• Kefir: benefits and harm for the human body. What are the benefits of kefir?

    The healthiest fermented milk product, kefir, was officially considered a medicine one century ago.

    Kefir came to us from the North Caucasus, where the locals called this drink "a gift from heaven", kept the recipe for making kefir in strict secrecy.

    This drink is nicknamed “a gift from heaven” due to its positive effect on the life expectancy and health of mountaineers.

    After some time it became known that kefir is made by fermenting milk.

    Easy to prepare and containing a storehouse of beneficial properties, is kefir good for the human body?

    Calorie content of kefir, composition of this fermented milk miracle

    It is impossible to prepare kefir without using kefir “fungus”. Kefir contains two dozen types of microorganisms. Among them are lactic acid rods and streptococci, acetic acid yeast and bacteria. Kefir is produced by alcohol and fermented milk fermentation, so this drink contains ethyl alcohol in an amount from 0.07% to 0.88%. This percentage depends on the duration of cooking of the product. Kefir can be one-day, two-day and three-day, and the longer it ripens, the higher the alcohol and acid content in this product.

    This healthy fermented milk drink contains:

    1. milk protein

    2. organic acids

    3. fatty acids

    4. natural sugars

    5. proteins (2.8g per 100ml of full-fat kefir and 3g per 100ml of low-fat kefir)

    6. fats (3.2g in 100ml of full-fat kefir, there is no fat in a low-fat drink)

    7. carbohydrates (4.1g per 100ml of full-fat kefir, and 3.8g per 100ml of low-fat kefir)

    8. vitamins (A, H, PP, C and B vitamins)

    9. beta carotene

    10. amino acids

    The calorie content of kefir is 30kcal per 100ml low-fat product, which means that kefir is not prohibited from drinking when losing weight. The calorie content of full-fat kefir is almost twice as high - 56 kcal per 100 ml. In addition to acids and vitamins, the composition of kefir includes minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chromium, iron, iodine and others.

    Use of kefir

    First of all, kefir is a nutritious product containing minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. The easy digestibility and low calorie content of kefir allowed it to become staple of the popular diet. The kefir diet gives positive results within a month. You can replace one meal with kefir, or do a fasting day, eating only this fermented milk product. In addition, kefir is used as a medicinal product, having a positive effect on human health. This fermented milk product also used in baby food.

    In addition to its direct purpose, kefir is also used for cosmetic purposes. The positive effect of this product on the beauty and health of hair has been known since ancient times. Regular kefir masks will help give your hair shine, make it stronger and thicker. And when redness, rashes and itching appear on the skin, lotions with kefir will help.

    But what else is the benefit of kefir for the human body?

    The beneficial properties of kefir have been known since time immemorial. Kefir has a positive effect on human health, especially:

    1. On the digestive systems u. Helps restore intestinal microflora and overcome digestive problems. One-day kefir weakens, and two-day and three-day kefir strengthens. It is recommended to use this product for dysbiosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    2. On the endocrine system. This fermented milk product helps regulate blood glucose levels;

    3. On the immune system. Kefir helps improve immunity, positively affecting the functioning of leukocytes;

    5. On nervous system . Kefir has a calming effect on the body, normalizes sleep, and helps overcome chronic fatigue;

    6. For vision and skin condition. Vitamin A contained in kefir improves vision, helps prevent color vision disturbances and deterioration of visibility in the dark, and increases skin elasticity;

    7. On the skeletal system. Thanks to its calcium content, kefir strengthens the skeleton. Indicated for use in osteoporosis and conditions that increase the risk of this disease (menopause in women);

    8. On the cardiovascular system. People with heart disease need to eat easily digestible foods and avoid heavy ones, so as not to create additional stress on the heart. Kefir is an easily digestible product, therefore it is approved for consumption by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

    The benefits of kefir have been proven during the recovery period after surgery or illness. This fermented milk product is recommended for consumption by people who are overweight or have allergic reactions to foods, people suffering from rickets, anemia or tuberculosis. Do not be afraid to use kefir if you are lactose intolerant, as kefir is a catalyst that helps digest lactose.

    The benefits of kefir have been proven scientific research It is not for nothing that it was used in ancient times to treat many diseases. But this fermented milk product also has a number of contraindications that are worth knowing about.

    What harm can consuming kefir cause?

    Kefir has very few contraindications. The use of this fermented milk product is not recommended people with gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis (with increased level acidity). For diseases of the duodenum, kefir is also contraindicated.

    The low alcohol content in kefir can play a cruel joke on the driver. Although kefir is not an alcoholic drink, you should not drive after drinking kefir. The breathalyzer will show that the driver drank alcohol, and the driver will have to say goodbye to his license.

    We must not forget about the laxative effect of kefir. If a person has frequent cases of stomach upset, then it is better to reduce the consumption of kefir.

    Before negotiations and exams, you should give up this fermented milk drink. After drinking kefir, a person relaxes and becomes unfocused.

    Kefir for children: good or bad?

    Due to the ethyl alcohol content, the question arises: is it possible to give kefir to children? Kefir can cause harm to a baby’s health: This is a heavy product for a still fragile digestive system.. Kefir differs in amino acid composition from breast milk and contains casein, which makes it difficult to absorb this product. Kefir is given to infants from 7-8 months, when the digestive system is already able to digest this product.

    The storage conditions of this fermented milk product must not be violated in order to prevent an increase in the amount of alcohol in kefir. If storage standards are violated, kefir should not be given to a child to drink.

    The benefits of kefir are also undeniable for children’s bodies.. Kefir should be introduced into your baby’s diet carefully, with one teaspoon, gradually increasing to 150-200 ml per day. The introduction of kefir into a child’s diet will have a positive effect on the functioning of his digestive system. Digestion of food will speed up and your appetite will improve. Kefir prevents the development of intestinal infections by killing pathogenic bacteria. This fermented milk product does not cause allergic reactions. There is a positive effect on the baby’s immunity - kefir strengthens the body’s defenses. Consuming kefir helps improve a child's sleep and relieve stress.

    For rickets and anemia, kefir helps speed up recovery. This fermented milk drink is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the health of the child.

    What are the benefits of drinking kefir at night?

    Girls who want to lose weight are confident that consuming this popular fermented milk product at night will help achieve this goal. And they are right about this. If you drink a glass of kefir at night instead of food, the feeling of hunger will disappear, without extra load on the gastrointestinal tract . Kefir will be easily digested overnight.

    In addition, the calcium contained in kefir is better absorbed by the body in the dark.

    People suffering from insomnia prefer to consume kefir just before bedtime, since it has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Proponents of drinking kefir in the evening recommend drinking this fermented milk product not cold, but kept at room temperature for a couple of hours.

    Is drinking kefir on an empty stomach beneficial?

    The benefits of kefir for human health are undeniable. But what is the best way to use this product to enhance the healing effect? People suffering from dysbacteriosis and gastrointestinal diseases are recommended to drink kefir on an empty stomach, an hour and a half before meals, in small doses. Kefir gently envelops the stomach, is quickly absorbed and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

    There is a special diet based on the consumption of kefir on an empty stomach with buckwheat.

    2 tablespoons of peeled and washed buckwheat are poured into one glass of kefir overnight, and in the morning the dietary dish is ready. Overnight, the cereal is soaked in kefir and becomes soft. After 2 weeks of eating such breakfasts, a positive effect on both your figure and well-being will be noticeable. For greater effect, you can arrange a fasting day on kefir and buckwheat.

    Daily consumption of kefir will bring great benefits to human health. But you should not overdo it with the use of this fermented milk product, so as not to provoke negative consequences.

    Kefir came to Russia from the foot of the Elbrus mountains. Sourdough was first created in the Caucasus, the recipe for which is still kept secret. When guests who came to the Caucasus to relax tried a refreshing drink, and doctors studied chemical composition kefir, the drink began to be distributed in Russia.

    Composition of kefir

    It is impossible to imagine a healthy diet without kefir. The drink is valuable both as a product and as a medicine. The detailed vitamin and mineral composition of the drink with a fat content of 3.2% is described in the reference book “Chemical Composition of Food Products” by I.M. Skurikhin.

    The drink is rich in:

    • calcium – 120 mg;
    • potassium – 146 mg;
    • sodium – 50 mg;
    • magnesium – 14 mg;
    • phosphorus – 95 mg;
    • sulfur – 29 mg;
    • fluorine – 20 mcg.

    Kefir contains vitamins:

    • A – 22 mcg;
    • C – 0.7 mg;
    • B2 – 0.17 mg;
    • B5 – 0.32 mg;
    • B9 – 7.8 mcg;
    • B12 – 0.4 mcg.

    The drink comes in different fat contents: from 0% to 9%. Calorie content depends on fat.

    Kefir has a fat content of 3.2% per 100 grams:

    • calorie content – ​​59 kcal;
    • proteins – 2.9 g;
    • carbohydrates – 4 gr.

    Fermented milk product carbohydrates are represented mainly by galactose and glucose (3.6 g).

    In kefir, lactose is partially converted into lactic acid, so kefir is easier to digest than milk. 1 ml of kefir contains about 100 million lactic bacteria, which do not die under the influence of gastric juice, but reach the intestines and multiply. Lactic bacteria are similar to intestinal bacteria, therefore they help in digestion and prevent the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

    During the fermentation process, alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed in kefir. Alcohol content per 100 g. – 0.07-0.88%. It depends on the age of the drink.

    On an empty stomach

    Promotes weight loss

    A glass of kefir contains 10 grams of protein, which is 1:10 of the daily norm for men and 1:7 of the daily norm for women. Protein is necessary for muscle mass, replenishing energy reserves, and at the same time, when digested, protein is not stored as fat.

    The drink is allowed on protein diets, so it is useful to drink kefir in the morning for breakfast or before breakfast.

    The benefit of kefir on an empty stomach is that the drink “populates” the intestines with beneficial microorganisms in the morning and prepares the organ for the coming day.

    Before bed

    Helps the gastrointestinal tract

    In order for the body to receive useful substances from food, the products must be broken down by intestinal bacteria. First, bacteria process food, and then the intestines absorb the necessary substances. But these processes are sometimes disrupted in the intestines and harmful microorganisms predominate instead of beneficial ones. As a result, food is less digestible, the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, and bloating, diarrhea, and nausea appear. Due to intestinal dysbiosis, other organs suffer, since pathogenic microorganisms do not meet resistance.


    Fights dehydration and swelling

    In the article “The Great Drought: What’s Best to Drink in the Heat,” Mikhail Sergeevich Gurvich, candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist and nutritionist, employee of the Medical Nutrition Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, provides a list of antipyretic drinks. Among the first are fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt. Thanks to its sour taste, the drink quenches thirst, and the minerals included in the composition allow you to retain liquid.

    At the same time, unlike salty mineral water, kefir does not retain excess fluid in the body, but, on the contrary, removes excess moisture. The product helps relieve swelling and tone the body's cells.

    Rules for choosing kefir

    Most healthy kefir- made from homemade milk with pharmacy sourdough. But if circumstances do not allow you to produce a drink, then you need to know how to choose the right one in the store.

    1. The healthiest drink is prepared on the same day.
    2. Before it hits the shelf, the product must be properly stored. A swollen package will indicate that it has been in the heat and fermented a lot.
    3. Real kefir is called “kefir”. The inscription “kefir”, “kefirchik”, “kefir product” is a cunning move by the manufacturer. The products are not made with live leaven, but with dry bacteria, and are of no benefit.
    4. Pay attention to the correct composition. It consists of two ingredients: milk and kefir mushroom starter. Does not contain sweeteners, juices or sugars.
    5. At the end of the shelf life, there should be at least 1*10 7 CFU/g of beneficial bacteria left.

    A sour friend of the stomach, a drink of longevity - this is the name given to this fermented milk product, obtained from cow's milk (whole or skim) by fermentation with the help of special kefir “fungi”. It not only perfectly quenches thirst and nourishes the body, but also has healing properties. Many people love kefir: the benefits and harms of this drink are today being discussed with interest by both scientists and ordinary people. It's time to figure out how to turn this fermented milk product into a remedy for rejuvenating the body.

    Useful properties of kefir

    Kefir has a lot of beneficial properties: the composition of this healing drink allows it to be used as a medicinal and cosmetic product. It differs significantly from other fermented milk products in its unique set of fungi and bacteria. Kefir comes in different fat contents. If we take, for example, the average fat content of 2.5%, then the calorie content of 100 ml of the drink will be 53 kcal. It is rich in organic acids, vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotine), B12 (cobalamin), H (biotin), choline, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt. They all determine beneficial properties kefir:

    • has a probiotic effect, favorably influencing the intestinal microflora and activating metabolism;
    • prevents the development of pathogenic flora in the intestines;
    • destroys pathogens of tuberculosis and many gastrointestinal diseases;
    • has a mild diuretic effect, so it helps with swelling and reduces high blood pressure;
    • calms the excited nervous system;
    • has immunostimulating properties;
    • Calcium plays a special role in kefir: it makes up almost 12% of the total composition of the drink and allows it to be used as a medicinal and prophylactic agent for bone diseases (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis);
    • kefir is used to treat diseases of the pancreas and liver;
    • regulates the speed of digestion;
    • one- and two-day kefir treats constipation, three days - diarrhea;
    • nourishes the body with complete protein;
    • reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
    • by regulating metabolism, it helps fight obesity: kefir fasting days and diets based on this drink are famous for their effectiveness;
    • kefir with minimal fat content is an excellent source of protein;
    • recommended for all women as a soothing and tonic drink during menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menstruation.

    The rich chemical composition of this drink and the list of diseases that it helps to cope with answer the question of whether kefir is good for human health, and especially for women. General rejuvenation and healing of all body systems is what this delicious fermented milk product can provide. But at the same time, you need to keep in mind that, like any medicine, it also has many contraindications.

    Contraindications for consuming kefir

    Contraindications for regular consumption of kefir include:

    • age up to one year, since in children the gastric microflora is not yet sufficiently formed;
    • increased acidity of gastric juice;
    • frequent heartburn;
    • epilepsy;
    • individual intolerance.

    If you are not sure whether kefir will benefit you, it is better not to use it as a medicine for regular use.

    Homemade kefir and cottage cheese recipe

    In stores it is not always possible to buy fresh, so-called “live” kefir with viable bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Therefore, many people prepare this drink at home, if there is somewhere to get a special starter, the so-called milk mushrooms. It can be bought at a dairy plant, on the Internet or from specialists who are involved in dairy production. Sometimes store-bought kefir or a piece of black bread is used as a starter, but the result after such experiments is very doubtful. So, let’s prepare real homemade kefir: the recipe is simple and includes a minimum of ingredients:

    1 Bring regular milk (preferably homemade) to a boil.

    2. Remove from heat, cool to approximately 40°C.

    3. Add live starter to the milk.

    4. Pour the mixture into a thermos, yogurt maker, or jar.

    5. Place the container in a warm place.

    6. Leave for 8–12 hours.

    Homemade kefir prepared according to this recipe can undoubtedly be used to treat various diseases, so you will be confident in its freshness. You can make homemade cottage cheese from kefir: it will be equally useful for adults and children. The procedure does not take much time: it is extremely simple and rarely causes any difficulties.

    1. Pour 2 liters of kefir into a saucepan.

    2. Put it on low heat.

    3. When the whey separates from the curdled mass, remove the pan. If you miss this moment, the cottage cheese will be hard.

    4. Cool.

    5. Place on cheesecloth.

    6 Whey drained from cheesecloth can be used to make pancakes or pie dough.

    7. Tie gauze and hang it over a basin or sink.

    8. Leave the knot in this position overnight.

    9. The next morning, delicious and healthy homemade kefir cottage cheese is ready to eat.

    Be sure to try preparing fermented milk products at home: this is the only way to be sure that the beneficial bacteria in them are still alive and can be beneficial. Proper home treatment with kefir can relieve many problems and help you enjoy life in all its manifestations.

    Rules for using kefir

    Having decided to use this fermented milk product at home, many are interested in which kefir is healthier and how to use it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from it for their body. The recommendations below will help you achieve this.

    1. Many people wonder whether drinking kefir that is a week old is healthy: the content of beneficial bacteria in such a drink is minimal. Therefore, be sure to look at the date of production of the drink, and not at its expiration date: the fresher the product, the more benefits it will provide. It is very easy to get poisoned with expired kefir.

    2. For those who want to have a beautiful, sculpted figure, kefir with a low percentage of fat content will be healthier. If you drink half a liter of this drink a day (preferably half an hour after training and sports), you will be guaranteed beautiful buttocks, since kefir in this case will act as a source of protein.

    3. If you drink 1 glass of kefir every morning on an empty stomach, your mood will improve, you will feel more cheerful and energetic throughout the day. Since it will start the metabolism, you can lose extra pounds if you follow the principles of proper nutrition.

    4. Know how to store kefir: it should be in the refrigerator. A drink left in a warm place for a couple of hours loses its beneficial properties. It is better to use it immediately after purchase.

    5. Do not combine kefir with fruit juices, as they neutralize beneficial lactobacilli.

    If you want to prolong your youth, become healthy and beautiful, follow these simple recommendations and seriously engage in rejuvenating your body with the help of kefir. At the same time, use it not only as a food and medicinal product: kefir is an excellent cosmetic product for hair growth and moisturizing the skin of your face.

    Kefir in cosmetology

    Kefir makes excellent cosmetic masks for hair and face. The rich vitamin composition and the content of a large number of living bacteria have a beneficial effect on appearance curls and skin. Home use kefir masks are a guarantee of beauty.

    • Kefir for hair

    For dry hair, it is recommended to take kefir with a high percentage of fat content, for normal hair - with a medium percentage, for greasy hair - with a low percentage. Lightly heat kefir to 40°C and lubricate the scalp, strands and ends with it. This kefir hair mask can be left on all night. It will heal split ends, accelerate hair growth, strengthen the roots, and make the curls shiny and radiant. You can also add eggs, vitamins and cosmetic oils (burdock, jojoba, castor oil) to kefir masks.

    • Kefir for skin

    To prepare homemade kefir face masks, you need to take a low-fat product for the care of oily skin, a medium-fat product for normal and combination skin types, and a high-fat product for dry skin. Kefir is also heated to 40°C, mixed with eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, rice flour, and other products and applied to the face for half an hour.

    Kefir is a drink with extraordinary properties. With regular and proper consumption and use, you can improve your well-being, strengthen your health, improve your metabolism and provide your hair and skin with beauty and youth.

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    The article will tell you why kefir is useful and in what cases it can be harmful, teach you how to drink kefir correctly, prepare it yourself and choose the best kefir in the store.

    It would seem that an extraordinary and familiar drink from childhood, kefir is fraught with many surprises and mysteries.

    Kefir is one of the fermented milk products made from pasteurized milk. By using kefir grain starter, the fermentation process is started. The result is a drink with a unique microflora, which contains bacteria, lactic acid, antibacterial substances, alcohol, vitamins, minerals, as well as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    According to the time of ripening there are:

    • daily kefir (weak)
    • two-day or medium kefir
    • three-day strong kefir

    IMPORTANT: The longer kefir matures, the more ethanol it contains. For example, one-day kefir contains an average of 0.2% alcohol, and three-day kefir contains up to 0.6%.

    The health benefits and harms of kefir

    Mostly by ear positive reviews about kefir and its beneficial effects on health, which is no coincidence, the list of beneficial qualities of kefir is impressive:

    1. is a source of calcium
    2. improves intestinal and stomach function
    3. helps in the treatment and prevention of gastritis, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, heart and gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, allergies and even cancer
    4. accelerates iron absorption (prevention of anemia)
    5. rich in B vitamins
    6. strengthens the cardiac system
    7. acts as an antidepressant
    8. easy to digest
    9. tones the nervous system
    10. restores impaired metabolism
    11. promotes weight loss
    12. improves immunity
    13. slows down skin aging, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair, bones
    14. protects against intestinal infections
    15. normalizes stool

    IMPORTANT: One-day kefir has a laxative effect, three days, on the contrary, helps with diarrhea.

    However, doctors around the world do not share the opinion about the absolute usefulness of this drink.
    The use of kefir can be harmful and is contraindicated:

    • persons suffering from chronic gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis
    • in case of individual incompatibility
    • children up to 9 months -1 year
    • For diarrhea, weak kefir is contraindicated; for constipation, strong kefir (three days).

    In addition, some scientists have expressed serious concern about the alcohol content in kefir. Depending on the preparation technology and the duration of ripening, the percentage of ethanol can reach 0.88.

    Can pregnant women drink kefir?

    Kefir is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. On the contrary, many doctors recommend drinking 500-600 grams per day.

    There is no conclusive evidence that kefir, due to its alcohol content, can harm an unborn child. Perhaps the large number of advantages in consuming kefir outweighs the minor risk associated with the presence of an insignificant dose of alcohol.

    However, a number of expectant mothers make their own decisions and refuse kefir altogether. To assume that they are doing the right thing, as well as to condemn them for being overly cautious, would be unfounded.

    Kefir for gallstone disease

    Stagnation of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder and (or) bile ducts is a disease that requires strict restrictions in the diet.

    Food should not irritate diseased organs. Kefir copes well with this task and promotes the flow of bile. For this reason, kefir occupies an important place in therapeutic diets for gallstone diseases.

    Kefir for stomach diseases

    Kefir has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, treats dysbiosis, removes toxins and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
    Moreover, kefir restores loss of appetite and restores stomach function.

    Kefir for liver diseases

    • Poor nutrition and inappropriate lifestyle often lead to liver diseases. Regular consumption of kefir can have a healing effect and prevent liver problems in the future.
    • Kefir also significantly reduces the likelihood of fatty liver, which often leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
    • In case of exacerbation of liver disease, a kefir diet will help restore its functionality, in which you should drink about five glasses of kefir per day

    Which kefir to choose? Harm of low-fat kefir

    On store shelves there is a wide range of fermented milk products, including different types of kefir:

    • low fat 0.01-1%
    • low-fat up to 2.5%
    • fat 3.2-7%
    • fortified (with the addition of vitamins C, A, F, etc.)
    • with fruit fillings
    • biokefir (with bifidobacteria)

    When choosing kefir, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

    • Compound
      There should be nothing extra, just milk and sourdough. It is better to refrain from buying kefir from powdered milk and dry milk starter
    • Best before date
      The longer kefir is allowed to be stored, the less beneficial it is.

    IMPORTANT: Kefir with a shelf life of about 1 month will most likely contain preservatives and non-living bacteria.

    • Package
      Preference should be given to glass bottles or cardboard boxes. Kefir is stored worse in plastic. Please note that the packaging is not bulging
    • Number of lactic acid microorganisms
      The content of lactic bacteria in 1 g of product must be at least 1x10^7 CFU. This information can be found on the packaging
    • Color and consistency
      Kefir should be white with a creamy tint and a uniform consistency without a cloudy liquid on top, there should be no gas bubbles
    • Fat percentage
      The optimal fat content is 2.5-3.2%

    You should not get carried away with low-fat kefir for a number of reasons:

    • such a drink may contain preservatives, flavorings, waste products, sugar, starch and other thickeners
    • less easily absorbed by the body
    • contains fewer vitamins and microorganisms
    • fats perform vital role in the human body

    Is it possible to drink kefir on an empty stomach?

    To achieve maximum effect in improving intestinal microflora, it is better to drink kefir before meals, when the stomach is not yet full of food, i.e. on an empty stomach. In addition, kefir helps restore stomach function in the morning after an alcohol hangover.

    Is it possible to drink kefir before bed?

    Kefir, due to its nutritional value and low calorie content, is often the basis of dietary nutrition. A fasting day involves eating only 1.5-2 liters of kefir during the day.
    Among the advantages:

    • relatively easy to tolerate
    • Not all, but a significant part of the nutrients enter the body
    • allows you to lose up to 1 kg
    • the body is cleansed

    However, such a diet should not be abused. Have no more than one fasting day per week. In addition, such fasting days can only be practiced by healthy people. And remember that it is impossible to achieve true fat burning in such a short period of time.

    What can you drink kefir with?

    To enhance the beneficial qualities of kefir and more effectively use this drink for the purpose of losing weight and cleansing the body of toxins, you can consume kefir together with:

    • honey
    • cinnamon
    • bran
    • sunflower oil
    • buckwheat flour
    • salt, etc.

    The benefits and harms of kefir with honey

    • Honey is famous for its unique qualities and, despite the high sugar content, is a very healthy product.
    • Combining honey with kefir can be a good choice of food before bed if you want to lose weight, but the feeling of hunger is unbearable. A spoonful of honey will quickly increase blood sugar and eliminate the feeling of hunger.
    • Thanks to a large number vitamins and nutrients, honey and kefir form the basis of some weight loss diets
      You can consume honey and kefir separately, or you can make a nutritious cocktail

    RECIPE: Add 1 tsp to a glass of kefir. honey and stir.
    You can talk about the dangers of consuming these products if:

    • long-term mono-diet on honey and kefir
    • allergic reaction to honey

    Cinnamon with kefir at night for weight loss

    Cinnamon has the property of accelerating metabolism and stimulating digestion. In tandem with kefir, you will get an excellent drink for weight loss.

    RECIPE: In one glass of kefir, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little chopped ginger, and a little red pepper.
    The resulting mixture is most effective to drink at night.

    Is it possible to drink kefir with salt? The benefits and harms of kefir with salt

    If you add salt to kefir, you get a drink close in taste to what they drink in the Caucasus. You can experiment and find a taste that you like. When mixing kefir with salt, no special beneficial properties arise. Moreover, excessive salt consumption is harmful to the body. Therefore, you should not get carried away. It is better to make a strengthening hair mask from kefir and salt.

    Kefir with buckwheat flour. Benefit

    From time to time it is recommended to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxic substances. This can be done using kefir and buckwheat flour.
    RECIPE: Mix 1 cup of kefir with 1 tbsp. spoon buckwheat flour, leave in the refrigerator overnight.
    Use in the morning on an empty stomach.
    A drink made from kefir with buckwheat flour promotes:

    • increasing endurance
    • reducing bad cholesterol
    • improving metabolism, etc.

    Why drink kefir with vegetable oil?

    • Bring kefir to room temperature before use
    • drink the drink in small sips
    • Make a habit of drinking a glass of kefir before bed
    • carefully approach the purchase of kefir, choose only a quality product
    • Don’t get carried away with long-term kefir diets

    Video: The benefits and harms of kefir

    Few people have not heard about the benefits of such a fermented milk product as kefir. It is obtained by fermenting milk with the addition of fungal cultures or bifidobacteria. This drink is famous for its excellent properties, however, there are many myths about it. For example, that it should not be drunk by pregnant women or given to children due to its alcohol content. Or that the mono-kefir diet is the most miraculous remedy for normalizing weight... So, what is more in kefir - harm or benefit? Who really shouldn’t drink it and in what cases?

    Benefits and harm to the body

    It is believed that this drink was invented in the Caucasus, which has always been famous for its longevity. The kefir recipe was called a gift from Allah to man, so they treated it with particular reverence, passing on the method of preparation from generation to generation.

    This fermented milk product can provide a lot of benefits to the human body due to its composition. In addition to traditional proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains:

    • organic acids (including tryptophan);
    • peptides;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
    • magnesium;
    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin D;
    • a large number (about 30!) types of beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, ).

    But as for alcohol, it contains such an insignificant amount that it cannot harm children in any way. And it won’t make the driver drunk while driving.

    The main benefit, of course, lies in the action of a huge number of lactic acid bacteria, or rather in their interaction.

    Regular consumption of kefir helps:

    • fight chronic fatigue;
    • normalize sleep, providing the body with complete rest;
    • improve the production of digestive juice;
    • get rid of stress and depression;
    • start cleansing and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • get rid of excess fluid accumulated in the body thanks to the diuretic effect;
    • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    • eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • prolong the youth of the body;
    • clean it of toxins;
    • control weight;
    • quench your thirst.

    The list is quite impressive. But it is far from complete. This tasty and beloved fermented milk product, if drunk regularly, can do many more “good deeds.”

    • Helps fight various gastrointestinal infections due to the presence of probiotics. For example, kefiri bacteria actively fight salmonella, E. coli, and the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, known as the causative agent of ulcers and gastritis. The beneficial microflora of kefir can significantly reduce the amount of pathogenic flora associated with diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
    • Prevents the development of osteoporosis. The calcium contained in kefir helps prevent age-related loss of this mineral in bone tissue. And the composition of the drink helps calcium to be absorbed by bone tissue more efficiently.
    • Increases immunity. As you know, the majority of cells (about 70-80%) responsible for the body’s immune defense are located in the intestines. Therefore, restoring the balance of gastrointestinal microflora also improves immunity.
    • Reduces allergic manifestations, even preventing the development of asthma. The point is the same increase in immunity, which acts as the body’s natural defense.
    • Eliminates attacks of nausea during pregnancy toxicosis, and also helps the absorption of proteins and fiber, especially necessary for a woman during pregnancy.
    • Increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, kefir will be extremely useful for people with low acidity.

    Do not drink kefir that is too cold. Any cold product has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

    So what's harmful about kefir?

    At first glance, talking about the dangers of fermented milk drink against the background of so many of its advantages looks at least stupid. In reality, there are no “ideal” products. Almost each of them has restrictions or contraindications; many are prohibited due to allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

    There are a number of cases when kefir can be harmful to the body.

    • The product is harmful for absolutely all men, women and children if it is not fresh. The amount of beneficial flora in it decreases, pathogenic flora increases, and the concentration of alcohol increases. Therefore, you should not buy kefir in reserve. A spoiled drink can lead to serious poisoning. At the same time, it is more useful to buy “live” kefir, the shelf life of which does not exceed 2 weeks.
    • A long stay on a kefir mono-diet for the purpose of losing weight leads to the fact that the body systematically does not receive the required amount of all useful substances (those contained in the drink itself are not enough for the full functioning of our organs and systems). You can experience decreased immunity and metabolic disorders.
    • Individual intolerance is a contraindication to the use of this product.
    • It is also contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, since it itself contains acid.
    • Kefir should not be drunk if you have gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis.
    • There will also be a ban on fermented milk drinks in the case of reflux disease (belching, heartburn, regurgitation).
    • In case of renal failure, additional protein load when consuming kefir is also undesirable.
    • The product is not recommended for use by children before one year of age due to the risk of bloating or colic, and not due to the presence of alcohol.

    Try not to eat several meals in one meal. different types dairy proteins (for example, do not wash down a cheese sandwich with kefir). Colliding in our stomach, these dissimilar compounds can cause indigestion.

    Kefir at night - is it healthy?

    The answer is clear: if there are no contraindications to drinking a fermented milk drink, then yes. It has long been proven that this helps to improve the functioning of all human organs and systems, and ultimately prolong his life. Since ancient times, people who regularly consumed kefir before bed were distinguished by longevity, youth and vigor.

    It is especially useful for the following categories of people to drink kefir at night.

    • People suffering from constipation. The composition of beneficial bacteria in kefir helps to normalize intestinal function, rid it of toxins, and improve peristalsis. In this case, it is useful to take kefir with bran (a tablespoon per glass of drink) or with honey (one teaspoon per glass is enough).
    • During a weight loss diet (not to be confused with medical diets prescribed by a doctor). In such a situation, a person, especially with an incorrectly structured diet, often begins to experience bouts of hunger in the evening. Kefir is an easily digestible product that is digested much easier than other protein foods (like meat or cheese). Namely, protein is largely responsible for satiation. Eating before bed is usually not recommended due to the extra stress on the digestive system, since it needs to rest at night, ensuring normal sleep. Kefir does not overload it, it is easily absorbed, leaving a feeling of satiety and comfort. In such cases, it is useful to drink kefir with bran or oatmeal. In the latter case, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal are crushed, poured into a glass of drink and allowed to brew for 5 minutes.
    • For insomnia. The tryptophan content in the drink promotes the production of the hormone of happiness and general relaxation of the body.
    • To enhance immunity. For this purpose, it is prudent to use kefir with apples.
    • To improve the functioning of the liver and blood vessels. In this case, you need to stir a teaspoon of flaxseeds in a glass of kefir.

    Do not drink low-fat kefir. During production, it undergoes intensive processing, during which all its beneficial properties are lost. Plain water will be healthier.

    Is it possible to drink kefir on a fasting day?

    This question worries, first of all, those who watch their weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. By arranging periodic (once a week) kefir fasting days, a person can cleanse the body of toxins, normalize blood pressure, prevent the development of many tumors, and protect the body from harmful effects unfavorable environment.

    Many believe that this helps to urgently lose a couple of unnecessary “kgs”. However, it would be useful to clarify that such a reset does not occur due to the miraculous burning of adipose tissue (kefir does not possess such magic), but due to the removal of excess water and “deposits” of metabolic products remaining in the intestines.

    Sometimes you can hear that on a fasting day, absolutely nothing except kefir should be consumed. However, this is not true. There are two types of such unloading. With the first, most severe, only kefir is allowed at regular intervals. The second is more democratic. Here kefir is combined with another product (with lean meat, vegetables, apples, honey). It is clear that consuming kefir alone will have a greater effect. But at the same time, “unloading” is often akin to self-torture. Therefore, even on a “monoday”, if a strong feeling of hunger comes over you, you can eat, for example, a couple of tablespoons of wheat bran.

    And even taking into account the fact that kefir quenches thirst, if you consume only it during the day, thirst may still arise. This has to do with metabolism. Therefore, in this case, you can safely drink still water.

    Kefir is not just for drinking

    The rich composition of biologically active substances has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Healers advise making medicinal products based on kefir to treat various pathologies:

    • burns;
    • constipation (fresh kefir will help);
    • diarrhea (use “old” product);
    • dandruff;
    • baldness;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • urolithiasis;
    • anemia;
    • eczema;
    • depriving.

    Of course, you should not be too trusting of such recipes - they certainly cannot be called a panacea, and before use you should consult your doctor and find out if there are any contraindications. But the very fact that such recipes are passed down from generation to generation means that a certain therapeutic effect from kefir still exists.

    The remarkable properties of this product have also been noticed by cosmetologists. They successfully use it, for example, as part of face masks. Kefir can give facial skin freshness, tone, elasticity, reduce its oil content, whiten age spots and freckles, and even strengthen facial muscles, thereby slowing down the aging process. It perfectly nourishes and softens the skin of the feet after a pedicure with the removal of dead cells.

    The effect of kefir on hair deserves special attention:

    • nutrition and hydration of weakened hair;
    • restoration of the structure of dry hair, getting rid of excess greasiness - oily hair;
    • activation of hair follicles, stimulation of hair growth;
    • preventing hair loss;
    • healing (hair after kefir masks looks soft and shiny).

    Kefir, perhaps, can be called the elixir of youth, health and longevity. This undeniably valuable food product must be in every person’s diet. Of course, in the absence of contraindications.