast mode.

    To achieve a compromise between radiated power and spectral efficiency, DVB-S2 provides an expanded number of coding rates (1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/ 5, 5/6, 8/9 and 9/10) at various formats modulation (QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK and 32APSK). Thus, encoding rates of 1/4, 1/3 and 2/5 were introduced to work in combination with QPSK modulation for the worst communication conditions, when the signal level is below the noise level (Fig. 1).

    Fig 2.

    QPSK and 8PSK formats are offered for broadcast applications and can be used in SAT transponders operating in near-saturation mode. The 32APSK format provides linear mode transponder operation and requires increased C/N values, due to which it is mainly used for professional applications, although it is the most broadband. The 16APSK format, with limited requirements for transponder linearity (special pre-emphasis schemes are used), can find a wide range of applications, including TV broadcasting. Constellations 16APSK and 32APSK are optimized for operation on a nonlinear transponder by placing points on circles (Fig. 2). However, their linear channel performance is compatible with traditional 16 QAM and 32 QAM formats, respectively.

    Thanks to the choice of modulation constellation and coding rates, Ru spectrum efficiencies from 0.5 to 4.5 bps/Hz are available (see Fig. 1). DVB-S2 provides three spectrum rounding factors (roll-off factor): α = 0.35 (same as in DVB-S), α = 0.25 and α = 0.2 (approaching rectangular shape), which additionally increases throughput, although it imposes costs O Greater requirements for transponder linearity.

    System versions DVB-S2

    The DVB-S2 system can be used in “single carrier per transponder” or “multiple carrier per transponder” configurations (frequency division multiplexing is used). Obviously, with one carrier, the symbol rate Rs will correspond to the transponder bandwidth (BW=Rs). If there are several carriers, Rs will correspond to the allocated frequency range of this service. The maximum number of services provided will be limited both by the transponder band and the required speed of each of the services provided, and by the permissible level of mutual interference between adjacent carriers.

    Rice. 3

    Single carrier, depending on the selected encoding rate and modulation constellation, the system can operate at C/N from -2.4 dB (using QPSK 1/4) to 16 dB (using 32APSK 9/10). The calculation results are modulated on a computer (Fig. 3) for a packet error probability of 10 -7 as for DVB-S2. as well as for DVB-S/DVB-DSNG, and correspond to approximately one erroneous TS information packet per hour of TV service transmission at a speed of 5 Mbit/s. With a traditional channel with Gaussian noise, the increase in throughput is 20-35% compared to DVB-S and DVB-DSNG under the same transmission conditions or an improvement of 2...2.5 dB in reception conditions with the same Ru spectrum efficiency.

    Figure 4 shows the spectral efficiency of DVB-S2 for constant SAT bandwidth BW = Rs·(1 + α ) with a Gaussian noise channel with ideal demodulation. The curves in Fig. 4 do not take into account the deterioration of performance expected on a satellite channel due to a change in the shape of the signal spectrum, due to a decrease in the roll-off factor ( α ). For DVB-DSNG accepted α = 0.35, as the worst case (possibly α = 0,25).

    Rice. 4

    For APSK modes (i.e. with amplitude and phase modulation) it is possible to introduce pre-emphasis on the receiving side, which allows the use of a cascade of SAT amplifiers in a mode close to saturation, thereby increasing output power, which is especially important for 32 APSK mode. For such cases, special professional low-noise converters (LNCs) are used, the price of which is higher than that of household converters.

    With multiple carriers In the repeater configuration, the introduction of a pre-emphasis scheme does not bring the desired result for any of the modulation schemes. Based on this, it is necessary to reduce the output power of the transmitter (i.e., operate in a quasi-linear mode), as a result of which the realized C/N value also decreases.

    Reverse Compatible Modes, defined by the DVB-S2 standard in one satellite communication channel for two information TS. The first stream (with high priority - HP) is compatible with both DVB-S and DVB-S2 receivers. The second stream (low priority - LP) is compatible only with DVB-S2 receivers. The presence of two streams is caused by the inevitability of a rather long transition period from DVB-S to DVB-S2 due to the large number of DVB-S receivers already in use. Only at the end of the migration period, when full modulation of the DVB-S2 receivers has been observed, can the emitted signal be changed to a non-reverse direction compatible mode, thus exploiting the full potential of DVB-S2 throughput. Compatibility of reverse directions can be achieved using two technologies:

    ü With multi-level modulation in asynchronous mode. This operating mode is traditional for any HF channel, which is why it is not reflected in the DVB-S2 specification. At the same time, the DVB-S signal is transmitted at a significantly higher power level compared to DVB-S2. Since the resulting combined signal is subject to significant amplitude changes in the envelope, it must be transmitted on a quasi-linear transponder, i.e. in a mode far from the saturation mode. Alternatively, with the aim best use SAT power sources, NR and LP signals can be amplified by independent satellite amplifiers (ISA) operating near saturation. The resulting signals are then summed on the downstream channel. However, this approach requires the development and launch of a new generation of satellites.

    ü Hierarchical modulation, in which two HP and LP information TSs are synchronously combined at the symbol level of modulation on a non-uniform 8PSK constellation. Since the resulting signal in this case will have a quasi-constant envelope (no amplitude modulation), it can be transmitted on a single transponder operating near the saturation mode. This solution is included in DVB standard-S2 as option.

    Rice. 5

    Hierarchical modulation, provides for the use of two parallel channels (Fig. 5): DVB-S and DVB-S2. On the second channel (LP - low priority), the constellation dimension increases to an uneven 8PSK (Fig. 6). Of all the possible DVB-S2 stream configurations, only the normal FEC frame configuration with 64,800 bits (720 slots × 90 bits) is allowed. The deviation angle q (Fig. 6) can be changed at the user’s request: b O higher angles θ improve C/N in relation to LP and lower C/N for HP.

    For reference information, Table 1 shows the ratio of data transfer rates (in%) LP/HP. The technical report provides a formula for calculating the required C/N LP for a low priority thread:

    Table 1

    DVB-S coding (HP) DVB-S2 coding (LP)
    1/4 1/3 1/2 3/5
    1/2 26,6 35,7 53,7 64,6
    2/3 20 26,7 40,3 48,4
    3/4 17,8 23,8 35,8 43
    5/6 16 21,4 32,2 38,7
    7/8 15,2 20,4 30,7 36,9

    Table 2

    Mode Spectral efficiency Ideal Es/No (dB) for a 64,800-bit FEC frame
    QPSK 1/4 0,49 -2,35
    QPSK 1/3 0,66 -1,24
    QPSK 2/5 0,79 -0,3
    QPSK 1/2 0,99 1
    QPSK 3/5 1,19 2,23
    QPSK 2/3 1,32 3,1
    QPSK 3/4 1,49 4,03
    QPSK 4/5 1,59 4,68
    QPSK 5/6 1,65 5,18
    QPSK 8/9 1,77 6,2
    QPSK 9/10 1,79 6,42
    8PSK 3/5 1,78 5,5
    8PSK 2/3 1,98 6,62
    8PSK 3/4 2,23 7,91
    8PSK 5/6 2,48 9,35
    8PSK 8/9 2,65 10,69
    8PSK 9/10 2,68 10,98
    16APSK 2/3 2,64 8,97
    16APSK 3/4 2,97 10,21
    16APSK 4/5 3,17 11,03
    16APSK 5/6 3,3 11,61
    16APSK 8/9 3,52 12,89
    16APSK 9/10 3,57 13,13
    32APSK 3/4 3,7 12,73
    32APSK 4/5 3,95 13,64
    32APSK 5/6 4,12 14,28
    32APSK 8/9 4,4 15,69
    32APSK 9/10 4,45 16,05

    Figure 7 shows the required C/N for HP and LP flows depending on the angle θ for non-uniform 8PSK constellation at various encoding rates. The short dots in Fig. 7 indicate the boundaries of the implementation of the reverse channel mode. In fact, with increasing angle θ , the constellation becomes more similar to standard 8PSK (Fig. 2). The above calculations were performed for the worst case ( α = 0.2) at symbol rate at 20 Mbaud.

    Rice. 7

    To interested readers, our company “Kontur-M” will send a program (Excel) for calculating C/N and digital stream speeds.

    Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) is the highlight of DVB-S2. This operating mode is applicable for point-to-point applications (point-to-point applications, for example, IP broadcasting to one address or DSNG). The essence of the AFM mode is that depending on the signal reception (for example, the presence of rain), the operating mode of the DVB-S2 modulator changes, i.e. The encoding rate (SR) and modulation format change, as a result of which the required C/N requirement from the subscriber also changes. Simply put, the AFM mode allows you to achieve maximum speed digital stream for any weather conditions. The C/N threshold is set on the receiving side by the consumer of this service (Fig. 8) due to continuous measurement C/N + I (carrier/noise ratio + interference) and sending the measured value to the broadcast terrestrial transmitting station via the reverse channel. In this case, the coding and modulation parameters can change from frame to frame.

    Rice. 8

    To avoid overflow of received information during poor reception conditions (SR decreases), a rate control mechanism is installed information flows. In other words, the useful traffic is automatically adapted to the physical capabilities of the channel. A critical issue in AFM systems is the time delay in the adaptation loop. physical level, since it is directly related to the system's ability to track channel state changes. Thus, significant time delays can lead either to the loss of some frames due to a sharp deterioration in signal transmission (bad weather conditions, usually no more than 1 dB per second) or to a loss of potential channel capacity. A deliberate increase in the protective threshold of the AFM system (by analogy with AGC) will lead to the economic inexpediency of its use.

    Note that the mechanism of operation of the ACM system is quite complex, especially at the subsystem level for supporting ACM with MPEG-TS (for example, multiplexing audio, video, multimedia and IP streams with CBR and VBR), where zero packets are added and removed to form CBR ( TS with constant speed). But, despite all the complexity of the ACM system, depending on the parameters of the communication line and its configuration, it allows you to increase the throughput up to 200% in comparison with SCM (constancy of coding and modulation).

    There are TV models that are equipped with a built-in receiver. Their advantages can hardly be overestimated. Firstly, there is no need to buy a receiver. Secondly, no need to use HDMI-HDMI cable. Thirdly, you can switch channels and use other functions using the television remote control.

    The only caveat is for viewing satellite channels paid operators communications digital tuner must support the DVB-S2 standard.

    Of course, you can’t do without a correctly configured satellite dish . Most TV models can easily scan TV channels in any mode. They can provide signal reception from 4 satellites. But even after correct settings antenna, the familiar “Scrambled Channel” message will appear on the TV screen. In order to fully view TV channels of any company, you need a decoding device, that is, an access card.

    How to set up a Samsung TV to receive satellite TV

    1. We don't need the factory settings, so we reset them. Let's go in the menu, select the “Support” section, go to “Self-diagnosis”, click on “Reset” and confirm the selection with the OK button.

    2. After the reboot, we go back to the menu. Here it is necessary select the “Channel” section, go to “Antenna” and then “Satellite”. Select “System” and enter the password (on all TV models from any manufacturer it is 0000). It is necessary to unmark each satellite (if this cannot be done, remove the CAM module from the slot and reset the TV again).

    3. IN select satellite EutelsatW4 36E, transponder 12130 R, lower gen. LNB - 0, upper - 10750. Click “Manual settings”, transponder 12130 R, click on “Network search” and confirm the selection. When the channel search process is completed, save what was found. If you wish, you can sort the TV channels.

    4. If there is no EutelsatW4 36E satellite, we proceed as follows. Set the selection to “User sat 1”. Next, create your own satellite and save it. Please note that “LNB power” should not be turned off.

    Go to LNB and select the following characteristics:

    DISEqC - off, lower gen. LNB - 10750, Upper gen. LNB - 10750Tone 22 KHz. - Auto.

    Next, go to the “Settings” section, from there – to “Manual setup”, and begin scanning the newly identified satellite. We leave the “Transponders” section blank. Select “Create”. It is necessary to enter transponder frequencies, flow rates, and polarization types for all TV channel packages.

    5. When the network name appears on the device screen (in our case, “”), you must click on “Search” and confirm your choice by clicking the “OK” button. The procedure is repeated again and again for each individual transponder.

    How to set up LG TVs to receive satellite TV

    1. We connect the antenna cable to the connector on the “SATTELITE” device. Insert the DVB-CI+ CAM module. Please note that the numbers on the module must be on your side. Take the remote control remote control and click “SETTINGS”. You will automatically be taken to the main menu. From here you need to go to the “Channels” item. Click "OK".

    2. A window will pop up in front of you. Select “Program mode” and confirm with the “OK” button. A list will appear in front of you. You need to check the box next to “Satellite”, select “OK” and press “OK” on the remote control.

    3. We don’t need automatic search for TV channels, so we refuse it. In the “Channels” window, select “Satellite Settings” and confirm the choice.

    4. After opening the window, go to the “Satellite” field. A list of satellites will appear in front of you. Stop the selection at “EUTELSAT 36 A/B 36.0 E”, click OK.

    5. We return to “Satellite Settings” and specify the following parameters:
    LNB frequency: 9750/10600 for 2-band converters and 10750 for 1-band converters.

    6. Turn on the LNB power.

    7. We return to “Channels” and begin manual tuning.“Digital Satellite TV” should appear on the device screen. We need the "Transponder" field. Click “Add” and enter the parameters. Frequency xxxx. Polarization Right xxxx, Sym. Speed ​​(kS/s) 27500. DVBS2 transmission. We confirm “OK”.

    8. When the active entry appears, click OK. Next, add the following transponders.

    Other TV models are configured in a similar way.

    To configure the reception of the Tricolor TV satellite signal, you need to use the following transponder parameters:



    standard modulation





    Each of the 14 transponders must be configured separately. But, if the operator’s network was identified and defined as Tricolor or NTV-plus when the pen transponder was initially entered, then you can set automatic search, and all transponders of the Tricolor or NTV-plus operator will be identified and configured.

    To configure the reception of the NTV-PLUS satellite signal, you need to use the following transponder parameters:

    For the region "West" ( Eutelsat satellites 36A/36B (W4/W7)):



    standard modulation






    For the East region (DirecTV-1R/Bonum-1 satellites):



    standard modulation






    If your antenna is correctly configured and connected, then the data of the entered transponders, as well as the channels found, will be saved on the TV.

    Today, televisions that have receivers are very popular. Using these devices you can connect Built-in receivers in documents are displayed as a “DVB-S/S2” receiver. As a rule, most models with this function are produced with liquid crystal display. The most common manufacturers are LG and Samsung.

    with the receiver?

    In the case of built-in receivers, you need to pay attention to the back panel of the TV. Regardless of the model, there should be an LNB IN connector there. It is intended for connecting a satellite dish. Additionally, an LNB OUT output must be present. With its help, you can connect a second receiver to the TV.

    There is a VIDEO connector for video signal. His responsibilities include ensuring average image quality. Without AUDIO it will not be possible to hear beep at the same time. The stereo headset connects directly to the TV or amplifier. The Internet port will allow you to take advantage of local network. Additionally, you can connect to a personal computer. Lastly, Smart TV is checked on the TV. An audio signal is supplied through this connector. In turn, the picture on the screen must be of good quality.

    Setting up a TV with a receiver

    Setting up the satellite DVB-S2 tuner built into the TV is quite simple. IN different models The menu is slightly different, but in general the instructions are the same. Setting up satellite TV in Samsung TVs looks like this. First of all, you need to go to the menu. There should be a "Broadcast" tab there. Through it you can go directly to setting up the channel. When selecting a subsection satellite system, the TV will ask for the owner's PIN code. By default, manufacturers indicate 0000.

    After a successful transition, you can select LNB settings. On at this stage it is necessary to check whether the system has found satellite signal. If this does not happen, then you need to select the DiSEqC mode. Next, you can enter the menu and select a satellite signal. After everything has been done, all settings are saved without fail.

    LG TVs with receiver

    All TVs with built-in satellite receiver LG companies are produced with interesting lighting. Screen resolutions vary greatly between models. Generally, Smart TV is supported. Additionally, it should be noted good angles review. Tuners are mainly installed analog and digital. The average screen scanning frequency is 50 Hz. At the same time, the update rate is around 100 Hz.

    The audio system on a TV is usually two-channel. The power of one speaker is on average 5 W. Video signals are supported from 480p to 1080p. For convenience, manufacturers equip models with various connectors. They can be used to connect headphones, speakers or personal computers.

    Model LG 24LB450U with receiver

    This LG LCD TV with a built-in receiver has a resolution of 1366 by 768 pixels. This model has backlighting. The viewing angle of the TV is 178 degrees. Analog and digital tuner available. Image processor - "Triple". The sweep frequency is 50 Hz. The TV audio system has a special decoder installed. With its help, the sound is more voluminous.

    All major video formats are supported by this model. Among other things, we can highlight large number component inputs. Standard antenna connectors are provided. Additionally there is a digital optical audio output. With a stand, the dimensions of this model are as follows: height 556 mm, width 384 mm, thickness 140 mm. The weight of the device is 3.7 kg. The cost of the model on the market is 12,000 rubles.

    TV LG 22LB450U

    The resolution of these built-in LCD TVs is 1366 by 768 pixels. At the same time, the viewing angle is quite large. Also worth noting good range The image processor is installed in the "Triple" series. The panel scanning frequency is 50 Hz. In this case, the update parameter lies within 100 Hz. The color system supports all major standards.

    The audio system is installed two-channel. This model has two 5 W speakers. There are various sound and optimization modes. This model also boasts a wide range of video signals. Among other things, it should be noted the presence of expansion slots. The manufacturer provides a standard IPS matrix. The cost of this model is 10,000 rubles.

    What is the difference between Samsung TVs and receivers?

    TVs with a built-in satellite receiver from Samsung, as a rule, differ in their functionality. In this case, various contrast settings are provided. The resolution of many models is around 1920 by 1080 pixels.

    Image processor - "Hyper". Among other things, it should be noted good frequency updates. There is a picture-in-picture mode. Another thing worth mentioning is the color system. It works on PAL, SECAM and NTSC format standards. Video signals are received by the TV in the range from 480 r to 1080 r. Optical digital audio output is installed on most models. The energy consumption of Samsung TVs is acceptable. The average device is around 106 V. When in use economy mode only 45 V is consumed.

    Model "Samsung UE40H5270"

    These TVs with a built-in satellite receiver have a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. Contrast system - "Mega". Additionally, many will be pleased with the pleasant backlighting of the TV. Smart TV support is provided. There are also two tuners available.

    The image processor is of the "Hyper" class. With its help, the refresh rate increased to 100 Hz. The audio system is two-channel with stereo sound support. A USB port is provided by the manufacturer. There are also connectors for connecting a personal computer to the TV. The dimensions of this model are as follows: height 908 mm, width 558 mm, and thickness 190 mm. The total weight of the TV is 8.3 kg. On the market it will cost about 30,000 rubles.

    Summing up

    As a result, we can say that televisions with a built-in satellite receiver are undoubtedly needed and in demand. They are set up quite simply, and anyone can handle it. The models presented above are quite different from each other. The LG 24LB450U TV is in greatest demand. In pursuit of best quality Images can be seen of the Samsung model. The TV shown above is a pretty good choice.

    The technology development program consists of upgrading existing ones. After all, the keys to new discoveries lie in past achievements of science. An example is the dvb s2 technology developed 10 years ago, which allows you to connect any device to the network and broadcast in HDTV format. Frequencies and standard used today dvb reception– s not better, but worse than its ten-year-old brother.

    Old technology is better than new

    The dvb s2 digital system developed by the dvb project in 2004 is an improvement on the satellite broadcasting standard s or otherwise dvb-DSNG. This broadcast program is designed for TV broadcast in HDTV quality. The dvb s2 modification is more advanced than its predecessor dvb standard s and is free of its errors.

    But more than 10 years passed before it was decided to transfer satellite broadcasting to these data transmission standards. The channel encoding program used in dvb s2 allows you to launch HD TV broadcasts as a large-scale commercial project. Today the television program mainly consists of programs in standard quality. And development modern technologies allows you to connect the well-known dvb s2, which is much better than the existing one without the need for radical modernization satellite equipment TV channel transmissions. This is the reason for the many years of delay in the release of dvb s2 to the market.

    Differences between dvb s2 and s-standard

    The dvb s standard created keys for modern satellite broadcasting. It transmits a compressed TV signal and necessary information to the tuner. The satellites are assigned frequencies in the centimeter range. TV channels are most densely concentrated in the KU range - the frequency band 10.7 - 12.75 GHz. The dvb s2 standard is a third faster than the previous one, but it digital codes a regular receiver with the ability to receive dvb s is unable to decrypt. A tuner that supports the dvb s2 standard program is suitable for receiving standard and HD quality TV channels and accessing the network.

    Yes, technically the second version of the dvb standard is better, but to implement it you need to buy a special receiver. Moreover, the TV broadcasting development program implies that satellite television will soon be transferred to dvb s2. And although a tuner that supports dvb standard s receives channels in normal quality, for HDTV you will need to buy a receiver that supports standard s2. Which device is better to purchase in advance is a question that requires no explanation.

    What the s2 standard is capable of

    The dvb s2 specification, developed on the basis of the dvb s standard, is a new word in the field of broadcasting. The table of characteristics of the standard indicates that any broadcast program transmitted to the receiver via satellite is suitable for it. Unlike dvb generation s, the s2 standard supports:

    1. TV program of both standard SDTV and high HDTV resolution. Which one is better - there is no need to explain.
    2. A tuner with s2 support is used as an Internet access point.
    3. s2 is available to users professional program– reporting services, digital TV distribution and others.
    4. A receiver that supports the dvb s2 standard program allows you to connect any device to the network for the purpose of distributing content.

    The modernization of the s standard to the dvb s2 version was carried out in order to improve the quality and transmission speed digital information. A tuner with s2 support is required, otherwise the broadcast frequencies of TV channels on HDTV will not be available to you.

    TV program and access point in one device

    Connect digital broadcasting dvb s2 is available today. It allows you to receive the selected package of TV channels from satellite, and more. The receiver turns into universal device, in which a TV program and the ability to connect any pocket device to the Internet are equivalent.

    In general, the dvb s2 tuner is operationally superior to its predecessor. HDTV broadcast frequencies are now decoded in every modern TV. And a receiver with s2 support will allow you to better use their capabilities. Otherwise, why buy a large plasma when every TV program looks the same on a standard device. The reception and ability to decode high-definition image frequencies on a TV is useful feature, but an HDTV signal source is required. And the keys to it are offered by a dvb s2 standard receiver.

    Table as a guarantee of the right choice

    A receiver with dvb s2 support is approaching the maximum theoretical information transfer rate. The previous generation tuner operated at a data speed of 33.8 Mbit/s versus 46 Mbit/s for standard s2 devices. Today, more than one standard efficiency table has been created for different broadcast frequencies, displaying which device is the priority to use for their reception. And everywhere s2 is a confident leader. For users who have studied them, choosing which receiver is better today is quite simple.

    s2 broadcast frequencies are less affected by noise. The tuner is capable of connecting a TV to a satellite even with a signal-to-noise ratio of -2 dB (i.e. below the noise level) to +16 dB. Any program in HDTV quality, the ability to connect any device to the Internet via a tuner, excellent quality signal regardless of frequency or usual television program in standard quality - you choose. But which tuner will be more convenient and better is obvious.

    Everyone who has ever encountered satellite television knows - in order to gain access to watch channels satellite television, it is not enough to have “plasma” in the house and a “dish” on its facade. The equipment package must include a receiver that acts as a decryptor digital signal. But not everyone knows that purchasing such a device can often be unnecessary. If the TV's specifications indicate the DVB S2 standard, this means that its panel already has a built-in tuner for correct reception of satellite channels.

    DVB format - why is it needed on TV?

    First, it’s worth clarifying what the abbreviation DVB actually means. In short, Digital Video Broadcasting is a line European standards digital television broadcasting, which replaced the usual analogue one.

    The abbreviated name of this term (DVB) also refers to receivers built into the TV that provide reception of a digital broadcast signal. In this small “family” there are three types of devices, each of which is responsible for a specific direction of television:

    • DVB-T – terrestrial;
    • DVB-C – cable;
    • DVB-S – satellite.

    Technologies do not stand still, and today updated formats have appeared that allow you to watch pictures on TV in improved (HD) quality. Their names use a prefix in the form of the number 2 - DVB-T2 and DVB-S2.

    Advantages of TVs with built-in satellite receiver

    Based on the above, it follows that TVs with built-in DVB tuner S2 is a new generation of television equipment, where two devices successfully complement each other and give viewers additional features in watching satellite television. Manufacturers cite the following arguments as the advantages of this “tandem”:

    • you can save on purchasing equipment;
    • no need to allocate a separate space for installing the set-top box;
    • the number of connecting cables is reduced;
    • There is only one remote control in use.

    In fairness, it is necessary to note some other features of TVs with built-in DVB S2.

    The realities of modern satellite television

    You should not naively assume that the tuner itself (even if there is an antenna) will provide unlimited access to all satellite television. For obvious reasons, operators “encrypt” their broadcasts.

    Important: searching for channels will only provide information that they are encrypted if you do not additionally connect a conditional access module (CAM) to the TV. A smart card is inserted into this adapter, which serves as an identifier in the operator’s database.

    All this requires additional costs. For example, the cost of a new Tricolor TV CAM module with support for modern technologies, complete with a smart card and a monthly subscription to the “” package, fluctuates around 4-5 thousand rubles. In the future, you will need to renew the service for at least a year.

    Advice: before making a serious purchase, you should “monitor” the offers of chain stores household appliances. They sometimes hold promotions under which some TV models with a built-in satellite receiver are supplied with kits consisting of a CAM module and a smart card.

    You can often come across the opinion that built-in receivers are a little “not up to the level” of “full-fledged” ones. external devices. For this reason, when using such a panel to watch satellite television, experts recommend purchasing an antenna with a larger than average diameter and a high-quality converter.

    In addition, satellite television operators (including Tricolor TV) persistently advise using their “proprietary” equipment. With a high degree of probability, they do this in order to make money on the hardware themselves. And yet the question involuntarily arises - maybe it’s really better to follow the recommendations for a more relaxed viewing?

    Where can I buy TVs with built-in DVB S2?

    All of the above features may be a reason for thought, but not a reason to refuse to purchase a “2 in 1” device. There should be no questions about where to buy a TV with a built-in satellite receiver. This technology is no longer new, and manufacturers are introducing support for digital television formats on almost all new models. You can buy them almost everywhere, there are options in a wide price range.

    So, at LG you can at the moment you can find several dozen panels with DVB-S2. Samsung also has more than fifty different series with built-in tuners. The brands Panasonic, Toshiba, SONY and Sharp have their own offers (though in smaller quantities). Find out if DVB S2 is on your TV a certain model(Samsung or another brand) you can simply:

    • asking the store consultant;
    • looking at technical specifications panels on sellers’ websites (usually the information is in the “Tuners” column);
    • by carefully reviewing the “User’s Manual” that comes with the equipment.

    TV viewers are often concerned about whether the presence of a built-in satellite receiver affects the price of the TV. As a rule, the cost of panels depends more on the “renown” of the brand, the type of panel, screen resolution and diagonal, the presence of the SMART-TV function and additional “proprietary” technologies. But support for current ones digital formats(from DVB-T2 to DVB S2) in modern devices most often available by default.

    How to use the built-in receiver for Tricolor TV subscribers?

    As with an external set-top box, the receiver built into the TV needs to be configured. To help the subscriber, see the instructions in the corresponding section of the User Guide. First, the operator's channels are scanned using the menu. Next, you need to insert a conditional access module into a special connector on the TV (CI+ slot) with and for a certain time closed channels will be decoded.

    After this, you need to register in the Tricolor TV system. You will need to indicate the ID number of the card (indicated under the barcode on one of its sides), your passport data and information about the location of installation of the equipment. All that remains is to renew your subscription for a year and enjoy watching a variety of content.