• Latest paid actions on the megaphone. How to find out the latest charges on a megaphone

    Every mobile subscriber wants to have detailed information about debits from your account. The MTS company offers all its clients this service absolutely free, which is discussed in more detail later in the article.

    • Sometimes subscribers of one or another mobile operator They don’t understand where the money goes from their account. To find out this information in most cases you have to call hotline and find out about the latest debits from your balance. MTS operator, which is one of the largest in the territory Russian Federation, offers all its clients several different methods
    • You can find out information about account details on the official website or in one of the company’s offices, but that’s not all. Each MTS subscriber also has the opportunity to check the list of the last five paid actions, thanks to which in most cases it is possible to understand where the funds were debited
    • For the operator’s clients who regularly use paid services, the ability to find out about the latest debits from their balance is practically useless. As for people who rarely top up their account, and even less often use paid functions, information about 5 recent actions can be extremely important

    How can I find out about the last 5 debits from my MTS balance while on my home network?

    • If you manage to discover that a certain amount of funds has disappeared from your MTS account, it will not be so difficult to understand this situation. To do this, you do not have to go to the operator’s office or look for access to your account on the website. To know the last five MTS write-offs much more possible simple method, for this the operator has a special free service
    • All you have to do is dial the correct combination of numbers, namely *152# and press the call key. After this you will be redirected to information portal, where detailed information about your number and debits from your balance is stored
    • To find out about the latest 5 debits from your account, you need to select the appropriate item in the menu, after which you will receive an SMS with detailed information
    • In order not to waste time searching for the desired item in the menu that opens, it is better to immediately dial the combination on your phone *152*1# . It is worth remembering that the MTS portal will allow you to find out information about the last five debits from your account, which occurred only in the last 2 days
    • If during this time you have not performed any paid actions, then you will receive a message with the corresponding content. In this case, you will be able to find out about the latest write-offs only on the operator’s website or in any of the offices
    • As practice shows, the information received helps to disable a number of absolutely unnecessary paid services, which will allow you to save a certain amount of money

    How to check the last 5 paid actions on MTS while roaming

    • When traveling abroad, the cost of a minute of conversation in almost all MTS tariffs increases sharply, which can cause a considerable amount of funds to be written off from the balance. To find out about the last five paid actions while roaming, you just need to dial the same combination, namely *152# . This way you can control your expenses
    • It is also important to keep in mind that in many countries, debiting your account takes certain time, rather than happening online. In this regard, it will be quite difficult for you to find out reliable information. The cost of this service when traveling abroad of the Russian Federation is also absolutely free. Team *152# valid in all countries of the world

    Video: Monitoring mobile phone expenses from a computer

    Probably every mobile phone user has at least once encountered an unpleasant situation when money disappeared from their phone balance without a trace. This may be caused by:

    • you are subscribed to paid services and subscriptions;
    • your phone is infected with a virus that sends messages;
    • You really talk a lot or spend time online, and in vain you are offended by your operator.

    To dispel doubts, it is necessary to periodically monitor balance changes.

    “My last expenses” service

    The Megafon operator offers its subscribers the “My latest expenses» – simple and free way find out for what actions in lately money was debited from the mobile account.

    This function will be especially useful and convenient if you:

    • you use the usual one cell phone, not a smartphone;
    • you are unable to access the Internet;
    • you are not an advanced user.

    As part of the service, the operator offers three options for which the user can make a request:

    1. "Last expenses." You will have access to information on the last 5 paid transactions (calls, messages, Internet sessions).
    2. "Last 5 calls." You will receive detailed information on the last five calls in home network.
    3. "Last 5 SMS messages." You will have data about the last five SMS messages on your home network.

    How to make a request

    To order the required report, do the following:

    "Last Expenses"

    "Last 5 calls"

    • send SMS to number 000 105 612;
    • or dial *105*612#

    "Last 5 SMS messages"

    • send SMS to number 000 105 613;
    • or dial *105*613#

    Universal method

    • dial *512# ;
    • On the screen you will see a menu consisting of several items, select the one you need.

    Information in the report

    A few seconds after sending the request, a report will be sent to your phone in the form of an SMS, which indicates:

    • date and time of the action performed;
    • direction of the call or message (incoming or outgoing);
    • phone numbers to which (or from which) calls were made and messages were sent;
    • duration of calls;
    • volume of Internet traffic;
    • direction and volume of MMS;
    • the cost of each service.

    Please review the information in the report carefully.

    Pay special attention to write-off messages subscription fee for subscriptions and the presence of the “SMS entertainment” line. As a rule, such services are the main reason for the sudden disappearance of your funds.

    Don’t forget that the time period for which you can track balance changes within the “My Recent Expenses” service is the current and previous months. If you have doubts about the fairness of earlier expenses, you need to order details for a different period through your personal account on the Megafon website (you need to log in and receive a password) or in offices upon presentation of your passport. Several types of expense detailing are offered, including paid ones.

    • Do not enter your number on suspicious sites. This way you can automatically sign up for unnecessary subscriptions.
    • Check the "Service, Options and Subscriptions" section. You may have activated paid services and subscriptions that you forgot about. This can also be done by dialing *583#. Disable unnecessary functions You can do it in your personal account, office or through an operator.
    • Protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions using the “Stop Content” service - dial the combination *526# from your phone keypad (with the service activated, you will not be able to send SMS to short numbers).
    • Use the My Recent Expenses feature. It is free and available for all tariff plans of the Megafon operator. At any time you can make a request and control the costs of mobile communications and the Internet.

    The mobile phone has firmly entered our lives. Most often, people make calls, send messages and use the mobile Internet without thinking about spending money from their account. But you still need to control your account. To do this, you need to find out the latest actions. In this article we will talk about the main ways to determine them.

    Let's find out the last 5 actions on the MTS home network

    If there are debits from your account that are unknown to you, you need to detail it. To do this, you don’t have to go to the nearest operator’s office, and you don’t need to remember the login details for your personal account on the website or register. The last 5 actions are quite easy to find out by sending a special USSD command. To do this, take your phone and dial the following combination *152 # and call. Then wait for a message that will contain all the information on the latest transactions. Please note that the data are provided for the last two days. Now you need to carefully review and remove unnecessary subscriptions, if any.

    You can delete what you don’t need using the same command, just by pressing the hash mark you need to select the item “Information - entertaining subscriptions", then select “Unsubscribe from everyone”. After these steps, all subscriptions are automatically disabled.

    Let's find out the last 5 actions on MTS on the Internet resource

    In a situation where the message cannot clarify the entire situation, you must go to your personal account on the website. Select the item “Expense control”, then click “Account detailing”. After some time, you will receive a complete printout of the funds spent on your mobile account.

    Checking 5 actions on MTS in roaming

    There are situations when you are in another country and you need to check the latest activity. This can be done using the same command. The only thing you need to consider is the pricing.

    Service cost

    For the convenience of MTS users, this service provided absolutely free, regardless of your location. She provided instantly to all subscribers.
    For more rational spending of funds, you can use commands that allow you to view the cost of calls and messages. Thanks to them, you can refuse unnecessary services.

    This article provides recommendations and describes how to determine the last 5 actions for MTS subscribers. Taking advantage they can easily check account status information. For more optimal spending, you can take advantage special applications for monitoring funds. You just need to develop the habit of constantly monitoring the money on your phone. Have a nice chat.

    Sometimes the user does not understand where the funds were debited from his account, in which case there is a need for detail. You can check the last 5 actions on MTS for the current day. The “Expenditures for Today” service will inform you about where you spent your money from 12 o’clock at night until the time of verification.

    How to check the last five paid actions on MTS?

    You can find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS as follows:

    1. Contact service center, and ask a company representative about costs. The specialist will show you all the operations that you performed. You will immediately see the amounts spent on calls, internet and messages.
    2. A free service will also come to your aid. Here you can see the balance and time of all transactions. Debiting money from your MTS account will thus be under your control at all times. To do this, dial *152# and wait for the result. To see the latest activity, you should select the desired category.
    3. Dial *152*1# and call. Here you will immediately be provided with information about the last five operations in two days. Information is displayed quickly.
    4. You can find out the details in a few days on the company’s official website. You just need to have Internet access from a computer or other device. Next, log into your personal account and select the desired item. The time and costs of operations will be indicated here.
    5. Another way to find out the last 5 actions on MTS using your number is to call the hotline, where they will tell you everything in detail. The operator will also explain to you how to check the last 5 operations in other, faster ways.

    How to check 5 paid actions in roaming?

    No matter what country you are in, you can use the inquiry number 152 and you will receive the relevant information. Sometimes the message may not arrive immediately, so wait for the result before putting your phone away.

    If you are interested in the cost of verification 5 recent actions on MTS, then keep in mind that this service is free, both in roaming and in the home network. You can carry out such a check at any time of the day and a huge number of times.

    To save money, turn everything off paid messages and services you do not use, go to favorable tariff or buy special packages that will significantly reduce your material costs.

    If you find a leak of money from your account, then you need to check the last 5 paid actions on MTS. The detailing carried out will allow you to find out what the last five actions were performed on your phone over the past two days. To receive necessary information The company suggests using one of the following methods:

    1. The USSD command is dialed with the combination *152#, “Call” button. Select menu item 1 - " Cost of last 5 actions" From the operator at number 111 you will receive an SMS notification about the last 5 operations over the past 48 hours. If no actions were performed from the phone during this time, this will also be displayed in the message.
    2. The last five paid actions of MTS can be found out by sending a request with the combination *152*1#, “Call” key. The check reveals unnecessary paid options on MTS. You decide whether to disable MTS subscriptions or leave them.
    3. To see what operations took place through your mobile number over a longer period, you will need to order details from MTS. You will receive full information about all actions, including the cost of paid actions, if any. This will help analyze calls, SMS and other transactions for the period of time you specify.

    Description of service

    If you have just discovered that your account has been debited cash, and you did not perform any actions that could lead to write-off, you should look into the issue in more detail. To do this, you can use a simple and convenient tool entitled “The last five actions on MTS.” Its essence is as follows:

    • the system records the last 5 actions performed from the moment the request was sent until the beginning of the current day;
    • the data is compiled into a message that is sent to your phone;
    • you receive up-to-date information necessary to determine the “gap” that caused the leakage of money from the account.

    This service is much more convenient than simple call detailing - this way you receive only the latest data, as quickly as possible and, what is equally important, completely free.


    There are only two conditions, and even those are related to the operation of the service only indirectly - it all depends on the behavioral characteristics of the subscriber, that is, you.

    That’s all the conditions, they are simple and understandable for everyone, so you don’t have to worry - feel free to start investigating the reasons for the leakage of money from your account using this service.

    How to check while roaming

    All MTS subscribers have the right to use the service, regardless of their tariff plan and location. You can check the last 5 actions from anywhere in the world, but you should understand that the service may work with a delay.
    To do this, simply dial *152*1# on the keyboard in the call field, then press the call key. As soon as the system analyzes and groups the data, it will be immediately sent to you in the form of a message.

    Enjoy high-quality communications from MTS, and all kinds of services that provide up-to-date and useful information in no time, completely free!
