• VK page statistics new version. How to find out and increase traffic to a VKontakte page

    In the new version of VK, the “Settings” item is located in the drop-down menu at the top of the site. You need to click on the top right where your name is written next to your avatar. There is also a triangle pointing down. When you click there, a small menu will appear - there will be a settings item in it. To open the settings, you need to click on the word a second time "Settings".

    Where are the settings in the VK mobile application?

    1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
    2. Gear button at the top right.

    Where is the exit on VKontakte?

    The exit is there, in the drop-down menu. In the new version of VK there is a button to exit the site:

    Where is “My Answers” ​​(notifications) in the new version of VKontakte?

    In the new version of VK, the “My Answers” ​​item is located in the new notification section under the bell sign (at the top of the site in the blue bar on the left). All new likes, replies, mentions, friend requests, birthdays and all other events appear there. When something new appears, there will be a red circle on the bell sign.

    Next to the bell at the top of the site there is a “notes” icon - this is music. Click on it and the player will open - that's where it is. And after you turn on the music, control buttons will appear in place of the “notes” icon: back, pause, forward, rewind.

    Where are friends' birthdays in the new version of VKontakte?

    Notifications (alerts, reminders) about friends’ birthdays in the new version of VKontakte appear in the notifications section - in the same place as “Like” marks, friend requests, etc. We described how to find the notifications section just above. This is the button with the bell sign:

    You can see all your friends' birthdays. First, open the “Friends” section (through the menu in the left column), and then in the right column, at the top, find the calendar icon next to the words “My Friends”. The calendar will open and all the birthdays will be there. You can scroll through the months using the left and right buttons. You can open your calendar even faster using this link: calendar.

    For more details, see this manual:

    Searching for people in the new version of VKontakte is located at the top of the screen on the blue bar. Just click on VKontakte on the field with the inscription "Search" and start typing the name of the person you want to find:

    The site will suggest people to you (friends will be shown first). Then press "Show all results" or press “Enter” to view the search results in more detail. After this, in the right column you can switch the search mode to “People” to clarify the city, age, date of birth.

    It’s even easier to search for people on VKontakte like this:

    Also see these good instructions on search topic:

    The statistics button in the new version of VKontakte is located on your page under your photo (avatar), but only if you have more than 100 subscribers. If there are less than 100 subscribers, then the button is not there. In statistics you can see the traffic to your page, the gender and age of the guests, what cities they are from, and the like. To open statistics, click on the button with a picture in the form of graphs under your main photo:

    And if you don’t have 100 subscribers, then you can also look at statistics, but more limited. You can view it at this link.

    VKontakte group statistics are the main tool for assessing the effectiveness of an SMM campaign. Data analysis should be approached comprehensively, that is, take into account all the indicators provided by the social network and correlate them with the activities that you conduct. For example:

    • placement of targeted advertising;
    • cooperation with thematic communities;
    • installing a group widget on the company website;
    • changes to published content;
    • conducting activities and work with involvement.

    The most interesting information spreads
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    Knowing all the actions being taken and referring to statistics, you will be able to get a complete picture and understand what exactly should be done for further successful promotion. Almost all the necessary indicators are provided by the social network, but if you need a more in-depth analysis, for example, including the actions of competitors, you should use third-party resources, for example, Jaga Jam.

    How to view the statistics of a VKontakte group?

    All administrators should know how to view VKontakte group statistics. It's very easy to do. Just go to your community and under the avatar in the right column of group management, select “Community Statistics”.

    You will be taken to the graphs page with indicators. Goes to each chart text description, so you can always figure out what it displays. General rules to work with them are the same. On the right top corner You can select the required period (day, week, month, all the time, by day, by month) and the display option in the form of a chart. Using the slider at the bottom of the chart, you can adjust the time period you are interested in.

    Under the graph, by clicking on the checkboxes, you can select the indicators you are interested in. So, in the first graph “Unique visitors and views” you can see both indicators and them separately.

    Let’s immediately answer a popular question that causes a lot of disagreement: “what does unique VKontakte visitors mean in statistics?”

    By definition itself social network, this is the number of users who joined the community per day. It consists of two components: direct participants of the page or group and users who entered there as a result of ongoing activity (advertising, news from other users, and so on). It is worth considering that it is not typical for older and more serious audiences to log into the group every day, no matter how much they are fans of the brand. Therefore, even though this is important indicator, you shouldn’t just get attached to him.

    Key indicators

    So, let's move on to the main statistics.

    Number of participants

    This variable is key in VKontakte analytics. At a minimum, it demonstrates the popularity of a community during a certain period, and this indicator is usually the “measure” for everyone else. The number of likes, comments and other data is important to study in relation to the total number of subscribers. But, of course, you shouldn’t chase only quantity; what matters first is the quality of the participants. Each user should belong to your target audience.


    VKontakte visit statistics display unique visitors and views. By studying traffic, you get a much better idea of ​​the audience that is interested in you. Firstly, the total number of views per day, and secondly, the ratio of unique and non-unique views. This gives insight into the engagement of loyal customers and the quality of content. A large gap between those who visited you once and those who returned indicates a lack of interest in the group or the quality of the content. And, of course, the spikes on this graph make it possible to determine which channel or method of attraction turned out to be the most effective in terms of traffic.

    Gender/age. Age and gender characteristics are an important component. Based on this indicator you can:

    • adjust the content plan, focusing on the interests, status and standard of living of people who prevail in your community;
    • attract users of the right gender and age if your audience does not match your buyer persona.

    Geography also allows you to “screen out” unnecessary actions in promotion: if you are targeting certain regions, optimize your actions.

    Devices. Percentage of PC users and mobile gadgets– this is a clear guideline for what the publication time and content of the news should be. With a predominance of PC users, publications should be succinct and eye-catching, and illustrations should be catchy, due to the fact that on a larger plane, attention is more likely to be focused on other news. For users mobile devices You should bet on the headlines.

    Participants– new and released – this item, like the traffic indicator, is worthy of the attention of the administration when conducting active advertising campaigns.

    Advertising, widget – provide information from specific sources. Isolating a time period makes it possible to determine the most effective method presentation of information in advertisements and location or design of the widget.

    Section views- for many, this is not such an important number, but it can still say something about the interests of subscribers, and therefore suggest what to bet on when carrying out SMM promotion.


    Coverage is formed based on the number of views of your posts from any sources: user news, friends' news, friends' wall, etc. Reach demonstrates how many social network users (whether subscribers or not) see your news.

    Based on this data, you can draw conclusions about sources, promotion methods and quality of content, comparing this purely with the number of group visitors and new members.


    VKontakte activity statistics can give an idea of ​​interest in interacting with you. This reflects the number of photographs, audio and video recordings sent to your community, comments on them, messages on the wall, and participation in discussions. Based on such data, you can adjust your group strategy to increase engagement: stimulate discussions, launch competitions, arrange surveys and touch on pressing topics.

    Feedback- this is accurate statistics of traffic and activity of the VKontakte page based on indicators such as comments, likes, reposts, as well as the number of users who chose to hide your posts from their news.

    Page statistics

    The page statistics also contains graphs, charts and summaries for each of the above indicators. This visualization provides a clear picture of all changes over a certain period of time. Both individually and collectively, they provide answers to questions about content, advertising, activities and promotion.

    How to view VKontakte page statistics?

    You can view traffic statistics for a VKontakte page in the same way as group statistics: under the avatar, click on the control panel and select the appropriate section.

    Key indicators

    The page metrics are identical to the group metrics we detailed above. Study them, analyze them, and you will get great opportunities for solving specific problems, such analysis is more accurate, but also more complex, and therefore requires the involvement of experienced digital marketing professionals.

    VKontakte statistics is an important tool that should be used by everyone without exception. If you have any problems using it, we will be happy to help you.

    Until the recent past general manager VKontakte LLC and the creator of the social network of the same name, has always maintained that viewing other people's pages has always been and will be completely anonymous. Despite the presence of a considerable number of applications that tracked page traffic, it was not possible to identify which person was viewing basic information and profile photos and at what time he was doing this. At some point, some users became available information about the statistics of traffic to their page, which in graphical form provided basic data about the people who visited the page over a certain time, the geography of visits and other information. How to view the statistics of the VKontakte page, what is this function, why is it needed and for whom is it available?

    Is it now possible to view traffic to the VK page?

    Despite the emergence of the ability to track profile information about “guests of the VK page,” Internet surfing and viewing information still remain anonymous. The function of collecting statistical data about visitors who visited a person’s profile provides a number of useful data about the audience that is interested in the user’s account. It helps you track changes in page "popularity metrics" such as unique users and page views. How to view the statistics of the VKontakte page? The button directing to the section you are looking for is located on the main profile page under the “audio” section. In order for the statistics collection function to be automatically turned on, a person needs to “gain” more than one hundred subscribers to his page. What does the data provided mean?

    How to decipher statistics

    Having figured out where to look at the page statistics on VKontakte, you need to know how to decipher the data provided. The menu contains three tabs: “Attendance”, “Reach” and “Activity”.

    • Attendance - demonstrates activity outside users on the account, their subscription/unsubscribe from the page, transition to internal sections profile. The menu reveals information about the location of the “guests”: the country and city from which users most often viewed the account.
    • Reach - introduces the user to information about views of his posts and ads in the news feed.
    • Activity - gives a graphic about people's reactions to the posted content.

    A unique visitor is considered to be a user who has viewed the account for at least two minutes. View statistics indicate how many people visited the page overall. Data demonstrate gender and age category people who most often pay attention to this profile and visit it. The user can also see which countries’ residents visit his page most often over the entire period of the account’s existence or selectively over a certain period of time (month, week, day). If desired, the data can be presented graphically. So, we figured out what the “VKontakte Page Statistics” function looks like. How to view similar information for various communities?

    Group statistics

    In general, analyzing the statistics of a group or public is very similar to how to look at traffic statistics for a VKontakte page. Knowing how to view the statistics of a VKontakte page and understanding what this data means, you can imagine how user interest changes, what exactly causes resonance and response from the audience. In the same way, group statistics display the number of transitions and the number of unique visitors, distinguishes them by gender, age and geographic criteria, illustrates their activity, and also provides information about the sources from which they most often went to the group page. All this data can give a comprehensive picture of the target audience, which is why it is important for group leaders to know how to view the statistics of the VKontakte page.

    Is it possible to track the “guests” of a VK page?

    Despite the appearance of such a function as “VKontakte page statistics,” how can you see and find out who exactly viewed the account in a given time period? Unfortunately, or fortunately, the current management of the social network does not change its vector of development and does not is in a hurry to disclose data about users’ visits to other people’s pages. Applications that offer such services most often simply duplicate information about activity, which a person can view in the “Answers” ​​section, and to date, surfing VKontakte pages remains anonymous.


    Application “My Guests and Fans” With this application you can catch guests of your page and find out which of your friends is most interested in your VKontakte person. Let's consider guests and fans separately. My guests The first tab, called “My guests,” works on the principle of bait. If you simply click on the “My Guests” tab, the application will analyze and give you those people among your friends who have recently visited the page. If you want to catch those who may visit your page, but are not on your friends list, then you need to use that same bait. How to do this? After opening the application, find the “I want more guests” button and click on it. You will be taken to a new window that will show you ways to catch more guests. The methods are different, but the principle is the same - using a decoy link. My fans Second tab this application called "My Fans" determines the activity of people visiting your page. Here you can see the activity of your visitors for the last month, for 3 months or for the entire stay. In addition, only in this application you have the opportunity to click on any friend on the left and see his fans. Find out who visits your page most often.

    "Friends" application All your GUESTS!” Who was on my VKontakte page? This application will also help you find out the answer to this question. It works on a similar principle to the application we reviewed earlier. However, the functions of these apps differ slightly. As for the topic that interests us, you can also find out who the VKontakte page is using the “Guests” and “Fans” tabs. To view guests through this application, you need to install a trap link on your page, which should supposedly transfer the person to yours. Naturally, this does not happen, and the application records the visitor. You can view all the caught guests through this application. You can also analyze the fans among your friends. The application will give you fans for 1 month, 3 months and for the entire time that you are on the VKontakte website. However, compared to the previous application, analyze friends and fans by full program it won't work. This application does not allow you to divide your friends into fans and admirers and view them separately. Also, you won't be able to recognize your friends' fans.

    Programs Who was on my VKontakte page? People who provide disservices often advise using different programs, which supposedly will analyze all those people who were on your page and give you full list on a silver platter. All the programs that you are offered to download to find out who visited your page are. Most often you can see the “my guests” program on the Internet. These are just more scammers who wanted to get easy money thanks to naive users. The "my guests" program and others like it are not even saved on the servers. So how will they get information about visitors to your VKontakte page? Joyfully preparing to find out who was on my VKontakte page, you downloaded the program. When you download the program for spying on friends and start installing it, you will be written that you need to send an SMS message to continue or to simply go to your VKontakte page. You have already caught the virus. Take advantage antivirus program or read the article on our website about the VKontakte page. Do not try to send SMS or pay money to anyone, otherwise you will lose money and the virus will not go away. When curiosity gets in the way and you want to find out who visited your VKontakte page, use applications. Don't compromise the security of your computer.

    The social network VKontakte is visited monthly by about 36 million users. If at least 0.01% of this mass comes to your page, then the influx will be 8 thousand visitors. To maximize their capabilities, the user needs to master the “Statistics in Contact” function, which has appeared on the site since 2012.

    Why do we need statistics?

    Statistics in Contact allows you to familiarize yourself with the data and personal page. What does this function mean? The administrator needs these indicators to optimize the group’s work and attract subscribers. Advertisers use the application to understand whether they will get a return on the page or not. The more subscribers in the group, the more profit the advertiser will receive.

    Group statistics

    Where are statistics indicated in a contact? This can be done on the group page, if statistics in the contact are open for viewing, or by using additional resources. But they also only work when open access. in contact can be viewed through auxiliary resources:

    • socialstats.ru;
    • popsters.ru;
    • http://vk.com/stats?gid=.

    With the help of socialstats.ru, you can view not only contact statistics, but also traffic to photo albums, groups and “walls” of friends on the social network. Through popsters.ru you can get data from groups on any social network. While viewing, you can go to the publication using direct links. The resource allows you to sort data by parameters:

    • popularity of publications;
    • reaction to the publication (like, comment, repost);
    • video, photo, animation, text.

    In contact, page statistics are also presented by the social network’s own capabilities. How to open statistics? Just enter the address http://vk.com/stats?gid= and add the group id, and the group statistics in the contact will be opened. But only on condition that the administrator has not blocked access. How can a non-administrator view it? By contacting the administrator as a potential client, you can ask to open your attendance data for review by another person.

    Is it possible to determine how the user got to the page? Yes, according to the “Referral Sources” diagram – through direct links, news, search results. By the way, the “search results” column is conventionally considered an indicator of queries. The most popular queries You can find out in the search for communities. You cannot delete recent requests, so you will have to fill the history with new data. Contact request statistics can also play a role important role in choosing the topic of the group and page.

    How to view visit statistics in contact? On the group analysis page you can see a lot of data, including the number of unique visits to the page. How to increase statistics in a contact in a group? If the group is interesting and competent communities have been undertaken, then subscribers will gather on their own. There is also free or paid promotion subscribers. The number of users is what makes the statistics.

    In Contact, hashtag statistics are available for viewing only in the Russian Federation. It is located on the news search page. Why is the publication not shown when searching for a hashtag? Probably, the rule on the number of hashtags was not followed - there should be no more than 10.

    Personal page statistics

    User statistics in a contact are no less important than group data. Personal pages are no less popular. For example, for those who work on the page as a blogger. That is, it posts any materials that find its reader. This could be a think-aloud, news review, or culinary recipes. And if the page has a sufficient number of subscribers and a regular audience, then thematic advertising will also fit harmoniously on it. The data is not available to everyone, but only to one person - its author.

    Where are the statistics in contact? Look online statistics A personal page is only possible if you have 100 subscribers. If there are not 100 subscribers, then such a profile is considered not worthy of analysis.

    Where are the page statistics in contact? If there are enough subscribers, a button will appear under main photo next to the “Edit” button. In the new version, the button is located at the bottom of the page under the “Video” and “Audio” blocks. Over the 10 years of its existence, VKontakte has updated appearance and statistics.

    How do statistics open in contact? You can go to the analysis of your personal page, for example, if you don’t have rights, you can go through http://vk.com/stats?gid=, adding a value by page id. This opens a page with the following tabs:

    • attendance characteristics;
    • coverage;
    • activity.

    How to view statistics in contact? The first tab contains 2 graphics:

    • “unique visitors and views” chart. Contact visit statistics are displayed for the month and by day;
    • subscribers – the number of users who subscribed and unsubscribed during the day and over the entire existence of the page.

    The “Reach” tab consists of 4 indicators. The “Audience Reach” graph allows you to analyze how many users viewed publications. The second indicator is “Gender/Age”. Sometimes users do not indicate their age, and if it is hidden, it will not be displayed in the indicators. The new design allows you to view graphs or charts.

    “Geography” sorts users by location – country and city. Presented in the form of a graph, chart and table, which shows the percentage of subscribers for this parameter. To find out user activity by hour different countries and cities, you need to select the “per day” option. The “Device Reach” metric shows which device users access the page from most often: via computer or phone. Statistics in contact are presented with a diagram and percentage.

    Additional features

    After the update, the analysis capabilities have expanded significantly. In group indicators there is a “Community Posts” tab. In the new version, the group administrator can communicate with subscribers not only through comments on posts, but also through standard social network messages. The tab displays unique visitors who got in touch through a personal dialogue. Who are unique visitors? Those who visited the page for the first time are the so-called “new contact”.

    It’s not difficult to understand how statistics work in contact. Above each graph and chart there is a message that is presented as a transcript of the value of the selected indicator. After the update, statistics in contact began to work more stable, and the data is updated faster.

    How to set up page statistics in a contact? To do this, you need to decide on just a few parameters: by time (week, month, all the time) and type (graph or chart). By selecting the time period “per week” you can track by day of the week on what day the page is visited more subscribers.

    Figuring out how to use statistics in contact is not at all difficult. Later, this data will help establish stable and profitable work for a profile or group.

    How to add statistics in a contact? It is enough to gain 100 subscribers and the function will appear on the page automatically. Where has the attendance gone? It's probably time to reconsider target audience and select more interesting relevant topics.