• Good statuses on VK. Statuses for VKontakte

    The Man said and the Man did - these are two different men!

    - Dad, dad, I will never go sledding with you again! - Stop whining, let's take it!

    Are you walking, my love? Go for a walk... No one is holding you by the horns...

    Sometimes you so painfully want to put some kind of obscene status, but then suddenly you remember that my friends are a lot of decent people, and they, too, bitch, consider me decent...

    I messed up myself, it’s my own fault, I’m killing myself, damn, how independent I am...

    Childhood is that happy time when you run out of the toilet at night and are glad that you weren’t eaten..

    Who rips bears' paws? Shoving bunnies in the rain? Tanya threw the ball into the river? Did you break the bull's plank? Everyone knows who it is - it's Agnia Barto!

    Previously, houses used to have a crackling fireplace, but now there is a keyboard...

    Valenki are overgrown, hardened and graying men's socks.

    You've done the job - cover it with branches!

    Statuses in contact about love

    Give me the letter "I". She's awesome. It can connect everything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me...

    A woman is weakest when she loves someone, and strongest when she is loved by someone.

    I don't need a handsome man. I'm not interested in your complex face. Details are important to me: your eyelashes, lips, the way you look...

    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.

    Uv. friends and all those who wished me happiness, love and good luck in the new year. I hasten to inform you that nothing happened!

    Wanting to go to bed with someone is not the most important thing; maybe it’s more important to wake up together in the morning and make tea for each other.

    Love is like a fragrant flower on the edge of an abyss, but it takes courage to pick it.

    “Love is torment!” said the monkey, hugging the hedgehog.

    Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat!

    Sad statuses in contact

    She runs away from the past, but always thinks about it. She doesn't believe in miracles, but continues to make wishes for the holidays. I see her in the mirror every day.

    Sometimes it’s easier to say “everything is fine” than to explain why you so want to smash your head on the radiator...

    Sometimes I don’t understand myself... If I write something sad, it doesn’t mean sadness. And the smiling emoticon at the end is not a sign that she has stopped shedding tears...

    How I wish I could turn back time... a year ago... not make past mistakes... change a lot... not be so gullible... and appreciate a lot.

    I’m sad about our relationship... Just recently we walked everywhere holding hands and were so happy together, but now we blame each other for our shortcomings...

    You need to cross people out of your life with a black marker... and not with a simple pencil, hoping that at any moment you can find an eraser.

    The positive limit has been exhausted, try smiling later.

    As long as a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny...

    I went through fire, water and copper pipes, all I have to do is pass you by and not cry...

    I can change my VKontakte status... This is one of the few things that changes so easily...

    Statuses in contact for girls

    You are offended by him, you get angry, but he twists everything in such a way that in the end you yourself begin to ask him for forgiveness. Unfair!

    I'm crazy! And damn, I'm proud of it!

    What is happiness? It's you... your smile, warm breath, gentle whisper of tender words in your ear, kisses, your hand in mine... love...

    You make a God out of him, and he leaves... Another makes a beast out of him, and he licks her hands...

    She is a psychopath and hysterical, she often screws herself up, she loves to laugh and have fun, but she cries very often... And her heart loves him very much...

    Handbag: proof that money isn't everything.

    I stopped dreaming about you. Well done, I realized that I don’t need it anymore.

    May you slip on my tears, you bastard...

    A girl who knows how to cook can find a man who knows how to eat.

    A man's home is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside, this is most often a children's room.

    Contact statuses for guys

    Jealousy is the suspicion that not only you are cheating, but also you...

    Woman, remember! In order for a man not to have a mistress, he must go out with a full stomach and empty balls!

    If there’s something about me that doesn’t suit you, then you can take the drum and lead the column of those going to hell!

    You yourself are assholes, I'm a balloon

    I don't change - I compare!

    Forget you? What do you! I should remember first...!

    There's sawdust in her head, nope!!! But there is paper in the bra... yes...

    I hate it when girls write “I’m hard to find and easy to lose”! What are you, socks?

    Arguing with a girl is like cutting a pig. No fur, but a lot of squealing!

    Do you love freedom? Free!

    Of course, in order to be interesting and attract attention, you need to be able to write funny. VK statuses are mostly funny and interesting. Our site can help you speak in such a way that people understand you and so that your statements are not worse than others.
    VK is a serious resource where everyone reads each other with great interest. Cool thought forms can make the user popular.

    New VK statuses

    In the new year, even though it has just begun, many new interesting sayings have appeared. This makes everyone happy because it shows that people continue to think and invent new solutions to old problems. The appearance of new thought forms was influenced by the events that marked the beginning of the new year, and by the fact that people changed a little and received new judgments about some old and ordinary things. They say that “the new is the well forgotten old.” IN in this case The old truth is only half right. In fact, many sayings have no analogues, and you can see this if you look through the collection of our resource.

    Beautiful statuses for VKontakte

    As before, great attention is paid to the beauty of thoughts. On our site, as before, Love reigns supreme. The most beautiful sayings are dedicated to her. She is the queen and legislator of that direction of thought that is dedicated to the sensual side of man.
    They express themselves beautifully both about their feelings and about their relatives. This category of thought forms helps people get closer and begin to understand each other, forgive mistakes and strive for positive thinking.

    VK statuses with meaning

    It is worth saying that the administration of our site has long noticed the desire of our users to search and find in our collection something that is endowed with deep meaning. This makes us happy and directs us in the direction of replenishing the resource because it speaks of a person’s ability to analyze and express themselves in a sophisticated way.
    Statements with meaning are our specialty. Can you understand their meaning and appreciate the hidden desires of those who wrote them?

    Hearing my wish, the fish died...

    It was only when my wife started driving next to me in the car that I understood the real meaning of the words “interference on the right.”

    New alarm "Grigory Leps": When you try to steal a car, it screams - But it's not yours!

    People are divided into two halves. Some, upon entering the room, exclaim: “Oh, who do I see!”; others: “Here I am!”

    Love asked friendship: “Why do you exist if I exist?” Friendship replied: "To leave smiles where you leave tears..."

    VKontakte is like ancient Egypt - people write on walls and worship cats!!!

    At first I wanted to go to conquer Moscow. And then I found out that there is a World.

    People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they'll never forget how you made them feel

    Use your smile to impact the world. Don't let the world affect your smile!!!

    Don't judge a person until you are in his place!

    I want to point it at you magic wand and shout: “Pizdikulus in ebalus!!!”

    The guy sends a text message: “ This subscriber asks the subscriber to marry him.” A response SMS arrives: “Dear subscriber! There's not enough in your account cash to fulfill this request"

    The heart whispered: LOVE!!! The brain screamed: OH you and duuuuraaa!!!

    You can't change your life overnight, but you can change your thoughts overnight, which will change your life!

    Men are like mice... When you look at it separately, it’s a cute, touching animal, but when it gets into the house, you immediately want to poison it

    If an adult rabbit is not fed for a week, then, as scientists say, it will be able to swallow a boa constrictor, and if it is also separated from the female rabbit for a week, then the boa constrictor will seriously regret that the rabbit did not immediately swallow it!

    Zhenya, why did you hit Uncle Vlad in the head with a brick? - I won’t do it anymore - and he doesn’t need anymore

    Anyone who cannot have 2/3 of a day for himself should be called a slave.

    I turned on the water in the bathroom, sat down at the computer, 2 hours later I saw a slipper floating past the door and realized that I was a dumbass

    I'm really sorry there's no official International Day Idiot... Sometimes it would be necessary to congratulate some people...

    I decided to tell him about my feelings. I came to him and.. - And? - What? His friend is so cute that I think I fell in love

    Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want...

    How about a kiss? - Where?! - Under the ponytail... - In the ass, or what?!! - IN THE NECK, BRAKE!!! THERE'S A PAIL ON YOUR HEAD!

    Yesterday I had my first serious fight over a guy... With my husband...

    If you are not loved, do not beg for love. If they don’t believe you, don’t make excuses. If you are not valued, don’t prove it

    Most best friend- this is a cat. He will never blame you for eating at night. He will eat
    together with you.

    We remained friends. Friends who will never call or write to each other.

    If they say “coo like doves” about a couple in love, then should they say “angry birds” about a couple who argue all the time?

    Mom, why is it so dirty on the stove? - Dad fried eggs. - What, without a frying pan?

    If you can’t defeat your opponent with a feather, take a closer look at the ax

    Women's logic: “I know I’m to blame... but I’m offended!”

    You do good, and in return OPA and THEM@YA!

    The pig, who saw a barbecue in the yard, began to catch mice and bark at strangers...!

    All people have the right to make mistakes... But women have no limits!

    A true friend will never ask “why?” She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

    If you say simple censorship: “Oh! Hurt!" - that means you’re not really in any fucking pain...

    A very interesting site “Odnoklassniki” - they don’t say hello on the street, but ask to be friends!!!

    Every married man wants, well, at least once in his life to hear from his wife the phrase “Darling, hit me on the head now, otherwise I’ll cackle something…”

    Two people cannot fall in love with each other at the same time and cannot stop loving each other on the same day.

    Dad yelled at mom. Mom yelled at her son. The son yelled at the cat. The cat shits in everyone's slippers

    Appreciate those who can see three things in you: the sadness behind the smile, the love behind the anger, and the reason for your silence.

    A man died. His dog lay down next to him and also died. And now the soul of a man stands in front of the gate with the inscription “Paradise” and next to it is the soul of a dog. There is a sign on the gate: “No dogs allowed!” The man did not enter these gates, he passed by. They walk along the road, the second gate, on which nothing is written, only the old man sits next to him. - Excuse me, dear... but what is behind these gates? - Paradise. - Is it possible with a dog? - Certainly! - And there, before, what kind of gate? - To Hell. ONLY THOSE WHO DO NOT LEAVE FRIENDS REACH HEAVEN

    And how do you like her? - No way... harmful... proud... little girl... - So what, you won’t meet her again? - No, friend, I’ll marry her....

    Do you have your own community on VKontakte? Then you know firsthand how to select content and make sure that your subscribers like it. Moreover, if your community still does not have a status, quickly choose the one you need for your VK group.

    Statuses with pepper

    1. Daddy's boys can do anything, but just don't use bad language in communities.

    2. “Hello. What are you doing?" from the creators of “Hello. How are you?"

    3. Life is a very individual thing. Think about it, you can only change your status on your page.

    4. Modest income is good because you inevitably learn to be content with little.

    5. Censorship does not necessarily mean obscene words.

    6. Conflict with reality is scary, but not fatal; conflict with virtuality is more difficult.

    7. Those who get up early are online at 5 am.

    8. The problem is when you can no longer find a suitable emoticon for the text of the message.

    9. Don’t hesitate - even a nesting doll cannot have several lives.

    10. If you think that you are not a drug addict, think about what you are on.

    Unusual phrases

    The ability to surprise is the main skill of a group leader. In addition, you can use the tips to set the VKontakte status of the group.

    1. Status: I put a status simply because the empty line annoys me.

    3. They say that you dream of mud to bring good luck in life. They also say that dirt in the comments will lead to a ban.

    4. To enter a group, you don’t need brains, but in order not to leave it, you do.

    5. Best status- the one that makes it funny to your friends and you can show it to your grandmother.

    6. By the phrase “head in the anus” I did not mean your intelligence at all. I was simply reminding you of your striking resemblance to an octopus.

    7. This public page is as beautiful as an iPhone. In addition, it is completely free.

    8. This group is not for the superstitious: they will either scow or jinx it.

    10. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends, don’t have a hundred cows, but have all your enemies.

    Cute statuses

    As you know, kindness never goes out of style. Let's fill the statuses in the VKontakte group with it!

    1. Don’t worry about tomorrow: tomorrow will come, then you’ll look for a way out.

    2. Every princess should have a prince. Either there are no princes, or princesses...

    3. In any incomprehensible situation, pretend that you are a cat, and there is no need for you to put such difficulties on yourself.

    4. We are looking for adventure, but we hope that nothing bad will happen.

    5. No one forces you to love forever. Just remain human in any situation!

    6. Or maybe tears were invented to wash away the dust from the heart?

    7. British scientists have proven that being in a bad mood does not solve the problem, but a bottle of champagne really does.

    8. There is no need to eliminate those who can make you cry with happiness.

    9. According to statistics, everyone who has a suffering status wants to change it to a romantic one.

    10. Sometimes there is much more happiness in a casual glance than in the most ardent embrace.

    Heartbreaking statuses

    What we cannot say to our faces, we need to be able to beautifully present it in a status for a group on VKontakte. There is no need to invent something new here. What is contained in these phrases is as eternal as the world.

    1. You need to be able to make peace on time.

    2. It's sad, but most vows have little to do with reality.

    3. The most significant things that happen to people happen spontaneously.

    4. You shouldn’t be happy even if you are still with someone who hasn’t reciprocated for a long time. First of all, you should make sure that you will not remain unloved forever.

    5. If your ex says that he is glad that you are happy with someone else, then he is either lying or has not loved you for a long time.

    6. You don't need a brain if you want passion, but it will come in handy if you want a normal relationship.

    7. You should not uselessly console someone you have wounded to the very heart.

    8. Sometimes staying friends is like coming to your parents’ house where you grew up: you really want to, but not for long.

    9. If a person thinks about you all the time, you will notice it. And we are not talking about intuition.

    10. It’s good when a person knows that you miss him. This means that you at least have a relationship.

    Are you thinking about what new things to fill your public with? Remember that these statuses for a group on VKontakte are especially for you.

    The stars are the tears of angels scattered across the dark velvet of the firmament.

    Lifestyle... If music, then an alternative... If you love, then... with all your heart... If you dissolve, then... without a trace... If you leave, then... beautifully in English... If it’s morning, then... in a tender embrace... If you cry, then... with happiness... If it’s time of day, then... night... If you live, then... brightly... If it’s a feeling , then... sincerity... If a look, then... beloved eyes... If you walk, then... by the hand... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF...

    People don't appreciate mornings. They forcefully wake up to the ringing of an alarm clock, which breaks their sleep like an ax blow, and immediately indulge in sad vanity. Day by day they become accustomed to violence and day by day wean themselves from pleasure.

    I'll make some coffee. Get stronger!
    You will smile, taking me by the shoulders... Don’t go, I don’t feel good without you.
    I will cling to you, desperately, until I tremble. Again unshaven and slightly prickly.
    You ask: “Am I good?” No, you're not good... just the best.

    When love dies, you will not understand it right away... and for a long time you will sit near its remains, but not because you love, but because you remember how you loved...

    The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before everyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter. Happiness splashed across the floor, barefoot and without pants, my happiness is bare-bottomed, it is thoughtless, it’s shabby and not peaceful, it breaks here, it crushes there, there’s a kefir mustache above my lip... Here it is running towards me!

    I am silence. But not yours. I am your madness and rage. I am a gift. But not for you. I will get you dearly. I am the medicine. But not yours. I will become a drop of poison for you. I am someone's paradise. But for you I will be a fire from hell.

    The worst thing is when you want to cry - but there’s no reason, you want to say - but there’s nothing to do, you want to leave - but there’s nowhere to go, you can stay - but there’s no reason...

    And it seemed like heaven was just a stone's throw away, but you stubbornly continued to fly towards the fire, like a moth burning in the night in this flame, tell me how to live and I will build my life anew...

    I want him to sit on his knee and say: Will you marry me? I would answer: I don’t even know, but he would take my hand, put on the ring, and say: Who’s going to ask you!

    Beautiful statuses in contact - I don’t love anyone, I don’t need anyone. She whispered and quietly wiped away her tears.

    I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking into which you will see happiness!

    I want happiness... a little one... with small arms and legs and with your eyes...

    But yesterday I learned to leave gracefully, proudly and loudly, slamming the door. And maybe I slipped into a terrible hysteria on the other side... But I left wonderfully

    They say it hurts, having felt love, to watch it leave... But it’s even more painful, holding her hand, to let go yourself...

    I really want to change... But I just can’t understand, either myself in this world, or the world in me...

    Not enough. Constantly and differently. Words Courage. Conscience. Not enough brains. Not enough for a skirt. And strength. Very often. People. You. And courage...

    Only the other half of my heart makes it beat joyfully and passionately, fills my existence with meaning and warms me at night...

    Happiness is falling asleep with a smile on your lips and waking up with love in your heart...

    When the spotlights go out, the audience simply leaves, and only those who are closest remain behind the scenes...

    In the silence of the night, words are not needed, now he no longer needs me... Tears in my eyes, dreams in smithereens... And a silent question - what have you done?

    I lost my happiness. We searched the whole house. Not behind the curtain, under the bed, not in the kitchen, not under the table. Suddenly I look - a pair of heels are sticking out of the suitcase, There, curled up like a ball, my daughter is sleeping sweetly. I won’t give my happy suitcase to anyone!

    Solitude is the island that gives birth to our aspirations...

    Angels on earth are called "mother"

    Cigarette in one hand... coffee in the other... eyes looking at the phone... my head is a mess... everything is wrong again...

    I want to be the dawn in your eyes, I want to be the sunset of your soul, I want to be a light in your heart, burning with passion and love, I want to always be with you, I want to love you and be loved forever!

    The gods decided to take revenge on us... and gave us the opportunity to love...

    I just love autumn, children’s orbits and I don’t know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself...

    One spoke a lot, the second wrote a lot. And the third one came and put the ring on her hand. He took her home and made her happy!

    Never let him break you. Never cry into the phone. Don't say you feel bad. That he became cold. Hang up first. Say goodbye first. And be the first to quit if everything goes down. To fill this all-consuming gap that is growing ever wider between you.

    I can't be forbidden anything! I am a contradictory creature.
    The more categorical the prohibition, the more irresistible the desire.

    The most beautiful eyes are those who look at you with tenderness. And it doesn’t matter to you at all whether they are brown, blue or green.

    But they don’t fall in love with beauty... They fall in love with laughter, forever curly hair, dimples on the cheeks, a mole above the lip or even a scar above the eyebrow. But beauty - no. They just want beauty.

    You can paint your eyelashes, lips, apply blush... But only the man you love can “draw” the sparkle in your eyes.

    And what did you find in him? Happiness.

    Close your eyes, say that it was fate, I’m letting you go, enough of the tears, suffering, pain that we caused each other, lock your heart, but the truth is not easy, but rather it’s necessary, not our fault....

    The worst thing is loneliness, no matter whether you are rich or poor, stupid or genius. Any of us can become lonely...

    It’s just that my stupid hope always lives in me, even when there is really no chance.

    The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses and continues to think that you are completely amazing!
    For you, it was a journey into a magical land of talking animals, mad hatters, evil kings and Jabberwocky. For Tim Burton it was Tuesday.

    Briefly about myself: unbalanced mental state... prone to aggressive inappropriate behavior... in a word... honey...

    Just be next to her... She lives by your smiles, glances into emptiness... Even your selfishness is pleasant to her... She just needs to know that you care about her...

    It contains the juice of wormwood, the sweetness of honey, the shine of gems, the darkness of night. She is torment and freedom... But even the smart one is a fool with her! I dedicate my poems to you, You excite my soul, you are mine, I don’t know what I will do without you! But I will never stop loving you! I want to wear your shirts on my naked body and make you coffee in the morning...

    There is always a little truth behind each - "I'm kidding", a little knowledge behind each - "I don't know", a little emotion behind each - "I don't care" and a little pain behind each - "everything is fine."

    And even if we are not close, I am with you.

    You are my little bundle. How long have I been waiting for you... I walked for nine months, And took care of my tummy. Every day you give happiness, the meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and more than anyone else!

    If every girl writes a book about her love, believe me, every book will be a bestseller.

    Loving you is like breathing... I just can't stop!

    We are puppets in the theater of love, given into the hands of the puppeteer!!

    Rainbows always come after rain, happiness always comes after tears...