• Aisgz new platform entry. Automated information systems for electronic procurement in the Russian Federation. Legislative support for the AIS GosZakaz system

    AIS “GosZakaz” is automated information systems which provide the opportunity to automate the activities of control bodies and customers. That is, support is provided in organizing procurement procedures. At the same time, the system can send additional control notifications, which ensures that violations of the law are minimized.

    This system was created on the basis of the current Russian legislation in the field of procurement activities. Also, all existing requirements of the Federal Law dated April 5, 2013, 44 Federal Law, entitled “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods to meet state and municipal needs,” are taken into account.

    In addition, you can integrate with officialAIS website Russia on the Internet. This is required for the ability to place orders related to the supply of goods and perform various types of work. At the same time, services are provided that help to combine procurement documentation and then post procurement information on the CAB.

    2. Legislative support for the AIS GosZakaz system

    These legislative and regulatory documents will include:

    • This will include the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation will apply;
    • Budget Code of the Russian Federation;
    • Will refer to 94 Federal Law of July 21, 2005 “On placing orders for the supply of goods, for the execution of work and the provision of services for state and municipal needs”;
    • Will refer to 44 Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods to meet state and municipal needs”

    Do you want help organizing your purchasing activities?

    Working with us, you will receive assistance from our qualified specialists.

    3. Advantages of working with AIS GosZakaz

    • It is possible to go through all possible stages directly in the same system: planning can be carried out, applications can be collected, procurement can be prepared and carried out, procurement time can be controlled;
    • There is support for centralized and various mixed schemes for conducting procurement activities;
    • There is a reduction in time and effort for creating and maintaining procurement due to the use of automation tools;
    • The procurement process becomes more open and at the same time there is an increase in the number of potential participants due to the development of its own portal, on which important information related to procurement available on the CAB is posted;
    • There is a convenient electronic document flow within the system itself;
    • There are different types of control that must meet all the requirements of the law on the Contract System.

    State portals, websites

    • ESIA. Unified identification and authentication system - esia.gosuslugi.ru
    • EPSU. Unified portal of public services - gosuslugi.ru
    • Public services portal of St. Petersburg - gu.spb.ru
    • Portal of state and municipal services of the Leningrad region - gu.lenobl.ru
    • Portal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow - mos.ru
    • EFRSDYUL. Unified Federal Register of Information on the Activity of Legal Entities - fedresurs.ru
    • Federal Tax Service. Electronic services - nalog.ru
    • FIAS. Federal information address system - fias.nalog.ru
    • GIS housing and communal services - dom.gosuslugi.ru
    • Software register. Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications) - reestr.minsvyaz.ru
    • Unified Register of Prohibited Sites (Roskomnadzor) - eais.rkn.gov.ru
    • NAP register. Register of copyright infringers - nap.rkn.gov.ru
    • Register of information prohibited by law 398-FZ (Roskomnadzor) - 398-fz.rkn.gov.ru
    • GISP Industry. State information system of the Industrial Development Fund - gisp.gov.ru
    • KIO. Committee of Property Relations of St. Petersburg - commim.spb.ru
    • FSIS CS. Federal State Information System of Pricing in Construction - fgiscs.minstroyrf.ru
    • GIS USRZ. Unified State Register of Expert Review Conclusions of Design Documentation for Capital Construction Projects - egrz.ru
    • DOM.RF. Unified information system for housing construction - nash.dom.rf
    • GIS ESGFC. Portal of state and municipal financial audit - portal.audit.gov.ru
    • EISUX. Unified information system for personnel management of the state civil service - gossluzhba.gov.ru
    • The official website of the Russian Federation for posting information about bidding - torgi.gov.ru
    • EIS. Unified information system in the field of procurement - zakupki.gov.ru
    • AIS GZ. Automated information system for state procurement of St. Petersburg - start.gz-spb.ru
    • AIS GZ: Electronic store. AIS subsystem of the State order of St. Petersburg - estore.gz-spb.ru
    • Portal 223. Portal of AIS Civil Protection of St. Petersburg - 223.gz-spb.ru
    • Moscow supplier portal - market.zakupki.mos.ru
    • PIK EASUZ. Contract execution portal of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region - pik.mosreg.ru
    • EIS GOZ. Unified Information System of State Defense Order
    • EGISSO. Unified state information system for social security - egisso.ru
    • AISGZ LO. Electronic store - zakupki.lenreg.ru
    • Electronic store of the Moscow region - market.mosreg.ru
    • Pension Fund. Electronic services and services - es.pfrf.ru

    Reporting systems

    • Rosprirodnadzor. Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources - rpn.gov.ru
    • Rosfinmonitoring. Reporting to the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring - portal.fedsfm.ru
    • FGIS EIAS FTS of Russia Unified Information Analytical System - eias.ru
    • IAS FST of St. Petersburg. Unified information analytical system - web.spbeias.ru
    • Rostekhnadzor. Reporting to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision - gosnadzor.ru
    • Housing and communal services of St. Petersburg. Portal of Housing and Communal Services of St. Petersburg - gilkom-complex.ru
    • GZHI SPb. Reporting to the State Housing Inspectorate of St. Petersburg
    • AS AKOT. Federal State Information System for recording the results of a special assessment of working conditions (FSIS SOUT) - akot.rosmintrud.ru
    • Rostrud. Register of declarations of conformity of working conditions - declaration.rostrud.ru
    • Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Personal account for financial markets - cbr.ru
    • ESOD. A unified data exchange system with external subscribers of the Central Bank of Russia - portal4.cbr.ru
    • GIS Energy Efficiency. Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation - gisee.ru
    • Energy passport, GIS subsystem Energy efficiency - passport.gisee.ru
    • EGAIS Forest. Unified state automated information system for accounting of wood and transactions with it - lesegais.ru
    • Rosnedra. Personal account of the subsoil user - lk.rosnedra.gov.ru
    • Register of SME production entities. JSC SME Corporation - monitoring.corpmsp.ru

    News agencies for information disclosure

    • AK&M. Analysis, Consulting and Marketing - disclosure.ru
    • Interfax-TsRKI. Center for Corporate Information Disclosure e-disclosure. ru
    • PRIME. Economic Information Agency - disclosure.1prime.ru
    • SCREEN. System of comprehensive disclosure of information and news - disclosure.skrin.ru

    Electronic document management systems

    • SMEV. System of interdepartmental electronic interaction (certificate of an authorized person) - smev.gosuslugi.ru
    • Uniform State Health Information System. Unified state information system in the field of healthcare - portal.egisz.rosminzdrav.ru
    • UIIS Sotsstrakh - Unified integrated information system FSS "Sotsstrakh" (Electronic sick leave) - cabinets.fss.ru
    • ESSK. Unified system of the construction complex of St. Petersburg - essk.gov.spb.ru
    • AIS Project declarations for shared construction of the Ministry of Construction of Russia - dol.minstroyrf.ru
    • Urban planning portal of St. Petersburg - portal.kgainfo.spb.ru
    • AIS GATI. State Administrative and Technical Inspectorate of St. Petersburg - xc.gati-online.ru
    • FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia - gge.ru
    • State Autonomous Institution Lenoblgosekpertiza. Department of State Expertise of the Leningrad Region - loexp.ru
    • Gosstroyzhilnadzor NAO. State Inspectorate for Construction and Housing Supervision of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - stroy.adm-nao.ru
    • State Autonomous Institution "Office of State Expertise of the Republic of Bashkortostan" - lk.expertizarb.ru
    • State Autonomous Institution "Office of State Expertise of the Republic of Buryatia" - personal.ekspbur.ru
    • Center for Construction Audit and Support - csas-spb.ru
    • GIS APK LO. Geographic information system of the agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad region - gisapk.lenreg.ru
    • Rosimushchestvo. Interdepartmental portal for state property management -mvpt.rosim.ru
    • FSIS of the Russian Accreditation Service - fsa.gov.ru
    • ARM MUNICIPAL. Municipal automated workstation system
    • CONTROL. State automated information system - gasu.gov.ru
    • GIIS Electronic budget. Subsystem "Budget planning" - ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru
    • FSIS TP. Federal State Information System of Territorial Planning - fgis.economy.gov.ru
    • GIS GMP. State information system on state and municipal payments - gis-gmp.kck.ru
    • Federal Customs Service of Russia. Personal account of a foreign trade participant - edata.customs.ru
    • AIS Foreign trade information. Support for foreign trade participants (Ministry of Industry and Trade) - non-tariff.gov.ru
    • FIPS. Federal Institute for Industrial Property (Rospatent) - 1.fips.ru
    • FAS Russia. Filing applications and complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service
    • Rospotrebnadzor. Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare - rospotrebnadzor.ru
    • IS Rossvyaz. Personal account of the telecom operator - is.rossvyaz.ru:8081/rossvyaz/
    • Russian public initiative - roi.ru
    • Notary EIS. Unified information system of notaries of Russia - fciit.ru
    • Local government self-government portal. Local government portal - app.fciit.ru/oms
    • Register of notifications of pledge of movable property - reestr-zalogov.ru
    • Information system Numeral-PNU - numeral.su
    • AS SEP. Automated system of electronic vehicle passports - elpts.ru
    • Providing CASCO and OSAGO insurance policies in electronic form
    • ROSGOSTRAKH. Personal account - my.rgs.ru
    • AIS NSSO. National Union of Liability Insurers - nsso.ru
    • Supreme Court of the Russian Federation - vsrf.ru
    • GAS Justice. Service "Electronic Justice" - ej.sudrf.ru
    • Information system My Arbiter - my.arbitr.ru
    • Moscow City Court. Moscow City Court - mos-gorsud.ru
    • FSSP. Federal Bailiff Service - fssprus.ru
    • Traffic police Online appeals to the State Traffic Inspectorate - traffic police.rf
    • SMAO. Self-regulatory interregional association of appraisers - smao.ru
    • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Conclusion on the state historical and cultural examination
    • State Registration Bulletin - vestnik-gosreg.ru
    • IS State Bibliography. Russian Book Chamber, ITAR-TASS branch - online.bookchamber.ru
    • OEC. System for accepting legal deposits of printed publications in electronic form - oek.rsl.ru
    • EGISU R&D. Unified state information system for recording research, development and technological work for civil purposes - rosrid.ru
    • Moscow State University. Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov - cpk.msu.ru
    • AIS Electronic voucher. Federal Agency for Tourism - russiatourism.ru
    • To the Far East.rf - nadalnivostok.rf
    • Petroelectrosbyt. EDI with JSC "Petersburg Sales Company" - pesc.ru
    • EDI with PJSC Rostelecom
    • EDI with State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg"
    • 1C-EDO. Electronic document management system
    • Synerdocs. Electronic document management system
    • ATI-DOKI - d.ati.su
    • Case. Electronic document management system
    • Diadoc. Electronic document management system with counterparties
    • INFINITUM. Electronic document management system of a specialized depository
    • Rosinvoice. Electronic document management system - docs.roseltorg.ru
    • Sbis. Electronic document management system
    • EDI SPHERE. Electronic document management system
    • Edisoft. Electronic document management system
    • EDO PORTAL. Electronic document management system (EXITE)
    • Sberbank Leasing - e-leasing.sberleasing.ru
    • First Expert Bureau (PEB) - 1expb.ru
    • ASTO OGV Krasnodar Territory - asto-23.ru
    • EDI with Mosenergosbyt JSC
    • OFD platform. Fiscal data operator
    • BIFIT EDO. Electronic document management system
    • EDI LeraData
    • FSIS ARSHIN. Metrology information system of Rosstandart - fgis.gost.ru
    • IS EPS. Electronic mail system - zakaznoe.pochta.ru
    • IS EPT. Unified testing portal - eptb.umkrtn.ru
    • IS Numeral PNU. Roszheldor - numeral.su
    • GIS TEK - gis-tek.ru
    • Various corporate information systems for secure document management
    1. Draft design of AS GZ; GOST 34
    2. Terms of reference for modification of the Official Website together with the Broker subsystem (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
    3. Draft documents to ensure the maintenance of the Official Website, given in clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    4. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), software of the Official website for posting information about placing orders along with the Broker subsystem; CD-R
    5. A report on a survey of the information system of the Federal Treasury for the possibility of implementing the information interaction function of the “Register of Government Customers” block of the Official Website with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards for information interaction (or another implementable method) to ensure the identity of the information used; GOST 7.32
    6. Particular technical assignment for the implementation of the information interaction function of the “Register of State Customers” block of the Official website with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards for information interaction (or another implementable method) to ensure the identity of the information used, if such a possibility is provided for in the report on the results of the survey; GOST 34
    7. Certificate of testing of the Official website along with the subsystem and Broker:
    a) for transfer to permanent operation of the Official Website from 01/01/2007 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, with the exception of the requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notary and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov.ru);
    b) for transferring the Official Website into trial operation from 01/01/2007 within the framework of the functional requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notary and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov. ru);
    8. Draft order of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade on putting into permanent operation the Official website and the Broker subsystem from 01/01/2007 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, and in accordance with clause 3.1.
    9. Terms of reference for modification of the specialized information system “Register of Contracts” (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
    10. Draft regulations of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia on the procedure for maintaining the register of government contracts of the Russian Federation
    11. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), software for the specialized information system “Register of Contracts” (version 2.0); CD-R
    12. Report on a survey of the information system of the Federal Treasury regarding the possibility of implementing the information interaction function of the “Register of State Customers” block of the AS RK with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards for information interaction (or another implemented method) to ensure the identity of the information used and for fixing limits on budget obligations in the AS RK; GOST 7.32
    13. Particular technical assignment for the implementation of the information interaction function of the “Register of State Customers” block of the AS RK with a similar subsystem of the information system of the Federal Treasury within the framework of open standards for information interaction (or another implementable method) to ensure the identity of the information used and for fixing the limits of budget obligations in the AS RK , if such a possibility is provided for in the report based on the results of the survey; GOST 34
    14.Act on testing of AS RK:
    c) for transfer into permanent operation of AS RK from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, with the exception of the requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notary and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov.ru);
    d) for transfer into trial operation of the AS RK from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notary and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov. ru);
    15. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), software “Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers” (version 1.0); CD-R
    16.Report on testing of AS RNP:
    e) for the transfer into permanent operation of the RNP AS from 01.10.2006 within the framework of the functional requirements defined in clause 2.1.4, with the exception of the requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notary and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov.ru);
    f) for the transfer into trial operation of the AS RK from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional requirements for accounting systems formulated in the Concept of State Accounting, including requirements for interaction with information disclosure systems, electronic notary and electronic archive (see www.economy.gov. ru);
    17.Draft document on the transfer of RNP to the Federal Antimonopoly Service; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    18. Projects of standards (data formats and regulations) for information interaction of functional subsystems (modules) of civil protection AS; GOST 7.32
    19. Terms of reference for the creation of the AS “Order Placement” software (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
    20. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), AS “Order Placement” software (version 1.0); CD-R
    21. Draft documents regulating the operation of AS RZ by state customers, including in the information interaction of AS RZ with the Official website and AS RK; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    22.Act on testing of AS RZ; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    23. Terms of reference for the creation of AS “ANALYSIS” (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
    24. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), AS “ANALYSIS” software; CD-R
    25.Act on testing AS ANALYZ, taking into account the requirements for ensuring information interaction between AS ANALYSIS and the official website and AS RK; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    26. Technical specifications for modification of AS POZ (version 3.0) (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
    27. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), AS POZ software (version 3.0); CD-R
    28. Report on a survey of the information system of the Federal Treasury for the possibility of implementing the function of information interaction of the currently operating version of the AS POZ with the information system of the Federal Treasury for fixing in the AS POZ the limits of budget obligations when forming a forecast of procurement volumes; GOST 7.32
    29. Particular terms of reference for the implementation of the function of information interaction between the AS POZ and the information system of the Federal Treasury for recording in the AS POZ the limits of budget obligations when forming a forecast of procurement volumes, if such a possibility is provided for in the report based on the results of the survey; GOST 34
    30. Act on testing AS POZ, taking into account the requirements for integration with AS GZ modules and data from the Official website, AS RK and AS ANALYZ in an automated mode; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    31. Terms of reference for the creation of AS “Classifiers” software (taking into account the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of these Technical Requirements); GOST 34
    32. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including source codes of software components developed under the contract along with instructions for assembling a working (executable) program from them), “Classifiers” software (version 1.0); CD-R
    33.Act on testing of AS CLASSIFIERS; in the format determined by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
    34. Report on consulting support until November 20, 2006 for representatives of authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to maintain official websites of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (only for those constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Official websites on the Internet for posting information about placing an order are created on the basis of software providing the official website and/or AS Public Procurement Portal of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in 2005 – 2006); GOST 7.32
    35. Report on information support of the project; GOST 7.32

    automated information system “Public Procurement”

    1. AISGZ

    Source: http://www.elrussia.ru/files/37300/Typvoy_calendar_plan_SETRM.doc

    . Academician 2015.

    See what “AIS GZ” is in other dictionaries:

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    • Design of information systems, Emelyanova N.Z.. The classification and structure of automated information systems (AIS), as well as information resources and 160; technologies, related concepts and definitions, the role of ... Buy for 1564 rubles are considered
    • Fundamentals of building automated information systems. Textbook. Grif Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Gvozdeva V.A.. The purpose of the book is to outline the basics of building automated information systems (AIS), including their general characteristics, standard tools and operating features. Are being considered...

    The imperfection of the public procurement system causes a low degree of efficiency in the use of budget funds and the effectiveness of activities in the field of public administration. The use of information and communication technologies in the field of public procurement of goods (works, services) for the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities makes it possible to eliminate existing shortcomings.

    Electronic public procurement systems are created within the framework of:

    Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia";

    AIS "Federal Register of Government Contracts".

    The introduction of automated electronic procurement information systems for state regional and municipal needs ensures the improvement of procurement procedures by automating all stages and working stages of the planning, formation and implementation of procurement processes, as well as the functions of analyzing and monitoring their implementation.

    Transparency of the procurement mechanism at all stages and levels makes it possible to prevent reductions in budget expenditures when purchasing products for government needs and to increase the economic efficiency of the work of executive bodies of state power. Figure 15 shows a diagram of the implementation of electronic government procurement.

    Figure 15 Scheme of electronic government procurement

    Reducing budget expenses is achieved due to several factors:

    Saving on costs associated with the preparation of tender documentation;

    Reducing purchase prices by informing a large number of suppliers and increasing competition between them;

    Accelerating information exchange and using electronic document management to carry out a number of operations.

    Also, thanks to the introduction of electronic systems, the controllability of procedures increases and the efficiency of control increases. The bidding mechanisms are becoming much more transparent:

    All information about the sales process and progress is available;

    All information about the results of competitions and final reports is available.

    The principles of the public procurement information system include:

    Competition and supplier equality;

    Efficiency of use of budget funds;

    Openness and transparency of public procurement.

    There are many information systems that support public procurement in the Russian Federation. Let's look at some of them.

    Let's look at the three most well-known automated information systems for state and municipal procurement:

    2) The Parus-GosZakupki system.

    3) AIS “Government Order”.

    1. The automated information system for state and municipal procurement developed by JSC KOMITA - AISGZ - is a leader in a number of software products that have practical implementation.

    AISGZ is the first in the Russian Federation to introduce a paperless document flow system in government procurement using an electronic digital signature.

    AISGZ is intended for automation and information and analytical support of procurement activities: the main operations of formation, placement and execution of state and municipal orders. The need to solve this problem is due to modern trends, such as centralization of procurement, increasing the status of procurement departments, the desire for long-term contracts, and evaluation of procurement efficiency. The solution can be used not only by government agencies, but also by organizations with different structures and sizes - from small enterprises to large corporations with a geographically distributed structure.

    AISGZ meets all the requirements for the rapid processing of tens of thousands of specialized documents of state and municipal orders: procurement plans, competitive bids, offers, supplier cards, contract cards, etc., and is a system solution that is successfully used in the authorities of St. Petersburg.

    AISGZ is built on the basis of the universal product "Secure electronic document management KOMITA COURIER JE"

    AISGZ is the first new generation system in Russia, providing:

    Universality of support tools for all types of document flow (planned, contractual, reporting, payment),

    Legal significance of electronic documents (use of electronic digital signature),

    Security of confidential information,

    Flexibility of the system when changing the forms of documents, the composition of organizations and users,

    Configuration for any computing platforms and DBMS,

    Completeness of information when performing a one-time manual entry (a developed system of checking the completion of documents, the presence of logical connections between documents and automated transfer of information between documents),

    Transition from data processing systems to document processing systems.

    AISGZ allows you to quickly respond to changes in the structure of government bodies and their functions, changes in document forms and types of document flow, changes in the composition of organizations and their users; allows you to regulate access of administration employees to electronic documents and their processing operations.

    The AISGZ system solution is created on the basis of modern information technologies and provides:

    A hierarchical system of distributed databases and multi-level exchange of documents at all stages of the functioning of the State order;

    Modular structure and high development potential;

    Interrelation of the electronic document management system with external databases;

    Possibility of using existing communication channels;

    Protection of confidential information using certified cryptographic information protection tools;

    Transformation and filtering of information arrays;

    The ability to interact with the Internet - electronic publication and accumulation of incoming information,

    Connection with budget process automation systems in terms of accounting for budget obligations;

    Availability of tools for analyzing the results of the functioning of the state order.

    AISGZ includes a corporate Internet network of government bodies protected from unauthorized access and a global Internet network for interaction between customers and suppliers, easily integrates with any existing systems, complements them and can be combined into a single complex.

    One of the main advantages of AISGZ is its modular structure. Each of the modules is a logically complete software package that solves the problem of automating a specific block of government order functions. Using a flexible tool, it is possible to configure a standard algorithm for a specific process and adapt the software package in accordance with the requirements. Each of the modules can function either as part of a single complex system or autonomously, which allows you to design systems of any configuration to solve both individual and complex problems, as well as carry out phased implementation of complex systems.

    AISGZ includes three levels of hierarchy:

    1) Upper level: central information and control subsystem.

    2) Middle level: departmental subsystem.

    3) Lower level: subsystem of the customer or recipient.

    The structure of AISGS is presented in Figure 16.

    Figure 16 Structure of AISGZ

    One of the main advantages of AISGZ is its modular structure. Each of the modules is a logically complete software package that solves the problem of automating a specific block of government order functions. Using a flexible tool, it is possible to configure a standard algorithm for a specific process and adapt the software package in accordance with the requirements. Each of the modules can function either as part of a single complex system or autonomously, which allows you to design systems of any configuration to solve both private and complex problems, as well as carry out the phased implementation of complex systems (Table 2).

    Table 2 Functional software modules of AISGZ

    Let's consider the advantages of AISGZ. The implementation of AISGZ ensures:

    Automation of the processes of placing state and municipal orders in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 94-FZ at all stages (planning, formation, placement, execution, control), including automation of exchange with the official website,

    Increasing the efficiency and timeliness of state and municipal procurement,

    Optimization of spending budget funds,

    Simplification of the procedure for participation of suppliers in the State order,

    Functioning of a mechanism for effective support of local producers;

    Development of multi-purpose e-commerce systems in the region;

    Conducting an analysis of regional market development based on large volumes of data accumulated in the system;

    Increasing coordination of actions in the region through the formation of a unified procedure for collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and distributing information;

    Development of industry standards in the field of information and communication technologies;

    Transparency of public procurement processes;

    Operational control over public procurement procedures;

    Creation of an information basis for the formation of targeted and comprehensive development programs for the region;

    Reducing the time required and increasing the efficiency of solving regional management problems;

    Creating prerequisites for sustainable socio-economic development of the region.

    Thus, the automated information system for state and municipal procurement (AISGZ) has been successfully implemented in various regions of Russia since 2000. The basic technology used in the system provides for the possibility of further expansion of the functionality of the system and its evolutionary development in accordance with the requirements of the customer. This system is used in St. Petersburg, Volgograd region, Leningrad region.

    2. The "Government Procurement" system is designed to automate information support and all basic procedures and functions of placing state and municipal orders.

    The first version of the "State Procurement" system was developed in 2002 as part of the implementation of the federal target program "Electronic Russia for 2002-2010".

    The 2006 version of the PP "Goszakupki" is the latest version of the "Parus-GosZakupki" system and fully ensures compliance with all the basic requirements of 94-FZ, including methods for placing state and municipal orders, information support for placing an order, maintaining a register of government contracts and a register of unscrupulous suppliers.

    Functionality of the system - the system is designed to automate the work of “public procurement” departments of municipalities of the Russian Federation using advanced and high-performance Internet technologies. The system was developed taking into account the requirements set out in the draft Federal Law “On the procurement and supply of products for state needs.”

    The purpose of this system is to fully provide information and analytical support for the product procurement process.

    The system functions include:

    Optimization of relationships between participants in product procurement procedures;

    Automated collection and consolidation of applications for the supply of products from public entities;

    Maintaining tender documentation;

    Formation of a procurement register;

    Preparation of schedules for competitive bidding and automatic notification of product suppliers;

    Manual or automatic entry of their proposals into the system by suppliers;

    Information and analytical support for tenders, including closed and open tenders;

    Maintaining a register of supply contracts, as well as payment and delivery schedules for each contract;

    Planning the expenditure side of the public education budget based on data from previous years.

    The Parus-Government Procurement system consists of the following modules:

    Formation and maintenance of a catalog of system participants;

    Formation and maintenance of a product catalog;

    Formation, maintenance and submission of applications from consumers of products, works, services;

    Formation and maintenance of a register of state regional and municipal needs;

    Organization of competitions;

    Formation of the competition commission and recording of its composition;

    Formation of competitive proposals and decision support in selecting the winner;

    Notifications to suppliers of products, works and services about procurement for municipal needs;

    Formation, maintenance and submission of proposals from suppliers of products, works and services for municipal needs;

    Accounting and control of municipal contracts.

    The e-procurement system of PP Parus-Goszakupki is presented in Figure 17.

    Figure 17 Electronic procurement system of PP “Parus-Goszakupki”

    Thus, the system is designed to automate procurement management in government agencies, consolidate procurement requests, record concluded contracts and deliveries made under them. The system allows you to form, place and control the execution of government orders by executive authorities in accordance with the rights given to them. The system ensures the transfer of information about the needs (requests for the supply of goods, works, services) of individual departments (municipalities), their consolidation, and, as a result, the formation of a procurement register. Within the framework of the system, registers of needs, purchases, as well as proposals of suppliers of goods (works, services) are maintained. The e-procurement system increases the rating of a region, department, city, increases their investment attractiveness, and creates the image of modern dynamic management of them. Using the system ensures increased efficiency of procurement activities, which includes:

    1) Possibility of using an integrated approach in building a management system:

    Optimization of procurement activities of all participants in the state, municipal or departmental procurement system: recipients of products, competition organizers, competition commissions, financial services, management structures;

    Electronic government system;

    Inclusion of several subjects of financial and economic activity into the system at once;

    As a result, the quality is improved and the time required for solving problems related to the management of a region, city, or department is reduced;

    The development of the system makes it possible to proceed to the next stages of automation - the creation of regional trading platforms and information and marketing centers (IMC);

    2) Opportunity to save budget funds:

    5-7% of purchase prices due to expanding the range of suppliers, increasing competition between them and enlarging purchased lots of the same type of product;

    7-8% of budget funds through analysis of market conditions and the choice of time and method of procurement;

    Up to 15% of budget funds for planning, organizing, preparing and conducting procurement.

    3) The procurement process will become transparent for the heads of the region, city, department due to:

    Availability of unified information arrays (Registers of needs, Register of purchases, Register of suppliers, Register of proposals, Registers of state and municipal contracts, etc.);

    Possibility of accessing accumulated information via the Internet in accordance with access rights;

    Reducing paperwork;

    Ability to analyze all information about the procurement process in a comprehensive manner.

    4) Full compliance with legislation:

    The system fully supports such legal acts as: Federal Law No. 97-FZ “On competitions for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for government needs.

    This system is successfully used in the Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Mordovia, Lipetsk Region, Tula Region, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tolyatti, Surgut.

    3. AIS “Government Order”. The purpose of this system is information support for the placement of state and municipal orders, holding open auctions in electronic form for the purchase of products for state and municipal needs, generating analytical data and constructing reporting forms.

    The advantages of AIS "Government Order" include:

    Compliance with the order placement procedure with Federal Law Federal Law 94;

    Reducing purchase prices by stimulating competition between suppliers, optimizing the use of budget funds;

    Increasing the openness of the procurement process;

    Optimization of the supply process through centralization of purchases of similar goods;

    Expanding the potential number of participants in the procurement process through the use of Internet technologies;

    Reducing time and costs for organizing and conducting procurement through the use of automation technologies.

    The general diagram of the operation of the system blocks is presented in Figure 18.

    Figure 18. General diagram of the operation of the blocks of the AIS "Goszakaz" system

    This system is used in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kemerovo Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Tver Region, Tomsk Region.

    Thus, all of the above automated information systems for electronic procurement for state, regional and municipal needs ensure the improvement of procurement procedures by automating all stages and working stages of the planning, formation and implementation of procurement processes, as well as the functions of analyzing and monitoring their implementation.

    electronic state order participant