• How to remove mods in World of Tanks. How to remove Mods in World of Tanks

    You still don't know how to remove world of tanks? The game won’t start or the update won’t install, or are you just tired of this dull (fucking) and eternal pumping of tanks that steals your precious time?! Time that you could spend on something really useful! Then read this article and find out how to remove world of tanks...

    How to uninstall World of Tanks

    So what do we need to do? Naturally competent and CORRECT delete client games from PC, then clear all settings (CACHE) and extra client files, and for a snack delete all entries from system registry our Windows.

    How to remove a client in Windows XP:

    Press the button "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen, then "Control Panel", further "Add or remove programs".
    In the list of programs that opens, look for "World of Tanks" and right click. Next - "Delete".

    On Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8:

    Again the button "Start"(for Windows 8.10 press the combination Windows keys+ X)-> "Control Panel"->"Programs"->"Programs and Features".
    Looking for "World of Tanks" on the list and Delete right mouse button.

    Soooo... we sorted out the deletion, what next.... And then we have cleaning extra files and settings (CACHE) of the game.
    For advanced users, a whole article has been written on how to clear the game cache., but for other users we’ll go the simple way:
    -download the .bat file from the wargaming website.
    There are no viruses there, here are the contents of the file:

    @echo off
    rmdir /S /Q "%appdata%wargaming.netWorldOfTanks"
    echo Cache cleared, settings reset.

    and run it as administrator... this file will delete everything for you unnecessary files games.

    Well, the final stage is cleaning the registry of remaining World of Tanks client entries. This stage is not mandatory. And this is where further reading of the article “how to remove world of tanks” can end. But it will be useful to those people who, for some reason, are trying to reinstall the client from scratch.

    I hope there is no need to say that you do all manipulations with the system registry at your own peril and risk!

    So, a simple method is to “run” the system registry with CCleaner.

    Have you downloaded the program? Let's run it through the registry and follow the screenshots:

    By the way, the program supports many languages, including Russian:

    The advantages of this program are that you don’t have to manually scour the registry and fix “jambs” in the system, this program will do everything for you (and find a ton of mistakes).

    Well, the downside is that this is a program, i.e. an algorithm of actions that does not provide a 100% guarantee of results. At least the result that we want to get from it. Or more precisely, how to remove world of tanks and all entries about it from the system registry.

    Personally, I like to do everything the old fashioned way, by hand. Using the built-in Windows utilities regedit.exe.

    As usual, the “Start” key (for Windows 8.10, the Win+X key) -> Run -> regedit
    then go to the Edit->Find... tab and enter WorldofTanks
    we find the entry - delete it, click F3, search further, find it - delete it, and so on until the end, until you see a happy inscription something like: search did not produce results.
    Then we search similarly Wargaming and delete it!

    There are many reasons why players decide to part with World War II military equipment and delete their World of Tanks account. Sometimes this is due to a lack of free time, due to study or work. Some people just want to take a break and devote themselves to home and creative activities. How to properly delete an account in a game - let's look at it point by point.

    The first thing you need to know is that a player cannot independently delete his account in World of Tanks; the game does not provide such options. If you don't know how to completely get rid of account, you should not look for any button in the game itself that will help you with this.

    All information related to game profiles is stored on internal game servers. To erase it from memory (not yours, but the game’s), you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

    1. Log in using your username to the WorldofTanks.ru website.
    2. Click on the "Support" button located at the top of the screen.
    3. Go to the “My Applications” subsection.
    4. Click the “Create Application” button.
    5. Select the sub-item “Define the problem category” and click on the button located under the “Tanks” icon.
    6. When the “Define subcategory of the problem” list appears, select the “Account Questions” sub-item.
    7. After the special panel appears, click the “Delete Account” button.
    8. After that, click “Continue”.
    9. You will be offered a list of ready-made solutions, where you need to select the option “The issue is not resolved, continue.”
    10. In a special window feedback titled “Describe the problem”, create a message in which you ask to delete the account.
    11. Provide all required information related to your game profile: your email address, nickname.
    12. Under the question “Do you have access to mail...”, select the answer “Yes” if you have access to the specified mailing address.
    13. Write down the reasons why you no longer need your World of Tanks game profile.
    14. Write what country and city you live in, and also indicate your provider.
    15. Also write the number mobile phone(If this number valid), which was assigned to the account.
    16. In the “Information about payments” section, under the item “...were payments made”, select the “Yes” option and indicate the payments that you made through your profile.
    17. Click Continue.
    18. Click the “Submit Application” button after you have carefully checked that the information provided about you and your gaming profile is correct.

    Within 14 days to your email postal address You will receive a letter from the support service, and you will have to confirm your account by entering your username and password. Support center specialists will check your data, and after 45 days the profile will be deleted.

    Removing World of Tanks from your computer:

    Relevant if you decide to get rid of your account forever (duh). This can be done using a procedure similar to all programs installed on the computer. To do this you need to do the following:

    1. On your PC's taskbar, click the Windows icon.
    2. From the list of items in the Start panel, select “All Programs” (it’s the bottom one).
    3. When you see that the World of Tanks folder is in the drop-down list, open it.
    4. Select the sub-item “Uninstall...”.
    5. Uninstall the game using the system prompts.

    Sometimes, after uninstallation, some files may remain on the computer. separate files, belonging to the game World of Tanks. To completely delete all files, you can use Revo utility Uninstaller, which will scan your PC and remove any “traces” of the game from the folders.

    It happens that after such a hectic activity, the game simply stops working, crashes, or it turns out that you have something that you don’t need. To get a clean game again, you don’t have to reinstall it, but simply remove the necessary modifications or the entire mod pack. So how to remove mods in World of Tanks so that they no longer interfere with your game?

    The first case is when you want to remove all mods and leave the game clean. We go to the folder with the game World of Tanks and in it we find res_mods— inside the folder there will be another one with the version number of the game that needs to be cleaned out, deleting everything indiscriminately. For this method Thanks to the developers who decided not to use file replacement and moved the modifications to a separate folder.

    The second case of how to remove mods in wot is when you want to permanently remove a specific mod or replace it with another. To do this, again go to the game folder, then to res_mods and there in the folder with the game version we look for these paths:

    — We find vehicles, then a folder [name of nation] and onwards Tracks— mods for caterpillars are stored here;
    gui and go to the folder flash- here you will find all the modifications to the sights that you have as well as loading screens. By the way, minimaps are also located in the same folder;
    gui, after which we look for the foldermaps, after it icons and in itvehicle- along this path you will find icons;
    vehicles, then folder [name of nation]and looking for the desired folder [tank model]— all the skins that you placed are collected here;
    gui, then go to maps and find iticonsfollow to tankmen and thereicons— in this folder you will find crew icons.

    It is also worth mentioning that quite well-known and extensive modifications in lately receive automatic installers and all you need to do is press a couple of buttons to install. As for removing such mods in World of Tanks, it also happens very quickly - you need to find the .exe file in the game folder with the name of the mod and the prefix unins. But you need to make sure that the modification is not included in the .

    You can do it differently - go to the computer control panel and find “uninstall programs” there; by clicking on it, you will see a list of what you have installed on top of the system - the modification may be in this list. Having selected it, click the “delete” button at the top and wait until the operation is completed. Now you know how to remove mods in World of Tanks.

    World of Tanks has one amazing property. It can be both pleasing and terribly annoying. And the saddest thing is that without these irritants the game would not be the same as we see it now. And even though the VBR constantly puts a spoke in the wheels, and the deer merge at the speed of the T-50-2, we still love this game. Although sometimes there are tempting impulses to click on the “delete World of Tanks” button.

    This is without a doubt one of the most basic irritants. Two identical tanks, the same amount of HP, it would seem that the tanker who best knows the weak points of the vehicle will win. But no... The commander reports in a calm tone “there is a hit” (no damage! How can that be?!) and we calmly go to the hangar and curse the malicious Great Belarusian Random.

    And most importantly, this damn FBG affects not only the probability of penetration, but also accuracy. Today I had a wonderful battle, in which I took my favorite SU-122-44. And now the final battle is approaching. A German Tiger is riding in the distance - one shot and it will be finished. Volley! The first shell knocks down the right track. Okay, to hell with it, I’ll shoot again in seven seconds. Shot! The shell now knocks down the left track. But God loves a trinity, right? I shoot and after the commander’s words “the armor is not penetrated,” I go to the hangar, where the VBR was told a lot of flattering words. I guarantee that you also had such situations.

    And another fun video about FBG (caution, swearing! 18+):

    It's simple. Not only the enemy is lucky, but also you. Have you ever had situations when a shell hit when it seemed impossible? Same thing. And your reservation also played a cruel joke on your enemies.

    Monotonous gameplay and lack of different interesting modes

    At first glance, the mechanics of World of Tanks are simple to the extreme. 30 people, fight until enemy tanks are destroyed or the base is captured. However, this unsightly formula is diluted by many different conditions, such as:

    • different tanks;
    • different players;
    • different cards;
    • the same FBR.

    This is enough even for several tens of thousands of battles, but then the tanker regularly thinks - what’s next?

    Of course, the developers are doing their best to maintain interest in the game among veterans of the project, adding new tanks for pumping and working on changing the principle of operation of the global map.

    New modes were even introduced, but the result can hardly be called full-fledged new modes, because the developers simply swapped the spawns and slightly changed the combat mission. It turned out so-so, as evidenced by the statistics of players who disabled these modes in the settings. The developers need to come up with truly new modes, because the upcoming 7/42 company basis will satisfy only skilled players; 48% of players, who are the majority in the game, are guaranteed not to understand the mode and will not play it.

    Why you shouldn't pay special attention to this

    Play in such a way that you don’t even get bored with the randomness ;). Maybe we should reduce the number of battles per day?

    A vicious balance that makes you grind your teeth

    You've finally bought your next tank in the upgrade tree! Congratulations! Now go ahead - suffer in random, where you will regularly be at the very bottom of the table. I recently bought a T-44. And I drive it only once a day in order to remove the stars, because in full stock the tank very often drops to levels 9-10, where we can do practically nothing. And in order to examine a more or less normal weapon, you must first examine the tracks and turret. That is, you need more than thirty thousand experience, which is quite difficult to achieve with such a tight balance.

    If the Tiger in the allied team is stock, then one can only sympathize with him:

    All tanks that have extremely poor stock weapons suffer from balance.

    A little advice: when you are researching a new tank, don’t give a damn about the turrets, tracks and engines - research the weapons as quickly as possible, because in most cases the amount of experience gained in battle depends only on the damage.

    Why you shouldn't pay special attention to this

    Although the balance is cruel, it still sometimes pleases, throwing us not to the bottom or middle of the list, but to the TOP, where, with proper directness of hands, we can create truly epic achievements. Once you get to the top, take the battle more seriously.

    Deer, crayfish, bottoms and all the rest of the similar fraternity

    How so? Almost every battle I am in the TOP 3 in terms of damage, and these bottoms lose one battle after another. Believe me, I recently had 55% victories, but it became 54%. A weekly black streak with a maximum win rate of 40% can anger even the calmest tanker. Well, how can you be indifferent when these crustaceans cannot finish off a one-shot yaga, riding out on it one by one and dying with the grace of a bear on an ice skating rink.

    The results of several of my battles today. Who are all these people who took 0-1 shots during the fight?

    But a total inability to play is not the main problem of the bottoms. The main problem is that these horned, armless reindeer herders cannot read simple information from the map. How many times have I seen situations where half of our brave team moves forward despite the capture of our base that has just begun. Maybe potatoes need a special forced training video telling them that grabbing is fucking important!

    Interesting observation. Statistics regularly tend to level all players up to a 49% win rate. To achieve the same 55% you need to make at least some effort. But it’s logical that to achieve 45%, some measures are also needed? Just what?

    Potato assures that there will be no division of players into leagues. Some will say that if folders only play with folders, then even among them 49% of the former 55% players will be formed. But even if this is the case, these tankers KNOW how to play and know the basics of achieving victory. Unlike 45% of the bottom, which does not bring any benefit to the team. Although no, it does. Your own corpse, behind which it is convenient to hide.

    Why you shouldn't pay special attention to this

    The most important argument is that there are bottoms not only in your team, but also in the opponents’ camp. Therefore, in most cases, the number of bottom dwellers is equally distributed among both teams.

    Nerfs to vehicles

    Have you been downloading art for two years and were an ardent fan of sending suitcases from heaven? Patch 0.8.6, receive it, sign for it. There is practically no artillery in random anymore. Whether this is good or bad we will see further actions developers, but in the meantime you can watch the coming humiliation of lovers of Soviet light. In update 0.8.7, the favorite of millions, the T-50-2, will be removed from the project and its place will be taken by the slouch MT-25, which, with the same characteristics, has a much greater mass, which has a very negative impact on its dynamics and speed over rough terrain. Personally, I have a total of about 2500 battles on the T-50-2 and -T-50 and I'm damn angry at Potato because of the future nerf.

    The frankly impudent upcoming nerf of Super Pershing was especially pleasing. At first, the potato makes only characteristics, then declares that they are supposedly “unhistorical” and removes the tank’s excellent forehead protection. And so that the players’ indignation does not rise to prohibitive levels, the tank is simply allowed to be sold for the amount spent on its purchase. At first glance, this is fair, but you have ALREADY invested money in the purchase of THIS particular tank and the funds will not be returned to you, they will still remain in the project. And Potato will win.

    You swing a branch, swing it, and then bam and that’s it, the tank is cut and not a trace remains of the previous fun.

    Why you shouldn't pay special attention to this

    In any case, someone will benefit from a nerf to any tank. At least those players to whom this tank caused the most inconvenience will be satisfied.

    As you can see, there are a lot of reasons to stop playing tanks, but each of them can be challenged. And in some cases, even quite well-reasoned. I deliberately did not include donations in the list, because the game is built on a free2play distribution model, which implies the sale of some bonuses for real money. And with all the shortcomings of the game, it is very pleasant that players cannot buy a “bending stick” for money. On the contrary, all prems have significant drawbacks.

    What do you think of the game? Do you play more or, on the contrary, less? Do you like the World of Tanks development course?

    You will need

    • - computer satisfying system requirements WoT;
    • - registered account;
    • - Internet connection;
    • - game client.


    There may be several reasons why you decided to destroy your tank. For example, you see that the battle is clearly lost, and you do not want to give your enemies the joy of killing you. By self-destructing, you can deprive your opponents of the expected rewards in order to somehow harm the winners. You can self-destruct if you get into an argument with your team, reducing their chances of winning.

    Realistic physics, which appeared in one of the game patches (updates), significantly expanded the ability of tankers to independently destroy their equipment. In total, there are three methods, each of which has its own limitations on the possibility of application. Before patch 0.8.6 there was a method of self-destruction programmatically, for which there was a corresponding mod, but in the following patches this option was removed.

    Method of self-destruction No. 1 is to drown yourself. Naturally, it only works on maps where there is a body of water of sufficient depth. Just drive your tank into the water to such an extent that an icon with a ten-second timer appears, wait 10 seconds and you can safely go to the hangar: your tank is destroyed, and the enemy is left without unnecessary experience and...

    Method number 2 - crash. If there is no water on the map, but there is a relatively significant difference in heights (ravines, rocky ledges, slides), then you can accelerate the tank and jump down. A school physics course will allow you to fully imagine what will happen to a 30-ton car when it falls from at least the height of the third floor. IN best case scenario your tank will lose a significant part of its safety margin and receive critical damage to modules, and in the worst case, it will crash completely.

    Method number 3 - shooting yourself - is, unfortunately, not suitable for everyone, but only for self-propelled artillery units (SPG). The fact is that, although they have powerful ammunition, these are quite fragile. Considering that self-propelled guns fire mainly high-explosive shells, which do not penetrate armor well, but do cause damage over an area, you can stand point blank against the wall and shoot - your tank will certainly be destroyed by fragments of your own shell.

    Please note

    You can smash your tank against someone else’s in a frontal attack, but in this case the game will consider this a victory for the enemy tank, and not self-destruction.

    Useful advice

    Before you decide to self-destruct, think: perhaps, by staying alive, you can harm the enemy more.

    Many online games can be seriously addictive to players. World of Tanks is no exception. “Tankman” invests a lot of time and a considerable amount real money for pumping up military equipment. A radical way out of this situation is complete removal games.


    It will only take a few minutes to remove the World of Tanks game client from your computer, as well as all components of this program. There are several ways to perform deletion.

    The first method is to go to the Start menu and select All Programs. In the pop-up window, find the “World of Tanks” folder and open it. Then click "Uninstall World of Tanks". After this it will start automatic program, which completely removes the game client and all related programs from hard drive.

    If for some reason the “World of Tanks” folder is missing in the “All Programs” menu, but the location of the game is known, find the folder with the program and its components on your hard drive. As a rule, it is called World of Tanks. Delete the folder manually. Or open it, find and run the unins000.exe file. The unins000.exe file will launch the same uninstaller program that was used in the first method of uninstalling the game.