• Statuses on WhatsApp about life: original about the main thing. Cool statuses for WhatsApp: laughter therapy

    New feature WhatsApp Status in the exchange service instant messages, owned by Facebook, will allow users to privately share photos, videos and GIFs with their contacts, which will be available within 24 hours.

    One of interesting moments What Whatsapp has always tried to highlight in its blog is the principle of "security by default".

    But is it as safe as they say?

    Hervé Lambert, Operations Manager for Home Products at Panda Security said that using status on Whatsapp is still dangerous:

    « After conducting various studies on people's behavior on social networks, we have discovered several potential risks that all users of this new WhatsApp versions Status is worth knowing."

    1. Your default status will be “public”

    Default whatsapp settings Status are configured as public. All your statuses will be visible to any contact that is on your phone. For some, this may entail a real invasion of their privacy, because... most people give out their phone number much more easily than they "allow" someone on their social media profiles. Think about the number of business contacts, casual acquaintances, and other people who may have access to potentially private posts.

    « We must take into account that we cannot talk about certain details of our personal life to all our contacts. We don't know what these people can do with this information," adds Hervé Lambert.

    2. Hackers can exploit WhatsApp vulnerabilities

    WhatsApp definitely prides itself on being secure application, thanks to his end-to-end encryption, and that's true. However, the fact that this application has a billion users makes it a desirable target for hackers who seek to carry out their cyber attacks on large number people. For these hackers, this game is quite profitable: the more users they try to attack, the higher the chances of success.

    iOS Messenger Apple was recently. While the vulnerabilities in this app are by no means a cause for serious concern, they do show that "encrypted messaging apps" are not impenetrable.

    3. Ransomware

    Who are these types of functions typically aimed at? It's possible that Whatsapp Status could be a ploy to encourage less tech-savvy users to upgrade to a more integrated social media solution like Facebook itself after they try new feature Whatsapp for the first time.

    However, it is safe to say that such functions as Status, Snapchat Stories and Instagram Stories most popular among children, because they can post weird and wonderful images that won't be kept on the profile indefinitely.

    Unfortunately, young people are also perhaps the most vulnerable to ransomware attacks.

    The very fact that the posted statuses are less long-lasting will lead to many teenagers posting photos and videos of a more “risky” nature. Cyber ​​criminals are looking for this kind of content online to force a teenager to pay a ransom, or carry out undesirable actions if he does not want this content to become available to the public. When posting information on the Internet, you should always remember to be careful.

    4. Pirated “additional” applications

    When a new feature like Whatsapp Status comes out, it usually comes with a huge buzz as users start looking for new features. And in this case, cyber criminals will definitely take advantage of the opportunities opening up to them.

    It is important to be wary of new apps that are ready to add features to Whatsapp Status. Especially when it comes to those applications that promise that they are able to “bypass” important functions. With apps like Instagram and Facebook, they usually claim that they will allow you to see who is viewing your profile. Regarding Whatsapp Status, it will not be at all surprising to see applications that promise you that with their help you will be able to see photos even if more than 24 hours have passed.

    Beautiful statuses for Whatsapp are phrases and aphorisms in which you can express your attitude towards different things and describe your experiences. We choose words, polish metaphors - and voila, you become a shark of the pen to the surprise of your friends.

    • Freedom is not something that is given to us. This is something that cannot be taken away.
    • The strongest is the one who can defeat himself.
    • There are two scenarios in life: either you die in illusions, or illusions die in you.
    • A person who does not like to sit at home simply does not know how to do it correctly.
    • Life is like riding a bike: if you breathe hard, then you go uphill.
    • Sometimes you have to listen to such nonsense, and then it turns out that this is a point of view.
    • If you want to change your life, get rid of everything that gets in the way: unnecessary things, stupid thoughts, some people...
    • It's never too late to become what you've always dreamed of becoming.
    • It only takes a person a couple of years to learn to speak and the rest of his life to keep his mouth shut.
    • The student memorized all the tickets for the philosophy exam, but did not come - after all, life has no meaning, and we are just grains of sand in it.

    Beautiful sayings for WhatsApp status

    Russian people have always loved proverbs and sayings in a special way. To this day, they express folk wisdom and wit, which are gradually migrating to the Internet space.

    • If there is no good in you, then there is little truth.
    • A guest is not a bone; you cannot throw him out the door.
    • You have to live not as you want, but as God commands.
    • Whoever does good will be repaid by God.
    • If you have a friend, you will have leisure.
    • The best joke is a joke on yourself.
    • If the fire of love goes out, it must be rekindled from the coals.
    • All people make mistakes. Some more, others all the time.
    • When you're alone, it's not bad. It's bad when you are Zero.
    • Believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts.

    Beautiful photos for WhatsApp status

    Beautiful statuses on WhatsApp for a girl

    Girls decorate this world not only with themselves, but also with their sense of humor and subtle soul. This is evidenced by the statuses they prefer.

    • Why do I need a boyfriend if I can solve my problems myself?!
    • In the morning I decided to collect my thoughts. It turned out that not a single thought came to the meeting.
    • Paradox: beautiful girls They often turn out so-so in photos.
    • IN kindergarten I had everything - a husband, children, and superpowers. Best time life!
    • Unfortunately, most guys now don't get the one they really like. They choose the one who will definitely agree.
    • I have a place where you can touch it and drive me crazy. This is my soul.
    • You can call me whatever you want, but the main thing is to add “mine” to every word.
    • I'm always 18 years old! And I ask you to consider everything else as experience.
    • I can take a million steps towards, but not a single step in pursuit.
    • If a girl goes out somewhere without makeup, it means she has a guy who loves her very much in any form.

    Beautiful WhatsApp statuses about children

    Statuses about boys and girls, about our childhood and about our parents, sleepless nights next to a crib, about love for our family - very popular topic for reflection and confession. You can write many things in different ways, for example:

    • My resort is called "Decree". Thank you, darling! Such a busy program, you don’t even have time to sleep.
    • I ask my son: Show me how much you love me! And he comes up and hugs me tightly, so sincerely. This is happiness.
    • In my opinion, the whole point of existence is to leave a life behind.
    • Most of all I want to become a good mother. Like mine.
    • Before you break down and shout at your child, remember yourself at the same time, stroke him and kiss him. And go drink valerian.
    • It seems to me that only my husband can sleep with the TV screaming and wake up if it is turned off.
    • A man should never complain about his wife or his car. He chose both this and that himself!
    • A happy marriage is when the spouse understands everything that the Spouse has kept silent about.
    • Happiness is when you have no time for the Internet at all, because you spend all your time with your family.
    • Family is not just a stamp in a passport. This is a look in one direction.
    • And even if my parents are sometimes wrong. Still, these are my closest people, and I love them very much.
    • Sometimes we forget that Family and Home are the most important things in the world.
    • Learn to trust your children, and not strictly control their every move.
    • Family is the only place where everyone finds love and respect. They will never laugh at your weaknesses here.
    • Work, loyalty and responsiveness are the basis of family happiness.

    We wish you a great mood and cheerful communication!

    If you want to express yourself brightly and unusually in your Whatsapp profile, they will come to your aid short statuses for WhatsApp.

    Why do you need short statuses for Whatsapp?

    • First, charismatic and memorable sayings help us express ourselves online. Many people prefer laconic and laconic phrases, because restraint shows only the best side of us.
    • Secondly, you can quickly inform your friends and colleagues where you are, what you are doing, and who is near you.
    • Thirdly, your friend list will have a lot of fun if you offer a joke or a cool anecdote.
    • Fourthly, thanks to your status, you can easily and simply invite friends to a party or any other place. It will turn out to be a kind of opinion poll, but you will get the results instantly.
    • Fifthly, by using quotes from your favorite writer or some celebrity in your profile, you will attract the attention of his fans and, perhaps, organize a discussion.

    The shortest and good statuses for WhatsApp can be divided into several categories, they can be on general topics or about something personal. In this group, any questions related to what particularly worries you, what interests you are relevant: here you can talk about the weather, and about study/work, funny incidents and cool sayings - everything will be appropriate:

    • If you don’t know which side is best to approach, go ahead, you can’t go wrong!
    • Conscience is a hamster: it either constantly gnaws or sleeps.
    • Fortune smiles only on the bravest.
    • If you are happy, then why are you texting your ex?
    • The rake teaches one thing, but the head still believes in miracles.
    • I’m conducting a survey: are all your teachers also called “Excuse me, please”?
    • How wonderful it is to be loved!
    • I wish everyone to find their soul mate and live together until old age!
    • Cleaning and washing dishes will help melt a mother's heart.
    • The nervous one is not the one who taps his fingers on the table, but the one who twitches because of it.

    Short statuses for WhatsApp to yourself

    A little positive self-criticism and wit, and your image in the eyes of your friends becomes brighter and more attractive. You can surprise them a little or cause a provocation - the main thing is to stay within limits and not lose face.

    • How unfair! I get paid once a month, but I work every day!
    • Professional success is when you sit in the office with the back of your head against the wall, and not some kind of bonus.
    • My cat knows more cool keyboard shortcuts than I do.
    • When they send me three letters, I happily fly to Goa.
    • Sometimes I like to remain silent. That's when at least someone will hear me.
    • I only hear the word “cannot” when I ask.
    • I am firm and serene. Like an expired gingerbread.
    • My tits are already falling out of my hands!
    • For me, there is nothing more dramatic than the moment of parting with the blanket.
    • I'm lucky in life - I have an outlet right next to my bed.
    • I'm not looking for happiness. I am my own happiness!
    • I stand behind my words, yes. But not for how you understood them.
    • I hate bummers: it seems like I overslept, but still didn’t get enough sleep.
    • I don't shave my beard. What if she grows up to be magical?
    • I can cook. I speak quietly. Nothing hurts. There is a fur coat.

    Short statuses for Whatsapp with photos

    This option is chosen mainly by those who care not only about semantic content of his statement, but also about his external design. You can set a romantic and dreamy picture with beautiful words, or a funny cat with joke text, sad black and white photograph with a wise aphorism - and so on, as much as your imagination allows.

    Short WhatsApp statuses for a girl

    As you know, representatives of the fair sex occupy the majority of the Internet audience, including among users Whatsapp messenger. They are the ones who “produce” the vast majority of statuses, and just as multifaceted and unpredictable the female mind is, their phrases reflect the most diverse areas of life and manifestations of feelings.

    Short statuses on Whatsapp for women

    Here, life experience and amazing female wisdom come to the fore.

    Short statuses for WhatsApp about family

    The hearth and love for its inhabitants inspires us to do many things, including writing grateful and grateful words to our family. But sometimes you just want to grumble and complain a little. Everything is fine - who, no matter how your family, will react to such criticism with understanding.

    • It seems like I’m no longer little, but I still run to meet my mother from work - suddenly she brought something tasty.
    • My husband came home from work yesterday very tired, so he decided to pay off the marital debt in money.
    • A mother-in-law must take care of her daughter-in-law. Perhaps the next one will be even worse.
    • A husband is a person who throws out the trash and then remembers it for a month, as if he had done spring cleaning.
    • It's a shame: you get a wonderful spouse, and in addition to him all his strange relatives.
    • If a man is ready to move mountains for a woman, it means that he loves her. If she is ready to do anything for a man, then most likely this is his mother.
    • I'm a working mom. This is the highest paying job! After all, they pay me with love!
    • My grandma always feeds me like it was the last time.
    • If mom says no, then try asking grandma.
    • The only thing I worry about is my Family. The rest is complete nonsense!
    • Happiness is when my husband, who doesn't hear any alarm clock, wakes up if I stop hugging him.
    • Family happiness consists of Kindness, Patience and Responsiveness.
    • My family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth.
    • I love my Mom. This is the most hopeless optimist in the world, because no matter what, she considers me the very, very best.
    • Dad babysat for one day and is tired. And my mother, on maternity leave, does nothing for three years.

    In fact, there can be a huge number of options; they will differ in meaning, reflect the different characters of their authors and their preferences. And to decorate your profile, you can always put short statuses for WhatsApp with pictures.
    We wish you productive communication!

    Just recently, the Whastapp application, following Instagram, added a new feature - statuses. Statuses, or also called “stories,” are short, self-disappearing messages that can be posted for a maximum of 24 hours. You can create a WhatsApp status from photos and videos. Let's talk about the privacy of statuses or how to hide their viewing from others.

    How to show status on Whatsapp only to certain people

    First, a little theory: by default, your WhatsApp status will be seen only by the person who is in your address book. This means that if you do not change the settings in any way, then that person will not see them if his phone number is not saved in your phone book.

    You can also change the status display settings:

    • You can only show your status certain people(this changes when the status is created)
    • you can not show your status to certain people (same thing)

    A very interesting feature with these statuses. Their creator sees how many people viewed his status. Moreover, he sees them names and viewing times. A very unpleasant thing, especially for me. I love looking at other people's statuses, but I don't want them to know it. What to do?

    How to hide the fact that I looked at someone's status?

    In order to become invisible and not get scorched when viewing other people's statuses, you need to go to the privacy settings Menu - Settings - Account - Privacy and uncheck Read receipts

    Now your WhatsApp contact who created the status will not see it when you view it. Thus, you activate the “invisibility mode”. But this is a double-edged sword. If you create new status, then you will not be able to see how many people viewed it, and who exactly it was.

    Also, by turning off read receipts, you won't know whether your message has been read by the recipient or not.

    Just in case, let me remind you what the checkmarks mean.

    What do ticks mean in Whatsapp?

    ticks whatsapp
    • two blue ticks- message read
    • two gray - the message has just been delivered
    • one checkmark - the message has been sent to the WhatsApp server
    • clock icon - the message has not yet been sent (no connection to servers or no Internet access)

    Statuses for WhatsApp are an important part when creating your profile. If you have something to say, express your thoughts and be sure that your friends' reactions will please you. Let's figure out why you need a WhatsApp status.

    Why do you need a WhatsApp status?

    The developers of our favorite messenger do not stand still: previously we had the opportunity to post only text to express our feelings, emotions, or simply tell friends about what is happening to you, what your mood is and generally where you are. You can learn how to write a text status from our article. But on February 20, in their blog, the developers said that now we have the opportunity to use them for photos and even GIFs to make it more interesting and creative. Well, we are not lagging behind either, and therefore we decided to tell you about all the status possibilities on our portal.

    A status for Whatsapp in Russian can be about anything, because they are written by both men and women, and everyone has different hobbies and character traits. When choosing a message for yourself, be restrained, give preference to laconic and beautiful phrases that can only show you from the best side.

    Statuses for WhatsApp: useful features

    • With the help of text status, people express themselves;
    • often a successful phrase serves as the beginning of an interesting conversation;
    • you can cheer up your friends (using jokes and);
    • if you are sad and want care and attention, post something sad and beautiful, or, conversely, a little aggressive. It depends on what reaction you expect from the public. Just don’t overdo it, because your reputation should remain impeccable, don’t spoil it.
    • you can confess your love or apologize beautiful shape. But you still shouldn’t be too frank, after all, this is your personal life.

    Experiment and choose a status that will be understandable only to the “chosen ones” from your social circle, or even better, settle on some wonderful saying without specifics. Mystery is your strong point :)

    We offer you the following options for text statuses on different cases life.

    • Why is it a pity to exist when you can live wonderfully?
    • Don't worry about what you can't change. Let them go and move forward with confidence.
    • This is your life, and no one can live it better than you!
    • Just close your eyes and let the raindrops heal your heart.
    • It is very important to preserve the Human within yourself under any circumstances.
    • Plans for the day - live until tomorrow.
    • Don't trust words - trust your eyes and actions.
    • There are many cures for love, but none of them are reliable.
    • Yes, sometimes you have to cross out many people from your life. But you can’t even imagine how much I love those who stay in it!
    • They get their weather forecasts wrong, but they vie to predict the end of the world in a couple of years.
    • It's boring to drink with someone who doesn't hide anything.
    • Wind is the richest in the World. We are used to throwing not only money at him, but also words and promises.
    • It's stupid to waste your time on a person who doesn't want to spend it with you.
    • True beauty has no nationality.
    • Have you ever watched her favorite TV series with your grandmother? Try it! She will be very pleased, but it won’t be difficult for you at all.
    • Maybe for you love is a game, but I'm sorry, I'm not a doll.
    • Hopes blind us. Give me some good sunglasses already!
    • Looking at yourself from the outside is much more useful than looking at yourself in the mirror.
    • I read on the Internet that if you dream about someone, it means they are thinking about you. Today I dreamed of a maniac. And what?!
    • The funny thing about this status is that when you realize that it is about nothing at all, it will be too late!
    • I felt sad and bought myself a Kinder. I thought there would be a princess there, but there was some garbage there. I'll try again tomorrow.
    • If your dream comes true, you want to hug the whole world and everyone individually, shouting that life is wonderful!
    • My niece turned one year old today! I kiss sweet cheeks and congratulate the happy parents!
    • I want you to understand me without unnecessary words! Or better yet, he read my thoughts. Although no. I guess I'll keep my thoughts to myself :)
    • You spend 5 minutes with a guy, and then you think about those 5 minutes all week.

    And on the pages of our website you will find answers to questions about statuses:

    But a small set of photo statuses - more complete collections you will find on other pages of our site.