• Eyes program for the eyes. Computer programs for improving (correcting) vision: download for free

    1. Work break programs— their task is to block the computer at certain intervals. This takes us away from the screen, therefore allowing our eyes to rest.
    2. Programs for training and vision correction. The goal of such programs is to restore our vision with the help of special exercises.
    3. Color correction program. Depending on the time of day, the program changes the color temperature on the monitor, thereby reducing eye strain (especially in the evening and at night).

    Let's start looking at programs to improve vision in order. Each program can be downloaded, links at the end of the description. If the links suddenly stop working, please write in the comments and we will fix it.


    Eyes Relax- small free program to protect the eyes from excessive fatigue. The program will turn off the monitor screen at specified intervals. Languages ​​supported: Russian and English. You can download the eyes relax program for vision.

    Workrave- another convenient free program for breaks in Russian. Offering a break, Workwave first acts unobtrusively, then insistently demands a break. As a result, the Workrave vision program completely blocks the keyboard and mouse for the time specified in the settings. In addition to the blocking functions, the program offers special exercises for taking a break from working at the computer. You can download the Workrave program .

    Crosses is a free program used to correct amblyopia. Free. Russian language is supported. The program is made in a gaming style - you need to hunt with a circle cursor for a cross that appears in a random place. At this time, the cells of the field constantly change their color to the opposite. You can learn more about how the program works, and download the crosses.
    1280w" width="300" />

    Board is a program designed to train the eye muscles. It is recommended to use this program once every 4 hours of working at the computer (or better, every hour). For optimal eye rest and vision training, you need to look at the stationary middle of the screen for about 30 seconds, and then move your eyes to a distant object (for example, look out the window). It is advisable to do 3-5 such cycles. You can download the “Board” vision program here.


    f.lux is a very useful program for preserving vision and reducing eye fatigue. Depending on the time of day, f.lux automatically changes the monitor's color gamut. In the evening and at night, this program sets warm color tones (2700K), and during the day - cool colors (6500K). As a result, your eyes become less tired in the evenings. It’s also easier to fall asleep when there are no blue flowers before bed. There is a version for iPhone. Great program, I recommend. You can download it.


    This has come to the end of our mini-review of the best programs for improving vision. It would be optimal to download 1 program for a break, 1 for color correction (although there is only one - f.lux), as well as several programs for training and restoring vision. An integrated approach! Please remember that the programs are not medical treatments for eye diseases, and their creators are not eye doctors. Therefore, if you have doubts or questions, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.

    Hello, dear friends! The organs of vision are very vulnerable these days. We receive a lot of information from electronic sources, we work for a long time and quite intensely at the computer, sometimes staying late at night, and the load from watching TV shows is significant. You can read about whether a computer affects vision in my article.

    How can one preserve vision, or even improve it, in such an unfavorable environment? Is this real?

    There are such technologies, and today we will talk about one of them in detail. These are computer programs for vision training. What varieties exist and how will they really help? This is what today's article is about.

    There are many ways to improve your eyesight. Regular glasses or contact lenses; medicines, herbs, berries; massage and exercises, so-called palming; sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

    Each of them has its own merits, each is good in its own way. The choice is always ours. Of course, you really don’t want to go to the last resort (surgery), so we try to use the available “therapeutic” possibilities.

    One of them is vision training on a computer. It's easier than practicing palming on your own. But simplicity of execution does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the method. It is quite effective, and besides, the methods are varied, you can always choose what suits you best.

    Why is training needed?

    Then, why also for other muscle groups. They get tired in the same way and suffer from lack of training. Excessive tension is harmful to the eye muscles; they need to be taught to relax and rest. But it is also necessary to train in the literal sense of the word, that is, to increase the margin of safety. There are highly specialized programs, for example, used for farsightedness or amblyopia.

    But conditionally, all main programs can be divided into three groups:

    • Used for color correction;
    • For rest and relaxation of the eyes;
    • For recovery and training, improving vision.

    Some of them can be used for both children and adults, others are designed taking into account the characteristics of a specific age. They are not difficult to master, since they are created with the expectation of a poorly trained user with a minimum of PC skills.

    Related articles:

    Color correction will help you see all the colors of the world

    When color perception is impaired, a person feels a certain inferiority complex. Life in a dim world is really depressing and depressing. Therefore, the task of returning the brightness of colors is both purely practical and psychological. The programs are configured in such a way that they automatically change the “degree” of colors on the monitor. The load, especially in the evening and at night, is significantly reduced.

    One of the most common and useful online products in this series - f.lux - works exactly like this. During the day, cool tones are selected: 6500K; and in the dark - warm: 2700K. The eyes get tired less and this has been proven experimentally.

    Another subtlety: scientists have found that falling asleep accelerates when the eyes do not perceive before bedtime blue. It’s the smart software that “transfers” it to daytime.

    Teaching your eyes to rest

    There are many carefully designed computer “trainers” for relaxation. For example, Eyes Relax, Workrave, ChronoControl, EyeLeo and a number of others with similar functionality.

    How do they work?

    The algorithm is similar. It’s not difficult to understand; for example, a few words about how Workrave functions. The free program will teach us to take regular breaks and take our eyes off the monitor. This is extremely important to keep your eyes healthy. Its ease of use also lies in the fact that the entire interface is configured in Russian. First gently, and then more persistently, Workwave suggests taking a break. For the most “naughty” workaholics, the keyboard and mouse are locked; you can set the time yourself in the settings, so, as they say in popular films: “Nothing personal!”

    When you finally look up from the keyboard, the persistent Workwave will offer a series of simple but useful exercises to rest your eyes and relax your muscles. And then - work for your health with renewed vigor!

    We train, restore, improve vision

    The largest group of electronic “tutors” was created directly to train the eyes and improve vision. Their list is impressive, let’s name at least some of the most frequently encountered ones:

    • "Flower";
    • Eyes Relaxing and Focusing;
    • Eye-Corrector;
    • Safe Eyes;
    • Board;
    • Vision corrector Light;
    • Crosses;
    • Super sirds etc.

    Not only computer scientists, but also doctors and scientists worked on the creation of these online products, so they are carefully thought out, tested, and there is experimental evidence of their high effectiveness.


    An interactive program with a playful nature, suitable for both adults and children. There are various objects on the petals of a flower, among them you need to find the one proposed. The tasks gradually become more difficult; there are four levels of difficulty. At the same time, we train attentiveness, reaction speed, and memory. Finally, this is simply a fun activity that helps you disconnect from everyday problems, calm down, and relieve stress.

    This is how, just playfully, you can seriously improve your visual acuity, overcome myopia, and, to some extent, treat amblyopia.

    Eyes Relaxing and Focusing

    A free computer product for correcting the vision of any person, and especially protecting the eyes of those who long time spends behind the monitor. Eyes Relaxing and Focusing works in Russian, allowing simple training of the eye muscles by observing original images.

    A serious advantage of the program is its wide range of settings, which allows you to set the duration of exercises, adjust the time of their appearance and “order” a number of additional options. There is also a special module “script maker”, with which you can create individual eye exercises that are convenient for you.

    Vision correctorLight

    Helps the eyes relax, relieve fatigue, and also helps restore visual acuity and even improve it. The functionality is based on the use of SIRDS pictures. Their positive effect on the quality of vision is a scientifically proven fact. By looking at such images, we initiate an intensive process of blood circulation in the organs of vision, and at the same time we train the muscles. The body is reconfigured to control the functioning of the eyes, toning not only the corresponding muscles, but also improving the conductivity of nerve fibers.

    It’s not for nothing that such stereo images were given the semi-serious name “sport for the eyes.” What's the trick? The fact is that, looking at them, we automatically change the standard focus point. They are designed in a special way so that, by shifting the “accents,” we preserve our vision and help develop it.

    Moreover, in addition to passive contemplation, the program includes a set of exercises and gymnastics according to Norbekov’s method, which is very effective for strengthening the eye muscles.


    A universal set of trainings for the prevention of eye diseases, restoration of vision, muscle relaxation. Functional is a selection of exercises that help with myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, and color vision disorders. There is also a special option for checking the quality of vision. The Vision Corrector can work on both Windows and Android platforms.


    Experts recommend activating this program every 4 hours of intensive work at the monitor. To relax and then strengthen the eye muscles, you need to fix your gaze on the motionless middle of the screen for about 30 seconds, and then move your eyes to objects located at a considerable distance. For example, choose a tree far outside the window, a cloud, an antenna on a distant house, a flock of birds, etc. Then return to contemplating the miraculous board. 3-5 such cycles will be quite enough.

    And this is just the beginning of the list of electronic “manuals”. There are many dozens of them, each has some features, but they all solve one important problem:

    preservation of vision, and ideally, improvement of this most important function body.

    Article on the topic:

    I would also like to draw your attention, dear readers, to one very interesting book. This is a bestseller by M. Norbekov “ The experience of a fool, or the key to insight. How to get rid of glasses. Health for life».

    You can order the book here Here . Try the famous alternative technique for yourself. Or maybe you already know her? Write your opinion in the comments.

    I really hope that this information will help you, dear readers, to keep your eyes sharp.

    Read the site to receive new posts, discuss articles and do not forget to share information with friends.

    Let's all look together the best means that will help us be healthy and successful!

    Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

    Restoring or improving vision, relieving eye fatigue and preventing vision deterioration. The operating principle is based on two main points.

    Firstly, on the beneficial effects of SIRDS pictures on vision. We noted this effect among users of the Weight Corrector program. Having drawn attention to this fact, we turned to ophthalmological sources and found out that when viewing such pictures, the eye muscles are trained, and accordingly, blood circulation improves. The body switches all reserves to control the eyes and nerve cells experience increased stress, which improves the conductivity of nerve fibers. Stereo pictures are called “sport for the eyes.” Their peculiarity is that they force the eyes to change their usual focusing point, thereby preserving vision and helping to maintain its sharpness.

    Secondly, the program involves elements of eye-strengthening gymnastics according to the Norbekov method, namely exercises to relax the eyes, improve blood circulation, and strengthen the eye muscles.

    Name: Vision corrector Light
    License: FREE

    2. Gymnastics for the eyes in pictures (2 types)

    Performance largely depends on the condition of the eye muscles. Therefore, the eyes, like the whole body, require healthy physical activity, obtained by performing a set of certain exercises. But it must be remembered that these eye exercises are useful and effective only when they are performed regularly and correctly. The main purpose of such exercises is to train the eye muscles that are inactive during labor operations, and to relax those that bear the main load. Gymnastics is an effective prevention of fatigue and diseases of the organ of vision. The first exercises aimed at preserving vision were created before our era: yoga contributed to the development of a complex of therapeutic gymnastics, which substantiated the importance of not only training, but also proper rest.

    A program for people after laser vision correction, when the eyes see well, but are not yet able to quickly focus on an object. You need to look at the objects that appear and try to focus your gaze on them until clear boundaries of the object appear. Tested it myself, it helped me. I will be glad if it helps someone else.

    Free | Russian | Windows |

    Name: eye, 1

    License: FREE
    Language: Russian OS: Windows

    “Vision Corrector” is a computer program created using a unique method and designed to restore vision, improve vision, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent vision deterioration. The program uses special vision exercises and SIRDS pictures. As a result of working with the program, ocular blood circulation improves, the eye muscles are strengthened, the accommodative ability of the eyes develops, which, in turn, helps to improve the nutrition of the optic nerve, relieve spasm of accommodation, and increase visual acuity.

    Shareware | Russian | Windows |

    Name: Vision corrector v.Standard
    License: Shareware


    Restore vision, relieve eye fatigue. Principle of operation - the unique method of the Vision Corrector program is a synthesis of the effect of SIRDS pictures and elements of eye-strengthening gymnastics according to the method of M.S. Norbekov, namely exercises to relax the eyes, improve blood circulation, strengthen the eye muscles and a unique exercise to develop the accommodative ability of the eyes , helping to improve nutrition of the optic nerve, relieve spasm of accommodation, and increase visual acuity. "Eyes that look into the distance never grow old"

    Platform: Windows All
    Tablet: Present
    Size: 13.89 Mb
    Language: Russian


    “Safe Eyes” is an excellent program that reduces the symptoms of eye strain commonly caused by computer monitors. In addition to complete therapeutic eye training, “Safe Eyes” separately offers frequency, contrast, and pattern exercises; this also includes a special contrast sensitivity test.

    7. Simulator of entoptic phenomena 2.1 (“IEF 2.1”)

    The proposed set of computer programs for creating and viewing simulations of entoptic phenomena is of undoubted value, since the resulting simulations can be familiarized with doctors or enthusiasts who are ready to take the problem seriously and try to help the patient effective assistance. The uniqueness of these programs lies in the variety of special visual settings, as well as in the ability to create and demonstrate a dynamic panorama - now anyone can literally see the world through someone else's eyes.

    8. Eyesight- Collection of programs for vision treatment. It included all the most best programs, used to maintain, treat and correct vision. These are the programs Chibis, KLINOK-2, FLOWER and many other equally interesting and effective programs. There are nine programs in total.

    Platform: Windows 98/2000/XP

    Size: 9 mb

    These programs are designed to treat amblyopia of any degree and type in patients aged 3 years and older. The method also gives good results in cases of sharply unstable fixation, when many other treatment methods amblyopia(visual disorders, decreased vision) are ineffective.

    The multimedia nature of these games increases patients' motivation for treatment. Visual stimuli used in games have a powerful selective effect on the mechanisms that implement visual functions impaired in amblyopia. The connection between the visual and auditory systems develops by accompanying with appropriate sounds the moments of the game that require increased visual activity. The connection between the visual and motor systems (eye-hand) is restored when controlling one of the objects using the mouse. Also, through the mouse, programs receive feedback from the patient and automatically select stimulation parameters. Thanks to automatic program adjustments, the patient receives stimulation in a range of stimulus sizes that matches his visual acuity. At the end of the game, each program analyzes the course of the game as a whole and, if necessary, gives advice to change initial settings, which allows you to further increase the therapeutic effect while maintaining the patient’s interest in the game.

    Due to the fact that the programs use flashing images, when prescribing treatment for patients with convulsive readiness, consultation with a neurologist is necessary. Platform: Windows 98/2000/XP
    Distribution type: free
    Size: 9 mb

    There are special anaglyph glasses.

    9. FLOWER program- an interactive training program with a playful nature.
    Purpose of the program: Treatment amblyopia and myopia in children, assessment of visual search speed, development of attention.

    The program offers the patient a series of increasingly complex but similar visual exercises, consisting of searching for a given symbol - a single image - among several symbols presented on the petals of a flower. According to its complexity, the exercise is divided into 3 levels, within which only the image sizes are varied (5 gradations).

    At the first level, letters of different sizes are presented individually, at the second - in groups of 4, at the third - in groups of 7. Each series of images is held for a certain amount of time. Then they are replaced by another. In a short time, you need to choose a picture exactly the same as in the core of the flower.

    10. EYE Sercise- Eye training, eye fitness. Real program improving vision of Marilyn Roy.
    Many people experience vision problems and are not even aware of the existence of effective eye fitness training that can significantly improve their vision and keep their eyes healthy. From this video course you will learn exercises that have a visible effect of improving vision. You can be convinced of this after the first lesson.
    Genre: Video tutorial
    Translation: not required
    Format: AVI
    Time: 00:23:02
    Video: 1746 Kbps, 640x480
    Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 Kbps
    Size: 183.8 Mb

    11. Save your eyesight – Eyeleo 1.1- Program to improve vision

    A small program that will help you maintain your vision while working at the computer. Very often we simply don’t notice how long we sit without taking our eyes off the monitor, especially if it’s e-book or a game, or you are just at work.

    The program, without being intrusive, will remind you that you need to look out the window or just close your eyes for a few seconds, or maybe you should rest for 5 minutes if you have sat long enough without rest. Eyeleo is easy to install and is located in the tray (lower right corner of the monitor).

    12. Eyes Relaxing and Focusing - a visual trainer for the eyes.

    Eyes Relaxing and Focusing is an eye trainer program designed to protect and develop the vision of computer users, intended for those computer users who spend more than two hours near the computer. When we work at the computer with various programs, games, design or programming, we often lose track of time, especially if the process is exciting and labor-intensive. It is advisable to take a break after a long period of work to rest your eyes. The Eyes Relaxing and Focusing program will show special images during the break, a kind of vision training, the images will appear directly on the screen, you can follow them just by looking at the computer screen. You don't have to watch the images on the screen; you can step away and look out the window, drink coffee or just close your eyes. A break will have a beneficial effect on your vision.

    The program has a wide range of settings with which you can set the duration of the exercises and the time they appear. Enable additional notifications to take a break from work and much more. The program also contains a “script maker” module that allows you to create your own eye exercises. The program is completely free.

    This program is well suited for training the eyes; do not forget that the best rest for the eyes is sleep and a walk in the fresh air.

    Please note that this program is not a medical product, so please consult your doctor before using it.

    13. Workrave 1.9.4. (in English)- it is free cross-platform software, designed to preserve the health of a person who is constantly at the computer.

    The program regularly reminds you of necessary breaks when working at the computer. "It's time for you to have some tea!" - she declares from time to time in English. If you decide to ignore its warnings, the program may take extreme measures - block access to the computer for a while. In this case, all you have to do is obey the advice of your personal doctor and take a short break for tea - you still won’t be able to work.

    Workrave regularly reminds the user to take a break. During the break, it is suggested to do exercises for the arms, eyes, lower back, etc. Detailed settings The programs allow you to set working hours and three types of breaks.

    The frequency of interruptions depends on the activity of the input devices; If there is no input during the break time, the time remaining until the break is reset.

    Workrave can lock the screen and keyboard. Workrave can be controlled over the network - for example, to control children's rest from computer games, or receive interruption messages while using multiple computers.

    14. NEWBaRest

    A program almost similar to "Eye Rest". This one adds the function of regulating work time and breaks, but in return you get a picture with a creepy golden man on the entire screen.


    - Adjustable work/break time


    A huge bright picture during the break. Here is such a man, only big and on a yellow background:
    - Easy to turn off

    15. C&V (Computer and Vision)- a good program to reduce eye fatigue

    We must pay tribute, the program provides a very wide functionality, up to limiting the time of using the computer - for a child, for example: he played for an hour and that’s enough.


    During the break, it darkens the screen and closes access to everything that it occurred to me to poke at;
    - It is possible to change the parameters for exiting a break - free, with a password, impossibility of exiting;
    - Customizable warnings about an upcoming break;
    - Possibility to play music during a break. True, only one, it seems.


    Shareware, after the first 15 days the brain soars.

    Computer program Orbis (Orbis) designed for people who want to control their visual acuity on a home personal computer. The method itself is based on the Landolt optotype: the person whose visual acuity we measure sees rings with a gap on one of the four sides. If for some reason measuring visual acuity using standard printed tables or measuring visual acuity online is not suitable for you, you can download and use the Orbis program.

    After downloading the file, run it. The computer program for testing visual acuity Orbis does not require installation and will start immediately. The program will open in full screen in a businesslike manner, which, in general, is good - there are fewer distracting images, and the diagnosis of visual acuity can be more accurate. But first, the computer program for testing visual acuity Orbis (Orbis) must be configured. At the bottom left, open the “Setting distances and sizes” tab. Now we need a ruler.

    Using the sliders in the “Ruler Settings” section, we need to make sure that the program’s ruler becomes synchronized with the real ruler in your hands.

    In the “Distance from the display” section, you can select the distance at which the subject is located from the monitor.

    The computer program for testing visual acuity Orbis (Orbis) is configured. Have fun!

    You can exit the program by clicking on the “file” tab in the upper left corner - Exit or by pressing the alt+f4 key combination. Minimize the program using alt+tab as standard.

    Platform: Windows All
    Year of manufacture: 1999-2005
    Interface language: Russian
    Tablet: Not available (demo 45 days)
    Archive weight: 4.94 MB (5,188,178 bytes) | Read how to work with this format in "RAR Archiver"


    According to various estimates and different countries, myopia (myopia) affects 35 to 75% of the population. Myopia is growing especially rapidly among children and young people. And every person in his life experiences deterioration of vision in the form of age-related farsightedness (presbyopia), which occurs at the age of 35-45 years.

    The main problem that arises with these disorders is the deterioration of visual acuity when looking into the distance (myopia) or near (farsightedness).

    In most cases, myopia develops after a partial or complete spasm of accommodation that occurs as a result of prolonged and strenuous work at close range. Thus, maintaining the functional state of the accommodative apparatus of the eyes within individual maximum limits is the primary step towards preventing myopia and farsightedness.

    Decreased near and distance visual acuity associated with these disorders is traditionally corrected either with glasses and contact lenses, or with laser correction. The inconveniences associated with wearing and maintaining corrective optics, the risks of surgical intervention are an objective and significant reason constant search alternative solutions to them.

    Regular glasses and contact lenses only slow down the process of vision loss. Special perforation glasses, myopters, glasses with special optics for independent home visual training, eye drops and various dietary supplements offered on the market for vision restoration have a number of significant disadvantages (the need to visit a medical institution, the use of special equipment, multi-day use, medical supervision and etc.). However, the main disadvantage of all these methods is their low efficiency and instability of the results obtained...

    About Color EyesKeeper

    More effective and successfully practiced are methods under the general name “vision therapy,” which use a targeted change in the degree of tension (in other words, “training”) of the accommodative apparatus of the eyes with the help of periodically replaced lenses and prisms of different optical powers. However, the main disadvantage this method is the fact that it can only be used when visiting medical institutions and using special sets of optical lenses.

    Separately and especially acute is the problem of preventing the occurrence of spasm of accommodation and myopia. Currently, recommendations are offered to solve this problem. general plan on workplace equipment and visual compliance. However, such widespread preventive agents as, for example, toothpaste in dentistry are completely absent in ophthalmology.

    Way to solve the problem

    One of the directions for improving vision or preventing its impairment is visual work in conditions of targeted changes in the degree of eye accommodation tension. For these purposes they are used various ways and equipment: optical loads using optical elements (lenses) - the Avetisov-Matz method, visual work with a table of optotypes of various sizes using optical elements (lenses) - the “swinging” method.

    Known methods and devices do not make it possible to carry out mass events to improve vision, since they require the participation of medical workers, tedious special training in the absence of psycho-emotional stimulation, and the use of ophthalmic equipment.

    Therefore, the development of unconventional and original methods and equipment was carried out that provide a healing effect in the process of a person performing habitual visual work (reading, writing, visual perception of the surrounding world).

    The refractive index of optical media (including the eye) is different for light rays of different wavelengths. The back focal length of the eye for rays of the short-wavelength region (blue) of the visible range of electromagnetic waves is less than for rays of the long-wavelength region (red). All other things being equal, the value of the back focal length for monochromatic maximum short rays of the visible range of electromagnetic waves is minimal, and for maximum long ones it is maximum. With the same refractive power of the eye, the difference in these values ​​can be up to 1.5 diopters. That is, the degree of accommodation voltage required to focus long-wave and short-wave light fluxes on the retina is different. So the change color characteristics visual stimuli and their color backgrounds when the eye performs visual work leads to a change in the spectral composition luminous flux, entering the eye, which, in turn, is accompanied by a change in the degree of accommodation tension.

    Cyclic changes in the colors and brightness of visual stimuli and/or their color backgrounds, as studies have shown, can be used for targeted effects on the accommodative apparatus of the eye instead of traditionally used optical refractive elements (lenses or prisms).

    This allows for both prevention and treatment of refractive disorders.

    Spectral optical reflex therapy, the basics of which were first proposed, tested and patented as a way to improve vision, is distinguished by its effectiveness, simplicity and a wide range of technical solutions for its application.

    Based on the provisions of spectral optical-reflex therapy, the ColorEyes Keeper visual training program has been developed.

    Thus, the main result of the development is the abandonment of the use of optical lenses, as elements that change the degree of accommodation tension of the eye and its optical power. Prevention and restoration of visual functions have become available without the participation of medical personnel and in the process of habitual visual work.

    The first version of the ColorEyesKeeper vision improvement program is available for testing.
    This is NOT a reminder to take a visual exercise break. The program is developed on the basis of a new (patented) method of improving vision. A few notes:
    -The program is designed for self-training and vision restoration. Mainly to restore distance visual acuity in case of myopia and relieve spasm of accommodation.
    -The program itself does NOT restore your vision. You will be required to work independently on a regular basis.
    -The installation package does NOT include visual training tasks. So don't expect to start training right away. All tasks are prepared for each user INDIVIDUALLY after receiving the results of a vision test and a completed QUESTIONNAIRE from him. Eye testing is, of course, available.
    20 people are required for testing.
    If you have normal vision, do not waste time and money downloading the file. Users with myopia of no more than -3 diopters will be selected as testers.

    A set of exercises to optimize mental performance. For children and adults who work on a computer for more than three hours a day, the exercises in the Comfort Pack are vital to eliminating the adverse effects of such work.

    With the help of five types of exercises of the "Comfort" package: special yoga exercises for the eyes, special physical exercises for mental workers, Japanese breathing therapy exercises, shiatsu acupressure massage, psychotechnical exercises of American imagotherapy, you can learn right at the workplace: to quickly get involved in work and maintain high mental performance for a long time during the working day.

    An expanded and improved collection for the eyes has appeared - Preservation of Vision, which includes 23 programs for vision correction: Amplyopia (AmblyopiaABC), Chibis (CHIBIS), ColorEyesKeeper, Contour (CONTOUR), Corrector (CROSSES), Jump4 (DAZZLE4), Jump5 (DAZZLE5 ), Eye (EYE), Eye Corrector (EyeCorrector), Flash (FLASHER), Flower (Flower), GABOR, Kaleidoscope (KALEIDS), Blade (KLINOK), Love (LOVE), Prince (PRINCE), Relaxation (RELAX), Save your eyes (SafeEyes), Spider (SPIDER), Squint (STRABISMUS), Vision (VISUS), Flower (ZVETOK), Puzzles (GOLOVOLOM). All programs are good and useful!

    Platform: all Windows
    System requirements: The most minimal
    Interface language: Russian only
    Tablet: Not required
    Developer: Sensor company
    Year of manufacture: 1994

    The collection includes programs for the treatment of amblyopia, strabismus, myopia, binocularity, strabismus, presbyopia, as well as spasm of accommodation and eye fatigue. The collection will be useful to everyone, even people who do not suffer from serious illnesses (especially those who spend a lot of time behind a computer screen). The archive is a collection of ophthalmological programs, the execution of which requires the presence of a personal computer with Windows and DOS operating systems. For convenient launch of Windows programs and launch of DOS programs on computers with modern Windows operating systems. This program is used in regional children's hospitals in ophthalmology departments.

    Also for ease of use (all these programs run on operating system DOS) these computer programs for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases were collected in the DOS emulator program D-Fend. After downloading and unpacking the archive, open the DFend.exe file, you will see the following window

    As you can see, all that remains is to select the program, download and click “Run”. THIS COLLECTION IS PAID. YOU CAN BUY FROM ME AT A BETTER PRICE!!!

    Here are characteristics of several well-known programs, for those who do not know:

    Chibis program- allows you to carry out test and training procedures to assess the state of binocular stereo vision and functional treatment of binocular disorders. The therapeutic effect of the program is based on stimulation of the coordinated activity of the left and right visual channels through the use of purely binocular visual stimuli - stereograms of random dots, which can be successfully perceived only with the coordinated work of both eyes.

    Program "Blade Two"- a comprehensive interactive computer program for the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus, allowing for all traditional procedures of hardware treatment carried out on a synoptophore. The program is built on the principle of simulating the corresponding procedures, but allows you to expand their time and speed range and use a number of new stimulation modes. The diagnostic block of the program provides a quantitative assessment of the state of binocular functions: determination of the nature of vision, heterophoria, functional scotoma, strabismus angle and fusion abilities.

    Program "Flower"- an interactive training program with a playful nature. The program offers the patient a series of increasingly complex but similar visual exercises, consisting of searching for a given object among several objects presented on the petals of a flower.

    Program "eYe" ("Ay")- intended for the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia and strabismus, restoration and development of binocular vision. The exercises are based on the methods of pleoptics, orthoptics and diploptics. The division of visual fields is carried out using red-blue glasses.

    Program "Contour"- a program for the treatment of amblyopia, restoration and development of binocular vision. In binocular exercises, a patient wearing red-blue glasses, seeing a reference drawing with one eye, traces or completes it with a “pen” visible with the other eye. In total, the program contains 38 drawings of varying complexity. To eliminate functional suppression and train fusion, numerous adjustments are provided: the ratio of contrasts of objects and the thickness of the lines of the drawing and “pen” are changed, objects can independently switch from light to dark, blinking is turned on at a controlled frequency, and the strength of the stimulus for peripheral fusion is adjusted.

    Program "Crosses" is a game pattern stimulator for the treatment of amblyopia, which uses an invertible chessboard. This stimulus activates neurons and restores interneuronal connections at all levels of the visual system. As the game progresses, the cells are reduced to the point where the player can recognize them. Inversion frequencies are related to cell size, providing the greatest therapeutic effect. The image contrast can be selected over a wide range: from maximum for stimulation to subtle for training. To influence the luminance and color-opponent channels of the visual system, black-and-white, red-green or yellow-blue checkerboard fields are used. The duration of one game is 5 minutes.

    "Spider" program is another game for the treatment of amblyopia, where stimulation is provided by structured dynamic images. The gaming task encourages the patient to maintain gaze near the centers of movable radial or spiral gratings. As a result, the macula and periphery are simultaneously excited by stimuli optimal sizes: macula - small, periphery - large. Also during the game, visual motor activity, convergence and accommodation are activated. Various settings and color transitions allow you to stimulate all types of photoreceptors, as well as on- and off-neurons. As in the previous game, the contrast of the image can be selected.

    23. Relaxation for the eyes

    The program is a simulator for vision correction and relieving eye strain.

    The purpose of the program is to restore or improve vision, relieve eye fatigue and prevent vision deterioration.

    24. Vision corrector 1.0

    Vision corrector is a computer program created using a unique method and designed to restore vision, improve vision, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent vision deterioration. The program uses special vision exercises and SIRDS pictures.

    As a result of working with the program, ocular blood circulation improves, the eye muscles are strengthened, the accommodative ability of the eyes develops, which, in turn, helps to improve the nutrition of the optic nerve, relieve spasm of accommodation, and increase visual acuity.

    The Vision Corrector program has no contraindications and is recommended for daily use.

    The program is presented in three versions: Standard (290 rubles), Gold and a free demo version. The developers recommend using the Standard version. The demo version is intended for initial familiarization with the program.

    Purpose of the program: The program is intended for the correction and development of binocular functions in children starting from 4-5 years of age.

    General characteristics of the program

    Strabismus is an interactive computer program for the treatment of strabismus, which allows you to carry out all the traditional procedures of hardware treatment carried out on a synoptophore. The program is built on the principle of simulating the corresponding procedures, but allows you to expand their time and speed range and use a number of new stimulation modes. The diagnostic block of the program provides a quantitative assessment of the state of binocular functions: The therapeutic and training block of the program contains exercises designed to eliminate strabismus and expand fusion reserves.

    The Strabismus program provides separate presentation of visual stimuli to the left and right eyes based on anaglyph haploscopy, independent movement of these stimuli across the screen and flashing images at different frequencies. Left and right visual stimuli are generated on the display as images of different colors (red and blue or red and green) and must be viewed through appropriate glasses. There are 2 modes for moving stimuli across the screen: manual and automatic.

    All measurement and training results are recorded automatically and displayed on the screen in the form of tables and graphs.

    28. Workrave- a free program that will help not only preserve your eyesight, but also stretch other tired muscles from work.

    The program will help prevent and treatment of the so-called “tunnel syndrome” (carpal disease), which is often found among people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

    Workrave alerts you that it's time to take a break. There are three types of rest: mini-rest, break and daily limit. They are all customizable: time, sounds. It is also possible to lock the keyboard and screen during a break, or to show the “snooze” and “cancel” buttons or not. That is, leave no choice for yourself and obey the program - rest. Convenient for monitoring children's work at the computer.

    The program also has a built-in ability to work over the network.

    During your rest, the program will not abandon you either, but will suggest you to do several exercises: for the health of your eyes, back, neck and arms. All exercises are accompanied by pictures and descriptions.

    It's a good program, and it's cross-platform - it's possible to use it on different OSes.

    Doska program designed to work with the eye muscles of people sitting for a long time at the monitor. This technique developed by medical professionals. It is recommended to use this program once every 4 hours of working at the computer (preferably every hour).

    Program Guide:

    Unzip the resulting file and run the doska.exe program (you can put it in a separate created folder or run directly from the archive).
    - the "Space" key starts and stops the process on the monitor, designed to work with the eye muscles
    - for optimal gymnastics, you need to look at the motionless middle of the screen for about 30 seconds, then move your eyes to a distant object.ESI - Eyes saving interface (eyes saving interface).

    This is not a program, but, say, a monitor calibration complex. To do this, special rules for sites (css) are written, which rearrange all blocks of the site, rules for markup and font use.

    The purpose of the ESI application is to teach the system to work correctly with a font size that will be convenient for the user, i.e. select your own font, which is applied to the system, sites, etc. Fonts for all programs will be drawn much better and will strain your eyes less. They will be clear and pleasing to the eye.

    11-12-2018, 04:16

    Interface language: Russian

    Tablet: Cured


    EYE Program intended for the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia and strabismus, restoration and development of binocular vision. The exercises are based on the methods of pleoptics, orthoptics and diploptics. The division of visual fields is carried out using red-blue glasses.


    Before you start working with patients, we advise you to practice working with the program. To make it easier to restore the databases after this, create a temporary directory, for example, BACK, and completely copy the EYE directory into it along with the subdirectories PCX and BASE (of course, if you have disk space).

    Run the eYe program from your computer's hard drive using the eYe.exe file. If you created a shortcut for quick launch during installation in Windows, it is more convenient to use it. A color splash screen will appear on the monitor screen, at the bottom of which there are 4 keys with letters meaning:

    • [R] - work with “REGISTER”,
    • [T] - work with the “OFFICE”,
    • - brief information about the developers,
    • - exit the program.

    Having selected the desired type of work, press the corresponding key on the keyboard.

    To get acquainted with the “REGISTRATION” press [R]: The main menu “REGISTRATION” will appear on the screen. Having selected each menu item in turn, except for the “Office” item, do all the work that is offered in their submenu: fill out four or five medical records (maybe not in full); try editing them; enter treatment prescriptions and check all types of their editing; print the medical record on the printer (this way you can check whether the Russian font is loaded into your printer); create a small archive and look at the possibilities of working with it. In all work, you will be helped by the information contained in the lower help line of the screen or received by pressing the key at appropriate moments.

    Having familiarized yourself with the “REGISTRATION”, go to "OFFICE", using the “Cabinet” menu item. You can do it differently: using the “Exit” menu item, exit the “eYe” program, launch it again using the eYe.exe file, and then press the [T] key. Before displaying the main menu of the OFFICE, in the first case you will be asked to select the working mode “with a patient” or “without a patient”, in the second - “select a patient in the REGISTRATION OFFICE” or work “without a patient”. For the first acquaintance with the “OFFICE”, it is better to select the “without patient” mode and sequentially do all the work proposed in each menu item, except for the “Registration” item: perform one or two exercises from the COMBINATION and MERGING groups, exercises SIMULATOR, “SHOOTING SHOULDER”, "CHASE"; adjust the brightness of the monitor and test objects in anaglyph images using all the methods suggested in paragraph 2.5.; complete the suggested control exercises. Don’t forget to read the key-by-key help information about different menu items, exercises and “hot” keys that operate in the “OFFICE”.

    Let's take a closer look at conducting an introductory session with a patient for whom a medical record has not yet been created. Having selected the “CABINET” mode of operation (key [T]) after launching the “eYe” program, you will see a window on the monitor screen prompting you to select a job:

    Patient not selected!
    Select at REGISTRATION

    Using the [?] key, move the black bar to the line “Continue WITHOUT PATIENT” and press the key. The program's information about the conditions it expects for the session will appear on the screen:

    Distance to screen - 60 cm
    Left filter color - RED

    If you agree to “Continue”, then click - the main menu of the “OFFICE” will appear on the screen with the “Tasks” item marked with a red stripe. By pressing , you will see a submenu of this item on the screen.

    In the “Combination” group, Exercise 1 is marked with a red stripe; use the [?] key to move the red stripe, for example, to Exercise 5 and in the “Sample” window you will see a small copy of the selected exercise. Press : a full-size image of this exercise will appear on the screen. The program informed about the conditions for performing the exercise immediately upon entering the OFFICE. If you need to change the distance to the screen, or your patient will work in glasses with a blue left filter, make these changes in the “Settings” menu. To do this, press or when the exercise is loaded on the screen, and you will be taken to the main menu of the OFFICE. Using the [?] key, highlight the “Settings” item with a red stripe and press: a submenu of this item will appear on the screen. Press the key twice: the red bar will appear on the “Distance” line. By pressing the key, select the desired distance, for example 50 cm. Then use the [?] key to set the red stripe on the “Left filter” line and select “Blue” with the key. After this, use the key to go to the command window (the red stripe will appear on the INSTALL command) and press. The settings you select will be applied to the current session, and before you exit the Setup menu, the following message will be displayed on the screen:

    Distance to screen - 50 cm Left filter color - BLUE

    The old settings (distance - 60 cm, Left filter - RED) will be restored automatically when you go to “REGISTRATION” or when you exit the program. You can also return them using the RESTORE command from the submenu of the “Settings” item. When performing the exercise, the program will measure the displacement of the centers of objects along the horizontal and vertical axes and prompt you to try again, but the results will not be written to the database.

    Depending on the type of strabismus, with simultaneous or binocular vision, different relative positions of test objects will be recorded on the screen.

    After training in the “OFFICE” in the “without patient” mode, you can use the “Registration” menu item and familiarize yourself with full-time work“eYe” program in “with the patient” mode.

    Russification of the program

    At the beginning of the program launch, when you press the “R” key, instead of Russian letters there may be “kryakozyabra”. In order for everything to look normal, you need to do the following:


    The archive contains:

    • in the EYE catalog:

    eye.exe - a program that ensures the interaction of individual executable modules of the eYe program;

    pcxega.exe, registry.exe, treat.exe - executable modules included in the “eYe” program;
    clip.exe - utility program to insert samples of self-made pictures-exercises into the samples.eye file;
    samples.eye - auxiliary file with samples of anaglyph pictures-exercises;
    registry.hip, treat.hlp - help texts (“Help”);
    eye.rskh - screensaver image for the “eYe” program;
    about.pcx - a picture with information about the developers;
    bear.pcx, elephant.pcx, hedgehog.pcx, mouse.pcx, rabbit.pcx - pictures for games,
    eye.ico - icon for launching the eYe program in Windows;

  • in the EYEBASE catalog:
  • arch_pr.dbf, archiv.dbf, karta.dbf, kontrol.dbf, nazn.dbf, protoc.dbf - database files that provide maintenance of medical records and training records;

  • in the EYEPCX catalog:
    ex_01.pcx - ex_27.pcx, ex_31.pcx - ex_46.pcx, ex_pl.pcx, ex_pm.pcx, ex_ps.pcx - anaglyph pictures exercises.

    After starting the program, go to the office.

    Purpose and composition

    "OFFICE" is intended for:

    • development of friendly activity of the eyes during strabismus,
    • development of localization abilities of the visual system,
    • conducting therapeutic games for amblyopia,
    • automatic control over the treatment process.

    Immediately upon entering the OFFICE, a message about the current setting appears on the screen, for example:

    Distance to screen - 60 cm
    Left filter color - RED


    which waits for you to press . If the program's assumptions are incorrect, you will receive incorrect measurement results and may irreversibly damage patient performance statistics. Therefore, you should either obey the requirements of the program, or inform it of the actual operating conditions in the “Settings” item, accessible from the Main Menu (details are given in paragraph 2.5).

    The structure of the OFFICE is reflected in its Main Menu, which looks like:

    Assignment | Registration | Control | Setting | Exit

    IN item "Task" therapeutic exercises are grouped, data about the patient and his individual prescription are displayed.

    Through the item " Registry» the transition to the “REGISTRATION” is carried out.

    In paragraph " Control» the state of the patient’s visual system is monitored by the angle of strabismus measured using a computer and the nature of vision is assessed using a four-point test in a computer implementation.

    In paragraph " Settings» adjustable brightness of red and blue colors Based on the image of one of the anaglyph exercises to ensure the most complete separation of the visual fields of the patient’s left and right eyes, the frequency and method of blinking of the test objects is set, the distance from the patient’s eyes to the monitor screen is set, and the color of the left filter of the glasses is selected.

    Through the item " Exit" the program exits.

    The desired menu item is selected using the cursor keys [?], [?] followed by pressing the key.

    The key allows you to obtain reference information relevant to the moment. The key cancels current actions and returns the program to its previous state. The and keys call up the main menu of the OFFICE, with their help you can finish work in the OFFICE and exit the program, or go to the REGISTRATION.

    Work in " OFFICE» is possible in two modes: “with patient” and “without patient”. In the “with the patient” mode, ongoing classes are conducted with children so that the results of the exercises can be recorded in the database. In the “without patient” mode, when the patient card is not used, we recommend that you conduct orientation sessions with newly arrived patients in order to adapt them to the computer and identify their ability to perform assigned exercises, as well as to clarify individual tasks.


    This is the main point of the program, it contains complete information about therapeutic exercises, and classes are conducted with patients.

    Similar items of the “Task” submenu are combined into groups enclosed in the following frames:

    • MERGER,
    • "Shooting Range", "CHASE".

    You can move from group to group cyclically by pressing the key. By pressing the key, you can get brief information on these groups. The current menu position is highlighted in red.

    Within the group, movements are carried out using the cursor keys:

    [?], [?] - step-by-step movement in the vertical direction,
    [Home] - setting to the first item in the group,
    - setting to the last item in the group,
    - “scrolling” the group forward,
    - “scrolling” the group back.

    « Swipe» is effective for groups that do not fit entirely into the screen space allocated to them, such as COMBINATION and MERGER.

    Doctor's appointment

    On the left side of the screen, the frame under the PURPOSE heading contains information about the set of exercises selected by the doctor for conducting a treatment session with this patient. The patient's first and last name and the number of the current lesson are displayed on the screen as the title of the entire “Task” submenu.

    Combination and fusion exercises

    The COMBINATION and MERGING groups combine therapeutic exercises with anaglyph pictures, small copies of which are displayed on the monitor screen in the “Task” menu item. After selecting the assigned exercise using the cursor keys and pressing a key, its full screen image will appear.

    In the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia, exercises containing test objects of red and blue colors, perceived separately by each eye, are used. To separate the fields of view, glasses with red-blue filters are used. If the patient has corrective glasses, glasses with filters are put on over them.

    Here it is appropriate to recall the operating conditions assumed by the program - the distance to the screen and the color of the left filter of the glasses. If they are not suitable for you, you need to call up the Main Menu, then the “Settings” menu and in it set new conditions for the treatment session, i.e. transmit a message to the program that work with the patient will be carried out either with the left blue filter of the glasses, or with a different distance between the screen and the patient’s eyes, or both.

    Exercises can be divided into two types:

    1. two objects are presented on the screen (exercises 1-8, 19-22, 31-46);
    2. More than two objects are presented on the screen (Ex. 9-18, 23-27).

    The patient’s task in the first type of exercise is to combine (exercises 1-8, 19-22) or merge (exercises 31-46) the presented objects as accurately as possible. In these exercises, the patient sees two objects on the display screen: one red and one blue, as well as a white arrow and a striped frame (in exercises 43, 44, 45 - an additional purple corner), visible to both eyes at the same time. One of the objects must be made movable, the other must be left motionless. The patient moves the “mouse” across the table with his hand and sees a moving arrow on the screen, touches the selected moving object with it and briefly presses the left button on the “mouse”. After this, the arrow disappears, and the movement of the “mouse” will be accompanied by the movement of the object across the screen.

    It should be noted that the moving object should be presented more often to the squinting eye. The patient must register the subjective combination or merging of a pair of presented objects by repeated short pressing of the left mouse button. At the same time, a small white window appears in the center of the screen, in which the results of the exercise are recorded, namely, the displacement relative to each other of the centers of two objects along the horizontal and vertical axes in angular degrees and minutes. You are offered the opportunity to choose whether to record or not record the results of the exercises in the computer’s memory. When recording, the results will be accumulated in a database on the computer disk and can be viewed in the “REGISTER”.

    There are two options for repeating the exercise. First: press the or key, thereby exiting to the Main Menu, and load the same exercise again by pressing. Second: press the key on the keyboard, the image of the window with the results will disappear, the image of the fixed location of the test objects of the exercise being performed and the arrow will remain on the screen. You need to touch the movable object with the arrow, briefly press the left mouse button, the arrow will disappear, after which the movable object should be moved to the side and try to perform the exercise again.

    After completing the exercise the designated number of times, you must return to the Main Menu by pressing the or key and begin performing the next exercise from the ASSIGNMENT.

    For patients with functional scotoma, the above exercises include: additional features: alternate or simultaneous flashing of test objects and flashing of only one of the objects in the presented pair. In this case, it is advisable to install test objects in the area where the scotoma or unstable alignment is located. The blinking parameters are selected individually, but it is recommended to start with the color of the disappearing object and the blinking frequency of 4.6 Hz.

    Attention! Information about the on/off keys, frequency adjustment and blinking types, as well as adjusting the brightness of test objects when anaglyph images are loaded on the screen, can be obtained at any time by pressing the key without going to the Main Menu to the “Settings” item.

    In exercises 9-18, 23-27, the patient sees more than two red and blue objects on the display screen. The accuracy of these exercises is not quantified, but assessed visually. Exercises 9-18 are recommended for treatment in subsequent sessions, when the patient has already mastered working with simple objects.

    In exercises 9 to 13, you should make a word from blue consonants and red vowels, placing these letters on a horizontal strip of purple color (exercises 9, 12, 13), perceived by both eyes at the same time, or exactly horizontally with equal spaces between the letters on black background of the screen (exercises 10, 11), and read this word. On the screen, the patient sees letters and a white arrow that moves when the “mouse” moves. You need to touch the selected letter with the arrow and briefly press the right mouse button. The arrow will disappear, the letter will be copied and, using the mouse, moved to the selected location on the screen, where it will be left by pressing the right button again.

    In exercise 14, using red and blue house elements, you need to “build” a house according to the model on the screen. You need to touch each element in turn with the white arrow, briefly press the right mouse button, thereby copying this element, and move it under the roof of the house.

    In exercise 15, you need to “build” a ship from the red and blue elements of the ship by touching each element in turn with the white arrow, pressing the left button on the “mouse” and placing the elements in suitable places on the ship. It is better to copy the red circles (portholes) by pressing the right mouse button and transfer them to the ship’s hull.

    In exercise 16, on the right side of the screen there are “pins”: 3 large and small red and 3 large and small blue. The “pins” must be placed using the “mouse” (using the methods described above) on two purple stripes, perceived by both eyes at the same time. From lesson to lesson you can vary the task, for example, place large “pins” on one strip, alternating them by color, and small ones on the other, also alternating them by color.

    In exercises 17, 18, along the blue outline of the machine, the patient needs to place red stripes using the “mouse”, touching them with the white arrow and copying by briefly pressing the right button on the “mouse”. The outline of the machine should remain as undistorted as possible. When the blue and red stripes subjectively merge, the patient will see a purple outline of the car.

    In Exercise 23, a pyramid of purple, blue, and red rings is displayed on the screen. The patient should be asked to examine the pyramid first without anaglyph glasses, and then with glasses. The child should strive to see all the elements of the pyramid together. It is recommended to turn on alternate or simultaneous flashing of the blue and red elements of the pyramid. The blinking frequency decreases from 3.5 to 0.7 Hz.

    In exercises 24 and 25, you should assemble a pyramid by placing blue and red rings alternately on the purple axis using the mouse. The patient needs to touch the desired ring with the white arrow, press the left mouse button and move it to the axis of the pyramid. Exercise 25 is prescribed after the patient performs exercise 24 well.

    In exercises 26 and 27, a weightlifter is depicted on the screen. The patient needs to “hang” blue and red “pancakes” on the bar using the “mouse” in the manner described above. Exercise 27 is a more difficult version of exercise 26.

    In exercises 24-27 on initial stages treatment, it is recommended to use alternating and simultaneous flashing.

    Exercise SIMULATOR

    SIMULATOR- This is an exercise aimed at training fusion. It should be performed if the patient has bifoveal fusion (for example, in exercises 32-33, he can, by placing the red and blue circles at a certain angle, see one fused circle with two “ears”). The exercise is performed with red and blue glasses. Here, as in other exercises with anaglyphic division of visual fields, it is necessary that the program information about the distance to the screen and the color of the left filter corresponds to reality. To clarify or change these parameters, as well as adjust the brightness of red and blue colors, you should use the “Settings” item of the “CABINET” Main Menu (a detailed description is given in paragraph 2.5).

    Before loading the exercise image onto the screen, you are given the opportunity to select the frequency of vibration of objects in the range from 0.2 Hz to 4 Hz when they come closer. Usually they start with lower frequencies and gradually move to higher ones.

    First, on a dark screen background, the patient will see a purple circle made up of blue and red circles superimposed on each other. You need to ask the patient to remember this image and then put red and blue glasses on him.

    • Case A. The patient sees the red and blue circles moved apart. He should be given the opportunity to move the “mouse” around the table himself and find the position in which the circles will merge into one circle.
    • Case B.The patient sees one merged circle. Using the mouse, you should slowly move the circles on the screen horizontally until the patient’s circle begins to double.

    The direction of moving the circles apart should be opposite to the one in which you are going to train the fusion. To train positive reserves, you need to initially move the red circle to the temple of the eye behind the red glass, and to train negative reserves - in the opposite direction. After this, move the circles slightly so that the patient’s image does not double.

    The further exercise is performed the same way in both cases. The patient is asked to hold the merged image (magenta circle) for as long as possible and press the key. In this case, the red and blue circles will begin to perform simultaneous counter synchronous oscillatory motion. The patient should still see one fused image. (If he says that the circle splits into two at the first oscillation, start the exercise over again, moving the patient at different distances from the screen: try to find a distance where the circle does not split.) After several oscillations of the red and blue circles, press again. The circles will move a little and continue to oscillate. Make sure that the patient still sees the merged circle, and after a while, press again. Repeat these steps until the patient says that there are two circles. After this, press the key. The results will appear on the screen: the angular distances between the centers of the circles horizontally and vertically, measured at the beginning and end of the exercise.

    In this case, you will be given the opportunity to “Write” or “NOT record” these results (in the first case, they will be stored in the “REGISTER”). The exercise should be repeated several times.

    Exercises "Shooting Range" and "CHASE"

    "SHOOTING SHOOT" and "CHASE" are play exercises used in the treatment of amblyopia. They are performed monocularly with occlusion of the better seeing eye. For bilateral amblyopia, occlusion is performed alternately for each eye.

    IN game "Shooting Gallery" the patient sees on the screen an image of a circle and a square of different colors appearing in random places on a dark screen. You need to invite the patient to move the circle around the screen using the mouse until it aligns with the square. The patient, following the moving circle with his gaze, must fix with a short press of the left mouse button the alignment of the circle with the square. The combination or non-combination of figures is accompanied by sound signals of the corresponding timbres; the combination of figures is additionally accompanied by a light flash. After the flash, the circle and square disappear, replaced by the next pair. As the game progresses, the colors of the pieces change.

    The game is divided into five levels, at each level the angular dimensions of the moving figures change: from 4 angular degrees at the first level to 0.5 at the fifth. At the first four levels, the patient is given 9 “shots”; at the fifth level, the number of “shots” is limited only by the game time (2.5 minutes). Before starting the game, you can select a starting level. At the end of the game, bonus points are awarded depending on what level the patient was at when the game time ended, and how accurately the centers of the figures were aligned during the “shot”. Points are displayed on the screen against the background of different color pictures and music. To exit the game early, you need to press the key.

    IN game "CHASE" The patient sees on a dark screen background a colored frame with a sight and a bright colored circle that smoothly, randomly moves across the screen, reflecting from its edges. The patient uses the mouse to move the frame within which he must hold the circle. If the circle is not followed accurately enough, a characteristic sound is heard. beep, and the bright indicator bar at the edge of the screen decreases. As the game progresses, the colors of the pieces change.

    The game “CHASE”, like the previous one, has five levels at which the angular sizes of moving figures are reduced from 4 to 0.5 angular degrees. If, when passing a certain level, the indicator bar decreases to zero, the game ends. An incomplete column at the next level is restored to its full height. Game time is 2.5 minutes, early exit occurs by pressing the key. Prize points are awarded as in the “Shooting Gallery” game; their display on the screen is accompanied by the same color pictures and music.

    For patients with mild amblyopia, exercises 17, 18 from the COMBINATION group (section 2.2.2) can also be recommended for the development of localization abilities of the visual system.


    Through the Main Menu item “Registration” you go to “REGISTRATION” and its Main menu is displayed on the monitor screen. This item is used to select in the “REGISTRATION” information about each subsequent patient and the doctor’s appointment for this patient, as well as to work with medical records. In this case, the number of the current treatment session is automatically set, displayed in the header of the “Task” menu along with the patient’s last name and first name.

    If you were in the “OFFICE” in the “without patient” mode, then the transition to the “REGISTRATION” is carried out immediately without any messages.

    If you were in the “OFFICE” in the “with the patient” mode, and the work was interrupted prematurely for any reason, then before re-entering the “OFFICE” or the “REGISTRATION”, a warning message about this will appear on the screen.

    Using the [?], [?] keys you need to make a choice: “Exit to the OFFICE”, “Exit to the REGISTRATION”. By choosing the first one, you will return to the “OFFICE” and will be able to continue classes with the same patient. By going to the “REGISTRATION”, you can view data about your patient, or select another patient from the list to study.


    In the “Control” section, the angle of strabismus is measured using a combination exercise common to all patients and the nature of vision is determined using a four-point test.

    The results of the exercises are automatically entered into the database. Work can take place in the “with the patient” and “without the patient” modes. When you call this item, its submenu appears on the screen:

    • Strabismus angle
    • Nature of vision

    Use the [?], [?] and keys to select the desired submenu item.

    Measuring the strabismus angle

    Before loading the control exercise for combining, remember once again about the color of the left filter of the glasses and the distance to the screen expected by the program, to clarify or change which use the “Settings” item of the Main menu of the “ACBINET” (details about this are written in paragraph 2.5). After completing the exercise, the program will prompt you to “Write” or “Do not write” the result to the database. Highlight the required solution with a red line and press . To cancel the recording, you can click . The image of the exercise will remain on the screen, and its execution can be repeated, either by or going to the main menu of the OFFICE. When working in the “without patient” mode, the program will show the result of the exercise and offer to “Continue” the lesson. To continue working with the program, you must press or . After this, you can perform the exercise again or go to the main menu of the OFFICE by pressing or.

    Determination of the nature of vision

    When determining the nature of vision on a computer, the distance between the monitor screen and the patient’s eyes should be set to 60 cm.

    Before loading the four-point test, the system will prompt you to set the “distance” (1 m; 2.5 m; 5 m) between the patient and the test image on the screen.

    Different viewing distances are simulated by the corresponding angular dimensions of the presented image. The required conditional distance is selected using the [?], [?] and keys, after which the requirement necessary for this implementation of the four-point test will appear on the screen: it is imperative to use glasses with a LEFT RED filter when determining the nature of vision in order to avoid an incorrect result. After completing the exercise, you can press the key to get help in determining the nature of the patient’s vision, and press the key in the “with the patient” mode, the program will prompt you to write the result into the database, highlighting it in red using the [?] and [?] keys. required term, from those offered in the upper right corner of the screen.

    After that, using the or keys you will be taken to the main menu of the OFFICE.

    When working in the “without patient” mode, there will be no prompt to record the result, and pressing the (or) key will take you to the main menu of the “OFFICE”.


    Color characteristics different monitors are not the same and may change if you manually adjust the brightness and contrast. To make blue and red objects appear subjectively equally bright through anaglyph glasses, BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT is used.

    Homogeneous menu items are grouped into groups enclosed in frames: “Blinking”, “Brightness”, “Conditions” and a group of commands. Switching within a group of proposed options is carried out using the (space) key, the transition from group to group occurs cyclically using the key. The blinking parameters of test objects, the distance from the patient’s eyes to the monitor screen, and the color of the left glasses filter selected using the switch keys can be, respectively: set for the duration of the current session, canceled with restoration of old settings, set and saved on disk, or simply ignored , - depending on the choice of commands: “INSTALL”, “RESTORE”, “WRITE” (commands are executed immediately after pressing the keys) or .

    To correctly determine the angles, data on the relative position of the color filters in the glasses and the distance from the patient’s eyes to the screen must be entered into the program. They are set in the “Conditions” group. It is assumed that the width of the visible area of ​​the screen is 240 mm (14" monitor). If your monitor has different dimensions, then the distance at which the patient must be seated should be equal to the value in the menu multiplied by the ratio of the width of your screen to 240 mm.

    Adjustment of the brightness of red and blue colors occurs immediately when, after switching to “Brighter” or “Darker,” you press and hold the key. In this case, when adjusting only the brightness, the “SET” command or pressing (exiting the “Setup” menu item) becomes equivalent - the brightness is set for the current session of working with the patient. You can remember the set brightness by writing to disk or restore the previous one by writing from disk in the same way - using the “WRITE” or “RESTORE” commands.

    When setting up, we recommend the following tactics. Set the brightness and contrast of the monitor to the maximum possible, but so that, firstly, the black surface of the empty areas of the screen does not turn gray, and secondly, the brightness and contrast of colors are still acceptable to the eye when working with “REGISTRATION”. The patient, through the filters of anaglyph glasses, will see much less bright objects, and it is important that his working conditions are also normal. Then select an exercise with a black background and large objects from the “Task” submenu and display it on the screen. Next, by entering the “Settings” menu, set the maximum possible brightness of red and blue. Wearing glasses, reduce the brightness of one or both colors so that, on the one hand, they are equalized, and on the other, to make red through a blue filter and blue through a red filter invisible. If you have to suppress both colors too much, adjust the monitor brightness to make the screen a little gray - against this background, the “alien” color is not so noticeable through the filter. This is the brightness setting for patients with high visual acuity. By selecting the “RECORD” command, save your settings. In the future, each time you log into the “OFFICE”, this setting will be set automatically. And for individual cases, when, for example, one patient’s eye sees worse than the other, we recommend that you change the setting temporarily for the current session, using the “SET” command or “hot” keys. By taking an appointment for another patient in the “REGISTRATION” and returning to the “OFFICE”, you will see that the old setting has been restored.

    Obviously, after each change in the position of the monitor brightness and contrast adjustment knobs, the adjustment procedure should be repeated. In general, it is much more convenient to use “hot” keys for settings.

    “Hot”, in particular, is the group of keys , , , . They initiate different types of flashing - flashing red, blue, both colors - alternately and simultaneously. The keys decrease and increase the blinking frequency, and the [=] and keys turn off blinking. Thus, you can turn on blinking without interrupting your activity with the patient.

    Before starting work with the patient, the required blinking frequency is set in the “Settings” menu, but the “blinking color” remains “OFF”. If now, while performing an exercise, at the right moment you press one of the keys , , , , then the corresponding colors will begin to blink at the specified frequency. Pressing another key will change the blinking pattern, and the [=] key will turn it off.

    The current brightness of red and blue is adjusted in the same way: pressing the left key and keys simultaneously adjusts red, and the right with the same keys adjusts blue. You can restore the previous brightness by simultaneously pressing [=] and any key. You can write the brightness adjustment made in this way to disk only using the “WRITE” command by calling the submenu of the “Settings” item. In this case, you need to be careful, since all other parameters shown in the menu at that moment will also be recorded.

    Help information about the “hot” keys for adjusting the brightness and blinking of test objects is provided while working with an anaglyph image.


    Selecting using the [?] keys and the “Exit” item leads to exit from the “eYe” program.

    Adding your anaglyph images

    If you have mastered the package perfectly, you may want to try your hand at independently constructing tasks - anaglyph pictures similar to those found in the "CABINET". Some graphics packages allow you to draw such pictures (Paintbrush for DOS, GRASP, etc.). But at the same time, you need to know two things: how to use the color palette and how to make a small sample picture for a new image, visible in the task selection menu in the OFFICE.

    For normal operation as part of the "CABINET", the picture must be made not just in red and blue colors, but must have exactly the same EGA palette (all 16 colors) as the .px files from the EYEPCX catalog. By launching your existing graphics package (for programs designed to work in DOS - in EGA mode: screen 640x350 pixels, 16 colors), you load one of the files mentioned above into it. In this case, a graphics package suitable for the job should automatically install the palette of the loaded image. Then, using the colors of this palette, you draw your picture in place of the downloaded one, writing it to disk under a new name. You can draw a picture with a black background by loading a file with a black background (for example, ex_01.pcx). If you assign numbers from 1 to 16 to the colors of the palette (black - 1, etc.), then the black background should be drawn with the 1st color, red objects - with the 2nd, blue - with the 3rd. Objects or parts of objects visible through both filters are 4th (magenta), and a non-blinking background frame is 9th (magenta). A picture with objects on a purple background is drawn in the palette of a file that has a similar background, for example, ex_39.pcx. Now red objects are drawn in 10th color, blue in 11th, overlapping parts of objects visible through both filters in 12th (black), unblinking purple background in 9th, black border still in 1st.

    You may have noticed that the COMBINATION exercises from 28 through 30 and the MERGING exercises from 47 through 60 are not really supported by pictures. This is where you can include your picture by placing it in the EYEPCX directory and giving the file a name, for example, ex_28.pcx. Now, when you select exercise N 28 for COMBINATION, your picture will be loaded. Make sure you use the right color palette - objects should move and blink appropriately.

    To place a sample of your picture in a special window when you select the “Task” menu item, use the auxiliary program clip.exe, which inserts a small copy of the .px image into the samples.eye file. To do this, you need to place all three files in one directory: clip.exe, your.pcx image and samples.eye, then type a command like clip ex_28.pcx 28 and press .

    After this, your picture will appear on the screen, then in the left top corner a smaller copy of it, and finally, a message about the task being completed by the clip.exe program. In this case, the ex_28.pcx sample will be inserted inside the samples.eye file and will take 28th place there. When specifying, for example, the 50th place for ex_50.pcx, the clip.exe program will first create a row empty seats in the samples.eye file, missing until the 50th (which will increase its size), and only then will add the 50th sample. If you simply type the command clip and press , the program itself will show you the rules for using it.