• Reason monitor does not light up. place - no image, but backlight is present. The video card has failed

    The most common malfunction is when the PC actually turns on, but does not display an image on the monitor. You see light signals on the computer case and hear the fans running inside, but nothing happens on the screen.

    There are several possible reasons, why your monitor does not display information on the screen and it is important that the search for problems is organized.

    Approximate order:

    1. Check your monitor. Before you try more complex and time-consuming troubleshooting methods, make sure your monitor is working properly.

    It is possible that your computer is working fine, and the problem is in the monitor.

    2. Check that your PC is fully power cycled. In other words, make sure your computer completely completes rebooting and shutting down.

    Often the computer appears to be "not working" when in fact it is simply having trouble resuming from standby or sleep mode.

    Note: You can turn off your computer completely at energy saving mode by holding the power button for 3 - 5 seconds. After the power is completely off, turn on the computer and make sure it will boot normally.

    3. Diagnose the cause using the beep code. The beep code will make it possible to quite accurately find the reason for the computer turning off.

    If you were unable to solve the problem with a specific beep code, proceed to the next steps.

    4. Clear BIOS on motherboard will return its settings to default. Incorrect BIOS settings can lead to display problems on your monitor screen.

    Important A: If clearing the CMOS fixes the problem, make BIOS changes one at a time, at least when the problem returns you'll know what changes caused it.

    5. Make sure correct location supply voltage switch. If the power input voltage is not correct (varies by country), your computer may not turn on at all.

    Most likely, the wrong voltage will not allow the computer to turn on at all, but it may not turn on completely.

    6. Reinstall everything inside your PC. Reinstalling will restore various connections inside your computer and will very often fix this problem.

    Try reinstalling the following:

    • Reinstall all internal and power cables
    • Reinstall memory modules
    • Reinstall the cards you are using

    7.Reinstall the processor if you suspect it was not installed properly.

    8.Check the opportunity short circuit inside the computer. This is often the reason why the computer will not turn on at all, but it may also prevent the computer from booting completely or may not display data on the monitor.

    9.Check the power supply. Just because your computer's fans and lights are working does not mean the power supply is functioning properly. PSU tends to cause more problems than any other hardware and is often the reason why full load computer.

    If your power supply fails the test, replace it.

    Important: Don't miss this test. Power supplies may not function properly and require replacement.

    The following steps are similar to steps 8 through 12 described in the article The computer turns on and then turns off.

    Sometimes users encounter a situation where, after turning on the computer, a “no signal” message appears on the monitor. This message on the monitor may be caused by different problems with a computer, so without proper experience it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly find the cause of the malfunction.

    If you are faced with the same problem, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our list of the most likely reasons that could lead to this.

    Problems connecting the monitor to the computer.

    If, when you turn on the computer, a message appears on the monitor stating that there is no signal, then the first thing you should check is the cable that is used to connect the monitor to the computer. There are usually two problems with the cable: the cable may lose contact where it connects to the computer or monitor, or the cable may be faulty and need to be replaced.

    First of all, you need to check the contact at the cable connection points. To do this, disconnect the cable from the monitor and computer and reconnect it. If this is a VGA cable, be sure to tighten the two screws that secure the cable in the connector.

    Screw for fixing the cable in the connector.

    Breakage of a cable that previously worked normally is quite rare. But, if you have another cable on hand, or you can remove such a cable from another computer, then you can check how the monitor will work with another cable. Perhaps after replacing the cable the problem will be solved.

    The wrong source is selected on the monitor.

    On those that have multiple video inputs, there is a button to switch between the signals from these video inputs. Typically, this button is called “Source” or “Input”. If the buttons on your monitor are not labeled, then read the instructions.

    Source button on a computer monitor.

    Try pressing this button several times to switch to another video input. If the wrong video input was selected on the monitor, this should solve the problem and the “No Signal” message will disappear.

    Video card malfunction.

    If you have checked everything described above, but there is still no signal on the monitor, this may indicate a serious computer problem. The first suspect is the video card. If the video card is faulty, then when you turn on the computer, the message “No signal” may appear on the monitor.

    There are two ways to check a video card for malfunction: knowingly install it in the computer working video card or remove the video card and start a computer with integrated graphics (if it has one).

    In the event of a video card failure, it is also possible that there is no signal at only one of the video outputs of the video card. Therefore, it makes sense to try connecting the monitor to a different video output.

    Video outputs VGA, HDMI and DVI on the video card.

    For example, if you previously used DVI for connection, then you can try connecting the monitor to the VGA output of the video card.

    Monitor malfunction.

    Monitor failure is less common than video card failure, but it can also lead to the “No Signal” message appearing when you turn on the computer. Therefore, this option cannot be ruled out either. Fortunately, in order to check this option you don't even need another monitor. All you need is anyone modern TV. Look at what video inputs (DVI, VGA, HDMI) your TV has and determine the easiest way to connect to your computer.

    Video inputs VGA and HDMI on TV.

    And change the signal source using the "Source" button on the remote control. If the TV displays a picture from the computer, then the problem is either in the monitor or in the cable that was used to connect the monitor to the computer.

    Sooner or later, all users encounter problems related to personal computer hardware. The hardware of the “iron genius” sometimes malfunctions. The reasons for this can be very different. They begin with the simplest and safest thing - driver failure.

    A driver is a program that is responsible for correct operation equipment. But driver failure is nonsense. The situation is much more serious if the reason for incorrect operation lies in the equipment itself. Simply put, if the device is broken. You'll be lucky if there's a guarantee. But if not...

    But we will not delve into this jungle, but will simply try to understand the main problems due to which the monitor may not display an image, and also solve these problems. So, what to do if the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer?

    Preparation and diagnostics

    Before you can fix anything, you need to understand the nature of the problem. If the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer, you first need to diagnose why this is happening. Let's think logically. If the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer, then it is not receiving a signal. And this is easy to check: for all modern screens There is an indicator showing the presence/absence of a signal. Looking at it, you can already draw the first conclusion.

    If the signal is received, the indicator blinks, but the image is still not displayed on the screen (that is, it remains dark), the problem most likely lies in the video card. And another case when the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer may be associated with the “genius” himself. This is easy to determine. If the system does not boot, if it is impossible to even enter the BIOS, then the problem is clearly in the computer, not the monitor.

    Reason #1: The monitor is not receiving power

    To solve this problem, first check whether the screen power is valid from electrical network. If the problems are not related to the power supply, but to the drivers, then the monitor does not turn on and the light blinks. Let's say that there is power from the network, but the monitor is still turned off. Then you can try connecting it using a different wire, if available. This problem is exactly the case when the monitor turns on, but there is no image on it.

    Reason #2: The connecting cable is not connected correctly

    Users sometimes wonder why the monitor does not turn on, without even suspecting that the problem lies in ordinary neglect, ordinary carelessness and carelessness. In this case, you need to carefully check how securely the connection cable is attached to the adapter or network, as well as to the power supply. The cable may be damaged and the signal may be interrupted.

    If your computer has two video cards installed - discrete and integrated - then you need to connect the cable coming from the monitor to the discrete one. In personal computers, the discrete card connector is usually lower than that of the integrated card. If your monitor turns on and off, this could also be an indication of a bad connection. Sometimes the signal can be interrupted simply by touching or moving the cable.

    It is worth checking how securely the cable was connected to the connector. You can take it out and put it back in. Moreover, this procedure should be done in a two-way manner: both from the side of the power supply and from the side of the VGA adapter of the monitor. There are special twists there. If one of them is untwisted, the connection may be interrupted. What can I say when both are poorly secured. In this case, you should not be surprised that the monitor does not turn on, there is no signal.

    Perhaps the very last step that can get rid of this problem is to replace the cable. However, if the signal is received stably, the indicator is constantly on, without turning off, it is not advisable to buy a new cable. Most likely, in this case, the cause of the emergency is an incorrectly installed software. Or incorrect debugging of the device. Actually, next we will look at the solution to these problems.

    Reason #3: Incorrect settings

    A glitch that appears in the picture settings can also cause the monitor to beep and not turn on. In the settings, as you know, you can edit the monitor resolution, its frequency and other parameters. If they were set incorrectly, the monitor simply will not display the image on the screen. You can check whether this is the case quite simply. If you have a second personal computer or a laptop (and in most cases in families there are two or more similar devices) in working condition, then we connect the monitor with a suspected breakdown to this very device. If it displays an image on the screen, then the problem is clearly in the settings.

    It is quite possible that there is a conflict between two video cards if they are installed in a PC, as well as in a laptop. To solve this, you can go to the BIOS and find there the item responsible for the operation of the integrated video card. There we turn it off, since it is much weaker and the entire load still goes to the discrete video card.

    A card conflict is often why the monitor does not turn on at startup. This is especially evident in the case of laptops. The fact is that in the case of a PC, the monitor is directly connected to the card using a VGA adapter. But in laptops the principle is a little different. There are also reasons related to incorrect operation of drivers, but more on that later.

    Reason #4: Incorrect software

    As you know, many modern video cards require special software. It usually comes on a disk that comes with the video card. Laptops come with disks containing drivers for all devices. If the indicator light on the monitor is on, but there is no image on the screen, then the problem most likely lies in the incorrect operation of the drivers or their incorrect installation. In this case, incorrect operation of the screen may be due to an update to the driver version.

    After the update, the operation of the video card is disrupted, and the output of the image on the screen depends directly on it. Solving a problem of this kind is not so difficult. You just need to log into the system using safe mode (usually open safe mode you can use the F8 or Del button) and delete old version software. If possible, perform a system restore. Next, you can review the version and determine if it matches your device.

    Reason #5: the video card is not working correctly

    It often happens that when cleaning the system unit of a personal computer, users touch the slot with the video card. Or they simply pull it out and then insert it back, but do not fix it firmly in the socket. Getting your video card back to work is easy: check that it is securely fastened. If there are no problems with this, take it out and return it back. After this, if the card is technically correct, everything should work again. Do not forget about the safety rules: such operations can only be done with the system unit turned off from the network to avoid electric shock.

    Perhaps nothing will change, the monitor will remain dark. In this case, the video card itself probably broke down. By connecting it to another computer, you can determine whether this is actually the case. If it does not work with another computer (if correct connection, of course), then the problem is clearly in the board. Some users find that rearranging video cards takes a long time. And you don’t always have a second device at hand. If this situation arises, and your PC or laptop has an integrated, unused video card, activate it.

    If the screen works, then the problem is in discrete mode. Do not forget that you can activate the integrated video card in your PC only after disabling the discrete one. In case of breakdown discrete card No programs will help, you will have to change the model. This is probably the worst thing that can happen. Along with a broken monitor, of course, which will be discussed further.

    Reason No. 6: the monitor is not working correctly

    Check your display settings. As you know, monitors have several connection types. Now the most common of them is VGA. There are also DVI and HDMI. Again, make sure that the cable connecting the video card connector and the monitor connector is securely connected at different ends. If there are twists on the cable, make sure they are turned all the way. You can also look at other display settings, maybe something is incorrectly set there. Or even some option is disabled. Very often, having accidentally set the wrong settings, we ask why the monitor does not turn on. And the answer at this time lies on the surface.

    If nothing suspicious was found in the settings, the cable is connected correctly and securely, but the indicator does not blink and the monitor does not reproduce an image, then we can say that the monitor is broken. This outcome is 95 percent. The remaining 5 are allocated only for cable failure, due to which the power supply to the display may be interrupted.

    Reason No. 7: incorrect operation of the operating system

    Let's assume that loading BIOS passes without any problems, sounds (greetings) are reproduced. But immediately after the logo appears, when, in theory, there should be a login, the image disappears. This means that the problems are not with the technical and hardware parts, but with the operating system. Perhaps the incorrect operation lies in system files. Or maybe there is another mistake here. For example, third party programs can change the operational visual style. Then a conflict will occur, the result of which we are seeing. Of course, we should not forget about viruses, which simply do not allow drivers and the operating system to work at full capacity. The operation of not only programs, but also devices may even be disrupted.

    One solution if this problem cannot be solved is to reinstall the OS. But, you see, many users store quite valuable data on their PCs that they don’t want to lose. Let's be honest: few people do backups files. That is why you need to look for workarounds that will allow you to deal with incorrect screen operation without reinstalling the operating system.


    So, what did we find out during the article? The problem when the monitor displays a picture can be caused by:

    • broken monitor;
    • broken video card;
    • broken cable;
    • incorrectly connected hardware;
    • incorrect software.

    What solutions are suitable for each type of this problem?

    1. First you should check whether the cable is connected correctly. Inspect both ends. Perhaps one of them is not fully inserted into the connector or is not securely fixed there with screws.
    2. The cable may be damaged. You can check it by connecting it to another working monitor. If it is still faulty (as is the case with a monitor or video card), it will need to be replaced with a working one.
    3. Check how stable the software is. Maybe the blame is wrong installed driver. This may be a driver for a different laptop or PC model, as well as for a different device model (video card, for example). Make sure incorrect operation The software can be booted into safe mode. There you can also remove the old version of the driver and then install a new one that works.

    Instead of a conclusion

    What to do if the monitor does not turn on? The light and indicator are blinking, but there is no image? This is the case when the problem lies in the incorrect operation of the software. If the computer turns on and the monitor blinks, you should start in safe mode and go through the drivers.

    So, we have sorted out all the problems that may concern malfunction monitor and video card of a personal computer and laptop. The article also answered the question of what to do if the monitor turns on, but there is no image.

    Hi all!

    Today we will look at a situation where you turned on your computer, the processor started working, but the monitor remained black. This, of course, is not pleasant. Some people have a feeling of panic that everything, the computer has “flyed”, needs repairs or, in general, will have to buy a new one.

    For those who have not yet encountered a similar problem, do not rush to despair. All is not lost. Of course, it is clearly impossible to do without repairs or acquisitions, but the scale is not as serious as it might seem at first glance.

    There may be several reasons for this problem. But, conditionally, they can be divided into two categories: either the problem is in the monitor, or in the processor itself (but here anything can happen).

    Read also:

    Now, let's look at the common causes of problems with the monitor...

    How to check if your monitor is working properly?

    So let's start with the monitor. It is very easy to check its functionality. Disconnect from the system unit and connect to a regular power supply. Turn on the monitor. The power light is on, the screen says “no connection or check the cable...”.

    If you don't see this, try pressing the menu button. If again there are no results, then all that remains is to throw out the monitor and go for a new one. But if you saw all these inscriptions, then you are lucky with your monitor. But no luck with something else. But with what, we will look further.

    The first thing to do is standard procedure in case of any failure, reset the BIOS settings. Most often, after this procedure, many problems are solved. In order to perform this operation, turn off the computer completely, even from the network. Next, we open the processor and find a round battery on the motherboard.

    We take it out for a couple of minutes, then insert it back and turn on the computer.

    If nothing happens after this, we inspect and check the entire unit. First of all, we check all contacts. Especially RAM. It often happens that it is because of this that the computer may not turn on. We take out the memory modules. We inspect their contacts and clean them if necessary. You can clean them carefully with an eraser. We put it back. We check the contacts of the cable that connects the monitor to the processor.

    We clean the entire processor from dust. Slots where memory and fans are inserted. In general, they become very clogged with dust. Checking the video card connection. We also take it out and clean it.

    Remove the power supply. It gets very clogged with dust. Therefore, it must be opened and thoroughly cleaned.

    So, we checked everything and cleaned it. But nothing works. The processor fan seems to be humming and turns on. But the monitor screen is still black.

    Video card is the likely reason why the monitor does not show an image

    There is one more option left and, most likely, it will be correct - the video card burned out. True, the probability of this breakdown is not so high. Maybe, of course, the video card is intact. But in this case, the matter is somewhat more serious - you need to change the motherboard itself.

    How to check a video card? Remove it from the slot, check the contacts and insert it back again.

    If you have a second computer at hand that supports the video card you are testing, insert it there and turn it on. If the computer boots normally, then the problem is not there. If nothing happens, change the video card. This option is only acceptable if you have a place to check your video card at hand.

    If not, then you need a master. In general, if you have a gaming computer and you “stress” the video card a lot, then it is recommended to periodically diagnose it so that it does not crash at the most inopportune moment. There are a number of programs for diagnostics, among which one of the most popular is FurMark

    FurMark is a specially developed program that performs stress testing of a video card compatible with the OpenGL API package. A special feature of this utility is its flexible settings menu, in which you can set many functions. The program includes latest versions additional utilities GPU-Z and GPU Shark. Using FurMark - good check video card performance.

    Checking the power supply

    Well, the last thing to check is the power supply.

    For this we will also need a working power supply. We open the computer, disconnect all connectors of the power supply being tested from the motherboard and connect a working one instead. After that, turn on the computer. If everything works, then the reason is in the power supply. If nothing happens, then the problem is in the motherboard and you will need to change it.

    Here, in general terms, is a scheme for checking the performance of both the computer itself and its individual elements.

    If, when you turn on the computer, your monitor does not turn on, but the indicator is blinking. Advice, if you turned on the computer, but it either did not turn on, or the monitor did not light up, turn it on again and listen carefully to how it hums and how many times it “beeps”.

    By the number of beeps, you can determine the error code. There are quite a lot of descriptions of these codes everywhere, and finding them will not be difficult.

    Nowadays, a personal computer has turned from a luxury item into an absolutely necessary thing, which is used for both work and leisure. And it goes without saying that, like any other equipment, a computer can fail. A particularly common situation is when, when you turn on the PC, the monitor stubbornly refuses to work, and the screen remains black or turns white. What to do in this situation?

    Why doesn't the monitor turn on?

    You need to understand that a personal computer is it is a system of interconnected components, which directly affect each other's work. In other words, if the monitor refuses to turn on, the reason may be not only in it, but also in some component of the system unit. Therefore, do not rush to send it in for repair or rush headlong to the store for a new one - first try to identify the real cause of the problem. Some problems can be solved with your own hands.

    Most common reasons reasons for which the monitor may not work are:

    No power supply

    No matter how funny and banal it may seem, first of all you need to check whether the monitor is turned on to the network and connected to the system unit. It often happens that a person himself or someone in his household accidentally pulls the plug from the network, and then, in a panic, does not notice that the cord is not connected to the power source. This malfunction is very easy to solve - just return the plug to its rightful place and start the reboot.

    Determining whether the monitor is receiving power is also easy: if the indicator at the bottom is lit, there is definitely power. If not, the first thing you need to do is unplug the cord from the outlet, check if there is any debris on it, and plug it back in. The same actions are performed with the cords on the side connecting to the monitor and PC.

    If after the manipulations the indicator lights up and the image appears, you can breathe a sigh of relief and continue using the computer. If there is still no image on the screen, you need to continue to look for the cause of the problem.

    Problem with connecting cords

    If you have an integrated graphics card, make sure that The monitor cable is connected exactly to to the required input . Check if the cord is inserted correctly into system unit and the monitor itself. If you have a connection cable that is known to work, try connecting the monitor through it. If after this everything works as it should, your cord has simply failed, and it’s time to buy a new one. There is no point in repairing the cable.

    Incorrect picture settings

    In case the user made a mistake in the screen resolution or refresh rate settings, the monitor may reset incorrect settings independently or refuse to work at all. To make sure this is the problem, try starting your PC in safe mode. If an image appears on the screen, roll back all changes made to the default values.

    Problems with video drivers

    If you reset the settings, but the monitor continues to show a black or white screen, check your video card drivers. You may have recently uninstalled a driver or updated it, and something went wrong during the process, causing the monitor to fail to start up properly. Start your PC in safe mode and go to the task manager menu. Find the video driver in the appropriate tab and click on the “Roll Back” button. If the button is inactive, try removing the driver completely. If after these manipulations the monitor begins to display a poor-quality image, find and install the latest video driver.

    Video card failure

    Not only drivers are responsible for the image on the screen, but also the video card itself. Therefore, first, try carefully removing it and trying to connect it to another connector (naturally, all actions should be carried out with the power supply turned off).

    If reconnecting does not help, there is a possibility that the video card has failed. If you have an integrated video card, try connecting the monitor to it, first removing the discrete one. If everything works after this, you will have to buy a new video card.

    With such a malfunction, the system unit may start, but the image will not be displayed on the screen. You may also hear uncharacteristic sound signals. What to do in this case? Try checking your PC's monitor and video card by connecting them to another computer - if they work fine there, The problem is most likely in the motherboard. This problem is not so easy to fix on your own, so if you are not a computer repair specialist, call a technician.

    Operating system malfunctions

    If the system unit turns on and displays on the monitor BIOS version, and then only a black screen, most likely the problem is in the operating system. Remember if you have recently installed any software - it could very well change the functionality of the OS, thereby causing system failure. As a result operating system cannot turn on the equipment normally. Same the problem is caused by viruses.

    • First, try starting your PC in safe mode and performing a system restore (this is done through the Start menu). Some computers themselves prompt the user to restore the system after several unsuccessful reboots. If the recovery procedure was successful, scan the system with a good antivirus.
    • If the recovery does not work or fails and you cannot enter safe mode, you will have to reinstall the system completely. Try saving particularly valuable files on drive C when LiveCD help, and start the reinstallation process from full formatting system partition. After the procedure is completed, the PC will turn on as expected.

    As a rule, BIOS settings do not affect the operation of the monitor in any way, but there are exceptions. For example, the system unit has two video cards, and the computer incorrectly determines priority loading - that is, it starts the wrong video adapter first. Try taking it out motherboard BIOS battery, wait a few seconds and insert it back. After this, start your PC. If the startup went well, and the computer notified you about this with a short sound signal and the appearance of an image, the problem is solved.

    Failure of the monitor itself

    If the monitor suddenly stops working, and all of the above problems are clearly not your case, the problem is most likely , in himself. In such cases, the system unit, as a rule, beeps (beeps) and blinks, but even the indicator on the monitor does not light up. Sometimes the indicator still starts to glow, but a solid white sheet is displayed on the screen. There is only one thing you can do here - take it to service center where the problem will be identified and corrected.