• How can I close a VKontakte page? How to block access to a page in contact for strangers: instructions

    Information on how to close a VK page from strangers will be useful to every user. Wall in social network, photographs and video files provide a lot of information about you to an outside observer. Concealing personal facts is a security requirement. For example, why would a stranger know what you bought? new phone, vacationed in Turkey, moved to a new apartment? It would be a good idea to hide your phone number and residential address.

    VKontakte provides quite large opportunities for limiting access to personal data so that the user can protect himself as much as possible from intruders and scammers.

    There is a menu on the left side of the page. In it, find the “My Settings” item. To close your page from other users, you need to go there and select the “Privacy” tab. You will see full list privacy settings.

    List items are assigned an access level. You choose what information to hide from everyone and what information to leave for friends to see. There are two convenient functions:

    • Some friends - make a list of friends you trust and post on a social network.
    • Everyone except - on the contrary, a list of people who under no circumstances received access to the data.

    At the very end of the page there is an important point that requires attention. It makes it possible to determine who on the Internet will see the page. There are three options to choose from:

    If you leave access only to VKontakte users, then they will not be able to find your page using Google services or Yandex.

    Now you know how to block access to a contact page for strangers. But there are a few more nuances.

    How to make a contact page closed to strangers and other users?

    By hiding information in the “Privacy” tab, you still leave some of it accessible to guests on the page.

    It is impossible to completely close a profile on VKontakte. What remains in sight:

    • Avatar;
    • Date of birth;
    • Language;
    • Country;
    • Posts on the wall;
    • Photos from albums by default.

    How to make sure no one knows anything about you?

    Put a fake photo on your avatar, delete the specified data and photos, carefully monitor what posts you leave on the wall, create a good impression of yourself or turn into an unremarkable person. But if you think carefully about adhering to this level of privacy, you will soon stop using the social network altogether. After all, everything is good in moderation!

    Having the knowledge of how to close a VK page from strangers, you can ensure a comfortable existence on the social network on your own terms. But you shouldn’t get too carried away by hiding photographs, music, and films from your friends. The main purpose of a social network is communication and new acquaintances. Have fun!

    Many people still don’t know how to close a VKontakte page. That is why they cannot fully ensure their safety on the social network. But the VK administration took care of the users and provided them with a convenient .

    Attention! You can hide the VK page both from your computer and from mobile phone through the official application.

    IN at the moment there is only one way to hide a VKontakte page. We're talking about . Moreover, access can be limited both for users of the social network and for people who came to the page from search engines.

    So, the process of hiding a page through the basic functionality of VK is as follows:

    • Login to your account.
    • Click on the round avatar at the top of the screen to open the navigation window.
    • Select the “Settings” item, and in it the “Privacy” tab.
    • Find the “My Page” block and set the status to “Only me” in each line. If you want to restrict access to only some users, this can also be done by setting the appropriate status.

    • Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to the “Posts on Page” block, where you can set the status to “Friends Only.”

    • Find the “Contact me” block. Here, for each line, set the degree of privacy in accordance with your own preferences.

    • In the “Other” section, find the line “Who can see my page on the Internet.” Opposite it, set the status to “Only VKontakte users”.

    At this point, the process of setting up privacy can be considered complete. All that remains is to check that all sections of your personal page are displayed correctly. To do this:

    • While in the privacy settings section, click on the link “See how other users see your page.”
    • The system will automatically redirect you to a special tab where you can set the user’s group and see your page through his eyes.
    • Find the inscription “This is how your page is seen.” Next to it, select the item “Unfamiliar user”. After the update, the system will open only those sections of the profile that will remain accessible to all strangers.

    In this form, you can specify not only, but also a specific user from among your friends. And in the text field you can also enter links to pages of completely unfamiliar users. If everything works correctly, you can go to home page profile. If additional edits are required, you need to click on the “Return to settings” button.

    How to close a page from your phone

    The internal mechanisms of VK allow you to block access to the page from your phone. To do this you need:

    • Go to the “Privacy” tab.

    • Find the “Other” item, where check the box next to the “Private profile” item.

    • Confirm your actions in the dialog box.

    This way you can completely hide your VK profile from prying eyes from the phone.

    Thus, if you are wondering whether it is possible to hide a VKontakte page from all users, pay attention to this article. The instructions posted here will allow you to quickly and easily set up your account according to your needs and wishes.

    How to make a page in Odnoklassniki private? There are several ways to do this.

    First you need to top up your balance. Closing a profile – paid service, and its current cost is 20 OK, which is equal to 20 rubles if you pay by card.

    The account will be closed from everyone except friends, as before, they will be able to exchange messages with you, visit the page and give gifts. All other users will not be able to do any of the above.

    How to close a page on Odnoklassniki forever

    The service – closing a profile has no expiration date. The account will remain inaccessible until you decide to open it.

    Let's get started. Some simple steps that will help hide your account:

    • Click on the “Close profile” link, which is located under your main photo
    • Click on the orange button – Close profile; Then to “Buy”.

    If there are not enough OKs in your account, deposit the missing amount and repeat steps: 1 and 2;

    Now your account is completely inaccessible to users who are not your friends.

    How to put a lock on your account using your phone

    You can do this from your phone in two ways:

    • Using the application;
    • Through the mobile version of the site.

    Using the mobile version of the site

    • Click on the Odnoklassniki logo at the top left;

    • A menu will appear, select Private profile;

    • A dialog box will pop up, click on it - Yes;

    The service will be available if you have 20 OK on your account.

    Set a lock using the app

    • Click on the menu on the top left;

    • Select – Settings;

    • Next – main and close the profile;

    • In the dialog box, click – Yes;

    There must be enough funds in the account to provide the service.

    In addition to what is described above, there are also publicity settings. By manipulating these settings, you can restrict access to your Odnoklassniki page for free.

    What can I change in publicity settings?

    It has already been described how to close a page on Odnoklassniki from strangers. By changing the publicity settings, you can achieve a similar result. For example, you can completely hide your age or marriage partner.

    Login procedure

    • Click on the arrow-link “More”;
    • Select – Settings;

    • After that, click – Publicity;

    How to delete an account

    • Login to your account;
    • At the bottom of your page, select – Regulations;

    • The regulations will open, scroll through it and select – Refuse services;

    • Click on one of the reasons for deletion from the list provided;
    • Enter your current account password in the special field;
    • Click – Delete permanently;

    Communication via the Internet has become the norm in modern world, where access to the network is available from any gadget, for example, a tablet, phone or laptop. For this reason, social networks have gained popularity, creating an ideal communication platform for millions of users. For some reason people decide to delete personal pages from these services, but this is not always easy to do.

    OK brings together a huge number of users, many were able to find their old friends and acquaintances here, but enterprising marketers and sellers began to use the platform for their own purposes. Because of annoying advertising, fake accounts, some people decide to delete the Odnoklassniki page forever. The reasons may be different, but there is no large and visible “Erase profile” button on the social network; the developer does not want to let his audience go so easily. Below will be described simple ways, how to block or completely erase an account from the site.

    How to delete your page on Odnoklassniki

    It is not necessary to completely destroy the profile; you can simply close access to it so that other users cannot see your personal data. If you decide to completely remove yourself from your classmates forever, you can use one of the options:

    • delete the page through the “regulations” section on the website;
    • using a special link through the address bar.

    From computer

    To remove yourself from classmates, you will need a PC, a browser, Internet access and your username and password. It's simple and affordable way, which can be used like this:

    1. To go to the main page of the social network, you need to be an authorized user, but you don’t have to go to the profile itself.
    2. Use the mouse wheel to scroll the pages all the way down. At the bottom (footer) there will be five columns with sections ( additional menu). They are designed for convenient and quick access users to the necessary parts of the site. You need to look in the far right column for the section called “regulations.” Click on it once.
    3. Will open new page, on which it will be written large number rules You don't need them at the moment, but you can get acquainted with them if you wish. Scroll down the page.
    4. Under the text there will be two active inscriptions “contact support” and “refuse services. Click on the last link.
    5. An additional menu will load in which you will be asked the reason for your desire to delete the page. You can choose one of the proposed options or specify your own.
    6. Next, you will receive a warning from the Odnoklassniki website that you will lose the opportunity to communicate with friends in OK if you do not restore the page or register a new one.
    7. After confirming the desire to erase the profile, you must enter a password.
    8. Click the delete button.

    That's all you need to delete a page in Odnoklassniki. You will notice a notification that you can still restore data on the service for 3 months. In order for a page to be permanently deleted from OK, you need to forget about it for 90 days and not try to log in. This will erase it completely and irrevocably, and the phone number will be free to create a new account.

    From phone

    Mobile gadgets are actively used when a person is away from home and does not want to lose contact. Large services developed special free apps for iOS and Android. There is currently no way to remove someone from classmates via phone. The developers simply did not provide such a function in the application. This is explained by the desire to protect their clients from attackers who are trying to hack accounts on social networks.

    If you use modern smartphone, then you can delete it using the full version of the Odnoklassniki website. To do this, you will need a browser on your phone and Internet access. You go to the site without using the application, scroll down the page and click on the inscription “ Full version site." Then you need to follow the steps described above using the “Regulations” section.

    If you forgot your login and password

    Social Network Developer in different ways trying to protect client profiles from hacking. For this reason, it will not be possible to delete a page in Odnoklassniki without knowing your password and login. If you have forgotten your data or the page has been hacked, you need to contact customer support with a request to recover your password and login. The administration does not respond immediately, so you will have to wait. After regaining access to your profile, you can delete it using the method described above.

    How to close your page on Odnoklassniki

    It is not necessary to delete your profile to limit other users' access to your data. You can use standard settings service. They allow you to erase information about you or close it from prying eyes. This does not prevent you from using the services of your classmates: watching videos, pictures, listening to music. Information about activity on your page will be closed. Step by step instructions how to close a page in Odnoklassniki:

    1. Open personal account via browser.
    2. Click on the “More” link to open context menu.
    3. Go to the "settings" section.
    4. A new window will open, click on “privacy”.
    5. Set the condition “Only me” in all columns, click “save.” This will close the page and the data will only be visible to you. If desired, it will be possible to partially open some information or provide the ability to view it to specific users.


    The article describes how to block access to your VKontakte page.


    On the social network " VKontakte» There are many amenities and opportunities. One of them is the ability to restrict access to your page, hide photos from prying eyes, and prohibit other users from leaving messages on your wall or in private. We will talk about all this in our review.

    Why do users hide their information on VKontakte?

    It is not necessary to hide information completely and absolutely from all other users, unless, of course, you are storing highly sensitive data. There is an opportunity in " VKontakte» close access to your page, for example, from those who are not your friends, remaining open only to close people and acquaintances.

    You can also hide only photographs, and show other information to the public. It is also possible to set a ban on personal messages for strangers, while freely corresponding with friends. If we proceed from the fact that the Internet is a “passage yard”, then such opportunities in “ VKontakte"will be very useful for all users.

    What can you hide on your VKontakte page?

    So, close access to your page in “ VKontakte» is possible by selecting the following categories:

    • All information on the page
    • Video, audio and photo
    • Groups the user is subscribed to
    • Friends list
    • Present
    • Ability to send private messages
    • Ability to leave messages on the wall, under videos and photos (comments)
    • Invitations to groups, communities

    How to restrict access to your VKontakte page?

    Now let’s look at the question of how to restrict access to your page in “ VKontakte»:

    • We go to the site " VKontakte", log in and go to your page

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • Next, click on your icon at the top right and in the drop-down menu go to the item “ Settings».

    • Once on new page, in the right column go to the item “ Privacy»

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • Now we find ourselves on a page where we can deal with the issues of restricting access to our page according to certain parameters: hide your page, hide photos, hide the list of groups, hide gifts, and so on.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • For example, we need to hide basic information on our page. Click on the drop-down menu next to the corresponding item. A window will open with a list: all users, only friends, some friends, etc. These points mean who exactly will not be able to see your page. Just select the desired item. There is no need to do any further actions.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • Same with photos

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • The same goes for posts on your page.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • You can hide your page from the eyes of unregistered people in " VKontakte» users or do as you wish.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • To block access for certain users, they need to be placed on your blacklist. On the same page where we were now, go in the right column to the item “ Blacklist" This is the black list; all the users you added there are located here.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • To blacklist a user, go to his page, under the avatar, click on the icon of three horizontal dots and in the drop-down list, click on “ Block…».

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • In this case and when you hide your page from all/some users, your page will look like this to those users.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    Video: How to close a VK page from strangers? How to make a VK page private?