• How to cancel a Russian Railways ticket. How to return an e-ticket Russian Railways

    Railway communication is one of the most convenient ways travel. Since any trip is planned in advance, the opportunity to return an unnecessary ticket remains essential service for all passengers. To avoid confusion and the passenger to return most of the cost of the trip that did not take place, Russian Railways has developed a clear system for returning travel documents.

    Basic rules for returning train tickets

    Depending on the time when the passenger contacts the refund office, he may qualify for different compensation for the cost of a ticket purchased in the Russian Federation for travel between stations within the country.

    Application earlier than 24 hours before the departure of the train gives the right to re-issue a ticket for a train with an earlier departure date. Up to 8 hours before check-out time, a full refund is guaranteed (minus the box office fee).

    Between 8 and 2 hours before the start of the trip, the passenger will receive half the cost of a reserved seat and the entire cost of a ticket on a comfortable electric train. But you will have to pay a fee to process the return.

    Less than 2 hours means that the passenger cannot claim a refund for a reserved seat. But he will receive the full price for the ticket.

    Return process

    In the Russian Railways rules, the conditions for the return of train tickets provide for the presence of a return ticket office at each station, which any passenger can contact. In this case, it is worth presenting an official

    If the passenger for whom the travel document is issued cannot go to the ticket office, any other person who has a certified power of attorney on his behalf can do this for him.

    Regardless of the time when the train ticket is returned, the commission from the operation is withdrawn in full. Only if, due to the fault of the carrier, the trip is impossible, the full cost is returned to the passenger without commissions and deductions.

    Payment for the use of bed linen and other services included in the cost of the trip is refunded in full, regardless of the time of contacting the refund office.

    Return of international tickets

    To receive the full cost of a ticket for communication between countries, you must contact the ticket office no later than 24 hours before the departure of the train from the station indicated by the starting point of the trip. In this case, the fee for processing the preliminary registration of a travel document is not refundable.

    Also, the conditions for the return of train tickets also provide for a commission fee for the operation.

    The passenger has the right to return tickets for his relatives, provided that one of these documents is his. He will receive the entire amount of accompanying payments only if he presents a passport or birth certificate for each passenger for whom tickets are being returned.

    You can claim compensation for half the cost of a reserved seat and the entire ticket if the documents are returned less than 24 hours, but no more than 6 hours before departure. 6 hours before departure and no later than 3 hours after the cost of the reserved seat will not be reimbursed.

    If tickets were purchased in the Baltic countries or the CIS, then the money for the trip is returned to the place of purchase, and the ticket itself is cancelled. With such a document, you will need to contact the ticket office of the country where the travel document was purchased, and all funds will be returned in accordance with local ticket refund rules. In this case, the time of circulation is considered to be the moment the validity of the travel document is interrupted.

    1. Refunds for unused travel documents are made upon presentation of an identification document of the passenger or a power of attorney from the passenger indicated on the ticket.

    2. When returning tickets abroad, you can receive money for tickets only upon arrival home using the issued refund receipt.

    3. The sooner you return unnecessary tickets, the more money you will get back.

    How much money does Russian Railways return when returning tickets?

    The amount you will receive for returned tickets directly depends on how many hours are left before the train departs:
    No later than 8 hours before train departure = Full price - return fee
    Less than 8 hours, but no later than 2 hours before train departure = Full cost - 50% of the cost of the reserved seat - return fee
    Less than 2 hours before train departure = Full price - 100% of reserved seat price - refund fee
    Within 3 hours from the moment of departure = Full cost - 100% of the reserved seat price - return fee

    Ticket return fee - 185 rubles. 40 kopecks

    A reserved seat here does not mean the type of carriage, but the type of fare.

    The cost of a reserved seat will not be known to you in advance; it can range from 30% to 80% of the total cost of the ticket. On branded trains this percentage is higher.

    Return of electronic tickets

    In order to hand over electronic ticket you need to get it first. To do this, you need to come to any railway ticket office and get tickets using the order number and passport of one of the passengers. You can then return them at the returns desk.

    If you passed electronic registration and want to return your tickets, you must first cancel your registration. This can be done on the website, through an operator or at the ticket office at the station. Please note that it is not possible to cancel electronic check-in 1 hour before train departure. This means that it is no longer possible to return tickets.

    The cost of returned electronic tickets will be returned to you using the means of payment you used to pay for the purchase. If you paid for tickets with a bank card, then the money will be returned to the card. Money is returned within 1 month.

    Sometimes plans for a trip collapse already at the preparatory stage for the trip. And the first question that arises for a person who has purchased train tickets is related to the possibility of a refund of the money paid for travel documents.
    In the article I will talk about what grounds for the return of train tickets are provided for in the law, how to return the money paid for them and within what time frame.

    ○ What does the law say?

    Regulatory acts that will help you find the necessary answers to questions that arise with the return of tickets:

    • Transportation Rules No. 473, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, is the main document describing the grounds and procedure for the return of passenger and baggage railway tickets.
    • Rules for the provision of services in the field of railway transportation No. 111.
    • Railway transport charter.
    • The Consumer Rights Protection Law is an act designed to regulate relations in the field of railway transportation between carriers and passengers.

    As stated in the above acts, passengers have the right to return unused tickets. The amount due for refund will be calculated depending on the time remaining before the train departs.

    Basic return principles:

    • The money is returned in the same way as it was transferred for the ticket.
    • The refund amount depends on how much time is left before the transport is sent.
    • There is a fee for returns.

    ○ In what cases can train tickets be returned?

    Reasons for returning train tickets:

    • If the train is delayed or cancelled, the passenger can get a full refund for the trip or reissue the travel document for a more convenient flight.
    • Stopping the train - money is returned for the untraveled distance.
    • If a passenger refuses to travel before the transport departs, the money will not be returned in full.
    • Being late for transport within 12 hours after its departure or other good reasons for not using the ticket.
    • If a passenger is removed from the train due to illness, the money will be returned for the untraveled distance.

    What tickets can be returned?

    Regardless of the travel distance, you can return:

    • Electronic tickets – through the website or the railway ticket office.
    • Paper tickets - through any railway ticket office if you have an ID card and the ticket itself.
    • Suburban transport season passes are returning to ticket office(the passenger writes a written application to refuse the travel document).

    When ordering several tickets, you are allowed to return all or only part of them. The only exception is “luxury” seats on long-distance trains - if you purchased 2 tickets in one compartment, you cannot return one of them. Also, sometimes there are temporary restrictions on returns on railway transport. You can find out about them at official page JSC Russian Railways or private carriers.

    ○ Can I return e-tickets before receiving paper versions?

    E-tickets are refunded via online page JSC Russian Railways or through the website where the ticket was ordered. To do this, you need to open your profile, go to the “My orders” section, select required document and click the “Make a return” button.

    Money is returned within 7-30 days bank card. Please note that a fee is always charged for ticket returns initiated by the passenger.

    ○ How are funds paid for tickets?

    If the passenger returns the ticket to the railway ticket office, the money is refunded on the spot. This rule applies only to those who purchased a ticket with cash.

    As for payment via a terminal or via a card over the Internet, paragraph 83 of Rule No. 473 says:

    “Refund of money for an unused travel document (ticket) issued by bank transfer (or in cash for organized groups of passengers) or using payment card, is made to the bank account of a legal or individual who paid for the travel document (ticket).”

    Thus, it will also not be possible to return a large amount of money paid for the travel of a group of people through the ticket office. The repayment period is set by the bank. This is 7-30 days.

    On e-wallet Money usually takes longer to return - from 10 days to 2 months.

    During the claim refund procedure, you can wait a very long time for money - up to 210 days, this is due to the fact that six months are allotted for the consideration of the claim, plus a month for the bank to transfer funds.

    Money for a subscription pass will be returned within 10 days from the date of filing an application for its return.

    ○ Is it possible to return a ticket after the train has departed?

    Yes. To do this, you need to contact the return office located at your place of departure. You can substantiate your requirements with the provisions of clause 87 of Rules No. 473:

    “The passenger has the right to receive the cost of the ticket without the cost of a reserved seat, a fee for service(if available) and other payments (except for the fee for reserving seats on long-distance trains):

    • When returning an unused travel document (ticket) for a long-distance train to the ticket office of the passenger boarding station if the passenger is late for the train within 12 hours from the moment of its departure.
    • When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office of the passenger boarding station due to illness or accident within 5 days from the departure of the train for which the travel document (ticket) was purchased.”

    Thus, after the departure of the railway transport, you can return the money, although not in full. The term “reserved seat” mentioned in the article refers to the fee for using the carriage and amounts to 30-60% of the ticket price. In case of non-use of a ticket due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of this fact. For example, a doctor's certificate.

    ○ Return before train departure.

    The simplest option is to return the ticket in a timely manner long before the trip. This will save you more money on returns.

    Let's consider in what period tickets should be returned and how much money can be returned.

    On Russian routes.

    You can return the full cost of the ticket (except for the refund fee):

    “When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office no later than 8 hours before the train’s departure.
    When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, no later than 7 days before the train’s departure” (clause 85 of Rules No. 473).

    You can get a refund for purchasing a ticket (except for half the price of a reserved seat and a commission fee):

    “When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office less than 8 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the train’s departure.
    When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, less than 7 days, but no later than 3 days before the train’s departure” (clause 86 of Rules No. 473).

    You can get a refund for purchasing a ticket (except for the full price of a reserved seat and a refund fee):

    “When returning an unused travel document (ticket) to the ticket office less than 2 hours before train departure.
    When returning to the carrier an unused travel document (ticket) purchased for travel as part of an organized group of passengers, less than 3 days before the train’s departure” (clause 87 of Rules No. 473).

    Near abroad.

    You can also return tickets to the CIS countries, the Baltic countries and Abkhazia before the train departs.

    The full cost of the travel document can be returned if you contact the ticket office one day before the transport departs from the passenger station. If there are 6 to 24 hours left before departure, you can return the money paid minus half the cost of the reserved seat. If there are less than 6 hours left, you can only refund the price for the ticket itself and additional services(tea, bed).

    Far abroad.

    You can only return an electronic ticket through the carrier’s official website. You can request a refund at least 6 hours before the vehicle leaves the passenger station.

    We often plan our vacation, but sometimes it happens that we have carefully planned everything, bought tickets, but fail to go. How to return money for a purchased electronic train ticket in different situations, about the return period cash read in this material.

    How to return money for a purchased train ticket online?

    With the development of technology, life has become much easier. You can buy everything without leaving your home, via the Internet. In order to go on a trip, there is no need to stand in line at the Russian Railways ticket office; you can purchase a travel document online.
    If for some reason you decide to return a ticket purchased online, follow the instructions:

    • Go to the Russian Railways website, if you are not registered, register, then click on the “Login” button and enter your password and username;
    • Your last name should appear at the top, click on it or on “My orders”;
    • Find the ticket you want to check in, then click the "Request Status" button. “Update status” will immediately appear, then “Proceed with a return”;
    • Confirm your wish by pressing the button. After this, you will see the amount of money that is subject to refund. Not the full amount will be reimbursed;
    • Click on “Submit”. Immediately after this procedure, the status will be updated.

    Please note that the Russian Railways company has a rule: If a train ticket was purchased in cash, cash is returned; in case of non-cash payment, the money will be returned to the card.

    Is it possible to get a refund for a train ticket if I am late?

    If you miss your train, don't despair. You can hand over your travel document, receive money and choose another type of transport for your trip. You can return your travel document if no more than three hours have passed since you were late. You can also change it and travel on the same day by another train or reschedule your trip. Only 80% of the amount will be returned.

    Is it possible to get a refund if I lost my ticket?

    If you have lost your travel document, you should consider some nuances:

    • It can be restored if it was not passed;
    • You cannot return a lost travel document if it is a long-distance train. For example, from Moscow to Vladivostok is possible, but from Grodno to Moscow is not.

    You can get what you lost in the following way:

    • Find the station duty officer and inform him about the loss;
    • Write a statement;
    • Show your ID;
    • Go to the cashier for a replacement.

    How to cancel a Russian Railways e-ticket and get your money back?

    To return, go to the Russian Railways ticket office with your passport or birth certificate if minors are traveling with you. Show the cashier your boarding pass. If we are talking about returning a travel document for a train of domestic and international traffic in the CIS countries:

    • One day before departure, the cost of the travel document and reserved seat will be refunded;
    • Less than a day before departure - the price of the ticket and half the cost of a reserved seat;
    • Less than six hours before departure - money is returned, but without a reserved seat;
    • There is an hour left before departure - nothing will be returned

    If the purchase was not made through the official website of Russian Railways, a commission for the services of a third-party supplier will also be charged.

    It is written about how to change an electronic train ticket purchased on the Russian Railways website.

    Is it possible to get a refund for an unused train ticket?

    If you simply change your mind about going, you can get your money back. If you made a purchase online, through the Russian Railways website, you can return the money through personal account. Find in the order archive the travel document that you do not intend to use, request the status, update it and issue a return. You can also print an electronic document on a printer.

    If you bought a ticket at the station, all actions for a refund must be carried out through the cashier. It won't take long.

    The need to return train tickets may arise for anyone. But this is not a reason to panic and be upset, since the Ministry of Transport provides for the possibility of a passenger receiving money in exchange for a purchased travel ticket, which personal reasons he can't use it. If you find yourself in such a situation, then in any case you have the right to get back the money paid for tickets, but only to the extent regulated by law. Attention: when returning tickets, you will receive an amount that depends on the time before the train departs.

    Rules for returning tickets purchased via the Internet

    On the site you can not only buy, but also return them and get your money back. If you managed to place an order, but did not go through the registration and authorization procedure, then you can return an unnecessary ticket directly from your personal account.

    If the registration procedure has been completed, then in order to return you need to take into account that the operation can be completed no later than an hour before the departure of the train. Unfortunately, you cannot do this from your personal account, so you need to come to the station of the starting point of the route and make a refund at the ticket office.

    If you have ordered and paid for several tickets, you can return all or part of them.

    When paying by bank transfer, you can get back not only your money, but also all the documents necessary for accounting. Just download the required receipt from the website and print it. After you have completed all the necessary operations, a message will be sent to the phone number specified during registration indicating the amount, method and deadline for receiving the money.

    Rules for returning a ticket purchased in paper format

    Paper tickets can only be collected at the railway station ticket offices. To get your money back and return an unused ticket, you need to show the operator the identification document that was used for the purchase.

    Attention: money for the travel pass is returned in the same way as payment was made. That is, if you paid in cash, then you will be returned cash if by bank card, the amount will be transferred to her.

    Rules for returning tickets purchased by another person

    If you need to return a ticket purchased by another person on our website, then you need to indicate the order number, as well as registration data (address email or contact number phone number specified when registering the order). This can be done through your personal account on the website.

    In order to return a paper ticket, you must contact the ticket office at the station of the starting point of departure (for example, if a ticket was purchased for the Moscow-St. Petersburg direction, then you must contact the ticket office at the Moscow station) and provide the operator with the following documents:

    • Paper ticket;
    • Notarized power of attorney from the person who purchased the travel pass;
    • Identity document.

    The money is returned in the same way as the payment was made.

    The period and method of returning money for returned tickets depends on how you paid for the purchase.

    How much is refunded?

    In accordance with the rules established by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, when returning tickets you will receive back an amount less than the original cost. When calculating the refundable amount, the following is taken into account:

    • Mandatory Russian Railways fee - the amount of the fee is two hundred three rubles and fifty kopecks (data valid until the end of 2019);
    • Commission of a financial institution, or payment system, whose services you will use to process the return;

    If you return the ticket through the box office, you will not receive back the full cost of the tickets.

    It is worth noting that you can exchange the purchased travel pass.

    Rules for returning tickets after train departure

    There are often situations when a passenger is late for the train, or cannot make the trip for personal reasons, but did not have time to return the ticket within the deadlines indicated above. In this case, a period of 12 hours is provided from the moment of departure of the train, to which the passenger has the right to make a return.

    This can only be done at the ticket office at the station, and a fine and all other fees will be deducted from the cost. After the 12 hour period has passed, you will no longer be able to return the ticket and get your money back.