• How to properly charge a new battery on your phone. Features of rechargeable batteries. Battery saving

    Everyone who bought mobile phone, I heard the advice that for the first time, batteries for phones need to be completely discharged and only then it is necessary to charge up to 100%. If you do not do this, then, it seems, you will ruin the battery and that's it, a brand new phone can be taken to a landfill. In fact, this advice made sense ten or fifteen years ago, when nickel batteries were widely used in mobile electronics. Times have changed, but habits remain the same.

    In fact, the first thing you need to do is find out what type of battery is installed in your new device. This information can be obtained from the seller, read on the Internet (on the official websites of the manufacturer) or, if the battery is removable, simply remove back cover and look at the label.

    Ni-MH or Ni-Cd

    This is very, very unlikely, but if you bought a rarity Samsung type SGH-M100 of 2000, or some very ancient phone only as a dialer, then you can find such an inscription on its battery. This means that the model has a nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery. And you really have to tinker with it: this type of battery has a memory effect, i.e. "Remembers" at what percentage it was set to charge and reduces its capacity. Only these batteries make sense to discharge to zero and charge 100%.

    But today this is rare. If you buy a more or less modern smartphone, then it will have lithium battery.

    Li-Ion or Li-Pol

    Partner Samsung lithium-ion battery, or its improved version, lithium-polymer, is not subject to the memory effect. And even more: it is highly not recommended to completely discharge them and store them 100% charged for a long time. From honest sellers li-ion battery and is sold charged by two-thirds in order to keep its capacity longer and last longer to the buyer.

    Any lithium battery is rated for specific number charge-discharge cycles. A new cycle starts from the moment when the charge percentage is zero. The more often your smartphone reaches this mark, the faster battery will fall into disrepair. In addition, if you achieve a deep overdischarge of the battery, it will stop charging altogether.


    Buying new phone, ask what kind of battery is installed in it. With a probability of 99.9% it will be a lithium-ion battery. It already has 60 percent charge, so you can use your phone right away. Do not wait until the gadget requires recharging, connect it to the charger already by 20-30%.

    And how to ensure that the battery lasts longer, read

    With a little digging on the web, you can find a lot of tips on how to properly charge new battery Android smartphone, as from experienced users as well as from newbies. Precisely because of mountains» information on the Internet, both correct and incorrect, it has become very difficult to decide on a question; how best to charge android phone? This article will provide an accurate answer based on numerous tests and statistical data.

    Modern laptops, tablets and phones run on lithium-ion batteries. But until a few years ago we all used nickel batteries on their devices, which possessed the so-called memory. Exactly different techniques production and opinions about the "correct" charge, and put a lot of myths in this area. Someone claims that the best option charging the battery is to first discharge it completely, and then do not remove it from charging until it is fully charged to 100%. Others argue that sooner or later the battery will “die” from this method, and therefore it is best to always keep its charge at 40-80%.

    Tips on how to properly charge a new smartphone battery

    Regular charging is the first rule of a long-lasting charger!

    It turns out that that half of humanity that keeps talking about the danger of constant full discharge and charging was right. The point is that from regular discharge to zero, the magnitude of the discharge depth decreases with time. We recommend that you do not allow a complete discharge so that it lasts as long as possible.

    Therefore we can say that first output ready A: Even if your phone is constantly draining up to 50%, it can be dangerous for your battery. If possible, you need to replenish the charge level by 10-20%.

    Do not leave your phone on charge - the second rule of a long-lasting battery!

    As we said above, modern smartphones have lithium-ion batteries, and as it turned out, they are completely do not like permanent long recharges . So it’s better not to torment such a sample with constant charging, but try to maintain the charge level by 40-80%. Therefore, as soon as the battery is charged to the desired%, it is best to turn off the smartphone from the power supply. Otherwise, the battery will not live a long and happy life.

    Second conclusion: Do not use chargers at night, or use special chargers that turn off after a full charge in order to save energy. Then the battery will be under reliable protection.

    Discharge for prevention - the third rule!

    Despite the recommendations not to completely discharge the battery, once a month is still have to do. Of course, after the first few points, this statement sounds contradictory, but in fact, there, we are talking about regular full discharge and charge, and now we are discussing discharge only once a month. This is for calibration purposes. charging block. After constant recharging, the statistics are broken, and the smartphone (Android) sits down faster than before. Therefore, once a month, the battery should “come to its senses” so to speak.

    Conclusion three: swipe complete discharge battery once a month, but no more, for its full-fledged work in the future!

    Android battery - temperature standards

    We maintain temperature standards - the fourth rule!

    Do not forget about the conditions in which the smartphone should be kept and, of course, the battery along with it. Elevated temperature affects the battery negatively, and of course this affects its service life. Don't let the battery overheat!

    Fourth conclusion: Do not overheat the device!

    Naturally, if you have a completely new battery in your device, then even without observing everything that is written here, you will enjoy the excellent battery life for at least 2 years. Therefore, there is nothing fatal if you planted or charged your pet to the maximum. But if listen to this advice how to properly charge a new Android smartphone battery, you can extend the battery life for a few more years, which will certainly please you! Do not treat your device lightly, and it will thank you for a long and correct service!

    small time battery life smartphone - actual problem modern man for whom it is important to always stay in touch. Due to this lack of gadgets, users are forced to regularly incur additional costs - for the purchase of external batteries, for paid services charging in stores, even for the purchase of "second" phones that can "insure" the main device in case it "sits down".

    However, the fact that the gadget is quickly discharged, as a rule, the user himself is much more to blame than the manufacturer. By following some rules for charging your smartphone, you can significantly increase the duration of its battery life.

    The user should not be surprised by the fact that a simple “dialer” is able to work without an outlet for 1-2 weeks, while the smartphone sits down a day after the last recharge. Functional push-button phones usually so primitive that to put the battery just nothing. At the same time, smartphones have a whole arsenal of additional options thanks to which they can successfully replace navigators, cameras, game consoles and other highly specialized devices. All these options are rapidly "eating up" amps.

    Here are the main enemies of smartphone batteries:

    • WiFi. If wifi module turned on, the battery drains much faster. If the distribution is also activated on the smartphone wireless internet, you can see how countdown percent of the battery charge goes right before our eyes.
    • Geolocation. Thanks to the enabled geolocation, the user of a mobile device is able to track his location on the map and find out how far it is to the destination. Many people do not feel such a need, and therefore geolocation works in vain on their smartphones, devouring precious milliamps.
    • Long conversations. In the specifications, the approximate battery life of gadgets is always indicated in 2 versions: In standby And in talk mode. The talk time is much shorter. The user should, if possible, replace live communication correspondence in social networks and instant messengers, if he wants his device to last longer without recharging.

    Contrary to popular belief, applications opened on a smartphone in background, the battery consumption is almost not affected. Starting a program from scratch is a much more energy-intensive procedure, so if you use any application constantly, it's pointless to close it every time.

    The reason for the rapid battery consumption is not always located on programmatic level. Perhaps the whole point is a technical malfunction, poor quality of the battery, or wear and tear. Each battery has its own service life, which is measured in the number of charge cycles. Upon reaching the threshold value, the smartphone with each new charger starts to go faster.

    Type. All memory devices are conditionally classified into 2 types: transformer And impulse. Pulse ones differ in that they are equipped with timers that can automatically stop charging. The fast charging mode of a pulsed charger lasts about 4 hours - this time is usually enough for the battery to gain the bulk of its capacity. Then the energy begins to be supplied in small portions - "impulses" - so that the smartphone does not lose charge.

    Construction and design. One-piece chargers that do not allow the user to disconnect the wire from the power supply are a thing of the past. Purchasing this charger disadvantageous, because the owner of the gadget has to buy a USB cable “in addition” to it - if he intends to download data from a PC to the smartphone.

    It is more expedient to purchase a cable and an adapter equipped with several ports. An excellent adapter for 4 ports with different voltage ratings can be found on trading platform gear best.

    Thanks to this adapter, the user gets the opportunity to charge two or more mobile devices. simultaneously- for this you just need to buy a second cable, which is much cheaper than additional charging.

    When ordering a charging adapter from a Chinese website, the user should also pay attention to plug type. For Russian sockets you need European plugs- as shown in the picture on the top left.

    The illustration also shows forks, respectively. American, British And Australian standards. Naturally, they will not work for our sockets - the British plug generally has 3 plugs.


    Unfortunately, domestic users continue to stubbornly believe common myths about charging mobile devices. They don’t even suspect that, trying, for example, to drain the batteries of smartphones to the end, they are doing a disservice to their devices. Recommendations, deposited in the memory of users in the 2000s, are relevant for nickel batteries. IN modern smartphones are worth lithium-ion batteries, the requirements for the care of which are completely different.

    How can you not, but how can you charge your phone? And how to do it correctly so that the battery does not lose capacity over time? Such questions are of concern to all smartphone owners without exception - after all, it is with insufficient powerful battery most often associated with people's dissatisfaction with their favorite gadgets. Experts from the Battery University website, created by battery manufacturer Cadex, have published a guide for charging devices with different types of batteries.

    Article debunks myths related to battery charging different types and makes specific recommendations.

    Many people consider it important to charge a smartphone only when the battery is almost empty. In fact, this approach only hurts. It was true about 15 years ago, when nickel batteries were put into portable electronics. Now they have been replaced by lithium-ion ones, which behave completely differently.

    1. Charged - turned off

    Most often, we connect the smartphone to the charger in the evening, and leave it like that until the morning. It is not right. The batteries of most devices will be filled in such a situation in about three hours. The remaining hours until the morning, the charger will from time to time feed the gadget to keep the charge at 100%. This keeps the battery under stress, reducing its actual maximum capacity at an accelerated rate.

    After a year of such operation, you will most likely notice that the device is discharged faster than in the first month after purchase.

    “When the battery is charged, disconnect the gadget from the charger. It's like with muscles that after exercise should be relaxed so that they do not hurt, ”recommend Battery University experts.

    2. Don't chase 100 percent battery

    Moreover, without special need to fill a lithium-ion battery by 100% is generally not worth it. “It is not necessary to fully charge a lithium-ion battery, moreover, it is undesirable. It is better to feed the battery not to the end to avoid negative effects. high voltage“, say the experts.

    3. Charge at every opportunity

    So that the battery does not “stress” and lasts longer, it is better to recharge it, if possible, several times during the day. Can this be done from a car charger on the way to work and back, or in the office.

    For example, discharging each time to zero and then charging up to 100%, lithium ion battery only last 500 charge cycles. When discharging-charging by 50%, the service life will increase to one and a half thousand cycles.

    Experts believe that you can maximize battery life by keeping the charge level between 40 and 80 percent - this is how the operation will be most efficient.

    If you are not going to use your smartphone for some time, it is best to charge it before that by 50%.

    4. Watch your temperature

    At different temperatures batteries feel different. In the heat, the battery is more likely to experience stress, losing capacity, and may even fail.

    Therefore, you need to make sure that in the summer the smartphone does not remain in the sun or, even worse, in the car.

    In winter, you should also ensure that the battery does not overcool. That is, carry it in the outer pocket of the jacket - bad idea. And for laptops, special stands are extremely useful, providing full ventilation of the bottom panel of the case.

    5. Once a month - “charging” by discharging

    Despite all of the above, occasionally even lithium-ion batteries are useful to be discharged to 0%. Experts recommend giving your smartphone or laptop such a “training” once a month. It will allow the device to calibrate the electronics responsible for correctly displaying the charge level. Without this, with constant feeding of the battery in small portions, the charge indicator will begin to “lie”.

    In any case, you should not worry too much about how to charge the battery. Most smartphone manufacturers design them with the expectation that the buyer will decide to replace his device with a new one in two, maximum three years. Accordingly, the batteries in smartphones, in principle, are not designed for a longer service life. Nevertheless, following the recommendations of the experts given in the article will allow the battery of a smartphone or laptop to work longer without noticeable loss of capacity.

    If you found this article useful, share it on social networks - friends who charge their smartphones incorrectly will thank you.

    29.12.2017 20:02:00

    Our editors are so often asked how to properly charge a smartphone on Android that we decided to dwell on this topic in more detail. First, let's answer main question - operating system does not affect the ways to charge the mobile phone. In fact, only the type of battery and its degree of wear are important. How to properly charge a new Android phone, we will tell in this article.

    The variety of battery types for smartphones can be reduced to just two technologies: nickel and lithium. And despite general principle actions, each own operating rules when charging.

    Nickel-metal hydride batteries

    Nowadays, a nickel-metal hydride battery for a phone can only be found in very inexpensive models, where there are few functions and energy consumption is minimal. This old technology is practically not used in modern smartphones. However, it is important to understand how to charge NiMH batteries, as NiMH batteries are still found.

    The main thing to remember about such batteries is the so-called "memory effect". That is, if you start charging a nickel-metal hydride battery before it is discharged “to zero”, its capacity will decrease. Hence, a strong belief arose among the people: any, even the most modern touch phones, need to be tortured, bringing the charge to zero, and then charging to the maximum. Especially if the battery is only from the factory (new). But in fact, this applies exclusively to nickel-metal hydride batteries, and lithium batteries are a completely different story.

    Li-ion batteries

    Lithium-ion phone batteries are more powerful than their predecessors and are easier to use. Therefore, they are now installed in almost all portable equipment. Here are some tips on how to properly charge your phone battery.

    How to charge a lithium-ion battery:

    • First of all, do not fully discharge. Yes, yes, do not listen to those advisers who talk about a full discharge - they still live in the past decade, although the reality around has changed a lot.
    • Charge your smartphone as often as possible. Do not bring the discharge below 20%, and if possible, connect even earlier. Discharging to zero is one of the reasons why an Android phone runs out quickly. At the same time, avoid constantly hanging your smartphone on charging, this is also harmful to the battery.
    • Sometimes, once every few months, it is necessary carry out lithium recovery ion batteries . That is, discharge the phone to a critical limit and then charge it again, and the charging time should be 12 hours. We emphasize that such a procedure can only be done once every two to three months!

    Check out the accessories!

    It is best to charge the device using the supplied device. Especially if we are not talking about a mobile phone, but, say, a camera, where the battery is removed from the device and inserted into the charger for charging. Original accessories reduce the likelihood of battery failure due to too high currents, extend the life of the gadget and reduce charging time.

    Storage of lithium-ion batteries

    Storage lithium-ion batteries- also a separate procedure that requires its own approach. It is best to store the battery at a temperature of about 15 OC, and the charge level should be about 50% or slightly less. In this way, we will avoid the degradation of battery capacity that will inevitably occur if we store it fully charged.

    Remember that proper use of lithium-ion batteries will prolong their life. And that means saving you money.

    Why does the phone sit down in the cold

    Now that we know how to charge a new phone battery, let's talk about why the phone runs out in the cold. And in general about the effect of temperatures on batteries.

    Rapid discharge in cold weather is due to slower chemical reactions inside lithium-ion batteries.. This releases less energy and, therefore, the battery runs out of its life faster.

    Which smartphone is the most resistant to low temperatures? Look for the answer in our article " Thin smartphone for winter".

    The situation is even more difficult with the summer heat, because when high temperatures there is a risk of damage or complete destruction of the battery. Therefore, our editors do not recommend leaving the smartphone under direct sunlight for a long time. sunbeams- it is dangerous for the device!

    crazy hands

    And finally, here are some ways to charge your mobile phone in the forest:


    Thus, there is no single charging algorithm for all types of batteries and smartphone models. It all depends on what mobile device you have purchased: a long-playing phone with an advanced battery or an inexpensive mobile phone with a simple low-capacity battery.

    Consider battery type, environmental conditions and usage. And of course, do not disdain the power saving mode, which can significantly extend the life of your smartphone.

    By the way, many smartphone users are faced with a problem when the mobile device heats up and quickly consumes battery power. What could be causing this problem and how to deal with it? You can read about this in our article.