• The best posts on the VKontakte wall. The best statuses. Statuses in contact on the wall

    More than a year ago developers social network No. 1 in Russia for the first time told users about how to pin a post on a VKontakte wall. This useful innovation was greeted with enthusiasm. To be fair, users rarely approve of changes on their favorite sites, so approval speaks volumes. So what does pinning a post on a VKontakte wall mean? When you perform certain actions, which will be described in detail below, any post you select will be shown on your wall first. All subsequent publications will be posted under it, even if new post you will do after pinning the entry. This is a good way .

    So, why might you need to know how to pin a post on a VKontakte wall?

    • If you're running an important survey, this will be the first thing visitors to your page will see. At the same time, you will be able to publish new posts regularly, without compromising the popularity of the survey.
    • If you're running a giveaway on a social network, it can be helpful to pin a post that users will have to repost. Again, all recent posts will be shown to visitors, but below this entry.
    • Among other things, this way you can secure any important information, such as: rules for conducting a discussion for page visitors, a message about changing contact information, requests for help - in general, everything that, in your opinion, every “reader of the wall” should see first.

    In order to pin a post on your VKontakte wall, you need to take a few simple steps.

    1. Find the post on your wall that you want to pin to the top of the page.
    2. Click on the post date to open a pop-up window.
    3. Click on the word “Pin” at the bottom of the post.

    Ready! In just a few seconds you have pinned the post to your VKontakte wall. If you want to unpin it, follow all the same steps in the same sequence. The only difference is that instead of the word “Pin” the window will say “Unpin”. When you click on this word, the entry will return to the place in the list of publications that corresponds to it chronologically, and the last post you posted will remain at the top.

    Hi all! Today we will talk about how easier, and therefore faster, you can find any post on the wall in contact. I'll try to be brief.

    “VKontakte” is a social network where you can not only communicate, but also read useful information. This information is available in abundance on community pages. All communities have different topics and the information found in them is different. Then the question of searching arises the desired entry. If you are interested in a specific date or topic, you can find a suitable post using the search.

    How to find a post on a wall in contact? All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

    Instructions for searching for contact records:

    1. Go to the community, we find the news wall. On the left is the inscription “Community Posts”. Place the cursor over the inscription and click on it with the mouse.

    1. A search page opens in front of us.
    1. Enter any phrase or word of interest. For example, we are interested in “Habit”. Enter this word in the line and press “Enter” or the “magnifying glass” icon. Below we will see a list of entries related to the word “Habit”. You can also enter extended phrases: “ Bad habit", "Good habit", etc.

    1. You can also search for entries by date. To do this, click on the calendar icon and enter the date of interest in the calendar that appears.

    Search for posts on your page

    Using the same algorithm, you search for VK posts on your wall. Many users also have a lot of different posts published on their page, so it’s not practical to search for the one you’re interested in by scrolling through the wall. The functionality of the social network allows you to do this much faster.

    Wall search in contact is a very simple and convenient option. It allows you to find necessary information in just a few minutes.

    I hope after reading the instructions you don’t have any questions. If there are any left, then feel free to ask them.

    Thank you for sharing the article on social networks!

    If they write you a message on VKontakte with the words: “I love you,” you don’t need to believe it. These words can only be felt if you look into their eyes.

    Our meetings are the best thing in my life now. I appreciate every moment of these meetings, I remember your every word and flutter of your eyelashes. I can sit like that for a long time, buried in your neck and just be silent, inhaling your scent and listening to your breathing. You are my little paradise.

    There are two blind people in the world... You - because you don’t see how much I need you; and I, because I don’t see anyone but you.

    She hurt me... but I still love this bastard... my beloved bastard

    I have everything... except your post on the wall “in contact”...

    And even though I know that everything ended a long time ago, it is simply impossible to delete those messages in contact.

    They've only been dating for a couple of weeks - she already has his last name in her contact information - stupidity!

    Love is not ICQ or contact... it is somewhere in the heart...

    I go to his “In Contact” page again and look marital status: “not married.” She breathed a sigh of relief.

    It is so easy for you to be loved and so difficult for you to love me. (Cool love statuses on VKontakte)

    A person who is confident in the idea that there is no love must have loved before.

    The best way to keep your beloved man close is in your arms.

    There is one cure for love - new love.

    A loved one often blinds without knowing it.

    Don't tell a woman that you are unworthy of her love, she already knows that.

    I love looking into her eyes, it’s like being in another world, where there is only love and tenderness.

    Women dream of love at first sight, men - at every...

    Sometimes love can be without hope, but without faith, true love never exists.

    The beloved is more loved the more difficult it is to reach her.

    Looking at pictures in explicit magazines every day is not love.

    The love of an unsaleable woman is most valuable to a man.

    Sometimes we write: - I love you! I feel bad without you! But we erase it right away! And we just send: - what do you do? Only because we are afraid that it is not mutual...

    I learned to remain silent about the love I wanted to shout about...

    "IN active search"? - darling, forget it, you're mine!

    Everyone in their life has someone who will never let you go, and someone who you will never let go...

    I want to spend all my time on my loved one, and not on contact, but there is no person, and the Internet is always at hand, some kind of coincidence.

    Girls, don’t be sad if someone else chooses you!! It's just very difficult to convince a stupid monkey that strawberries are sweeter than bananas!

    To love means to stop comparing your loved one with other users.

    But it turns out you can be jealous of the “VKontakte” pages...

    A man can easily end up in heaven with a woman, but she can just as easily show him the way to hell.

    There was so much romance in their messages in contact that even FSB officers cried when reading the messages.

    For your beloved, the main thing is not length, but quality!

    If my boyfriend leaves for someone else, I don't regret him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those less fortunate!

    When someone in contact adds you as a friend, deep down in your soul you hope that it’s HIM, but everything inside you falls when it’s someone else...

    Love and Infatuation are two different things!!! From Love to Hate there is one step, but from Love to Hate there is a whole abyss.....

    Only newlyweds and liars have sex every day. (Cool love statuses on VKontakte)

    In love, as in art, someone else's taste always causes genuine surprise!

    Love came suddenly and found someone else in bed!

    When you truly love, you never get bored.

    Love turns all disadvantages into advantages.

    Love is when I think about you, and only you, 366 days a year!

    It is better to regret that you loved than to regret that you never knew love.

    In our youth we live for the sake of love; Having grown up, we love to live.

    To love deeply means to completely forget about yourself and think only about your loved one.

    True love is like a ghost: many people talk about it, but few have met it in life.

    Inexperienced love says: “I love you because I need you,” experienced love: “I need you because I love you.”

    One kiss from my beloved changed my whole life.

    You can't buy true love, but you can pay for it bitterly.

    It is easier to love memories of a loved one than a living person.

    One-sided love is suffering cured by another love.

    Love is both a shield and a sword. It can both protect and deeply wound.

    Only true love can withstand the test of reality.

    We say, I DO NOT love you, but tears flow in our souls.

    Parting is for love what the wind is for a fire: it will extinguish a small love, and ignite a big one even stronger.

    We love those who do not love us, and we destroy those who love us.

    Love, like mercury, is easy to hold in an open palm, but not in a clenched fist.

    It's so amazing to be loved for your own sake.

    This is the sad triumph of cynicism in our time. Phones are sold with the “I love you” SMS template.

    No amount of pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is there, or to pretend it when it is not there.

    Happiness. It exists. I know his phone number, I love his smile, and I miss him like crazy.

    The heart of a loving woman can withstand the pain of separation, distance and time... but it can break from one careless word...

    I want you to be the last person I see before I go to sleep, and the first person I see when I wake up!

    If you have the stars in your hands, if you cry then with happiness, if you wait then with hope, if you love, then love madly!

    About an hour online and I didn’t even write “hello”... It’s okay that we’re dating... It’s a shame!

    You look at his profile, and a second later “online” lights up... And I haven’t combed my hair yet!

    On your personal page you can post recordings. There is a special information feed for these purposes. It's called a wall.

    In this guide, I want to introduce you to this tool and explain how it works. We'll figure it out how to write on a VKontakte wall, what settings can be set for publications, etc.

    Where is the wall?

    Go to your social network page. On the right side of the screen, just below the block with photos, there is a user wall. All your posts are published here. At the same time, the most recent one is at the top of the list. Unless, of course, you manually pinned the selected post (see).

    How to write on a VKontakte wall

    To start publishing a post, go to the message creation form. It says "What's new with you". Place your mouse cursor there and type the desired text.

    You can add the required content. To do this, use the buttons located at the bottom of the editor. The following items are available for use:

    Add the desired content by selecting the appropriate item from the menu.

    It is possible to disable comments for a post. To do this, hover your mouse over the gear icon and check the box next to "Disable comments".

    Nearby there is an icon in the form of a padlock. When you click on it, your post will be viewable only by those users who are your friends.

    When you have fully prepared your post for publication, adding all the necessary content, you should click on the “Submit” button. Your new post will be displayed on the wall.

    If necessary, you can always make edits (see).

    Privacy settings for a wall in VK

    Go to your page and open the “Settings” section.

    Now open the “Privacy” tab and find the block "Writings on the Wall".

    Here you can configure access settings for your records.


    Now you know all the nuances of creating and editing posts on the VKontakte wall. Share interesting information with your friends and subscribers.


    Of course, in order to be interesting and attract attention, you need to be able to write funny. VK statuses are mostly funny and interesting. Our site can help you speak in such a way that people understand you and so that your statements are not worse than others.
    VK is a serious resource where everyone reads each other with great interest. Cool thought forms can make the user popular.

    New VK statuses

    In the new year, even though it has just begun, many new interesting sayings have appeared. This makes everyone happy because it shows that people continue to think and invent new solutions to old problems. The appearance of new thought forms was influenced by the events that marked the beginning of the new year, and by the fact that people changed a little and received new judgments about some old and ordinary things. They say that “the new is the well forgotten old.” IN in this case The old truth is only half right. In fact, many sayings have no analogues, and you can see this if you look through the collection of our resource.

    Beautiful statuses for VKontakte

    As before, great attention is paid to the beauty of thoughts. On our site, as before, Love reigns supreme. The most beautiful sayings are dedicated to her. She is the queen and legislator of that direction of thought that is dedicated to the sensual side of man.
    They express themselves beautifully both about their feelings and about their relatives. This category of thought forms helps people get closer and begin to understand each other, forgive mistakes and strive for positive thinking.

    VK statuses with meaning

    It is worth saying that the administration of our site has long noticed the desire of our users to search and find in our collection something that is endowed with deep meaning. This makes us happy and directs us in the direction of replenishing the resource because it speaks of a person’s ability to analyze and express themselves in a sophisticated manner.
    Statements with meaning are our specialty. Can you understand their meaning and appreciate the hidden desires of those who wrote them?