• 666 what does this phone number mean? What happens if you call the number “666”? Secrets of number “666”

    Statistics collected in America report: approximately 70% of suicides called 6-6-6 before their death. Many brave souls, disputing this information, decide to call this number, but do not tempt fate.

    So, what happens if you call 666? If you dial this number, you will not hear any beeps or answering machine voices, only silence with slight crackling sounds in the phone. All those who did this thought that everything was fine, and that calling a bad number was not scary.

    This is one of the versions. If you accidentally dialed this number, I don’t think anything terrible will happen to you. If you are a believer, you should not be afraid of this.

    Video about the number 666

    Many people do not associate the number 666 with misfortune. After all, we are all very suggestible. So in fact, number 666 is the code to enter the programming mode of the Multicom mini PBX from the system device. In addition, the carbon atom, which is the basis of organic life, has the following composition: 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.

    People have different opinions about what will happen after the call. But those who decided to do this experiment did not have any problems; they remained alive. Therefore, the opinion that 666 is the number of the devil is wrong. There are many stories about this, but there is no convincing evidence in them.

    Number of the beast

    The number of the beast is a number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the beast of the Apocalypse is hidden - a character in the last book of the Bible. 666 is a frequently used element of Satanic paraphernalia, along with an inverted cross and an inverted pentagram. At the beginning of the Christian era, theology established the opinion that the Antichrist is depicted in the Bible under the guise of an apocalyptic beast. Quote from the revelation of St. John: “He who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man,” therefore, in the name or appearance of the person in whom the Antichrist was seen, they looked for 666. The painful fear of this number has a scientific name - “Hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia” , since "six hundred sixty-six" in Greek is written as "hexakosioi hexēkonta hex".

    Finally, the weekend came, the long-awaited two-day freedom from school.)) I called my friend, telling her to come before me, for a walk, or, as usual, to surf the Internet.
    When she arrived, I made tea and invited her to the table. We discussed the past week, school incidents, etc.
    I invited her to play spin the bottle, as she wished. But since there were only 2 of us, we decided to call the neighbor girls. They came soon after we called them.
    We started playing. It was my turn to spin the bottle. It fell on Yulia (Let's assume that was the friend's name), I told her, as a joke, call the Devil's number, 666. She laughed and took out her mobile phone. Before our eyes, she dialed number 666 and began to wait for someone to answer her. We laughed at the way Yulia sat and frantically held the phone. We thought that no one would answer the phone, but we were grossly mistaken... Julia timidly said:
    - Hello? Is this the Devil? - Dead silence followed in response.
    We thought they wouldn't answer her, but since the phone was on speakerphone, we heard the following...
    - Yes, I know where you are, I know who you are. Your soul will be ours. You cannot hide, even in a Holy place. You made a big mistake, let's call Hell.
    We thought that someone was joking and started laughing. But Yulia was uneasy, because she was weak-hearted and superstitious.
    The next day, I decided to run to my friend’s place, invite her for a walk, or go to the park. When I went up to the 3rd floor, I saw a dark silhouette near her door, but thinking that it was her Brother, I did not pay much attention. But when I started to approach, the silhouette disappeared. I was surprised by this, and immediately remembered yesterday’s game, spin the bottle, wish...
    I pulled the door handle, it was locked. I shouted: -
    - Julia! It's me, believe me!
    I didn’t hear anything in response, but a couple of minutes later Julia opened the door for me. There was horror on her face. I realized what happened to her, that she saw the creature that was near her door.
    Yulia said that she was alone at home, since her brother stayed with a friend overnight, and her mother and father left early in the morning for work; she was woken up by a loud knock on the door, she went to open it, and through the door pupil she saw a pale, slightly distorted face in a grimace. a face with terrible dark eyes that seemed to have no shell. They were empty and terrifying. It knocked, but Yulia immediately ran into the room for holy water, she began to pour on the door and pray.
    It turns out that at the moment when the creature disappeared from view, Julia was praying.
    We ran to church and bought a couple of crosses and candles. We placed candles around the house and sprinkled everything with holy water, because we don’t know what kind of creature it was, but it could have gotten into the house in any way.
    We watched the door until the evening; the knocking did not stop. Julia didn’t know what would happen to her, she was very afraid for herself, and especially for her parents, what would happen to them if that creature caught them at the moment of returning from work?
    My sister came for me, saying that it was already late, because the time was 22:20. Although Yulia lived on the 3rd floor, and I lived on the 2nd. I was very afraid for Yulia, since she was the only one who understood me and did not betray me, like all those whom I consider friends.
    The next morning I had to go to school, as usual I wanted to pick up Julia so that we could go to terrible school together.
    When I started approaching her apartment, the door was wide open, but when I saw Yulia, nailed to the wall, with her organs hanging out... On the wall was written in her blood: - “Don’t call me.” I was absolutely horrified. I fell to my knees, choking on my own tears. I understood that it was my fault. If I hadn’t made that stupid wish for her about the Devil’s number, she would have remained alive. I had to call the police. I had no choice but to testify about who did it...
    Yulia's funeral was in 2 days. The coffin was carried from closed lid, since her body was a bloody mess, I couldn’t recognize my best friend in him...
    When the funeral took place, I saw a black silhouette, he stood in the crowd of people, this creature smiled at the sight of my dead best friend.
    After the funeral, I came home, I told my mom and dad, but they decided that I was crazy due to stress. My “delirium” lasted 2 weeks. All these 14 days I saw Yulia in my dreams, she allegedly said: “Save yourself! It will get to you. You are next on its list.”
    I started telling my parents this, every day, always the same thing, but they considered it too rude, sending me to a hospital for the mentally ill. I was there for a short time. My terrible dreams have stopped for a while, but I see this terrible silhouette everywhere, the creature that killed my friend.
    I don't know how to continue living. It's my fault. I am to blame for my friend's death...
    Do not call number "666". Don't call.

    Today the Internet is replete with many scary stories about the combination of numbers 666. The three magical sixes are shrouded in secrets and legends; they are credited with a mystical connection with the other world, the underworld and Satan himself.

    One of the stories involves a call to number 666. They say that if you type these numbers into your phone, you can go crazy or commit suicide. But is this true? And what actually happens if you call 666?

    What does the number 666 mean?

    In the Bible, 666 is the number of the beast. In the New Testament, it is mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian and is associated with an apocalyptic character - the Antichrist, who at the end of human history will emerge from the sea and rule the world for 3.5 years.

    During his reign, he will unleash a war against the saints and win, and all who begin to worship him will subsequently suffer disasters and misfortunes. According to John, the number 666 will be inscribed on the hand or forehead of every person who follows the beast, and those who do not have such a mark “will neither be able to buy nor sell.”

    At the time of the writing of Revelations, there was no decimal system calculus, therefore in his work John wrote this number not in numbers (666), but in words - “six hundred sixty-six.” Some researchers believe that when rewriting his works, an error crept into the text, since in many earlier sources the combination of numbers 616 is considered the number of the beast.

    Now it is difficult to determine which version is correct, especially since the number 666 is firmly entrenched in popular culture. Today it is used as an element of satanic paraphernalia, and in music these numbers can often be found in the work of bands working in the direction of black metal.

    Call to number 666: truth and fiction

    With the development and growing popularity of the occult sciences, many people are increasingly beginning to believe in mystical stories associated with the three sixes. Today on many forums and blogs you can see stories about strange events in life that occurred after dialing number 666.

    Some users even cite statistics from the United States, according to which over 70% of suicides in this country happened just after such a fatal call.

    A particularly popular story is where a person, after dialing magic numbers, begins to call back from this number and claim that he has turned his life into hell. Subsequently, he began to see some strange people, dead rats on the bed and brown writing on the walls. But more often people complain that after calling 666 from their subscriber number a certain amount of money was written off.

    However, this is not surprising, since many scammers take advantage of human curiosity and superstition for their own benefit.

    What actually happens if you call 666?

    What can actually happen when you call 666? The answer is simple - almost nothing. Most likely automatic female voice will respond with something like the following words: “Wrong number dialed” or “The number does not exist.” Sometimes the answering machine claims that access to this service is impossible or the number is simply not serviced.

    Some callers who decided to satisfy their curiosity and dial three sixes on the phone say that the response was complete silence, the sounds of distant clicking and hissing, or short beeps.

    In a word, nothing bad will happen, and calling 666 will become, although frightening, small and simple entertainment for you. However, if you are superstitious and easily suggestible, then anything can happen...

    On the Internet you can find an incredible number of “authentic and real” stories about mystical telephone numbers and the consequences of calling them. There are even rumors that if they don’t answer right away, then after a while they supposedly start calling back. Those who call “mysterious” numbers sometimes say that they managed to get an answer, but at the same time they categorically do not recommend repeating their experience.

    It seems that all this is not serious and belongs to the category of humor, urban legends... But let’s not rush, but let’s understand the topic - thoughtfully and thoroughly. The main part of the myths is associated with the number 666, which, as you might guess, is attributed to the forces of evil. Three fives, according to a common myth, is a number for calling the very creator of all things. And rumor distributes the ownership of a number of three sevens between two subscribers at once - a certain angel (probably chosen according to who you need) and, again, the creator.

    It’s not difficult to twirl your finger at your temple... But what if you still try to make contact? What will actually happen if you call 777?

    When you dial this combination of numbers from a home wired telephone or from a pay phone, after several short beeps the PBX drops the call. That is, it reacts as in all attempts to reach a non-existent number. But let's continue the experiment. Let's use radiotelephones.

    In the Megafon network in Russia, a subscriber who dials a number of three sixes will hear an answering machine voice informing about the incorrectly dialed number. That is, the result is, in general, the same as in the city telephone network.

    But something different awaits Beeline subscribers. And of course, not the answer from the heavenly office. The telecom operator will send a notification about connecting the Highway 2 GB service. This option allows you to use unlimited mobile internet at speeds up to 4G without payment for exactly a week, after that subscription fee will reach four rubles per day. If you are not interested in such a service, you can refuse it by calling 7770.

    Conduct experiments of this kind in the networks of others mobile operators we don't recommend it. It is quite possible that you will connect an extremely expensive and absolutely unnecessary service. In addition, there is a possibility of committing international call to numbers of Kazakhstani operators that begin with three sevens. This pleasure will cost you no less than twenty rubles per minute of connection.

    So, unfortunately (or fortunately), by calling 666, we will not be able to reach the dark forces of evil, but most often we will listen to “ this number not serviced."

    : on social networks they are scaring with a new horror story. The man gave his cell phone to a stranger for literally one minute, he allegedly called short number*666*, and after that the balance went into the negative by 160,000 rubles. Experts and mobile operators call the story fiction, but warn: scammers can really withdraw money by calling . Economic Observer Pavel Anisimov I called 3 sixes and found out how much it cost.

    In the video, the author, who is also the victim, shows the balance on the screen of his old mobile phone - minus 159,800 rubles. The story of this write-off is very strange: a man came up on the street and asked to call - supposedly the battery itself had died. I talked for a few minutes and returned the phone. Half an hour later, the author of the video checked the balance and was literally “stunned”: the debt amounted to a six-figure amount.

    The video has divided users: some sympathize with the author, others blame him for carelessness. Some users claim that he made it all up and give compelling arguments: the screen shows that the “bad number” was dialed at 8:00. A man describes a story while sitting in an office. The cell phone clock shows 8:01. It’s impossible to come back from the street in a minute, check your balance and write down a plaintive message. Many doubt that such a number even works.

    We decided to take a chance and dialed "666". As it turned out, this is a short number paid service. But for the operator to write off such an insane amount, you need to talk for 83 hours.

    AUTO ANSWER: The service is paid. Cost - 30 rubles. Provider - PJSC Megafon.

    The main difference between paid short numbers is that the mobile operator deducts from the balance for the connection, but it seems to have nothing to do with it. Most of the money goes to the so-called content provider, to whom a short number is assigned. This was confirmed to us by a specialist hotline cellular company- they don’t have such a service: apparently, they immediately redirect to someone else’s paid service.

    SPECIALIST: Actually, this command - *666# - is some kind of third-party entertainment service.

    CORR.: No, exactly *666*.

    SPECIALIST: We don’t have such a team.

    CORR.: But now I’ve redialed it myself, they say: “Attention: the service is paid.” Then I turned it off so that I wouldn’t go into the minus either.

    SPECIALIST: Well, it probably immediately works like # - *666#, but this is some kind of third-party entertainment service.

    The essence of the "666" service is a quiz. The subscriber receives the text of the question. The answer must be sent within 20 seconds. The organizers promise to credit 1,000 rubles to the account of every hundredth subscriber who gives the correct answer.

    Representatives of the cellular company promise to figure out how the subscriber was charged 160,000 rubles in a few minutes of conversation. Leading analyst at Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin is sure that this is someone’s unfortunate prank. The author of the video watched enough videos on the Internet about what would happen if you called 666, and decided to scare users himself. And the crazy “minus” on the phone screen is prepayment for corporate numbers.

    MURTAZIN: If it shows a balance there, most likely it is the organization’s balance sheet. There really may be some "cons" there. But it is absolutely impossible to withdraw money from the account today, because this is disputed - both in court and pre-trial. Accordingly, the operator cannot film. Regarding services, the most expensive today is 3,000 rubles. This is the maximum write-off, this is the ceiling that exists today.

    Experts advise turning off paid requests immediately after purchasing a SIM card. On the sites mobile operators There is detailed instructions, so blocking dangerous services takes a few minutes. If you are asked for a smartphone for emergency call, do not refuse, but ask to dictate the phone number so you can dial it yourself. This will save you from losing several hundred rubles.