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    Frequently asked questions about 1C administration


    1. When starting the program, I received the error “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one.” And then the program does not load. Tell me what needs to be done?
    2. The program does not allow you to save or copy the contents of the report to the clipboard. Why can't I save reports?
    3. How to archive databases?


    Downloaded the “Contracts” configuration. When I started it, I got the error “The sort order set for the database differs from the system one.” And that's it, it won't load any further. Tell me what needs to be done?

    The error related to the sort order of the database tables is due to the fact that the configurations I wrote were originally intended for use by Ukrainian enterprises, and in Ukraine the regional language is Ukrainian.

    The reason for the error is that the code page language of the database tables you are working with does not match the language that is set in the Windows system settings. As a rule, in such cases, the system settings are not touched (provided that the system settings are done correctly), but the code page language of the database tables is changed.

    For example, if the regional language “Russian” is set in the Windows settings, and the language “Ukrainian” is set in the database with which you want to work, then the 1C system installed on your computer will not be able to launch the database. In this case, in the database code page settings you need to set the value to “Russian language”.

    In order to change the code page of database tables (for example, for the “Contracts” configuration), you need to do the following:

    1. Load the “Contracts” database in Configurator mode.
    2. Go to the menu “Administration - Code page of information security tables”.
    3. In the list, select “1251 - Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian languages” (if the language is set to “Russian” in the Windows system settings).
    4. Click the “OK” button. After this, the procedure for changing the sort order of database tables will begin.
    5. After completing the procedure, close the Configurator.
    6. Run the program in 1C:Enterprise mode.

    If an error about sort order mismatch is issued when you try to run the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 program under the Microsoft Windows Vista operating environment, then the above instructions may be ineffective. If you encounter a database code page mismatch when launching the 1C:Enterprise program from Vista, then when performing step 3 of the above procedure, in the list of code pages, select the very last element “+Current system installation”.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if the software product presented on the site is universal, then it can be used in any configuration, regardless of the country in which it is used.

    You can download the “Contracts” configuration here.

    When starting the program, it displays the message “Program protection key not found.” What am I doing wrong?

    The message “Program protection key not found” itself means that the 1C program could not find a hardware device that serves as a protection for the 1C program from unlicensed use. In theory, if you do not have a security key, it means you are using an unlicensed version of 1C.

    The most common model of a security key is a small device that is connected in series to the printer port. For the past few years, the security key has been supplied in the form of a device that connects to the computer via a USB port.

    When working with the network version of the 1C program, you can use one security key. In this case, the key must be installed on one of the computers on the network.

    Thus, if, when entering 1C, the program displays the message “Program protection key not found,” then there are several possible reasons:

    1. You physically do not have a protection key, because you have an unlicensed 1C program.
    2. You have a licensed version of the 1C program, but the protection key is not connected to the computer (for example, the administrator took it home for the weekend and forgot to return it).
    3. You have a licensed version of the 1C program, and the key is installed on one of the computers on the network, but there is no network connection to the computer on which the key is installed, or to the computer from which you are logging into the 1C program.
    4. You have a licensed version of the 1C program, and all devices are turned on and turned on correctly, but the speed of the hardware devices is low enough for the program to poll all computers on the network for the presence of a security key. If the protection key is not found on the network within the specified time, the program will display a corresponding message.

    In the vast majority of cases, the message “Program protection key not found” appears when an unlicensed version of the program is used on the computer. To use the 1C program, purchase a licensed version. If everything is in order with your license, then contact the company from which you purchased the 1C program for help.

    The program does not allow you to save or copy the contents of the report to the clipboard. Why can't I save reports?
    If it is not possible to save the report, it means that your database settings prohibit saving reports. If your system administrator is not paranoid, then he set the ban on copying tables deliberately, guided by considerations of the security of your company’s commercial information.

    I suggest you contact your database system administrator for help.

    How to archive databases?
    The 1C:Enterprise program has a built-in mechanism for archiving database files. But I don’t like it for the reason that a user who wants to archive data needs to perform many operations that require thinking during each archiving.

    For example, in order to perform archiving using standard 1C program tools, you need to do the following:

    1. You need to launch 1C: Configurator.
    2. Select the menu item “Administration - Save data”.
    3. Click the “Save” button, after which the database will be archived.

    By default, the list of files to be archived is already filled with extensions of the required files. And in the “Save in” field, by default, the address of the archive file is also inserted into which the database files will be written. But if you want to organize archiving for each working day, then each time you will have to think about how, God forbid, you will not overwrite the previous archive, and to avoid this you will have to manually put some kind of unique label for the archive for the current day. And if you do archiving several times a day, then your task becomes exponentially more complicated.

    If you want to archive your database quickly, conveniently and efficiently, then I recommend that you use the BackUp32 program. Let me immediately note that the BackUp32 program is free and supports archiving an unlimited number of databases.

    The main advantage of the BackUp32 program, for me, is the ability to control the program via the command line. For the user, working with the command line means that you will have an ordinary shortcut on your desktop with a link to the command file. And in order to make another archive, you just need to double-click on the program shortcut, and the program will do all the necessary operations for archiving database files on its own.

    I can give some tips on how to optimize your work with the BackUp32 program:

    • Include in the archive all files from the database directory (mask “*.*”), and in exceptions indicate files that are not needed (masks “*.CDX”, “NEW_STRU\*.*” and “SYSLOG\*.*” ). To reduce the archive size, you can also exclude files using the “*.DLL” mask.
    • The archive file should be named using the mask “NameYYMMDD_HHMMSS”, where “Name” is the database identifier, “YYMMDD” is the archive date stamp, and “HHMMSS” is the archiving time stamp.

    If you use the BackUp32 program, then in order to correctly archive the database, you will not have to think. It will be enough to launch a shortcut on the Desktop. The only thing you have to think about is how to perform archiving in a timely manner. But with the BackUp32 program, archiving will be a pleasure for you. And you will never forget about personal pleasure.

    You can download the “BackUp32” program here

    I want to create a new database based on a production database that already has several years of data. I need to remove all documents from the database, but leave directories and constants. How to properly delete all documents?
    There are three methods to delete all documents from the database: each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

    1. Processing "Document Processing"
    2. This is a software method in which documents are first marked for deletion using the “Document Processing” processing, which you can find in almost every standard configuration in the “Tools” menu. The advantage of this method is that you will maintain the referential integrity of the database. The downside is that this method of removing documents from the database can take quite a long time to complete.
    3. Processing "Deleting documents"
    4. This is also a software method in which you use a specially written processing that will select and delete all documents in the database without checking referential integrity. I have never written such processing, and I do not advise you to use such processing. I don’t see any advantages to this method of deleting documents.
    5. Deleting document files (for DBF format database)
    6. This is a hardware method for deleting documents, which is performed at the file system level. In order to delete all documents from the database, you need to delete all files in the database directory using the masks “DH*.DBF” (document headers) and “DT*.DBF” (tabular parts of documents). After this, I recommend going into the configurator mode and performing the “Testing and fixing information security” procedure, checking all the boxes. The obvious advantage of this method is that deleting documents will be done very quickly. One of the disadvantages of the method is the fact that documents will be deleted from the database without checking referential integrity.

    Which method should you use to delete documents? If you want to delete documents very quickly, then use the third method. But I advise you to use the first method of programmatic document deletion, since it guarantees the referential integrity of your database.

    Additionally, I would like to note that if you need to mark all elements of a directory for deletion, then you can use my universal processing “Mark for deletion of all directory elements”.

    You can download the universal processing “Mark for deletion of all directory elements” and “Document processing” here.

    It's time to submit a quarterly or, better yet, an annual report, click on the program shortcut 1C Enterprise 7.7 and in response you get error message: "" After which you can only launch the configurator? Don't know what to do? Let's find a way out of an unpleasant situation together.

    The reason for this error messages clear - settings mismatch 1C Enterprise 7.7 And Windows 7.
    Let's start troubleshooting the problem.

    Solution 1. Let's give the code page in accordance with the operating system Windows 7:
    Click on the program shortcut 1C Enterprise 7.7 and in the window that opens, mark the database you are going to work with. Then click on the “Configurator” button. In the configurator that opens, follow the menu path AdministrationCode page of information security tables... Then in the window " Code page of infobase tables» select from the list → + Current system installation→ OK. In the window that opens asking for changing the code page click “Yes”. Wait for the procedure to complete and close the Configurator. That's it, you can work with this information base in Windows 7(for other databases the procedure will have to be repeated). But do not forget that if you transfer this database to a computer with the Windows XP operating system, you will again receive an error message.

    Solution 2. Let's disable sort order checking:
    Create an empty file ordnochk.prm and put it in a folder BIN located in the installation directory 1C Enterprise 7.7 , thus disabling the sorting check for all databases at once. This solution, despite its simplicity, can cause some problems and, moreover, will only work if you are using version 26 or later of the program 1C Enterprise 7.7 .

    Naturally, if you use 1C Enterprise 7.7 on local computer with installed Windows 7, or this operating system is installed on all machines, then your choice Solution 1 .
    If the computers have different operating systems, then it will suit you better Solution 2. Important! All changes in the Configurator will need to be made exclusively on a computer with the installed Windows XP, information databases should also be stored there, but here is the file ordnochk.prm, on the contrary, you need to put it in a folder BIN located on a machine running an operating system Windows 7.

    As you can see, error message: « The sort order set for the database is different from the system one! » is easy to fix. Good luck!

    Sometimes the installed application cannot be launched. And Windows 7 OS displays a message with an error code or an incomprehensible inscription. The simplest option for further action, taken by many, is to reinstall the program. Although such a decision does not always give a positive result. Here are the most common problems launching applications, accompanied by a message with an error code or description. And ways to solve them.

    Application and operating system compatibility error

    This error occurs when the version of the application being launched is incompatible with Windows 7. Many creators of software products (especially free software) do not have time to develop the latest versions of their programs. Or the user installed an outdated (outdated) version of the application for Windows 7. Then you may have problems when trying to start it. The system displays a message that an error occurred when starting the application. Or even if the application has started, it will not work correctly. This problem can be solved using native OS tools. To do this, do the following:

    • We click on the shortcut of the desired application or file with the extension “exe”.
    • By pressing the key on the right, we call up its context menu.
    • From the list, select “Fix compatibility issues.”
    • In the “Program Compatibility” window that appears, select “Program Diagnostics”.
    • In the next dialog window, put a checkmark next to the item describing the problem “The program worked in previous versions of the OS” and click “Next”.
    • Then we select the OS version in which the application functioned without problems.
    • Click “Next”.

    A window appears describing the parameters with which the launch will be carried out. When you click “Next” the program starts. If these launch options in Windows 7 did not lead to the correct operation of the application:

    • In the “Program Compatibility” dialog box, click on “No, try using other settings.”
    • We set new parameters and try to run the program again.

    Memory read error

    This application startup error can be caused by several reasons. But most often in Windows 7 it is associated with the operation of the DEP service.

    DEP – Data Execution Prevention service. Its main function is to stop the spread of viruses in the computer by blocking access to system partitions of RAM. The service does not interfere with the installation process of malware in any way. It only blocks access to certain sectors of the system memory.

    If a program that does not have access rights to one of these sections tries to enter memory, then DEP instantly stops its work. Closing this application results in a "Program Error" message. To configure this service you need to do the following:

    • We enter the “Control Panel” through “Start”.
    • Select the “System” tab.
    • In the list on the left, click on “Advanced system settings”.

    This procedure in Windows 7 only allows you to configure exceptions for the DEP service by including it in a special list of applications. The programs specified in the list will be allowed access to system memory sections. You should not include programs here if you are not sure of their origin and safety.

    • In the “Advanced” tab, select “Performance”.
    • Click on its “Options”.
    • In the “Performance Options” window, go to the “Data Execution Prevention” section.
    • Here we select the option “Enable DEP for programs and services except those selected.”
    • Use the “Add” button to edit the exclusion list.
    • Don't forget to click "Apply".

    Error 0xc0000022

    This application startup error in Windows 7 occurs due to the absence of any library necessary for the program to work. Library files have the extension "dll". The reason for the lack of libraries may be the activity of viruses.

    Error code 0 x c0000022 also occurs when the user tries to run an incorrectly “hacked” program after installation. During startup, when the application instance is initializing, the missing library is accessed. If it is not found, the system displays a message with this error code.

    Most often, the appearance of such a message is caused by a problem in the interaction of the video card with the system part due to the lack of necessary libraries in the driver code. Possible solutions:

    • Updating drivers for the video card.
    • Installing the latest version of DirectX.
    • Installing all possible updates for Windows 7.

    If this does not help, and the attempt to launch the application still fails, then you can perform a system rollback. To do this, select the restore point (date) during the creation period of which the program launched without problems.