• Photoshop hide guides. Using Guides in Photoshop

    Markup functions: where are the guides in Photoshop, how to install and remove them, how to work with them, how to enable the grid in Photoshop. Settings.

    Construction lines make image editing much easier. Their use is especially convenient when you need to place objects in a picture with high precision.

    Guides in Photoshop

    How to set guides

    Option 1. The most convenient, but not the most exact way To set them, hold the ruler with your left mouse and drag it onto the work area. A stripe will appear behind the cursor (usually turquoise by default) - this is the guide line. It will be installed in the place where you release the mouse. The top ruler is responsible for the horizontal lines, and the left one is for the vertical ones. The cursor then takes the following form: . In this way, many such auxiliaries can be drawn out.

    Even focusing on the divisions of the ruler scale, it is very difficult to accurately set the line. If the scale is increased significantly, errors may appear. This is shown well in the video.

    Therefore, if precise marking is necessary, you need to install them at a greatly enlarged image scale or use the second method:

    Option 2. Select View→New Guide from the menu.

    A window will appear in which you need to select horizontal or vertical orientation.

    By default, the “Position” line is 0 pixels. This means that the line will be placed along the edge of the image: horizontal - along the top, vertical - along the left. This value can be changed.


    Let's say you need to measure ¾ of the width of the picture, that is, 75%. The photo is 500 pixels wide. this will be 375 pixels. Select vertical orientation. Enter either 75% or 375 pixels in the “Position” line. - the result will be the same. Click the “OK” button.

    How to change the position of guide lines

    You can change the direction of a line from vertical to horizontal or vice versa by clicking on it with the mouse while holding down the Alt key with the Move tool active.

    Move them by moving the cursor, and when it looks like in the picture above, hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the desired position. If at this moment it is not “Move” that is active, but some other tool, you must first hold down the Ctrl key.

    Quick Guides

    The essence of this function is automatic appearance auxiliary lines when aligning objects. It is installed along the path View→Show→Smart Guides.

    When an object moves relative to another, these lines will appear when the boundaries of the objects are at the same level. This is convenient because you don’t need to set a lot of auxiliary lines when you need to align several parts on different layers. The program will indicate when the boundaries of the moved layer coincide with the boundaries of nearby layers. The lines will disappear when the objects are far enough away from each other or as soon as you release the mouse.

    The picture below shows:

    1 – when moving the text of “objects”, the program indicated its alignment to the right relative to the word “align”.

    2 – when moving the word “fast”, the line indicated the coincidence of its middle with the middle of the word “alignment”;

    3 – when moving the last word, the line showed a coincidence of the right edge with the right edge of the word “alignment”.

    Snap and Pin

    IN Adobe Photoshop There is a function for snapping to auxiliary lines. If it is turned on, then the moving object, being at a sufficiently close distance to the guide, is attracted to it. This function is enabled in the menu “View” → “Snap to” → “Guides”.

    If the details of the picture should be exposed on a short distance from the auxiliary line, the binding may interfere. In this case, it is better to disable it by following the same path “View” → “Snap to” → “Guides” and uncheck it.

    To avoid accidentally moving the set auxiliary lines while working in Photoshop, you can lock them in the View→Lock Guides menu. Hot keys Alt+Ctrl+; In this case, the sign “;” with an English keyboard layout, that is, this is a key with the Russian letter “zh”.

    You can unpin by pressing the hot keys Alt+Ctrl+ again; or again go to the View menu → Lock guides and uncheck it.

    How to remove guides in Photoshop

    When the lines have already been drawn, you can hide them for a while or make them visible again using the hot keys Ctrl+h or Ctrl+; Both keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop cs5 work the same.

    To remove lines, you can simply drag them with the mouse back into the rulers, but if there are a lot of them, it is more convenient to delete everything at once using the “View→Delete Guides” path.


    Construction lines do not require additional settings, but you can change their style to dotted and color by going to Edit→Settings→Guides, grid and fragments. The settings window will open.

    There is no need to change the style, but it is better to change the color if it matches the background color of the image, so that the lines do not merge with the picture and are clearly visible.

    Let's look at the auxiliary tools that are used to create and edit images in . These are rulers, guides and a grid.

    Rulers in Photoshop

    Rulers can be seen on the left and top outside the image borders. Rulers are turned on and off using the menu View - Rulers .

    The ruler's measurement units can be changed in the settings. To change, go to Editor - Settings - Units and Rulers , and choose what you need in the top item.

    The default reference point for rulers is top corner. You can change the starting point if you click on the intersection of the rulers with the left mouse button and drag it onto the drawing. to the place where you plan the origin of coordinates. Then release the mouse button.

    To return the starting point to its place, double-click on the intersection of the rulers.

    Guides in Photoshop

    Guides are lines to which you can snap certain objects and selections. To create guides, left-click on the ruler and, without releasing it, drag while clicking on the drawing. A guide appears that will be parallel to this ruler. Using rulers, you can accurately position the guides in the drawing, at a predetermined distance from the edge.

    For example, you want to select a round or oval object. To do this, make four guides: two horizontal and two vertical, in order to limit the desired object with them. After that, choose a tool Oval area , and diagonally from the first intersection of the guides to the second intersection make a selection. The selection will stick exactly to the guides.

    After selection, you can do whatever you want with the selected area, for example, make it more contrasting, or brighter, or change the color.

    To move an existing guide, press and hold Ctrl, and move the guide to a new location. You can also use the tool Moving .

    When installing guides in Photoshop, to make them more precise, use zoom.

    Snapping of objects and selections to guides can be disabled or enabled using the menu View - Snap . You can also select different anchor elements using the selection View - Snap to . At this point you can snap to guides, grid lines, layers, document borders.

    To remove guides, go to the menu View - Remove Guides . You can also remove guides by dragging them outside the image.

    In addition, a new guide in Photoshop can be created using the menu View - New Guide . When creating, a dialog box appears in which you select the guide's orientation and position. This method is good when you know exactly where the guide should be.

    You can also change the orientation of the guide, from vertical to horizontal, or vice versa. To do this, press and hold the key Alt, then click on the guide in the place where you expect it to rotate 90 degrees.

    Grid in Photoshop

    Mesh is another one useful tool in Photoshop to create a collage, montage, and for other cases when you need the exact location of objects.

    In order for the grid to appear, select from the menu View - Show - Grid . The grid size is adjustable in the settings Adobe programs Photoshop CS5. To go to settings. choose from the menu Editing - Preferences - Guides, mesh and fragments . In the settings you can specify. how often the grid lines will be placed, using the points Line every , And Internal division into , which regulate the frequency of the main and auxiliary grid lines.

    Now, if you pull the guide out of the ruler, it will automatically stick to the grid lines. If you create a selection, it will also snap to the lines and nodes of the grid. Linking can be disabled using the menu View - Snap To - Grid Lines .

    To remove the grid, go to View - Show , and remove the check mark from the item Net .

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    If you are going to learn how to draw in Photoshop, you don’t need auxiliary guides, because, as you know, artists don’t use rulers. Well, if you decide to take the thorny path of a web designer, you have come to the right place. Because in this lesson we will analyze the guides. Namely, how to turn them on (so to speak, get such an opportunity), install and remove them.

    Why will you need this knowledge? Sometimes you need to measure an image almost pixel by pixel. But you won’t really count each one, will you? Therefore, it is enough to simply make a guide by measuring the required segment. Many designers use guides to delimit site columns. Although, they can be found in many applications. Here, who is capable of anything. I sometimes use them to highlight the desired area. I am limiting an object that requires improvement upon completion of the work.

    Along with the guides, there is another tool that will greatly simplify our life. And it's called a ruler. The developers of Adobe Photoshop took into account many extremely necessary details, for which they are extremely respected by me. Using a ruler in Photoshop is extremely easy. Imagine that the piece of paper you are drawing on has a scale at the top and side. I think the analogy is very clear. Therefore, I think, the question “why do we need rulers in Photoshop?” disappears by itself.

    Therefore, let's not get lost in thought and find out how to set up guides in Photoshop.

    For this work I will take an image of my beloved Miranda Kerr. A beautiful image makes it more pleasant to work with.

    This is what the window looks like before starting work.

    Now we should turn on the ruler. Or in other words, call. For this we are looking for top panel tab “View” and check the box next to the “Rulers” command. They are now displayed on the workspace.

    In order to use rulers, we must know the size of the segment. Remember that rulers in Photoshop can be changed. Rulers in centimeters, pixels, millimeters, inches, etc. are available to you. You can call up the menu for changing the unit of measurement by left-clicking on the ruler itself.

    To print images, you will need a ruler in centimeters. For a website – in pixels. It is customary to work with business cards in inches.

    So, we have the rulers, now let's make the guide lines. To do this, place the cursor on the ruler, press the right mouse button and drag. This is what the work in progress looks like:

    And here's the ending:

    Accordingly, the horizontal guide line is called in the same way from the top ruler.

    Now I'll show you a few tricks when working with guides. Let's say you need to put a guide in a centimeter on the edge of the image, but you're too lazy to calculate it on a ruler. Well, either greater accuracy is required, and you don’t really count on your eagle eye. In this case, we perform the following manipulations: on the top panel we find the “View” tab and select the “new guide” command. Click.

    A window appears where we set the following characteristics.

    Voila! We have a guide 1 cm from the edge of the image.

    Removing guides in Photoshop is very easy. Just go to the same “View” tab and select the “delete” command from the list. Be careful, absolutely all guide lines caused by you are deleted. To remove only one line, simply drag it under the ruler, in the same way as you pulled it out.

    Just below you will find a command that allows you to secure the guides so that you don’t accidentally move them.

    The behavior of guide lines and their interaction with parts of the image can be adjusted quite flexibly. There are several menu commands for this. View(View) (Fig. 7.3).

    Rice. 7.3. View menu commands allow you to control how guide lines work

    By checking the box next to the item Lock guides(Lock Guides), you can prevent the guide lines from moving. This will avoid their accidental displacement when working with image fragments. To disable blocking, uncheck the box (call this command again). Using the command Remove guides(Clear Guides), you can remove all guide lines contained in the document.

    Team Attach(Snap) allows you to turn on or off the mode of “snapping” objects to guide lines and other window elements. In submenu Attach to(Sflap That) you can choose which elements the image fragments will be glued to. To the window elements that serve to image alignment, include:

  • Guide lines(Guides);
  • Net(Grid) - using a grid allows you to select areas of the correct shape and place image fragments in certain positions on the canvas. You can configure the mesh parameters using the command Edit > Preferences > Guides and Grid(Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grid);
  • Slicing(Slices) - borders cut using a tool Knife(Slice) image blocks;
  • Document Borders(Document Bounds) - the boundaries of the image canvas. Auto-align to the edge of an image can be useful when placing elements that need to be exactly on the edge of the image.

    ADVICE. Using commands View > Attach to > Include All(View > Snap To Mil) and View > Attach to > Disable All(View > Snap To > None) you can enable or disable the “snapping” of objects to all elements listed in the menu.

    Team View > Additional Elements(View > Show Extras) is used to control the display of Guides, Grid, Selection Edges, Target Path, Slices, and Annotations. The command allows you to simultaneously turn on or off the display of these elements. Using submenu commands View > Show(View > Show) you can show or hide these elements individually. Commands contained in the same submenu Show all(All) and Remove everything(None) are used to quickly remove or display all additional elements from the screen. Using the command View > Show > Setup(View > Show > Show Extras Options), you can specify (by checking the appropriate boxes in the window that appears on the screen) which of the additional elements will be affected by the command Additional items(Show Extras).

    NOTE. Mentioned among the additional elements of the path window are vector objects. They can be created directly in Photoshop using the path tools, or they can be imported from vector editor. Import vector images You can use the clipboard. It is best to perform such operations using Adobe's vector editor - Adobe Illustrator. Photoshop and Illustrator use the same representation vector graphics on the clipboard, which will ensure undistorted transfer of the image from one program to another. Additional elements also include text and audio notes, which you can place in your document using the tools Notes(Notes) and Sound note(Audio Annotation). The document window displays not the notes themselves, but their symbols.

  • Enough large number operations carried out in graphics programs, requires preliminary visual selection of a fragment of the image, dividing the photograph into zones or drawing a stimulating straight line to place objects. Guides in Photoshop exist precisely for this. These lines make working in the program much easier, increase the speed of work, and make it more accurate.

    What does the guide look like?

    In any version of Photoshop, guide lines are thin and straight vertical and horizontal lines, the color of which can be adjusted. By default they are blue. They can be installed manually in any arbitrary location in the image and in any quantity.

    Enabling guides, first method

    There are at least two ways to enable guides in Photoshop. In the first case, you need to work with the “Rulers” mode turned on. Next we proceed like this:

    • Before making guides in Photoshop, select the “View” menu item and click on the “Rulers” option.
    • After this, measuring rulers will appear on the inner borders of the image window.
    • Their parameters can be set by right-clicking on them. This mode can also be activated by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ R. This combination, like many others, works on the “On - Off” principle. That is, if you press the corresponding keys again, the rulers will no longer appear.

    • To turn on the guides, you need to place the mouse pointer on one of the rulers, left-click and, without pressing, drag in the direction of the drawing.
    • As soon as the pointer leaves the ruler, a thin line will be visible: horizontal if the pointer was on the horizontal ruler and you pulled down, and vertical if the pointer was on the vertical ruler and you pulled to the right.

    You can set a guide in Photoshop both on the image itself and on the work area (the gray area between the image and the window borders). In this case, you can focus both on the image itself and on the rulers - for greater accuracy.

    Enabling guides - second method

    For absolute precision in setting the guide in Photoshop, you can use the second method, setting exact values ​​for the lines:

    • In the main menu, you need to select “View” again and then “New Guide”.
    • This opens the corresponding dialog box. In it you need to choose which line you want to create - vertical or horizontal.
    • Then in the “Value” option window you need to enter the required number. Let's say it's "Horizontal, 1.2 cm." In this case horizontal line appears 1.2 cm from the top edge of the pattern. Or “Vertical, -1.2 cm”. This way you can draw a vertical guide on the work area, at a distance of 1.2 cm from the left edge of the image.

    Further work with guides in Photoshop

    The program allows you to produce further work with drawn lines:

    1. They can be moved. To do this, place the mouse pointer on the guide, click left button mouse and drag the line in the desired direction.
    2. They can be removed. In this case, you need to extend the line onto the ruler in the same way - the guide will disappear. You can delete all lines by selecting the “Delete Guides” command in the “View” menu item.
    3. They can be temporarily disabled. This is necessary when they interfere with the evaluation of the image. If necessary, press Ctrl + ; and the guides will no longer appear. Pressing the same keys again will bring up the previously drawn guides again. They will also appear again if you draw a new line using any of the methods described above.

    Setting Color and Type

    As mentioned above, the color of these lines can be customized. To do this, in the “Edit” menu, select the “Settings” sub-item and then “Guides, grid, etc.” In the “Guides” section, select one of the suggested colors and, if necessary, change the “Style”: the developers offer either a solid line or a dotted line.

    Indeed, when processing some types of images, blue or pink lines can interfere with visual perception, but dotted gray or black lines can be both useful and almost invisible.

    Cases when guides are necessary

    The most popular case when it is necessary to use guides in Photoshop is to separate an area of ​​a drawing before selecting it with the appropriate tool for the purpose of cropping or copying the selected part. Let's say if from group photo If you need to cut out one of the portraits, it is easier to first “adjust” the borders with the guides and then cut them out.

    In addition, the guides are very helpful in determining the composition of the drawing. So, when creating a book cover, these lines can easily indicate future areas of the cover: the title of the book, the publishing house logo, decorative elements, illustrations.

    These lines are also useful for aligning objects relative to each other or to parts of the illustration.

    Finally, any drawing tool can be snapped to such a horizontal or vertical line to draw precise straight lines (“View - Snap to - Guides”). For example, if you need to draw a straight vertical line with a decorative brush, you can select the Brushes tool, turn on the snap mode and move the mouse pointer along the guide. Even if your movements are not precise, the line will snap to it and be geometrically accurate.

    Thus, each guide in Photoshop can perform its own task, and the use of these lines can be multifaceted and meet a wide variety of image processing purposes.