• What to do if the iPhone 4s does not receive the network. Constantly searching iPhone network

    After manipulating the iPhone firmware or its hardware, there are often cases when the iPhone does not see the network. There can be many reasons for this problem, but one of the most common is a failure in the current date and time zone settings. Today we will look at the main ways to solve this problem.

    After flashing iOS or replacing the SIM card, it happens that the iPhone writes “no network”. In place of the operator’s logo is the inscription “No network”. This situation immediately reduces the capabilities of the device and actually turns it into a player. Often, users take the device to a service center, where they try to restore the connection for an additional fee, although in most situations the problem when the network on the iPhone has disappeared can be solved on your own.

    The secret lies in the operating features of iOS itself. The iPhone does not connect to the network if the time zone and date/time do not match the current indicators. It is very easy to correct the situation by simply connecting your smartphone to a Wi-Fi network and performing a number of simple manipulations.

    Correction of time to restore access to the cellular network

    As you can see, the method is very simple and at the same time quite effective. However, you definitely need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network in order for your iPhone to register with Apple's server. Otherwise, cellular communication will not come to life.

    What to do if there is no wireless access point nearby?

    In this case, the simplest solution would be to create a Wi-Fi network using another iPhone that can connect to the mobile Internet and distribute the wireless network. It's quite simple to do this:

    After these manipulations, a new item will appear in the main settings menu - Modem Mode. After its activation, the device will begin to “distribute” the Internet.

    If this method is not available (the message “search for network” on the iPhone remains), then all that remains is to restore the iOS firmware.

    First, you will have to download the firmware file and connect your smartphone to a computer with iTunes installed. In the application, select Restore.

    It is important to remember that the recovery procedure will delete all personal data and settings from the mobile device.

    If even after these manipulations the iPhone does not connect to the network, then the problems may be related to the hardware of the device and you will no longer be able to do without a trip to the service center.

    Any modern smartphone is, first of all, a mobile phone, and then everything else. Its most important function is to receive and make calls. To do this, a SIM card with a telephone number assigned to it is installed in each device, and a special indicator indicates successful registration in the cellular network and signal strength.

    iPhone does not connect to the network - what to do? This issue is preventing voice calls from being made, so we need to sort it out.

    Trying a reboot

    Smartphones iPhone 4s, 5s, 6s and many others are technically complex devices consisting of several modules built on a single motherboard. These modules operate using complex software. No program or electronic device can boast of 100% reliability - the same applies to the iPhone.

    A failure in one module often affects other modules, causing equipment to malfunction. Computer users know very well what to do if a program or the entire PC partially freezes at once - press the reset button. There is even a saying: “Seven troubles – press reset.” And this saying, even though it has undergone modernization, contains some truth - If your iPhone doesn't connect to the network, just try rebooting it.

    It is possible that due to some glitch, the device is unable to register with the network, requiring a reboot.

    As practice shows, the reboot process really rids complex electronic devices of “glitches” and restores their functionality. If your iPhone does not see the mobile network, try restarting it - it should work.

    Problems finding a network

    Has your iPhone stopped receiving the network, although just recently the indicator showed reliable reception? It is quite possible that for some reason the smartphone cannot register with the cellular network. What to do? Let's try to help the smart device. To do this, go to “Settings – Operator” and wait for the search results, then click on the name of “your” network.

    Problems with searching and automatic registration on the network are rare. They appear as a result of some failures on the side of the cellular operator or as a result of some errors in your smartphone. You can try to find the network manually or simply restart your device– after that, an automatic search will work in it.

    Another reason for failure in choosing a network may be being in international roaming. It is quite possible that you tried to register on some network manually, and then forgot to turn on automatic mode. There are also recommendations according to which you need to reboot mobile phones for the most correct registration in your own or a guest cellular network.

    Problems with SIM card

    Does your iPhone have poor network reception and constantly lose signal? The problem may be due to incorrect operation of the SIM card installed in the device. What can be done?

    • Buy a new SIM card with a new number;
    • Contact a mobile phone store to replace the SIM card while keeping the number;
    • Try testing another SIM card.

    If you suspect that cellular network registration failures are due to problems with the SIM card, try testing your smartphone with a different SIM card. This way you can understand what exactly is causing the poor connection to the network.

    Don't want to lose your number due to a SIM card failure? Contact your nearest mobile phone store and get a duplicate. Do not forget to take your passport with you, otherwise a duplicate will be denied.

    Other ways to solve the problem

    If your iPhone has poor network reception, this may be due to its breakdown. It is impossible to repair the device yourself, so you will have to take it to the nearest service center. Here your smartphone will be tested and repaired, after which you can safely use cellular communications.

    Problems with online registration (like any problems with electronic components) often appear after dust or moisture gets into the device. Lack of normal communication with cellular networks may indicate insufficient signal strength of your operator at the current location.

    And you don’t have to rely on the fact that “the iPhone can catch everywhere.” The sensitivity of all mobile devices, be it an expensive iPhone 6s with 64 Gb or an old Nokia 1110 with a b/w screen, is approximately the same - you will have to take off your rose-colored glasses and try to look for a place where you can see a strong network signal.

    An original solution to the problem of the lack of normal registration in the cellular network can be a reset to factory settings. You can also try restoring via DFU mode - sometimes this helps restore the functionality of iPhone smartphones.

    So, today we will try to figure out why the iPhone does not connect to the network. The thing is that this problem is not so rare. And users are very interested in its solution. In fact, everything is not so serious and scary. Often you can cope with the problem on your own without outside help. What options are available in our case?

    Network failure

    If the iPhone 4 does not receive the network (like any other gadget), it is likely that the reason for this was a problem with the cellular operator. That is, it is he who is experiencing a failure. Accordingly, all subscribers will not be able to use the connection.

    Fortunately, this is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the operator corrects the problems, the connection will be restored. You can either wait a little or use a SIM card from another company.

    SIM card malfunction

    Is your iPhone not connecting to the network? There are a lot of options for the development of events. The next point that should not be overlooked is the malfunction of the SIM card. This kind of problem rarely occurs, but it does happen.

    Remove the SIM card from the device, then insert it into another gadget. Still no network? Then all you have to do is change the SIM card. After all, it is precisely this that is the main source of our current problem. It’s not a very serious phenomenon, but detecting it can be problematic. SIM cards rarely become inoperative, and it is difficult to think that this particular problem happened to you.

    The possible developments do not end there. So, the iPhone can't connect to the network? What to do in this situation?

    Date and time

    For example, make sure that the date on the device is correct. Don't forget about time either! It’s hard to imagine, but on modern gadgets, communication problems can arise for incredible reasons.

    It turned out that the date is not true? Then change it yourself in the settings to the one that is currently in place. Of course, set the clock to the required value too. Sometimes it is better to do this using a Wi-Fi network and synchronization.

    As practice shows, most often this is what helps solve the problem of the iPhone not picking up the network. Therefore, before sounding the alarm, it is necessary to first eliminate this problem. After all, otherwise you may never find out what the matter really is.


    iPhone 4 can't connect to the network? This phenomenon is often observed not only among the owners of this gadget. People with regular smartphones sometimes also complain about the device constantly searching for a network. What could be causing this?

    For example, your location. Remember, the connection itself is not caught everywhere. And that's why she can disappear. If you are in the subway, elevator or underground parking, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to make a call. Only in rare cases. Also, the device is not capable of catching a network in the forest and places remote from civilization.

    So, the iPhone does not connect to the network. What should I do to correct the situation? You can simply change your location. Move to where the net usually catches well. You'll have to wait a few minutes. Look at the result - did everything work out? If not, you need to look for the reason elsewhere. If so, then be more careful about where you are. Mobile communications are not available everywhere.

    Blocking by card

    iPhone is a device that requires special rules to be followed when using it. Therefore, you should not be surprised at some network failures. It is likely that you still have factory settings. And the smartphone is initially locked to one SIM card, and the mobile device will only work with SIM cards from one specific operator.

    This means that if you receive a message from your iPhone 5: “No network,” it’s time for you to change the factory settings. It is advisable to use the appropriate service at service centers for this. Otherwise, you can turn your iPhone into a non-functional gadget. After collecting the factory settings, as a rule, the network appears. Moreover, you will be able to work with all mobile operators without problems.


    Does your iPhone constantly search for networks? Try to analyze your previous actions. If the connection previously worked normally, but then suddenly began to malfunction, it means something went wrong.

    For example, your device was infected with viruses. This is also a common case that is not often taken into account by users. Infection of any system disables the gadget. And on an iPhone this can be expressed through a complete loss of the network or its constant failures.

    Of course, to correct the situation, it is necessary to treat the device. This can be done independently using special antiviruses. You can also go to service centers for help. In any case, if you cure the gadget, it will start working at full capacity without interruption.

    Gadget malfunction

    iPhone can't connect to the network? If you have considered all the possible scenarios, all that remains is to complain about the malfunction of the device. Lack of network can occur in both regular smartphones and fakes. All that remains is to exchange the iPhone for a new one. Or send it in for repair. Fortunately, the described iPhone malfunction is not as common as it seems.

    We hope you now understand all the common causes of our problem today. Try not to panic if the network on your iPhone is lost. In order not to spend a long time looking for the cause of this phenomenon, you can immediately take the gadget to a service center. This will help restore the functionality of your smartphone as soon as possible.

    If your iPhone is constantly searching for a network, do not rush to immediately take it to a service center. In most cases, you can fix the problem yourself. Below are four ways that will help you understand how to fix the problem on the spot.

    First, check your Airplane Mode settings, which may allow Wi-Fi to work but always disables cell phone search. If this mode is turned off and the smartphone does not see the mobile operator, try the steps described below.

    Check date and time settings

    If your iPhone is constantly searching for the network after iOS firmware or component repair, the reason for network loss may be lost date and time settings. To restore the search and the cellular operator icon appears on the iPhone screen again, try the following steps:

    • connect your iPhone to Wi-Fi, which can be detected without a SIM card
    • go to the "Settings" menu
    • sequentially select the “Basic” tabs, then “Date and Time”
    • turn on the "Automatic" icon (turn it off and on again if it's already active)
    • Reboot an iPhone that has stopped receiving cellular service

    After rebooting, the iPhone should catch the network, and your operator’s icon will appear on the screen of the mobile device. If the search mode is not restored, proceed to another method.

    Make sure your SIM card is working properly

    Sometimes the iPhone “does not see” the network not because of the cellular operator, but because the SIM card has failed. A mobile device without a SIM card that works properly will “hang” indefinitely. Options for how to correct this situation on the spot:

    • move your SIM card to another iPhone and check its functionality
    • buy a new SIM card for your smartphone

    iPhones purchased in other countries may be “locked” to a specific mobile operator, as a result of which they do not work with Russian cellular networks. You will need to unlock your Apple smartphone and reactivate it. Perform this step using iTunes, making a copy in advance. With this procedure, the settings set by the owner are reset and data on the phone is lost. But eventually you will restore the cellular search mode.

    Try to reflash your phone

    It's possible that your iPhone is constantly searching for a network because there's a software glitch. This happens when installing new applications or illiterate modem firmware. You can return the device to its original state by resetting recently installed parameters, or by flashing the phone again.

    To reset your cellular settings, go to the iPhone’s “General” menu and select “Reset.” The system will offer several options:

    • reset all settings
    • erase content and settings
    • reset network settings
    • reset Home settings
    • reset geo settings

    First of all, try updating your iPhone by resetting network-related settings. If constant network searching continues, perform a hard reset and return your smartphone to factory settings. If after this the phone hangs endlessly and does not receive a signal from the mobile operator, try to fix the problem by flashing the software. To do this, follow the instructions for installing new modem firmware:

    • update iTunes on your computer to the latest version
    • create a backup
    • download the current iOS for your phone model
    • Open iTunes again, press Shift (Alt-Option) and the Restore button
    • select the downloaded new software file and run the update

    These are all the methods that tell you how to fix a faulty cellular connection settings on the spot. If after resetting your iPhone constantly searches for the network as before, take it to a specialist to diagnose the device and restore it. Most likely, the device stopped catching the network due to malfunctions of internal electronic components. This will require professional diagnostics of the device, which will help determine the type of repair needed.

    Types of repairs

    Often, diagnostics of Apple devices that have stopped receiving the network reveal oxidation of the internal elements of the smartphone as a result of moisture. If you often use your phone outside in adverse weather conditions, this situation is quite possible. Also, device diagnostics may indicate the need for the following measures.

    There are situations when the iPhone stops seeing the cellular network. In some cases, you can determine the cause and fix the problem yourself, without the help of specialists.

    Network problems

    It happens that after reinstalling, resetting or updating iOS, the device begins to catch the network poorly or stops doing so altogether. A similar problem appears not only due to breakdowns in the system part, but also due to faults in the physical component of the phone. Problems with the network will be indicated by a message in the upper left corner of the notification panel - “No network” or No Service.

    In the upper right corner of the screen you can see a message that there is no network

    If the problem lies in the system part of the iPhone, then most likely you can fix it yourself, but if the SIM card itself or one of the parts responsible for communication is damaged, you will have to contact special services for repairing Apple equipment.

    How to fix the problem

    First of all, you need to make sure that where you are, other devices with SIM cards from the same mobile operator are receiving communications. You may just be out of coverage. It is also worth leaving places where the signal may be muffled by a dense ceiling, walls or special devices.

    If there is a signal on other devices, then you should follow the instructions below, which may return the network to you.

    Time change

    The reason for the signal loss may be incorrect time and date settings. Errors can occur even if the minutes do not match, so it is recommended to set the time reconciliation mode to automatic:

    Checking airplane mode

    First, make sure airplane mode is turned off. Its status can be seen in the quick access panel. Secondly, if it was turned off, turn it on for 15 seconds, and then turn it off again. These actions will reboot the SIM card and possibly return the network to it.

    Turn airplane mode on and off

    Data reset and update

    1. While in the device settings, select the “General” section, and in it the “Reset” subsection. Open the “Reset” section
    2. Reset your network settings. Resetting network settings
    3. Return to the main settings and click on the “About this device” button. An automatic diagnostic will be carried out to check for cellular updates. If they are found, you will be prompted to install them, confirm the action and wait for the process to complete. Go to the “About this device” section
    4. Return to the device settings and select the “Cellular” item, and in it the “Cellular Data” sub-item.
      Open the “Cellular Communications” section
    5. Fill in all empty fields. Data for them can be obtained from the official website of your mobile operator. Entering cellular data

    Physical check

    If the above steps did not help, then you need to check the SIM card. Pull it out and see if it will work in another iPhone. If the network is not found there, then the SIM card will have to be replaced. This can be done at the nearest service of your mobile operator.

    Checking if the SIM card is working

    If the SIM card works in another device, then there are two options left: either some part of the phone is damaged and it needs to be taken to service, or there are errors in the firmware that prevent the SIM card from working, and you will have to perform a restoration.

    How to restore your device

    If you have an iCloud or iTunes backup, you can reset your device without losing any data. Otherwise, all personal information and installed applications will be irretrievably lost, so make sure you have a backup copy in advance. After that, connect to the Wi-Fi network, go to the main settings of the device, then to the “Reset” subsection and select the “Reset content and settings” function. Go through the reset procedure, after it is completed, the initial setup of the device will begin, at one of the steps of which you can specify which backup you want to restore your device from.

    Resetting content and settings

    Video: what to do if iPhone does not receive a signal

    How to avoid similar problems in the future

    To avoid losing your network in the future, do not change the device and SIM card settings unless you are sure how to do it correctly. You should not frequently insert or remove the SIM card, this can damage it. Also, do not forget to update the backup stored in iTunes or iCloud, so that if the system part of the device is damaged, you will be able to restore information without loss.

    If your iPhone doesn't have network reception, check to see if you're in coverage. After that, change the date and time settings, use the Airplane mode feature, and reset your network settings. If this does not help, reset the settings and content of the device, and then take it to a service center.