• What are the reasons for the oklick wireless mouse not working. We solve the problem: the wireless mouse does not work. Hardware compatibility bugs

    Hello! If you are reading this article, then your mouse has stopped working, or it works intermittently, or some buttons (wheel) do not work. In most cases, such a problem can be solved independently at home, and no special skills and tools are required. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why why the mouse does not work on a laptop or PC , as well as ways to troubleshoot.

    Causes of a mouse malfunction

    No matter what model or type your mouse is, it can fail for three main reasons:

    • Software;
    • Hardware;
    • Doesn't work in game or app.

    Although the third point can also be attributed to programmatic reasons. I think it’s clear what software failures mean - related to incorrect installation of drivers, conflict with the system etc. Hardware failures are reduced to mechanical failures - wire break, contact closure etc.

    Sometimes the mouse works on the desktop, but when you enter the game, the pointer does not respond to mouse movement. For example, GTA fans often face the problem that the mouse does not work in GTA San Andres. It turns out that this problem can be solved by simply pressing Esc a few times, and returning back to the game. Also, gamers recommend going to the Task Manager and close the explorer.exe process in it. If the mouse does not work in GTA in Windows 7, then the Task Manager, on the Details tab, you need to find the task gta-sa.exe, click RMB and uncheck all the checkboxes in front of the processor cores, except for any one. These recommendations in 99% of cases help.

    Problems with wired mice

    If your mouse has a "tail" that has PS/2 connector(round plug), check if you have inserted it into the correct port. Sometimes users confuse the keyboard and mouse connectors. For a mouse, the port is green.

    If the input device is connected to USB port, then problems may arise in this case. For example, a USB mouse does not work often because Windows does not have the correct drivers. In new versions of the OS, this problem is much less common. There may be a problem with the USB port itself. To eliminate this possibility, change the connector, or connect the mouse to another computer / laptop.

    If a new mouse that does not work when connected does not come with a driver disk, the necessary firewood can be easily found on the Internet.

    Sometimes users wonder why the mouse stops working. Those. it sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't. The problem is most likely in broken cord- at a certain position, the contacts close and the mouse works, moving a little, the contacts open, and it stops working. If the mouse is cheap, it's better not to bother and buy a new one, because. when soldering, it is likely that the wire will break in a new place.

    Sometimes wired Mouse lights up but doesn't work. This indicates that it is powered by the network, because. the diode is on. Perhaps the touch laser has gone astray and needs to be fixed. Also, the problem may lie in the same contacts in the wire, or in the socket. In any case, fixing this breakdown requires some experience and skill, so it's best to contact the service.

    Why is my wireless mouse not working?

    The first recommendation, of course, may seem obvious, but still ... Make sure your batteries are not dead. Also check if the sensor is lit, if not, the mouse may not be turned on (the toggle switch is usually at the bottom). And quite simple - you need to click the mouse button. This helps if the mouse has become inactive due to prolonged inactivity.

    Now to the more serious reasons why the wireless mouse on the computer does not work. One of them - signal receiving unit. Try plugging the USB receiver into a different port. Also, a breakdown may lie in the mouse itself - for some reason the signal is not sent.

    When it comes to software, wireless mice have the same problems as wired ones. You may need to update or install new drivers.

    Mouse wheel not working

    If on the mouse buttons do not work, then most likely it is a mechanical failure, although there is also a small risk of virus infection. The main mechanical failure - the mic breaks off. Mikrik is a button that clamps the contacts. You can feel such breakage by lightly pressing the mouse button. Again, with such troubles, it is better to buy a new device than to try to solder or change the mikrik - this work is inappropriate.

    It happens much less often that the right or left mouse button does not work, but the cursor moves, the wheel scrolls the page in certain programs or games. Here you need to look at the input device settings.

    Why mouse wheel not working? Perhaps the mechanical part has broken - in this case it will be difficult to do something yourself. Also, the reason may lie in the absence of the necessary drivers. Look at the mouse settings in the operating system, they may not have the same functions for the wheel.

    I hope you found the cause of the malfunction of your electronic rodent and were able to fix it.

    A computer mouse is a familiar and indispensable accessory for any user of not only a PC, but also a laptop or tablet. Any of its malfunctions can interfere with your work or rest.

    But, if a computer mouse suddenly stops working, this is not a reason to throw it away and go for a new one. You can try to find and fix the problem yourself.

    Reasons for mouse problems

    The reasons can be of two types - hardware (mechanical) and software. The former include all possible mechanical damage to the mouse itself, wires, plugs and sockets, unreliable contact, contamination, as well as static voltage that can affect the operation of the device.

    Software problems include problems associated with drivers (their absence, outdated versions), malware, software conflicts, operating system malfunctions.

    Mouse hardware problems

    First you need to check the integrity of the device itself and the connection. If you dropped or spilled liquid on the mouse, this could be the problem. But even if you are sure that there was no mechanical damage, inspect the case and cable of the device. Make sure that nothing interferes with the operation of the optics. For a wireless mouse, check the battery.

    If it's a USB mouse, try plugging it into a different port. With PS / 2 it will be more difficult, since the system unit usually has only one socket for it. But if there is another computer at hand, check if the mouse will work there.

    By the way, checking the mouse on another computer will allow you to determine with almost one hundred percent accuracy what the problem is - in the computer or in the accessory. Similarly, you can test another mouse with this computer.

    Inspect the socket on the system unit for dust, liquids, and other contact obstructions. Make sure that the plug of the mouse or Bluetooth transmitter fits snugly, but without force.

    Thoroughly clean the connectors from dust and wipe the contacts with a match with a thin layer of cotton wool soaked in alcohol or use other improvised means.

    Perform cleaning work on the connectors only after disconnecting the system unit from the outlet or removing the battery from the laptop, since even when the power is off, they can be energized.

    If the connectors are oxidized, then it will not be possible to completely clean them with alcohol. Repeatedly insert and remove the mouse plug into the oxidized connector until the contacts are lapped to a clean state.

    If the problem is not detected during an external examination, it may be due to internal damage to the mouse. Carefully open the case of the device and inspect if the contacts have come off somewhere.

    It may also be a wire break (you can ring it with an ohmmeter) and feel the wire along its entire length. This will allow you to find the place of the break and repair the cord.

    If the mouse as a whole works, but sticky keys appear, often accompanied by a double click when pressed once, then you need to carefully disassemble it, clean it and bend the contact plate in the microswitches under the buttons.

    If the wheel on the mouse starts to junk, which often causes reverse scrolling and weakening of the cut-offs, then you need to rinse its mechanism with alcohol several times and drop a little machine oil into it.

    In most cases, this is enough and the wheel will work for a long time. But, do not rush to collect the mouse and check its work. If the mechanism of the wheel is very loose, then you can gently slightly tighten its metal frame with pliers. Be extremely careful, with excessive pressure, this mechanism may break.

    It also happens that the mouse cursor starts to move on the screen itself. This usually indicates that the electronic mouse controller has started to malfunction. In this case, the problem is solved mainly by replacing the mouse and nothing can be done about it. But do not rush to write off the mouse as scrap, perhaps it will work fine on another computer, this happens. In addition, such problems can be caused by a mouse pad, try how a mouse will work on a blank white sheet of paper. If normal, then change the rug, preferably to a solid color without patterns.

    Mouse software issues

    If the mouse is intact and works with other devices, then it is possible in the software part. You can say this with absolute confidence if another mouse behaves the same way on your PC. But there are exceptions when failures in the software part appear only with a specific mouse.

    As one of the signs of software problems, there may be spontaneous movement or, on the contrary, a delay in moving the cursor, as happens with problems with the mouse controller. In this case, it is difficult to distinguish a hardware failure from a software one. But, if hardware problems are not confirmed, then proceed to identify software ones.

    If before the mouse failed, you installed some programs and updates, then the problem is almost certainly in them. Try removing them or, if possible, temporarily disable them.

    Be sure to check your computer for viruses and malware. I recommend using the free Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for this purpose, the latest version of which can be downloaded from the official website of the anti-virus laboratory.

    If the mouse does not work at all, then go to the device manager and check if the computer sees the mouse, USB controllers, there are no unknown and error-prone devices.

    If the device is not recognized, the handle request failed, or something similar, then follow these steps.

    1. Disconnect all peripherals, briefly unplug your PC, and after booting up, plug in a mouse and check if it works. Some devices such as external drives, modems and some other (probably failed) devices can overload the USB ports with power and the mouse starts to fail.
    2. If the device is displayed with an exclamation mark, then go to the properties of this device, select the "Driver" tab and click the "Roll Back" button (if it is active) or "Delete". Then, from the Action menu, select Update Hardware Configuration.
    3. You can delete obsolete entries about previously connected equipment (flash drives, modems, etc.). Often they interfere and lead to failures connected to USB devices. To do this, go to the "View" menu and select "Show Hidden Devices". Find and delete everything you have connected to the USB connectors. Don't worry, the next time you connect the desired device will be detected and installed again, and the problem with the mouse will disappear.
    4. If the problem with rolling back the driver and removing old devices has not gone away, then try updating the drivers on the contrary, especially for USB controllers. I recommend using the free Driver Booster utility for this.
    5. Check the power settings. This problem usually occurs with laptops - to save energy, they turn off the power of ports that have not been functioning for some time. You can fix this in the system settings. Go to "Power Management" - "Setting the power plan" - "Change advanced power settings" - "USB settings". In different versions of Windows, you can enter the power settings in different ways, detailed information on this topic can be found on the Internet.

    Wireless mouse problems

    Most often, problems with the operation of a wireless mouse are due to a dead battery. This is mainly expressed in loss of communication, spontaneous shutdown or jerks in the operation of the mouse.

    Even if you bought and installed a new battery, there is no guarantee that it is of high quality. It is advisable to check it with a voltmeter. The voltage should be 1.3-1.5 V, otherwise the lack of power can lead to problems and the battery needs to be changed.

    Also, problems in the operation of a wireless mouse can be caused by an unfortunate location of the transmitter. For example, when connected to the rear connector of a PC, the signal may be strongly muffled by the metal case. Connect the transmitter either to the front of the case or via a USB extension cable. In the latter case, the receiver can be placed on the table right next to the mouse. In addition, this will save battery power. Well, do not forget to use the switch on the mouse (if any).

    If the mouse does not work after removing and reinserting the receiver into the connector, then try repeating this procedure with the mouse button held down.

    Also, the problem may be in the interference from the Wi-Fi router. Temporarily disable it and try how the mouse behaves. If the problem disappears, you will have to select a channel in the router settings on which Wi-Fi will not interfere with the operation of the mouse. To get started, try the most unloaded channels that can be found using the Wi-Fi Analyzer mobile application.

    If nothing helps

    If the search for hardware and software problems has not yielded results, the mouse still does not work correctly, then backup the system and install absolutely clean from the original image (as there may be tweaks in assemblies that lead to various problems, including with the mouse).

    If the problem appears on a clean system, then the matter is definitely in the mouse and it will have to be replaced. If installing a clean system solved the problem, then it's time to set up the PC again, you will already have clean Windows.

    Thus, you can solve almost any problem related to the operation of the mouse. If you know other ways, write about them in the comments.

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    A mouse is supplied with a personal computer, many people use a laptop or netbook on the panel for work, which has a built-in mouse. For many users, this is not very convenient and they have to buy a mouse separately, and then connect it to a laptop.

    It often happens that after connecting the mouse, the pointer on the screen does not move, although the indicator inside the mouse glows red. What to do if the mouse on the computer does not work, but glows?

    It is worth noting that the computer industry produces two types of mice.

    Mice available:

    • with wire;
    • Without wire.

    Let's see how these types of devices included in the PC kit work.

    The wireless mouse works through a bluetooth device. Batteries are inserted into the mouse and it is connected using the bluetooth program, which must first be installed on your computer.

    Once connected to your device, the mouse is ready to go. But, if after connecting the mouse pointer does not move, then you just need to restart your PC.

    This action is enough for the mouse to work. If it doesn't help, you should check the mouse on another computer. Perhaps the mouse simply does not work due to a mechanical failure.

    Perhaps the electronic filling of the mouse failed, maybe a wire flew off somewhere or a radio component failed.

    And also the cause of the breakdown may be the lack of the necessary driver, then you need to go to the website of the mouse manufacturer, download the driver to your computer, install it.

    Viruses and conflicts

    The next reason that the mouse on the computer does not work, but glows, may be a virus that has entered, in this case, check your device with the installed antivirus.

    Sometimes a problem occurs after installing a program and there is a conflict between the installed program and the mouse drivers.

    Remember when the mouse stopped working, and remove the installed program or roll back the system to a working state.

    But it also happens that the mouse stops working after reinstalling Windows. Perhaps the software simply does not see the connected device, then you should change the installed Windu to another OS.

    Mouse with wire

    Such a mouse should be checked on another computer to find out whether the device works or not. If the mouse is working, then you need to look for the cause of the problem on your computer.

    The reason may be the lack of the necessary driver, a virus on the computer, or you installed the downloaded software, which caused a conflict between the computer and the mouse.

    There is only one solution, if there is no driver, you need to download and install it, if it doesn’t help, remember which program was installed on the device, after which the mouse stopped working. Find and remove software.

    Mechanical failures

    If the mouse refuses to work on other devices, then the cause may be a mechanical failure. Sometimes after disconnecting the mouse from the computer, the pins of the plug may bend.

    In this case, you must return them to their original position and insert the plug into the port socket. This can be done with ordinary tweezers or other devices, such as a thin carnation, ballpoint pen, and so on.

    Mice with a USB connector are more durable and lack such an unpleasant feature, they are more reliable in this regard.

    Also, the mouse wire may be the cause of the problem, this rarely happens, but it happens if the wire is damaged by rodents or the wire was simply pinched by something heavy.

    To do this, pick up the connected mouse and start moving the wire. If you move the damaged wire, the mouse indicator will blink. If this happens, then you need to change the wire or buy a new mouse.

    Sometimes a breakdown occurs when the device is banally dirty. To do this, you need to disassemble the device, remove any dirt or hairs under the mouse wheel and the device will start working normally. It happens that the mouse works, but somehow sluggishly, actions occur with a delay.

    The computer settings are to blame for this, and you need to try different mouse sensitivity settings.

    The mouse on the computer does not work, but it glows, the result

    As you can see, all problems are solvable. And if the mouse breaks down, you need to calmly figure out the problem and try to solve it using various troubleshooting options.

    In the vast majority, the user can solve the problem on his own. Unless the computer itself has failed. Then you need to carry it in for repair and solve the problem in this way.

    Finally, one small but very important piece of advice will be given. If your mouse is under warranty repair on time, you don’t need to disassemble such a device yourself, otherwise you risk not fixing the mouse and you may be left without warranty repair.

    Take the mouse to the warranty repair shop, where your mouse will be repaired and returned to its working capacity. Enjoy working on your device.

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    Mouse Maybe stop working due to several reasons. This article discusses the main breakdowns of the mouse and how to fix them.

    Warning: If you have a PS/2 mouse, be sure to turn off your computer before connecting or disconnecting the mouse.

    Mouse stopped moving
    If the mouse stops moving, check the following:

    What other problems have you encountered with a wireless mouse? Do you prefer a wireless mouse or a cable? Suggested proposed resolutions. You may receive a message that the drivers are being installed; if so, wait until a message tells you that the drivers were installed before using the mouse. Save your data if necessary, close all open programs and restart your computer. You can use a restore point to go back to when the mouse was running on the operating system. If that doesn't work, you may need to reinstall your operating system. When an error is reported during a test, note the error code and verification code that are displayed. Then, on another device connected to the Internet, go to the page to submit an issue. Otherwise, take a cotton swab or terry cloth and wash it with denatured alcohol.

    • Make sure the mouse buttons don't move.
    • Check the lens under the optical mouse.
    • It should be moist, but not wet.
    • Clean the lens carefully.
    • Turn off the computer and remove the plug from the outlet.
    • Examine the wheel.
    • If you see debris, try removing it with a compressed air bomb.
    To clean the lens, proceed as follows.

    1. Check the connection of the mouse wire to the computer. Turn off the computer, re-plug the mouse and turn on the computer.

    2. Check the mouse connector pins. If one of the legs of the PS/2 mouse connector is bent, straighten it. If the leg is broken, then you need to replace the cable:

    3. Reinstall the drivers. To do this, run. Click on the "+" in the tab Mice and other pointing devices and delete Mouse. Then click the right mouse button on the top column of the list with the name of your computer and select Update hardware configuration:

    If it doesn't, take a cotton swab or terry cloth and wash it with denatured alcohol and gently clean the lens. Examine the lens under the optical mouse. . To clean a wheel, follow these steps. See the document that came with your wireless mouse, or refer to your keyboard and mouse manual. Otherwise, take a cotton swab or terry cloth and rinse it with denatured alcohol and wipe the circumference of the handle, removing oil and dust buildup. Make sure the mouse is turned off and remove the batteries. . The functions of the mouse buttons may be changed or you may need to change them.

    Wireless mouse not working - what to do?
    If you have a wireless mouse, then try the following:

    1. One of the most common reasons for a wireless mouse not working is dead batteries. Measure the voltage of the mouse with a voltmeter and compare with the value that should be. If the batteries are dead, replace them.

    Make sure the mouse is connected

    Click the tab corresponding to the operating system installed on your computer and follow the steps in this section to change the settings. Check the box next to Invert primary and secondary buttons to switch the function of the buttons. The checkbox is unchecked by default. If the functions of the buttons are disabled and you are not satisfied, uncheck the box. Click Save.

    • Click Start.
    • Enter "Mouse" in the search box.
    • Click "Mouse".
    • Go to the "Buttons" tab.
    If the mouse is of the cable type, make sure it is securely connected to the computer.

    2. Try using a different USB port to connect the receiver.

    3. Try reinstalling the drivers. How to do this is described above.

    4. If there is another wireless device in close proximity to your mouse, interference may be occurring. Try disconnecting another device and test the mouse by restarting your computer.

    Make sure the mouse is actually working

    If the mouse is not connected, you may need to restart your computer. Connect the mouse to another computer to check its operation. If the mouse is optical or laser type, it should light up on the mouse when it is turned on. If you can't see the light, make sure it's on. If it is lit and the light is not visible, the mouse may be broken.

    There is often a switch on the bottom of the mouse to turn off the mouse completely, so you can take it with you without having to constantly wake up. Click the button and check if the mouse pointer moves. Some wireless mice pause to save power and may not respond until you press a button. The mouse reacts with a delay before it starts working. Make sure the mouse battery is charged. Make sure the receiver is securely connected to the computer. If the mouse and receiver can operate on different radio channels, make sure they are both set to the same channel. You may need to click the mouse, the receiver, or both to establish a connection. In this case, the user manual of the mouse should contain more detailed information. Make sure the mouse is turned on. . These steps vary by brand or mouse model.

    5. Synchronize the mouse with the receiver. To do this, press the button on the receiver (it should start flashing). Then click on the small "Connect" button located at the bottom of the mouse.

    Mouse doesn't move well
    If your mouse does not move well, then cleaning is required.

    The mouse button is poorly pressed or not pressed at all
    With such a malfunction, check the place where you pressed the button on the mouse body. Sometimes it wears off over time. If so, then you can use a soldering iron to restore the wear.

    The mouse does not work - what to do?

    Magic is the right word when you improve on what is already good enough.

    In exchange for these two batteries used for power, we now have a built-in battery that is loaded using the included lightning rod. A battery that can give us more than a month of autonomy after two hours of charging.

    In other words, it has been upgraded with 3% key stability to improve comfort while providing lower travel and less sound input. With a flat design, the entire keyboard is more stable, can be used on any surface without headaches, and is much thinner overall than the previous generation.

    If the mouse body is normal, then the mouse button needs to be replaced. To do this, unsolder the middle mouse button (mostly it is not used) and solder instead of the broken one.

    Advice. If the mouse also doesn't work, try testing the mouse on another computer. If you have a PS/2 mouse, try using a USB mouse.

    We know that the wireless magic mouse is very thin and light, with all its tactile surface and is able to grasp gestures to make our work easier every day.

    We are talking about a built-in battery, and not the two batteries that are required for the previous generation. Autonomy is like a keyboard, but a two-minute charge with the lightning rod turned on gives us 9 hours of autonomy.

    At first it grew in size, more precisely in width, the surface increased by 29%, more space, which means greater ease of use. Share the same design with a keyboard now flat on the bottom and much thinner. The depth with which we press, or the power exerted on the surface of the trackpad, helps us navigate much more easily.

    how to troubleshoot a mouse

    in mouse operation

    If your mouse has started to work poorly, then take your time
    run to the store for a new one, and try to "cure" the old one.

    First, make sure
    that there is no problem in the mouse itself.

    If wired, is the wire damaged?
    If wireless - isn't it time for a battery
    change or fix the USB connector.

    If everything is in order with this, then connect to the Windows problem.

    There are many ways to improve your mouse experience on your computer.
    Can configure the mouse"under itself" or to change pointers.

    Can you troubleshoot
    or update the configuration.

    It is not, and there are very good reasons for how we feel. Internal storage usually means that a proprietary system is used to store music data, which has several disadvantages. It is more difficult and expensive to expand storage capacity.

    An upgrade often requires sending the device back to the manufacturer or dealer, risking damage to the music library and being without the device for a certain amount of time. Backing up the library is difficult or impossible.

    You are limited in what playback software you can use. You are limited in what copy software is used. A spinning hard drive always emits some noise. Putting wireless circuitry inside the device will greatly increase the noise level and reduce performance. Wireless functionality is best kept outside of the device.

    In different Windows packages, the path to the mouse settings may be different.
    In Windows 7 - as written below. In other Windows packages - maybe
    be different. But mouse settings are a must.

    The beginning of the road to elimination
    problems, starts with the Start button.

    In the right column of the Start button menu, if any,
    Select "Devices and Printers".

    However, a wired connection to the library computer is not always practical. For source blocks, an upgrade path is available. More on this approach will be added to the computer audio section of this site in the coming months. What playback software do I need?

    It is easy to use and works very well. You can, of course, explore the features and benefits of the various software options available. Our goal is not to say that there is only one right way, just to explain one way that we think is easy to use and works well.

    A window will open showing all the devices
    connected to your computer.

    If there is no function in the right column of the Start menu
    "Devices and Printers", then click "Control Panel".

    And select in the "Hardware and Sound" section -
    "View Devices and Printers" button.

    Higher resolution formats are shifting towards delivery via download rather than physical media. However, we are working hard on it. Is the Music Center designed for future upgrades? We conceived the Music Center, not just a "device", but as a music platform aimed at the next 10 years. As such, we plan to offer updates when it makes sense to do so. Our recent device upgrade to provide 192K 24-bit playback is a prime example; this is a dealer installed upgrade at a very affordable price.

    Or you can click "Hardware and Sound"
    and in the new Devices and Printers window.

    Either option will open a window.
    with connected devices (screenshot above).

    To troubleshoot, click
    on the mouse file to highlight.

    If there is no File button in Explorer, right-click
    mouse file key. The context menu will open.

    In short, we don't feel the need to come out with a new product every few years to showcase our modern thinking and design. We will simply offer upgrades to the Music Center so that your investment is saved. Its power output is about 50 watts into an 8 ohm load and it does not double its power into a 4 ohm load as it is intentionally unregulated circuitry for audio reasons. It will do just fine with the most efficient speakers that don't represent a reactive load.

    Contact your dealer for suggestions on review or evaluation options. If you plan to change to a different footer, you can insert the new footer into the M-3 size tile at the bottom of the chassis. However, be very careful not to use screws that go further into the device than the footer screws or damage may occur that is not covered by the warranty.

    And choose, from the context menu, "Troubleshooting".
    Wait for the troubleshooter to diagnose the problem (this may take a few minutes), and then follow the instructions.

    Although there may be no instructions.
    If the problem is solved without your participation.
    An active “Finish” button will appear at the bottom of the window.
    Press and, for correct operation of the mouse,
    you restart your computer.

    We recommend that you contact your audio resolution dealer for advice on this matter. The best way to select cables is through the dealer's guide and being able to listen to the cables on their demo system. How are repairs and support organized?

    Installation what?

    Your local dealer is in the best position to provide you with this system help and advice. If an actual repair is required, please contact your dealer to arrange for the unit to be shipped to us. All repairs require a return authorization. If you need a price for more than 8 zones, please give us a call. A helpless system that delivers your music reliably throughout your home. . The more difficult part of the installation is configuring the system for the application to work properly.

    How to update the mouse configuration

    If the troubleshooter doesn't help
    mouse problem - you can update the configuration.

    This can be done through Device Manager.
    You can find it through the Start button.

    Start → Control Panel → Hardware and Sound.

    (Click on the picture to enlarge)

    In the Devices and Printers section, click Device Manager. This tab will open.

    (Click on the picture to enlarge)

    In this tab, find the mouse, right-click
    mouse and select "Update hardware configuration".
    And the program will update.

    And another problem happens with the mouse - the computer does not respond
    on left mouse clicks. I myself, recently, faced with such a phenomenon.
    The mouse pointer moves around the screen, the left mouse clicks, but nothing opens. No windows, no Start, nothing. The right mouse opens the context menu, while the left mouse cannot open anything from this menu. Neither the emergency shutdown of the computer, nor all kinds of advice from the Internet (about the Enter key and the “hot keys” Ctrl + Alt + Del) helped solve the problem. At first I thought that there was a problem with the computer, and then I connected another mouse. And after Windows installed the driver for this mouse, everything worked properly.

    What happened to the mouse - I did not try to find out. It is important for me that the computer works. And the mouse... - it doesn't cost as much money as a computer. You can also buy the most affordable ones. And they are not expensive. But if I still find out how to “cure” a mouse without having access to the Control Panel, I will certainly share this knowledge with you.

    In this article, we will understand why the wireless mouse does not work. For people who want to get rid of the burden of wires, which not only constantly interfere with work, but also look unaesthetic, the twenty-first century has offered an excellent alternative - wireless technology. These innovations have not bypassed such a device as an ordinary computer mouse. But with the innovations came new problems.

    For example, wireless computer mice quite often cease to function for some reason. This article will help you understand why the wireless mouse does not work and learn the main ways to get rid of this scourge.

    Energy source

    The first thing you need to pay attention to is the batteries. Some users completely forget about the presence of such a power source in their device. It must be remembered that for the correct operation of a wireless mouse, the battery in it should be changed every six months. They do not cost much and are replaced very simply, but they save you from unforeseen problems.

    Let's say that you replaced the energy source, but the device did not function and is not going to. In this case, it is best to check the correctness of its operation on another computer. If the mouse starts to function normally, then the problem is in your PC, if not, then the problem is in itself.

    Dust and debris

    So, after checking the performance on another computer, your mouse did not work. In this case, there is a possibility of correcting the situation by cleaning the contacts of the device from dust. It is very easy to disassemble the mouse, and you are unlikely to be able to accidentally break something there (unless, of course, you do it intentionally). If, after cleaning, the mouse still does not work, then take it to repair, because without special skills you can no longer repair it.

    Software conflict

    If, after checking the mouse on another computer, it still works, you should try to fix the problem at the software level. Most often, the problem can be solved by simply rolling back the system to an earlier point. You can do this using the System Restore feature. This method will help when malfunctions in the device were caused by any recently installed programs or drivers. If this helped solve the problem, then simply install in turn everything that suspicion could fall on and restart the computer before each installation of a new utility. Find a problem - get rid of it as soon as possible.

    Other reasons

    Consider a situation where system restore did not fix the problem. In this case, you should contact the device manager. You can call it by pressing the keys simultaneously Windows and Pause\Break. In the window that appears, click on " device Manager»

    Find and open the branch " Mouse and other pointing devices» and right-click the menu item « HID compliant mouse". Select the item " engage»

    Sometimes it happens that this item is not. Then you first need to select the item " disable».

    There are two more non-complicated possible solutions to the problem associated with a malfunctioning wireless mouse. In the first, you are required to move the mouse from one USB port to another. Such a simple scam helps quite often. The second option involves restarting the mouse itself, but this is only possible when there is a " RESET”.
    So we looked at the main reasons why a wireless mouse may not work.